Home / Pies / How to store cereals in the kitchen correctly. Long-term storage of cereals

How to store cereals in the kitchen correctly. Long-term storage of cereals

Delovoy Slavyansk has collected useful tips for you on how to store cereals correctly, in other words, what conditions must be created so that they can be stored for a long time and without problems.

Do not store them in plastic or paper bags, in which you bought them, because the bag can break, the cereal will crumble, and when you collect it, garbage will naturally fall into it, no matter how hard you try. Groats in a plastic bag can "suffocate", since a special perforated bag is needed to store it. Therefore, the purchased cereals should be immediately poured into a dry, clean glass or metal container. If the cereal requires it, you need to sort it out immediately, from which later the cooking process will take much less time.

From time to time you need to open jars of cereals and check them for pests. Do not eat already spoiled cereals.

What pests can be encountered in the kitchen, in cereals? Barn weevils, Surinamese flour eaters, grain grinders and other pests can settle here with pleasure. For a person, in principle, they are not dangerous, but unpleasant. These are bugs that can appear in your rump for several reasons.

If you want the pests to forget their way to you, put a few cloves of garlic (in the peel) in a container with cereals. When storing cereals, starch and flour, put gauze bags with salt on the bottom of the container, and on top - dry lemon zest, leaves bay leaves or chestnut (one of the three foods). A piece of foil or an ordinary iron spoon, placed in a container with cereals / flour, helps well from bugs. You can put a pod hot pepper, it protects rice not only from pests, but also from mustiness.

Capacities: making a choice

Metal jars. They, of course, look stylish and of high quality, but in such containers there is a drawback - they can easily rust, and this will not happen from the ingress of water, but simply, over time. Not only does it look ugly, but also harmful oxidation processes will dissipate on your cereal, thereby not adding useful and flavoring properties to it, but rather the opposite. Stainless steel cans will not provoke such problems.

  • Plastic- quite a convenient and appropriate option, they often have an attractive appearance, and also boast an important advantage - they are very light, which is why the load on the lockers is minimal. When there are 10 jars on one shelf, then, you know, this fact will play a significant role, in the truest sense of the word. Alternatively, the usual plastic bottles from under the water.
  • Glass containers... Probably one of the best and optimal options... Modern glass jars for cereals have a stylish design, they can differ in price, but if you do not chase brands, you can choose a quite worthy option at a very reasonable price. And in general it is believed that ordinary jars with lids can also be used as containers for storing cereals.
  • Ceramic containers... Also an excellent and very stylish option, it is believed that this is the best solution for storing any bulk products.

Naturally, all these containers should have a good sealed lid that will close tightly without leaving any gaps. By the way, in addition to special containers, ordinary linen bags are perfect for such purposes, which must first be soaked in a saline solution and then ironed with an iron. You can put cereals in a bag directly into a glass or any other container, so you will definitely forget about bugs and other annoying insects.

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We do not let bugs and other pests

We sorted out the containers, everyone made their choice, but that's not all. It turns out that in order for the cereals to be stored as long as possible, and at the same time everything was done without bugs, as well as the appearance of unpleasant odors, you need to resort to some tricks.

Not all cereals have the same shelf life.... For example, rice can easily be stored for years, it will have nothing, but buckwheat is stored no longer than 20 months. Millet is not at all a long-liver, so that the porridge turns out to be tasty, it can be stored for no more than 4 months, otherwise the cereal will then taste bitter and give off an unpleasant odor. Oat flakes also do not lie for a long time, optimally 4-5 months, especially if it is muesli with various additives.

In order to prevent bugs from getting in the rice and so that it does not give off a musty smell, put a pod of hot pepper in a container. If there is no pepper, then a few cloves of garlic will do, and you do not need to peel off the top skin from them.

Another method that works for all cereals is to use gauze bags of salt, which can be placed on the bottom of the container. Some housewives use dry bay leaves or lemon zest, which is also very effective.

If the bugs still start

The flour usually starts "living creatures" when the humidity is too high. It is easy to determine this indicator. You need to pay attention to whether the flour creaks between your fingers: if not, its moisture is increased.

