Home / Pies / Almond milk: benefits, harm and calorie content. How to prepare almond milk at home and what benefits it has for the human body Almond milk benefits and harms at home

Almond milk: benefits, harm and calorie content. How to prepare almond milk at home and what benefits it has for the human body Almond milk benefits and harms at home


Hi Hi! Vika Leping is with you, and today I will talk about how to make almond milk at home. And yes, as you may have guessed, the process is incredibly easy because I am lazy and love simple recipes 😀 If you also prefer quick and easy meal prep, stay with me! And scroll through the rest of the recipes, almost all of them won’t make you sweat, I promise.

I love versatile recipes and this almond milk recipe can be adapted to suit any nut or even seed! Nut milk made from hazelnuts, cashews, and walnuts will be very tasty. And if you want to saturate your body with calcium, try making sesame milk - this is the best source of the necessary mineral. I might even make a separate recipe for it, although the whole process is the same.

Plant milk is a great alternative to regular milk. Scientists have proven that animal milk (and especially cow's milk) is harmful to the body, it contains lactose intolerable to almost all adults, it disrupts the acid-base balance, leading to the leaching of calcium from bones, food milk contains a huge amount of female hormones, and in general , we can talk endlessly about the dangers of milk. If this topic is close to you, write in the comments, I’ll tell you about it in a separate post someday.

Vegan milk has many benefits. It can be mixed with lemon and other acids, nothing will happen to it. If we talk specifically about almond milk, its benefits are undeniable: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, vitamin E, folate, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin - you will replenish your body with all this by consuming a glass of nut milk. Children drink milk - you will be healthy! Only vegetable :)

Almond milk makes a wonderful substitute for people who are not only lactose intolerant, which contributes to stomach upset, but also have a more serious milk allergy. In addition, I strongly advise absolutely ordinary people to switch to a plant-based drink also because dairy products have a detrimental effect on the skin and contribute to rashes, which has been proven by dermatological studies.

I love just drinking almond milk - the calorie content is not the smallest, but with dried fruit or oatmeal cookies (I'll make the recipe soon) it's a great snack! Take my word for it, nut milk is divinely delicious, I highly recommend trying it. And yes, of course, you can buy almond milk, but the price will not please you, as well as the taste. The latter is in no way comparable to the home version. Plus, the store-bought product doesn’t have much benefit, and even more harmful additives in the form of sugar and preservatives.

So, almond milk, recipe with photos and videos! Go!


  • - almonds - 200 ml (1 glass)
  • - for the milk itself - 600 ml (3 cups)
  • - 2 large or 3 small
  • additives to taste
  • - cocoa, carob, honey, cinnamon - all optional (I have no additives)

Cooking method

First I'll show you a video with my YouTube channel , where I show more clearly how to make plant-based milk, there you will see with your own eyes all the processes. On the channel itself you will find not only recipes, but also other interesting videos related to food and travel. Drop by and subscribe, I'll be waiting!

How to make almond milk: video recipe

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Making almond milk! The first thing you need to do in the evening is soak raw nuts in purified water. Pour in a lot of water so that the almonds have room to expand their shape :) They will be saturated with moisture and become incredibly tasty! Try to eat almonds just like that, peeled, and you will understand that they are almost identical in taste and structure to the fresh version.

The same can be done with walnuts, I highly recommend it! Having tried to soak them for the first time, it was as if I was transported back to childhood, at a time when I, as a little girl, climbed a giant walnut tree in the front garden of my grandparents, plucked the ripened green fruits for myself, split them on the ground, swinging widely and applying hefty force, and peeled the thick skin dyed with iodine with bare hands. All my hands were covered in rusty stains for another week! But the game was worth the candle, because those young nuts were the most delicious. Until I tried soaking regular ones overnight :)

In the morning you can start active preparation. The almonds are saturated with moisture and are ready to become milk. Drain the water and wash the nuts thoroughly.

