Home / Dumplings / Classic Caesar salad with shrimp. Caesar salad with seafood Recipe for salad from a jar with seafood Caesar

Classic Caesar salad with shrimp. Caesar salad with seafood Recipe for salad from a jar with seafood Caesar

Caesar salad with seafood is extremely popular all over the world. A proper Caesar salad is prepared with both meat and sausage, but the most refined and unique salad is made from seafood. Their specific taste and aroma goes perfectly with all the components of this salad without exception.

You won’t surprise anyone with a salad made from crab sticks for a long time, but “Caesar” with their participation is fresh and new, and also very tasty. And preparing such a salad is much easier, because this component does not require additional cooking or frying.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp. mustard seeds;
  • 200 gr. Chinese cabbage;
  • 300 gr. crab sticks;
  • corn to taste;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 100 gr. crackers;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 gr. cheese.

How to make Caesar salad with crab sticks:

  1. Initially, you should defrost the crab sticks. For this purpose, they can be filled with warm water or placed in the microwave for a minute.
  2. The eggs should be boiled and placed in a container with cold water, in which they should remain until completely cool.
  3. The tomatoes are washed thoroughly.
  4. Crab sticks should be cut into beautiful and not too small slices.
  5. Tomatoes must be cut into slices.
  6. Eggs are peeled from their characteristic shells and, by analogy with tomatoes, are cut into slices.
  7. The cabbage must be washed and cut into fairly thin strips.
  8. The cheese needs to be cut into strips or cubes, depending on who you like.
  9. All components are placed in one container, and crackers are added to them.
  10. In order to prepare the dressing, you need to mix mayonnaise with mustard and soy sauce.
  11. The prepared dressing is added to the finished dish and everything is thoroughly, but gently mixed.

Caesar salad, how to make it with salmon

This salad certainly cannot be called economical. But it’s simply impossible to convey in words how tasty, rich, and even healthy it is. Red fish not only decorates it, but also gives it special colors. This is a real restaurant dish that can easily be created in the simplest kitchen.

You will need:

  • 200 gr. lightly salted salmon;
  • 300 gr. cherry tomatoes;
  • 200 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 80 gr. crackers;
  • 80 gr. parmesan;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • 30 gr. soy sauce;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 10 gr. lemon juice;
  • 200 gr. olive oils

Caesar salad with Caesar dressing and salmon:

  1. The first step is to prepare the sauce itself. To do this, the eggs are broken and placed in a suitable container.
  2. People often ask: what kind of cheese is needed for Caesar salad? Parmesan cheese is suitable for this recipe. Grind half the cheese on a fine grater and place it in a bowl with the eggs.
  3. Press-crushed garlic, lemon juice and soy sauce are added to the same container. Using a blender or mixer, beat all ingredients.
  4. Now oil is poured into the resulting mass in small doses. In this case, the sauce should be constantly stirred.
  5. What kind of salad goes with Caesar? Fresh lettuce leaves are thoroughly washed, torn into a couple of pieces and laid out on a dish.
  6. The fish is cut into thin slices and placed on top of lettuce leaves. Only a very small amount should be left for decoration.
  7. Half of the sauce is poured onto the food laid out on the plate.
  8. Breadcrumbs are poured onto the sauce.
  9. The tomatoes are cut into halves and placed on top of crackers.
  10. The dish is again topped with the recently prepared sauce.
  11. Parmesan must be grated and sprinkled on top of all products.
  12. The final stage is to decorate the dish with small pieces of red fish.

How to prepare Caesar sauce with seafood cocktail

An incredible solution is to use not just one seafood product, but a whole seafood cocktail. The taste of the finished product is simply amazing. In addition, visually such a dish looks incomparable.

You will need:

  • 200 gr. sea ​​cocktail;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 200 gr. of bread;
  • 100 gr. olive oils;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • half a lemon;
  • 150 gr. cheese;
  • 1 tsp. mustard.

