Home / Buns / Bread in a slow cooker from whole grain flour without. Cherry pie made from whole grain flour in a slow cooker

Bread in a slow cooker from whole grain flour without. Cherry pie made from whole grain flour in a slow cooker

When there is no strength to refuse a piece of bread, there is a great alternative - bake real, healthy, delicious whole grain bread in a slow cooker. You've certainly never tasted bread like this before. Therefore, we suggest that you carefully read these recipes, choose the best one and make bread yourself.

Whole-wheat bread is healthier than store-bought bread. It is not known how much yeast, flavors, stabilizers and other unhealthy components are there. Another thing is to bake bread yourself from healthy ingredients. This is a healthy food that many are not even aware of.

Hurry up to prepare the following:

  • whole grain flour - 0.5 kg;
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;
  • plain water - 300 ml;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp and 1.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Cooking together whole grain bread in a slow cooker:

  1. Take a spacious bowl, put 1 tbsp. flour, add dry yeast and other dry ingredients. It's salt and sugar. Everything needs to be mixed. By the way, the mixing container must be dry.
  2. The bowl must be set aside to heat the water. It should be warm, but not hot.
  3. Pour the heated water into the dry mixture, mix. That's all for now, you just need to cover the bowl with a towel, put it in a warm place so that the dough comes up. The time allotted for this is at least 30 minutes.
  4. The remaining flour must be sifted through a sieve and as soon as the dough rises, bubbles form on the surface, it is necessary to gradually add flour, mix, add more, and so on until the flour runs out.
  5. The dough must be kneaded, do not forget to pour in the vegetable oil. After that, the dough can be kneaded directly with your hands, this process is not fast. You have to work hard to make it work. The dough should be homogeneous, soft and plastic. Naturally - do not stick to your hands.
  6. Now again you need to put the dough back into the bowl, cover with a towel and leave in the same place. In order for the dough to fit faster, the temperature in the room should not fall below 23 degrees.
  7. The dough will rest for about 30-40 minutes. You will notice how it will gradually increase in volume. As soon as it grows 2 times more, it's time to get to work.
  8. Carefully transfer the dough onto a floured board to knead the dough well.
  9. And now it's time to turn on the slow cooker, grease the bottom and walls of the baking bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough in the middle, gently level it and lower the lid. The bread is first prepared in the “Heating” mode for literally 15 minutes. During this time, the dough will get used to it and then you can switch the device to the "Baking" mode. The baking time for whole grain bread in a slow cooker is 40 minutes.
  10. Attention! When you hear a signal, very carefully turn the bread over to the other side, extend the "Baking" program for 25 minutes. During this period, the bread will not only bake, but also get a beautiful golden crust. Just what we need!
  11. After the signal, do not rush to remove the bread, turn off the appliance and leave the bread alone for 10 minutes under a closed lid. Did you manage? Then we move on to the next point.
  12. In order to easily remove the bread from the multicooker, a steamer basket is useful. It must be inserted into the bowl of the appliance, taken out all together and already on the table, having prepared a plank or a plate of a suitable diameter, take out the bread.
  13. Leave the finished bread on the table, cover with a towel. Let it cool completely and then you can cut it into pieces to taste.

Bread is the head of everything - so it will be welcomed on any table. And how to present this culinary masterpiece - everyone will decide for himself. And we give a little hint: this bread goes well with butter, cheese and any pates. Bon Appetit!

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker with sourdough

Do you know why such bread is valued? It is made from "live" flour, which was obtained as a result of careful grinding of grains. If we compare ordinary flour and whole grains, then the first is obtained by grinding grains that have previously had their shell removed. But it contains many useful substances. Therefore, you need to cook bread from whole grain flour. And in order for the bread to have a pleasant aftertaste, you need to add a little rye flour, because the main ingredient is a little bitter.

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • ready-made sourdough - 200 g;
  • sunflower seed oil - 1 tbsp;
  • the protein of half an egg;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • water - a glass;
  • whole grain flour - 300 g and rye flour - 50 g (+100 for sourdough).

