Home / Recipes / How to pickle mushrooms. How to salt mushrooms for fun

How to pickle mushrooms. How to salt mushrooms for fun

The mushroom season is coming and with it the efforts of avid mushroom pickers. pickling mushrooms for the winter in jars is best suited for lovers of quiet hunting, city dwellers who, well, cannot stop without collecting a ton or two of mushrooms of various varieties over the summer.

Yes, you shouldn’t laugh, many people go for mushrooms with baskets or buckets, and I know some mushroom pickers who immediately go to the forest on a horse with a cart and do not come home until this cart is full. But this is in the countryside, everything is on a grand scale here, and then we sit for days, sorting and soaking mushrooms. After all, they need not just to be salted deliciously, or, first you need to properly assemble them, then prepare them, but only after that look for recipes.

Rules for collecting and preparing mushrooms for salting

Very often I see a picture when I drive up to the city, cars stand along the roads, and residents of the metropolis dart along the forest belt in search of mushroom places. And they are unaware that mushrooms most of all absorb all the heavy metals and toxins that accumulate on the roads from exhaust gases. Imagine what kind of mushrooms can be pickled with such a set of chemicals.

  1. The most important rule when picking mushrooms is to look for mushroom places no less than a kilometer from the road. Hard? But health is more important.
  2. Another rule is to go for mushrooms at five in the morning, but not in the afternoon. In the morning, the collected mushrooms are crisp, tight and store better.
  3. The third rule - do not be greedy, do not take a big bag with a huge hat, most likely it is already very old and you can see wormholes in the section. It is better to look for a family of young mushrooms or tiny russula.

How to prepare mushrooms for salting

First, about salting methods, there are three of them, and all of them are suitable for salting mushrooms in jars:

  • hot way
  • cold way
  • Dry salting

These methods differ in the duration of cooking, they are not suitable for all types of mushrooms. But more on that below. Now I want to talk about why it is important to sort mushrooms and how to prepare them for pickling.

Usually in the forest we tear everything into one basket, rejoicing in the good mushroom season. Since childhood, my son has been a big fan of picking mushrooms, and therefore I often have to take mushrooms apart with baths, well, because in a large bath on the street it is most convenient to wash and sort mushrooms.

I always do this with mushrooms, pour them all together into a large cast-iron bath, I specially have it in the yard, and fill it with water so that all my mushrooms are completely hidden, at the same time dried leaves, needles and any garbage will peel off from them.

Immediately I begin to reject and sort the mushrooms. It is imperative to disassemble them by variety, because the cooking time is different for everyone, and some also need to be soaked for a long time, some are not required at all.

We select mushrooms, podgruzdki, volnushki, they need to be soaked for up to five days with frequent changes of water.

I put the russula and white mushrooms in a separate bucket, they do not need to be soaked at all.

From the hats of some, for example, we remove the skin. And some need to clean the legs to become bright and beautiful, these are boletus and boletus.

At the same time, we need to carefully look at the mushrooms so that among them we do not come across poisonous ones, some are very good at disguising themselves. I also check the mushrooms for the presence of living creatures in them, they are very small, and already wormy, of course they go to waste.

Hot pickling of mushrooms for the winter in jars

Yes, this method is best for canning mushrooms in jars. Yes, and you can close any mushrooms in a hot way, like milk mushrooms, butter mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, butterflies, volnushki, chanterelles.

The advantage of this method is that the mushrooms are cooked quickly, in a month, sometimes you can already try them earlier. But they are not as crispy and do not keep as long as cold-preserved ones.

The mushrooms are already prepared, washed and soaked, before cooking, you must first weigh them in order to know how much salt we will need. It is added for every kilogram of mushrooms - two tablespoons.

Mushrooms are poured with water and boiled for about half an hour, milk mushrooms are best boiled for forty-five minutes. The foam must be removed during cooking. Then we throw them back in a colander and let them cool. During this time, we will prepare jars, I have five-liter ones with a wide neck, so that it is convenient to put oppression.