Caesar salad - dressing recipe:

  1. The first step is to cook the seafood itself. Simply boil them in slightly salted water until fully cooked.
  2. Lettuce leaves should be washed and dried on a paper towel. Then they are torn into several parts.
  3. The torn leaves are laid out on a plate first.
  4. Boiled seafood is laid out on the leaves.
  5. Now you should prepare the sauce, which will be poured over all the components. It is for this purpose that the eggs are broken and poured into a bowl, mixed with chopped garlic and lemon juice, and then beaten thoroughly with a blender.
  6. Now you need to add oil to the sauce. But this should be done slowly and stirring continuously.
  7. Freshly prepared sauce is poured over seafood laid out on lettuce leaves.
  8. The bread is carefully separated from the crust, and the pulp itself is cut into tiny cubes.
  9. The crushed bread cubes are transferred to a baking sheet. Drizzle with a little oil and bake for just ten minutes.
  10. Only the baked crackers are poured into the salad and immediately covered with a layer of grated cheese.

Especially for our regular readers, we have collected other salad recipes, such as, for example, or.

Caesar salad with squid

Such an unusual interpretation of the dish will turn out to be especially tasty and original. In addition to the unexpected components of the salad itself, the sauce itself has a pleasant marine tint, which contributes to complete harmony in this composition.

You will need:

  • 200 gr. squid;
  • 200 gr. shrimp;
  • cherry to taste;
  • 100 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • 200 gr. of bread;
  • 50 gr. Feta cheese;
  • 150 gr. olive oils;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard;
  • 50 gr. anchovies;
  • 20 gr. lemon juice.

Caesar salad with feta cheese:

  1. Make sure that the squid and shrimp are cleaned in advance. It is much easier to remove the skin from the squid if you pour boiling water over it while still frozen. In this case, the film will easily come off on its own.
  2. The squid must be cut into not very tiny cubes, and the shrimp must be left whole.
  3. Olive oil is mixed with garlic, peeled from its characteristic husk and crushed in a press, after which this mixture is infused for at least ten minutes.
  4. Not only squid, but also shrimp are fried in garlic oil until they are completely cooked.
  5. The bread needs to be cut into compact and as even cubes as possible, then transferred to a hot frying pan and fried. As a result, it should have a golden brown and pleasantly crispy crust.
  6. Lettuce leaves must be washed, dried and torn into several pieces, which are laid out first on plates.
  7. To prepare the sauce, you should first peel and crush the garlic with a press and mix with olive oil. Mustard and very finely chopped anchovies are added to this mixture.
  8. The sauce is thoroughly whipped with a blender or the most primitive whisk.
  9. Already cooled squid mixed with shrimp are moved onto lettuce leaves.
  10. Prepared crackers are laid out on the seafood and sauce is poured over everything.
  11. To decorate and add flavor, the salad is also sprinkled with grated cheese.

Step-by-step recipe for Caesar salad with shrimp

This recipe will definitely appeal to lovers of large shrimp. In this salad they turn out to be especially tasty and at the same time very unusual. A worthy replacement for both meat and chicken.

You will need:

  • 200 gr. Chinese cabbage;
  • 200 gr. of bread;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 12 large shrimp;
  • 10 quail eggs;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 30 gr. olive oils;
  • couple of st. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 1 tsp. mustard;
  • 80 gr. cheese.

How to make Caesar salad at home:

  1. First of all, Chinese cabbage is disassembled into separate leaves, and their green part is separated. Only the top part should be added to the salad.
  2. The bread should be cut into fairly small cubes.
  3. The eggs are boiled for about five minutes, then filled with cold water and chilled in it. Only after complete cooling are they cleared of the shell that is characteristic of them and cut into two halves.
  4. The cheese just needs to be grated.
  5. All the juice is squeezed out of half a lemon, after which it is mixed with mustard and olive oil.
  6. The prepared cabbage leaves are poured with the dressing and infused for at least ten minutes.
  7. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add peeled and crushed garlic to it. Pre-crushed bread is fried in such aromatic oil until it acquires a golden hue. After frying, the crackers are laid out on a paper towel and thus excess fat drains from them.
  8. In the oil that remains after frying the croutons, the shrimp are fried until they acquire a golden color.
  9. Cabbage leaves, thoroughly steeped in garlic-butter sauce, are laid out on a plate.
  10. Breadcrumbs, shrimp and halves of eggs are laid out on cabbage leaves.
  11. Finally, they are generously sprinkled with grated cheese and served immediately.