How to cook whole grain bread in a slow cooker:

  1. To bake bread, you need yeast or a special sourdough. The latter is much more useful, so we will make the sourdough on our own. You will need rye flour 100 g and the same amount of water. Pour flour into water, mix, put the bowl in a warm place, be sure to cover with a towel. Exposure time - 1-2 days, depending on the temperature in the room.
  2. After a couple of days, it is necessary to drain half of the liquid, and add 50 g of water and the same amount of flour to the remaining. Leave again for 2 days. And so for 2 weeks, so that the sourdough ripens.
  3. How to understand that it is time to stop and the sourdough is ready? You will see how the mass increases and bubbles appear on the surface. This is the first or “starter” starter. It must be transferred to a jar, close the lid, make holes in it and put the jar in a cold place.
  4. It is important not to forget about the leaven, but to feed it in time. If you are going to bake bread once every 7 days, then you need to “feed” it. That is - add a little whole grain flour and water.
  5. In order to bake bread, you will need to take about 200 g of ready-made sourdough, the rest must be put in the refrigerator.
  6. It is necessary to add flour, butter, honey to the sourdough, dissolve in a glass of water. Knead the dough, leave for half an hour. During this time, the dough will rise a little and be ready for re-kneading. To make the dough soft and not sticky to your hands, this process is given at least 15 minutes.
  7. Attention: the bread will turn out a little sour, so if this option does not suit you, you need to add a pinch of soda to the dough when kneading.
  8. Shape the dough into a neat loaf, grease the bottom and the walls of the appliance bowl with oil, lay out the dough. Leave for a while. Depending on the temperature in the room, the bread may be suitable in different ways. You need to note the dimensions of the workpiece before and after in order to understand the difference. Wait until the dough has doubled in size.
  9. After that, the top of the future bread must be greased with protein, crushed with flakes for beauty.
  10. It is necessary to bake whole grain bread in a multicooker in this way: turn on the “Heating” program for 10 minutes, then without opening the lid switch the device to the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes, and after the signal turn the bread over (very carefully!) And continue baking in the same mode another 20 minutes. To make sure that the bread is cooked, use a wooden stick - if there are no lumps of dough left on it, then the bread is ready.
  11. It’s better not to take it out right away, turn off the multicooker. Do not open the lid, leave for 10 minutes, then you can open the appliance to transfer the whole grain bread cooked in the slow cooker to a plate.
  12. Leave the bread to rest for 10 minutes, cover with a towel, then you can cut the bread into slices.

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker with flax seeds

And another original recipe for making healthy bread. Due to the fact that nuts, flax seeds and chia are added to the dough, the pastries are very tasty and also healthy!

We make bread from the following ingredients:

  • whole grain flour - 1 cup (250 ml);
  • white flour - 3/4 cup;
  • oatmeal - half a cup;
  • almond milk (or regular) - 1 cup
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tsp (can be replaced with vinegar);
  • sunflower, flax and chia seeds - 1 tbsp each;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to cook whole grain bread in a slow cooker:

  1. In a bowl mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Milk and lemon juice in a separate bowl. As soon as you add lemon juice to milk, it will curdle - it should be so.
  3. Milk should be poured into dry ingredients, mix. If you see that the dough is liquid, you can add a little flour.
  4. Knead the dough well.
  5. We prepare the baking dish: grease with vegetable oil, you can also crush the bottom with crushed breadcrumbs.
  6. We spread the dough in a slow cooker, form a neat pancake, do not disturb the dough much.
  7. From above, for beauty, you can still crush our future bread with sunflower seeds. It will be very beautiful!
  8. It is necessary to bake whole grain bread in a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes on one side and for 15-20 minutes on the other side.

The bread will not rise much and this is the norm, but it will be very tasty. Try this whole grain bread recipe in your slow cooker.

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker. Video

Servings: Cooking time:
December 13, 2014

Do you think that it is impossible to make real bread at home, and even without a bread machine? This is not true. And today we will tell all readers of our culinary portal that it is enough to have a slow cooker to make homemade crispy bread. Having prepared it once, you will abandon the store-bought product forever, because what you have created with your own hands is a hundred times tastier, and most importantly, more useful than a store-bought one. Shall we start?


Whole grain flour (500 g);

Granular yeast (6 g);

Sugar (5 g);

Water (110 ml);

Vegetable oil (10 ml).

Cooking process:

We combine in a necessarily dry bowl of a suitable size half of the planned whole grain flour, yeast in granules, salt and white sugar.

