Home / Pancakes, pancakes / How to make almond milk at home? How to prepare almond milk at home and what benefits it has for the human body Almond milk calories.

How to make almond milk at home? How to prepare almond milk at home and what benefits it has for the human body Almond milk calories.

Hello everyone, friends!

The demand for healthy food is now increasing every day, and more and more people are trying to buy only high-quality organic products for themselves and their families. But the dairy industry, on the contrary, is suffering losses.

One reason is the sudden increase in demand for dairy alternatives. This is mainly due to the common idea that cow's milk contains a lot of calories and cholesterol.

Those people who are lactose intolerant or suffer from protein allergies can replace cow's milk with soy, rice or almond milk. In this article, I offer you a recipe for making almond milk.

In terms of the amount of useful substances, the cow product is superior to the almond product. But if you have no choice but to go for substitutes, almond milk is the best option as it also has health benefits.

- one of the most popular nuts, the taste of which is very popular with people. It contains many vitamins and minerals that help improve the functioning of the entire body. This is one of the reasons why people actively include almond milk in their diet.

Almond-based milk has existed for hundreds of years, but the main half of the population of our planet began to get acquainted with it not so long ago. The earliest documentation of almond milk dates back to the 13th century, where the process of making it was described in an Iraqi cookbook.

It was also used as an alternative to cow's milk during Lent, when meat and other animal products were prohibited. Currently, this product serves as a dairy option that does not contain lactose.

Some manufacturers aim to make almond milk a worthy competitor to cow's milk by adding calcium, vitamin D and protein. In most cases, however, enough sugar is added to mimic the natural sweetness of cow's milk.

If you want to purchase ready-made almond milk, food brands that are high in sugar should be avoided. However, unsweetened varieties are also available and are the best option.

How is it used in cooking?

Almond milk can be added to desserts and milk-based drinks such as smoothies, ice cream and baked goods. This product is used for cooking by vegetarians who have completely abandoned meat and cow's milk. Almond cake is added to porridges, salads, etc.

In medieval times, almond milk was considered a staple food for the majority of the population, especially for Christians during Lent. It was also used as a milk substitute because the animal version had a shorter shelf life than the plant version.

How to make almond milk

Many manufacturers save on nuts by adding a minimal amount of milk when producing milk, so it makes sense to make it yourself at home. Here you choose the ingredients yourself and you will be confident in the quality and naturalness of the product you made yourself.

So, according to the recipe you will need:

  • raw almonds (1 cup);
  • water (2 cups);
  • honey if desired.


  1. Soak the almonds overnight or 2 days. To do this, place the nuts in a bowl and fill them with water to about 3 cm. When they absorb water, they will swell. Cover them with a cloth and let them sit for 1 night or 2 days. The longer they are aged, the better the milk will be.
  2. Drain the almonds and rinse the nuts thoroughly under cool running water. Do not use hot or even warm food under any circumstances.
  3. Place the almonds in a blender and add 2 cups of water. Stir the ingredients until the water turns white and the almonds have the same consistency as fine flour.
  4. Using cheesecloth, strain the almond flour and pour the liquid into a jar. Try to squeeze the gauze as hard as possible to extract as much milk as possible.
  5. Add honey to taste and enjoy the delicate taste of the drink.

Also remember that this product may go bad, as soon as it smells sour, throw it away. It usually keeps in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Watch the following useful video that I found on u-tube.

Delicious recipes using almond milk

Here are a few recipes you'll love. They will be very satisfying and no less healthy. Try it!

Vanilla-almond breakfast

You will need:

  • almond milk (2 cups);
  • honey (1-2 tbsp);
  • chia seeds (½ cup);
  • vanilla extract (½ tsp);
  • almonds or other nuts (to taste);
  • any fruit (optional).


  1. Combine almond milk, chia seeds, vanilla and honey in a bowl. Mix well until the mixture thickens.
  2. Refrigerate it overnight or for at least 1 hour.
  3. Add fruits and nuts to it. Stir well before serving.
  4. If you wish, you can add a little water to thin the dish out a little.

Chocolate-pistachio dessert

You will need:

  • almond milk (½ cup);
  • fried (1/3 cup);
  • natural yogurt (¼ cup);
  • black chia seeds (2 tbsp);
  • bananas (3 pcs.);
  • pitted (2 pcs.);
  • vanilla extract (1 tsp);
  • cocoa powder (2 tbsp).


