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Private brewery. Private brewery: business or craft? Financial planning when opening a microbrewery

IT specialist Rustam Askarov built a craft brewery in 2014, having spent 3.5 million rubles on its launch. Now a miniature beer factory brings 4 million rubles. revenue and 300 thousand rubles. net profit per month

Entrepreneur Rustam Askarov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

beer constructor

Rustam Askarov worked in the Microsoft division in the Volga Federal District, then led software sales in the Nizhny Novgorod company Altex.

In 2010, Rustam received a small home brewery as a gift from friends and tried to brew beer. The new hobby has dragged on. In 2012, together with friends, he independently assembled a larger brewery, in which 250 liters of beer could be brewed at a time. “Friends have a private house, in which we brewed beer for our own pleasure. In one place they bought sheets of stainless steel, in another they found a welding machine. I can’t count how much it all cost, ”recalls Askarov. Beer was not sold then, but was treated to friends and acquaintances. Among the acquaintances were the owners of bars and beer shops, who began to ask Askarov about the prospects for beer sales. He realized that it was time to turn his hobby into a business.

Askarov spent 3.5 million rubles on the production line: he received part of it from the investor (according to SPARK, Valentina Kosyreva controls 49% of Malz and Hopfen Brewery LLC), part of it was invested from his savings. For the brewery, the entrepreneur rented for 50 thousand rubles. per month, a separate building - a former store at a meat processing plant on the outskirts of Nizhny Novgorod with an area of ​​150 sq. m. The repair took about 700 thousand rubles.

The equipment - a 500-liter brewhouse (tanks where brewing is carried out) and fermentation tanks (eight tanks of 1 ton each), where beer is fermented, was ordered from China. Askarov even flew to the Chinese city of Jinan to see the process of assembling the equipment with his own eyes. The brewery was delivered through the Russian company Hornet, which cleared it through customs. “Many people ask me: is it really for 3.5 million rubles. Can I run a turnkey brewery? Askarov says. - Now definitely not: the exchange rate is not the same, prices have risen. Plus, we had the advantage of being home-produced.” For example, the Chinese did not send any accompanying documentation in Russian or English, and Askarov himself carried out all the commissioning work. This made it possible to significantly reduce costs and promptly launch beer production.

From the point of view of administrative barriers, brewing beer is easier than producing strong alcohol. It is necessary to connect to the EGAIS system, but you do not need to undergo certification or purchase excise stamps. The first brew was launched at the end of February2014. A trademark for a businessman was invented by Internet users for a case of beer. “I announced a competition on one of the forums on the Internet, and so they came up with the name Malz & Hopfen, which translates from German as “hops and malt,” says Askarov . The first labels were drawn by Rustam's friend.

Leftovers are sweet

The Russian beer market is the territory of transnational giants. Its volume was estimated in 2015 at 698 million decalitres. According to Nielsen's calculations, four international brewers accounted for 73.5% of them: Carlsberg - 34.7%, Heineken - 12.9%, Anheuser-Busch InBev - 12.8%, Efes - 13%. The remaining quarter of the market is divided by more than 300 independent enterprises. Craft beer, that is, experimental author's varieties, is brewed by both large factories and very small breweries. The volume of this market is estimated at 1-2% of the total beer production. But unlike the market as a whole, craft beer production is on the rise. According to SUN InBev, since 2010 the number of craft breweries in Russia has increased from 13 to 98 in 2015. This is an international trend — according to the statistics of the Brewers Association, in 2015 the number of independent breweries in the United States reached 4.27 thousand. The growth in the number of such breweries for the year was 15%. “I call it “globalization” – beer consumption around the world is decreasing, but at the same time, the craft business is growing. People want to buy home-brewed beer. In Russia, this happens with some delay, but the trend is already noticeable in our country, ”says Vadim Drobiz, director of the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets.

Life is ahead of the dream

The first sales of the drink brewed in early March began in the summer of 2014 - the entire first batch was bought by the Moscow network Vkusvill. “I was looking for samples of quality beer. At that time, we were just going to sell alcoholic beverages, so we wanted to find a brewery that could meet our requirements and be ready to produce beer under our brand name,” recalls Anton Nesiforov, technologist of the Drinks category of the Vkusvill chain.

