Home / cupcakes / How to cook a black grouse: a step-by-step description of the recipe, cooking features. Black grouse dishes Black grouse in the oven in the sleeve

How to cook a black grouse: a step-by-step description of the recipe, cooking features. Black grouse dishes Black grouse in the oven in the sleeve

Today we continue the theme of game dishes and consider how to cook black grouse. You will learn several recipes that will help you cook this bird with a special delicacy and aroma.

Only those who heard about hunting only on TV or read somewhere in books can face the problem of buying a black grouse carcass. For a real hunter, this is not a problem, since he independently extracts it in the wild.

Of course, not everyone manages to bring the desired trophy from the hunt, but the topic of preparing game is always in the hunter's head. You can use the same recipes for years, but something new always attracts attention.

It is possible that in this article someone will learn about new points on the topic regarding how to cook black grouse. Your dishes will acquire completely different aromas and tastes that were not familiar before.

Most often, at the very beginning of their culinary experience, many begin to cook game precisely from frying in a pan. Take the carcass and wash it well with water. Next, cut into pieces and put in a hot pan. Chopped onions are thrown on top, and then a long frying and languid stewing begins.

This method can be called the most primitive of all existing ones, since no additional efforts are required for any kind of meat processing. As a result, we get game that has a specific smell.

Speaking specifically about the black grouse, it has a delicate taste, but the males require the cook to obligatory soak and finely cut into pieces, that is, it should not be cooked entirely.

How to cook black grouse correctly and tasty?

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Everyone wants his dish to be fragrant, tasty and tender, but not all chefs can do this. Often the reason for failure lies precisely in a poor knowledge of how game meat is arranged.

The fact is that it has a specific smell, which is recommended to get rid of, since many do not like it. If we talk about black grouse, then it is the male that should be soaked in the solution without fail, since it contains the most unpleasant odors.

As for the female, she not only has less weight, but her meat is also more tender, so it is advised to even cook her whole, and not chop into pieces, like a male.

Before cooking this game, you need to get rid of feathers, that is, pluck it. To do this, first send the bird into hot water for a few minutes, so that the feathers then easily fall off.

If specific odors remain, then a solution of water and vinegar in the ratio of one glass per liter of water is indispensable. For 24 hours, the meat should lie in such a solution. Then it will need to be rinsed well with water.

Now the black grouse meat is ready to be used for cooking any dish. If you want to stuff a whole carcass and bake in the oven, then it is better to use a female for this. Such preliminary events will be the key to further tasty and fragrant dishes.

Baking black grouse in the oven with potatoes

Cooking in the oven is practiced by many cooks. In addition, it is difficult to imagine that in some family there would not be such a kitchen appliance at home. Thus, this recipe needs to be illuminated.

Required Ingredients:

  • black grouse (carcass) - 1 pc.;
  • lard you need to take 250 g;
  • sour cream with 15% fat content - 500 ml;
  • garlic needs two heads;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • potatoes are needed in an amount of 1-1.5 kg;
  • onions - 2-3 heads;
  • black pepper, spices, salt, dill, determine to your liking.

Cooking process

  1. The first stage is to prepare the black grouse carcass for sending to the oven. It is necessary to make incisions in the brisket area in order to send pieces of lard there along with garlic, which must first be chopped. The inside of the carcass must be filled with tomatoes, bacon with garlic and chopped onions. By the way, cut the tomatoes into four parts. Now the carcass is placed on a baking sheet.
  2. Next, take the potatoes and cut them into circles, and then put them around the black grouse. On top of the potatoes, put onion rings and lard with garlic.
  3. Now it's time to prepare the sauce. We take sour cream and mix it with spices and salt. If necessary, it is not forbidden to add water to this mixture. Next, pour it on the carcass and potatoes. There should be enough sauce so that it completely covers the potatoes, and the grouse carcass itself floats a little in it.
  4. The final stage is sending the black grouse to the oven, where the temperature is already at around 200 degrees. The baking process takes about 1.5 hours. Every twenty minutes, try to turn the carcass over and pour sauce over it.

