Home / Cakes / How to make squash caviar in a slow cooker. Homemade squash caviar in a slow cooker

How to make squash caviar in a slow cooker. Homemade squash caviar in a slow cooker


  • zucchini - 1200 gr
  • carrots - 200-300 gr
  • onions - 250 gr
  • sweet pepper - 200 gr
  • tomatoes - 300 gr
  • pepper, salt - to taste
  • vinegar - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • sugar - about 3 tsp (taste)
  • vegetable oil - 50ml
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves

Zucchini season is open! It's time to make blanks for future use. I think zucchini caviar in a slow cooker for the winter will also come in handy. After all, this appetizer will always be appropriate, both on a festive table and at a family meal. The caviar tastes delicious, unless, of course, you spoil it. It's hard to spoil this dish though.

If you like good quality store caviar, then this option will suit your taste, and even more. After all homemade caviar much tastier and healthier. This recipe, which I share with the readers of the site, is missing tomato paste, instead I use fresh tomatoes... But in this case, a lot of liquid will form in the multicooker bowl, since it is very watery itself, and there is a lot of tomato juice here.

To get rid of excess liquid in the caviar, I recommend opening the lid of the multicooker after a while of stewing and letting the juice evaporate. Of course, you can use regular tomato paste instead of fresh tomatoes. The taste will be different, but also not bad. Then the caviar will have less liquid and its color will be saturated. In my case, the caviar in the multicooker turned out pale, but you can immediately see that it was prepared from zucchini.

I'm cooking squash caviar in a multicooker Redmond 4502 on the "Fry" and "Quenching" mode. The power of my model is 860W, which exceeds most of the budget multicooker. Therefore, take this fact into account, and if necessary, simply increase the cooking time of the dish if you have a unit with a significantly lower power. Or, on the contrary, reduce (the higher the power, the faster the dish will cook).

Cooking method

  1. Let's prepare the ingredients and start cooking zucchini caviar in a slow cooker.

  2. The first step is to chop the onion and pepper. Carrots need to be grated on a coarse grater. Pour all this into a multicooker bowl. Pour vegetable oil into it. We turn on the "Fry" program by choosing the type of product - vegetables (if there is such a function). Cooking time 10 minutes. But at the same time, it is important to monitor and periodically stir the vegetables so that they do not burn.

  3. If the vegetables turn brown before ten minutes have elapsed, turn off the frying program earlier. So, our vegetable base is ready for further cooking squash caviar.

  4. We chop the zucchini not very finely. To make the caviar tender as a result, peel the vegetable. If the sauce zucchini is very young, then not worth it. We spread it on top of the passivation.

  5. At the same stage, add the grated tomatoes on a coarse grater. They should also be skinless. Season with salt and pepper. We will add sugar later when we regulate the acidity of the dish.

  6. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and turn on the "Stew" program for 30 minutes.

  7. After 15-20 minutes of cooking, you can open the lid and see how much liquid is in the vegetables. If it seems a lot, leave the lid open and simmer until tender.

  8. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar and sugar, adjusting the taste to your liking. At the end of the "Stew" program, add the garlic, mix and beat with a blender, turning the vegetables into a puree-like mass. If you clearly see that there is too much liquid, you can pour it out with a scoop and then add it as needed when puréing.

  9. We return the bowl with the chopped caviar to the multicooker and turn on the "Stew" program for the minimum time so that the squash caviar boils again. Jars and lids must be prepared in advance. I use 0.5L cans.

  10. We spread the squash caviar in jars and immediately roll up with sterile lids. in advance on the "Steam" mode, pouring one and a half liters of water into the bowl and placing the basket for steam cooking on top. We throw the lids into the bowl directly into the water, and put 2-3 half-liter jars on top. And at the same time everything is sterilized. Then we turn the sterile container upside down so that it waits for its turn.

  11. Our delicious, aromatic marrow caviar in a slow cooker is ready! It remains to let it cool down and can be sent to the pantry for storage.

In winter, it is so nice to open a jar of zucchini caviar and please your loved ones with your labors. Don't forget to leave some caviar on New Year's table.

