Home / Dumplings / Charlotte recipes with apples and nuts. Apple charlotte with walnuts and cinnamon Apple charlotte with nuts recipe

Charlotte recipes with apples and nuts. Apple charlotte with walnuts and cinnamon Apple charlotte with nuts recipe

It seems to me that there is no person who would not love apple charlotte. Lung, biscuit dough, sweet and sour apples, like these simple products And the cake is divinely delicious! But I wanted to “decorate” the taste of charlotte a little by adding walnuts and spicy cinnamon. It turned out incredibly delicious!

baking dish with a diameter of 20 cm
500 gr. sweet and sour apples
1 glass of sugar (200 ml glass)
1 glass wheat flour(glass 200 ml)
3 chicken eggs
1 tsp cinnamon + 1 tbsp. Sahara
0.5 cup walnuts
0.5 tsp soda + 1 tsp vinegar

For baking, it is better to use a split form. If there is none, grease the sides and bottom of the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour.
Peel apples from seeds, cut into small cubes and put in a baking dish.

Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy.

Add flour to the mixture, mixing gently. Add soda slaked with vinegar. Mix.
Pour over apples.

Chop the walnuts a little and pour over the top of the pie.

Mix cinnamon with 1 tbsp. sugar and grind in a mortar.
Sprinkle the pie with the cinnamon mixture.

Put the mold in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the charlotte for 40 minutes (depend on the type and power of your oven). The readiness of the cake can be checked with a toothpick.

Cool Charlotte in shape.



  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Vinegar - for repayment;
  • Sour cream - 500 g;
  • Apples - 2 pieces (large);
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Dough baking powder.

Cooking time - 95 minutes, of which - 20 minutes to prepare the dough, 30 minutes to bake the cake, 5 minutes to decorate and 20 minutes to bring to readiness in the oven.

Yield - 8 servings (1000 g)

Recipe sour cream charlotte with apples and walnuts- this is a delicate creamy dessert, with a slight hint of sourness, which is given by apples and sour cream. Fast and simple pie based on biscuit dough.

How to cook charlotte with sour cream, apples and walnuts

We are preparing a biscuit for the base. It requires splendor and lightness, which only well-beaten eggs can give the cake. To do this, we separate the proteins from the yolks, put them on different plates, for proteins we take a container deeper.

Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the proteins, beat with a mixer until a thick white foam that will not flow down the beaters. Grind the yolks with 1 tablespoon of sugar into a white mass.

Mix the eggs together and add 250 g of sour cream, mix thoroughly.

Sift flour (4 tablespoons) and be sure to add baking powder to make the dough light and airy.

Extinguish half a spoonful of soda with table vinegar, add to the dough.

We mix everything thoroughly. If the dough is too thin in your opinion, add a spoonful of flour, if, on the contrary, it is thick, add a spoonful of sour cream.

We coat the baking dish with oil - the bottom and edges and pour the dough into it, put in the oven at 150 degrees for 30 minutes. The main thing is not to disturb the biscuit dough while it is baking, otherwise the cake will not rise, and the apple charlotte with sour cream and walnuts will not be so airy.

While the cake is baking, add a tablespoon of sugar to the sour cream and rub until it is completely dissolved.

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices.

When the cake is browned, take it out of the oven.

We spread apples on it with the pattern that you like. For example, as in this photo.

Pour in sour cream and sprinkle with walnuts. We put it back in the oven for 20-25 minutes on a minimum fire so that the cake is soaked with sour cream, and it freezes a little.

After cooking, carefully separate the edges from the mold and decorate the cake with vanilla or powdered sugar.

Honey charlotte with apples and nuts

Tomorrow I want to give myself a day off, not to work and not even go to the computer. If possible, although it is quite difficult to do so. Therefore, I baked my Sunday pie today, on Saturday, to save the honey my new pastries- honey charlotte with apples and nuts. I really liked the cake, I hope you will like it too. Charlotte turned out lush, tall, beautiful. I baked it in a slow cooker, but you can bake it in a regular oven, as you like. The honey aroma mixes with the smell of apples and floats around the apartment, forcing you not to think about work and business, but to completely disconnect from all worries. Baking is simple, no need special trouble, not much work.

Ingredients for honey charlotte with apples and nuts:

honey 1 glass

apples 6 pieces

walnuts 0.5 cup

flour 3 cups

eggs 3 pieces (large)

soda 1 teaspoon

vinegar 1 tablespoon

vegetable oil 3 tablespoons

sugar 1 cup

1 teaspoon butter for greasing the mold

1 glass = 250 grams


Before cooking, chop the nuts and apples. Of course, you can chop the nuts with a blender, but there is a chance to get nut crumbs, it would be better if the nuts retain the appearance of pieces. I cut it, greased the multicooker pan, put apples on the bottom, sprinkled with a little nuts to make it pretty appearance finished pie.

Started making the dough. It cooks quickly, you don’t need to beat anything much, so if you don’t have a mixer, then you can get by with a whisk. I worked with a mixer, I always have it ready on the table, just insert the nozzles ...

Beat eggs with sugar until sugar dissolves.

Add honey, vegetable oil, extinguish soda with vinegar. I have honey right away! Drowned. "You can melt it first, but I didn't do it.

Gradually add flour. You don’t need to pour out all 3 glasses at once, but exactly 3 will go away, no less and no more.

The dough will turn out thick if you do not melt the honey first and the thickness of pancake if the honey is melted.

I didn’t add salt, I just forgot about it, but it turned out so tasty. Add apples and remaining nuts.

Stir with a spoon until the apple slices are evenly distributed.

We have finished preparing the dough, carefully transfer the dough into a mold so as not to destroy the beauty created at the bottom. We level and set to bake In the slow cooker - the BAKING mode for 65 minutes.

When the slow cooker squeaks that the cake is ready, do not rush to take it out immediately, let it stand in the HEAT mode for about 15 minutes, then boldly turn it off and take out the pan. When you open the lid of the slow cooker, you will gasp: how much the pie has grown! Twice as high!

We turn the cake on a dish, exhausting 10 cm from it !!! Handsome!

The cake looks great, but I still sprinkled it with powdered sugar, it deserves it!

You can cut and eat, although it is so pitiful to cut such a handsome man!

Happy tea! You must try this pie!

Help yourself! With Honey Savior!