Cooking black grouse shulyum

Almost every opening of a new hunting season begins with this dish. As a rule, a team of hunters kindles a fire and begins the process of preparing the most famous dish among hunters.

  1. Preparing the carcass for cooking is its primary processing. If earlier we said that the black grouse should be sent to hot water, then when hunting, they try to immediately remove the entire skin from the bird along with feathers.
  2. Next, you need to chop off the legs, wings, head and gut it. The carcass is cut first along the spine, and then the halves are cut in half again.
  3. At the next stage, black grouse is thrown into a pot on a fire and potatoes, onions, carrots, peppercorns, garlic and juniper berries are added there, of which only a few pieces will be enough. Of course, there should already be water in the pot.
  4. Some gourmets prefer to add more tomatoes and mushrooms to the pot for a better taste. As for salt, pour it here according to your preferences. At the end of cooking, do not forget to throw in the bay leaf.

Black grouse in clay

Such an unusual cooking recipe is not so often used by modern hunters, but it is recommended to know it, because life sometimes puts a person in a strict framework.

Before cooking, check the clay, which must be suitable for use. To do this, you need to roll a few balls of clay and throw them into the fire.

If after a while they turn into lumps, and do not fall apart, then it can be easily used to bake a black grouse carcass.

The carcass must be cut off the legs, head and wings. Pinch it and gut it, and then rinse well with water. Next, you need to take the salt and rub it on all sides.

Then the black grouse should be wrapped with burdock and coated well with clay so that the total layer is no less than 1.5 - 2 cm. Try to give it all the shape of a pie, and then send it to the fire, where the carcass will be cooked in the ashes.

Cooking time takes about 2 - 2.5 hours. After one hour, this cake must be turned over and wait the same amount of time until it is fully cooked. Remember that the fire must burn well all this time. When the required time has passed, then the carcass in the clay needs to be taken out and simply smashed to get to the meat itself.


There are many different recipes for making black grouse, but they can be conditionally divided into two groups. One consists of recipes that can be implemented directly in nature in field conditions. Another group includes recipes that are used only at home.

For example, in nature, shulyum or black grouse in clay is easy to prepare, but baking black grouse with potatoes in the oven is perfectly realized at home in the kitchen.

By nature, grouse meat belongs to dietary meat, which has very little fat, but a lot of protein. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and acids.

Young black grouse or chicken (female) black grouse are suitable for baking in the oven. The meat of this bird is dark (even the breast), completely lean and with a very rich bright taste, so you don’t need special spices, just rub the carcass with an acidic marinade to soften (lemon juice, lime juice, balsamic, etc.) and add peppercorns or juniper berries.

Before baking, cut the carcass into breast and legs. Choose sauces and side dishes for baked black grouse to your liking. I liked the one I recently saw with a friend.

ps If the hunter who caught the black grouse did not shoot in the head or in the wings, then remove the shot from the carcass. Also, before cooking, you need to carefully remove the insides and rinse well.

Prepare the ingredients:

Rub the grouse meat with a little salt and balsamic. It is convenient to use balsamic in a spray bottle.

Place the chicken legs and breast in a baking bag and toss in the juniper berries.

Bake black grouse in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 1.5-2 hours.

Cut the finished grouse breast into thin slices, it is tasty both hot and cold.

Black grouse baked in the oven is ready. The book seen in the photo contains my stories about the Minin dynasty of hunters, as well as recipes from various game.

Enjoy your meal!

Game on our table is not so common today. But if there is a hunter among your acquaintances (or you yourself are one), it’s definitely worth learning how to cook black grouse - in case prey turns up. It would be a shame to spoil such a gift of fortune. Moreover, such meat has always been considered a delicacy in Russia. They were eaten mainly on holidays. So, the recipes for cooking black grouse were carefully kept in the family, lovingly passed down from generation to generation.

First of all: about storage rules

Keeping game in the refrigerator without any special tricks is permissible for no longer than two days. If you want to serve black grouse for the holiday, which is a week or two before, the carcass must be packed and frozen as tightly as possible. Before cooking black grouse, the packaging should be opened and the game should be moved to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It will thaw for quite a long time, but it will not lose its taste and useful properties.