List of required ingredients:

  • two large zucchini or several young ones - total weight about 2 kg,
  • half a kilo of carrots (+/- a few grams),
  • four large onion heads,
  • four large cloves of garlic,
  • half a tablespoon of freshly ground black pepper,
  • vinegar 9% - 15 ml,
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups,
  • we take salt and sugar to taste.

Taste, color, beneficial features and the calorie content of ready-made squash caviar is determined not only by the set of products, but also by the method of their preparation - by frying, stewing, steaming or baking.


1. Preparing food. We peel the garlic cloves and onions from the husk, remove the skin from carrots and zucchini (you can leave it on young vegetables). We also remove the seed part from more mature large zucchini. As for spices, in addition to sugar and salt, I suggest adding black ground pepper to make the dish spicy. In order for zucchini caviar, cooked in a multicooker, to wait for winter on your shelves, you need 9% vinegar. And of course you need vegetable oil for frying.

2. Rub the carrots on a grater, whether it is large or small (grater) it does not matter. If you want to speed up the process of preparing food, then you can simply chop the carrots into strips or cubes with a knife.

3. Chop the onion for caviar in a convenient way, for example, chop it into strips or chop it into small slices.

4. Pour the oil into the mv-bowl and pour the carrots and onions, add chopped garlic to them. We immerse the pan in the multicooker and start the "FRY" program. 20 minutes will be enough. We fry the vegetables under a closed lid, but we follow the process - we mix them from time to time.

5. Prepare the zucchini. Peeled or not, cut them into medium cubes, add to vegetables, mix everything well and change the program to STEWING.

6. Cooking under a closed lid for 1.20 hours.

7. Ready vegetables hot pass through a meat grinder or grind with a blender until puree. Add salt, sugar, ground pepper and always vinegar. Mix everything well and set the EXTINGUISHING program again and the time is 1.20 hours. We close the lid and continue to stew the zucchini caviar in a slow cooker until tender.

8. Next, put the vegetable mass in dry, sterile jars and roll it up.

Cooking vegetables for the dish. First, wash the zucchini, if the seeds are already quite large, then remove them along with the middle. If the skin is old and tough, it is advisable to cut it off. It is convenient to do this with a special knife for peeling vegetables. Cut the remaining firm pulp into medium-sized slices.

We put vegetables in a multicooker container, fill with water (100 ml).

Cook (in the "Stew" mode) for 15-20 minutes under the lid.

Then we drain the water, and interrupt the soft vegetables with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

Add spices, salt and tomato to this mass.

Instead of a blender, you can use an ordinary crush, but in this case, the structure of the caviar will turn out to be coarser, with grains. Another way is to grind vegetables through a meat grinder, setting the finest mesh.

Stir and cook the caviar for another 5 minutes without a lid.

For a more delicate creamy taste and to increase satiety, vegetable caviar sometimes prepared with mayonnaise. For a given amount of vegetables, 2-3 tablespoons of the sauce will be enough. Use mayonnaise with your preferred fat content.

I recommend adding chopped garlic (1-2 cloves) to this appetizer, or a pinch of dry granulated garlic. Thanks to this, the dish will acquire a piquant aroma and special taste.

We transfer the finished appetizer to the dish, add greens if desired, and as soon as it cools down, put it on the table.

Such caviar is an excellent addition to meat, fish dishes, porridge, boiled or fried potatoes, goes well with pasta. Some people prefer to spread it on bread or toast, similar to a pate. It's a great idea to stuff the halves with caviar. boiled eggs... But tartlets should not be filled with zucchini caviar, since they will quickly become soaked due to the high juiciness of the filling. Bon Appetit!

Such caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. by placing in the food tray or glass jar covering with a lid.

On a note

Vegetable caviar will become tastier, and carrots will be healthier if you lightly fry them on vegetable oil... Along with carrots, you can also fry onions. While onions and carrots are fried (this can also be done in a multicooker), you can put slices of zucchini to stew (or cook) in parallel to save time. At the end, combine boiled and fried vegetables, grind them with a blender, add tomato paste.

Zucchini caviar is well known to every inhabitant of the former Soviet Union, this vegetable snack was quite common, it still has a large number of admirers who constantly harvest it for the winter, not trusting industrial caviar. In our time, squash caviar, in addition to various kitchen utensils, can be perfectly cooked in a slow cooker. Modern technology significantly saves the preparation time of this dish.