During 2014, Malz & Hopfen acquired about ten regular customers - these are shops, bars, restaurants. Askarov did not advertise his brand anywhere and sometimes he himself wonders where the buyers came from. “We did not participate in any tastings, promotions. Since 2010, we have been helping to organize the Bolshaya Varka festival in Nizhny Novgorod, during which we go to nature, brew beer in pots, that’s all marketing,” Rustam laughs. Initially, three people worked at the production, they, together with Rustam, brewed 3-4 tons a week, sold 1 liter of beer for 150 rubles. According to SPARK, revenue in 2014 amounted to 5.1 million rubles, profit - 87 thousand rubles.

Entrepreneur Rustam Askarov (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

The main problem was the underestimation of demand. “In addition to the fact that we could not provide everyone with our beer, we absolutely did not have enough space, there was not even a warehouse for finished products, we had to ship the beer as it matured,” recalls Rustam. The tone was set by the Vkusvill network - it grew rapidly and demanded more and more volumes. If in the summer it had 40 stores, then by the end of 2014 there were already about a hundred. Askarov did not have money for expansion, but he managed to persuade the owner of Vkusvill Andrey Krivenko to lend to his business - to pay for supplies for several months in advance. This made it possible to buy eight more tanks of fermentation. “I can’t say that prepayment for several deliveries is a common practice, but we believed in Rustam. At that time, the technical equipment of the brewery suffered, which affected the quality of the drink. We offered him a payment option, as we saw the potential in him and wanted to help improve the quality,” recalls Nesiforov.

In total, Askarov spent 2 million rubles on the development of production. Rented for 150 thousand rubles. per month a new building - a former workshop where fish was smoked, with an area of ​​420 sq. m, made a small repair in it. Commissioning was again done by hand, which, according to Rustam's calculations, saved 300-400 thousand rubles.

By the spring of 2015, production volumes doubled, from 10-12 tons to 20-25 tons per month, and revenue reached 2 million rubles. per month. The staff grew by only one employee. “You don’t need a lot of people to brew beer,” Rustam explains. “Two or three people are busy bottling, and one can do the brewing.”

At the same time, the total number of regular customers at Malz & Hopfen did not increase in 2015, they simply began to buy more. Approximately ten establishments in Nizhny Novgorod buy products from month to month, among them are Penalti cafes, bars of the Food and Culture project (Used, Herring and Coffee, Buffet). Sometimes beer is sent to Tomsk, Novosibirsk, but Malz & Hopfen does not cooperate with other regions on a permanent basis: there are still not enough volumes. “We sent some unusual beer to Russian cities, because the main customers, including Vkusvill, cannot quickly bring a new position on sale. When a new kind of beer appeared, we offered it through social networks or a website,” says Rustam. In 2015, the brewery's revenue amounted to about 24 million rubles, the profit exceeded 2 million rubles.

At the end of last year, Askarov realized that he needed to build a new brewery again, much larger in scale. He spent 25 million rubles on the purchase of new equipment. (part of the money was given by the investor, and part of the equipment was leased): about 5 million went to an automatic bottling line from China, 20 million - to 14 fermentation tanks of 6 tons each and a 3 ton brewhouse (six times more than the existing ). The equipment is manufactured partly in Vladivostok, partly in China. The entrepreneur chose his third premises with a margin: this is a new workshop with an area of ​​​​1.5 thousand square meters. m, specially renovated by the owner for the needs of the brewer. The rental price is 250 thousand rubles. per month. At the moment, the new equipment has not yet arrived (it is planned to start operation in the fall), so only the old line has been installed in the workshop and beer is brewed on it.

Why is there such a demand for Malz & Hopfen beer? Askarov believes that a special technology makes his beer unique: it matures in bottles, thanks to which it can be stored for years and only improve its taste. “It's like good wine,” says Rustam. - There are varieties that I recommend storing 5-10 years before drinking, such as Russian Imperial Stout. Askarov sells his beer only in bottles, because he believes that this is the only way to convey taste and aroma to the consumer. However, Vadim Drobiz believes that taste is a secondary matter. Retailers and restaurants want to attract experiential consumers, and there aren't many craft brewers on offer.

In total, Malz & Hopfen has 17 beers, but four are consistently brewed: Bavarian wheat, English ale, porter, American ale. The first was the most popular, but it was no longer produced, since yeast from the German laboratory Weihenstephan is used for brewing, and it is impossible to bring them promptly in the right amount.

