Home / Bakery / How to salt pike perch in pieces in a jar. Dried pike perch

How to salt pike perch in pieces in a jar. Dried pike perch

Salting is one of the common ways to preserve fish. Since salt extracts excess moisture from it and prevents the growth of bacteria. This method allows you to keep the product edible for a long time. You can salt almost any: carp, bream, kutum, roach, and other species. Often fishermen like to pickle and walleye... It is only important to observe a number of rules that will help you do this correctly.

Pick your recipe

You will need

  • 1 kg of pike perch;
  • 150 g salt;
  • peppercorns;
  • bay leaf to taste


First you need to prepare walleye to salting. To do this, rinse it thoroughly under the stream cold water until the mucus disappears.

Clean the washed fish from scales, gut all the insides. It is important not to damage the bile. Otherwise, the fish will become bitter, making it unusable.

If the fish is large, then it is necessary to make an incision along the back to avoid subsequent spoilage.

Then wash off with walleye remnants of scales and blood.

Take 150 grams of coarse table salt (sea salt can be used). Rub carefully all the fish, paying special attention to the gills and the cut along the back (pour salt in these places). It is better to use more salt than undersalt (then it will definitely not go bad).

Prepared in this way walleye place belly up in the barrel. The container must be clean and free of foreign smell. Do not forget to sprinkle the rows with salt, peas and bay leaves. Spices will give your fish a unique taste. Most of the salt should be in the top rows.

Close the barrel with a wooden lid and place the oppression on top.

Salt large fish in a cool place for 15 days, and small enough - from 4 to 5 days.

Answer from Dr. glass [guru]
dip generously in salt, leave for one hour at room temperature, then rinse off the salt, season with oil, onions, after 6 hours it's ready!
and I, on the contrary, somehow fried it, and regretted that I had not soaked it, I got a very fleshy pike perch :))

Answer from Vladimir Liguzov[guru]
Pike perch must be gutted before salting. It is good to spread the larger pike perch on the spine or cut into strips along the width of 3-4 cm. When salting, add 20% granulated sugar to the salt and you can also spice it under a press, the more press the denser the fish will be. And then in the chill of days for 20 - 25. Then each fish is washed with water and dried. The taste is awesome, you will lick your fingers. For a long time, I also found this recipe somewhere on the Internet.

Answer from Irina bishinteeva[guru]
1 liter hot water: THREE TABLE SPOONS OF SALT. 1 TABLE SPOON SUGAR, stir and let cool. MIX: 0.5 bag white mustard in grains third part of the bag ground caryander 1 bag for salting fish or herring 7-8 bay leaves roll the fish in spices and put in a bowl then pour warm brine recipe for about 3 kg of fish cut the fish at the discretion of the measured I remove the skin from the catfish in pieces for 24 hours and the fish is ready to eat. PLEASANT APPETIT The fish can be marinated hot and cold. Suitable for pickling are perch, roach, herring, herring, pike, bream, silver carp, pike perch, catfish, carp, eel, trout, chub, rudd and other fish species. Small fish marinate whole gutted, large - cut into fillets and cut into portions. When cold marinating, usually to prepare 1 liter of marinade, take 100 g of salt and 200 g of sugar, which are dissolved in a small amount of boiling water. In the resulting cooled brine, 500 g of 10% vinegar and cooled boiled water are poured, thus bringing the volume of the marinade to 1 liter. Then add 1 g to the marinade bay leaf, 1 g dill, 3 g allspice and 1.5 g mustard seed. With the cold method of marinating, the fish is placed in a bowl, sprinkled with chopped onion in half rings, poured with marinade (in a ratio of 1: 1) and put in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. For uniform marinating, the fish is thoroughly mixed several times. The finished fish is removed from the marinade, cut into pieces weighing 100-150 g, transferred to prepared glass jars and again pour the marinade. In addition, you can marinate fish pre-fried in vegetable oil. Fried fish is placed in prepared glass jars, poured with chilled marinade and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. It is necessary to store cold pickled fish, tightly closing the jars with a lid, in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-10 degrees. C. The maximum shelf life is 3 to 6 months. When hot marinating, the processed fish is cut into pieces, sprinkled with fine salt and kept in the cold for about 30 minutes. To prepare the marinade, in which the fish will then be cooked, put 2-3 carrots cut into circles, 3-4 onions in 1.5-2 liters of boiling water, and after 10 minutes - 1-2 tablespoons vinegar essence, 20-30 peppercorns, 3-5 bay leaves, salt and sugar to taste. The fish is poured with hot marinade, covering the pieces completely, and cooked over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Pickled fish is placed in scalded glass jars, poured with hot marinade, closed with a plastic lid and stored for no more than 2-3 days in the refrigerator

A predatory fish, which undoubtedly belongs to pike perch, it has not too fatty white meat, which is well exposed to drying and withering. And pike perch, moreover, has very few bones, and it is a pleasure to eat it in dried form. Dried pike perch is also one of the most important ingredients in the Portuguese dish gratinado! So, let's cook the most dried pike perch at home, and then from it - a hearty Portuguese dinner!

Salting predatory fish: how to prepare pike perch for drying

First of all, we will choose medium and small zander from the catch: they will both pickle faster and wilt better, and large pike perches can be cooked in many more different ways... And besides the fish itself, which, by the way, we take about 4 kilograms, we need:

  • horseradish leaves - 400 grams,
  • dill seed (you can take fennel seeds) - 100 grams,
  • 1 kilogram of coarse rock salt,
  • table vinegar 9% - 200 milliliters,
  • milk or kvass - 250 milliliters (you can not use it).