Preparation rules

How to cook black grouse at home primarily depends on the age of the bird, its sex and the time of year in which it was caught. The older the grouse, the tougher the meat. The age of the prey can be estimated from the claws and bones of the bird. The sharper the first and the more flexible the second, the younger the copy you got.

Another important point: the female's meat is more tender and juicier than that of the male. Accordingly, before preparing a male grouse and a respectable age, it must be soaked in water or in a marinade for at least a day, and preferably two. Young birds and females are usually not marinated.

As for the hunting season, the autumn black grouse are tasty and juicy: the bird was eating berries by the time of the hunt. But winter carcasses give away needles, since it is she and the kidneys that form the basis of the diet. So, they may also have to be pickled to beat off the harsh aftertaste.

In addition, it is better not to cook steamed game. According to the observations of hunters, the most delicious black grouse, aged in the cool for at least a day. This also applies to chickens and young birds that do not need pickling. During this time, the prey "ripens", and the dishes from it are much more tasty and juicy.

Cutting rules

In the warm season, the hunter usually makes an incision on the black grouse's back and takes out the insides through it. This step helps to get rid of unwanted odors. At home, the carcass is plucked and finally gutted, rubbed with soda from the inside and the cavity is carefully washed under running water. It also helps eliminate odor.

As for singeing, opinions differ here. Some housewives resort to it to speed up the process. But according to the old rules, the game is rubbed with flour after plucking. This technique makes it possible to easily remove both fluff and awn. If for some reason it did not work, you need to spray the carcass with high-quality vodka and set it on fire. The skin of the black grouse will become perfectly clean, and the taste, as they say, will improve.

Marinades for game

To cook black grouse, most recipes suggest soaking the bird. However, pure water is not the best option. Firstly, carcasses need to be kept in it for three days. Secondly, the water must be changed regularly. But the most important thing is that the water should be clean, ideally spring water. Hunters suggest using marinades. Three options are most praised.

  • Classical. A liter of water, a spoonful of vinegar essence (70% strength), onion, carrot, parsley root of one hundred grams, five juniper seeds, two laurels, peppercorns, ginger and cloves - to your own taste. Peeled vegetables are cut into slices or large slices, marinade is made from water with crushed spices. After boiling, it is cooled, vinegar is added. Black grouse is placed in a saucepan, evenly framed with onions and roots, poured with marinade. It is advisable to periodically turn the bird over. A day - and you can cook.
  • Citric. Juice is squeezed out of citrus, mixed with a double volume of red wine (dry), salt and pepper are added. You can add other seasonings, but not too harsh, so as not to drown out the taste of the meat itself. The hostesses claim that even an old rooster becomes juicy and soft overnight in such a marinade.
  • Soy. You need two onions, a lime (you can use it with the skin, but without the seeds), two garlic cloves, salt, pepper, olive oil and soy sauce. The ratio of the last two ingredients is selected experimentally. The components are pierced in a blender until foam. It will take 12 to 24 hours to marinate.

However, as they say, as a marinade, cucumber pickle (only without vinegar), juice drained from sauerkraut, and whey also give very good results.

Baked black grouse: recipe with cranberries

The carcass prepared according to all the above rules should be rubbed with salt. Two cups of cranberries are mixed with a spoonful of sugar (to remove excess sourness) and 150 grams of chopped lard. If lard is not to your liking, replace it with butter. The resulting mixture is stuffed with black grouse, covered with thin slices of bacon on top. To prevent them from falling off during the baking process, the bacon is fixed with kitchen string. The carcass is removed into the oven, placed on a baking sheet breast up. At 220 degrees, it will cook for about an hour and a half.

Threads are removed from the finished black grouse, poured over with the secreted juice and served with fresh cranberries and soaked lingonberries.

mushroom recipe

Another good way to cook black grouse in the oven involves the use of mushrooms. Mushrooms are also possible, but for game it is better to take forest mushrooms, you can dry them. Freshly, a medium grouse will take about a pound of mushrooms. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Mushrooms are boiled, filtered from water, cut.
  • The onion is chopped, mixed with 100 grams of grated oil, chopped parsley and black pepper.
  • Mushrooms are combined with onions; mass is mixed.
  • The filling is placed in the black grouse, the incision is sutured.
  • The carcass is fried in a pan in butter until a beautiful blush.
  • Pour in a decoction of mushrooms, cover the container with a lid and put on a slow fire for about an hour.