There is no need to remove the skin - we will strain the milk from the nuts at the end. Just put it in a blender bowl. You will need a stationary blender; an immersion blender will not work. But you can use a chopper attachment. And I recently got the coolest device - this professional blender RawMiD Dream Modern2 BDM-06 . I can’t get enough of it, I wrote a review, read it and take a look.

Peel the dates and add them to the almonds for sweetness. You can skip this step altogether, but I like the slightly sweetened version better. I also love making almond milk at home because you can add whatever your heart desires: vanilla, cocoa, carob, cinnamon, honey (instead of dates). All your favorite ingredients. And then dip cookies in it :) Once on New Year’s I made some delicious ones, and they’re perfect!

Close the blender with a lid and grind all the healthy ingredients at high speed for two minutes.

It's time to strain. My blender comes with a special bag for these purposes. But I'll show you how to do it using regular gauze. For greater clarity. Fold it in four layers and cover the bowl so that the edges remain “overboard”. We pour our almond milk into the middle, or rather, for now it’s a smoothie :)

Carefully collect the edges of the gauze, squeeze them tightly and begin to slowly press on the resulting bag from below so that the vegan milk begins to flow out. We do this slowly, for 2-3 minutes, press a little at a time, otherwise you risk spilling. As a result, a small amount of cake remains.

You don't have to throw away the cake. Dry it and add it as flour to cookies, for example. Vegetarianism opens up many unprecedented horizons. Although I am not a vegetarian or a vegan, I love it. And I have a lot of them, by the way!

What remains in the bowl is real almond milk, the recipe for which is almost complete.

Pour it into a jar or jug. This plant-based milk can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. It's not that long, so drink for your health every day!

I love adding nut milk to my coffee! How do you use it?

Now let me sum it up.

Quick recipe: almond milk at home

  1. Soak the nuts in purified water overnight.
  2. Drain the water, rinse the almonds, and place them in a blender bowl.
  3. We peel the dates, put them there, and fill them with filtered water.
  4. Turn on the blender at high speed for 2 minutes.
  5. Fold the cheesecloth 4 times and place it on top of the bowl so that the edges remain outside.
  6. Pour the almond mixture into the center of the gauze, joining the edges to form a bag.
  7. Strain slowly and thoroughly for a couple of minutes.
  8. Now you know how to make milk from nuts!

This is the end of the almond milk recipe. I really hope that you like it, because I myself am delighted with this taste! Well, you probably already understood that :) By the way, how is the weather outside your window? Here in Kyiv, autumn still cannot fully arrive. It will rain for a couple of days, and then the sun and warmth will return. On Sunday, Serezha and I were lying on the grass in the park, drinking iced coffee and even suffering from the heat of 31 degrees 😀 I already want a little coolness, wrap myself in a blanket, drink aromatic coffee with nut milk and read a book by candlelight...

But back to the topic! Last time I talked about what I came to after many years of trial and error. Further more! In order not to miss new items, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes of 20 dishes that can be prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating quickly and tasty is real!

I was with you ! Tell your friends about how to make almond milk, recommend it, if you like it, like it, leave comments, rate it, write and show photos of what you did, and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented, than you can imagine, and of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

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So what is almond milk? This is a plant-based product that is an excellent substitute for cream for those who are lactose intolerant. But that's not all. Almond milk is also healthy. If we compare it with soy, the nut product has a much better taste. By the way, milk can be made not only from almonds. Any nuts will do for this - walnuts, hazelnuts, coconut... And you can also get milk from poppy seeds, millet, wheat, rice and even pumpkin seeds. You've probably already tried this store-bought herbal product? Don’t rush to label it “tasteless”! In the food industry, nut milk is prepared from an overcooked product; moreover, it is generously stuffed with preservatives and stabilizers, and too much sugar is added, which makes it cloying. Therefore, our article will focus on how to make almond milk at home. It's very easy to make it with your own hands.

