Home / Dumplings / What is the best beer on tap. Which beer is better - draft in kegs or bottled? How to distinguish natural, quality beer

What is the best beer on tap. Which beer is better - draft in kegs or bottled? How to distinguish natural, quality beer

Probably, one of the most pressing questions will be which beer is better to drink: brand, packaging, variety, etc. Naturally, starting to talk about this topic, one can immediately predict some exclamations that "normal" beer does not exist historically in the post-Soviet space.


It so happened that we have a different kind of alcoholic, stronger drink took root "with a bang." And to be honest, it's hard enough to argue with that. They do not choose their homeland, and even more so not for the presence of high-quality alcohol. Despite all this, Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union still have big number lovers of this foamy drink, despite the lack of quality beer.

Beer lovers around the world are in a fierce debate over which container best supports and reveals the natural taste of beer. It can be cans, draft, keg, bottle, etc. An inexperienced amateur, most likely, will not be able to immediately distinguish the difference in taste, which means that he will not be able to decide on the choice of container. But in fact, the difference between the same live beer and bottled beer is huge.

Live beer is able to retain its natural taste only for 10 days, after which it noticeably deteriorates. In the event that the label indicates a shelf life of up to 30 days, this indicates its pasteurization, during which a significant part is lost nutrients... Some manufacturers use special chemical preservatives to increase the shelf life, some of which are carcinogenic.

Live beer

Many people think that bottled live is an ordinary "live", which is bottled instead of barrels, but this is far from the case. In order for the bottle version to be stored for 3-4 months, it is specially pasteurized. The pasteurization process consists in heating, then rapid cooling, after which the natural fermentation processes in the liquid stop, which makes the taste less pleasant.

Classic draft beer should not contain chemicals. It is immediately poured into barrels after preparation and can be stored for 30 days, but in fact, a high-quality and unique taste lasts no more than 7 days.

But it is worth noting that not every beer in a barrel is live. There are manufacturers who even add preservatives to a draft drink. In order not to fall for such unscrupulous producers, it is better to purchase this alcohol from trusted suppliers. Moreover, this may not be the best beer in the world, but you can be sure of its quality and the absence of chemical additives. One important point- the taste is revealed only in the glass, because through the narrow neck of the bottle the drink gets only on a small part of the receptors.

Bottled beer is best consumed when you want to taste a particular brand. This is due to the fact that it is simply unprofitable for many producers from the Czech Republic and Germany to import live.

It's important to know!

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Before choosing a particular brand, you need to decide how to choose. There are several rules:

  • It is best to buy a draft version, since there is a high probability that it was stored in accordance with all the conditions. Often, draft beer is stored in kegs or barrels, which is the most suitable container for this, since they are made of special alloys that protect the foamy drink from absorbing foreign tastes, odors and exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is more useful to buy "live" beer.
  • By definition, "live" is an unfiltered, freshly brewed beverage where a large number of useful and some necessary microelements, among which there is yeast, which contain B vitamins, which have medicinal properties... But do not forget that the shelf life of such a drink is very short.

Draft version of beer drink

In the case when it is not possible to purchase draft beer, you can buy bottled beer, but here you also need to adhere to some rules:

  1. It is best to buy the beer with the shortest shelf life. This often contains the least amount of preservatives. Unpasteurized beer without preservatives is also stored very little, which is why manufacturers add sterilizing substances to it to increase the shelf life.
  2. It is necessary to make a choice with the nearest bottling date. The quality of the drink directly depends on the conditions of its storage, and many are simply irresponsible about this.
  3. Beer, the best, only in the refrigerator. Since beer is the kind of drink that loves coolness, even the highest quality and most expensive can deteriorate if it is idle in the warmth.
  4. It is better to take beer in a glass container, as in this case there will be fewer extraneous tastes. Any drink in a can or plastic container often takes on a specific flavor. Moreover, as far as plastic containers are concerned, they are generally not suitable for storing beer, since this material itself is porous and allows oxygen to pass through.
  5. To minimize exposure to UV rays, it is best to drink beer exclusively in a dark bottle.
  6. A green or dark brown bottle is less sun-permeable. Naturally, it is best to take beer in a can, but there is a pronounced aftertaste of aluminum in it. In addition, such a jar is subject to high temperature fluctuations.
  7. Beer is best taken from the back of the display case. In this case, not only is it more likely that the beer was less exposed to direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation, but sales agents also put fresh beer in the back rows.

