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Household stuff cooking recipes useful tips. Tips for the hostess

For fruits: In order for kiwis to ripen quickly, you need to put them in a row with apples and bananas.
So that when you prepare a fruit salad, bananas, pears and apples do not darken, you need to sprinkle them with lemon juice in a separate bowl.
Other cooking tips: Spices should be stored in individual glass or ceramic containers with a lid.
Proteins are better whipped in a chilled state, but the yolks, on the contrary, can even be slightly warmed up.

Chicken eggs are best fried without a lid, then the taste of the yolk will be completely preserved, and the protein will remain tender.

Do not keep boiled vegetables in water, but drain it immediately so that the vegetables do not absorb excess water. This rule does not apply to cauliflower.

In order for the potatoes to be beautifully fried, you do not need to rinse them after cutting or, moreover, store them in water!

Peas when cooking pea soup after it (peas) is ready, I recommend crushing. This will make the consistency of the soup more beautiful, correct and tasty!

Any pickling should certainly take place under the lid and certainly in a cool place! A good place is in the fridge. Pickling time depends on the product itself. From 30 minutes fish and up to 4-5 hours minimum, for example, pork meat.

When kneading the dough, so that it does not stick to your hands - grease them with a little olive oil!

Sometimes, when you urgently need boiled potatoes, use the microwave for this. Pierce the potatoes with a fork in several places and place under the lid for 8-10 minutes. Not that, of course, that in the water, but quickly!

In principle, all vegetables that require heat treatment for vinaigrette (beets, potatoes, carrots), bake in the microwave for 15 minutes!

Before cooking, hare meat must be marinated in a mixture of water, vinegar, spices and berries. This will get rid of the characteristic smell of game and make the meat softer!

Buy as many fruits as you can eat in 1-2 meals. They spoil quite quickly even in the refrigerator, especially exotic ones, and no one and nothing prevents you from buying more the day after tomorrow!

When buying smoked sausage or meat, free it at home from all cellophane wrappers and wrap it in thick paper. In the refrigerator in this form, the product will be stored much longer!

Never store vegetables in tied bags. The "freer" they lie - the longer they are stored!

You can add a little washed lemon or orange peel to the dried fruit compote. The taste will be a little more interesting!

In order for the breading (for example: breadcrumbs) to acquire a golden color and keep well - do not forget to first roll the object of frying in a raw egg!

Be sure to buy baking paper - this will keep the baking sheet always clean so that you do not bake and prevent the product from sticking to it!

Pizza dough can be safely frozen in portioned balls and taken out when needed and as much as needed!

Want to make parsley greens even more fragrant? Rinse it with very warm water!

Do not boil fish (for example: fish broth or fish soup) over high heat. This will make it stiff and “dry”!

Buy only live, i.e., moving crayfish! The dead can even release toxic substances. Well, of course, cook them only in strongly boiling salt water!

It is better to store rye and wheat bread separately, firstly, they have completely different flavors that are undesirable to mix, and secondly: they simply will not get stale and spoil longer!

Don't forget to completely drain the water from the boiled potatoes right away, otherwise they will become watery and not tasty!

Rabbit meat must first be fried until golden brown, and then stewed with vegetables, for example, in white wine or sour cream. And a hare (after pickling!) Can be stuffed with frozen lard - then it will be more juicy!

When choosing barrel salted herring, make sure that her eyes are reddish, the carcass is dense and thick, and the color is bright, bluish-steel!

Do not forget before you put raw onions in the salad - scald it with boiling water! This will help to avoid a strong smell both in the salad itself and after!

To make it easier to remove the skin from a hot boiled tongue, you can lower it for 3-4 minutes in cold water!

In no case do not put bay leaves in borscht. Kill all the flavor!

To get minced meat (for example, for making manti, samsa, etc.) - place it in small pieces in the freezer until the upper layers harden. Cutting finely such meat is much more convenient and faster!

Brew tea in such a way that you can drink it right away, and not get the so-called "brew", and even more so store it!

Unused coconut milk or coconut cream cannot be stored for a long time, but can be frozen!

Try to rinse all kinds of fresh salads, cabbage and greens with ice water - then they will not lose their texture, and therefore their freshness and appearance!

You can save strawberries for a long time by drying. True, overripe berries are of little use for drying. The stalks are removed from the collected berries, after which they are lightly washed and laid out on a dry baking sheet in a thin layer (you can put paper on it). Strawberries are dried at a temperature of 45-50 degrees, and dried at 50-60 degrees!

When buying canned fish (for example, for a salad), try to take it first of all in your own juice. And this means that in the composition, apart from the fish itself and salt, there should be nothing!

When making pies, try lightly marinating chicken, fish, or meat in whatever you like the most. The final result will please you!

If you are unlucky and you bought not young squids for cooking - hold them for an hour in cold water! This will avoid any possible ammonia smell!

Salt the meat broth 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking meat; fish broth - at the beginning of cooking; mushroom at the very end!

Do you want fruits and vegetables to stay fresh longer? Do not store them in plastic bags!

Never refreeze anything! In addition to the taste of the product, its structure also changes dramatically!

Make sure you have at least one cast iron skillet or wok. You can talk endlessly about the benefits of cast iron in the kitchen - you just feel the difference right away! And you will use ordinary frying pans much less often!

A lot of sauces, gravies and dressings from Italian cuisine began to be sold in stores. But! Try to make them yourself. It is hundreds of times tastier, cheaper and healthier!

When roasting vegetables (whether on the grill or in the oven), be sure to brush them with vegetable oil (preferably not extra virgin olive oil) to keep them intact and improve the taste significantly!

When marinating (or rubbing with something) large pieces of meat or poultry, try to wipe the semi-finished product dry. This will allow the marinade to better absorb into the product!

The remains of chicken, meat, fish or vegetable broth do not have to be poured out at all. It can be frozen in any suitable container and used when needed!

When beating meat (any), use cling film and a special hammer. Cover the piece being beaten with cling film - then you do not have to remove meat particles from the floor and walls!

In order for dry spices (not ground!) to really reveal their flavor - you can heat them a little in a dry frying pan for several minutes, stirring!

When cooking pasta (macaroni), do not forget to add a tablespoon of olive oil to the pan and mix. Then they will definitely not stick together!

In no case should rice be washed to prepare "Risotto"! Moreover, I recommend taking a special rice for this dish - "Arborio". It is round, translucent and more sticky. Perfectly absorbs the entire palette of other components of risotto!

But rice for cooking pilaf must be thoroughly washed. As long as possible so that the water in the container in which you rinse it becomes almost transparent. Then the rice will not stick together during the cooking process!
In order for fresh fish to be stored longer, be sure to remove its gills. You should also, in principle, act simply when preparing it!

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I propose to adopt thirteen hard-won culinary techniques that can be used not only by a novice hostess, but also by experienced cooks.

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Increase Your Citrus Juice Yield with a Microwave


Heat a lemon (or other citrus fruit) in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Then press down with the palm of your hand and roll it on a hard surface before cutting it in half. The fruit will become softer, it will be much easier to squeeze the juice.

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Remove excess fat from soup or stir-fry with ice cubes


Throw a few ice cubes into your soup or stir-fry. Hardened and hardened globules of fat will rise to the surface where the pieces of ice have fallen, and you can easily remove them with a regular spoon.


Another method leading to a similar result is to first leave the finished soup or roast in the refrigerator to cool for a while. The fat will rise to the surface and harden, it can be easily removed and then reheated.

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How to get rid of sand from mussels and clams

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Pour the mussels and clams with water, adding a few tablespoons of flour
They will open the doors and crawl out to eat the flour and thus leave all the sand and gravel inside. Leave them in water for thirty minutes for best results.




