Home / Cakes / Zucchini boats with sausage and cheese. Zucchini in the oven - 11 quick and tasty recipes

Zucchini boats with sausage and cheese. Zucchini in the oven - 11 quick and tasty recipes

Zucchini - inexpensive low calorie vegetable, which is the main ingredient in many dishes. Difficult to choose best recipes: quick and tasty zucchini in the oven can be cooked with different sauces and toppings. By myself simple recipe Zucchini is cut into rings and baked in the oven, and then served on the table with your favorite sauce. But there are also more complex ones, designed for true connoisseurs of taste.

For 1 kg of basic vegetables you will need the following products:

  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise (can be replaced with not very thick sour cream) and ketchup;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • a spoonful of any oil;
  • salt.


  1. We prepare the zucchini: wash well, peel, cut into circles and salt.
  2. Lubricate the mold with oil.
  3. We lay out the salted circles on it.
  4. Mix mayonnaise and ketchup.
  5. We coat the top of the circles with the resulting sauce.
  6. Bake for a third of an hour in a well-heated oven.

In total, the preparation of the dish will take about half an hour.

Cheese Recipe

To prepare 2 zucchini with a crispy cheese crust, you will need:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a few crushed garlic cloves - to taste;
  • 3 spoons of sour cream;
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • 0.1 kg of cheese;
  • herbs, spices, salt.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the peeled vegetable into small cubes, salt and season with spices.
  2. Add chopped garlic and herbs, mix.
  3. Prepare the sauce separately. To do this, mix mustard, sour cream and 3 tablespoons of mashed cheese, and then carefully introduce beaten eggs.
  4. Spread the seasoned pieces evenly into the dish.
  5. Pour the sauce over and spread the remaining shredded cheese on top.
  6. Bake at medium temperature for about half an hour.

In general, it will take about an hour to roast zucchini, including preparing vegetables.

With minced meat and tomatoes

To bake zucchini with minced meat in the oven according to this recipe, we prepare the following products:

  • medium sized zucchini;
  • 0.3 kg of minced meat;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 0.2 kg of sour cream (can be replaced with mayonnaise);
  • salt to taste;
  • finely chopped greens - optional.

How to bake:

  1. Zucchini cut into rings and laid out on a greased sheet, add some salt.
  2. Spread a spoonful of minced meat on top, cover with tomato slices, add some salt again.
  3. Mix sour cream with herbs. If desired, you can mix in a minced garlic clove.
  4. Pour the sauce over the tomatoes, about a spoonful at a time.
  5. Bake at medium temperature for about 20 minutes.

That's all! Simple and fast food, which took about half an hour to prepare, can be served on the table!

Can also be done casserole with tomatoes, the main ingredient of which is zucchini.

Take 2 medium-sized vegetables

  • 0.2 kg minced chicken;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • onion;
  • egg;
  • a spoonful of tomato paste;
  • 0.1 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 spoons of sour cream;
  • salt and spices to taste.

How to prepare:

  1. Fry finely chopped onion.
  2. Stir it into minced meat, add tomato paste, salt, spices.
  3. Zucchini rubbed on a coarse grater, salted. After waiting a little, squeeze the juice.
  4. Tomatoes are cut into circles.
  5. Beat eggs and sour cream, add a little salt.
  6. Half of the zucchini mass is shifted into an oiled form, then minced meat, which is covered with the remains of zucchini. Lay the tomatoes on top. All layers are poured with sour cream and egg mass.
  7. Send to bake in the oven for about half an hour.
  8. They take out the form, pour grated cheese on top and send it back for 10 minutes.

With minced meat and rice

To cook this kind of zucchini, take 3 medium vegetables:

  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of rice and sour cream;
  • 0.1 kg of hard cheese;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • a spoonful of tomato paste;
  • 150 g minced meat;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking zucchini stuffed with minced meat is easy. For this you need:

  1. Boil rice. To do this, it is posted in cold water, which is put on fire and after boiling is boiled for about a quarter of an hour, and then drained.
  2. Add minced meat to boiled rice, mix thoroughly.
  3. Salt and pepper the resulting mass.
  4. Cut the peeled zucchini into thin slices.
  5. Put a spoonful of minced meat on each circle and cover with a tomato on top.
  6. Put the resulting "sandwiches" sideways in a form in several layers.
  7. Prepare the sauce: mix the tomato paste, sour cream and water.
  8. Pour sauce over vegetables and send for half an hour in a preheated oven.
  9. Get the form to pour grated cheese on top, and then send to bake for another 5 minutes.