At the bottom of a sterile jar, first we lay a layer of spices, you can choose according to your taste, most often these are dill umbrellas, parsley and garlic. Then a layer of mushrooms is laid out, sprinkled with salt, and again there is a layer of spices, until the mushrooms run out. We fill all this with brine, drained after boiling the mushrooms, and put oppression so that the mushrooms completely go under the liquid. So they will stand for a couple of weeks in the cold. Then they can be decomposed into smaller jars.

Salting mushrooms for the winter in a cold way

This method provides for a longer aging of mushrooms, for example, white milk mushrooms can be eaten only a month and a half after salting. But how crunchy they are! Well, who tried, he knows.

This method does not require heat treatment, but on the other hand, the mushrooms must be carefully prepared, soaked before salting with frequent changes of water.

The whole method is interesting in that the mushrooms are laid out in a clean container in layers with seasonings, I put dill in umbrellas, allspice and black pepper, Bay leaf and cloves of garlic, cut lengthwise. I sprinkle each layer of mushrooms with salt, two tablespoons per kilogram, so the mushrooms are always weighed beforehand.

A layer of spices comes on top and a load is laid on it so that the mushrooms give juice. In this case, you need to observe if the juice is poorly released, then the weight of the oppression needs to be increased. So the mushrooms should stand in the cold for a month and a half, they can be planted in batches if there is room.

Dry salted mushrooms

simple and fast way, but not suitable for all mushrooms, but only for those that do not need to be soaked. Why the method is called dry, mushrooms are not even washed. My grandfather usually salted russula like this, removed the top peel from the hats with a knife, cleaned them a little and salted them.

For this method, you can also use the same seasonings. Mushrooms are also laid out in layers in a jar or a wide convenient pan, scalded with boiling water. Each layer is salted, in this case more salt should be used, 3-4 tablespoons per kilogram of mushrooms. Oppression is also placed on top so that the mushrooms begin to secrete juice.

Russula or mushrooms salted in this way are usually ready in two weeks. Mushrooms can also be added as they arrive.

Salting mushrooms with garlic for the winter in jars

Oh, and we like little butters prepared in this way, it’s also good that they don’t need to be soaked. And serve them with garlic for any festive table and not only, nice deal.

For this recipe we need:

  • A kilogram of mushrooms, you can any
  • Two tablespoons with a small slide of salt
  • Three heads of garlic
  • A couple of dill umbrellas
  • Two sheets of horseradish
  • Five leaves of blackcurrant
  • five carnations
  • Large bunch of dill

How to pickle mushrooms in this way:

We first wash them and soak them if required. Then be sure to remove excess water, let stand in a colander for a while. We sterilize the jar and dry it.

Rinse the greens, peel the garlic and cut lengthwise into plates. First lay out a layer of greenery, horseradish leaves, dill umbrella, currant leaves. Next, mushrooms go up with hats, we add them abundantly, sprinkle with dill and chopped garlic. We fill the jar with such layers.

We put oppression on top and remove the mushrooms for two weeks in the cold. Then the mushrooms can be decomposed into small jars, pour a layer on top vegetable oil and close with capron lids.

Porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars

For salting we will need:

  • Kilo white mushrooms
  • Two tablespoons with a small slide of salt
  • 0.7 ml water
  • Three peas of black and allspice
  • five cloves of garlic
  • laurel leaf
  • Two umbrellas of dill
  • Three carnations

How to salt porcini mushrooms for the winter:

Mushrooms are first cleaned, then washed, if necessary, then cut into pieces. Peel the garlic and cut into lengthwise pieces.

We dilute salt in a saucepan and put the mushrooms to boil, fifteen minutes will be enough in time, but all the time you will need to remove the foam. Then we add all the spices to the water with mushrooms and cook for another five to seven minutes.

In a sterilized jar at the bottom we place dill and a few cloves of garlic. We spread the mushrooms, sprinkling each of the layers with garlic. Top with brine and roll up the lids. After two weeks, mushrooms can be tasted.

Salting milk mushrooms for the winter

For her, we need to take:

  • Kilo white mushrooms
  • Three tablespoons of salt
  • Three umbrellas of dill
  • Six peas of black pepper
  • Three peas of allspice
  • Three carnations in buds
  • Two leaves of lavrushka
  • Three cloves of garlic

How to salt milk mushrooms:

We sort, clean, wash the mushrooms. They need to be soaked for three days before salting, only in the morning and in the evening do not forget to change the water to clean. After these days, we put the finished mushrooms upside down in a container, sprinkling the mushroom layers with spices and salt. We put heavy oppression on top and forget them in the refrigerator for thirty days.