If it was nevertheless infected, it must be sifted through a fine sieve, then poured onto clean paper with a layer of three centimeters, and then dried in the oven. Pay attention to the temperature - it should be no more than 50 ° C, otherwise the flour will no longer be suitable for baking. After drying, it is poured into a paper or cloth bag, which is placed in another one. The bottom of the second bag should be lined with calendula flowers. They are wonderful insect repellents. Cloves of garlic can also solve the problem of bugs.

If it has been infected with insects semolina, then everything can be fixed. You need to sift it through a coarse sieve, and then fill it with water (a little salted). After a while, the larvae and worms will emerge. It will not work to dry such cereals, but you can still cook the porridge or add it to meat cutlets instead of bread.

If buckwheat is infected, then the groats have to be sorted out, then thoroughly rinsed with cold water and sent to the oven to dry. Ignite it at 60 ° C, and when it cools down, you need to pour the buckwheat into a linen bag and take it to the cold, for example, to the balcony. There it will be perfectly preserved until summer.

Millet can be stored for up to 4 months, then the top shell of the grain, as a rule, deteriorates. So you need to try to get rid of it. Millet should be washed in cold water, then pour boiling water over and leave for 4 hours. After that, pour it with warm water, add a little baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) and grind the cereal with your hands. Now it can be washed and dried in the oven.

Thus, spoiled cereals can always be saved. But it is better to prevent the appearance of insects.

Flour and various types of cereals are included in the diet of almost every person. Groats contain fiber and others useful material, which we need to replenish energy and protect against the influence of negative factors. And with the help of flour, each housewife can pamper her family with delicious and sweet pastries.

But for the food to be really healthy and tasty, it is important to cook it from quality products... Therefore, today we will talk about how to properly store cereals and flour at home so that they remain dry and bugs do not start in them.

Storing cereals and flour at home

Loose foods and flour have a long shelf life, therefore they are popular with many housewives. But if stored improperly, they lose their taste properties, dampen or become a habitat for bugs and other pests.

  1. Kitchen cabinets. It is better to store cereals in the lower ones, away from heat sources (batteries or stoves), since under the influence of high temperatures they oxidize and deteriorate faster.
  2. Storage room or any other dry room. Cereals and flour do not like dampness.
  3. Open shelves- provided that the room itself is well ventilated and the cereals are in a closed container.

Storage tanks for flour and cereals

After buying bulk products in the store, many housewives do not pour them into a special container, but leave them in their original packaging. This significantly reduces the storage time due to the lack of tightness.

After a while, paper or plastic packaging becomes unusable, the cereals become damp, crumble, or harmful insects get into them. For the convenience and safety of products, it is recommended to use special containers:

  • ceramic containers;
  • plastic cans;
  • glass containers;
  • metal containers or stainless steel.

Hardware stores sell containers for every taste, color and wallet. Many people choose storage containers based primarily on aesthetic preferences, given the design of the kitchen. However, in order for bulk products to retain their taste and benefits for a long time, in addition to appearance it is important to consider other criteria as well.

Ceramic containers

Ceramic containers are considered the best container for storing cereals. They are sealed, practical, pleasing to the eye with an attractive design. This container is suitable if you prefer to store food on open shelves.

Ceramic jars do not let in sunlight, so they are ideal for open storage. And their beautiful design gives the kitchen a special flavor.

Plastic containers

Plastic containers are lightweight, practical and convenient. When using them, the load on the locker will be minimal. To optimize the space on the shelves, choose a square or rectangular container.

When choosing a plastic container, pay attention to the quality of the material. Low-quality plastic has an unpleasant foreign smell, which will certainly affect the taste of the products.

Metal cans

Metal cans are beautiful and durable, but they have one significant drawback - over time, rust spots appear in them. Similar products made of stainless steel do not have this drawback, but they are also more expensive than other containers.

Glass jars

Glass containers are convenient and beautiful, they have a varied design, they clearly show which cereals are stored and in what condition. Transparent glass jars are airtight and easy to clean.

The only drawback is that they break easily. Bulk products in glass containers are stored in a dark place without direct sunlight.