3 Attention: rating

If we talk about the highest quality beer in the world, then the recognized leaders are "Germans" and "Czechs" (which is not surprising). So what's the best beer? Basically, they drink from high-quality brands:

  • Spaten;
  • Krombacher;
  • Erdinger;
  • Paulaner;
  • Budweiser - Czech
  • Franziskaher is the best beer.


After the beer has been chosen, it is necessary to talk about how to use it correctly:

    1. This drink must be drunk only according to the recommended drinking temperature. The optimum temperature for drinking beer, for almost all sorts, is 6 ° Celsius. But, be that as it may, it is best to adhere to exactly the temperature recommended by the manufacturer and indicated on the package or label.
    2. Do not sharply cool or heat this drink. Why shouldn't it be heated up sharply and even more so sharply cooled down? The problem is that chemical reactions in this case degrade the flavor and aroma components, due to the fact that the beer drink quickly precipitates.
    3. In no case should you chat and stir the beer. This is due to the rapid oxidation of oxygen in this drink. The problem with shaking is not only that when it is opened, a large amount of foam is formed, this process is dangerous by oxidation, because of which the drink acquires an unpleasant taste and begins to cloud.
    4. Use ceramics, porcelain or glass to consume this drink. Drinking this drink from glass bottle or a tin can has a lot of disadvantages, among which, again, shaking. Therefore, glass or ceramics and porcelain are considered the best dishes. The dishes must be rinsed with running water and not wiped off before filling with beer.
    5. Pour the drink along the rim of the container. In order to fill the vessel with minimal foam, the pan must be held at a 45 ° angle. Slowly filling along the edge, you must keep the glass at a distance of 2 cm from the container.

Drinking beer correctly

So, we follow all the recommendations and drink only proven beer from well-known manufacturers. Although people who have drunk this drink of almost all brands often argue that even unknown brands sometimes surpass global brands. But this is a personal matter for everyone!

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Beer has been one of the favorite drinks of men since ancient times. Today this product is consumed with the same pleasure by the fair sex.

Such popularity of beer has provoked an expansion of its assortment. On the shelves of modern supermarkets or in beer bars and pubs, you can find dozens or even hundreds of types of this malt drink. That is why it is very difficult to decide which beer to choose and which one will be tastier. This article will try to form a rating of the most popular and best beer in Russia by color and method of storage.

What is the best beer in Russia: rating

Rating of the best beer in Russia

If you do not take into account the types of beer, its price category and method of storage, then one general rating of beer in 2017 can be derived:

  1. Porter from the private brewing company "Afanasy" - 8% alcohol, 20% density.
  2. Ale "Shaggy Bumblebee" from the Moscow Brewing Company - 5% alcohol, 12% density.
  3. "Russian Imperial Status" by Stamm Beer - 9% alcohol, 25% extract of the initial wort.
  4. Baltika 3 from the Baltika company - 4.8% of the fortress, 12% of the density.
  5. "Yuzberg Weissbier" from LLC "Suzdal Brewing Company" - 4.9% alcohol, 13.1% of the initial wort extract.
  6. "Ochakovo" from ZAO MPBK "Ochakovo" - 4.6% alcohol, 12% density.
  7. "Three Bears" from "Heineken" - 5% alcohol, 11% density.
  8. Baltika №6 from the Baltika company - 7% alcohol, 16-17% density.
  9. "Afanasy Domashnee" from the Tverskoy Brewery "Afanasy" - 4.5% alcohol, 11% density.
  10. "Velkopopovicky Kozel" from the brewing company EFES RUS - 4% ABV, 9.8% extract of the initial wort.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the given rating is not generally accepted - it was compiled only on the basis of surveys of some respondents and the rating of beer sales in Russia.