After a month of salting, we take out the container and sterilize small jars, pour a little salt on the bottom of each, fill it with mushrooms along with the brine, pour either salt or pour on top vegetable oil. We close the lids and put the jars in the cold.

Salting mushrooms for the winter in jars

What we will need to take for the recipe:

  • Kilo of saffron milk caps
  • Three tablespoons of salt
  • five cloves of garlic

How to salt:

We cut off the legs of the mushrooms, we will only salt the caps. We wash them well and pour them with boiling water. We let it stand for three minutes under the lid, then let the water drain completely and salt the mushrooms, we also add garlic cloves. Mix the mushrooms well and leave for half an hour.

We prepare sterile jars, preferably half a liter. We put mushrooms tightly in them, pour a layer of salt on top and close the lids. We keep cold.

Salting mushrooms is one of the simplest and most common ways to harvest them. Mushrooms canned in a strong solution of table salt are used for soups, side dishes, appetizers, marinades and for stewing.

Almost all types of edible mushrooms are used for salting, including milk mushrooms and mushrooms. Mushrooms for pickling should be fresh, strong, not overripe, not wormy or wrinkled. They should be sorted by size, species and varieties and cut off the legs. In butter and russula, in addition, the outer skin must be removed. Before salting, the mushrooms are washed well, put in a colander and rinsed by repeated immersion in a bucket of cold water, allowed to drain. You should not keep mushrooms in water for a long time, since mushroom caps, especially middle-aged ones, absorb it well.

After washing, the mushrooms are cleaned of adhering leaves, coniferous needles, earth, sand, damaged areas are cut out, and the lower part is cut off at the legs by half. Large mushrooms are cut into identical pieces; small mushrooms can be left whole.

Some mushrooms, in particular oil mushrooms, mushrooms, champignons, mushrooms and aspen mushrooms, contain easily oxidizing substances that quickly darken when in contact with air. To prevent darkening during cleaning and cutting, the mushrooms are immediately placed in a pot of water, to which 10 g of table salt and 2 g of salt are added. citric acid(based on 1 liter of water).

There are several main ways to pickle mushrooms:

Only mushrooms and pods are harvested in a dry way: they clean the mushrooms, do not wash them, but only wipe them with a clean soft cloth, put them in a tub in rows and sprinkle with salt sparingly, cover with clean linen and put oppression (cobblestone, clean heavy non-oxidizing objects). The juice should come out over the oppression and cover the mushrooms on top. In such mushrooms, their natural aroma and piquant resinous taste are preserved, so spices and aromatic herbs are not put in them. Such mushrooms are ready for use in 7-10 days.

Cold pickling is used for mushrooms that do not require pre-cooking (saffron mushrooms, pigs, smoothies, milk mushrooms, volnushki, russula, etc.). It involves soaking cleaned and washed mushrooms for 1-2 days in running or frequently changed water. You can also soak mushrooms in salted water (at the rate of 10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water) with aging in a cool room: bitters and valui - 3 days, milk mushrooms and mushrooms - 2 days, whites and flakes - 1 day. When soaking mushrooms in a salt solution, the latter must be changed at least twice a day. Ryzhik and russula can not be soaked.

Instead of soaking, mushrooms can be blanched in boiling water containing 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water by immersing them in a boiling solution. Blanching duration: milk mushrooms - 5-6 minutes, mushrooms, chanterelles, bitters, valui - 15-20 minutes. Whites and volnushki can be poured with boiling water and kept in it for 1 hour. After blanching, the mushrooms are cooled in cold water and let her drain.

Subsequently, they are laid in layers in a barrel, the bottom of which is previously sprinkled with salt, sprinkling each layer of mushrooms with salt at the rate of 3-4 percent of the weight of the prepared mushrooms (50 g of salt is taken for 1 kg of mushrooms for milk mushrooms, volushki and russula and 40 g for mushrooms) , chopped garlic, dill, cherry, currant or horseradish leaf, cumin. Mushrooms are laid out with caps down and a layer of no more than 6 cm.