Delicate, fragrant and very appetizing, marrow caviar in a multicooker has proven itself well as in a family daily menu, and when serving festive table... Not a single, even the most fastidious guest has refused a portion of delicious squash caviar!

There are many reasons to prepare squash caviar in a multicooker for the winter, if only because it is very simple to cook it. In addition, even the simplest squash caviar in a multicooker is very useful if it is made according to all the rules. It is easy for the body to assimilate, although there are more hearty options for example squash caviar with mayonnaise. In a multicooker, you can prepare an option for every taste. More easy recipe squash caviar in a multicooker is squash caviar in a multicooker with tomato paste... Its taste is slightly sour, and many people like it for this. But the recipe for squash caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker is suitable for those who like to eat a lot and hearty. It's up to you. By the way, the choice of the recipe must be done even before you start purchasing caviar products. And you need to study the recipes you need not only from recipes, but also from photographs ready meals... Cook zucchini caviar in a slow cooker, look at the recipes from the photo first of all, this will help you in your choice.

Below are some tips experienced chefs how to cook squash caviar in a slow cooker:

Try to carefully observe the proportions of the ingredients of the caviar recipe you choose, this will seriously affect the taste of caviar. The main thing is that there are more zucchini for carrots and onions;

The caviar is cooked in the "baking" mode for about 40 minutes. Then the vegetables are mixed, after which the process continues in the "stewing" mode for 30 minutes;

10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic and dill;

Ready vegetables need to be chopped with a blender until puree;

You need to add salt, constantly tasting the caviar. It is advisable to make it slightly salty, but only "slightly"!

You can serve ready-made caviar to the table with French fries, you can spread it on a slice of fresh bread;

Although the first ripe zucchini appear on the market in early summer, it is necessary to harvest zucchini caviar in August-September, when this vegetable ripens most actively and massively.

For a piquant taste, five minutes before the end of the process, you can add a little vinegar to the caviar.

Zucchini caviar recipes for the winter with a photo

We present you with something classic - overseas caviar, marrow in a slow cooker! You will definitely like her recipe and will not take much time ...

5/5 (3)

Healthy and tasty, zucchini contains very few calories and goes well with almost any food. Due to their watery structure and pleasant, but at the same time, fairly neutral taste, these vegetables easily turn into anything: garnish for meat, pickles, and other housewives experienced in culinary matters even make marrow jam! However, we will talk about such an unusual method of using them next time, but for now I will give you something more classic - overseas caviar, squash in a slow cooker!

Now this multifunctional device, combining a steam bath, a saucepan, a frying pan and a simmering pot, is found in almost every kitchen. And, of course, it greatly facilitates the cooking process. winter preparations... But no matter how magical the kitchen device is, it will not prepare the ingredients for squash caviar, and they will not prepare themselves either. Fortunately, everyone who has ever held a knife in their hands can do this.

So, let's take the following products:

  1. First of all, we take on carrots and onions. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots, fry them in oil in a pan until golden brown, but do not allow sticking and blackening.
  2. After frying them properly, pour them into the multicooker bowl and chop the zucchini on top. It is very important that they are well peeled and seeds - the skins and seeds of zucchini are not boiled, but in tender caviar harsh impurities are useless. In this case, the size of the fruits does not matter, their flesh remains juicy and watery even in overripe age.
  3. Pour tomato paste on top, add spices and mix.
  4. After that, you can start extinguishing. In the "Extinguishing" mode the process of turning a mixture of vegetables into caviar, or rather, its first stage will take about 60 minutes... After the time is up, you need to proceed to the second stage - grinding. To do this, someone uses a crush, someone uses a meat grinder, someone turns the mixture into gruel with a blender.
    Important: if you are using a blender, pour the caviar into another container, and do not dip it into the multicooker bowl, otherwise you will ruin the coating!
  5. Bring the prepared vegetable gruel to a boil again and pour it into sterilized jars.

Better to take small jars, up to half a liter - open caviar is not stored for long. We wrap the rolled containers and leave them warm for about a day. After cooling down, we take it to a dark, cool place - to wait for your finest hour on the dinner table.