The best Czech beer: varieties

The Czech Republic is home to the most delicious varieties and popular brands of beer. In this country, the intoxicated drink is treated with great respect and from a young age they understand all the intricacies of its choice. That is why it is very difficult to compose a hit parade of the best Czech beer, since its gourmets have completely different preferences. But we will still try to build a certain gradation of this Czech drink:

  • Pilsner Urquell Plzen
  • Velkopopovicky Kozel settlement Velke Popovice
  • Staropramen Prague
  • Budweiser Budvar České Budějovice
  • Krušovice Krusovice
  • Bernard Humpolec
  • Velvet brand from Staropramen
  • Kelt brand from Staropramen

Best German Beer: Stamps

As for Germany, the mere presence of Octoberfest, held annually in this country, makes it an integral part of the history of brewing. In this European state, beer has a special attitude - the Germans idolize and consider it divine drink... No German will ever confuse the taste of Bavarian beer with another kind of beer brewed on the opposite side of the country.

If you start listing varieties and varieties German beer, then it may take a long time. Therefore, we will try to recall only the most famous manufacturers of this intoxicating drink in Germany:

  • Oettinger Ettinger
  • Spaten Spaten
  • Paulaner Paulaner
  • Krombacher Krombacher
  • Franziskaner Franciscaner
  • Bitburger Bitburger
  • Beck`s Becks
  • Warsteiner Warstein
  • Hasseröder Hasseröder
  • Veltins Veltins
  • Radeberger Radeberger
  • Erdinger Erdinger

Best craft beer in Russia

Best craft beer in Russia

Before compiling a rating of the best craft beer in Russia, you need to understand the very concept of craft beer. Craft beer or craft beer is beer produced by a small business, based on traditional recipes.

Today in Russia there are quite a few private, small breweries, which, unlike large producers, brew exclusive sorts of beer according to old, proven recipes.

If you were to compose a hit parade of craft beer in Russia, then most likely it would look like this:

  • AF Brew St. Petersburg
  • Bakunin St. Petersburg
  • Brickstone Moscow
  • Drakkar St. Petersburg
  • La Beerint Obninsk, Kaluga region
  • 1 Ton Zhukovsky, Moscow region
  • Vasileostrovskaya brewery, St. Petersburg
  • Petr Petrovich, Tula

The best light beer in Russia

The best light beer in Russia
  • Khamovniki "Pilzenskoe" from "Moscow Brewing Company" - 4.8% fortress
  • Khamovniki "Venskoe" from "Moscow Brewing Company" - 4.5% strength
  • Beach light from the Bogerhof Brewery, Anapa - 3.7% fortress
  • Lagernoe light from the Bogerhof Brewery, Anapa - 4.7% fortress
  • Kruger Premium Pils from JSC "Tomskoe Pivo" - 5% strength
  • Stolichnoye Double Gold from MPBK "Ochakovo" - 5.5% fortress
  • Karachaevskoe Zhivoye from JSC "Karachaevsky Brewery", Karachaevsk - 4% fortress
  • Cervena Selka from "Moscow Brewing Company" - 5% strength
  • Samarskoe from JSC "Zhigulevskoe pivo" - 4.5% strength
  • Zhiguli Barnoe "Mospivkom" - 5% fortress
  • Siberian crown "Golden" from JSC "SUN Inbev" - 4% fortress
  • Siberian crown "Classic" from JSC "SUN Inbev" - 5% fortress