The dishes filled to the top are covered with canvas, put a light oppression and after 1-2 days they are taken out to a cold place. When the mushrooms thicken, settle and give juice, new fresh prepared mushrooms are added to them to fill the dishes, or they are transferred from another barrel or cylinder in compliance with the salt norm and the stacking order. After each addition of mushrooms, a circle and oppression are established. Then the barrels are taken out to a cold cellar or cellar for storage.

After filling the barrel, after about 5-6 days, you need to check if there is a brine in the mushrooms. If the latter is not enough, it is necessary to increase the load or add saline at the rate of 20 g of salt per 1 liter of water. It takes 1-1.5 months to complete the salting. Mushrooms should be stored at a temperature not lower than 1 and not higher than 7 ° C.

Hot salting is carried out as follows. Mushrooms are cleaned, sorted; in whites, boletus and boletus, roots are cut off, which can be salted separately from the hats. Large hats, if they are salted together with small ones, can be cut into 2-3 parts. Prepared mushrooms are washed with cold water, and the valui is soaked for 2-3 days.

Pour 0.5 cups of water (per 1 kg of mushrooms) into the pan, put salt and put on fire. Put mushrooms into boiling water. During cooking, the mushrooms must be gently stirred with a paddle so that they do not burn. When the water boils, you need to carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon, then put pepper, bay leaf, other seasonings and cook with gentle stirring, counting from the moment of boiling: porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms and boletus boletus 20-25 minutes, valui 15-20 minutes, volushki and russula 10-15 minutes.

The mushrooms are ready when they begin to sink to the bottom and the brine becomes clear. The boiled mushrooms are carefully transferred to a wide dish so that they cool quickly. The cooled mushrooms can be transferred together with the brine into barrels or jars and closed. Brine should be no more than one-fifth of the weight of the mushrooms. Mushrooms are ready to eat in 40-45 days.

With hot pickling, for 1 kg of prepared mushrooms, take: 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 bay leaf, 3 pcs. peppercorns, 3 pcs. cloves, 5 g dill, 2 blackcurrant leaves.

Salted mushrooms should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated area at a temperature of 5-6°C, but not below 0°C. At low temperatures, the mushrooms will freeze, crumble, lose taste qualities. Storage of salted mushrooms at temperatures above 6°C may cause souring and spoilage.

It is necessary to regularly monitor that the mushrooms are always in brine. If the brine evaporates and does not cover all the mushrooms, then cooled boiled water should be added to the dishes. In case of mold, the circle and the cloth are washed in hot, slightly salted water. Mold on the walls of the dish is wiped with a clean cloth dipped in hot water.

In a salt solution, mushrooms are not completely preserved, since in such an environment the activity of microorganisms is only limited, but does not stop. The thicker the brine, the better the mushrooms are preserved. But in this case, the mushrooms become so oversalted that they almost completely lose their value. On the contrary, the weaker ones in brines undergo lactic acid fermentation and fermentation of mushrooms. Although such fermentation is not harmful, it still gives the mushrooms a sour taste, and the widespread use of such mushrooms in food becomes impossible.

To prevent mold from appearing on the surface of the mushrooms, they should be placed in a hermetically sealed dish and stored in a cold and dry room. If the banks close parchment paper or cellophane, then in a damp and warm room, the water in the jars will evaporate, and the mushrooms will become moldy.

Salting mushrooms is a way to stock up on mushroom preparations for the winter and enjoy the wonderful taste of mushrooms on holidays and weekdays. You can salt a variety of mushrooms - first of all, milk mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles, as well as honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, fly mushrooms, butterflies, etc.

Salted mushrooms are not only ready-made tasty snack. Then they can and should be fried, boiled mushroom soups, stew.
When salting, as well as when, it is necessary to follow certain rules for processing and preparing mushrooms for harvesting.