Dishes that involve seafood are special, tender and light. This version of Caesar not only has a delicious taste, but also a special, unique aroma. And no matter what seafood is used, this salad turns out differently. How everyone is used to seeing him. Even visually it is somewhat different, because its wealth is not only in the abundance of greenery, but also in the best of all kinds of seafood. For some, such a recipe will simply be an opportunity to diversify their diet. And thanks to such an interpretation, someone will be able to truly surprise not only their relatives, but also their guests, who can be so difficult to please.

Step 1: .

Place frozen shrimp in a small bowl and set aside for a while to come to room temperature.

Immediately after this, rinse the seafood under running water and place it on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the head and clear the intestinal vein and shell. Then we blot the shrimp with kitchen paper towels and place them in a deep plate.

Step 2: .

Rinse the lemon under running water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, cut the citrus in half. Now, using a juicer, squeeze the juice out of the component. To prepare the dish we need 2 teaspoons for marinade and one for sauce.

Step 3: .

Pour a mixture of peppers into a bowl with shrimp, salt to taste, and also pour in liquid honey, 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil. Mix everything well with a tablespoon and leave to marinate for 20–30 minutes.

Step 4: .

Place the garlic on a cutting board and press lightly with the tip of a knife. Then remove the husks with clean hands. Chop the peeled cloves into pieces and place in a clean saucer.

Step 5: .

Pour olive or vegetable oil into a deep bowl and add chopped garlic. Mix everything well with a tablespoon and leave the dressing to infuse. for 1–3 hours. Attention: The longer the finely chopped cloves remain in the liquid component, the more flavorful the croutons will be.

Step 6: .

Place the bread slices on a cutting board and use a knife to cut into small cubes. Then pour the crushed component into a clean deep plate and wait for the oil and garlic to infuse.

Step 7: .

We wash the anchovy fillets well under running water, dry them with kitchen paper towels and place them on a cutting board. Using a knife, finely chop the component into pieces and transfer to a clean saucer. Attention: Instead of anchovies, you can use spiced sprat. In this case, it is necessary to clean the fish from the ridge with small bones and only then chop it using sharp equipment.

Step 8: .

Place the black peppercorns in a hand mortar and, using a pestle, crush the ingredient until it turns into a powder. Attention: This seasoning, compared to ready-made ones, gives many dishes an unforgettable aroma and taste. But you also need to add freshly ground pepper in small quantities, as it is much hotter.

Step 9: .

Attention: We only use an egg at room temperature, so we take it out of the refrigerator in advance and leave it aside. Meanwhile, pour regular cold water into a small saucepan so that it half fills the container and place on high heat. As soon as the liquid boils, add salt to it, mix everything well with available equipment and reduce the heat. Place the egg in a tablespoon and carefully lower it into boiling water. Cook the component for 2–3 minutes and then immediately turn off the burner. Holding the pan with oven mitts, pour the boiling water into the sink and pour plain cold water instead. Leave the egg in this position until it cools down (it is better to do this as quickly as possible).

Then, using a knife, break the shell of the component in the middle and, using a tablespoon, remove the still liquid yolk and white. Pour everything into a clean small bowl and immediately move on to preparing the Caesar dressing.

Step 10: .

Add mustard and 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to a bowl with liquid yolk and white. Using a blender, beat all ingredients at high speed until smooth. Without ceasing to stir, gradually begin to pour in the olive oil. The sauce should begin to thicken before your eyes, resembling the consistency of mayonnaise.
Then add the chopped anchovy fillets to it and beat everything again with a blender until smooth.

Finally, add a few drops of Westershire sauce to the mixture, as well as freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste. Attention: Add the last ingredient a little at a time, tasting the sauce on your tongue. Otherwise, you may over-salt the salad dressing. Leave the finished Caesar sauce aside for now, while we continue to prepare the remaining ingredients for the salad.

Step 11: .

Place the lettuce leaves in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then move the greens into a large bowl and fill with regular cold tap liquid. We leave the component for 1 hour insist on the side. This process will make the greens fresher and crispier.

After the allotted time, drain the water and pat the lettuce leaves with kitchen paper towels. Now we tear the greens with clean hands and put them in a salad bowl or a special deep serving container.

Step 12: .

Using a medium grater, grate the Parmesan cheese directly on the cutting board. Then pour the component into a clean saucer and leave it aside for a while.

Step 13: .