Best dark beer

Best dark beer in Russia
  • Semi-dark rye from Bogerhof Brewery, Anapa (semi-dark) - 5.2% strength
  • Bannoe dark from Bogerhof Brewery, Anapa - 5.5% fortress
  • Kruger Dunkel from OJSC "Tomskoe Pivo" - 3.9% alcohol
  • Afanasy Porter from the Tver brewery "Afanasy" - 8% fortress
  • Velkopopovetsky Kozel dark - 3.2-4% fortress
  • Velkopovetsky Goat black - 3.5-5% fortress
  • Baltika №6 from the Baltika company - 7% alcohol
  • "Russian Imperial Status" by Stamm Beer - 9% alcohol
  • Ale "Shaggy Bumblebee" from the Moscow Brewing Company - 5% alcohol
  • "Afanasy Porter" from the Tver Brewery "Afanasy" - 8% fortress

  • Edelweiss from "Heineken"
  • Oettinger from "Moscow Brewing Company"
  • Guinness by Heineken
  • Velkopopovicky Kozel from "EFES"
  • Khamovniki from "Moscow Brewing Company"
  • Zatecky Gus from Carlsberg
  • Gold Mine Beer from "EFES"
  • Three bears from "Heineken"
  • Zhigulevskoe from Zhigulevskoe beer, Samara
  • Old Miller from "EFES"

  • AF Brew St. Petersburg
  • Bottle Share Moscow
  • Victory Art Brew, St. Petersburg
  • Salden`s Brewery Tula
  • STAMM BEER Moscow
  • Paradox Brewery St. Petersburg
  • Bakunin St. Petersburg
  • Jaws Zarechye, Sverdlovsk region
  • 1516 Pub & Brewery Moscow
  • Green Street Brewery Moscow

As for canned beer, almost all beer producers release their product both in glass and tin containers. Therefore, the rating of the best canned beer will be identical to the rating of bottled beer given earlier in the article.

The most popular bottled and draft beer in Russia: the best varieties

The best bottled and draft beer in Russia

Summing up the results of the article, we can conclude that in our country the culture of brewing and drinking beer is finally reaching a new level. People have stopped simply devouring a cheap, unpalatable product. They are increasingly trying to taste as many different brands and types of beer as possible in order to choose one or two of their favorite.

This trend has provoked the development in Russia of all more craft, small breweries that create exclusive, unique beer tastes. Apparently, therefore, more and more often the price of products of such small enterprises, and not mass-produced beer, which has long become boring to everyone, and, moreover, is brewed from incomprehensible ingredients.

Best German Beer: Video

Best Czech Beer: Video

Attempts to define the best beer in Russia, as, indeed, in other countries, they are constantly being undertaken, but true beer lovers are skeptical about such ratings. And there are several reasons for this:

  • firstly, there is never stagnation in the production of a foamy drink, and therefore strict judges will not have time to name the best beer (based on a market study and a survey of consumers ), how another leader comes to replace him in the new rating;
  • secondly, any survey covers a relatively narrow circle of beer admirers, and therefore it simply cannot reflect all the tastes and preferences of a multi-million army of consumers. That is why in the comments to any rating one can come across angry statements like "Your best lager is just rubbish";
  • thirdly, in Russia such ratings are completely empty, since it is simply impossible to objectively determine the best beer for such a huge country. Most often, beer ratings are guided by the main megacities of the European part of Russia, or even simply do not go further than Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Rating of the best Russian beer

Still, it's worth familiarizing yourself with the latest ratings of the best Russian beer. At least for the purpose of obtaining information that can be useful for many. So, according to them, several varieties of light lager from the Moscow Brewing Company are considered the best. These are "Khamovniki": "Munich", "Pilzenskoe" and "Vienna". Particularly famous is the "Munich" in bottling, which can be tasted in the best bars and restaurants in Moscow. It is worth paying attention to the brand of the same manufacturer “Cervena Selka”.

The second place is confidently taken by a number of varieties of the Anapa brewery "Bogerhof", among which the "Rzhanoe semi-dark" and "Bannoe dark" stand out (although many prefer the light lager of this brand).

The third place was taken by two sorts of "Tomsk beer" (light and dark) of the Siberian company of the same name. Although strong beer lovers would certainly prefer to move the Afanasy porter of the Tver brewery of the same name from the fifth to one of the leading positions, while light lager lovers would prefer the Sibirskaya Korona varieties of SUN Inbev OJSC. And it’s hard to say which beer is actually better, it’s not for nothing that they say: there are no comrades in taste and color ...