First of all, mushrooms need to be sorted out and sorted into varieties (it is better to salt separately, with some exceptions). Next, the mushrooms must be cleaned and soaked at least overnight (preferably for a day). The water must be changed, and the mushrooms themselves should be put in a cool place. Then the mushrooms are cut (for lamellar, it is important to cut off the legs). You can salt different ways– dry salting, hot salting and cold salting.

Salting mushrooms

Mushrooms are salted in two main ways - cold and hot.

Salting milk mushrooms in a cold way means salting raw mushrooms. Mushrooms must be soaked, periodically changing the water (a couple of hours). White and black pickles can not be soaked - there is no bitterness in them.

Salt is poured on the bottom of the dish, leaves of cherries, currants, horseradish, dill stalks are laid out. Mushrooms are laid in layers with hats down. Every five to ten centimeters, mushrooms are sprinkled with salt and spices, garlic and pepper are also put. Leaves of cherries, currants and dill are laid on top of the mushrooms. They not only improve the taste and aroma, but also protect against mold.

From above, the mushrooms are pressed with a wooden circle or a smaller lid. Salted milk mushrooms should be stored at a temperature of + 5-6. If stored at minus, the taste will deteriorate. If there are few mushrooms, they can be salted in a glass jar under a plastic lid. They should be stored in the refrigerator.

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way

Gained particular popularity hot way. Many types of mushrooms can be salted in a hot way - milk mushrooms, volnushki, mushrooms, some varieties of russula.

So, salting milk mushrooms in a hot way is done like this. In this case, milk mushrooms are not soaked (as in the cold method). To get rid of bitterness, the mushrooms are boiled (no more than half an hour), then they get rid of the liquid, letting the water drain.

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way also requires less blanching (heat treatment) in time. To get rid of the milky juice, put the mushrooms in boiling water for 6-8 minutes. It is convenient to use a colander if there are few mushrooms. Then the milk mushrooms are thoroughly washed with cool water until cool.

Mushrooms are put in jars, pots or other containers for salting, sprinkled with salt, herbs, seasonings (dill, tarragon, fragrant onions and (or) garlic, horseradish are added. If desired, you can add celery, cherry, currant and oak leaves. Salted milk mushrooms are stored in a cool place.You can start feasting on them in one to two weeks.

When autumn comes, many people go to the forest for mushrooms. If the year turned out to be fruitful, then you can collect more than one basket of mushrooms. Housewives immediately begin to prepare their favorite dishes: fried potatoes, noodles with mushrooms or julienne. And you can also deliciously salt the mushrooms at home.

Delicious salted mushrooms at home

The search for mushrooms, which avid mushroom pickers miss picking, starts from the very early morning. Along the roads and trails there are many abandoned cars and people wandering in search of mushrooms. And this is one of the first mistakes, because it is necessary to harvest forest crops at least one kilometer from the highway. Mushrooms tend to strongly absorb toxic emissions, which is in abundance on our roads.

Early morning is a favorable time for picking mushrooms because their quality is much better than at other times of the day: they are more crispy, the caps are elastic and they have the largest number of mushrooms. useful substances and they keep better too.

Cold salting

This is a pretty simple method. how to pickle mushrooms at home, which is used in the processing of agaric mushrooms. Mushrooms must first be washed and cleaned. Then soak in salted water, which must be changed at least 2-3 times a day.

In this form, the mushrooms should be kept in the refrigerator or some cool place for two days. So that the mushrooms do not float up and are completely in the water, they are covered, for example, with a board and a suitable load is placed on top. If there is not enough time for such a long process, then you can cut the soaking time by half by placing the mushrooms in cold running water.

Depending on the types and sizes of mushrooms, the cooking time is also different., but usually about 15-25 minutes is enough. Ready mushrooms must necessarily settle to the bottom. If the mushrooms are cooked incorrectly, then this can be understood by the brine - it will not be transparent, and the mushrooms will not be strong and elastic.

Mushrooms are cooled to 40-50 degrees and packaged in suitable barrels. Cover with a clean cloth or gauze and put oppression on top of a wooden circle or board.

If packaged in glass jars, then fill with mushrooms so that there is free space up to 1 centimeter up to the neck. Then close the lids and leave in a warm room for two days, and then store in a cool place. Mushrooms are ready for eating in 25-30 days.