Throw a pinch of salt on a cutting board before chopping greens


The friction and weight of the salt will keep the greens from sticking to the surface of the knife and spreading all over the board. By the way, this method is good for rosemary or thyme, but, for example, basil should only be torn with your hands.

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How to fry meat crispy and avoid splattering when frying

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Dry meat or seafood before pan frying
Use a paper towel to remove any moisture from the surface of the meat. This will prevent excess steam (or worse, spatter) from coming into contact with the hot surface of the pan. Moisture or steam also interferes with the caramelization that well-cooked roasted meats owe their deliciously crispy crust.

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How to cook fluffy rice

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Rinse rice before cooking to avoid sticking together into lumps.
Place uncooked rice in a sieve or colander and rinse under running water until clear. This will help remove the unwanted starch that causes the rice to stick together during cooking. So you can easily get crumbly boiled rice.

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Freeze excess cooked rice


Once you've boiled a large pot of rice, refrigerate the leftovers, place them in a microwaveable container, and freeze. When rice is needed again, simply pour a couple of tablespoons of water into the container, cover with dampened towels and microwave for 1-3 minutes, then stir. If necessary, repeat the treatment until the desired temperature is reached.

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Wet your fingers with water to remove the eggshell

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Getting pieces of the shell into the yolk is the most unpleasant thing that can happen when cooking scrambled eggs. However, if you wet your fingers with water, it will be easy to remove without destroying the yolk shell and keeping you in a positive mood before eating.

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Never defrost steaks


Remember: a frozen steak will not only taste better after frying than a thawed one, it also cooks more evenly and loses less moisture while remaining juicy.

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Grind hardened brown sugar with microwave and water


If your brown sugar has turned to stone, this problem has a simple solution. Place the lump of sugar in a container, sprinkle it with water and put it in the microwave for thirty seconds. Repeat this procedure, checking every thirty seconds, until the sugar has been crushed.


In the future, to avoid a similar problem, store sugar in an airtight container or container with a tight-fitting lid.

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Peel garlic easily after microwaving


Place the head of garlic in the microwave for ten seconds. When you take it out, the swollen wet husk will simply slide off under your fingers as if by magic.

Everyone wants our dishes to be always appetizing and tasty, but sometimes it’s not enough to find an interesting recipe, buy fresh quality products and cook food,

even if with soul. Yes, and dishes prepared according to the same recipe by different home cooks usually differ in taste and appearance. Why?

But because every cook has his own little culinary tricks that he uses when conjuring in the kitchen. And now, by mixing the ingredients in a different order or adding just a drop of something not included in the recipe, he gets what seems to be the same dish, but much tastier! And there are a lot of such tricks!

Let's get acquainted with some of them so that the food we cook is always tasty, desirable and makes our loved ones even more happy:

Broths, soups and borscht

Delicious broth. If you want the broth to be tasty, you need to start cooking vegetables in cold water.

Mushrooms in soup. A few fresh chanterelles added to any soup will make it tastier.

Adding greens. Chopped greens are placed in the finished dish at the very end, the ideal option for preserving vitamins is to add greens and immediately turn it off.

Cognac in broth. The meat in the broth will cook much faster, and the broth itself will taste spicier if you add a few drops of cognac to the water at the very beginning of cooking.

Bay leaf. Never leave bay leaves in soup. It is good when cooking and then at the end, and then only spoils the taste.

Ice in broth. Do you want the broth to be clear? Dip an ice cube into it after boiling, and then bring it to a boil again.

Foam. If you did not remove the foam from the broth in time and it sank to the bottom, pour a glass of water into the pan. The foam will rise and can be removed.

Onion peel. A decoction of onion peels can be used to color broths. This increases their nutritional value, enriches them with vitamins and improves their appearance.

Preparing vegetables. Vegetables are cleaned or washed just before they are dipped into the soup.

Seasonings. Do not put any seasonings in chicken broth, only onions and carrots. Otherwise, it will lose its taste.

clear broth.To obtain a clear meat broth during cooking, put the washed eggshell into it. Ready broth should be filtered.

Delicious borscht. When frying vegetables, add not only salt, but also sugar, as well as a little acetic acid to them before cooking, which will preserve the color range of vegetables, and also add piquant sourness.

Delicious crumble. Grind the chopped green onions with the yolks before mixing with the sliced. If you cook kvass for okroshka yourself, then add crackers from Borodino bread or other black varieties with aromatic additives to it. Do not forget to add mustard to the okroshka.


Long term storage of lemons. Lemons are well preserved in dry sand. They must be laid so that they do not touch each other. You can also put a bottle in a 3 liter bottle, wash each lemon first, wipe it dry, then wrap it in a paper towel. Close with a plastic lid and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. If you like sweetened tea with lemon, then lemons should be cut into slices, dipped in sugar syrup, laid on parchment and in the oven to dry. The oven door must not be closed. After the oven, hold in the air under gauze and put in a paper bag or also a glass jar. It's delicious! Believe me!

Long term storage of carrots. Carrots can be preserved for several months if sprayed with an aqueous infusion of dry onion husks.

Crispy pickles. To make pickled cucumbers crunchy, add amaranth grass leaves to the jars, and of course horseradish leaves, currants, cherries.

Sausage and meat products

Delicious sausages. Sausages will be tastier if they are not boiled, but smeared with mustard, fried in sunflower oil over low heat.

Cereals and pasta

White rice. To make the rice white and crumbly, be sure to pour it into boiling salted water, adding a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid dissolved in water. Do not cover the dishes in which rice is cooked.

Rice frying. To prevent the rice from being boiled soft, it can be fried a little, but it should be noted that in this case it will not increase much in size.

The milk won't run away. So that the milk does not run away, you need to throw a piece of sugar there and cover, stirring every 3-4 minutes. In general, the addition of sugar insures the milk from “running away”.

Non sticky pasta and rice. To prevent rice or pasta from sticking together during cooking, you need to add a little vegetable oil to the water. There is also advice from cooks that before boiling pasta, rinse it under running water and also add vegetable oil when cooking.

transparent rice. To make the rice transparent, you need to put it in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Fluffy rice. To make rice fluffy, it must be soaked in cold water for 30 minutes before cooking. This is how they do it in the East when cooking pilaf.

Vinegar for rice. Pour a tablespoon of table vinegar into the water in which rice is cooked - and the rice will become snow-white, crumbly.

Oils and fats

Butter for frying. Butter does not darken during frying if the hot frying pan is pre-lubricated with vegetable oil.

The oil does not splatter. Sprinkle the bottom of the pan lightly with salt to avoid splattering the oil before frying.

Food storage. All products should be stored in a dark place. Direct sunlight is especially harmful to fats - they quickly go rancid. Because of the fat content, halva, mayonnaise, and chocolate are afraid of the light.
Under the action of light in milk and many products, vitamins are rapidly destroyed.

Milk and dairy products

Quickly ferment milk. If you put a piece of bread in milk, it will quickly turn sour. For homemade curdled milk, add sour cream to warm milk, wrap and let stand. Very tasty and refreshing for summer.

Prepare with dry milk. Powdered milk should be sieved beforehand. And it is diluted in water 60-70 degrees.

Won't burn. To prevent the milk from burning during cooking, rinse the pan with cold water, and cook over medium heat with the addition of sugar, as described above.

The cheese won't dry out. So that the cheese does not dry out, it is enough to put a piece of sugar on a plate with cheese and cover with another plate.

Meat and poultry

The taste of boiled meat. Boiled meat will be tastier and juicier if it is dipped not in cold water, but in boiling water and at the same time cooked in a large piece, not in pieces.