After mixing the mixture, we introduce warm (35 degrees) water and knead the dough, which we send to a warm place, preferably near a working stove or on a hot battery, and leave it for 30 minutes.

After a given time, the mass should approximately double. Now pour out the rest of the flour and pour a spoonful of vegetable oil.

We knead the cool dough, which should not stick to the palms, and return it back to the bowl. Then cover with cling film and forget for an hour. During this time, our dough should again increase in size, at least twice.

At the last stage, we grease the bowl with any oil and place the dough inside, which we knead again.

We wait another half an hour. During this time, the basis of whole grain flour bread will “rise” for the third time, which, in fact, is what we need. Next, we install the bowl in the slow cooker, turn on the required “Frying” mode and, with the lid closed, cook bread for 50 minutes. Then turn the loaf on its side so that its top surface touches the wall. Thus, we bake it for another 20 minutes, every 5 of which we turn it over on different sides.

with my own hands. For these purposes, a bread machine, oven is perfect. You can also make fragrant homemade bread in a slow cooker. This will be discussed below.

Bread recipe in a slow cooker

With the help of a modern miracle oven, you can cook excellent biscuits, pies, cakes. How to bake bread in a slow cooker, you will learn by reading the recipes. The product baked in this device is lush and soft. Here are the main recommendations, following which homemade food will definitely turn out excellent.

  1. Used flour mixtures must be sieved. Thanks to this action, the component will be saturated with oxygen, and the food will rise well.
  2. Using this device, you will not be able to get a crispy crust! If this is the main criterion, then the finished product can be sent to a well-heated oven for several minutes.
  3. For baking, you can use the program that is best suited for this in each particular device. In some, this may be the “Baking” mode, while in others it is better to use the “Multipovar” by setting the required temperature.

Unleavened bread in a slow cooker

Soft baked pies, buns are often prepared on a yeast basis. But bread in a slow cooker without yeast also turns out to be appetizing and soft thanks to the use of kefir and baking soda. They will give the product the desired splendor. Bread baked in a slow cooker will come out no worse than yeast bread.


  • rye, wheat flour - 150 g each;
  • granulated sugar - 25 g;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • creamy natural butter - 50 g;
  • oat flakes - 100 g;
  • kefir 3.2% fat - 200 ml;
  • breadcrumbs - 20 g.


  1. The melted fat is poured into a bowl, a fermented milk drink is added, the flour mixture is added, and other loose components are added.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour in the kefir mass, knead the dough.
  4. The bowl is greased and crushed with breadcrumbs. The dough is placed in it, cooked for half an hour in a suitable mode.
  5. Then, using a container for steaming, turn the bread on kefir in a slow cooker, bake the same amount more.

Rye bread in a slow cooker

Some people think that without a bread machine you can’t get delicious bread at home. This is not true. Bread made from rye flour in a slow cooker, the recipes of which are presented here are no worse than store-bought. And you can be sure that only natural ingredients are used, thanks to which the product comes out excellent.


  • rye flour - 500 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • cow's milk - 300 ml;
  • quick action yeast - 10 g.


  1. Add milk to the bulk ingredients, mix until smooth.
  2. Cleaned in heat for lifting.
  3. Place the mass in a container and set the "Heating" mode for a quarter of an hour.
  4. When the mass has risen well, set the desired program, cook for 1 hour. After 40 minutes, the appliance is opened, the bread is turned over and baked in a slow cooker until the beep sounds.

White bread in a slow cooker

Homemade bread in a slow cooker is a pleasure to cook. Who once tried to bake it on their own, stops buying it in the store, because the taste of a product prepared with one's own hands with love is many times more interesting than a store-bought one.


  • sifted flour of the highest grade - 550 g;
  • fast-acting yeast - 15 g;
  • cow's milk - 325 ml;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 30 ml.


  1. Pour dry ingredients into slightly heated milk and stir. Clean for half an hour in heat to increase in volume.
  2. Pour oil into the dough and stir. The resulting mixture is introduced into the flour and form the dough. Cleaned to rise in heat for a couple of hours, then crushed. Transfer to a saucepan and leave there to rise.
  3. Set the "Baking" program for 1.5 hours and wait until the product is ready.

Quick bread in a slow cooker

If someone thinks that baking bread at home is very difficult, he should read the information below. Delicious bread in a slow cooker is easy to prepare. It comes out fragrant, soft and lush, and besides, it does not get stale for a long time.