Sauce is required to serve this dish. It is prepared on the basis of meat juice from poultry, to which a spoonful of flour diluted in a small amount of water is added. After boiling, the gravy is removed, salt and lemon zest are introduced.

When serving, each serving of game is seasoned with sour cream and prepared sauce. The best side dish for the dish is tomato salad and stewed rice.

Game in sour cream sauce

You can also cook delicious black grouse with the help of stewing. This method is especially relevant when it comes to a relatively old bird.

The skin of the carcass is rubbed with salt with selected spices and fried on a fairly high heat from all sides. Then the bird is cut into four parts, placed in a saucepan or brazier and topped up with hot broth or just boiling water. The game should be extinguished on low heat; extinguishing time is determined by the stiffness of the black grouse. When the dish is almost ready, sour cream is added to it, in which flour is mixed, fried to a light brown hue. In this sauce, you need to hold the black grouse on the fire for a little more.

Black grouse

The next way to cook black grouse will appeal to those who love cold meat.

Take a roaster or a roasting pan with a thick bottom. The carcass of the bird is cut into small pieces. The fat (about 100-gram slice) is also cut into small cubes or plates.

Two laurel leaves, three clove buds, a pinch of cinnamon and bacon are placed at the bottom of the dish. The game is laid out in layers, each of which is sprinkled with your favorite spices and salt. Then pour red wine (one glass is enough), tightly cover the goose with a lid, and cover the joints with dough - for sealing. The container is placed in the oven, where the weakest mode is turned on. And leave it there for a few hours. Then the oven is turned off, but the dish is not removed until the stew has cooled completely.

stuffed bird

For the filling, it is recommended to use apple slices and dried barberry. Apples provide softness and juiciness to game, barberry gives it a pleasant sourness. The carcass is placed on a sheet smeared with vegetable oil and first smeared with honey (very little), then with the same oil.

Large potato slices are laid out around the black grouse, they are salted and sprinkled with seasonings, after which they are also sprinkled with oil. At first, cover the baking sheet with parchment so that the game does not burn. To gain a crust, the paper is removed after about an hour and the game is baked open.

If you are offered this wild bird, do not refuse just because you do not know how to cook a black grouse. It will be an invaluable culinary experience and a real feast for the stomach!

Black grouse dishes 8 recipes
Black grouse meat is never particularly fatty. The breast consists of two layers: the upper one is dark meat, the lower one is white and pink, like a hazel grouse. The meat of young black grouse is juicy and tender, it is recommended to fry and bake it. The meat of old roosters is tougher, it should be stewed and boiled. In field conditions, black grouse meat is boiled, baked on a spit or in clay.

Roasted black grouse

1 black grouse or black grouse 1/2 bottle vinegar 1/2 bottle water or 1 bottle wine 5-8 slices pork bacon 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fat or butter, salt, herbs.

Because of their tough meat, adult black grouse must be soaked for 3 days in vinegar or red wine diluted with water before frying. Pinch the carcasses, singe, gut, remove the head from the neck and legs, wash from the inside, dry with a napkin, let lie down for 2 hours, stuff, salt inside and out.

Drizzle with melted butter, put on a baking sheet and, adding 1 cup of water, fry, pouring juice, 45 minutes. Fry the grouse for 30 minutes and do not soak in vinegar. Cut the finished carcass into portions and serve, sprinkled with chopped herbs. Garnish with boiled potatoes, salads, pickled vegetables, berries, lingonberry jam.

Roasted black grouse

2 black grouse (young), 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of juniper berries, 1/2 cup of dry red wine, 1/3 cup of sour cream, salt, herbs.