When the shrimp are well marinated, remove them from the liquid mixture and wipe them with kitchen paper towels. Pour a small amount of olive oil into a frying pan and place over medium heat. When the contents of the container are well heated, add shrimp. Fry seafood according to 2–3 minutes from each side. Important: The component is prepared very quickly, so we carefully monitor its color. As soon as the lower side, which is closer to the fire, becomes dull and the transparency disappears, immediately turn the shrimp over to the other side using a wooden spatula.

At the end, turn off the burner and transfer the seafood back to the bowl, which we rinse in advance under running water and wipe with paper towels.
Now turn on the oven and preheat it to temperature 180 °C. Meanwhile, pour the olive oil that contained the garlic into a clean frying pan. Attention: We try to do this so that the last ingredient does not get into the container, otherwise we can ruin the taste of the salad. Place the frying pan over medium heat and, when it is hot enough, add the chopped bread. Stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, fry the cubes until light golden brown. Immediately after this, turn off the burner and pour the croutons onto a baking sheet. Lightly salt them and sprinkle with Provençal herbs. Attention: You can also drizzle the remaining garlic butter over the fried bread.
Now place the baking sheet in the oven on the middle level and lightly dry the component for 5–7 minutes. Then turn off the oven, and remove the container from there using oven mitts and set it aside.

At the end, add a little Caesar dressing to the salad bowl and, using a tablespoon, gently but thoroughly mix it with the lettuce leaves. Then we put croutons here, sprinkle everything with grated Parmesan, and place fried shrimp on top. Just before serving, pour Caesar dressing over the salad once again and hurry to treat your family and friends before the croutons gain moisture.

Step 14: .

When the Caesar salad with shrimp is on the dinner table, using a tablespoon, carefully mix it and place it on portioned plates. This dish can be enjoyed simply without any side dishes. The only perfect addition to this dish would be a cheerful company and a glass of dry white wine.
Enjoy your meal!

To give the salad a more expressive aroma, the plate in which we will serve the dish can be rubbed with half a clove of garlic;

To prepare the dressing, instead of Worcestershire sauce, you can use 3-4 drops of balsamic vinegar or 2 Thai fish sauce;

Caesar sauce has its own characteristics. One of these is the use of a chicken egg. Ideally, the component is immersed in boiling salted water, having previously pierced it with a needle from the blunt end. Then immediately turn off the burner and set the container aside. The egg must be kept in hot water for 1 minute, and then transferred to a plate and allowed to cool on its own for another 10-15 minutes. Only after this can you prepare the sauce by breaking the component with a knife and scooping out the contents (liquid white with yolk) with a tablespoon or teaspoon.

Cooking time: 10 min.

Preparation time: 10 min.

Type of dish: salads

The recipe is suitable for:
banquet, dinner.

Ingredients for the recipe “Caesar Salad with Seafood”:

For the salad
Fresh frozen squid 150 g Marinated mussels 80 g Green salad 5 sheets White croutons 80 g Parmesan cheese 4 tbsp. l.

For roasting
Refined sunflower oil 1 tbsp. l. Fresh chili pepper 10 g Garlic 1 clove

For the sauce
Dijon mustard 1 g Capers 1 tsp Extra virgin olive oil 4 tbsp. l. Lemon juice 3 tbsp. l. Worcestershire sauce 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking Caesar salad with seafood

I present to you another interpretation of the famous Caesar salad. This recipe features seafood. There is a wide choice - mussels, scallops, shrimp or octopus. I took squid and smoked mussels.

There are few additives in the dressing, it turned out to be very pleasant and does not overpower the delicate taste of squid and mussels.

Preparing the recipe for “Caesar Salad with Seafood”:

Step 1

For Caesar salad with seafood, take fresh frozen squid, smoked mussels, green salad, Parmesan cheese, lemon, black pepper and baguette or bread croutons. I told you how to prepare them in the “Caesar salad with fish” recipe.

Caesar salad with fish

Step 2

The mussels for the salad are already ready to eat. And the squid needs to be cooked. Wash and clean them, cut them in half, forming a rectangle and make cross cuts without cutting through. Then cut into strips.

Step 3

In a heated frying pan, with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, put pieces of chili (10 g) and 1 crushed clove of garlic, warm them slightly.

How to Peel Garlic Easily

Step 4

Add squid strips (150 g) and cook for 2-3 minutes.