It takes about an hour to prepare the dish.

Zucchini Casserole with Chicken and Cheese

Zucchini Casserole is a great choice for a quick and easy dinner. Vegetables go well with chicken meat, cheese gives the dish an appetizing appearance.

To prepare 1 zucchini, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg chicken fillet;
  • 0.1 kg of hard cheese;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 3 tablespoons of butter (butter);
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt and spices.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the meat well, dry and cut into small cubes. Then transfer to a pan or mold.
  2. Cut the peeled zucchini into small cubes and put on top of the meat pieces.
  3. Grind the cheese with a grater.
  4. Prepare the sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Then add flour and fry until it turns golden. Pour milk, stir. After boiling, salt and cook for a couple more minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Pour the meat and zucchini with the sauce, sprinkle with spices on top and lay out the cheese.
  6. Bake over medium heat (180°C) for about 25 minutes.

The casserole is eaten hot in order to better feel its taste and feel the juiciness.

Another casserole option includes the following products in the list of ingredients:

  • 2 zucchini milk ripeness;
  • 0.4 kg chicken meat(fillet);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of semi-hard grated cheese;
  • onion and a little garlic;
  • a spoonful of sour cream and vegetable oil;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the peeled zucchini (it is better to use a coarse grater for this), stir in the salt and leave for 30 minutes to make the juice appear.
  2. Meat without bones and skins cut into small pieces, mince together with peeled onions and garlic, add salt and pepper.
  3. Mix minced meat with eggs and finely chopped dill.
  4. Squeeze the zucchini, stir into the minced meat.
  5. Distribute the whole mass evenly in a greased form, grease with sour cream on top.
  6. Send to medium preheated oven for half an hour.
  7. Sprinkle cheese on top and bake for another 10 minutes.

Pieces of casserole spread on lettuce leaves and served with fresh vegetables.

Zucchini pizza with sausage and tomatoes

It turns out very tasty pizza, the dough for which is prepared with the addition of grated zucchini. For one large pizza you will need zucchini, 150 g flour, 3 eggs, a teaspoon of baking powder, half a teaspoon of salt and a bunch of parsley. For stuffing, we will use tomatoes (5 pcs.), Sausage (about 120 g), hard cheese(0.1 kg) and one bitter pepper.

First we make the dough:

  1. Grate the peeled zucchini.
  2. Chop the parsley and add to the squash mixture.
  3. Whisk the eggs separately and stir into the mixture.
  4. Combine flour, salt, baking powder, pour into the zucchini mass and knead the dough.
  5. We lay out baking paper on a baking sheet, grease it with oil, evenly distribute the dough on top.

After we send it to a medium preheated oven for 25 minutes.

Zucchini frittata in the oven

Italian omelette - frittata - is prepared with a vegetable, cheese or meat filling.

To prepare zucchini frittata for 0.2 kg of zucchini, you will need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • medium sized carrot;
  • a small onion, cut into small cubes;
  • finely chopped greens;
  • vegetable oil);
  • water;
  • salt and seasonings.

Cooking frittata, despite the complexity of the name, is very easy:

  1. Fry the onion in oil for 2 minutes.
  2. Add grated carrots, a little water, simmer for about 3 minutes.
  3. Add the zucchini cut into small cubes and continue to simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Salt, add spices, turn off the fire.
  5. Separately, beat the eggs, add some salt, mix in the greens.
  6. We introduce the egg mass into the stewed vegetables.
  7. The resulting mixture is transferred to a deep baking sheet or frying pan and sent to bake in a preheated oven.

The omelet will be ready when the egg mixture has solidified.

The exact baking time depends on the thickness of the pan: the deeper and smaller the container, the longer the frittata will take to cook.

For example, an omelet with a thickness of 1 cm will be ready in 10 minutes, and if the thickness is 5 cm, then it will take about 40 minutes to wait for readiness.

Appetizer with herbs and garlic

A healthy snack that can be prepared as a side dish for meat is prepared quite quickly.

First we prepare the products:

  • 4 young zucchini;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • vegetable or olive oil;
  • salt and spices.

