Home / Pancakes, pancakes / What they called olives with anchovies inserted into them. Anchovies - what they are, benefits and harms, use in cooking and how to replace them in recipes

What they called olives with anchovies inserted into them. Anchovies - what they are, benefits and harms, use in cooking and how to replace them in recipes

Anchovy (Engraulis)


In the understanding of Russian people, an anchovy is a small salted fish in a plastic bag, traditionally consumed as a snack for beer. However, it is not always just a snack and not necessarily so small.

Anchovies belong to the fish family of the herring order and grow up to 20 cm in length. They are found in coastal sea and fresh waters of both hemispheres. There are about 15 species of anchovy fish: Japanese, Cape, Australian, Californian, etc. Our native and familiar one, found in the fish department of any supermarket, is called the European anchovy, or simply anchovy.


The taste of anchovies is very high. The meat is tender and juicy. One of the main values ​​of anchovies is the high level of fat content of these fish. So, per 100 g of the edible part of anchovies there are 14 g of fat and 25 g of protein. Like all seafood, anchovies contain vitamins, macro- and microelements in fairly large quantities. They are especially rich in phosphorus and iodine.

Anchovies are good for the health of the nervous and digestive systems, skin and mucous membranes. Substances contained in anchovies regulate blood sugar levels and are antioxidants.


The main use of anchovies in modern industry is, of course, the production of salted, spicy products and canned food. However, anchovies can be eaten not only in salted, smoked or canned form, because they are an ordinary fish, although they have their own characteristics. It can be purchased fresh and prepared at your discretion. For example, in the cuisines of different nations, anchovies are used fried, stewed with vegetables, and since their flesh is very tender, anchovies make excellent cutlets. Salted anchovies are used for sandwiches and added to salads.

In Italy, anchovies are a traditional pizza topping. In Spain, anchovies are fried and boiled, and used to make sauces. In France they prepare pisaldieu - the famous one, seasoned with anchovy puree and olives. But in Peru and Chile anchovy is not used as food. It is used to prepare fishmeal for feeding livestock and fertilizing fields. Some types of anchovies are used as food for farmed fish and as bait for tuna fishing.

Interesting Facts

Commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov came up with a salad of veal, herring and anchovies and prepared such a delicacy for his guests. This salad has survived to this day and is widely distributed in restaurants, where it is served in painted ceramic salad bowls.

In ancient Rome, anchovies were an integral part of garum sauce. This sauce was prepared by fermenting small salted anchovies with aromatic herbs, salt, olive oil, pepper and wine. Throughout the empire, the sauce was sent in small amphorae, and in some regions it completely replaced salt. The preparation of the sauce was prohibited in cities due to the intense fishy smell. A similar recipe for making garum is used today in Vietnam and Thailand.

Calorie content and nutritional value of anchovy

Calorie content of anchovy - 135 kcal.

Nutritional value of anchovy: proteins - 20.1 g, fats - 6.1 g, carbohydrates - 0 g.

Consists of 8 very closely related species that inhabit the coastal temperate waters of both hemispheres:

  • European anchovy, or anchovy, ( Engraulis encrasicolus);
  • Japanese anchovy ( Engraulis japonicus);
  • cape anchovy ( Engraulis capensis listen)) lives in the Atlantic waters of South Africa;
  • Australian anchovy ( Engraulis australis) - along the southern coasts of Australia and New Zealand;
  • California anchovy ( Engraulis mordax),
  • Peruvian anchovy ( Engraulis ringens),
  • silver anchovy ( Engraulis eurystole) - along the east coast of the United States,
  • Argentinean anchovy ( Engraulis anchoita).

All anchovies live at some distance from the coast, never entering the open ocean; found at water temperatures from 6 to 22° C. They perform daily (vertical) and seasonal migrations. The maximum length of anchovies does not exceed 20 cm, but the number of these schooling fish is very large. In terms of the total mass of all individuals, they occupy first place among fish, and in terms of the number of specimens they are second only to some small deep-sea fish, in particular Cyclothone. All anchovies are planktivores and play an important role in marine food chains, in turn serving as food for predatory fish, dolphins, squid and seabirds. Fertility - 20-30 thousand eggs.

Some types

European anchovy

Its usual length is 12-15 cm. A schooling coastal fish, the anchovy annually migrates from wintering grounds to spawning and feeding grounds. In summer it moves north, rising to the upper layers of water; in winter - to the north, dropping to a depth of 400 m. Spawning from April to November. Ripens in the 2nd year of life. It feeds on zoo- and phytoplankton. Life expectancy is 3-4 years. An important fishing target, especially in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

Japanese anchovy

Peruvian anchovy

Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) is the most abundant of all fish living on Earth.