The most delicious roast is prepared from young grouse. Prepare the carcasses of young birds, like the carcasses of adult black grouse, salt inside and out, grate with crushed juniper berries, pour over melted butter and fry, as described in the previous recipe, for 25 minutes. Add red wine to the juice on a baking sheet and, pouring sour cream over the carcasses, fry for another 7–10 minutes. Birds sprinkled with salt and juniper berries can be overlaid with thin slices of fresh lard, wrapped in foil or parchment and fried until tender. Serving, pour juice, sprinkle with herbs and garnish like fried black grouse.

black grouse in sauce

1-2 black grouse, 4-6 slices of pork fat, 1/2 saucer of chopped ham, 1-2 onions, 1 parsley root, 1 cup beef broth or water, 1 cup dry red wine, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of fat for frying, 1/2-1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 8 peppercorns, salt, herbs. Prepare the carcasses as described above, cut into portions, stuff and fry in fat. Add pieces of ham, chopped onion rings, parsley root, pepper, pour in broth, wine, salt and simmer for 25–30 minutes. Stir in flour diluted with water and boil. Serve with the sauce, garnished with parsley sprigs. Garnish with boiled potatoes, vegetable salads.


Pluck and gut the black grouse carcass, hang it for several days in the air, then soak it for 6 days in vinegar and table wine, or only in vinegar. Before frying, rinse the carcass, dry it with a towel, grate with salt, stuff the breast and legs with pieces of bacon and fry in a pan in the oven or oven, constantly pouring meat sauce and butter. Add a little sour cream to the juice remaining in the pan after frying the poultry, heat to a boil and pour the finished grouse carcasses laid on the dish with the resulting sauce.


Grate prepared grouse carcasses on top with a mixture of salt and spices to taste, brown well in oil over high heat on all sides. Then cut the carcasses into four parts, put in a brazier and, adding a little broth or boiling water, simmer over low heat under a lid until tender. At the end of cooking, pour sour cream mixed with browned flour into the brazier. Stew the bird a little more in sour cream sauce and serve hot, laying on a dish, pouring over the remaining sour cream sauce and sprinkling abundantly with chopped parsley. Meat can be served with pickled and fresh vegetables to taste.


1 black grouse, 100 g bacon, 2 bay leaves, 3 cloves, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, onion, a glass of wine, salt, spices.
Spices and a few pieces of bacon are placed at the bottom of the goose. The bird is cut into pieces, laid in rows, sprinkled with spices. Salt and pour table red wine. Cover with a lid, cover the seams with dough and put in the oven on low heat. After 4-5 hours, the oven is turned off, and the bird is left in the goose until completely cooled. Serve cold.

Roast in the field

A well-fed bird is selected, feathers are plucked, wings are cut off, singeed on a fire from the remnants of a feather, gutted, washed, rubbed with salt inside and out, wrapped in leaves of burdock or another similar plant, covered with clay in the form of a cake and placed in a thick layer of ash from a burning fire. The fire in the fire is maintained. After 1-1.5 hours, the bird will be ready. The clay "pie" is turned over, covered with hot coals and left to bake for another 1 hour. After that, the crust of the clay pie is broken, cleaned and "roast in its own juice" is served to the "table".

You can also cook any game meat. You should have pork fat or loin, salt and pepper, clean gauze with you. A piece of soft meat is stuffed with lard, cut like pasta, rubbed on all sides with salt and pepper, wrapped in gauze, covered with clay and placed in the ashes of a fire.