We start the preparation of dried pike perch, as always, by cleaning the fish. Gutted pike perch (if you dry it for the first time - be sure, if you already have experience in drying and drying, you can leave the giblets inside, but then the taste will be sharper, with bitterness). Then we remove the scales slightly, cut out the gills and remove the eyes. Now the pike perch need to be thoroughly washed and dried a little with towels. Rub each carcass with vinegar and then a handful of coarse salt.

Chop horseradish leaves and mix with dill (fennel) seeds. Pour a layer of salt, half a finger thick, into a plastic container at the bottom. Put the pike perch on the salt, add salt and mixed leaves with seeds on top again. So we alternate until all the fish is in a container, covered with salt and a spicy mixture. We leave the container under the lid for a couple of days in the refrigerator.

Salted fish should then be soaked to remove excess salt. Add milk or kvass to the soaking water, then the taste will be more pleasant. Put the soaked pike perch on the towels again and dry it a little.

Drying pike perch, secrets and technology for the home

At home, it is quite possible to cook dried pike perch in the presence of an open balcony or veranda. It is enough to adhere to the technology:

  • we string the fish carcasses on a string through the eyes, intersperse the pike-perch with knots so that they dry at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from each other;
  • we hang the twine with fish on the balcony or covered veranda;
  • we dry for about 2 weeks in dry and warm weather, for the cold season we increase the time by another week;
  • we provide a constant flow of fresh air and breeze to the pike-perch so that they dry evenly. In wet weather, it is better to close the windows and put a fan on near the fish;
  • in summer one of the troubles is flies. You can protect fish from them by lubricating it vegetable oil or sprinkle with vinegar in the first week of drying. You can also make a curtain of gauze or fine mesh;
  • You can check the readiness of the pike-perch by slightly cutting or breaking the carcass in the back area: the meat should acquire a beautiful amber hue and, when cut, give a rich pleasant aroma.

Dried pike perch is stored in the refrigerator for a long time - up to several weeks, although such a delicious delicacy is usually eaten very quickly.

Grainado with dried pike perch

Portuguese cuisine is based on fish and seafood. And it is often used in cooking dried fish as in our following recipe... For gratinado we need:

  • dried pike perch - 1 carcass;
  • smoked or dried bream - ½ carcass (you can not use it, limit yourself to pike perch);
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • boiled water - 1 glass;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - ½ tablespoon;
  • potatoes - 4 tubers;
  • fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 300 grams;
  • cream or sour cream 25% - 1 glass;
  • salt and spices- to your taste.
  • Servings Per Container: 4;
  • Cooking time: 2 days + 1.5 hours.

Divide the pike perch and bream in two along the back, stretch the ridges and large bones, remove the skin with scales. Cut the fish into strips and put them in a deep container. Mix milk and water and pour ¼ of the mixture into pieces of fish.

After 12 4 hours, drain the water and soak the fish again. So we repeat twice more. When the excess salt comes out of the fish, it is time to cook the dish itself. Peel the onion and cut into half rings, and peel and cut the potatoes into circles. Lightly wipe the champignons from dirt with a sponge and cut into plates.

Pour a couple of drops of oil into a baking dish or deep frying pan and spread with a brush or hand over the entire surface. We spread the onion rings, and on them - the strips of fish. Put a layer of potato circles on pike perch with bream, on top - with a layer of champignons. Fill the mold with cream or sour cream, cover with foil and send to the oven for 1 hour at 180 degrees. Remove the foil 20 minutes before cooking. Gratinado is served hot, straight out of the oven.

There are many different ways to cook fish - with marinades, sauces, stuffing, on a vegetable pillow, etc. The result is delicious dishes, but the fish itself in them sometimes fades into the background, and even into the background. Meanwhile, its pure taste is also noteworthy.

Pike perch baked in salt is unusual, unusual, but very simple and very tasty. For cooking fish in this way, large or medium carcasses are suitable.


  • pike perch 500 g
  • coarse salt 700 g
  • lemon
  • Dill
  • parsley
  • fennel seeds 1 tsp
  • chicken egg 1 pc.
  • water 70 ml

How to bake pike perch in salt

  1. For cooking, it is better to take not frozen, but fresh or chilled fish (you can cook in this way not only pike perch, but I will have pike perch). The fish must be gutted and the gills removed. The scales do not need to be removed, since the finished fish is served without skin, and the scales will be removed along with it.

  2. Rinse the gutted carcasses well. There is no need to salt them, since the fish will be enveloped in salt, and will take as much of it as necessary during cooking.

  3. Now pour coarse salt into the container, pour in water and egg white... You can add dry thyme or rosemary to the salt.

  4. Use your hands to stir the salt mixture to form a kind of snowball - when you squeeze the mixture, a dense, non-crumbling lump should form.

  5. On a baking sheet, pour some of the salt mixture in the shape of a fish, but a little more than it.

  6. Sprinkle the pike perch lemon zest and put lemon wedges, dill, parsley, fennel seeds inside the belly. You can put dill and parsley greens under the gills. In short, flavor as you like. Spoon the fish over the salt.

  7. Place the rest of the salt mixture on top of the carcass and press well so that it is completely covered with salt. Bake this salt "lump" for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. Garlic can be put on a baking sheet with the fish.

  8. After the cooking time has elapsed, remove the baking sheet from the oven.

  9. The salt crust will become very hard after baking, so break it with a hammer or knife.

  10. Pull the crust under the edges and gently peel off the pieces of salt. After removing the salt from the fish, you can throw it away, it will no longer be needed.

  11. It remains to cut the carcass along the back with a sharp knife and remove the skin.

  12. Juicy and tender pike perch pulp awaits us under it.

Serve the baked pike perch whole or in portions. Tartar is suitable as a sauce for this dish, and fresh or baked vegetables as a side dish.