  • drinking water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • salt.


  1. The device is switched on "Heating".
  2. Mix dry ingredients, add liquids and mix.
  3. The multicooker form is greased, the prepared mixture is placed and allowed to rise.
  4. They turn on the equipment, bake the product for an hour, and then turn it over and bake on the reverse side for another quarter of an hour.

Sourdough bread in a slow cooker

Sometimes, for some reason, people do not use yeast products, considering them not useful. How to cook bread in a slow cooker on sourdough, now you will learn. Based on it, baked products come out no worse than yeast ones.


  • filtered water - 400 ml;
  • sourdough - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 15 g;
  • coriander - 10 g;
  • rye, barley, buckwheat, wheat flour - 150 g each;
  • salt.


  1. Bulk components with sourdough are diluted in water.
  2. The whole flour mixture is sifted and poured into the dough in parts, kneading it thoroughly.
  3. The resulting mass is placed in a bowl overnight.
  4. In the morning, the Multi-Cook program is set, the temperature is 140 degrees and the time is 80 minutes. After that, the bread in the slow cooker will be ready!

Whole wheat bread in a slow cooker

Whole grain flour is considered healthier and less nutritious. It is suitable for those who follow a dietary diet. Having a modern assistant in the kitchen, the process of baking fragrant homemade bread will turn into a real pleasure.


  • dry yeast - 10 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • whole grain flour - 500 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 15 g;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml.


  1. In a bowl, mix all the bulk components, gradually introduce liquid components and knead until smooth. Leave the dough to increase in volume.
  2. After it doubles in size, it is crushed again, placed in a bowl and left in the “Heating” mode for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Baking bread in a slow cooker will take an hour. Of these, bake for half an hour on one side, then carefully turn over and bring to readiness on the second side.

Onion bread in a slow cooker

Classic bread products are often baked without various additives. But if you want something special, this recipe will definitely fit. How to bake bread in a slow cooker with onions, read below. The bread comes out lush, fragrant and spicy in taste.


  • fast-acting yeast - 10 g;
  • purified water - 500 ml;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • onion - 300 g;
  • sifted flour of the highest grade - 1 kg;
  • seasoning "Provencal herbs" - 10 g.


  1. Finely chop the onion and sauté until golden brown in a frying pan.
  2. Pour dry ingredients and a quarter of the flour mixture into the water.
  3. Also, parts add the rest of the flour, onions, spices and knead a little more. After that, the dough is covered and cleaned for half an hour in heat.
  4. Then they are transferred to a multicooker saucepan and on the “Heating” they are allowed to stand for half an hour.
  5. A suitable program is set and bread is cooked in a slow cooker for 60 minutes.
  6. Turn the loaf over and cook the same amount more.
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Whole grain bread in a slow cooker. Recipes for making whole grain bread in a slow cooker

When there is no strength to refuse a piece of bread, there is a great alternative - bake real, healthy, delicious whole grain bread in a slow cooker. You've certainly never tasted bread like this before. Therefore, we suggest that you carefully read these recipes, choose the best one and make bread yourself.

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker

Whole-wheat bread is healthier than store-bought bread. It is not known how much yeast, flavors, stabilizers and other unhealthy components are there. Another thing is to bake bread yourself from healthy ingredients. This is a healthy food that many are not even aware of.

Hurry up to prepare the following:

  • whole grain flour - 0.5 kg;
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;
  • plain water - 300 ml;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp and 1.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Cooking together whole grain bread in a slow cooker:

