Home / Bakery / Recipes of Georgian cuisine soups with yogurt. Georgian cuisine - matsvnis soup or shechamandy from yogurt

Recipes of Georgian cuisine soups with yogurt. Georgian cuisine - matsvnis soup or shechamandy from yogurt


  • yogurt - 500 ml;
  • boiled water - 400 ml;
  • wheat - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • onion - 1 small onion;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cilantro - 1 large bunch;
  • salt to taste.

From this amount of products, you can cook a rescued for 4-5 people.

Armenian spas on yogurt - recipe with photo:

To prepare spas, it is necessary to rinse and soak wheat in boiling water overnight. Sometimes it is replaced with blgur or rice, in extreme cases - with pearl barley.

The next day, the swollen wheat will be much softer, and therefore the cooking time will be significantly reduced. In the same water in which the cereal was soaked, it must be put on the fire and boiled until all the grains are open. Then pour the remaining liquid into a separate container and allow to cool.

In the meantime, you can prepare the onion fry. To do this, finely chopped onions are sautéed in a small amount of butter or ghee (half a portion - 25 g) until a light golden hue. If you want to make your saved dietary, then onion and oil can be excluded from the recipe altogether.

Pour flour into the cooled cereal and mix so that there are no lumps left.

Then add the egg and stir again until smooth.

Now you need to add yogurt to the wheat and mix. If it is too sour, then add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream to the rescue. Matsoni can be replaced with kefir.

Then add the onion frying with oil.

Now you need to dilute the yogurt with water. To do this, you can use the water left over after cooking the wheat. Add the missing volume with chilled boiled water. Depending on the density of the yogurt, the amount of added water is regulated. Spas should not be too liquid. Then you need to put it on medium fire and stirring often, bring to a boil. The more the spas heats up, the more often it must be interfered with so that the yogurt does not curl up. After boiling, continue cooking without stirring for small fire... After 10 minutes add oil, salt and remove from heat.

Sprinkle with Armenian soup, saved, finely chopped fresh cilantro. You can replace it with dried, and also add a little mint.

Matsoni - Georgian fermented milk product very similar to yogurt. Matsoni is soft and creamy, with a slightly tart and sour taste, very popular in Georgia, as it is rich in minerals, protein, calcium and is famous for its healing properties... Matsoni is very popular among children and is used in cooking - in the preparation of sauces for meat, for dolma from grape leaves(read), for baking confectionery and for making dough (for example, khachapuri). In this recipe, I will tell you how to cook tasty soup from yogurt, with potatoes, rice and herbs.


  • 500 g yogurt
  • 2 eggs,
  • potatoes - 1 pc. medium size,
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 100 grams of rice
  • 100 grams of fresh dill,
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1.2 liters of water (for soup),
  • 70 ml of water (to dilute the yogurt).


Peel and dice the potatoes, beat the eggs lightly and finely chop the dill.

Boil water in a saucepan, add 1 teaspoon of salt. Add rice, garlic and onion to boiling water, stir several times. Do not cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 3 minutes, then add the potatoes.

When the rice and potatoes are cooked, pour the beaten eggs into the soup. At the same time, do not stop stirring with a spoon (about 30 seconds).

Remove the onion and garlic from the soup.

We dilute the yogurt with 70 ml of water and add to the saucepan. Mix thoroughly.

Cook for three minutes, then add finely chopped dill. Turn off the heat and mix all the ingredients several times.

We taste the soup and add salt if necessary.

Before serving, the cooked soup should stand for about 10 minutes. Black pepper can be added if desired.

Yogurt soup can be eaten both hot and cold. You can cook without potatoes, garlic and onions - it will still be delicious. Bon Appetit!

Matsvnis supi

I tried this soup for the first time in my distant childhood, but we still cook it at home from time to time. Of course, he is not for everybody, but I myself did not taste its taste right away. Despite all its simplicity, I consider it unfair to bypass this recipe. It evokes a lot of admiration among the older generation, who certainly know a lot about this, trying it, silently and nodding their head approvingly.

This soup is especially popular in the Caucasus and is called differently: in Georgia it is called "matsvnis supi" (yogurt soup), in Armenia it is called "tanov Singapore", in Azerbaijan - "dovga". The cooking method is very similar for everyone, except for the addition of seasonings and herbs, which in turn give the soup an original flavor.

All these soups are made on the basis of yogurt. Matsoni is a fermented milk product of the Transcaucasian countries, something in between yogurt and kefir. In the summer we always make yogurt at home. It is made from cow's milk with leaven. Yogurt or regular sour cream can be used as a starter culture.

In a nutshell, I will describe the method of making yogurt: boil milk and cool to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream to the cooled milk (you can mix sour cream with yogurt, if you add only yogurt, the yogurt will turn out semi-liquid). After adding sour cream to milk, stir to avoid lumps. Pour the mass into jars, cover with a lid, wrap with a blanket so that the leavening process begins sooner and leave overnight. Put the yogurt in the refrigerator in the morning. For 1 liter of milk, you will need 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream. Chilled yogurt is very thick in consistency and incredibly delicate in taste. In summer, yogurt is just a salvation from the heat.

It is considered correct to cook this soup from yogurt, but you can also use regular kefir, and in general, any sour-milk product will do. In fact, this is a very light soup that is also perfect in hot summer months, it can be eaten both hot and cold.