To tenderize tough meat when cooking, it is useful to add ready-made mustard (1 tablespoon per 1 kg of meat) to the water when laying the meat. After 40 minutes of cooking, the taste and smell of mustard completely disappear. After cooking, the meat is much softer and juicier. The broth acquires a pleasant spicy aftertaste (not similar to the taste of mustard), but becomes a little cloudy due to the presence of the smallest particles of mustard powder in it (if desired, the resulting hot broth can be clarified by straining through a cotton cloth folded in half, but this is not at all necessarily).

To tenderize meat pre-lubricate it with ready-made mustard for 15-20 minutes (with its subsequent removal), then bread in the usual way.

chicken cutlets can be breaded in breadcrumbs (fresh white bread finely crumbled with a knife). Frying breaded with fresh bread requires significantly more oil, but this breading is tastier.

Meat honey. To fry or bake meat with a golden crust, it must be coated with honey.

Soft liver. The liver will be soft if you sprinkle it with sugar before frying. And the main point - do not overexpose on fire.

Soft meat. Chops will turn out softer if 1-2 hours before frying, grease them with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil. Do the same with grilled meat. Although about vinegar - a controversial issue. A lot of people don't recommend it, myself included. (look at the “kebabs” tag on the site. there are many recipes for marinating meat)

Film from the liver. To make it easier to remove the film from the liver, dip your fingers in salt.

Gutted bird. Non-gutted birds keep longer than gutted ones.

Mixed mince. The most delicious are dishes that use mixed minced meat: meat with raw potatoes, carrots, meat broth, canned corn, mustard.

Dishes with water in the oven. So that the meat does not burn and does not become dry, put dishes with water in the oven.

Juicy meatballs. To prepare delicious juicy cutlets, add equally finely chopped raw and lightly fried onions and a little raw potatoes to the minced meat.

Old chicken. An old chicken will cook faster if, after it has been cooked for 20-30 minutes, immerse it for 5-6 minutes in cold water. By the way, it is also recommended to cook beets.

The temperature of frying cutlets. The fire should be strong for the first minute of frying cutlets so that the crust seizes and prevents the juice from flowing out. But then you need to bring the fire to medium and, turning the cutlets, increase it again for half a minute. They also roast meat.

Reduce the toughness of the meat. Soaking in vinegar, kvass, sour milk, cucumber, cabbage or beetroot brine is a reliable way to soften tough meat.


Boiling coffee. It is impossible for the coffee to boil: the taste and aroma will disappear. If you still overlooked, immediately remove the coffee pot from the heat and pour a few drops of cold water into it.

Kissel from fresh berries. To preserve the taste, aroma and color of fresh berries, do not boil the juice squeezed from the berries when cooking jelly. Boil only squeezed berries filled with water and add sugar and starch to the resulting syrup. Pour the juice into the finished jelly when it is removed from the fire.

Starch in jelly. When preparing jelly, diluted starch should not be poured into the middle of the pan, but closer to its walls.

Cool the compote quickly. To quickly cool the hot compote, you need to put the pan with it in another, large bowl, fill it with cold water and pour a little coarse salt into the water.

Salt for coffee. A pinch of salt added to coffee before the end of brewing gives the drink a special taste and aroma.

Vegetables, fruits and mushrooms

Aromatic prunes. Prunes will turn out much more aromatic if they are pre-soaked in black tea or plum juice.

Fry potatoes quickly. To fry the potatoes faster, they should be dipped raw in hot water for a few minutes.

Quickly peel a tomato. In order to quickly and conveniently remove the skin from a tomato, you should lower it into boiling water, and then into cold water.

Cooking beans. Beans need to be salted when they are very soft, otherwise they will not boil. Add tomatoes or tomato paste (anything that contains an acid that slows down cooking) only after the beans are ready.

Cooking mushrooms. It is better to cook mushrooms over moderate heat, then they will not become hard and flabby.

Boiling potatoes.

Cooking beets. After boiling, drain the water, pour cold water and so on 3 times. Beets will cook much faster.

Whisk mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes are best beaten by hand. Whipped in a mixer becomes lush, but quickly loses its taste.

Mushroom flavor. Mushrooms in dishes are tastier, the finer they are cut. In order not to drown out the taste of mushroom dishes, do not put hot spices in them.

delicious carrot. In order for the carrot to have a good taste, it must be cooked for 5-10 minutes. Carrots, like other vegetables, are cooked over a good fire and salted at the end of cooking.

Delicious vegetables. If you want to get delicious vegetables while boiling, you need to put them in water after the water boils.

Fried cabbage. Chop the cabbage for the filling, first pour over with boiling water, and then pour cold water for a minute. Squeeze well and fry in a pan. Then the cabbage will not lose color, will not turn brown.

Cooking beans. To reduce the cooking time of legumes, you need to pre-soak them in cold water for several hours. Cook beans and beans at a low boil in a sealed container. And because beans quickly burst, it is better to cook it like beets ... water boils, drain, pour cold and until boiling. Cooking in this way is personally tested by me.

jacket potatoes Potatoes in uniforms will be cleaned much faster if they are poured with cold water immediately after cooking.

The potatoes will not darken. Stir the grated raw potatoes immediately with a little milk, otherwise it will darken.

Lemon and boiling water. When serving lemon for tea, simply pour boiling water over it. This will bring out the flavor more. And don't put the lemon in the cup before pouring the tea. You should do the opposite.

Milk for puree. Mashed potatoes should not be diluted with cold milk, it is better to bring it to a boil first. Dilute mashed potatoes only with warm milk, pouring it in a little so that lumps do not form.

Frozen potatoes. Frozen potatoes will regain their taste if, before peeling, pour it with water and vinegar for 15-20 minutes before peeling. And it’s better not to cook, my advice, it will be glass.

Rinse potatoes before the heat. Before you start frying chopped potatoes, be sure to rinse them with water - this will remove the starch, and the slices will not stick together and stick to the bottom. And yet, so as not to stick, it must be dried.

Sprouted potatoes. Sprouted or green potato tubers should be boiled only when peeled, as they contain a very harmful substance - solanine. Together with the peel, remove a significant layer of pulp, as well as remove green areas and eyes.

Boil the beets quickly. Beets are cooked for a very long time - 3-3.5 hours. And you can cook it for only an hour, then remove from heat and put for 10 minutes under a stream of cold water. The candle will be ready.

Fresh mushrooms. Pour salted boiling water over fresh mushrooms and they will not deteriorate during the day.

Fresh mushrooms from dry. To make dried mushrooms look fresh, hold them for several hours in salted milk.

Baking soda for carrots. In order for carrots to better retain their color and cook faster, you need to add a pinch of baking soda.

Salt roasted potatoes. Potatoes should be fried in a very hot pan and salted when the slices are already browned on all sides. If the potatoes are salted earlier, the juice that has flowed out of it will mix with fat and the slices will lose their color, taste and shape.

Salt on a cracked tomato. To prevent a bursting tomato from becoming moldy, sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the crack.

Bulb preservation. So that the cut onion does not dry out, put it in a saucer sliced ​​​​on salt.

Old potatoes. Old potatoes will become tastier if you add a spoonful of vinegar, 2-3 cloves of garlic and bay leaf during cooking, or boil them in broth. The older the potatoes, the more water is required.

Remove the bitterness of the onion.

The beans will not darken. If you want the beans not to darken when cooked, cook them in an open pot.

Crisp. To fry crispy potatoes, rinse them in cold water, pat dry on paper towels, and place in well-heated oil. You need to salt it at the end of cooking.

Mushroom color. Fresh mushrooms will not turn black if they are immediately placed in salted cold water.

So that the hands do not turn black. If, before cleaning vegetables and fruits, moisten your hands with vinegar and let them dry without wiping, they (in the sense of the hand) will not turn black.

Condiments and spices

Restore dried mustard. If the mustard has dried up, it is easy to save the situation by adding a few drops of vinegar to the mustard and stir well.

Restore the freshness of the greens. Withered dill and parsley will become fresh again. if you put them in water slightly diluted with vinegar.