A little history

Unlike soy milk, almond milk is not a newfangled vegan invention. People enjoyed it back in those distant times, when nothing was known (at least to Europeans) about paneer cheese, carob beans and agar. Although the Middle Ages are called a dark time, people in that era knew a lot about food. Moreover, there were no refrigerators, and cow's milk could not be stored for more than one day. They drank it right away, or churned it into butter, settled it into sour cream, and made cheese. But don’t forget how many fasts there were in Christian Europe! During this period, it was forbidden to eat any animal products. Therefore, the white drink, which tastes slightly like sweet cream, came in very handy. Every medieval housewife knew how to make almond milk. In those countries, of course, where the trees bearing these nuts grew in abundance. But even in the northern regions, plant milk was valued. The Greeks brought his recipe to us. By the way, the Bulgarian national drink “bosa” is nothing more than milk made from millet or wheat. True, it is fermented, which is why it gains a degree - 1%.

Many people suffer from lactose intolerance. Even more can drink milk, but it causes indigestion and diarrhea. Scientists have figured out the reason for this. Cow's milk contains three times more casein protein than breast milk. Therefore, after leaving infancy, people stop assimilating this product. Excess mucus forms in the intestines from casein, which leads to poor health.

Almond milk not only does not contain lactose and harmful protein, but also has a number of beneficial qualities. It contains a whole range of vitamins B and E, which is useful for memory, performance, the growth of shiny thick hair and strong nails. Like all nuts, milk is very nutritious and perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. It contains more magnesium than oats and spinach, and the same amount of iron. Although they say that without cow's milk the body lacks calcium, almonds also contain a lot of this mineral. There is as much phosphorus and unsaturated fatty acids in it as in fish. It also contains zinc and folic acid.

Consuming almond milk

The question arises: is it possible to use almond milk, the recipe for which we will reveal below, as universally as the product produced by a cow? That is, is it possible to make porridge with it, add it to dough, or prepare creams and mousses from it? Yes, sure! This delicious milk can not only be drunk in its pure form, but also added to coffee. And how delicious the cocktails are with it! Even butter can be made from almond milk. Its taste is only slightly creamy. The main note in it is nuts. The thickness of the drink can be adjusted manually by adding water. And the squeezes will make delicious marzipans. We'll also talk about how and what to use almond milk with. How to cook it at home is the question on the agenda for now.

Basic recipe

To prepare the drink, we need almonds - raw, that is, unroasted. If you buy shelled nuts in factory packaging, make sure that they have not been heat-treated. For one glass of almonds we will need three times the amount of cold spring water. But first, let's wash the nuts to remove any possible debris. Now let's fill them with a large amount of cold water - you can use ordinary tap water. So the almonds should stand overnight. During this time, the nuts will increase slightly in volume. This means that they have swollen enough and are ready to turn into a drink. Drain off the water in which the nuts were soaked. Instead, add boiling water. Pour in enough to cover the almonds completely. Leave it like this for a quarter of an hour. Now the nuts can be easily peeled. If you like almond bitterness in the taste of milk, you can skip this step. But the drink will not turn out snow-white, but creamy, reminiscent of fermented baked milk in color. Strain the almonds, transfer them to a blender, and pour a glass of spring water. Grind the nuts until the drink is white. Now add two more glasses of water and run the blender for about 40 seconds. After this, we strain homemade almond milk through a cloth and enjoy the delicate taste.

What to do with the cake?

Don't rush to throw it away! The squeezed crushed nuts, although they have transferred their almond essence to the water, turning it into “milk,” are still very tasty. Make homemade bounty-type sweets from the cake. Only in this case the filling will not be coconut pulp, but almonds. Add some kind of sweetener to the squeezed nuts - honey would be the best option. Form the candies with your hands, dip each one in hot chocolate, and let dry on a wire rack.

Almond cake can be dried and stored in the refrigerator for a long time. It can be added to salads, pates, yogurts, and almond milk itself to regulate the thickness of the drink. The cake is also used for cosmetic purposes. Mixed with honey or sour cream, it is good as a softening and wrinkle-smoothing face mask. Just apply a layer of it to the skin, rinse with warm water after fifteen minutes.