The peculiarity of a craft brewery is that the same type of drink turns out different with each brew: “Here I brew porter all the time, but the taste is different every time. This is due not only to the fact that I do not have strict prescription standards, but also to the fact that the taste bottle-matured beer varies from month to monthto a month even in the process of one cooking. So, at first, the porter has a burnt taste with sourness, and after a month, chocolate notes appear in the drink, reminiscent of the taste of coffee with the addition of dark chocolate. Production is not much different from home brewing. Every day, Rustam checks the content with the help of a microscope. lactobacilli in tanks, once a week he opens the bottles and tastes how ripe the beer is. In most cases, approximately 3-4 weeks after brewing, the drink is delivered to shops and cafes, there are varieties that are aged for four months or more.

Askarov experiments all the time - he adds malt and hops at his own discretion during the brewing process, likes to borrow the experience of other brewers, find interesting and unusual tastes. Sometimes he brews Belgian-style beer or makes a drink without hops - with herbs, say with wormwood. “I think people like the fact that we have a cross between a home brewery and factory production. Some people like what we do, some don't. In any case, the product evokes emotions,” says Askarov. Most beer producers brew Czech and German style lager, but Rustam prefers ales, rarely experimenting with lager varieties. “Malz & Hopfen brews a recognizable beer, which is why it has its own fans who buy beer only from its production. But there are those who do not understand it. They buy beer from other manufacturers. We also cooperate with the Stary Zavod brewery from the Ryazan region, we recently signed a cooperation agreement with Vyatich OJSC (Kirov). In terms of taste characteristics, products do not intersect,” says Anton Nesiforov

Weird Brewer

Today Askarov brews 20-25 tons per month, and the revenue of his company in June 2016 amounted to 4 million rubles. The selling price of 1 liter of beer has increased by about 10% and now amounts to 165-170 rubles. per liter - the rise in the cost of raw materials due to the jump in currencies affected. In the Vkusvill store, a half-liter bottle of porter from Askarov costs 157 rubles.

Operating expenses of the brewer exceed 3 million rubles. per month, of which about 900 thousand rubles are spent on malt and hops, the wage fund for four employees is 200 thousand rubles, utility bills - 116 thousand rubles, rent - 250 thousand rubles, for packaging ( bottles, labels, boxes) 200 thousand rubles are spent. Askarov complains that he pays about 600 thousand rubles a month. for taxes and fees. So, excise tax of 20 rubles is taken from each liter of beer, VAT - 18%.

The main raw materials for the production of beer are malt and hops, these ingredients are purchased abroad. Malt is most often bought from the Belgian company Dingemans, sometimes from the Finnish company VikingMalt. Up to 4 tons of malt are consumed per month. The cost of 1 kg of malt is from €1 to €1.5. Hops are imported from the USA, most often from Yakima Chief. A brewer needs 300-500 kg of hops per year, the cost of 1 kg of raw materials starts from €20, excluding delivery costs.

There are no problems with ordering labels in the printing houses of Nizhny Novgorod, but there is a shortage of glass containers. For large manufacturers, the volumes that the entrepreneur buys seem almost retail, Askarov buys 20 pallets bottles (40 thousand units in total), so there is no choice - now the businessman is collaborating with the local glass factory RASKO.

Profitability of production is about 8% of revenue, that is, a profit of about 300 thousand rubles. “In fact, the increase in prices in euros has eaten up the growth of our income, so since autumn we are switching to new volumes - the costs in the cost price do not grow in proportion to the increase in the scale of production. The larger the volume, the lower the costs,” says the brewer. He is looking forward to the delivery of a new beer line - it will provide an opportunity to meet the current demand in the market, and Rustam is going to “play weird” with tastes on the old equipment. Wants, for example, to brew beer with milk instead of water.

“You can just buy automatic equipment, enter the recipe and not follow the process,” says Askarov, “but I like to control everything manually. Sometimes you don’t keep track and you get something tasty and interesting. We used to add roasted malt at the beginning, somehow forgot to do it and threw it at the end. As a result, this combination gave an amazing chocolate taste to the drink.

According to the entrepreneur, craft brewers practically do not compete with each other now: the demand for unusual beer is so great that all volumes are immediately bought out. “I was in California a month ago,” Askarov says, “I lived in the town of Bend with a population of 70 thousand people, there were ten breweries within a radius of 2 km from my hotel.”