  1. In a small bowl, combine almond milk and chia seeds. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Stir in the pistachios and dates until the mixture reaches a buttery consistency. It takes about 5 minutes.
  3. Add chia seeds and milk, cocoa powder, yogurt and vanilla to this mixture. Stir everything well. This takes 3 to 4 minutes. If the consistency is too thick, you can add more almond milk.

The main health benefits of dairy products

Although not all of the nutrients in nuts are transferred into milk, milk still contains large amounts of them. Therefore, it provides invaluable benefits to the human body.

  • Does not increase blood sugar levels.

Homemade unsweetened almond milk does not contain much glucose, which helps prevent insulin resistance. It is also low in carbohydrates. It is beneficial for diabetics and overweight people as it helps them maintain their blood glucose levels. And cow's milk contains a large amount of lactose, which turns into glucose.

  • Does not contain lactose.

Cow's milk contains lactose, which usually causes digestive problems in people who are lactose intolerant. This means that they simply cannot digest the nutrients found in raw milk. This causes them to have bloating or diarrhea. And almond milk will give them the necessary vitamins without compromising their health.

  • Helps reduce the risk of heart disease .

Almond milk contains high amounts of fatty acids, which prevent high blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

  • Low in calories.

The number of calories in 1 glass of almond milk (240 g) is 90 kcal. Therefore, this product can be included in people who want to lose weight and maintain their weight. It also contains 2.5 g fat, 16 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein, 7 g sugar and 140 mg sodium.

Which milk is best: almond, soy or cow's milk?

To answer this question, let's compare all 3 types and see which product is the most useful.

  1. Almond and soy milk are marketed as better substitutes for cow's milk. Although they have the same consistency and color, they also have differences. They lie in the amount of nutrients they contain: protein, calcium, potassium, etc.
  2. Soy milk is the closest thing to its raw cow's milk counterpart. But most factories producing soy drink use genetically modified crops. This means you may be consuming glyphosate and other toxic chemicals in your milk.
  3. If producers use unfermented soybeans in milk production, this can pose a serious threat to the health of their consumers. Unfermented soybeans contain high levels of phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors and aluminum. Phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors can block the body's absorption of essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and copper. Also, the high aluminum content in such soy is toxic to the nervous system and kidneys.
  4. Almond milk contains much lower nutrient content compared to soy and cow's milk. But it also contains vitamins and minerals, only in smaller quantities.
  5. Some manufacturers use carrageenan, a thickener derived from seaweed, when producing soy and almond milk. This component can cause disruption to the digestive system and even increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, you should only choose dairy brands that do not contain GMOs and carrageenan.
  6. Raw cow's milk contains many nutrients, elements and minerals, and based on this, it is the healthiest. It is the raw version that contains good bacteria, digestive enzymes and fats that are usually removed in pasteurized milk and are missing in milk substitutes.
  7. For people who prefer not to consume raw cow's milk, homemade almond milk is a better choice than store-bought milk. This will not contribute to the buildup of toxins, and you will be able to determine the amount of nuts per serving.
  8. Homemade unsweetened almond milk contains few toxins, unlike soy milk or other substitutes. Despite its average nutritional value, it will not expose you to possible harmful components.

That's all. Even though raw cow's milk is king, I still advise you to make its almond counterpart at home, and also try other recipes using it. And if you are lactose intolerant, then this is the best option.

Good health to you! See you!

As the name suggests, almond milk is obtained by processing the nuts of the same name. The product has become widespread due to its beneficial qualities. Therefore, more and more people are trying to prepare the composition at home to improve the health of the body. Today we will look at the basic principles and highlight important aspects.

Features of almond milk

  1. Thanks to the fact that all major supermarkets are stocked with a variety of products, you can find almond milk with a completely natural (or almost) composition. This only doubles the benefits of the product.
  2. If you buy milk with preservatives, it is usually oversaturated with granulated sugar and other flavoring and aromatic additives. Similar components are added to increase shelf life.
  3. Homemade milk, on the contrary, does not last long, but is considered completely natural. You can prepare it yourself by following the recipes. The final product will have a creamy aftertaste and a number of beneficial properties.
  4. During the cooking process, you can vary the amount of granulated sugar yourself. Some people use powdered substitutes or honey (recommended) instead. This product contains the daily requirement of minerals valuable for the heart and bones.
  5. The simplest preparation method involves only water, salt, lemon and nuts. But you can make the taste richer and add other “notes”.
  6. In order to increase the fat content of the product, it is more advisable to use almond oil, coconut oil, lecithin and other natural ingredients. Almond milk goes well with vanilla.
  7. If you decide to skip the granulated sugar and not use it in the recipe, the final product will be tender. It can later be added to porridge, coffee or tea drinks, smoothies, etc.
  8. You can make various first courses, broths, baked goods, sauces, and breakfast cereals using almond milk. During the cooking process, natural juice, chocolate chips, turmeric, fruits with berries or candied fruits are added.