Delicious drinks

If you make almond milk at home, you are free to adjust its sweetness and thickness. We have already mentioned that if you do not peel the brown skins from the nuts, the drink will taste slightly bitter. You don’t have to squeeze the pulp out at all, but drink the milk with the pulp. The nutritional value of this drink is 105 kcal per 100 grams of product. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. The settled milk must be shaken before use.

The taste of the drink without any additives is neutral. To sweeten the milk, you can add a little honey, vanilla sugar, and cinnamon. Knowledgeable people advise putting some dried fruits in the blender along with almonds. They say milk with dates is especially tasty. A drink with pulp can be shaken like a milkshake with fruit or maple syrup, or you can prepare a variety of smoothies based on it.

Homemade cakes from cake

Make an extra snack - some incredibly delicious cookies - after you've made the almond milk. Its recipe is very simple. For three hundred grams of almond pulp we need one egg. Just stir it together with the pulp. Sweeten the mixture at your discretion with honey or sugar. Use a spoon to place the tortillas on the baking sheet. These cookies should be baked for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 170 degrees. The egg can be replaced with a very ripe banana. Mash it with a fork and mix with the almond pulp. But in this case, the baking time should be increased to twenty-five minutes. The thickness of the “dough” without flour can be adjusted by adding almond milk to it.

Green Roquefort

But not only sweet desserts are made this way. From nuts you can make not only almond milk, but also lactose-free “cheese”. How? As easy as pie. Soak 200 grams of nut kernels overnight. Drain in a colander and transfer to a blender or food processor. Add half a spoonful of salt, 2-3 cloves of garlic and juice from half a lemon. Grind until smooth. As you noticed, there is no need to add water in this recipe. At first, the almonds will stick to the sides and blades. Don't let that stop you. Peel it off and grind again until you get a creamy paste. In order for our Roquefort to acquire the desired color, we add finely chopped herbs to it - parsley, dill, green onions. This “cheese” can be spread on sandwiches and added to salads.

Various almond milk treats

The drink with pulp and various additives can be frozen and turned into a delicious sorbet. What to take as fillers? Grated chocolate, fresh or frozen berries, Nutella, bananas, nuts. If the cake is diluted a little with almond milk, you get “yogurt”. Here you can also experiment with additives. Here's the smoothie recipe. For a glass of almond milk, take 100 grams of strawberries, a banana and four mint leaves. Beat everything in a blender for about 30 seconds. Sweeten to taste with honey or syrup. Another recipe is a chocolate shake that uses almond milk. How to prepare this delicious drink? Cut three bananas into circles and freeze. Soak dried apricots (4 pcs.) in hot water for 10 minutes. In a blender, mix a glass of almond milk, 2 dates, banana slices, dried apricots, two spoons of cocoa and the juice of half a lime. Pour into glasses. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.

How prepare almond milk at home, which does not contain any “bad stuff”.

Recently I got carried away. In the good sense of the word :) Emelyan became a little calmer and I had more time to do something other than constantly carrying him in my arms.

And this week turned out to be kind of almond for me. First I wanted almond butter (and successfully made it), and now I wanted to try making almond milk too.

This milk is suitable for those who for some reason do not drink regular milk. Like now, for example, me. I have a family history of the thyroid gland and my endocrinologist advised me (and when she did this I was shocked because I didn’t expect this from a doctor!) if not a Paleo diet, then at least give up gluten, sugar and dairy products. And if gluten and sugar are already on my black list, then I really love milk. But I gave up all dairy products and now replace them with nut and coconut milk.

Almond milk is very easy to make at home. What sets it apart from store-bought ones is not only the price, but also the fact that we pre-soak the nuts to get rid of phytic acid and digestive enzyme inhibitors.

The recipe also contains salt, which really brings out the flavor of the almonds.

You can make it sweeter by adding a little honey or stevia, for example. But we prefer it without the sweet additions.

We love making smoothies from almond milk and adding it to occasional porridges. Or just drink it. By the way, homemade milk turns out much creamier than store-bought milk.