A new trend in the US is that large manufacturers have begun to buy out craft projects. “Soon we will see the same deals in Russia,” Vadim Drobiz is sure, “so craft brewing is a good investment idea.”

For lovers of beer and restaurant atmosphere, we have compiled a list of the best metropolitan restaurants with a brewery. Having its own brewery means that the beer in the establishment is always fresh. Often, such establishments offer to try a foamy drink brewed according to author's recipes or rare beers that you will not find in other restaurants or pubs.

Among the restaurants-breweries in Moscow there are establishments with well-equipped summer grounds - complexes of tents and gazebos for large and small companies. Almost all restaurants offer a rich hookah menu, which means that lovers of hookah and beer can combine two pleasures in one place. Many pubs attract visitors with a peculiar atmosphere - loft-style design, halls overlooking the beer room, interiors in British and Irish style. Many restaurants are located in places of historical interest, where the brickwork itself keeps the spirit of bygone eras. The capital has a large number of multidisciplinary restaurants. If you're looking for a pub, it could be a sports bar, coffee shop, pizzeria, and sushi bar at the same time. So it definitely won't be boring.

How to choose the right restaurant-brewery

If you are looking for a specific restaurant, you can search for it by name. You can also search for establishments by type, cuisine, rating, features and average bill using the filters on the left side of the page. You can leave reviews on the site to help others in their choice.

When choosing an area for business development, many future entrepreneurs do not even consider the production of beer, thinking that this is a complex, low-profit, and at the same time highly competitive business. But there are other points of view. Dmitry Fedorov, head of the sales department of the Vessel Equipment Plant, shared his thoughts on how brewing can attract new entrepreneurs.

They say that those people who make money from a hobby are truly happy. Presumably, owners of private mini-breweries just from such a category of lucky ones.

Beer has been known to mankind since the time of the ancient Egyptians. Drinks traditional for Russia are not vodka and moonshine, but beer, mead, sbiten. Remember how Russian folk tales end: "And I was there, drinking honey-beer ...". Foamy is also called "liquid bread". Liquid in English - liquid, in transcription - "liquid". This is what brewing is from a commercial point of view - a liquid and profitable business.

As the history books say, brewing has historically been a budget-forming industry for many cities and countries, for example, Czech, German, Belgian. To date, the production of foamy, like other alcoholic beverages, replenishes the treasury of states through excise taxes and other fees. Here is the first and main of many reasons why brewing is attractive as an investment project!

An important feature that distinguishes brewing from other business ideas is minimal labor costs. In the conditions of modern approaches to the automation of production processes, the main work for a person is performed by automation, pumps, conveyors and other assistants. If we compare different types of production in terms of labor productivity in monetary terms, brewing will be not far from the oil industry.

For service breweries with a capacity of up to 100,000 liters per month, two or three people are enough. Anyone who has had to manage large teams of people knows how difficult it is to recruit and train worthy staff, control their activities, ensure security, and look for approaches to each employee. A large but not well-functioning team means the risks of unrequited losses and leakage of intellectual property, a high probability of harming the company's business reputation. Managing a small but highly productive microbrewery team is a much more straightforward process.

How about competition, a possible reduction in market capacity, pressure from the "beer giants"? This is perhaps the most popular question of future entrepreneurs. Of course, it requires an analysis of trends, possible threats and opportunities, just like in any other type of business. According to statistics, the share of products manufactured by Russian private microbreweries , in the total mass of product sales is 3-5%. This proportion in sales volumes has an explanation. In a nutshell, beer giants sell cheap beer in all possible distribution channels. Produced by private breweries tend to be more expensive. in its production, expensive, often imported raw materials are used. It is difficult for a bottle of craft drink for 50-70 rubles to win the attention of the consumer, being on the supermarket shelf next to the same bottle for 35-40 rubles. Therefore, it is rarely possible to meet a real expensive, high-quality author's drink in supermarkets. Competition with the giants with their own weapons on their own field is doomed to failure. Due to this, private breweries occupy other niches: specialized retail, own chains, HoReCa. The capacity of this segment is small, but financially attractive.

To justify the relatively high price, craft beer must be of excellent quality. According to medieval laws, the manufacturer of low-quality beer was drowned in a barrel with their own products. Modern laws, of course, are not so barbaric, but buyers are becoming more and more picky. The unfortunate brewer will inevitably be punished with a ruble and expelled from the industry!