  1. Take a spacious bowl, put 1 tbsp. flour, add dry yeast and other dry ingredients. It's salt and sugar. Everything needs to be mixed. By the way, the mixing container must be dry.
  2. The bowl must be set aside to heat the water. It should be warm, but not hot.
  3. Pour the heated water into the dry mixture, mix. That's all for now, you just need to cover the bowl with a towel, put it in a warm place so that the dough comes up. The time allotted for this is at least 30 minutes.
  4. The remaining flour must be sifted through a sieve and as soon as the dough rises, bubbles form on the surface, it is necessary to gradually add flour, mix, add more, and so on until the flour runs out.
  5. The dough must be kneaded, do not forget to pour in the vegetable oil. After that, the dough can be kneaded directly with your hands, this process is not fast. You have to work hard to make it work. The dough should be homogeneous, soft and plastic. Naturally - do not stick to your hands.
  6. Now again you need to put the dough back into the bowl, cover with a towel and leave in the same place. In order for the dough to fit faster, the temperature in the room should not fall below 23 degrees.
  7. The dough will rest for about 30-40 minutes. You will notice how it will gradually increase in volume. As soon as it grows 2 times more, it's time to get to work.
  8. Carefully transfer the dough onto a floured board to knead the dough well.
  9. And now it's time to turn on the slow cooker, grease the bottom and walls of the baking bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough in the middle, gently level it and lower the lid. The bread is first prepared in the “Heating” mode for literally 15 minutes. During this time, the dough will get used to it and then you can switch the device to the "Baking" mode. The baking time for whole grain bread in a slow cooker is 40 minutes.
  10. Attention! When you hear a signal, very carefully turn the bread over to the other side, extend the "Baking" program for 25 minutes. During this period, the bread will not only bake, but also get a beautiful golden crust. Just what we need!
  11. After the signal, do not rush to remove the bread, turn off the appliance and leave the bread alone for 10 minutes under a closed lid. Did you manage? Then we move on to the next point.
  12. In order to easily remove the bread from the multicooker, a steamer basket is useful. It must be inserted into the bowl of the appliance, taken out all together and already on the table, having prepared a plank or a plate of a suitable diameter, take out the bread.
  13. Leave the finished bread on the table, cover with a towel. Let it cool completely and then you can cut it into pieces to taste.

Bread is the head of everything - so it will be welcomed on any table. And how to present this culinary masterpiece - everyone will decide for himself. And we give a little hint: this bread goes well with butter, cheese and any pates. Bon Appetit!

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker with sourdough

Do you know why such bread is valued? It is made from "live" flour, which was obtained as a result of careful grinding of grains. If we compare ordinary flour and whole grains, then the first is obtained by grinding grains that have previously had their shell removed. But it contains many useful substances. Therefore, you need to cook bread from whole grain flour. And in order for the bread to have a pleasant aftertaste, you need to add a little rye flour, because the main ingredient is a little bitter.

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • ready-made sourdough - 200 g;
  • sunflower seed oil - 1 tbsp;
  • the protein of half an egg;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • water - a glass;
  • whole grain flour - 300 g and rye flour - 50 g (+100 for sourdough).

How to cook whole grain bread in a slow cooker:

  1. To bake bread, you need yeast or a special sourdough. The latter is much more useful, so we will make the sourdough on our own. You will need rye flour 100 g and the same amount of water. Pour flour into water, mix, put the bowl in a warm place, be sure to cover with a towel. Exposure time - 1-2 days, depending on the temperature in the room.
  2. After a couple of days, it is necessary to drain half of the liquid, and add 50 g of water and the same amount of flour to the remaining. Leave again for 2 days. And so for 2 weeks, so that the sourdough ripens.
  3. How to understand that it is time to stop and the sourdough is ready? You will see how the mass increases and bubbles appear on the surface. This is the first or “starter” starter. It must be transferred to a jar, close the lid, make holes in it and put the jar in a cold place.
  4. It is important not to forget about the leaven, but to feed it in time. If you are going to bake bread once every 7 days, then you need to “feed” it. That is - add a little whole grain flour and water.
  5. In order to bake bread, you will need to take about 200 g of ready-made sourdough, the rest must be put in the refrigerator.
  6. It is necessary to add flour, butter, honey to the sourdough, dissolve in a glass of water. Knead the dough, leave for half an hour. During this time, the dough will rise a little and be ready for re-kneading. To make the dough soft and not sticky to your hands, this process is given at least 15 minutes.
  7. Attention: the bread will turn out a little sour, so if this option does not suit you, you need to add a pinch of soda to the dough when kneading.
  8. Shape the dough into a neat loaf, grease the bottom and the walls of the appliance bowl with oil, lay out the dough. Leave for a while. Depending on the temperature in the room, the bread may be suitable in different ways. You need to note the dimensions of the workpiece before and after in order to understand the difference. Wait until the dough has doubled in size.
  9. After that, the top of the future bread must be greased with protein, crushed with flakes for beauty.
  10. It is necessary to bake whole grain bread in a multicooker in this way: turn on the “Heating” program for 10 minutes, then without opening the lid switch the device to the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes, and after the signal turn the bread over (very carefully!) And continue baking in the same mode another 20 minutes. To make sure that the bread is cooked, use a wooden stick - if there are no lumps of dough left on it, then the bread is ready.
  11. It’s better not to take it out right away, turn off the multicooker. Do not open the lid, leave for 10 minutes, then you can open the appliance to transfer the whole grain bread cooked in the slow cooker to a plate.
  12. Leave the bread to rest for 10 minutes, cover with a towel, then you can cut the bread into slices.