Sorrel replacement. Sorrel is easily replaced with nettle or spinach with the addition of citric acid.

The use of thyme Thyme gives dishes a peppery-spicy flavor with a hint of camphor. It should be consumed in small quantities with stewed and fried meat dishes, beans, peppers and eggplants. Perfectly preserved when dried. It is added to various baked meat and fish dishes, as well as marinades and even sweet creme brulee: thyme gives it a special piquant taste.

Cutting greens. Parsley, celery and dill are best cut rather than chopped; chopped greens quickly release and lose aromatic substances.

horseradish processing. Horseradish can be passed through a meat grinder if it is finely chopped beforehand.
Horseradish can be easily grated if left overnight in cold water.

Preparing cardamom. Cardamom for use must be peeled from the white shell, and then crushed with sugar.

Cinnamon preparation. Cinnamon, before applying, needs to be dried a little on the stove and then crushed with sugar.

Preparing fresh herbs. If you have before you not dry, but fresh spicy vegetables and herbs, then before proceeding with their processing, they must be thoroughly washed. They are cut quickly and only on a porcelain board, which retains their juice and aroma.

The use of basil Basil. Basil leaves are put in at the very last moment. Store in oil, vinegar or frozen.
Basil is a part of almost all vegetable dishes, both Mediterranean and any southern cuisine: it is impossible to imagine any sauce or salad without it.
Basil is also served with all types of pasta, poultry, eggs and some types of fish.
It is often combined with onions, garlic and tarragon. Dishes with a lot of basil are best seasoned with olive oil.

Application of bay leaf. Laurel berries are inedible. The leaves are dried, not allowing them to darken, otherwise they may lose their aroma. Laurel leaves freshen the air in the house and flavor dishes. Laurel is necessarily part of the spices used in the preparation of stews (no more than one or two leaves). When cooking soft-boiled eggs, try throwing one leaf of lavrushka into boiling water - and the eggs will suddenly become more fragrant. Bay leaf is put in soups 5 minutes before they are ready, in the second - 10 minutes before. Otherwise, the dish may have a bitter taste.

The use of chives. In winter, store in the freezer. This fragile and graceful plant is combined with all herbs and vegetables. It gives a unique taste to fermented milk products and egg dishes.

Melissa application. Lemon balm is used fresh for vegetable salads, vegetable sauces and soups.

The use of mint. Store dried or frozen. Mint gives an unusually fresh taste to salads of cucumbers, tomatoes, fruits. The British consider mint an excellent seasoning for roast lamb. Crushed mint, added to mayonnaise, gives a special taste to shrimp and crayfish dishes.

Application of parsley. Stored dry. Preference should be given to common parsley, as it has a stronger aroma.
Parsley is perhaps the most popular of garden herbs, as it goes well with almost all dishes: salads, meat, poultry, vegetables and ... butter. Parsley can be rinsed not with cold water, but with warm. This will make it even more flavorful.

Application of rosemary. Stored dry. Wherever they add rosemary, which has a persistent fragrant aroma! It's great in any spice mix. If you cover the bottom of the pan with rosemary, then you can cook small fish without adding fat. It will become much more flavorful. Rosemary also enhances the flavor of any fruit salad.

The use of dill. Pairs with fish dishes, fresh cucumbers and boiled asparagus. Seeds and herbs are usually dried for the winter, although the herbs can still be frozen, salted, or marinated in vinegar.

The use of savory. Savory garden is best added when cooking. It goes well with bean, cabbage and potato dishes, as well as pickling cucumbers.

Application of garlic. Garlic for seasoning should be used carefully, as it interrupts the taste and smell characteristic of the dish.
Finely chopped garlic is best added to food 3-4 minutes before serving, when the fire is already off.

The use of tarragon. Canned in vinegar or oil, or stored in the freezer.
A sprig of tarragon placed inside the chicken gives a unique taste to the meat. Tarragon, put into vinegar or added to a bouquet of herbs when pickling cucumbers, significantly improves their taste. But tarragon has such a strong smell that it can drown out the aroma of other herbs and spices.

Sugar instead of wine. 2 pieces of sugar, previously dissolved in a small amount of vinegar, can replace white wine in the sauce.

Green freshness. Parsley, dill, and mint keep fresh for several days in dry weather if placed in a tightly sealed, dry container.

Dry salt. To prevent the salt in the dishes from moistening, add a few grains of rice to it.

Dish color. Saffron and basil greens will color the dish in bright colors.

Fish and seafood

Potatoes in a pan. To eliminate the strong smell when frying fish, put 1 raw potato, peeled and cut into slices, in vegetable oil.

Wet the fish. The fish will not fall apart into pieces and acquire a golden crust, if 10-15 minutes before frying it is wiped with a towel and immediately salted.

Salads and appetizers

Cooking green peas. Green peas are also recommended to be boiled in water without salt.

Boiling potatoes. Peeled potatoes are also placed in boiling salted water, it should be covered with water no more than 1 cm, to improve the taste of potatoes, you can put bay leaves, dill, a couple of cloves of garlic, onion and a piece of celery root in water (choice of your choice).
Boil potatoes over moderate heat, then it swells evenly. To make the potatoes cook faster, put a small piece of butter in the water.

Cooking salad vegetables. It is better to cook vegetables unpeeled, with a pinch of sugar to improve the taste, and bake beets, they will retain their juiciness and rich color, not to mention vitamins.

Cooking beets. If you boil beets, put them in boiling water without salt so as not to impair their taste, to preserve juiciness, do not peel them or cut off the roots. To preserve the color of the beets, you can add 1.5 teaspoons of sugar to 2 liters of water. And as described above, in order for the beets to cook faster, after boiling and boiling for 5 minutes, change the boiling water with cold water and continue cooking.

Radish taste. To soften the bitter taste, grated carrots can be added to the grated radish. In the East, chopped radish is kept in cold water - the bitterness disappears.

Laying vegetables. Lay the vegetables in portions in boiling water so that the water boils constantly.

Lemon peels. Salad with mayonnaise and vinaigrette will acquire a particularly pleasant taste if you put a lemon peel in them for a short time before serving.

Salad onions. The onion will lose its bitterness and will be much tastier if, after cutting it, put it in a colander and pour boiling water over it.

Milk in vinaigrette. If you want the vinaigrette to acquire a delicate and pleasant taste, pour a tablespoon of milk into it and pour a teaspoon of granulated sugar.

Tomato cleaning. To peel the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, and then dip them in cold water.

Dishes for cooking vegetables. The utensil in which vegetables are boiled should be tightly closed with a lid, there should be a small space between the surface of the liquid and the lid.

Sauerkraut salad. Instead of apples, you can put slices of oranges or tangerines in a sauerkraut salad.

Grapefruit juice for dressing. You will get a more tender and fragrant dressing for vegetable salads if you use freshly squeezed grapefruit juice instead of vinegar. Be careful with the partition - it will give bitterness.

Salt salads. Salads made from fresh vegetables should be salted immediately before serving, vegetables release a lot of juice.

Salt in salad. Vegetable oil should be added to the salad only after the salad has been salted, vinegar and pepper have been added (salt does not dissolve in oil).

temperature of vegetables. You can not combine warm salad vegetables with cold ones, the salad will quickly deteriorate.

Remove the bitterness of the onion. To remove the bitterness of chopped onion, mix it with salt and pour cold water for 5-10 minutes. Or put it in a colander, pour over with boiling water, and then with cold water.


Aromatic sauce. For vegetable sauces, vegetables are boiled at the beginning, and spices are added to them only at the end of cooking. In this order, the sauce will retain its flavor and become more aromatic. Vinegar, tomato juice and puree, and citric acid are added at the end of cooking, as they slow down cooking.