Almond contains a large amount of Biotin, a vitamin necessary for strong and beautiful hair, nails and skin. Also rich in Vitamin E, B2, Manganese, Copper, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Molybdenum.

We will need:

  • Almonds - 3/4 or 1 cup (see note)
  • Filtered water - 4 glasses
  • Pink Himalayan or sea salt - a pinch
  • Vanilla - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. Before actually preparing the milk, we need to prepare the nuts. And for this they need to be pre-soaked. This must be done in order to get rid of phytic acid and digestive enzyme inhibitors. In details .
  2. To do this, we put the nuts in a bowl overnight or for at least 7 hours, add 1/2 teaspoon of natural salt, and fill with warm water.
  3. In the morning, I rinse the nuts. Place them in a blender, add salt and vanilla. Fill with 4 glasses of water. Please note that the fluid level will rise. Beat for 5 minutes.
  4. We filter our resulting milk through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. I use the leftovers to make almond flour. I spread the pulp on a baking sheet and dry it. Then I grind it in a coffee grinder.
  6. Prepared almond milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.


Depending on how thick and creamy you want your milk, you can change the amount of almonds. The milk sold in the store contains about 1/2 cup of almonds. I like it more creamy, so I don’t skimp on the nuts and make milk from a whole glass.

Almond milk obtained by combining nuts and water. This drink is similar to soy milk and other plant products. Almond milk has been used since the Middle Ages. Its main advantage was the ability to maintain freshness for a long time without lowering the temperature.

This drink is also popular due to the fact that it can be consumed during fasting. Almond milk is especially loved by vegetarians, who use it to prepare a variety of dishes instead of the forbidden cow version. Many people love this drink for its delicate and refreshing taste. Purchased almond milk is best stored at room temperature.

Beneficial features

The benefit of almond milk primarily lies in the fact that it does not contain lactose, which causes allergies in many people, and cholesterol, which is harmful to overall health. The drink is rich in calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bones, and also improves the condition of teeth, nails and hair. Almond milk also contains phosphorus, which takes part in the regeneration of bone tissue, as well as magnesium, a mineral that is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. This drink also contains manganese, zinc, copper and other beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

With regular consumption, almond milk helps to cope with extra pounds. This happens primarily due to its low calorie content compared to animal-based options. The drink has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. Almond milk is low in sodium, but high in omega fatty acids, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. This drink also contains vitamin D, which prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis in old age and rickets in children.

Almond milk has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, as it contains 50% of the daily value of vitamin E. It will be useful for diabetics to know that this drink does not affect blood sugar levels in any way, and given the low glycemic index, it reduces the risk of this disease . When consumed regularly, almond milk strengthens muscles. It contains B vitamins, which take part in the growth and functioning of muscle tissue, and they also normalize the activity of the nervous system. This drink also improves digestion as it contains fiber. Considering the presence of vitamin A in this product, vision improves, as well as the ability of the eyes to quickly get used to changing lighting.

It is recommended that pregnant women and children include almond milk in their diet as a mild laxative. It will help improve the condition during pneumonia, sore throat, as well as convulsions and migraines.

Almond milk has been used for cosmetic purposes for a long time. The drink can be used for washing and wiping, and it also has a whitening effect. Almond milk also acts as a cleanser and softener.

Use in cooking

Almond milk is an excellent stand-alone drink that will appeal to both adults and children. It can also replace the usual cow's milk in many recipes. You can prepare a large number of different drinks, desserts and cocktails using almond milk.

How to make almond milk at home?

This drink is very easy to make at home. To do this you need to take 1 tbsp. almonds, 6 tbsp. water, honey and cinnamon. Nuts should be taken unroasted, otherwise there will be no beneficial substances left in them. The almonds must be thoroughly washed and poured with 3 tbsp. water and leave to infuse for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the water is drained, and the nuts must be poured again with 3 tbsp. water. Use a blender to grind the mixture until the nuts become coarse and the liquid turns white. Next, you need to strain the milk and squeeze out the remaining cake using gauze. By the way, you can dilute it again with a small amount of water and grind and strain again. Ready-made milk has a neutral taste, so it is recommended to dilute it with honey, cinnamon or lemon juice. Store finished almond milk in the refrigerator for 36 hours.