“Well, no, poisoning people with alcohol is not to my liking,” I often hear from my interlocutors. But this is not from a deep understanding of the issue. In fact, liquid bread, and related drinks, are low-alcohol, which is quite obvious. The alcohol contained in beer is of completely natural origin, produced by special races of brewer's yeast. The drink contains useful vitamins and minerals. In some countries, beer is included in the diet of athletes and military personnel. In addition, beer is a more “festive” drink than, for example, vodka. Thus, the development of the brewing industry in some way even contributes to the acquisition and development of a drinking culture among the population.

More and more people are thinking about starting their own business. There are a lot of options for this, but a mini-brewery business is especially attractive. Why has this type of business become so popular?

It's about finances, this business does not need huge investments. Let's look at how to open a brewery, what needs to be done for profitability and a quick payback. How to properly approach the collection of documents and the selection of the right premises.

Beer is a favorite drink of many inhabitants, and therefore, with the right approach and organization, this type of entrepreneurial activity can bring considerable income to its owner. In most cases, such mini-enterprises produce live, unfiltered beer.

Do not be afraid that there are a lot of private breweries on the market that are used as a business, this will not prevent you from opening your own profitable enterprise. There are many reasons for this:

  • you do not need a large initial capital to open a mini brewery;
  • it is easy to predict the profit from the business;
  • it's hard to imagine a situation where the brewery burns out.

In addition, if we consider the technology of making live beer, you do not need to install a filtration system, you do not need to warm up. The advantage of this technology is that the drink does not contain preservatives and the yeast contained in the beer remains in an active state. Despite the fact that live beer is stored for several days, it is easy to calculate how much beer needs to be prepared so as not to burn out.

Types of breweries

To understand which mini brewery for a small business to buy, you need to understand types of mini-factories, of which there are two types:

  1. Full cycle.
  2. With a short cycle.

In addition, there are breweries producing up to 4,000 liters per day, or from 5 thousand liters. and more.

If we consider breweries with a full technological cycle, then this is a brewery that will require a lot of money and labor from you. The equipment for such a plant is expensive, and the area for the brewery will require a lot. On average, you will have to spend $150,000.

As for shortened production, only 40 m2 of space is needed to produce 2,000 liters per day. This mini-brewery will require a minimum of equipment:

  • a boiler for boiling the wort, but you can purchase a stove;
  • fermentation tank;
  • water filters;
  • kegs.

A lot of money will not be spent on all this if you buy equipment of domestic production.

How much money you need to invest in a business

  • repairs in the premises - 300,000 rubles;
  • equipment for a mini brewery - 950,000 rubles;
  • ingredients and raw materials - 50,000 rubles;
  • work on setting up and launching equipment - 60,000 rubles;
  • expenses for the organization of production - 40,000 rubles;
  • reserve fund - 140,000 rubles.

How to start your own brewery from scratch

There is a certain action plan, by following which you can open your own beer production:

  1. Find investors, or a source of funding.
  2. Select a location for equipment installation.
  3. Register LLC.
  4. Prepare and sign a lease agreement.
  5. Carry out preparatory work in the room, in accordance with fire safety and the requirements of the SES.
  6. Buy equipment for a mini brewery, it will not take much.
  7. Start production.
  8. Get the appropriate permission to release beer.
  9. Select staff.

After all the preparations, all that remains is to open a mini brewery and start making a profit.

Important! Before purchasing equipment from a particular brand, inquire about training and installation assistance. It is also desirable to learn about guarantees and technical support. This is of no small importance, as it is difficult to find a good brewing equipment specialist, especially in a small city.

How to register your production

Open a mini brewery as a business can be both a legal entity and an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur. To start brewing beer, the founding documents must contain a clause - production, retail and wholesale of beer.

You do not need to obtain a production license, but there are special documents that you will have to collect, for example:

  • hygiene certificate;
  • certificates for all raw materials that will be used in production;
  • production permit;
  • certificate for manufactured products.

All certificates can be obtained from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, and they will require an act of compliance of the premises with sanitary standards. Here you may encounter some difficulties, since the SES imposes very strict requirements for such production.

How to choose a room

There are no special restrictions on the use of premises for microbreweries for small businesses. You can equip the brewery in the basement, or in the basement of high-rise buildings. Often they allocate a room near a pub or restaurant, installing part of the equipment right in the bar hall. The main thing is that the room should be spacious enough for the comfortable work of employees.