Replacing mayonnaise with sour cream. You can easily and simply replace mayonnaise with sour cream, adding mashed hard-boiled egg yolk and a teaspoon of mustard to it.

Sour cream in sauce. If you add a little milk to sour cream, it will not curdle in the gravy.

Preservation of tomato paste. To protect open tomato paste from mold, apply a little dry mustard to the lid.

Bread and pastries

The freshness of the bread. In order for the bread to be always fresh, it must be kept in a closed porcelain or enamel bowl.

Bread storage. It is not recommended to store black and white bread together, because from such a neighborhood the taste of white bread deteriorates, since it easily absorbs the smell of black.


Whisk the protein. The white of an egg will whip faster into a fluffy foam if it is pre-cooled and a few drops of lemon juice or a little citric acid are added. FROM yolk they do the opposite - he loves heat and sugar.

Determination of egg freshness. If you doubt the freshness of the eggs, pour about 10 cm of water into a container and lower them there. Fresh eggs will remain at the bottom. If only one end of the egg has risen, then they need to be used first.

Lush scrambled eggs. To make the scrambled eggs fluffy, you can add two tablespoons of cold water to one glass of eggs and beat well.

Temperature when boiling eggs. With intensive rapid cooking of eggs, the protein turns out to be more solid, and the yolk is more liquid, and with slow cooking, on the contrary, the yolk will turn out to be more solid and the protein more liquid.

Egg beating temperature. Egg yolks should be rubbed with sugar in a warm place in a porcelain bowl, while whites, like cream, on the contrary, are well whipped in a cold place.

egg integrity. So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they must be washed beforehand in cold water and add salt.

Egg boil time

This article is intended for those who do not just consider themselves a good housewife or host, but for those who are really in love with cooking and call it art. Many people know how to cook deliciously, but only a few can make “candy” from ordinary ingredients. It is these people who are constantly developing, studying new technologies, sharing experience and experimenting.

If you are one of them, then these tips are for you. With them, you will learn how to cook easier and faster. And also improve the taste of familiar dishes. Take note!

  1. Do not throw away the stems of certain herbs, such as parsley and cilantro. Use the leaves, and what is left, put in a plastic container and refrigerate. If necessary, add the stems, gathering them in a bunch and securing it, in soups, stews and other dishes. Don't forget to take them out at the end of cooking.
  2. Before cooking cutlets minced meat must be beaten off. When beaten, the meat fibers soften and the protein in them forms a kind of thread that makes the minced meat homogeneous. In addition, after beating, the meat releases juice better, and the cutlets form a crust on the outside, while inside they remain juicy and tender. Form the minced meat into a cake and toss it on the table or cutting board. Gather the minced meat again and shape it with your hands. Repeat the procedure until the cake stops cracking upon impact.
  3. Chefs recommend plants such as thyme and rosemary also be added to dishes in a bunch when cooking. At the end, they can be easily removed from the pan. This will save you time.

  4. “Salt dishes from above. This will distribute the salt evenly,” recommends chef Jamie Bissonnette.

  5. Slice the food slightly obliquely into slices. The taste and texture of the dish will be extraordinary. And the products themselves will look more aesthetically pleasing.

  6. To preserve and improve the appearance of rice, cereals are usually glazed: coated with a mixture of talc and glucose. Therefore, to remove these components, rice must be washed in 7 waters until the water becomes clear.

  7. To ensure that the rice cooks properly and evenly, keep the lid tightly closed. If the lid is not tight enough, cover the pot first with aluminum foil and then with a lid on top. After cooking, let the dish stand for 10-15 minutes.

  8. If you are cooking, first cook an egg in a pan. According to chefs who work in Chinese restaurants, so that nothing sticks to the dishes during frying, you need to do such a simple procedure first.

  9. Use it - it is useful, and when cooking on it, nothing sticks to the pan. By the way, it's very easy to make. For convenience, you can cook it for future use and freeze. It will keep in the freezer for up to 3 months.

  10. Before baking, the chicken must be tied up. Tying helps to ensure that all parts of the chicken cook evenly. After baking, it will look neat and attractive on the table.
  11. Crack your eggs on a flat surface to keep the yolks intact, such as on a cutting board and not on the edge of a plate or cup.

apple dishes

Stewed apples

From 6-10 apples, hollow out the core, then remove the skin, cut each apple into 4 parts, put in a saucepan, put 1 tablespoon of oil, add 3-4 tablespoons of water, sprinkle with a little sugar, cover, simmer until soft. You can also cook dried apples in this way.

meringue apple

Bake 5 large apples, rub through a sieve, add 1.5 cups, that is, 3/4 pound, fine sugar, stir for at least two hours in a saucepan, covering it with ice or snow, until the mass turns white and thickens so that the spoon could stand upright in this mass; then put the cake with a spoon on paper or fill with this mass small paper boxes 2 inches long, almost 5/8 inches wide and high, insert into the oven, in a light heat, so that they dry completely; then take off the papers, put the cake on a dish and again in a warm oven, where they should stand until the holidays. There will be 35 pieces.

Apples with jam and almond milk

Take 3 pounds of good medium-sized apples, hollow out the core from each apple, then cut off the skin, wipe with lemon, stuff with whatever jam you like, but best of all with raspberries or cherries. Place the apples on a round dish, pour over them with almond milk prepared from a cup of almonds and 1.5 cups of water. Without filtering the milk, pour over the apples, put in the oven, in a very free spirit. When baked, serve.
Take: 3 f. apples, 1/4 f. almonds, 1 stack. jam, 1/2 lemon.

Apple charlotte with croutons

Take a stale bun, wipe off the crust on top, cut into thin slices, moisten them with wine and sugar, sprinkle with cinnamon if you like, dry; put them on the bottom and sides of the pan, smeared with oil; or butter these croutons and fry them lightly first. Peel 8-10 sweet and sour apples, chop finely, fill them with a pan lined with croutons inside; Sprinkle each row of apples with sugar and cinnamon, pouring in a little wine with sugar, cover with the same croutons and a lid on which you can put a few hot coals, insert into the oven.
When serving, place carefully on a platter, drizzle, if desired, with a syrup made from 1.5 cups of water and 1/4 or 1/2 pound of sugar with lemon zest.
Take: 5/8 f., i.e. 1.25 rolls, 3 f. apples, 1/2 stack sugar, cinnamon, 2 glasses of Sauternes or sherry; for syrup - from 1/4 to 1/2 f. sugar and lemon zest.
fried apples

Apples 5-6 pieces, wheat flour 2 tbsp. l., sugar 2 tbsp., juice of 1 lemon, vegetable oil 3.5 tsp.

Apples without skin and core are cut into four parts, breaded in flour and fried in heated oil. Roasted apples are sprinkled with sugar and sprinkled with tomato juice.

Baked apples with cranberries

Apples 8 pcs., Cowberries 1 tbsp., Sugar 1/2 tbsp., Powdered sugar 3 tbsp.

The core is removed from the apples, the cavity is filled with lingonberries mixed with sugar. Apples are placed on a baking sheet, add a little water and bake. When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pears and apples in syrup

Pears, apples 8 pieces, sugar 2 tbsp, water 1.5 tbsp, dry white wine 1 tbsp, citric acid 3-4 pinches.

Cut in half, the fruits are boiled until soft in sugar syrup, acidified with citric acid, preventing them from being digested. First, pears are placed in boiling syrup, and then apples. Ready fruits are taken out with a slotted spoon. Wine is added to the syrup and boiled down to half the volume. Cooked fruits are placed in a vase, poured with syrup. Decorate with cherries or jam strawberries.

baked apples

4 apples, 2 tbsp. lingonberry jam.