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker with flax seeds

And another original recipe for making healthy bread. Due to the fact that nuts, flax seeds and chia are added to the dough, the pastries are very tasty and also healthy!

We make bread from the following ingredients:

  • whole grain flour - 1 cup (250 ml);
  • white flour - 3/4 cup;
  • oatmeal - half a cup;
  • almond milk (or regular) - 1 cup
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tsp (can be replaced with vinegar);
  • sunflower, flax and chia seeds - 1 tbsp each;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to cook whole grain bread in a slow cooker:

  1. In a bowl mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Milk and lemon juice in a separate bowl. As soon as you add lemon juice to milk, it will curdle - it should be so.
  3. Milk should be poured into dry ingredients, mix. If you see that the dough is liquid, you can add a little flour.
  4. Knead the dough well.
  5. We prepare the baking dish: grease with vegetable oil, you can also crush the bottom with crushed breadcrumbs.
  6. We spread the dough in a slow cooker, form a neat pancake, do not disturb the dough much.
  7. From above, for beauty, you can still crush our future bread with sunflower seeds. It will be very beautiful!
  8. It is necessary to bake whole grain bread in a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes on one side and for 15-20 minutes on the other side.

The bread will not rise much and this is the norm, but it will be very tasty. Try this whole grain bread recipe in your slow cooker.

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker. Video


Bread in a multicooker from whole grain flour

To make bread in a slow cooker delicious, there are some recommendations. We will talk about them now. I suggest baking bread with whole wheat flour. It will be more useful than plain white bread and very tasty, believe me. By the way, sometimes the bread recipe described on the manufacturer's packaging may not always work out, because step-by-step instructions are still not indicated there.

I want to tell you, hostesses, how to bake bread in a slow cooker so that it is truly unsurpassed. The texture of the finished bread will be perfect. And the taste is unique. If you bake bread yourself in a whole grain multicooker at least once, you will no longer be able to forget about it, and you will try to bake it for your family as often as possible. This is truly delicious bread. So, we bake bread in the Redmond slow cooker.

Ingredients for the dish "Bread in a slow cooker":

Water - 300 ml;

Dry yeast - 1 dessert spoon (or 1.5 teaspoon);

Whole grain flour - about 500 grams;

Salt - 1 teaspoon;

Sugar sand - 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons;

Sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

How to bake bread in a slow cooker:

In a bowl, mix a little flour and dry yeast.

Add salt and sugar. We mix all these dry products.

Pour warm water into a bowl and mix until smooth. Its consistency resembles sour cream.

We put such a blank (dough) in a warm place. We give a little “play” to the yeast, to rise.

After 20 minutes, we continue preparing the test. This is what the steam looks like.

We add flour. We'll definitely sift it. We knead the dough.

Add vegetable oil to the dough at the stage when it is still soft and sticky. Knead now until it stops sticking to your hands.

We put the dough in a warm place for 40 minutes. It should double in size.

This is how the bread dough has risen. Now knead it again with your hands on a floured surface. When it has risen, it is a pleasure to knead it. Tender, lush, squeaks under your hands - this is a real yeast dough for delicious bread!

Now the multicooker bowl must be lubricated with vegetable oil. We put our delicious whole wheat dough in it. We turn on the keep warm program for 10 minutes. You can leave it for 15 minutes. We need to wait until the dough rises well. Bread in a slow cooker turns out great when it is allowed to pre-rise three times - the first is dough, the second is ready-made dough, the third is in shape.

Select the BAKING program and set the cooking time to 40 minutes.