Now let's move on to cooking:

  1. First, cut the zucchini in half lengthwise. Then we divide each half into 6 more longitudinal strips, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 cm.
  2. We lay out the zucchini strips on a greased sheet and send them to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for half an hour.
  3. At this time, chop the herbs and garlic, mix them.
  4. Zucchini baked in the oven, put on a plate in layers, each of which is sprinkled with salt, spices and green mass.
  5. Pour oil on top of each layer and leave the appetizer to infuse for about half an hour.

Zucchini baked in sour cream in the oven

This method of cooking is convenient because the zucchini does not burn, and the finished circles are soft, with a delicious cheese crust.

For baking for 1 kg of vegetables you will need:

  • a glass of sour cream;
  • butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • seasonings, herbs, salt, spices.

The action begins with the preparation of the main product: we wash it, clean it if necessary. Then we divide into sticks about 1 cm thick.

Then follow the recipe:

  1. Salt the pieces, pepper, leave for 10 minutes.
  2. After that, pour them into a saucepan and pour sour cream.
  3. Mix well and simmer under a closed lid for half an hour without adding water.
  4. Thereafter stewed zucchini remove with a slotted spoon, cool, then lay out in layers in a deep frying pan richly oiled with oil.
  5. Cool the liquid in which the zucchini was stewed, add eggs, chopped herbs, salt, stir well.
  6. Pour the vegetables with the learned sauce and bake in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

It will take about an hour and a half to prepare this dish.

Friends, I offer you my favorite recipe for cooking zucchini: great stuffed boats from zucchini. Zucchini prepared according to this simple recipe is so tasty that even those who do not like zucchini in general ate them in my family. Seductive blush cheese crust, and inside tender zucchini with meat - overeating! Great solution for family dinner. Write down the recipe!


  • three young zucchini;
  • minced pork (low-fat) - 0.3 kilograms;
  • one tomato (medium size);
  • one head of onion;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • sour cream - 300 grams;
  • one hundred grams of cheese (hard);
  • refined sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper (ground) - to taste.

Gorgeous zucchini boats. Step by step recipe

  1. Wash young zucchini well, cut off the stem and cut them in half lengthwise (into two equal parts).
  2. With the help of a teaspoon, we take out the core from the zucchini so that we get boats.
  3. Cut the remaining zucchini centers into small cubes.
  4. Onion also cut into small cubes.
  5. We put the pan on the stove, add a small amount of vegetable oil, onion and fry it.
  6. After 5 minutes, add minced meat to the pan.
  7. Lightly fry the minced meat, and then pour the chopped zucchini centers and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then take the pan off the heat and let it cool down a bit.
  8. Add ground black pepper and salt (to your liking).
  9. Cut the tomato into small cubes.
  10. Grind the garlic cloves on a fine grater.
  11. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.
  12. In a slightly cooled minced meat, add chopped garlic and tomato.
  13. Then add sour cream and mix well. The filling for stuffed zucchini is ready.
  14. Salt the zucchini boats a little and fill them with the filling with a spoon.
  15. Sprinkle the stuffed vegetable zucchini boats with grated hard cheese.
  16. We grease the baking sheet sunflower oil and put homemade zucchini boats on it.
  17. We put delicious zucchini boats to bake in the oven (temperature 200 degrees). Cooking time: approximately 30 minutes.
  18. In the meantime, finely chop the dill.
  19. Transfer the finished stuffed zucchini boats to a plate and sprinkle with fresh dill.
  20. Enjoy your meal!

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and you can easily prepare such delicious zucchini boats at home. The Very Tasty website team wishes you bon appetit. Cook with us and enjoy the result. There are also many more on our website. delicious recipes cooking zucchini.

The homeland of the zucchini is considered to be northern Mexico. The locals ate only the seeds of this vegetable, while the Europeans in the 16th century abandoned this as well. They grew zucchini solely for scientific purposes. But in the 18th century, the Italians offered to eat it raw and the course of history changed.

Today, zucchini is considered one of the most popular dietary products. It contains vitamins (C, B1, B20), trace elements (folic, malic and nicotinic acid), and the calorie content is no more than 24 kcal per 100 g.

Today we offer you to cook diet zucchini boats. It's simple and tasty dish, for which you will need 3-4 ingredients and some free time.

Zucchini boats with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • cherry tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Mozzarella

How to cook?