Put apples in an enameled cast-iron frying pan, having previously drilled out seeds from them with a thin sharp blade of a knife along with a seed chamber. Fill the holes of apples with lingonberry or any other jam (you can candied), splash 1-2 tablespoons of water on the bottom of the pan, bake in a non-hot oven. Baked apples are served for dessert.

Apples with raisins and nuts

4 apples, 2 tbsp. raisins, 1 tbsp. nut kernels, 4 tbsp. Sahara.

Remove the seeds from the apples along with the seed chamber, fill the hole with raisins mixed with sugar and crushed nut kernels. Place in an enameled cast iron skillet. Sprinkle a spoonful of water on the bottom of the pan so that the apples do not burn. Bake in the oven, making sure that the apples retain their beautiful appearance and are baked.


Rice pudding with apples and jam

From 6-9 apples, cut the core, peel, boil in a small amount of water until half cooked, fill them with jam. In apple water, adding a little sugar to it, boil 1 cup of rice. Grease the form with a spoonful of butter, sprinkle with 2 breadcrumbs, put half the rice, apples on it, sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar, cover with rice, put in the oven for half an hour. Serving, put on a dish; drizzle with cherry shea raspberry syrup.

Steamed lean pudding with apples

Peel 1/2 cup sweet almonds, grind not too finely, dilute 1.5 cups of boiled water, add a little sugar; 5/8 lb. stale roll cut into thin slices, soak in this milk, put on a dish. Grease the saucepan with oil, sprinkle with sugar, put a row of rolls, a row of sliced ​​apples, sprinkle them with sugar, put a row of jam or fruit puree, again a row of rolls, and so on to the end; steam cook.
Serving, pour over the next sauce; 1/2 cup syrup, 1/4 cup Madeira or port wine, 1 cup water, add sugar, if not sweet, put on the stove, boil, put a teaspoon of potato flour mixed with water, boil, stirring vigorously, 2-3 minutes .
Take: 1/2 stack. sweet almonds, 5-10 pcs. bitter, 1.25 rolls, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1/2 stack. sugar, 1/2 cup jam. 6 apples. 1/2 stack. syrup, 1/2 cup madeira, 1 teaspoon of potato flour, sugar, if the syrup is not sweet.

Rice pudding with fresh fruit

Cook 1 cup rice, mix it with 1/4-1/2 cup sugar and a glass of liquor; 3 apples, 4 pears, 4 peaches, peeled, cut each piece into 4 parts, add 8 yellow or red plums with pits taken out, boil in syrup from 1 cup of water and 3/4 cup of sugar; Dip the plums into the syrup for about five minutes, and cook the peaches a little longer. Rinse a small form in the form of a saucepan with water, sprinkle with coarsely crushed sugar, put a row of rice, then a row of boiled fruits, to which you can add a little gooseberry jam, again a row of rice, again a row of fruits, rice on top; cool down; serving, put on a dish, remove green and red grapes around, put a pear boiled in syrup on top, and plums around it, pour over the remaining syrup, into which add a glass of liquor.
Take: 1 stack. rice, 3 apples, 4 pears, 4 peaches, 8 plums, a spoonful of gooseberry jam, 1 stack. sugar, 2 glasses of liquor, green and blue fresh grapes.

Rice pudding with prunes

Boil rice in water, add a piece of cinnamon and lemon zest, put on a sieve to drain excess liquid; 1/2 cup prunes, 1/2 cup raisins, sort, wash, scald with boiling water, cover, let stand until cool, drain, and mix prunes and raisins with rice, adding sugar, vanilla and jam without juice or lemon juice , put it all in a wet form, sprinkled with sugar, cool. Serve, put on a dish, pour over some syrup.
Take: 1 stack. rice, a piece of cinnamon, the zest of 1/2 lemon and a little juice, 1/2 stack. prunes, 1/2 cup raisins, 1/2 stack, jam without juice and 1/4 stack. sugar or 1/2 cup. one sugar (vanilla), syrup - pour over the pudding.

Cold rice with oranges

Boil a glass of rice, but so that it is crumbly; Dissolve 1/3 cup sugar in 2/3 cup water, mix with rice. Remove the zest from 1.5 oranges, finely chop it, pour into a saucepan, also cloves, pour in 3/4 cup of water, 1/3 cup of sugar, boil the syrup, cool. Remove the white skin from the remaining oranges, divide them into small pieces, remove the seeds, put them on a dish with rice, pour over the cooled syrup.
Take: 1 hundred / s, rice, 2/3 mill, sugar, 2-3 oranges, 4-8 pcs. carnations.

Rice with cranberry juice

Boil 2 cups of rice tied in a cloth so that it is crumbly, put in it 10-20 pieces of sweet and 5 pieces of bitter crushed almonds mixed with sugar. To serve, drizzle with thick raw cranberry juice and sugar, mashing the cranberries through a sieve (1/2 lb cranberries and a glass of fine sugar).

Rice with strawberry puree

Boil rice with vanilla pieces, put it on a dish, leaving the middle empty, smooth around, pour strawberry puree into the middle, prepared as follows:
2 pounds of strawberries, that is, 5 glasses, sort, rub through a sieve, put 1 / 2-3 / 4 cups of fine sugar, stir.
Take: 1 stack. rice, 3/4 cup vanilla, 2 tbsp. strawberries, i.e. glasses 5, 3/4-1 stack. Sahara.

Dishes from berries, fruits, nuts, vegetables

Prunes cake

1 or 1.5 pounds of prunes boiled, rub through a sieve; 4-6 apples, as less acidic as possible, boil with sugar in the smallest amount of water, wipe, mix with grated prunes, rub with a spoon for half an hour.
Prepare syrup from 3/4 or 1 cup of sugar in pieces and 3/4-1 cup of water, pour into puree, stir. Before the holiday, put on the stove so that it is warm, but not hot. Serving, you can impose croutons.
Take: 3 or 4.5 stacks. prunes, 4-6 apples, 3/4-1 stack. lumps of sugar.


1 pound sweet almonds, peeled, dried, finely crushed, adding 1/2 cup rose water, transfer to a saucepan, add 1 pound sugar, stir over fire until the mass thickens; watch so it doesn't burn. Then remove from heat, make an oblong bun out of this mass, sprinkle lightly with flour, let cool, then roll out, cut out with different figures; prepare a rather liquid white icing, spread marzipan with it, bake it not in a hot oven, remove with fruit, etc.
Take: 1 f. sweet almonds, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1/3 or 1/2 stack. rose water. Fruit icing etc.


Dough: 0.5 l of beer, 0.5 l of vegetable oil, flour.

Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands, roll out a thin cake (2-3 mm thick), cut into triangles. Put a little jam or thick jam (preferably sweet and sour) on each piece. Wrap in the form of puff tubes, so that the filling is in the center of the stick. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees. Sprinkle finished marzipan with powdered sugar.

Rowan mashed with sugar

Rowan 1 kg, sugar 1 kg.

Prepared berries are scalded with boiling water (salted at the rate of 20-25 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and left in it for 3-5 minutes. They are thrown into a colander, then mixed with granulated sugar, passed through a meat grinder and heated to 70-80 degrees. Placed in scalded and dried glass jars with a capacity of 350-500 g and sterilized at a low boil of water for 15-20 minutes.

Fruit salad

200 g cherries, 200 g yellow or pink cherries, 100 g garden strawberries, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 100 g walnut kernels, 2 tbsp. powdered sugar.

Wash the berries, peel the stalks and seeds, peel the orange, disassemble it into slices, cut the slices in half, remove the seeds. Combine everything, add walnut kernels, season with lemon juice, powdered sugar. Put in the refrigerator for an hour. Serve for dessert with juice or a fruit smoothie.

Pumpkin in a sweet marinade

500 g pumpkin, 1 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, 4 tbsp. vinegar, cinnamon, lemon peel or cloves.