For example, beer lovers from the Ulyanovsk region assure that there is no better drink than that produced in the Zlata Podkova mini-brewery in Dimitrovgrad in all of Russia, and perhaps in Europe. It is no coincidence that even Muscovites and Petersburgers come here to try it, and even rare foreign guests are surprised to find that in the Russian outback you can drink just amazing ale! ..

The best foreign beer in Russia

Many people remember that thirty years ago any foreign beer was the best of the best for the Russian consumer. Fortunately, this state of affairs is a thing of the past. Today, the domestic foamy drink is no worse, if not an order of magnitude better than the "foreign", and this is in the first place. And secondly, an imported product is always more expensive than a similar domestic one. For this reason, by the way, foreign sorts of beer are considered in a separate category of the rating as the most expensive.

The first place among such drinks in many Russian ratings is occupied by the Bavarian beer Spaten (full name - Spaten Munchen Hell) of the German brewery Spaten-Franziskaner-Brau GmbH, which has been producing it in Munich since 1397. The Spaten logo has even become a symbol of Germany's main annual beer festival, Oktoberfest.

In second place, most Russian beer lovers place the Belgian ale Blanche de Namur with its spicy fruity aroma (curacao and coriander). In 2009, at the international exhibition World Beer Awards, this drink was recognized as the best white blanche in the world.

Well, the third place was awarded by a majority of votes to the German unfiltered wheat drink Franziskaner, which has been produced by the Munich brewery of the same name since 1363. Its undoubted advantages are a special culture of brewer's yeast, unique wheat malt and strict use in the production of three main ingredients: water, hops and malt.

As you can see, it is rather difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which beer is the best in Russia. Probably for this reason, the First Beer Club was created in due time, which helps its members to keep the right course in the modern "sea of ​​beer". Although, to be honest, many who come to this wonderful association are no less interested in discounts which bars and restaurants - partners of the club - provide to its members.

And since such cooperation is very mutually beneficial, there are more and more such benefits, as well as the institutions that provide them, in Russia (and not only). Therefore, it becomes not a problem for the club members to try the best beer, including those of foreign production. If you only want to drink the most the best varieties beer at affordable prices, then we are waiting for you in the "First beer club"! To get discounts in popular establishments, you need to get a special one.

Today, the choice of beer on store shelves is so great that an inexperienced buyer is faced with the difficult question of what kind of beer in Russia is real, natural, high-quality? It's easy to get confused in the variety of varieties, brands and brands offered. Moreover, manufacturers indicate standard information on the labels, from which it is rather difficult to learn something useful.

Priority - natural beer

What should the buyer focus on? How to choose a product that will delight you with taste, will not disappoint in terms of quality, and will not harm your health? First of all, you should make sure that the beer does not contain any additional artificial ingredients. However, unfortunately, the situation is such that manufacturers are not always honest in this matter and information about any additives is not always present on the label. Therefore, the end consumer can easily be misled about the naturalness of the beverage.

In addition, even when using exclusively natural ingredients, many other factors affect the final result and the quality of the finished beer. The taste of the drink, in addition to the quality, water and breed of yeast, depends, among other things, on the proportions in which they are used, compliance with brewing technology, the skill of brewers and much more. It is very important to comply with the conditions of preparation according to the brewing technology, when the slightest deviation can provoke undesirable consequences, the result of which will be a low-quality drink.

Signs of the quality of beer

Considering the above, the best solution would be not to trust the information on the labels and official websites of manufacturers too much. The correct decision is to focus on your own feelings. It is possible to determine what kind of beer in Russia is real, natural and of high quality, relying on some signs, for example:

  • High-quality beer should not seem watery, even light varieties should have a pronounced body;
  • Alcohol should not stick out in taste the way it is implemented, for example, in Baltika No. 9 or in Okhota Strong. The skill of the brewer in this case is to skillfully disguise the repulsive alcoholic taste;

Also the following experiments can be carried out in order to identify substitutes in the composition of beer:

You need to add some amount to the beer acetic acid... Vinegar will instantly react with, which will fall to the bottom of the container in the form of a sediment. The vinegar should be added until the reaction stops. After that, you will have to taste the liquid and if bitterness is present in it, it means that the composition of the beer is enriched with some natural substitutes.