Harm of almond milk and contraindications

Almond milk can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth considering that some versions of the store-bought drink may contain the food additive carrageenan, which in turn can provoke the appearance of gastrointestinal inflammation, worsen the condition of ulcers and coronary heart disease. Also, such industrial milk can provoke the development of cancer.

Hello everyone, friends!

The demand for healthy food is now increasing every day, and more and more people are trying to buy only high-quality organic products for themselves and their families. But the dairy industry, on the contrary, is suffering losses.

One reason is the sudden increase in demand for dairy alternatives. This is mainly due to the common idea that cow's milk contains a lot of calories and cholesterol.

Those people who are lactose intolerant or suffer from protein allergies can replace cow's milk with soy, rice or almond milk. In this article, I offer you a recipe for making almond milk.

In terms of the amount of useful substances, the cow product is superior to the almond product. But if you have no choice but to go for substitutes, almond milk is the best option as it also has health benefits.

- one of the most popular nuts, the taste of which is very popular with people. It contains many vitamins and minerals that help improve the functioning of the entire body. This is one of the reasons why people actively include almond milk in their diet.

Almond-based milk has existed for hundreds of years, but the main half of the population of our planet began to get acquainted with it not so long ago. The earliest documentation of almond milk dates back to the 13th century, where the process of making it was described in an Iraqi cookbook.

It was also used as an alternative to cow's milk during Lent, when meat and other animal products were prohibited. Currently, this product serves as a dairy option that does not contain lactose.

Some manufacturers aim to make almond milk a worthy competitor to cow's milk by adding calcium, vitamin D and protein. In most cases, however, enough sugar is added to mimic the natural sweetness of cow's milk.

If you want to purchase ready-made almond milk, food brands that are high in sugar should be avoided. However, unsweetened varieties are also available and are the best option.

How is it used in cooking?

Almond milk can be added to desserts and milk-based drinks such as smoothies, ice cream and baked goods. This product is used for cooking by vegetarians who have completely abandoned meat and cow's milk. Almond cake is added to porridges, salads, etc.

In medieval times, almond milk was considered a staple food for the majority of the population, especially for Christians during Lent. It was also used as a milk substitute because the animal version had a shorter shelf life than the plant version.

How to make almond milk

Many manufacturers save on nuts by adding a minimal amount of milk when producing milk, so it makes sense to make it yourself at home. Here you choose the ingredients yourself and you will be confident in the quality and naturalness of the product you made yourself.

So, according to the recipe you will need:

  • raw almonds (1 cup);
  • water (2 cups);
  • honey if desired.


  1. Soak the almonds overnight or 2 days. To do this, place the nuts in a bowl and fill them with water to about 3 cm. When they absorb water, they will swell. Cover them with a cloth and let them sit for 1 night or 2 days. The longer they are aged, the better the milk will be.
  2. Drain the almonds and rinse the nuts thoroughly under cool running water. Do not use hot or even warm food under any circumstances.
  3. Place the almonds in a blender and add 2 cups of water. Stir the ingredients until the water turns white and the almonds have the same consistency as fine flour.
  4. Using cheesecloth, strain the almond flour and pour the liquid into a jar. Try to squeeze the gauze as hard as possible to extract as much milk as possible.
  5. Add honey to taste and enjoy the delicate taste of the drink.

Also remember that this product may go bad, as soon as it smells sour, throw it away. It usually keeps in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Watch the following useful video that I found on u-tube.

Delicious recipes using almond milk

Here are a few recipes you'll love. They will be very satisfying and no less healthy. Try it!

Vanilla-almond breakfast

You will need:

  • almond milk (2 cups);
  • honey (1-2 tbsp);
  • chia seeds (½ cup);
  • vanilla extract (½ tsp);
  • almonds or other nuts (to taste);
  • any fruit (optional).