How long can cereals be stored

If you buy cereals in a large number, remember the shelf life:

  • split and whole peas - 2 years;
  • pasta - 2 years;
  • buckwheat - 20 months;
  • rice - 18 months;
  • semolina - 10 months;
  • millet - 9 months;
  • oatmeal - 6-8 months;
  • barley, wheat and other types of cereals - no more than 9-12 months.

Why is improper storage of bulk products dangerous?

One of the most important problems that housewives face when storing bulk products is the appearance of mold due to high humidity or dampness in the apartment. It is impossible to eat foods affected by mold, because during its reproduction toxins are formed, which will cause irreparable harm to the body.

Another problem is pests in bulk products. The most common of them is the Surinamese mucoed. This insect Brown most often appears under improper storage conditions in flour, different varieties cereals, dried fruits.

Unlike microorganisms, beetles do not poison crops, but pollute them. But if the content of insects in the cereal is high, their waste products will lead to intoxication or digestive problems.

Products that have reached the end of their shelf life look completely normal on the outside, but their taste and beneficial features already lost. If you prefer to shop for the future, use products you bought a long time ago first. And to keep track of how much time is left before the expiration date, hang stickers on the containers with the date the contents were booked.

Once a month, have a kitchen revision, during which you check the contents of the cupboards and, if necessary, throw away any spoiled ones.

Many housewives wonder if flour can be stored in. Flaxseed, almond or corn - yes, but experts advise placing it in an airtight container first. But wheat flour best stored in warm dry conditions - closets, closets.

For proper storage of flour, it is better to use:

  • special plastic buckets;
  • containers with hermetically sealed lids;
  • glass jars with screw lids;
  • metal cans with a seal on the lid to create tightness.

It is better not to use paper and cellophane bags, as well as cloth bags for storing flour. They are most often pests and start.

To prevent harmful insects from growing in bulk products, use folk tips:

  1. After purchase, ignite the cereals in a frying pan or keep them in the freezer for 24 hours directly in the packaging from the manufacturer.
  2. Put garlic cloves, bay leaves, lemon peels, pieces of foil or ordinary tablespoons in a container with bulk products.
  3. To protect the rice from the musty smell, put a pod of red hot pepper in a container with it.
  4. For the winter, transfer bulk products for storage to the balcony. Low temperatures not only protect them from bugs, but also significantly extend the shelf life.


Compliance with all the rules for storing cereals and flour will help preserve stocks from spoilage, maintain cleanliness and order in the kitchen. But if mold or barn pests do appear, immediately throw these products away. You should not save on your health and the health of your loved ones.

So, deciding to declare war on all these organisms, which strive to get into the products stored on the shelves, it is necessary first of all to all containers: unload the jars and sachets on some horizontal surface. It is recommended to use a table for this. But if the table area is too small or if there are too many products, then you can put everything right on the floor.

Of course, as a result, the kitchen will resemble a dump. But there is no need to worry about this. After all, this is not for long. You will need to endure quite a bit. But as a result, everything will stay well in its place, and each type of product will be reliably protected from pests, which means that the shelf life will increase significantly.

What are the cabinets for?

There are two reasons why you need to collect all the contents of the shelves on one surface. Firstly, so the owner can immediately see in front of him everything that he has in the kitchen, which means that he can then easily sort everything by type.

And, secondly, in this way it will be possible to determine what is already superfluous. And there will certainly be such a thing. If something was purchased many years ago, then it is best to get rid of that product. At the same time, a place in the kitchen will be freed up.

Stock check

It is imperative to check each container. If something already looks spoiled, then discard it. Surely, every housewife in the kitchen has products that have not been used for quite some time.

And in appearance they may even seem not spoiled. But do not continue to store them on the shelf. After all, they probably will not be eaten, if for a long time this has not happened so far.

You need to carefully examine the jars and bags in which cereals are stored. At this stage, it may be possible to notice that the weevil beetle has managed to settle in them. And no one is waiting for such an uninvited guest in the kitchen.

If it is difficult to determine whether the product is contaminated (especially often the owners of large stocks such as a bag of flour have to deal with such a problem), then the danger of low temperature can be eliminated.