The second method allows you to detect trinitrophenol or picric acid in beer, which can also be added there instead of an unscrupulous manufacturer. Picric acid, even in small amounts, can cause kidney damage, as well as provoke skin diseases... To determine it in the composition of the drink, you must place a piece of white cloth in a saucepan and boil it in the selected beer for 10 minutes. After boiling, the cloth should be rinsed under cold water and then pay attention to its color. If the color has changed and turned yellow, the specified chemical is present in the beer, and the brighter the color, the higher the concentration of picric acid in the beer. However, it should be noted that such a reaction is difficult to observe today, even in the case of fairly inexpensive drinks.

There is a widespread opinion among amateurs that choosing real, natural and high-quality beer in Russia can be guided by the price. The logic in this case is that good cannot be cheap. But the problem is that the opposite is also not true, and expensive beer does not necessarily meet quality standards. Today, manufacturers can include articles in the cost of final products that have nothing to do with quality: an advertising campaign, external design of packaging, branding, and so on.

The beer market experts point to one more characteristic by which the quality of beer is determined. This is the scale of its production. Recently, attention has been focused on, which, as a rule, is produced by small breweries. In many cases, such beer is considered an example of a real natural high-quality drink. It is no coincidence that in 2015 in the rating of the highly competent beer portal Ratebeer, it was the varieties that won and craft breweries among all representatives of the domestic brewing industry.

The literal translation of the phrase "Craft Beer" means "craft beer". Hence, we can conclude that this is a product of small breweries with a not too large volume of products. In Europe and the USA, the development and entry into the market of craft breweries has almost reached its climax, but in Russia this trend is only gaining momentum. Although in Russia there are already dozens of factories that specialize in craft brewing.

So, in 2015, the Russian version of Ratebeer was headed with the bright name “ Ivan Kozhedub»Presented by the Moscow brewery Victory Art Brew, which previously won several victories in other significant competitions. According to the results of the past year, the craft brewery Zagovor Brewery was also recognized as the best production.

The top ten leaders in this area today are as follows:

  1. AF Brew- is among the pioneers in the Russian craft brewing market;
  2. Bakunin- the brewery located in St. Petersburg became famous for its Laughing Sam ale;
  3. Brickstone- specializes in lagers, located in Moscow;
  4. Drakkar- located in St. Petersburg;
  5. Jaws- the progenitor of the new beer movement in the Urals. Located in the Sverdlovsk region;
  6. La Beerint- contract brewery from Obninsk specializes in original recipes... That only is "Beryozka Champagne beer";
  7. Victory Art Brew- the above-mentioned manufacturer from the Moscow region;
  8. "One Ton" from the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow, presents a wide range of products, in which there are lagers and ales;
  9. Vasileostrovskaya brewery- specializes in beer, original recipes. We already drank in the article about the dybbel "" brewed by this brewery;
  10. Salden's- Tula private brewery- the best new brewery according to Ratebeer;

These brands are worth paying attention to those who are looking for an answer to the question of what kind of beer in Russia is real, natural, and of high quality. And about your thoughts and preferences on this topic, be sure to write to

It is widely believed that the best beer is made in Germany. It is difficult to surpass the German quality of this drink, but Russian producers are striving for this.

Russian beer has its own characteristics and it is difficult to determine the leader among dark and light varieties. In the country, experts single out only a few breweries that offer quality goods.

Best beer in Russia:

  1. « Khamovniki":" Munich "," Pilzenskoe "," Vienna ". These are representatives of a single brewing company.

    Some of these names are popular in best restaurants Moscow and other big cities.