Cut the pumpkin into slices, peel, cut the core, cut the pumpkin into slices. Boil water with sugar, add spices, vinegar or citric acid and pour pumpkin with this hot syrup. After cooling, drain the marinade, boil again, dip the pumpkin into it and cook over low heat until it becomes transparent. For long-term storage, cloves and cinnamon are removed from the syrup.

candied plums

Remove pits from plums. Boil sugar syrup (1 kg of sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of water per 1 kg of fruit). Dip the plum into boiling syrup and boil for 5 minutes, then stand for 10-12 hours. Repeat this 3-4 times, then cook until tender. Throw the boiled plum into a colander, let the syrup drain and dry. Sprinkle dried candied fruits with sugar and place in jars or boxes for storage. If dried candied fruits are stored for a short time, then it is better to cook them with a bone (such candied fruits have a more attractive appearance). If desired, each plum, from which the stone has been removed, can be stuffed with a walnut.

Quince marmalade

The washed fruits are baked in the oven, wiped and mixed with sugar (1-1.2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of quince puree). Puree is placed in a bowl for cooking jam and boiled until the mass reaches for a spoon and lags behind the bottom. Then it is laid out on an enameled tray or a dish moistened with water, leveled with a knife and dried.

Blueberry pate

Oat flakes "hercules" 1/2 tbsp., water for soaking flakes 100 g, blueberries 300 g, crushed nut kernels 2 tbsp. (1/2 spoon for sprinkling).

The flakes are soaked for 1 hour in water to swell. Blueberries are kneaded with a wooden pusher, mixed with swollen flakes, crushed nut kernels are added and knead well. When serving, the pâté is sprinkled with crushed nuts. You can add 1 tbsp to the pate. honey.

Roasted walnuts

Walnut kernels 1 tbsp, powdered sugar 2 tsp, vegetable oil 1 tbsp.

Nut kernels are soaked for 10-15 minutes in hot water, after which they are peeled off. Peeled kernels are doused with boiling water, discarded, sprinkled with powdered sugar and fried in a large amount of oil, then discarded and cooled. When serving, the nuts are stacked on a plate, on the bottom of which a paper napkin is placed.

Peanut halva

For 1 kg of halva: peanut kernels 600 g, honey 420 g.

Peanut kernels are lightly fried, poured into boiling honey, mixed, laid out on a tray or dish and cooled. Halva is cut before serving.

Candied rowan

Rowan with sprigs is blanched in boiling water for 3-5 minutes and immediately cooled with cold water, then dipped in syrup prepared at the rate of 1.2 kg of sugar and 3 tbsp. water per 1 kg of mountain ash with twigs, bring to a boil, then stop heating and leave for 5-6 hours. Bring to a boil again and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then again they insist 10-12 hours. This is repeated 3-4 times. At the last cooking, citric acid is added (3-4 g per 1 kg of mass), after which it is thrown into a colander, the syrup is allowed to drain and the candied fruits are laid out to dry on a dish or plates. When serving, candied fruits are sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar. Candied fruits are stored in jars. Candied fruits intended for long-term storage are left in syrup.

Pancakes, fritters, croutons, pourers, kutia

Note. Pancakes are baked in a thin iron frying pan, which is smeared with vegetable oil before baking. The dough should be liquid, pour it into the pan very little so that it spreads in a thin layer throughout the pan; excess can be thrown back. It is necessary to adapt to the amount of dough poured from the first pancake, depending on the size of the pan, because it is not good to pour the dough back every time. If there are lumps, strain the dough through a fine sieve. When the pancake begins to rise, lag behind the pan and when it is fried on one side, then carefully separate it with a knife from the edges, tip it onto the board or, turning it over, fry the other side; in this case, it is necessary, before turning it over, to lubricate it with oil. Then, for another pancake, again grease the pan with oil, heat it up, pour in the dough, etc. Such pancakes are fried either on one side or on both sides, depending on the need, namely: both parties, for other purposes - with one only.
Portion is for 6-8 people.

Russian pancakes custard

For 1.3 cups of buckwheat, take 2.3 cups of wheat flour. In the evening, take all the buckwheat and half of the wheat flour, brew 2.5 cups of boiling water, stirring vigorously to form a thick lump of dough. When cool, dilute it with 1.5 cups of warm water and put 3 spools of yeast dissolved in a glass of water. The next day, add the rest of the flour, pour in a full spoonful of salt and a spoonful of sugar, knock it out well with a spatula; and that the dough was a little thicker than ordinary pancakes. When it rises, without interfering with the dough, bake pancakes.


Dissolve the dough from 3 cups of warm water, 4.25 cups of flour, that is, 1.5 pounds, and 2 spools of dry yeast, salt, add a spoonful of sugar and lemon zest, whoever wants - a spoonful of currant; when it rises, without stirring the dough with a spoon, fry the pancakes in vegetable oil.
Serve with sugar, warmed butter, jam or molasses.

Croutons with prune marmalade

Rinse 1/8 pound prunes, then bring to a boil in water, drain in a colander, remove the stones, put the prunes in a saucepan, put a piece of cinnamon, pour in a small amount of water, boil until soft, rub through a sieve; Boil 1/4 cup of sugar with 1/2 cup of water, put prunes in this syrup, boil until thick.
Cut 1.5 white rolls into slices, put them on a grill, brown on one side, or lightly fry 12-18 oblong crackers in the oven; then put cooked marmalade on the fried side, cover with another toast, sprinkle with sugar, put on a rasp; before the holiday, insert into a hot oven, brown the croutons on both sides. To serve, pour the following prune syrup on a dish: pound the prune pits in a mortar, add 1/8 pound prunes and 1/4 cup sugar, pour in water, cook over low heat until the prunes are completely boiled and the syrup is reduced strain up to 1.5 cups.
Take: 1 pound prunes, i.e. 2.5 stacks, 1/2 stack. fine sugar, 1.5 rolls or 12-18 crackers, a piece of cinnamon.


A glass of water, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 pound of flour - knead well, roll out thinly, arrange jam without syrup in heaps, fold into pies, pinch, cut with a glass or cutter and fry in a fairly large amount of oil - from 1 /2 to 1 lb; take a saucepan for this, but narrower, so that the pourers are immersed in oil and swell; take out when browned, put on a sieve, on transfer paper; hot sprinkle with sugar, who wants, and a little cinnamon.

Wheat kutia with poppy seeds or jam

1 pound of wheat sort, wash, pour into boiling water; when it boils, pour into a colander, pour cold water, put in a saucepan, pour water, boil, cover with a lid, put in a hot oven. When it gets soft, take it out and put it in a cold place.
Meanwhile, wash 1 cup of poppy seeds, scald with boiling water, drain the water, wash in cold water, drain it, douse it again with cold water, drain it, rub in a stone cup until the seeds turn white and the seeds are crushed, put 1/2 cup of sugar or spoons of 2 honey, mix with wheat, adding a little boiled, but already cooled water. Or instead of poppy seeds, you can put a glass of berries and fruits from jam into wheat, without juice, dilute it with boiled sugar water.