To do this, just put the product in the freezer for just a day. As a result, freezing temperatures will destroy all larvae. If it was decided to conduct such an inspection of the products in winter, it will be even easier, since you will not have to clog the refrigerator. After all, everything can simply be taken out onto the balcony (of course, provided that it is cold enough outside).

  • If it is not possible to store large stocks, then it is generally not recommended to do them. It will be much more profitable to purchase them as needed and just take a little more than required. In this case, pests simply do not have time to get close to the stocks, and even more so to settle in them.

And in order to once and for all prevent the harmful activity of small organisms and save money spent on the purchase of food, you need to move on to the next, very important step.

Putting things in order

1. Wipe

So, while the kitchen shelves are free of cereals, pasta and jars of spices, you need to wipe them thoroughly with a well-absorbent cloth, previously moistened with soapy water. It is recommended to use a microfiber cloth for this.

After thoroughly wiping the shelves and cabinet walls, the procedure must be repeated, but using a dry cloth. All surfaces must be wiped dry.

2. Removal of dirt from crevices

Particular attention should be paid to the places where the shelves are connected to the walls. As a rule, even with the tightest connection, small gaps are formed there, which literally attract various kinds of pollution. Quite often, these cracks are clogged with grains and various crumbs. Of course, you don't need to leave them there.

Otherwise, insects will again come running here, wanting to feast on food that is not hidden from them. And if they come here, then nothing will prevent them from organizing another house of their own in this place.

It is best to use a vacuum cleaner to remove crumbs and grains that are in the cracks between the shelves and walls. Previously, it should be equipped with a nozzle designed specifically for the treatment of crevices.

3. Preparing a place for cans and bottles

So, making sure that there are no more contaminants and unnecessary objects that can cause the appearance of harmful organisms on the shelves, you can begin to prepare a place for installing jars and bottles of liquid. On those shelves where you plan to store butter and jam, you need to lay at least paper or cloth. But it is still better to use a material that has waterproofing properties.

4. Arrangement of products on the shelves

And before putting everything back on the shelves, you can go to the grocery store and buy what is missing. If there are enough products, then you can immediately start putting them in their places. Here, various containers, racks and other devices will come to the rescue.

5. Containers

As for containers, it is better to choose those that are not round in shape. In this case, it will be possible to save space. Indeed, large gaps are formed between adjacent round containers.

When placing products, it is important to put those of them that may be required in the near future in the most accessible places. And already behind them can be located what will not be needed soon.

For cereals, as well as for other bulk products, it is best to use containers that are transparent and tight. In this case, the owner of the kitchen will always be able to see what is left and in what volume, and, therefore, decide when it is necessary to go to the store in order to replenish the depleted stocks.

6. Separation of shelves

For a more rational use of space, the shelf can be divided into two parts by means of special structures inserted into the cabinet. Such devices, made of metal, can always be purchased at the store. Many such offers can be found in online stores.

  • It is not recommended to use cardboard bags and boxes for storing cereals and pasta, since such a shell for insects will not become an obstacle, they will easily gnaw through it. And if spices are stored in such conditions, then, among other things, they will also lose their taste and lose their aroma.
  • Food should not be placed near the kitchen sink as high humidity can cause mold growth.
  • If for some reason the owner of the kitchen does not want to put his culinary supplies on public display, then you can put them not on a stationary, but on a special, pull-out shelf hidden in some cabinet.

If the containers and jars in which cereals, pasta and spices are stored are well sealed, then no harmful organisms will penetrate into the products. And thanks to the competent arrangement of products, sorted by type, you can save both space in the kitchen and your time.

Porridge is an excellent source of carbohydrates, therefore, energy for the human body. Each housewife must have several types of cereals so that at any time you can cook delicious and healthy porridge for a side dish or just like that.

Of course, the days of the former deficit have already passed. Those times when our grandmothers had three-liter jars in the closet filled to the brim with scarce buckwheat and less scarce domestic rice. Nowadays, you can buy any kind of cereal at the grocery store. But even with frequent purchases of a small amount of cereals, it is necessary to ensure its correct storage, and then the cereals will not lose their benefits.