Black grouse dishes (7 recipes) Black grouse meat is never particularly fatty. The breast consists of two layers: the upper one is dark meat, the lower one is white and pink, like a hazel grouse. The meat of young black grouse is juicy and tender, it is recommended to fry and bake it. The meat of old roosters is tougher, it should be stewed and boiled. In field conditions, black grouse meat is boiled, baked on a spit or in clay. Roasted black grouse 1 black grouse or black grouse, 1/2 bottle of vinegar, 1/2 bottle of water or 1 bottle of wine, 5-8 slices of pork fat, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fat or butter, salt, herbs. Because of their tough meat, adult black grouse must be soaked for 3 days in vinegar or red wine diluted with water before frying. Pinch the carcasses, singe, gut, remove the head from the neck and legs, wash from the inside, dry with a napkin, let lie down for 2 hours, stuff, salt inside and out. Drizzle with melted butter, put on a baking sheet and, adding 1 cup of water, fry, pouring juice, 45 minutes. Fry the grouse for 30 minutes and do not soak in vinegar. Cut the finished carcass into portions and serve, sprinkled with chopped herbs. Garnish with boiled potatoes, salads, pickled vegetables, berries, lingonberry jam. Roasted black grouse 2 black grouse (young), 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of juniper berries, 1/2 cup of dry red wine, 1/3 cup of sour cream, salt, herbs. The most delicious roast is prepared from young grouse. Prepare the carcasses of young birds, like the carcasses of adult black grouse, salt inside and out, grate with crushed juniper berries, pour over melted butter and fry, as described in the previous recipe, for 25 minutes. Add red wine to the juice on a baking sheet and, pouring sour cream over the carcasses, fry for another 7–10 minutes. Birds sprinkled with salt and juniper berries can be overlaid with thin slices of fresh lard, wrapped in foil or parchment and fried until tender. Serving, pour juice, sprinkle with herbs and garnish like fried black grouse. BLACK COCK IN SAUCE 1-2 black grouse, 4-6 slices pork bacon, 1/2 saucer chopped ham, 1-2 onions, 1 parsley root, 1 cup beef broth or water, 1 cup dry red wine, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of fat for frying, 1/2-1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 8 peppercorns, salt, herbs. Prepare the carcasses as described above, cut into portions, stuff and fry in fat. Add pieces of ham, chopped onion rings, parsley root, pepper, pour in broth, wine, salt and simmer for 25–30 minutes. Stir in flour diluted with water and boil. Serve with the sauce, garnished with parsley sprigs. Garnish with boiled potatoes, vegetable salads. Plucked and gutted black grouse, hang it in the air for several days, then soak it for 6 days in vinegar and table wine, or only in vinegar. Before frying, rinse the carcass, dry it with a towel, grate with salt, stuff the breast and legs with pieces of bacon and fry in a pan in the oven or oven, constantly pouring meat sauce and butter. Add a little sour cream to the juice remaining in the pan after frying the poultry, heat to a boil and pour the finished grouse carcasses laid on the dish with the resulting sauce. BLACK GROCK IN SOUR CREAM SAUCE Grate prepared grouse carcasses on top with a mixture of salt and spices to taste, brown well in oil over high heat on all sides. Then cut the carcasses into four parts, put in a brazier and, adding a little broth or boiling water, simmer over low heat under a lid until tender. At the end of cooking, pour sour cream mixed with browned flour into the brazier. Stew the bird a little more in sour cream sauce and serve hot, laying on a dish, pouring over the remaining sour cream sauce and sprinkling abundantly with chopped parsley. Meat can be served with pickled and fresh vegetables to taste. COLD COCK stew 1 black grouse, 100 g bacon, 2 bay leaves, 3 cloves, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, onion, a glass of wine, salt, spices. Spices and a few pieces of bacon are placed at the bottom of the goose. The bird is cut into pieces, laid in rows, sprinkled with spices. Salt and pour table red wine. Cover with a lid, cover the seams with dough and put in the oven on low heat. After 4-5 hours, the oven is turned off, and the bird is left in the goose until completely cooled. Serve cold. FIELD Roast A well-fed bird is selected, feathers are plucked, wings are cut off, feather remains are singeed on a fire, gutted, washed, rubbed with salt inside and out, wrapped in leaves of burdock or other similar plant, covered with clay in the form of a cake and placed in a thick layer of ashes burning fire. The fire in the fire is maintained. After 1-1.5 hours, the bird will be ready. The clay "pie" is turned over, covered with hot coals and left to bake for another 1 hour. After that, the crust of the clay pie is broken, cleaned and "roast in its own juice" is served to the "table". You can also cook any game meat. You should have pork fat or loin, salt and pepper, clean gauze with you. A piece of soft meat is stuffed with lard, cut like pasta, rubbed on all sides with salt and pepper, wrapped in gauze, covered with clay and placed in the ashes of a fire. Bon appetite