Traditional almond milk

  • filtered water - 0.75 l.
  • almonds - 240 gr.
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • lemon juice - 5 ml.
  1. Prepare a container for mixing ingredients, a glass jar will do. Pour nuts and salt into it, add lemon juice. Pour in water, stir and cover the container with a lid.
  2. Leave in the dark and at medium temperature for about 11 hours, during which time the nuts will soak. Then drain the water; we will no longer use it to prepare the product.
  3. Place the almonds in a strainer and rinse with filtered water. Remove the skins from the nuts, place them in a blender and add water according to the recipe. Turn all ingredients into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Arm yourself with a fine-grained strainer. Line it with 3-5 layers of gauze and pour the mixture here. The liquid should drain into a separate container located under the sieve. Wring out the gauze thoroughly.
  5. The nut cake remaining from the procedure is used as a filling for baked goods, porridge, cocktails, smoothies and other delicacies. It is also used to make body scrub or face masks.
  6. After straining, the milk must be poured into a sterilized container and covered with a lid. This composition is stored for about 3 days in the cold and in a dark bottle.

Almond milk with cocoa

  1. Children love this treat very much. As an additional ingredient to traditional almond milk, you need to take cocoa powder or chocolate chips.
  2. All ingredients, including almond milk, are sent to a blender and thoroughly beaten until a homogeneous structure and shade is obtained. This cocktail is consumed immediately.

  1. Usually, washed and pitted dates are used as sweeteners. You will need about 5 pieces. Also take a tablespoon of coconut oil and about half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  2. The ingredients are added to milk prepared according to the traditional recipe indicated above. Pour out approximately 480 ml. mixture into a blender, beat together with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. You can take not natural dates, but a syrup based on them. Some people prefer to replace coconut oil with almond oil to improve the taste.

Cinnamon Almond Milk

  1. This drink is ideal for those losing weight, because it enhances metabolic processes and promotes comfortable weight loss. To curb hunger, add cinnamon or turmeric powder.
  2. To determine the proportions you need to measure out about 450 ml. traditional almond milk, homemade, and a small teaspoon of cinnamon. All ingredients are whipped and the cocktail is drunk immediately.
  3. If desired, you can supplement the main components with nutritious fruits, for example, banana. To do this, it is first crushed with a blender, then mixed into the total mass.

Almond milk with strawberries

  1. As in all previous recipes, it is best to use ready-made almond milk as a basis. You will make it according to the recipe proposed above. Everything is simple and transparent.
  2. As for the quantity of strawberries, you need to take them at your own discretion. At 0.6 l. Milk requires about 1.5 glasses of fresh berries. Rinse it, free it from the tails, and dry it.
  3. Now add the berries separately into a blender cup and process them with a household appliance. If desired, add any sweetener, be it granulated sugar, honey or vanilla.
  4. Pour in the almond milk in a small stream while whisking the ingredients at low power. When the cocktail becomes homogeneous, it is poured into a glass and consumed immediately.

It's easy to make milk from almonds if you follow the basic instructions carefully. If desired, the product using traditional technology can be supplemented with spices, berries, fruits and other ingredients.

Video: almond milk recipe

Almond milk, which is gaining more and more popularity every day, can be easily prepared at home. In addition, to make it yourself, you only need two components - almonds and plain water, which distinguishes a homemade product from a store-bought one, because the latter often suffers from an imperfect composition. Almond milk is suitable both for serving on its own and as a component for baking and making dessert dishes. You can use it to cook porridge, bake pancakes, or add it to coffee, tea, non-alcoholic cocktails or smoothies. Almond milk can be consumed during fasting as an alternative to cow's milk, and is also suitable for vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance. A dish with the addition of this drink turns out to be very tender, light, and imbued with a pleasant nutty taste.

The benefits of almond milk are a topic for a whole separate article, so let’s say briefly: this drink contains a huge amount of calcium, trace elements and vitamins. Moreover, here these substances are in dissolved form, which facilitates easy absorption by the body, which is why almond milk is especially recommended for children. So, if you are not yet familiar with the popular miracle drink, let’s correct this omission and move on to the recipe! In general, almond milk is prepared quickly, but you need to take into account the time for infusion and swelling of the nuts. To avoid long waits and counting hours, we recommend soaking the nuts in water the night before and refrigerating them overnight. In the morning, with the help of a blender, we will have time to complete the preparation, and by breakfast we can already enjoy a silky, tasty drink.


