Home / Chebureki / Garam masala: what is it and what is the most complex and useful Indian seasoning. Garam masala - what is it? Seasoning garam masala application

Garam masala: what is it and what is the most complex and useful Indian seasoning. Garam masala - what is it? Seasoning garam masala application

Not only in India they know what Garam Masala is. The combination of these two words is well understood by residents of many South Asian countries.

Unique Blend

Dishes Asian cuisine always distinguished by excellent taste and excellent aroma. In most cases, this result can be achieved through the use of various seasonings. Among them, Garam Masala occupies a special place. It is with it that most of the dishes of North Indian cuisine are prepared. The peculiarity of this unique aromatic additive lies in its very name. In Hindi, "garam" means "sharpness" and "masala" means "mixture". The sharpness here refers to the richness of taste, so "Garam Masala" is most likely a "rich mixture."

Indeed, the famous Indian seasoning can decorate almost any dish. It is used to prepare appetizers, soups, salads, various sauces and stews. The uniqueness of "Harem masala" is that it can equally well be an excellent addition to literally any product: meat, vegetables, rice or fruits. It is often used in baking cakes and muffins, as well as to flavor various herbal teas, fruit drinks or juices.

Unity of taste and aroma

There is no unified recipe for Garam Masala. The composition of the mixture may vary and, as a rule, depends on the region in which this or that culinary specialist creates. However, some components must be present. Among them: nutmeg, cardamom, cloves and black pepper. Sometimes star anise, cumin, white pepper, anise, bay leaf, turmeric, coriander or fennel are added to them, and sometimes even onions and garlic. It all depends on what kind of dish the mixture is selected for.

There are times when the seasoning must have a liquid consistency. Then add to the mixture plain water, coconut milk or vinegar. There are hundreds of ways to prepare Garam Masala. The composition of some of them in families is passed down from generation to generation from mother to daughter. Each hostess prepares such a seasoning in her own way. Perhaps that is why in India it is impossible to meet the same dish with the same taste. Every woman sacredly keeps the recipe and is very proud of her secret.


Any hostess at home can cook Garam Masala herself. The seasoning recipe provides for the following products:

one tablespoon of black peppercorns, as well as cumin and cardamom seeds, a couple of tablespoons of coriander seeds and ground turmeric, one teaspoon of mustard seeds and fennel seeds, half a teaspoon of cloves, two bay leaves, the same number of clove sticks and a couple chilli pods without seeds.

Preparing such a mixture is very simple:

  1. Place a clean, dry skillet on the fire.
  2. Pour on it all the components except for the powders.
  3. Heat over low heat until a characteristic aroma is felt. This will usually take 2-3 minutes.
  4. Pour the mixture into a coffee grinder and turn into a homogeneous powder.
  5. Add turmeric and mix again.

It turns out a real Indian "Garam Masala". Its composition is easy to change when it comes to a particular dish or product. Seasoning can be used immediately after cooking or put it in glass jar and leave for storage, but not more than a month.

Application area

Few people know that Garam Masala spices are used not only in cooking. If you look closely, you will notice that the unique seasoning contains components that have medicinal properties. For example, by adding a pinch of this fragrant powder to tea, you can get an excellent remedy for treating colds and various respiratory diseases. In this case, not only the warming effect is triggered, but also the ability to destroy pathogens.

In addition, the Indian mixture can cleanse the human body of toxins and toxins accumulated in it. Particular attention should be paid to the magic seasoning for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Periodically adding very few of these spices to food, you can defeat the disease at its first stage or conduct good prevention sessions. In more serious cases, medical intervention will naturally be required.

Well, that's when I got around to continue my story about the "Masala Method" - the art of cooking spices. This time I want to tell you how spice mixtures such as "Curry", "Tanduri Masala" and others are prepared. I will tell you on the example of the most popular mixture in India and among professional culinary specialists superior craftsmanship. The use of this mixture in dishes almost always ensures their success, giving them unique flavors and an absolutely amazing aroma.

Ingredients for Garam Masala Spices:

Nutritional and energy value:

Recipe "Spices "Garam Masala"":

In Hindi, "Garam" means "hot" and "Masala" means "a mixture of spices." The spices used in Garam Masala really "warm", so they are indispensable in cold weather and the winter season for those who are prone to colds and hypothermia.

Garam Masala is the perfect spice blend for bean and pea soups, as well as fried snacks, sauces, vegetable salads and vinaigrettes.
Garam Masala gives amazing flavors to sweet dishes: muffins, pies with apples, pears, pumpkins, etc., oatmeal cookies, hot herbal teas and fruit (especially apple and pear) drinks.

Garam Masala is one of the most popular spice blends among top connoisseurs. culinary arts around the world, is a universal remedy that can give food a unique taste and aroma.

It is widely used in the practice of preparing nourishing and healing Ayurvedic dishes.

So, the preparation of Garam Masala, like any Indian spice mix, begins with toasting the spices. Each spice is roasted separately, as it requires different roasting times. This process usually takes from a few seconds to a minute.

Cumin - seeds with a fragrant smell, has a good effect on the whole body.

Cumin is often used in Ayurvedic cooking due to its inherent taste and wonderful healing properties. With "any" complaints about indigestion, you can simply say: - "Close your eyes and eat cumin!".

Cumin kindles the digestive fire and improves the absorption of minerals in the intestines. It acts as a carminative and may have a mild analgesic effect. Cumin can reduce abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea, and promote tissue repair.

Coriander has a sweet, astringent, cooling effect and a sweet vipak (taste after digestion). It suits all types of constitution. Coriander improves digestion, reduces fever and acts as a diuretic.