Having bought cereals, do not store them in plastic or paper bags in which you bought them, because the bag can tear, the cereals will crumble on the shelf or, in the worst case, on the floor, and then you will have to spend your time cleaning. And it is possible that garbage will get into the cereal, and you will have to sort it out or throw it away altogether.

Also, cereals in a plastic bag can "suffocate", since a special perforated bag is required for its storage, and this condition is not met by all manufacturers. More often it happens that they buy cereals in bulk, and then they are already packed in ordinary plastic bags. And another important thing is that perforated polyethylene and paper bags moisture can penetrate, as a result of which the cereal can become damp. Pests can also penetrate, and as a result, the cereal will be spoiled.

Therefore, the purchased cereals immediately, having brought home, must be poured into a dry, clean glass or metal container. If the cereal requires it, you need to sort it out immediately. After all, if you do this, the cooking process will take much less time. You can entrust this painstaking work to children, then the cereal will be ready for use, and the children will be accustomed to work.

From time to time you need to open jars of cereals and check them for the presence of pests in the cereals. Do not eat already spoiled cereals. Pests can leave products of their vital activity in cereals, which spoil the taste and smell. ready meal... And if the cereals have a high concentration of insect excrement, then you can even earn poisoning.

What pests can be encountered in the kitchen, in cereals? Barn weevils, Surinamese flour eaters, grain grinders and other pests can settle here with pleasure. For a person, in principle, they are not dangerous, but unpleasant. These are bugs that can appear in your rump for several reasons. The main reason is non-compliance with the rules for storing cereals. You can store cereals such as buckwheat, rice, semolina, flour at home for six months, because they contain a minimum of stable fat in their composition. Millet, unground, oatmeal, rolled oats deteriorate faster, since they have more fat in them than in other cereals. Do not store them for more than four months. Polished rice can be stored for years, especially basmati. He is like good brandy- the older the better.

Why do bugs appear? It also happens that, even if you follow all the precautions, pests still appear. First, you can bring them home in a wrapped bag of cereals. Of course, responsible manufacturers must carefully process cereals before packaging, but this is not always the case. Secondly, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes), which you purchased from sellers from Central Asia, can become a source of bugs. In order to prevent such situations, you need to carefully examine the packages with cereals before buying, and store the washed dried fruits in the refrigerator.

To prevent bugs from appearing, immediately heat only the purchased groats in the oven or put them directly in the package in the freezer for a day.
A few more tips for pests to forget their way. Put a few cloves of garlic (in the peel) directly into the container with cereals. When storing cereals, starch and flour, put gauze bags with salt on the bottom of the container, and on top - dry lemon zest, bay leaves or chestnuts (one of three products). Another piece of foil or an ordinary iron spoon, placed in a container with cereals / flour, helps well from bugs. You can put a pod of hot pepper, it protects rice not only from pests, but also from mustiness.

And it is important that you store cereals in glass or plastic containers, which are hermetically sealed or screwed with a lid. The room in which cereals are stored must be well ventilated. If the moisture content of the food rises to more than 15%, it will be spoiled.

Our grandmothers kept cereals in linen bags boiled in a strong saline solution, and they considered this storage method to be the best. Thanks to the cloth packaging, the groats can breathe, and the salt does not allow insects and mold to penetrate inside. This storage method is still relevant today.

In order not to deteriorate the taste of cereals, do not make large stocks, but renew them as you use them. And remember that dry foods are easy to perceive and retain foreign odors for a long time, so keep this in mind when placing them for storage.

In contact with

Keeping order in the kitchen is not so easy - as a rule, a kitchen set cannot cope with dishes, appliances and other utensils. But we have a solution: with the help of little tricks you will not only put things in order in the kitchen, but also save space in the interior. Read on and get down to business!

Idea number 1: strictly vertical

A vertical storage system is the best solution for a small kitchen. Compact shelves do not take up much space, but they will easily fit all your dishes.

Idea number 2: out of sight

And pull-out mesh baskets inside kitchen cabinets are a great place to hide your detergents.

Idea number 3: in limbo

Also, do not forget about hanging mesh baskets, which are convenient for storing not only cups, but also vegetables and fruits.