  • almonds (unroasted) - 150 g;
  • drinking water - 700 ml.

Almond milk recipe at home

  1. First you need to prepare the almonds, namely peel them from the brown skin. To do this, pour the nuts into a convenient heat-resistant container. Pour boiling water - the liquid should completely cover the almonds. Leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Then remove the steamed skin. After being in boiling water, the skin will swell, soften, and the nuts will be easy to peel. If the almonds are difficult to peel, pour boiling water again, after draining the cooled liquid.
  3. Place the peeled kernels in a clean container and fill with cold drinking water (700 ml). Leave for 2-4 hours, or better yet, cover the container with cling film/lid and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Pour the water along with the swollen almonds into a deep glass for making cocktails or the bowl of a stationary blender. Mix thoroughly at high speed for 2-5 minutes, like a cocktail or smoothie. As a result, the nuts should be crushed into minimal crumbs (almost into flour), and the water should acquire a rich white color like regular cow's milk. If desired, you can add honey or sugar and beat a little more; you can also flavor the liquid with cinnamon, nutmeg or other spices. But even in its pure form without additives, almond milk turns out very tasty and balanced.
  5. Strain the finished drink through 4 layers of gauze to get rid of small particles of nuts and get perfectly homogeneous, tender and silky milk. We do not throw away the almond crumbs remaining on the fabric - they can be dried and added to biscuits, cookies, muffins, pancakes, etc. in the future. After straining and all manipulations, approximately 500 g of pure finished drink is obtained. Homemade almond milk can be stored in the refrigerator in a covered container for 2-3 days.
  6. We use our healthy and tasty drink in any way you like - sip it through a straw with cookies and other sweets, add it to tea, coffee, cocoa, etc., or leave it for preparing other dishes.

Homemade almond milk is ready! Bon appetit and successful culinary experiments!

How to make almond milk

In the Middle Ages almond milk consumed in Europe and the Middle East and valued for its nutritional qualities.

Almond milk was especially valuable during fasting days, when it was forbidden to eat animal foods; moreover, it does not contain lactose, so it can be consumed by people with milk intolerance.

Almond milk It is considered a very valuable product for raw foodists and many raw food recipes contain it in their composition.

You can make a huge variety of delicious cocktails using almond milk!

Almond milk is a great alternative to cow's milk, since almonds are 20% protein and contain no cholesterol.

Natural plant milk contains essential fatty acids, vitamins E and B, minerals: magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, copper and iron. The phosphorus contained in milk is good for bones and teeth.

Almond can be an excellent alternative to animal protein sources. Next, we will look at how to prepare almond milk.

Almond milk recipe

  • Making delicious and healthy almond milk is quite simple. To obtain 1 liter of tasty and healthy almond milk you need: raw unroasted almonds - 1 glass, drinking water - 6 glasses, honey, cinnamon - to taste.
  • Rinse the almonds and pour three glasses of drinking water, then leave to steep overnight.
  • In the morning, drain the water and rinse with clean water.
  • Pour 3 glasses of drinking water over the nuts and mix in a blender. The liquid should turn out white, and the almonds will turn into cake.
  • Strain the liquid and squeeze the resulting pulp thoroughly using gauze.
  • You can add a little more water to the cake and mix again using a blender, then strain the milk and squeeze out the cake.
  • To improve the taste, add honey and cinnamon, as almond milk will turn out bland. Shake before use.

By the way, you can make delicious cookies from the resulting nut cake. For this you need: nut cake - 300 grams, 1 banana, honey.

Macaroons recipe

  • Mash the banana with a fork, add honey, then mix with the pulp
  • Use a spoon to place small cakes on a baking sheet.
  • Preheat the oven to 170° and bake for about 25 minutes
  • You can try making cashew milk. Required products: raw cashew nuts - 1 cup, water - 3 - 4 cups, agave nectar or honey.

Cashew milk recipe:

  • Soak the nuts in water and let them sit for 1-2 hours so that they do not plump within an hour.
  • Then drain and rinse with fresh water.
  • Add nuts, honey and 2 cups water to a blender and blend until smooth.
  • You can add or less water, depending on whether you want thick or thin milk. Typically use 4 parts water to one part nuts.