Black pepper has spicy taste, has a warming effect, has a sharp vipak. It is useful for digestion, coughs, helminthic infestations and has a beneficial effect on the lungs and heart.

Clove has a sharp, bitter taste, has a warming effect, has a sharp vipak. This is a good remedy for stimulating digestion, it has a positive effect on congestion in the sinuses and congestion of the bronchial tree.

So, we have finished roasting whole spices and now we will start roasting ground spices. Roasting ground spices is different in that it requires a much shorter amount of time, on the order of a few seconds.

Cardamom has a sweet, pungent taste, cooling effect, pungent vipak. It is useful for coughs, respiratory failure, burning during urination and hemorrhoids. Cardamom aids in digestion and improves the taste of food.

Cinnamon has a sweet, pungent, bitter taste, has a warming effect and a sharp vipak. Cinnamon promotes digestion, is useful in toxic conditions (excess of ama), improves circulation. Due to its ability to "thinn" the blood, it prevents heart attacks.

Nutmeg has a sharp, bitter astringent taste, has a warming effect, and has a sharp vipak. Nutmeg improves the taste of food. It stimulates digestion, relieves coughs, promotes sleep and reduces pain.

Well, we have finished roasting the spices. Here is a picture of saffron. It doesn't need to be fried. This is a rather expensive spice and it is not required in Garam Masala, so for lack of it, you can simply not add it.

By the way, never buy powdered saffron, because ordinary turmeric is often sold under the guise of this priceless spice!

Saffron has a sweet, pungent and bitter taste, has a cooling effect, and has a sweet vipak. It improves the color and condition of the skin. Among its many uses are blood purification, liver detoxification, tonic for the nervous system and heart, blood thinning.

Saffron enhances sexual feeling and increases sperm count. It is also used for coughs, colds, congestion and hemorrhoids.

We immediately pour the right amount of seasonings in handfuls onto a dish. If you have some of the ingredients already ground, pour them separately. I have everything in one piece.

We take a frying pan. It must be completely dry. We put all the unground ingredients into it. You can, of course, fry everything separately, so it's more correct. But I will fry the spices together. Then they will mix anyway, and I will save time. Toast all spices in a pan, including bay leaf and cinnamon sticks. Don't be lazy to stir. Fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes to release the spices.

Take the pan off the fire. We take out from it the bay leaf, saffron and cinnamon sticks. We take a mortar. We put loose spices into it in portions and grind it well. You can use a coffee grinder for this purpose. Set the cinnamon and saffron aside for now.

Grind cinnamon sticks with saffron separately (you can use a coffee grinder). We do not need a bay leaf, it has already played its role. Again, take the pan and fry the grated spices, stirring with a spatula, for a couple of minutes.

Garam masala is a bright and aromatic blend of Indian spices used in most Indian and South Asian dishes.

The name "Garam masala" can be translated as a spicy hot (Garam) mixture of spices (masala). However, the name should not be taken literally. Garam masala does not have to be very spicy, but fragrant, spicy, bright, assembled from a variety of fragrant, invigorating and warming spices always.

There is no single recipe for cooking. In each region, in each individual kitchen, for each culinary specialist, the composition and proportions of spices may differ, only a general, very simple and accessible cooking concept is preserved. Spices are mixed, fried and ground.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made mixture, but once you have prepared the mixture yourself, you will never want to go back to the store-bought version. Freshly roasted and ground spices have an amazing aroma and a bright, complex, multifaceted taste that gradually weakens and is lost during storage.

That is why culinary experts and connoisseurs of Indian cuisine try to prepare Garam Masala seasoning. in small portions immediately before adding to the dish, and if stored, then for a short time in an airtight container.

The cooking process is very easy and takes a few minutes, but the aroma of spices that will fill your home, the amazing taste of dishes prepared with the addition of Garam masala seasoning, will more than pay for every second spent on its preparation. Let's start?!

The composition of the seasoning most often includes up to 12 spices. Seasonings such as cumin (cumin), coriander, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, black, white or red pepper are almost always used.

Depending on the dish in which the mixture is planned to be used and the tastes of the cook, anise or star anise, fennel, mustard seeds, bay leaf, ground nutmeg, turmeric are also added. All of these spices we use today. You can not stop there and add curry, ground ginger, rose petals, black salt, asafoetida, mango powder, etc. In India, you can find Garam Masala, which includes all the spices available in the region.

The proportions can also be changed. If you do not like certain spices, replace them or reduce the amount. Garam masala is believed to have medicinal properties. It is recommended to be used for the treatment of colds, as well as for cleansing the body of toxins and removing toxins. And if your body does not perceive certain spices, you do not need to force it - the benefits of seasoning will be less.

Mix the spices and place in a clean, dry skillet. It is desirable to use a frying pan with a thick and even bottom so that the heating process is gradual and uniform.

While stirring, fry the spices over medium or low heat for several minutes, until a bright rich aroma appears and the color changes. If you use ground spices, always add them at the very end of frying. In this recipe, I add some turmeric for color.

Pour the spices into an empty container to stop the cooking process. Cool down a bit.

Grind the spices. I like to use a mortar for this. Inhaling the amazing aroma and watching how the texture of roasted spices gradually changes is an exciting, relaxing and enjoyable process. But for some spices, for example, bay leaf and cinnamon will come in handy with a mill or even a coffee grinder. However, the seasoning will please you with an amazing bright taste, regardless of the method of grinding.

Place the prepared seasoning in a sealed container.

Store away from sunlight for up to 1 month. Garam masala seasoning can be used and stored for a longer time, but the flavor and aroma will gradually decrease.