After the specified time, open the lid and carefully turn our half-finished bread in a slow cooker from whole grain flour. We take it with a towel and turn it over. For convenience, we use a steam basket. It helps to take the bread out of the bowl without any hassle. Set the BAKE program again and the cooking time is 25 minutes.

Here we have such a ruddy bread in a multicooker made of whole grain flour - very fragrant, beautiful, and simply excellent in taste. I speak frankly. Who has not tried, I highly recommend.

So, the finished bread must be pulled out with the help of a steamer basket and left on it to cool the loaf. But at the same time, cover the bread with a double layer of a terry towel. Let the product cool down completely.

This is what whole grain bread looks like. It is difficult to distinguish it from the factory. So if you like this recipe, bake homemade bread in a slow cooker for health. You will know exactly what this product is made of. And by the way, it does not spoil as quickly as store-bought bread. Therefore, it is beneficial to cook homemade cakes.


Bread without yeast recipe

Homemade whole grain bread can be prepared by any housewife. It is prepared simply, without yeast, on the basis of healthy natural products, it turns out fragrant and so tasty that when fresh it can completely replace harmful confectionery products from pastry.

Baker's yeast is prepared on the basis of GOST 171-81 and contains a lot of toxic substances that have nothing to do with food: technical ammonium sulfate obtained in the production of sulfur dioxide, orthophosphoric thermal acid according to GOST 10678, technical sulfuric acid according to GOST 2184, etc. (the list consists of 3 full pages). Yeast has a detrimental effect on our health, which dietitians have been writing and talking about quite a lot lately (see "The Harm of Yeast Bread or Bread Genocide").

Previously, before the introduction of modern yeast into production, bread was baked for centuries on the basis of sourdough - a product obtained in the process of natural fermentation, in which the resulting natural yeast died under the influence of high temperature. Modern yeasts are thermophilic, i.e. high temperature resistant. Once in the body, they continue the fermentation process, which has detrimental effects on health.

At home, you can cook the sourdough yourself and bake healthy homemade bread based on it, there are many sourdough recipes.

If there is no time or desire to prepare a sourdough, then you can use ordinary baking powder or soda, the bread will also turn out to be tasty and healthier than any store-bought one made from yeast from refined flour of the highest grade.

Whole grain flour is a wholemeal flour (read more about this flour here), in which all useful substances have been preserved. It was about bread made from this flour that they used to say: “Bread is the head of everything,” since in composition it was ideally suited to provide the body with all the useful substances it needs.

Modern flour of the highest grade is purified from the most valuable thing that is in the grain, and contains empty carbohydrates. It does not give the body anything for its healthy functioning and only fills the stomach with cheap calories, which then most often turn into excess weight.

How to bake bread at home


  • milk - 1 glass,
  • honey - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • Hercules (oatmeal) - 1 cup
  • whole grain flour (wheat or rye) - about 2 cups,
  • 1-2 tbsp any fatty product: sour cream, butter, melted fat, vegetable oil,
  • salt - about 5 tsp,
  • baking powder - 2 tsp,
  • spices as desired.


1. Rub honey with butter until smooth, then pour in the milk and mix everything.

2. Add oatmeal and 1 cup flour, as well as salt and baking powder (you can use soda slaked with vinegar), mix. For spices, I added cardamom.

3. Now pour in the rest of the flour in parts until the dough becomes steep so that you can make round bread out of it with your hands.

I want to note that I usually add bran and flaxseed flour to baking: they improve the beneficial properties of the product and slightly reduce its calorie content. In this recipe, I added 2 tablespoons of these products. Especially such additives are useful if ordinary premium flour is used.

4. Put the bread on a baking sheet or in a mold (I have a silicone mat), sprinkle oatmeal on top for beauty, and put in the oven at 220C for about 30 minutes, checking the readiness with a wooden stick.

5. After the bread has completely cooled down, it is ready to eat.

It turns out delicious, slightly sweet, slightly rough thanks to oatmeal and fragrant homemade whole grain bread without yeast from healthy wholemeal flour.

Other bread recipes without yeast:

"Yeast-Free Homemade Bread"

"Homemade rye bread"

"Curd Bread Made from Rye Flour"

Bon appetit and stay healthy! Leave your comments - feedback is very important!