For the soup you will need:

  • 1 medium onion
  • 150 gr rice
  • 1 egg
  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 2-3 tbsp sour cream
  • cilantro or mint greens
  • from seasonings: dry cilantro and thyme
  • salt and pepper to taste

Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil until transparent. Cook rice in a separate bowl in a 1: 2 ratio - for 150 grams of rice, 300 ml of water.

Also, in a separate bowl, stir 1 egg along with kefir and sour cream, pour this mass into a saucepan, put on medium heat, stirring constantly.

As soon as it starts to boil, add the rice, depending on how thick we want the soup to turn out.

Let the rice boil and swell a little, add the sautéed onion, salt and pepper the soup to taste. At the very end of cooking, add dry spices and finely chopped cilantro and mint.

Now you can try.

Bon Appetit!


Georgian yogurt soup (recipe by Tamun Abazadze)
and "Activias supi" - soup made from kefir soup.

Let's diversify the daily diet with simple, original dishes!

Interesting fact: not all Georgian dishes can be tasted in Georgian cafes and restaurants - some, like this Georgian one yogurt soup , are considered low-nutritious and ordinary, and therefore they do not exist in public catering menus.

Tasty, healthy, economical and easy to prepare - what you need. All the ingredients are available in Russia and outside Georgia in general, except for yogurt, but it can be replaced with the same yogurt or other fermented milk product (without sugar and other additives), it will come out no worse - in the photo there is just matsvnis soup in my performance, using Activia kefir. About original recipe and my performance of this dish, read on.

Matsvnis supi - yogurt soup

The recipe for the soup was shared by Tamuna Abazadze from Tbilisi, the owner of the cozy and cheerful Tamar guesthouse, where I lived for a total of two months. I didn’t plan to stay in the capital of Georgia for so long, but I managed to make friends with Tamuna and her sons so much that I didn’t want to part.

) Hearing my stories about the courses thai food in Thailand, Tamuna decided to start teaching Georgian cuisine at her guesthouse. If you are in Tbilisi, contact - Tamuna cooks great - I know from my own experience.)

For cooking matsvnis supi (he is - matsvnis shechamandi ) we need:

  • Rice - 1.5 - 2 cups
  • Onion- 1 onion
  • Matsoni - half a liter
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Cilantro (can be replaced with dill or parsley) - half a bunch
  • Sugar - a couple of pinches
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt

First, boil the rice in the usual way. Then finely chop the onion and fry it until the lightest goldenness. Tamuna did it right in the pot in which the soup was to be cooked.

While the onions were frying, she broke the egg into a coffee cup and stirred it with a little water:

We will need the contents of this cup a little later, but for now we will put it aside. And we will chop the cilantro, which will also be useful to us later.

The onions have only slightly yellowed - enough. Tamuna put some pre-cooked rice in a pot with it and Wasting no time, she knocked the yogurt into the pan:

Matsoni- Georgian traditional fermented milk product. The starter culture includes Bulgarian bacillus and milk streptococci. According to the composition of the sourdough yogurt can be attributed to one of the varieties yoghurt.

Stirred, and this is what happened: Something similar in consistency to thick milky rice porridge... Now we add water. Water must be added so much that soup comes out of the "porridge". Salt. We are waiting for the contents of the pan to boil. Throw in a couple of pinches of sugar.

After letting the soup boil for a couple of minutes, Tamuna poured cilantro into the pan and immediately poured the contents into the pan. coffee cup- a stirred egg with water - poured in a thin stream, methodically stirring the soup so that the egg is evenly distributed in the liquid:

Just a couple more minutes and Soup Tamuna served with lavash and slices of imeruli cheese, which sometimes, if desired, is thrown into matsvnis soup:

The taste in Georgian is somewhat reminiscent of sorrel soup... Good for those suffering from summer heat and losing weight. Useful for vegetarians.

"Activias supi" - soup made from kefir

Now I will briefly tell you how I cooked.

Cooked rice to be consumed as a side dish. From the rest, for about two servings, I decided to cook matsvnis soup according to Tamuna's recipe.

Ingredients (for three small portions):

  • Boiled rice - 2 servings (about half a glass)
  • Activia kefir - 1.5 - 1.7 glasses
  • Onion - small onion
  • Cilantro - a few twigs
  • Egg - 1 pc. (small)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt

Activia kefir - fermented milk drink of the Danone company; you can find it in almost every store in Russia. Ingredients: milk normalized with the use of starter culture, bifidobacteria ActiRegularis, yoghurt starter culture.

The concentration of the fermented milk product and the egg in my case came out higher, but this did not spoil things in any way. I didn't use sugar.

Fry the onions in a saucepan, put the rice into it and fill it with yogurt so that a mass comes out that resembles thick milk rice porridge. Add water. Bring to a boil. Before pouring in the egg, try: if you want sour and sour milk, add kefir activity. Put chopped cilantro into a saucepan with soup and pour in the egg, stirring. After a minute, turn it off - you're done.


  • I think it's better to use butter, it can also be added to the soup after cooking.
  • Instead of yogurt and kefir activation, you can use any other fermented milk product. Just be guided by the taste when cooking (in this case it is not at all difficult) - you may need other proportions.

That's all .. All the best, with respect, David.