Idea # 4: horizontally side by side

The functionality of the kitchen can be easily increased with roof rails. Today, many different modules, hooks, special jars for spices are produced for them.

Idea # 5: side by side

There are never too many shelves - by purchasing several additional mesh baskets in chrome color, you will forever solve the problem of storing dishes.

Idea # 6: in full view

It is not easy to put all your pots and pans in one kitchen drawer! Better to hang them next to the hood or on the wall by the door. A special perforated wall panel will help you with this.

Idea # 7: an original approach

The space in the very corner of the kitchen is quite difficult to use. Special pull-out racks and corner boxes of a special design will help to solve this problem.

Idea number 8: cleanliness and order

Use drawer dividers to make them more functional. Keeping order is now much easier!

Idea # 9: the power of gravity

Attach the knives to the wall - literally. A special magnetic bar will show them who is in charge!

Idea number 10: the house of spices

Jars of spices can also be stored on magnets. Attach them, for example, to the wall of the refrigerator or the inner door of the cabinet.

Idea number 11: take the height

Use special racks for pans and pots - this way you can use the entire space of the drawer and you do not have to go through them before each cooking.

Idea number 12: successfully hooked

And bulky lids from pans and pans are conveniently stored using simple crossbars: attach them to the free surface of the wall in a place convenient for you.

Idea number 13: along the wall

Metal shelves-pockets will help you place the covers on the wall of the kitchen cabinet. If the cabinet is fully occupied, this shelf can be placed outside the cabinet as well.

Idea number 14: put everything in its place!

It is convenient to store inside the cabinet not only dishes, but also narrow boxes with pasta and dough. Just attach the vertical drive to the door and it will fully justify its new place.

Idea number 15: in the style of shabby chic

And in order not to climb into the far corners of the kitchen for rolls of foil or film, hang them directly on the wall - using an old hanger.

Idea number 16: in the access zone

Remember how convenient it is to view postcards or small souvenirs on the turntables in the store. Add a few mobile shelves to one of the cabinets and all the spice jars and containers will always be at hand.

Idea number 17: under control

Tired of emptying crumbs from your candy drawer? Solve this problem once and for all by pinching the cookie packs with a regular clothespin.

Idea # 18: Help Labels

To no longer waste time looking for salt or sugar, sign the lids of the jars in which you store cereals and grains.

Idea number 19: complete order

Organizing recipes will help speed up the cooking process. No more throwing around the kitchen: put all the recipes in one place, or better - in alphabetical order.

Idea # 20: a practical example

There is too little space in the wall cabinets! Attach hooks to shelves and hang from them coffee cups... And store glasses under the shelves - upside down.

Idea # 21: stand in a row

The long, narrow shelves easily mount to the wall and are ideal for storing spices and a variety of oil bottles.

Idea number 22: a place in the sun

At the very top of the kitchen unit, you need to put something that you rarely use. For example, let it be baskets of alcohol or utensils for preparing holiday dishes.

Idea number 23: a surprise rack

And various modules, racks and racks will help you to use even the narrowest and most inconvenient places. For example, drawers in a kitchen unit.

Idea number 24: for the little ones

Numerous spices have a place in Tik-Tak packages. Just don't forget to sign them!

Idea number 25: spectacular decor

Crockery can be stored not only in closed cabinets, but also on narrow open shelves. Let your favorite set become an original kitchen decor!

Idea # 26: a basket for boards

The chopping board company no longer falls into the sink when introduced to the compact basket. Choose models made from artificial rattan, a material that is resistant to moisture.

Idea # 27: a budget idea

Do not throw away cans and rusted rakes, as if properly handled they can be useful for storing kitchen accessories such as spoons, forks and spatulas.

Idea # 28: Smart Approach

And compact magnetic shelves for small items can be made by hand. You will need small baskets from the hardware store, magnets, and superglue.

Idea number 29: home!

By purchasing several plastic food sorting bins, you will not only free up space in the refrigerator, but also make it easier to clean.

Idea # 30: little tricks

Do not forget to use the lower parts of the cabinets - in drawers or baskets right under the headset it is convenient to store cereals and grains, as well as materials for creativity and needlework.