Prepare like this:

  • Pour a little salt into an enameled pan or other suitable container and put 2-3 layers of washed mushrooms on top with caps down.
  • Then sprinkle with salt along with some of the spices and continue to lay layers until the mushrooms run out.
  • Cover the filled pan with gauze in several layers or with a clean towel. Press down with a plate or wooden round board. How oppressive to use a jar of water or a heavy stone. After a while, a brine will appear.
  • Mushrooms should settle after 2 days. If desired, the empty space can be supplemented with a new portion of mushrooms. It is important that all layers are in brine to avoid mold.
  • After the aroma of a sour taste appears, the dishes should be covered with a film and put in a cold room. After 40 days, you can treat your household.

A great appetizer of mushrooms can be cooked hot. In a few days it will be possible to invite guests and treat delicious mushrooms. For cooking, you need a minimum of products:

Cooking method:

  1. Boil clean mushrooms in boiling water for 18-22 minutes, removing the foam with a slotted spoon.
  2. Then let the water drain, throwing the mushrooms into a colander.
  3. Pour the mushrooms again with clean water and let them boil over medium heat.
  4. Pour in all the spices required for this recipe and pour in the vinegar. In this form, cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  5. In pre-prepared jars, spread the mushrooms along with the brine.
  6. Close with regular lids and leave to cool under the covers and turn upside down.
  7. After the contents of the jars have cooled, put them in a cool place.

If you really want to enjoy such a dish, then after a few days you can already try. Bon Appetit.

noble white

There are never many such mushrooms, and if a jar of mushrooms is opened for dinner, then by the end of the meal there is not a trace of it left. The salting recipe is very simple:

Sterilize jars and put mushrooms in them, alternating with thin cloves of garlic. Strain the marinade and also add to the mushrooms. roll up iron lids and store in a refrigerator or cellar. After two weeks, you can invite guests to taste delicious mushrooms.

How pleasant it is to open a jar of salted chanterelles in winter! They always turn out fragrant and tasty, so they are added to soups, salads, appetizers and main dishes. Required Ingredients for cooking:

  • Chanterelles - 2 kg.
  • Garlic - 6-7 cloves.
  • Dill - bunch.
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking steps:

Bon appetit everyone!

There is nothing complicated in all the recipes. Salt mushrooms and treat your relatives and friends!

Autumn among fans of "quiet hunting" is associated mainly with the forest, clean air and the opportunity to harvest a good harvest. They know many ways to keep their prey from going to waste, how to pickle a wide variety of mushrooms, creating a tasty food supply for the winter. Then households, friends and good acquaintances will treat themselves to a delicacy.

For salting, as well as for food in general, only mushrooms that grow in the depths of the forest are suitable. It is better to leave specimens near the roads, because, thanks to the porous structure, they absorb, like a sponge, toxins, heavy metals that have appeared due to a large number exhaust gases.

It is also better to leave too large, clearly aging mushrooms, the caps of which will be full of wormholes, to feed the forest dwellers. After cleaning, almost nothing will remain of them - it is better to find only a recently sprouted family. It is recommended to start searching in the early morning, at 5 o'clock. Collected at such a time, they will retain their elasticity and will be stored longer.

Is it possible to salt mushrooms in a plastic bowl?

It is not recommended to use plastic dishes for salting. But if you need to deal with mushrooms immediately, and there is no other free container, you can use barrels or containers designed for hot and cold food. The walls of such containers will withstand for some time the influence of an aggressive environment, which is a strong brine.

Then, at the end of salting, the stocks must be transferred to a wooden, enameled or glass container.

Preparatory stage of salting

Arriving home, you need to distribute the time so that the processing begins throughout the day, ideally immediately. If urgent matters await, it is recommended to soak the mushrooms in cool water. So it will be possible to extend the preservation time by 10-12 hours, no more. Postponed until the evening, simply dry, the crop will begin to dry, worms will become active in it.


The first stage of work is sorting, during which:

  • mushrooms are divided by type;
  • suspicious specimens are thrown out;
  • spoiled ones are selected;
  • leaves, fragments of twigs are removed.

If the gifts of the forest are not enough, you can pickle a kind of assortment by choosing the most suitable recipe for this.