There are special technological requirements for the premises, which are mandatory:

  • at a distance of two meters from the floor, the walls are finished with ceramic tiles;
  • ceilings are covered with water-based paint;
  • the floor can be made of any material, such as reinforced concrete;
  • the room must be heated.


How to open your own brewery from scratch, what equipment to purchase depends on your financial capabilities. If you buy locally, you can save a lot. There are many offers on the market, so you can buy equipment for a brewery in any price category. There are companies that not only sell their equipment, they provide personnel training services.

What staff will be needed for production

There is a specific list of workers you need to hire:

  • director;
  • professional chef;
  • electromechanic;
  • accountant;
  • manager;
  • cleaning woman;
  • driver.

As you can see, a large number of employees is not required, since the company manager will be engaged in sales, whose duties include the competent promotion of products.

How to promote your products

The first step is to do the right promotion of products. To do this, you need to create a memorable image of the company and constantly improve its image.

There are several proven methods:

  • product advertising;
  • stimulating the buyer with discounts, coupons, contests and promotions;
  • publicity - event support and press releases;
  • sales personalization.

The market is saturated with similar offers and you will have to look for your niche, which is quite difficult. But you can get out of the situation by opening your own point of sale at the brewery.

Financial planning when opening a microbrewery

Before opening such an enterprise, you need to know all the estimated costs that will fall on the shoulders of the owner of a mini brewery. So, financial planning can be calculated according to an approximate scheme:

1. One-time costs, to open a business:

  • registration - 10,000 rubles;
  • repair of the premises within 150,000 rubles;
  • equipment 1 million;
  • advertising expenses - 100,000 rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - 50,000 rubles.

In total - 1,310,000 rubles.

2. Monthly expenses:

  • wages - 150,000 rubles;
  • material and raw materials - 90,000 rubles;
  • communal apartment - 20,000 rubles;
  • rent within 60 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 15,000 rubles;
  • taxes and fees - 80,000 rubles.

It will turn out - 415,000 rubles.

3. Based on the above, you can calculate the volume of beer that you will need to produce in order to cover the costs. To do this, divide 415,000 rubles by 60, since this is how much 1 liter of beer costs on average. It will turn out 6,916 liters. We will plan the profitability of the enterprise within 40%, and, based on this, we can determine how much beer you need to produce per month - 6916 + 40% = 9682 liters. If this amount is divided by 23 working days, then we get 420 liters per shift.

If we calculate the profit, we get a payback period within one year.

franchise brewery

If you have money, you can buy a brewery franchise and start brewing as a business under the supervision of professionals and their support. The franchisor will constantly help you, firstly, you will receive an already promoted brand with a ready-made business plan, and secondly, constant staff training, assistance in attracting customers, competent advertising campaigns.

At every stage of the development of the brewery business, the franchisor will provide advice and support, as it is beneficial for him that the franchised enterprise be profitable and cost-effective.

But it is worth remembering that there will be requirements:

  • a room of at least 40 squares;
  • Mandatory availability of electricity and water supply:
  • purchase of raw materials in a certain place;
  • necessarily a large population in the city, for example, at least 3,000 people.

Before buying a franchise, you should carefully study the offers of franchisors, talk with those who have already purchased a franchise, and ask how qualified the assistance is provided by the franchisor's specialists. You should also pay attention to the size of the lump-sum contribution and royalties. If these components are not large, then it can be argued that the franchisor is confident in the quick payback of his project.

If you do not have a legal and financial education, then you should let your lawyer read the contract offered by the franchisor, who will review it from a professional point of view and give practical advice.

How to calculate profitability

The price of a mini brewery for a small business varies within two thousand euros, which will include a laboratory kit, raw materials and containers.

But this is not enough for the production of beer, since the excise policy of the state causes a lot of problems for entrepreneurs. Getting the right to sell and certificates causes some difficulties. In addition, the cost of the excise tax is so high that the profitability of production can be jeopardized. And if the state does not change its policy, then opening a brewery as a business in a small town will not be the right decision.
If you have decided to open your own business, but have not yet decided in which area to start, then turn your attention to brewing, and you already know how much it costs to open a brewery.

Despite the fact that there are many offers on the market and it is difficult to find your niche, many experts believe that the brewery as a business will develop very quickly.