Step 5

While the squid is cooling, prepare the dressing sauce.
We will need olive oil (4 tbsp), Worcestershire sauce (2 tbsp), Dijon mustard (1 tsp), capers (1 tsp) and lemon juice (3 tbsp) .

How to squeeze more juice out of a lemon

Step 6

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and beat with a blender.

Step 7

We present to your attention a Caesar salad with shrimp and Parmesan cheese. This light but satisfying dish has a delicate and refined taste.


1. Seafood (shrimp) - 400-500 gr.

2. Leaf lettuce - 100-150 gr.

3. Parmesan - 50-60 gr.

4. Loaves of bread (loaf) - ½ pc.

5. Olive oil - 120-140 gr.

6. Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.

7. Sweet mustard - 11-15 g.

8. Worcestershire sauce or anchovies - 10-15 g.

9. Lemon - ½ pc.

10. Salt and ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

1. You can fry, boil or use any other cooking method. The ideal option is to use a grill. If you fry seafood, place it on a paper napkin at the end to drain off excess oil.

2. Cut off the crust from the bread product. If it is not fresh, then cut it into pieces. A fresh loaf can be crushed by hand. Place the bread pieces on a baking sheet. Lightly drizzle vegetable oil on top. Let bake in the oven for 8-12 minutes. The crackers should have a golden hue.

3. Wash the lettuce leaves and tear them into pieces. Then place on a towel to remove excess liquid.

Take a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it.

4. Grind the Parmesan cheese using a grater.

5. Separate egg yolks and whites. You can place the yolks in a water bath if you think they are unsafe to eat raw.

6. Grind the garlic with pepper and salt, mix it with mustard, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice. Grind everything together. Let's start beating the yolks. Then gradually pour olive oil into the yolk mass, without interrupting the beating process.

The prepared sauce should be thinner than and yellow in color. Recipes for other sauces that can be used you can.

7. Pour the prepared sauce into the lettuce leaves and mix thoroughly. Place shrimp and croutons on top and season with remaining sauce. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese. Half cherry tomatoes are suitable as decoration.

Additional Information:

It is better to prepare this salad immediately before serving. This is due to the fact that croutons tend to get wet after some time. They will not crunch, and the delicious dish will lose its “zest.” The ingredients and sauce can be prepared ahead of time before guests arrive; simply place them separately in the refrigerator. If the number of people invited to visit is small, then it is better to lay out the salad individually for each person in a separate bowl.

If you experiment with the composition, you may end up with a diet salad. In this case, the shrimp should be boiled rather than fried. Although they can also be baked or stewed.

Now there is a huge selection of seafood on the shelves, so instead of shrimp, you can add squid, mussels, octopus, etc. to the recipe. Try combining different seafood in a salad and you will find your favorite version.

Use our recipe with step-by-step photos for Caesar salad with shrimp, you and your guests will be satisfied!

We offer you several popular recipes for Caesar salad with shrimp. This is a worthy rival to the classic Caesar, which is in no way inferior to the original in taste. Shrimps add tenderness and a light sea aroma to the dish.

Caesar salad is a classic American salad and one of the most popular dishes in modern cooking. Chefs never tire of experimenting with ingredients, creating new original recipes for the famous dish. In various versions of Caesar, the composition may include tuna, shrimp, herring fillets, crayfish necks, bacon, ham and even Kamchatka crab claws. Cheese, nuts, corn, pineapples, oranges and other vegetables and fruits are added to meat and seafood. The salad is seasoned with mayonnaise, sour cream, cream, and soy sauce.

Let's start with the classic recipe. The combination of juicy lettuce leaves, parmesan with a spicy aftertaste, golden croutons, tender shrimp and spicy anchovies will please even the most sophisticated gourmets.

Cooking time: 35 minutes
Number of servings: 3-4


  • peeled shrimp (500 g);
  • parmesan cheese (200 g);
  • crackers (200 g);
  • boiled quail egg (10 pcs.);
  • romaine/lettuce/iceberg lettuce (200 g);
  • anchovy in oil, fillet (20 g/6-8 pcs.);
  • chicken egg (for dressing, 2 pcs.);
  • garlic (1 head;
  • lemon (for sauce, 1 pc.);
  • olive oil (100 ml);
  • mustard (2 tsp);
  • salt and pepper (to taste).
How to prepare croutons for salad:
Cut slightly dried white bread (baguette or loaf) into cubes. Peel 1-2 cloves of garlic and pass it through a press. Pour olive oil (3 tablespoons) into a hot frying pan and add garlic. Fry for 1 minute. Reduce heat, add bread cubes to the garlic and fry them until golden brown, stirring constantly so that the pieces brown evenly.