Processing is impossible without the second stage - cleaning of adhering dirt, mucous coating on some types of hats. To do this, it is enough to use water, preferably running. The stagnant liquid will have to be changed until it becomes absolutely clean. The smallest amount of time for cleansing will require mushrooms, which are sometimes enough just to wipe.


Peeled mushrooms need to be chopped, especially large specimens. The pieces should be at least approximately the same size so that, in the end, the salting has the same, excellent taste. Initially, the legs are cut off at a distance of 5 millimeters from the bottom of the cap, then, if desired, the remains are additionally crushed.


A significant number of mushrooms have a bitter taste, which can be removed by soaking. In a container with cool water, they are kept for various times.

For example:

  1. Milk mushrooms - about 5 days.
  2. Waves - 3 days.
  3. Loading - 2 days.
  4. Bitter - 4 days.

The water used for soaking must be changed daily 2 times. But white mushrooms, russula, mushrooms do not need to remove bitterness. They are immersed in salted water for a short time only for the remaining worms to surface.

Methods for salting mushrooms

Due to its simplicity, salting mushrooms is popular, which has given rise to a lot of ways. These include fast, hot, cold, dry salting. Recipes have been created for similar processing of not only fresh, but also frozen crops.

Quick salting

For quick salting, mainly cans are used, the portioning of which simplifies storage possibilities. The method is simple and affordable, to implement it, you need to put hats on the bottom of the container, then legs, and fill them with salt, without sparing. After the appearance of a brown liquid, the delicacy can be consumed.

Quick salting is not used for long-term storage, but the method is excellent for creating a delicacy in the shortest possible time.

hot way

The hot method is also simple, as it does not require much effort. It is necessary to prepare an enameled pan, in which half a glass of salted water is poured into 1 kilogram of mushrooms, spices are added. Cooking, with frequent stirring, lasts 10-25 minutes; as soon as the pieces begin to settle, and the brine has become transparent, the fire is turned off. Hot-cooked delicacies are ready to eat only for 40-45 days.

cold way

Mushrooms that do not need to be pre-boiled can be salted in a cold way. After soaking, raw hats are laid, alternating in layers no thicker than 5-6 centimeters, with salt in a barrel or a large saucepan.

To improve the taste are also used:

  • dill umbrellas;
  • cherry leaves;
  • sprigs of currant;
  • cumin seeds.

Oppression is laid on top, the dishes are covered with a natural cloth and taken out to the utility room.

Dry salting

The dry salting method is suitable mainly for pods, saffron milk caps, and sometimes russula. The blanks are placed, sprinkled with coarse-grained salt, into a barrel and pressed down with oppression. The juice that comes out should be enough to cover the mushrooms. It is forbidden to add water, the product with its own spicy aftertaste does not need aromatic herbs, spices. To create stocks, it is not recommended to buy iodized salt, because because of it, the workpiece quickly turns sour.

in a barrel

Mushrooms in a wooden barrel, and even better, made of oak, are salted in the standard way using a load. However, before work, the container must be prepared - tarred, and then check the quality of work by filling it with water.

Fluid must not seep through cracks. Also, the barrel must be sterilized by washing with a brush, dousing with boiling water or fumigating with juniper.

without vinegar

Preferring to use a minimum of auxiliary ingredients, mushroom pickers often refuse to use vinegar. You can replace it with red currants, which is highly recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems and just gourmets. For salting, blackcurrant leaves are harvested, giving the workpiece a pleasant aroma and flavor.

Salting frozen mushrooms

Since mushrooms are frozen only after full preparation, their pickling becomes very simple. Such changes are resorted to if you need free space in the freezer, for the holiday. Defrost should be done naturally, without additional heating. As soon as they drain, you can start layering (with salt and spices) laying in glass jars. Products of this kind should be used within 2-3 weeks.

Recipes for salting mushrooms at home

Salting of mushrooms is recognized as correct, depending on the type. Thanks to it, it will be possible to emphasize the taste, extend the shelf life of the product.

Milk mushrooms

For salting 1 kilogram of breasts in a cold way, you will need several ingredients:

  • 80-100 grams of salt;
  • 3-4 umbrellas of dill;
  • 5 black peas and the same amount of allspice;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.