  2. « Rye semi-dark"And" Bannoe dark "is a dark beer lager from the Anapa brewing company. The brand also presents light beer worthy of the experts' attention.
  3. « Tomsk beer"," Afanasy "," Sibirskaya Korona "," SUN Inbev "- these are dark and light sorts of beer, which are represented by Tomsk and Siberian companies, producers.
  4. « Zlata Podkova"Is a drink made in a small brewery in the town of Dimitrovgrad.

    To try this drink, many connoisseurs come from the most remote corners of the country.

Among the presented names, a real connoisseur will be able to choose the option that suits him perfectly in his taste.

Top non-alcoholic beers: list

Top best non-alcoholic beer:

  1. Stella artois- Belgian beer with a low alcohol content and high quality taste.
  2. Baltika No. 0 Is a Russian manufacturer of strong and soft drinks of this type.
  3. Beck's non-alcoholic- German mark. Minimum ethanol content.
  4. FAXE Free from Denmark is popular due to the unique technology of making non-alcoholic foam.
  5. Samichlaus classic a company from Austria, where old technologies are preserved.
  6. Amstel non alcoholic Petersburg brewery, which competes with world brands.
  7. Polar bear produced in Moscow. The company produces similar analogs with a high alcohol content.
  8. Siberian Crown completely specializes in the production of a non-alcoholic foamy drink.
  9. « Bavaria»Premium Malta is immensely popular among those who like to combine a hint of hops with a clear head.

Non-alcoholic foam of these brands is in no way inferior to alcoholic counterparts. Bright taste and delicate aroma hops add a special piquancy to the drink.

note! A lot of good non-alcoholic beer is produced in Russia.

Unique manufacturing technologies allow minimizing the alcoholic component, but leaving a pleasant aftertaste and aroma of hops.

Which beer is better filtered or unfiltered?

The classification of the foam is determined by the degree of purification, that is, filtration. Thanks to such manipulations, the storage conditions, use and quality of the foam change.

Important! The degree of filtration is determined by the number of cleanings and the type of filters.

Connoisseurs of the drink often cannot decide which one is best to choose: filtered or unfiltered beer. For this, it is worth considering the main characteristics.

Species characteristics:

Draft or bottled

The method of brewing beer depends on the container in which the drink will be stored. Depending on this, the quality of the foamy drink is also determined.

Many people prefer this drink in bottles. This drink attracts with many advantages.

But draft foam is wonderful, and most importantly tasty.... True connoisseurs often do not take this method of sale and storage seriously. This drink also has its own advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of types of beer:

  • Bottled beer can sell well using interesting packaging and stickers on them.
  • Live drink has a short shelf life requiring special storage conditions.
  • Special manufacturing technologies Draft beer requires the definition of many special conditions.
  • Preservatives are often used in the bottle. for long and easy storage.
  • Convenience of use and transportation bottled beer allows full use of this type of packaging.

Depending on the characteristics of the use of the foamy drink, certain types of beer are used.

Dark or Light?

Many characteristics depend on the type of foamy drink. Distinguish between dark and light. Among these varieties, there are also advantages. They should be precisely defined.


  • A special malt is used to make a dark drink.
  • Light has no richness in taste.
  • The dark variety has a high dose of alcohol.

With dark and light beer different sensations and aftertastes can be associated.

What's the best beer snack?

A good beer requires an appropriate snack. They can be lighter and more nutritious. The appetizers must be original in their taste. Hot and salty spices work well.

List of Successful Snacks:

  • Crackers.
  • Nuts.
  • Dried meat.
  • Seafood.
  • A fish.

There are special combo plates with beer snacks.

What is better to drink beer or vodka?

Some find it hard to choose between alcoholic beverages... It depends not only on the capacity of the alcohol, but also on the taste.

Drinking is determined primarily by the event... Often the choice is between beer and vodka.

  • A liter of beer is not as intoxicating as a liter of vodka.
  • The cost of foam is less than that of vodka.
  • For the holiday, they drink stronger drinks.

The use of hard liquor does not require explanation, but it leads to alcoholism.

Useful video