  1. Preparing the marinade for shrimp. Peel 4 cloves of garlic and pass through a press. Squeeze out 2 tbsp. l lemon juice. In a deep container, mix garlic, lemon juice, pepper, salt and 30 ml of olive oil. Place the shrimp in the marinade and mix thoroughly. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cut a piece of Parmesan into 2 equal parts. Grate one half on a fine grater, cut the second into slices.
  3. Prepare salad sauce. Drop chicken eggs at room temperature into boiling water for 1 minute. Remove, cool in cold water, and clean. Peel 2 cloves of garlic and pass through a press. Drain the oil from the anchovies and finely chop 2-3 pieces. We survive 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. In a bowl, combine eggs, garlic, anchovies, lemon juice, mustard, grated Parmesan, olive oil (50-70 ml), salt and freshly ground black pepper. Beat with a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Heat a frying pan, add vegetable oil and add marinated shrimp. Fry them for 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let cool.
  5. We clean the quail eggs and cut them in half.
  6. Cut the remaining anchovies into small pieces.
  7. Wash the lettuce leaves and dry them with a paper towel. We tear it into large pieces by hand.
  8. On wide serving plates we make a bed of lettuce leaves. Lay out croutons, shrimp, quail eggs, anchovies and slices of cheese. Pour the sauce over and carefully mix the ingredients with tongs.

We invite you to watch the video recipe for the salad (the ingredients are slightly different from the recipe suggested above).

We offer a recipe for a light but satisfying salad with shrimp and chicken fillet. This tender, spicy and aromatic dish will be appreciated by fans of gourmet cuisine. A simple and quick-to-prepare dish suitable for both a festive table and an everyday meal.

Cooking time: 25 minutes
Number of servings: 4


  • fried/baked chicken breast, fillet (400 g);
  • cherry tomato (200 g);
  • Parmesan cheese/any hard cheese (200 g);
  • romaine lettuce/other (100 g);
  • crackers (200 g);
  • nut sauce (200 g);
  • salt (to taste).
To prepare the nut sauce you will need 100 g of roasted pine nuts, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tbsp. l. dry parsley (you can use a mixture of dry herbs, then the dressing will be more aromatic), 1 tbsp. l. mustard, 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 50 ml olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients and beat with a blender until smooth.


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small slices.
  2. Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half.
  3. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.
  4. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them with a paper towel and tear them into large pieces.
  5. On serving plates we make a bed of lettuce leaves. Place shrimp, chicken fillet, tomatoes and croutons on top. Pour the salad generously with nut dressing and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Salad ready!

This recipe will be appreciated by seafood lovers: they will be surprised by the unusual combination of tender shrimp, avocado and juicy tuna marinated in honey sauce.

Cooking time: 1 hour
Number of servings: 4


  • tuna, fillet (500 g);
  • peeled shrimp (500 g);
  • avocado (1 pc.);
  • parmesan cheese (200 g);
  • capers (50 g);
  • arugula (1 bunch);
  • lemon (0.5 pcs.);
  • ginger root (for marinade, 30-50 g);
  • liquid honey (for marinade, 3 tbsp.);
  • soy sauce (for marinade, 2 tbsp.);
  • grainy mustard (for marinade, 2 tbsp.);
  • sesame (for decoration, 10-20 g);
  • olive oil (100 ml);
  • sunflower/other vegetable oil (for frying, 50-70 ml);
  • salt and pepper (to taste).