You can also, focusing on your own taste, add a bay leaf. Spruce milk mushrooms are placed in a container, at the bottom of which there is already salt. After filling, it is placed in the refrigerator for 3.5-4 weeks.


Preparation of mushrooms consists in cleaning and removing the legs, since only hats are used for salting. For 1 kilogram of raw materials, salt and at least 5-7 cloves of garlic will be required. Hats are kept in water for literally 5-10 minutes, then they need to be poured over with boiling water and placed in a colander.

While the workpiece is draining, the garlic should be finely chopped. At the end, the ingredients are mixed, placed in a container and hermetically sealed. Salted mushrooms are kept cool.

Honey mushrooms

For salting mushrooms, you will need a standard set of spices and other ingredients to your own taste: black pepper, bay leaf, dill umbrellas, black currants. Already peeled mushrooms must be kept in salted water, and then they are tightly stacked in layers in a pan and pressed down with oppression. So the mushrooms should stand for 4-5 days, after which the resulting liquid must be poured out.

oyster mushrooms

Preparing oyster mushrooms is not too different from working with mushrooms or mushrooms. You also need to remove the hard legs and rinse healthy hats. Mushrooms will need to be blanched for about 6-7 minutes.

During this time, the liquid is re-prepared, in which you need to add spices, all the ingredients and salt. After welding, the brine is filtered, boiled again and used to fill jars with already laid mushrooms. It is allowed to include blanks in the diet after 5-6 days.


If you do not remove the sticky layer on the oil cap, the workpiece will become unpleasant in taste. And since this type of mushroom only swells from water, it is better to dry it a little before processing, and only then proceed to cleaning using a cloth or knife.

The oil is salted as follows:

  1. Boil 20 minutes.
  2. Let drain using a colander.
  3. Lay in layers in a barrel.
  4. For 1-2 days they press down with a load.

Then the mushrooms can be moved to a glass container, poured with brine and rolled up. The product is ready for use already in the third week.

White mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms for salting are used whole or chopped. For the brine, you will need a standard set of ingredients, consisting of currant leaves, salt, black pepper, dill umbrellas, and garlic. Mushrooms are added to already boiling water and boiled for 25-30 minutes. During this time, they need to be stirred, carefully remove the resulting foam. Further, the whites can be placed in jars, poured with brine and rolled up.


Chanterelles retain their taste and aroma well after cold salting, preparation for which consists in soaking for 24 hours. The brine should be sour-salty, for which a little citric acid is added to the water. Chanterelles are stacked in jars in layers; on top of the pickles, to improve the taste, they often pour a little vegetable oil.


The bitter taste of gobies is a signal that before creating winter harvest they need to be soaked. The procedure lasts several days, during which the water must be changed. After a while, the mushrooms can be boiled for 20-25 minutes, cooled and transferred in layers to jars. The ambassador is poured at the end, just before closing the container with lids.


Due to the presence of several preparatory stages working with pigs will require some patience. After soaking the mushrooms for a day, you need:

  • boil for 6-7 minutes;
  • Rinse;
  • boil again for 25-30 minutes;
  • rinse again.

Now the blanks are transferred to salt water, where they are processed for 35 minutes. After that, it remains to put the pigs in jars, pour, press down with oppression. These mushrooms are salted fully prepared at least 1.5 months.


The salting of the waves lasts 1.5-2 months, and all this time they need to provide a temperature in the storage place of 0-10 degrees. Soaking mushrooms takes 2.5-3 days. Otherwise, the cold ambassador does not differ in special nuances.


The soaking time of cowsheds is limited to three days, then they can be boiled (30 minutes) and drained. The brine for pouring into jars is prepared separately, it is used only after laying the mushrooms, which were additionally boiled in it.

Storage of salted mushrooms

Mushroom stocks are recommended to be kept cool, otherwise the product will deteriorate, start to mold, “run away”. In some cases, it can still be saved, but the taste from such manipulations will certainly suffer. If the pickles are in the right conditions, they stay good until spring. After the onset of a new mushroom season, it is not recommended to include an expired product in the diet. ( 1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)