Ice cream

Note. For 6 people, 3.5 cups of juice, that is, liquid in general, and 3/4 pound, that is, 1.5 cups, of fine sugar are taken for ice cream from berry or fruit juice.
Take, for example, juice from 2 pounds of pitted cherries, how much will come out, measure out the water so that together with the juice it makes 3.5 cups. Or take 1.5 pounds of strawberries or raspberries peeled from sprigs, wipe, transfer to a glass. Measure out enough water to make 3.5 cups together with the rubbed mass. Then boil water with sugar, set aside, immediately pour juice or pureed berry mass into hot water, stir, cool.
Take a narrow, but high bucket with a small hole at the bottom so that you can release water from the melted ice. Put crushed ice on the bottom, sprinkle with a little salt. Take an ice cream maker, wash it well and wipe it, pour in the prepared, filtered and cooled mass, cover with clean paper and a lid and start twirling, preferably on a glacier or just in a cold place.
After 1/4 hour, wipe the lid, open the mold carefully so that salt or ice does not get into the middle, carefully scrape the mass that has already begun to solidify from the sides and bottom with a wooden stick, stir it with the rest, knock it out with a spatula as best as possible, cover again with paper and cover and twirl for a few minutes; then stir again with a spatula, as above, and repeat at least 5-6 times until the ice cream turns into a thick and sweet mass. Then rotate a little more. Serve or, if early, fill the mold with salt and ice and leave it like that for a while. The more often the ice cream is mixed with fun, the better it is. This is the whole secret of good ice cream.
If the ice melts, drain the water and add fresh ice.
For a mold for 6 people, 3 pounds of salt is enough, that is, 6 glasses.
To put the ice cream out of the mold, you must first dip the mold in hot water, wipe it thoroughly and turn it over onto a dish covered with a napkin, garnish with berries, etc.

Strawberry or raspberry ice cream

Boil 2.25 cups of water, 3/4 lb. of sugar, put 1.25 cups of pureed strawberries or raspberries, 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid into the hot place, cool, mold, etc.
Take: 3/4 f. sugar, i.e. 1.5 stacks, 1.5 lbs., i.e. 4-5 stacks, strawberries or raspberries, 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid.

Cherry or red currant ice cream

Boil 2 cups water, 3/4 lb sugar with a few crushed cherry pits, add 1/4 teaspoon citric acid to the hot pot, pour in the cherry juice, cool, strain, shape and freeze.
Take: 3/4 f. sugar, i.e., almost 1.5 stacks., 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid, 2 f. cherries.

Apple and pear ice cream

For ice cream, reneta or pineapple apples and 6ere or bergamot pears are best. For lack of them, you can take others.
7 peeled apples or pears, cut into pieces, pour 1.5 cups of water, boil until soft, strain, take this juice 2.8 cups, 3/4 pound of sugar, boil, pour in the juice of 1/2 lemon and 1/2 cup champagne or 1/3 glass of rum, cool, freeze.
When boiling apples, put cinnamon and zest with 1/4 lemon or 1 clove; when cooking pears, put vanilla.
Take: for apple ice cream - 7 apples, 1.5 stacks. sugar, i.e. 3/4 f., 1/2 lemon, cinnamon, 1/2 stack. champagne or 1/3 glass of rum. Salt 6 stack. For pear ice cream - 7 pears, 3/4 lb. sugar, 1/2 cup vanilla, juice from 1/2 lemon, 1/2 cup. champagne or 1/3 glass of rum.

Cranberry ice cream

Pour a piece of cinnamon, lemon peel or vanilla into 2.5 cups of water, mix with sugar, boil, pour in the juice from 1 cup of cranberries, strain, cool, pour into a mold, etc.
Take: 1 stack. cranberries, i.e. 1/2 f.. 3/4 f. sugar, cinnamon, lemon zest or vanilla.

Orange ice cream

3 cups water, 3/4 lb sugar, boil the zest from 2 oranges, pour in the juice from 4 oranges without seeds, strain, pour into a mold, cool.
Take: 3/4 lb., i.e. almost 1.5 stacks, sugar, 4 oranges.


Raw apple mousse

Apples 700 g, granulated sugar 1/2 tbsp, gelatin 2 tsp, water 2 tbsp, lemon juice 1 tsp

From fresh apples, the skin is removed, which is poured with water and set to boil. When the skin is well boiled, filter the broth through a sieve, put sugar, stir everything and add pre-prepared gelatin. Then the broth is put on the stove and, stirring, boil until the gelatin dissolves. Peeled and filled with water (so as not to darken), the apples are rubbed on a grater and immediately dipped into a slightly chilled gelatin broth. When the apple mass is all introduced, start whipping the mousse. Beat the mousse until the density of sour cream, then pour into molds.

Rhubarb semolina mousse

Rhubarb petioles are cut into small pieces and boiled in water, adding sugar, for 5 minutes. Boiled rhubarb is rubbed. After that, semolina is poured into the mass and boiled until thickened. Cool to 40 degrees, beat until a thick foamy mass is formed. Pour it into molds or bowls. Mousse is served chilled. You can pour it with berry or fruit syrup (sauce).

Mousse semolina

Semolina 1/3 tbsp, granulated sugar 1 tbsp, water 3 tbsp, cranberries 1 tbsp, vanilla sugar 1/4 powder.

Washed cranberries are crushed with a wooden pestle and diluted with 1/2 tbsp. hot water, then filtered through clean gauze, cranberry squeezes are poured with the remaining water and put on fire, boiled for several minutes and filtered again. On the resulting broth, semolina is brewed. To avoid the formation of lumps, it is necessary to pour the cereal slowly, without removing the pan from the heat and continuously stirring the porridge with a spoon. After 15 minutes of cooking over low heat, add granulated sugar without removing it from the heat, mix the porridge and take it out to cool. When the semolina porridge has cooled down (but will still be warm), pre-squeezed cranberry juice and vanilla sugar are poured into it and beaten with a whisk until the mass doubles in volume and until a thick pale pink foam is obtained. The finished mousse is poured into prepared vases or molds. If there is no metal whisk, you can separate the cooked mass in small portions into a deep bowl or plates and beat with a fork.

Apple mousse without gelatin

Antonov apples 500 g, granulated sugar 1/2 tbsp., water 1/3 tbsp., lemon juice 1 tsp.

Washed apples should be laid out on a sheet or pan, add a little water, then put in the oven. When the apples become soft, they are rubbed through a sieve; sugar pre-diluted with water is poured into the mashed puree and beaten until the mousse increases in volume by 2-3 times and turns white. If the mousse is not acidic enough, then lemon juice is poured in while whipping. The finished mousse is laid out in a mold and placed in a cool place.


Jelly is made from sugar, water and gelatin, as well as from fresh berries, fruits, syrup, berry juices, red wine with the addition of flavoring products: vanilla sugar, lemon, orange peel, citric acid, lemon juice, various wines and liquors. Ready jelly is poured into special molds. To separate the frozen jelly from the molds, they are immersed in hot water for a few seconds. Jelly intended for pouring flour confectionery products is cooled to a viscous state; pour products in a cool room. Before use, gelatin is rinsed in cold water and poured with boiled water for 30-40 minutes. When the gelatin swells, the water is drained, and the gelatin is placed in the prepared syrup.

Apple jelly

Apples 400 g, granulated sugar 1 tbsp, water 1.5 tbsp, gelatin 2 tsp

Apples are cut into slices, while removing the core, pour water and put on fire, bringing to a boil, then add sugar and boil the apples until soft. Boiled apples are rubbed through a colander. Pre-prepared gelatin is placed in the mashed applesauce, put on fire and boiled again with continuous stirring until the gelatin dissolves.

lemon jelly

Water 3 tbsp, sugar 1 tbsp, gelatin 2 tbsp, lemon 1 pc.

In water with sugar, brought to a boil, put the zest removed from the lemons, then the prepared gelatin is introduced. After the gelatin dissolves, the juice squeezed from the lemons is introduced, poured into molds and put in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours to solidify.

cherry jelly

Cherry 4 tbsp, granulated sugar 1 tbsp, water 3 tbsp, gelatin 1 tbsp.

Ripe cherries are rinsed with cold water and thrown into a sieve or colander to drain water. After that, the cherry is poured into a saucepan and crushed; crushed cherries are again laid out on a sieve, slightly squeezing with a spoon; squeezes are poured with water, brought to a boil and filtered. Sugar, soaked gelatin and cherry juice are placed in a pure broth. Boil the syrup until the gelatin dissolves, remove from heat and strain.