  1. Preparing the marinade for tuna. Peel the ginger root and grate it on a fine grater. Squeeze out 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. In a blender bowl, mix ginger, lemon juice, mustard, 50 ml olive oil, honey, soy sauce, salt and pepper (to taste). Beat until smooth.
  2. Cut the tuna fillet into medium-sized pieces. Pour the resulting marinade over the fish and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Remove the tuna fillet from the marinade, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the pieces for 3 minutes on each side. Let cool.
  4. Season the shrimp to taste and fry in vegetable oil until cooked (6-8 minutes). Let cool.
  5. Wash the avocado, peel it, remove the pit. Cut the pulp into small cubes.
  6. Cut the cheese into thin slices.
  7. Drain the brine from the capers.
  8. Wash the arugula, dry it with a napkin and chop coarsely. Divide into 2 parts.
  9. Squeeze the remaining juice from the lemon and mix with 50 ml of olive oil. Shake with a fork. The gas station is ready.
  10. Place avocado, part of the arugula and tuna fillet on serving plates. Drizzle with dressing and sprinkle with capers and sesame seeds. Place shrimp and remaining arugula on top. Drizzle with dressing and sprinkle with cheese.

The salad is ready, you can serve it!

The salad originally combines shrimp, mussels, fried bacon and Parmesan. An explosive cocktail of such different flavors will appeal to lovers of new and interesting dishes.

Cooking time: 40 minutes
Number of servings: 5-6


  • frozen mussels in shell (500 g);
  • peeled, boiled, frozen shrimp (400 g);
  • bacon (200 g);
  • parmesan cheese (150 g);
  • garlic (2-3 cloves);
  • butter (for stewing, 50 g);
  • crackers (200 g);
  • iceberg lettuce/lettuce/other (100 g);
  • olive oil (for dressing, 50-70 ml);
  • sunflower/other vegetable oil (for frying, 30 ml);
  • dry Provencal herbs (1 tsp);
  • salt and pepper (to taste).


  1. Wash the mussels under running water and place them in boiling salted water. Cook for 5-7 minutes after boiling again. During this time, the valves will open and the shellfish will have time to cook (throw away the unopened ones, they are bad).
  2. We clean the garlic and pass it through a press. Heat a frying pan, put butter and garlic on it, add boiled mussels. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and Provençal herbs. Stir and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.
  3. Boil shrimp in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown (about 3-5 minutes). Divide into 2 parts.
  5. Three parmesan on a fine grater. Divide the resulting mass into 2 parts.
  6. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them with a napkin and chop them coarsely. Divide into 2 parts.
  7. Extract the juice from half a lemon and mix with olive oil. The gas station is ready.
  8. Place shrimp on serving plates. Drizzle with a small amount of dressing. Sprinkle with some lettuce leaves, add half of the croutons, half of the cheese and some of the bacon.
  9. Place the mussels, remaining lettuce leaves and croutons. Sprinkle with cheese and bacon. Pour the dressing over the salad.

We invite you to watch the video recipe for the salad (the list of ingredients is slightly different from the recipe suggested above):

A tasty and healthy salad with seafood, croutons and juicy red onions. This dish is suitable for both a festive table and an everyday meal.

Cooking time: 30 minutes
Number of servings: 4


  • boiled peeled shrimp (500 g);
  • crackers (200 g);
  • parmesan cheese (100 g);
  • red onion (1-2 pcs.);
  • lettuce/iceberg salad (200 g);
  • lemon (for dressing, 0.5 pcs.);
  • mayonnaise (100 g);
  • garlic (2-3 cloves);
  • salt and pepper (to taste).


  1. Prepare salad dressing. We peel the garlic and pass it through a press. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Combine garlic, lemon juice and mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Drain the brine from the squid and cut the rings into small pieces.
  3. Three cheese on a fine grater.
  4. In a bowl, combine pieces of squid, cheese and shrimp. Pour over a small amount of dressing and stir.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings.
  6. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them with a napkin and chop them coarsely.
  7. On serving plates we make a bed of lettuce leaves. Place a mixture of shrimp and squid, croutons and lettuce. Pour the remaining dressing over the dish and sprinkle with onion rings.

The dish is ready, you can serve it!

A light salad with a spicy dressing will enchant your guests with its unusual and refined taste. The combination of bitter grapefruit, juicy lime, tender shrimp and salmon will undoubtedly be appreciated by even the most sophisticated gourmets.

Cooking time: 20 minutes
Number of servings: 4


  • peeled boiled shrimp (500 g);
  • lightly salted salmon, fillet (500 g);
  • grapefruit (2 pcs.);
  • lime (2 pcs.);
  • romaine/iceberg/lettuce salad (200 g);
  • olive/other vegetable oil (for dressing, 50-70 ml);
  • salt and pepper (to taste).