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut lengthwise and remove the pulp from the middle with a spoon.
  2. In each half of the vegetable, put cheese and sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomato rings.
  3. Bake diet boats from zucchini in the oven at a temperature of 180-185 degrees for about 20-30 minutes.

Diet zucchini boats with chicken



  • zucchini - 3 pcs.
  • chicken fillet - 200 g
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • natural yogurt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • cheese (any diet) - 70 g
  • spices to taste

How to cook?

  1. Make minced chicken fillet, and finely chop the onion.
  2. Wash the zucchini, cut lengthwise and remove the pulp from them.
  3. Lubricate the finished boats with natural yogurt. Then put in them a mixture of minced chicken with onions and spices.
  4. Brush before putting in the oven healthy dish yogurt and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  5. Bake zucchini boats for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Diet zucchini with beef

©Yulia Lova


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • ground beef - 300 g
  • sour cream (low-calorie) - 100 g
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • spices to taste
  • greens

How to cook?

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut lengthwise and remove the pulp.
  2. Cut some of the pulp into small cubes along with the onion.
  3. Mix minced meat, zucchini pulp, onion and spices in a separate bowl.
  4. Before stuffing the dish, salt the boats and pepper. Then fill them with stuffing.
  5. Decorate diet zucchini boats with a mixture of sour cream and herbs on top.
  6. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20-30 minutes.

Zucchini boats with egg and tomato

©Worldinside the Kitchen


  • zucchini - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • cheese (any diet) - 50 g
  • spices to taste

How to cook?

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut off the top and take out the pulp. Cut some squash pulp into cubes along with the tomato.
  2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  3. Whisk the egg with salt and pepper.
  4. Place chopped tomato, zucchini pulp in a boat. Then pour everything with a mixture of eggs and spices and decorate with cheese.
  5. Bake zucchini boats for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Zucchini boats with mushrooms and mozzarella



  • zucchini - 1 pc.
  • mushrooms - 50-100 g
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • Mozzarella
  • spices
  • parsley

How to cook?

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut lengthwise and remove seeds and pulp from each half.
  2. Put finely chopped mushrooms and onions in the finished boats.
  3. Garnish the dish with mozzarella on top, pre-salting it and pepper.
  4. Bake the boats for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Garnish with fresh parsley or dill before serving.

Zucchini boats with brown rice, mushrooms and green peas



  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • brown rice - 100-150 g
  • green peas (frozen or fresh) - 70 g
  • mushrooms - 100 g
  • natural yogurt - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • cheese (any diet) - 50-70 g
  • pepper

How to cook?

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut lengthwise, remove the pulp and seeds from each half.
  2. Boil rice until cooked, then mix with peas, finely chopped mushrooms and natural yogurt. Be sure to salt and pepper the filling.
  3. Decorate ready-made diet zucchini boats with grated cheese and put in the oven for 30-35 minutes. Bake the dish at a temperature of 180 degrees until fully cooked.

Zucchini boats with bell pepper, cheese and young onions



  • zucchini - 1 pc.
  • cottage cheese (2%) - 150 g
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • green onion - bunch
  • spices

How to cook?

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut in half and remove the core.
  2. Prepare the filling: chop the bell pepper, part of the zucchini pulp. Then mix these ingredients together with cottage cheese, egg, finely chopped herbs and spices.
  3. Fill the zucchini boats with minced meat and send them to the oven for 30-50 minutes. Send the dish to the oven, heated to 200 degrees.
  4. Shortly before cooking, decorate the zucchini boats with grated cheese. When it melts, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped green onion and serve with fresh vegetables.

Don't have time to cook zucchini? Then look. You only need 20 minutes!

Diet zucchini boats are a juicy and healthy dish that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Zucchini is 95% water. Nutritionists recommend using it daily, because it is low in calories, improves the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and also calms the nervous system.

Prepared by Tatyana Krysyuk

Almost all people love zucchini, because using them you can cook so rich in flavor. palatability dishes that they are suitable not only for an everyday meal, but guests will definitely appreciate them. For those who prefer hot and not heavy snacks on the stomach, this recipe will be a real find. In addition, all the components of the snack are so simple that it will not be difficult to find them in absolutely any store. Each hostess can independently decide which filling to use in zucchini boats, it can be cheese, meat, fish or minced vegetable. In order to understand the cooking process itself, you can use as an example step by step photo recipe for zucchini boats with minced cheese, potatoes and zucchini pulp.

