Home / pies / Banana sauce. Beef with banana cream sauce

Banana sauce. Beef with banana cream sauce

Good day! I am Daria, a Muscovite, wife, mother of two adult sons and a baby daughter. It so happened in our family that all women: grandmothers and mother, constantly worked and they almost never had time for cooking. Since childhood, I have been accustomed to simple and hearty food, tasty, but not too varied. I still consider bagels with store-bought marmalade to be the most delicious dessert in the world! Being already an adult, getting married and having children, I realized that cooking is very, very interesting! Cookbooks, culinary magazines began to appear in me, I collected and saved interesting pages on the Internet for myself, subscribed to famous bloggers and confectioners. When traveling, I always brought and bring with me from different countries new recipes, as well as unusual spices, seasonings, jars, boxes, bottles, etc. And with the advent of a new hobby in my life - food photography - also all kinds of props: dishes, baking dishes, cutlery, vintage and much, much more. I love to bake and cook cakes and desserts, and I try to work out recipes with a reduced amount of sugar and fat. I do not adhere to any diets or nutritional patterns, I believe that food should be enjoyable, and in small quantities you can afford almost everything! I will try to introduce you to interesting and tasty dishes, and write recipes simply and clearly. Always open for communication and feedback. On Instagram I am @cakes_spirit, email: [email protected]


700g~1kg beef pulp, 1~2 bananas, 200g cream (10~15% fat), 100~150g cheese, juice of 1 large lemon, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper

Cut the beef across the grain into slices 1~2cm thick and beat well.
Place on a small baking sheet with high edges. The bottom does not need to be lubricated.

Bananas, cream, salt, pepper and diced cheese put in a blender and beat until smooth. homogeneous mass. Whisking constantly, add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
In the absence of a blender, bananas need to be mashed into gruel, grate the cheese on a fine grater and beat with a mixer with cream, salt and pepper. At the end of whipping, add lemon juice.
Pour the beef with the resulting sauce.

Bake in the oven at t=180~200°C until the meat is ready (45min~1 hour). Check the readiness of the meat by piercing it with a fork or knife. If the instrument enters gently and without a characteristic creaking sound, then the meat is ready.

And what recipe did I prepare for you -. I would never have thought that bananas go well with meat. I cooked it and was insanely surprised - incomparable taste. I can't even describe clearly. I think it's tasty dish perfect for a holiday table.

For cooking meat under such original sauce banana cream you will need:

  • Beef pulp 1 kg;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 200 g cream (10-15%);
  • 150 g cheese (hard);
  • Juice of a large lemon;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt. so much black pepper.

Cooking beef with banana-cream sauce

Let's deal with the meat: wash the beef thoroughly and dry it slightly. Cut it into slices about 2 cm thick. You can also cook. To make the finished meat soft and chewy, it is cut across the fibers.

Beat the slices well beef.

Take a small baking sheet, preferably with high edges. I used a glass mold. The bottom does not need to be lubricated. Lay the pieces of meat on a baking sheet.

Since at high temperatures the meat tends to decrease in size, it must be laid in such a way that the edges lie on top of each other (i.e. overlap) or very tightly to each other. At the same time, they also need to be well compressed.

Topped with my favorite seasoning.

Clear bananas and cut into slices. Put them in a blender. Grate the cheese there and pour in cream with pepper and salt.

Finely chop and add lemon juice while continuing to whisk.

Pour the sauce you made over the beef.

Preheat the oven well (according to the recipe, this is about 200 degrees). Set a baking sheet for 45 minutes - 1 hour. If the meat is well pierced with a knife or fork, you can get it.

Personally, I put the mold in an oven that had not yet been heated to this temperature, because I used a glass mold. And I took it out when the sauce was browned.

Ready. You can try this one I think delicious recipe you will like it.

Bon appetit.

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Recently I watched some adult program, not about children, but it told how to make banana sauce for vegetarian dishes for the kids to eat. Since I have been thinking for a long time how to feed my golden cauliflower, everything seemed interesting to me and I wrote down the recipe and cooked it in the evening.