Sincerely, Lena Radova P.S.1. If you have problems with excess weight and you do not like sports, get a free book by the famous nutritionist G. Grossmann "Biolifting of the abdomen": the information in it will be not only interesting, but also amazing

P.S.2. Home traveler :)

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Making bread at home is always scary, it was the same with me ... Until I realized that only homemade bread will turn out to be the healthiest, tastiest and most reliable! Moreover, in a store or at least in a bakery, good bread now, it turns out, is a rarity.

It is much easier to find rye bread on the shelves than whole grain bread, and therefore I bought the latter and decided to experiment by preparing my homemade bread, and even in a slow cooker. It turned out that there is nothing complicated. All you need is attention and faith in luck :)

So, for making whole grain bread in a slow cooker, I decided to take the following ingredients: whole wheat flour and premium wheat flour, water and milk, salt and sugar, as well as yeast. For a variety of flavors, I added sunflower kernels to the dough, by the way, you can take other seeds (sesame, pumpkin, linseed) or nuts. In order to emphasize the taste of bread, I added honey to the dough, and instead of the usual sunflower oil I used linseed oil (as an option, you can take olive or any other vegetable oil). My experiment was a success: the bread exceeded all expectations! Although it is high in calories, it is really worth it!

In a convenient bowl, combine the following ingredients: whole grain flour, part of the sifted wheat flour (about 2/3), salt, sugar, yeast, and sunflower kernels.

Mix until smooth.

We combine milk with water, dissolve honey in the liquid. It is better in this case to use liquid.

Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour in the liquid.

With a spoon, start kneading the dough for bread.

Mix until the liquid and dry masses are combined.

Then add vegetable oil. Mix again.

Sift the remaining flour and switch to manual kneading (5-10 minutes).

We form a ball from the dough, put it in a bowl greased with vegetable oil, sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel and leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place.

After 60 minutes the dough has risen perfectly.

We spread the dough on a table sprinkled with flour, and knead it properly, again form a ball.

We shift it into an oiled multicooker bowl, set the “Heating” mode for 20 minutes.

During this time, the dough will rise and be ready to cook.

Set the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. Then, using a steam stand, carefully remove the half-finished bread and turn it over to another barrel. Bake on the other side for another 30 minutes.

Let the finished bread cool in a slow cooker with the lid open for 10 minutes, after which we remove the product from the bowl and cool under a towel.

Whole grain bread baked in a slow cooker is ready for tasting! Bon Appetit!

Those who are looking for healthy food recipes will appreciate the presented quick yeast-free whole grain bread on kefir. Now it has become very fashionable to bake bread yourself at home. Fortunately, at present, household appliance stores offer a huge selection of bread makers and multicookers. And any hostess, with the available set of available products, will not be difficult to pamper the household with freshly baked bread.

recipe without yeast on kefir

In the photo recipe, we will bake bread in a slow cooker, but this does not mean that under other conditions you cannot cook it in the oven. In addition to whole grain flour, flour and oatmeal (hercules) are used.


  • 2.5 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive);
  • 1 faceted glass of kefir with a fat content of 2.5%;
  • 1.5 faceted cups of whole grain flour;
  • 1/2 faceted glass of rye flour;
  • 1/2 cup faceted oatmeal (hercules);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 table. a spoon without a top of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon without top of salt.

Cooking process:

Pour into a large bowl, previously sifted through a sieve, whole grain and rye flour. If the farm does not have whole grains (you cannot find them for sale), use regular wheat.

In the same container, add oatmeal, soda, sugar and salt.

We mix all the ingredients together.

Pour vegetable oil and kefir into another bowl, mix, and then gradually pour into the bowl with flour.

Mix everything quickly and thoroughly, as too much kneading will make the dough harsh.

Now we grease the multicooker bowl (I have the Redmond M20 model) with a small piece of butter.

Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

We spread our dough with a bun, without pressing it to the bottom.

We set the "baking" program on the multicooker panel, the cooking time is 30 minutes.

As soon as the multicooker gives a signal of readiness, we turn our bread over with the help of a steaming bowl. Again we set the same mode and time. As a result, in just an hour we get delicious and fragrant homemade soda bread.

Bake the bread in the oven at 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden stick (there should be no raw dough on it).

After removing it from the bowl, leave it to cool for several hours, covering the whole grain kefir bread with a cotton towel.

With such bread, you can serve soups, main dishes. Very tasty sandwiches.