  1. Combine almond milk, chia seeds, vanilla and honey in a bowl. Mix well until the mixture thickens.
  2. Refrigerate it overnight or for at least 1 hour.
  3. Add fruits and nuts to it. Stir well before serving.
  4. If you wish, you can add a little water to thin the dish out a little.

Chocolate-pistachio dessert

You will need:

  • almond milk (½ cup);
  • fried (1/3 cup);
  • natural yogurt (¼ cup);
  • black chia seeds (2 tbsp);
  • bananas (3 pcs.);
  • pitted (2 pcs.);
  • vanilla extract (1 tsp);
  • cocoa powder (2 tbsp).


  1. In a small bowl, combine almond milk and chia seeds. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Stir in the pistachios and dates until the mixture reaches a buttery consistency. It takes about 5 minutes.
  3. Add chia seeds and milk, cocoa powder, yogurt and vanilla to this mixture. Stir everything well. This takes 3 to 4 minutes. If the consistency is too thick, you can add more almond milk.

The main health benefits of dairy products

Although not all of the nutrients in nuts are transferred into milk, milk still contains large amounts of them. Therefore, it provides invaluable benefits to the human body.

  • Does not increase blood sugar levels.

Homemade unsweetened almond milk does not contain much glucose, which helps prevent insulin resistance. It is also low in carbohydrates. It is beneficial for diabetics and overweight people as it helps them maintain their blood glucose levels. And cow's milk contains a large amount of lactose, which turns into glucose.

  • Does not contain lactose.

Cow's milk contains lactose, which usually causes digestive problems in people who are lactose intolerant. This means that they simply cannot digest the nutrients found in raw milk. This causes them to have bloating or diarrhea. And almond milk will give them the necessary vitamins without compromising their health.

  • Helps reduce the risk of heart disease .

Almond milk contains high amounts of fatty acids, which prevent high blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

  • Low in calories.

The number of calories in 1 glass of almond milk (240 g) is 90 kcal. Therefore, this product can be included in people who want to lose weight and maintain their weight. It also contains 2.5 g fat, 16 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein, 7 g sugar and 140 mg sodium.

Which milk is best: almond, soy or cow's milk?

To answer this question, let's compare all 3 types and see which product is the most useful.

  1. Almond and soy milk are marketed as better substitutes for cow's milk. Although they have the same consistency and color, they also have differences. They lie in the amount of nutrients they contain: protein, calcium, potassium, etc.
  2. Soy milk is the closest thing to its raw cow's milk counterpart. But most factories producing soy drink use genetically modified crops. This means you may be consuming glyphosate and other toxic chemicals in your milk.
  3. If producers use unfermented soybeans in milk production, this can pose a serious threat to the health of their consumers. Unfermented soybeans contain high levels of phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors and aluminum. Phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors can block the body's absorption of essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and copper. Also, the high aluminum content in such soy is toxic to the nervous system and kidneys.
  4. Almond milk contains much lower nutrient content compared to soy and cow's milk. But it also contains vitamins and minerals, only in smaller quantities.
  5. Some manufacturers use carrageenan, a thickener derived from seaweed, when producing soy and almond milk. This component can cause disruption to the digestive system and even increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, you should only choose dairy brands that do not contain GMOs and carrageenan.
  6. Raw cow's milk contains many nutrients, elements and minerals, and based on this, it is the healthiest. It is the raw version that contains good bacteria, digestive enzymes and fats that are usually removed in pasteurized milk and are missing in milk substitutes.
  7. For people who prefer not to consume raw cow's milk, homemade almond milk is a better choice than store-bought milk. This will not contribute to the buildup of toxins, and you will be able to determine the amount of nuts per serving.
  8. Homemade unsweetened almond milk contains few toxins, unlike soy milk or other substitutes. Despite its average nutritional value, it will not expose you to possible harmful components.

That's all. Even though raw cow's milk is king, I still advise you to make its almond counterpart at home, and also try other recipes using it. And if you are lactose intolerant, then this is the best option.

Good health to you! See you!