Here's what I got!

I needed 2 bananas, vegetable or olive oil and spices: cardamom seeds (it turned out to be just some kind of trouble, they don’t sell cardamom seeds anywhere in my city, so I used ground spice), a piece of cinnamon, curry and hot red pepper.

The recipe for banana sauce is incredibly simple. We fry on olive oil cardamom, cinnamon, curry and hot red pepper about 3 minutes, the main thing on low heat, and no oil blackness.

At this time, we cut bananas, as our heart desires, but the main thing is not thick, you can make it smaller.

As soon as the spices are fried, put the banana and fry it for 3 minutes over medium heat.

After 3 minutes, add water, a little more than bananas and simmer for about 10 minutes until a mushy mass, so that everything looks like a sauce that easily drains from a spoon. You can mash the bananas with a fork if needed.

Well, now about the taste sensations about banana sauce. sweet taste smoothly transitioning to spices and peppercorns. Quite funny, but as my husband said, the child does not need to be given this or cooked without hot pepper. I don’t know, maybe I put more red pepper, but it turned out spicy. Cauliflower cutlets with banana sauce turned out to be very exotic, sweetish in taste. By the way, separately about the color of the sauce, it turned out to be dark brown with a greenish tint, someone may disdain to eat it because of appearance, today we barely persuaded my mother to try it, she liked it, but she says that it’s not with cutlets. Now what am I going to think about? Maybe with naval pasta or pizza or squid?

Conclusion. Banana sauce can be put on festive table, but I will no longer cook it for a child.

P.S. If you want to repeat my experience and cook banana sauce, then I advise you to take everything based on half a banana, if you like it, cook more.

Bon appetit!

Time for preparing: PT00H15M 15 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 10 rub.

With condensed milk? Tired. With sour cream? It's banal somehow. With honey? With jam? It was like that last time. We need something new for pancakes and definitely tasty.” These are the thoughts that sometimes slipped through. So I decided to come up with delicious sauce and preferably fruity. After some tests and trials, this recipe came to be banana sauce, which is perfect not only for pancakes and, but also for cookies, muffins,.

banana sauce prepared very quickly and easily. We do not need to cook or heat anything, we only need to puree bananas until smooth and mix with other ingredients.


  • bananas 200 g
  • sour cream 50 g
  • lemon juice 10 g (1/2 tablespoon)
  • vanilla sugar 5 g

I chose bananas for this sauce for their culinary versatility and, if I may say so, the right material, because a mashed banana is already the consistency of a cream or sauce. In addition, bananas are available in stores. all year round and have a low cost. Bananas must be ripe, soft enough and fragrant. Unripe bananas contain too much starch, so the flavor of the sauce can be astringent and not as rich. 200 g is about one large banana or two small ones.

Sour cream gives the sauce a creamy texture. The fat content of sour cream in this recipe can be any, choose as you wish, and sour cream can also be replaced with natural yogurt.

Lemon juice plays two roles at once: firstly, it is needed in order to prevent the banana mass from oxidizing and darkening, and secondly, we give the sauce an interesting sourness.

Well, we put vanilla sugar to increase the sweetness and enhance the taste.


We prepare everything necessary ingredients. Wash banana thoroughly.

We peel the banana, break it into small pieces and throw it into a container in which we will work with an immersion blender.

Puree the banana thoroughly with a blender, even if it seems to you that everything is ready, work with a blender for another 10 seconds. We should get a fairly liquid banana mass. Immediately squeeze into banana puree lemon juice and mix. We saved banana sauce from browning.

Add sour cream and vanilla sugar.

Mix thoroughly until the vanilla sugar is completely dissolved.

banana sauce ready! They can pour over pancakes or pancakes or put the sauce in a separate bowl and dip the same pancakes, shortbreads and other goodies in the sauce. It is better to eat it right away, in the refrigerator, of course, it can lie, but not for long, the taste goes away. Bon appetit!