  1. We cut the salmon into small slices.
  2. Wash the grapefruits, completely peel them and cut into slices.
  3. Wash the limes. Squeeze the juice from one and mix with olive oil. Cut the second lime into thin slices.
  4. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and chop them coarsely.
  5. Place the salmon in portioned salad bowls, pour over the dressing and sprinkle with some lettuce leaves. Top with grapefruit, shrimp and remaining lettuce. Drizzle with dressing and garnish with lime slices.

The salad is ready to serve!

This salad is light, tasty and healthy. Preparing the dish takes very little time, and the result exceeds all expectations. A beautiful and bright salad will certainly be appreciated by your guests and will decorate the festive table.

Cooking time: 25 minutes
Number of servings: 4


  • fried peeled shrimp (400 g);
  • avocado (2 pcs.);
  • bell pepper (1-2 pcs.);
  • cherry tomato (200 g);
  • hard cheese (150 g);
  • canned corn (200-300 g);
  • parsley (1 bunch);
  • olive oil (100 ml);
  • mustard (2 tbsp.);
  • lemon (1 pc.);
  • dried herbs (1-2 tsp);
  • salt and pepper (to taste).


  1. Wash the avocado, peel and remove the pit. Cut the pulp into cubes.
  2. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds and remove the core. Cut into cubes.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices.
  4. Cut the cheese into cubes.
  5. Open the can of corn and drain the liquid.
  6. Wash the parsley and dry it with a paper towel. Divide into small branches.
  7. Making salad dressing. Wash the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Remove the zest using a fine grater. In a blender bowl, combine lemon juice, zest, olive oil, mustard, dried herbs, salt and pepper. Beat until smooth.
  8. Place shrimp, avocado, peppers, tomatoes, cheese and corn in deep salad bowls. Pour the dressing generously and stir gently with tongs. Decorate the salad with parsley.

Bon appetit!

A light, tasty and nutritious seafood dish. This cocktail salad is perfect for buffets and picnics. Prepare the dishes (small buffet dishes: glasses, glasses, bowls).

Cooking time: 20 minutes
Number of servings: 8-10


  • fried peeled shrimp (1 kg);
  • mussels in brine (500 g);
  • raisin grapes (300 g);
  • arugula/parsley/other fresh herbs (2 bunches);
  • pitted olives/olives (300-400 g);
  • Thousand Island sauce (300 g);
  • salt, pepper (to taste).
Thousand Island dressing can be made quickly and easily at home. In a blender bowl, mix 200 g of mayonnaise, 50 g of ketchup, 2 tbsp. l. wine or balsamic vinegar, 0.5 pcs. finely chopped onion, 0.5 pcs. finely chopped sweet bell pepper, 1 bunch of chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Beat until smooth. The sauce is ready!


  1. We leave some of the shrimp for decoration, and cut the rest into small pieces.
  2. Open the jar of mussels and drain the brine.
  3. Wash the grapes and separate the berries from the branches.
  4. Wash the arugula, dry it with a paper towel and chop it coarsely.
  5. Drain the liquid from the olives.
  6. Place grapes, mussels, olives and chopped shrimp on the bottom of salad glasses. Add salt and pepper to taste, pour plenty of sauce over it. Garnish the salad with arugula and whole shrimp.

The dish is ready!

A light, tasty and tender appetizer with seafood and cream cheese. An ideal dish for a party, buffet or picnic.

Cooking time: 25 minutes
Number of servings: 8


  • red caviar (100 g);
  • chilled crab meat/crab sticks (600 g);
  • squid rings in brine (400 g);
  • fried peeled shrimp (500 g);
  • boiled chicken egg (20 pcs.);
  • garlic (3-4 cloves);
  • cream cheese (200 g);
  • parsley/dill/other fresh herbs (1 bunch);
  • salt and pepper (to taste).


  1. Cut the crab meat into small cubes.
  2. Drain the brine from the squid and cut the rings into small pieces.
  3. We leave some of the shrimp to decorate the dish, and cut the rest into small pieces.
  4. Peel the eggs, cut them in half and remove the yolks. The whites will be needed for serving the dish, the yolks for the sauce.
  5. We clean the garlic and pass it through a press. Combine with cream cheese and yolks. Mix thoroughly with a fork. The sauce is ready.
  6. 4.63 / 8 votes

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