Oven zucchini boats with cheese and potatoes

Important advice

In order for the dish to turn out well, it is recommended to use young vegetables that have not yet had time to form seeds. The fact is that in such vegetables the pulp can be an excellent filler for the filling, and it is better to refuse the use of mature zucchini, since they are coarser.

how to cook stuffed boats from young zucchini or zucchini


  • two small zucchini
  • about 200 grams of potatoes,
  • green onion,
  • cheese hard grade(80grams),
  • butter (20 grams),
  • salt and spices are added depending on taste preferences.

Cooking process:

Rinse all vegetables and place on paper towels to remove excess moisture. Cut each zucchini lengthwise. We clean the inside of the pulp and young seeds. It is important to do the procedure in such a way as not to tear the zucchini.

Three freed pulp on a grater and set aside. We clean the potatoes, grate them and send them to the same container where the zucchini lies. Stir and remove the allocated juice. Next, wash the onion and chop finely. We send to already prepared vegetables. For lovers of greens, it is worth noting that in addition to onions, you can use absolutely any greens, parsley, dill, basil or cilantro. Three pieces of cheese on a grater and send to the "common pot". A handful of cheese should be set aside as it will be used for the top layer. Add salt and spices to taste, mix well. The filling is ready and now you can do the zucchini.

Put the filling into the prepared recesses. It is recommended to find a convenient baking sheet or a heat-resistant form. Lubricate it with butter and vegetable oil. It is desirable that the second product does not have any odor. To make it easier to wash dishes, you can put either food parchment or foil on the bottom of the mold. We lay neatly prepared zucchini and sprinkle on top with the handful of cheese that was set aside. Before you put the blanks in the oven, it must be heated to 190 degrees. We send a baking sheet and wait until the zucchini is covered with a crispy crust. As a rule, the average cooking time is 45-50 minutes.

Oven-baked zucchini boats with stuffing are ready. If the dish is to be served festive table, then you can think about the original serving, decoration in the form of additional sauces. The most important thing is that the appetizer was moderately salty. When adding salt, it is worth considering the characteristics of the cheese, because if this cheese is quite salty, then it should be added to the dish as little as possible.

Baked stuffed zucchini is not only tasty and original snack. Sometimes she can seriously argue with the classic meat julienne, only she is digested twice as well, which means that heaviness will not appear and the person will want to continue the holiday. Most importantly, the recipe is simple and budget.

15-07-2017, 06:52

recipe with photo step by step

Recipe Description:
Pretty easy to make and delicious recipe.
The perfect combination of spicy filling and slightly sweet zucchini.
I wanted to cook something quickly, so I chose this filling.
It took 10 minutes to prepare the products for the filling, and then it was the job of the oven.
I had one large, but at the same time a young zucchini. Why do I specify that it is young, because the baking time of the zucchini in the oven depends on it, which can range from 25 minutes to 50 minutes or more.
I baked my zucchini for 35 minutes.
I recommend that you try to cook zucchini with such a filling.
Yes, and I also had one large zucchini, but you can take 2 medium or 3 small ones.

How to cook Stuffed Zucchini with Sausage and Cream Cheese

Recipe Ingredients

  • Zucchini 900 gr. (for me, this is the weight of 1 zucchini, not peeled)
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Smoked sausage 100 gr.
  • Melted cheese 1 pc.
  • Dill 1/3 bunch
  • Green onion 2 stalks
  • Salt, dried basil to taste


Step 1

Peel the zucchini, if there are seeds, remove them, if not, take out the pulp, creating a boat shape.
Sprinkle the zucchini with salt and dried basil.
Put in a mold greased with vegetable oil.

Step 2

Let's prepare the filling
sausage, tomatoes and processed cheese cut into cubes.
Finely chop dill and green onion.
Combine all prepared products and mix.

Step 3

Fill the zucchini with the stuffing.
And now attention! If the zucchini is young, it will be enough for them to stay in the oven for 20-30 minutes, if they are older, bake the zucchini from 40 to 60 minutes.

Step 4

Moreover, if the zucchini will be in the oven for 20-30 minutes, you do not need to cover them, but if more than this time, then the filling may burn a little on top and they must be covered with foil,
but so that there is air access. That is, we cover with foil, only that part of the baking sheet where there is a filling. To make it clearer, I showed in the photo exactly how to cover.