Its high numbers are explained by special conditions of existence: it lives off the coast of Peru and Northern Chile, where deep waters rich in nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon) are actively rising to the surface. As a result, a huge amount of phytoplankton develops here, which constitutes the main food of this fish, which, unlike other anchovies, prefers to feed not on zooplankton, but on microscopic algae. In addition, the Peruvian anchovy has almost no food competitors, since the coastal waters within its range are noticeably cooled compared to neighboring areas of the open ocean. The temperature here ranges from 16-23°C in summer to 10-18°C in winter, and tropical planktivores cannot exist in such conditions. There are few predatory fish here, so its main predators are fish-eating birds - cormorants, gannets, pelicans, gulls, which nest in huge numbers along the coasts of Peru and Chile. The Peruvian anchovy does not make significant migrations. Spawning of this species is very extended, but its main peak occurs in the summer months. Like other anchovies, it has a short lifespan; its usual length is 14-15 cm.


Anchovies are one of the most important groups of commercial fish. In - gg. their annual catch reached 12-14 million tons, of which 11-13 million tons were Peruvian anchovies. In the 1980s Due to overfishing and unfavorable climate change, stocks of this species decreased, but by the 1990s. have almost recovered to their previous volume. European and Japanese anchovies also play a significant role in the fishery. Tropical species are of only local commercial importance. Anchovies are caught mainly with purse seines.

The value of anchovies as a fishery object is largely determined by the high fat content of these fish. Thus, Azov anchovy in the fall after the end of feeding contains 23-28% fat. The taste qualities of these fish are very high. Even in ancient times, Mediterranean anchovies were highly valued in salted form and for making garum sauce; In Japan and Korea, anchovies are traditionally eaten. However, anchovies are not eaten everywhere. Almost the entire Peruvian anchovy catch, for example, is sold to make fishmeal for feeding livestock and fertilizing fields. Many tropical anchovies, as well as Japanese and Californian anchovies, are used as food for farmed fish species and as bait for the tuna fishery.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Anchovies They are a small fish that belongs to the herring order. There is another name, which is more familiar to many - anchovy. There are approximately 15 varieties in total. The fish body is long and reaches an average of about 15 cm and is colored blue-gray. The head is laterally flattened, and the mouth is disproportionate and large (see photo).

Anchovies live in large schools far from the shore. You can meet this fish in both hemispheres. Life expectancy is no more than 4 years. This type of fish spreads quite quickly. Anchovies can be preserved, which allows them to be stored for 2 years and transported over long distances.

In some countries, large quantities of anchovies are used industrially for the preparation of semi-finished products, fish meal, fertilizer, and also as bait for other more valuable fish. The video below provides more information about this product.

Where are they found and how are they caught?

Where are anchovies found and how are they caught? This question can be heard both from people who are just setting out on the long path of learning culinary skills, and from experienced chefs. The latter often do not think about this and simply use delicious fish to prepare masterpieces, as they say, out of nothing. Let's look into this issue.

So, the genus of the anchovy family has fifteen species of fish that live everywhere in the waters of the oceans and most seas. Depending on their habitat, anchovies have slight differences in appearance and differ somewhat in taste characteristics. The species of fish most known to us live in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in the Black and Azov Seas. And besides these subspecies, they are widely used in the world:

  • Argentinean anchovy, which is caught in the south of the mainland of South America;
  • California anchovy, abundantly caught off the coast of North America;
  • Cape anchovy, flocking in schools in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of southern Africa;
  • Peruvian and silver anchovy, living off the coast at the junction of the continents of South and North America;
  • Japanese anchovy, living off the coast of Sakhalin and Kamchatka, as well as in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Due to its small size, the fish gather in schools and migrate in the underwater kingdom this way. This is what pushes people into commercial fishing. And this activity is very productive due to the large size of the schools and the wide distribution of anchovies. Typically, fishing is carried out at the end of summer or early autumn, when the fish enters relatively shallow waters. Anchovy prefers warm water, and in the cold season it goes to the south of the seas and sinks to a depth of more than eighty meters.

Anchovies are caught using special purse seines or pelagic trawls with fine mesh nets. Thus, a one-time fish catch can be of impressive volumes, and in the end the cost of production is quite low due to minimal costs. The price on the shelves is also reasonable.

The fishing of anchovies in large quantities in the last century created a situation where fishing was completely prohibited. Over time, when the population of this fish was restored in natural conditions (after all, it is inappropriate to breed this type of fish in fish farms), official fishing was resumed and its volumes were even increased somewhat. Now this fish is available on fish counters and sells out very quickly.

Anchovies, sprat, anchovy - what's the difference?

“Anchovies, sprat, anchovy - what’s the difference?” – you will think and start searching for information on the Internet and in specialized literature. Let's try to systematize our knowledge so that we don't have to waste time searching for the answer to this question.

So, all these types of fish are far from the same thing. Although the Black Sea anchovy is sometimes called anchovy, popularly called “black-backed anchovy,” this is fundamentally incorrect. Fish differ not only in appearance, but also in taste. Experienced chefs will tell you about this, who confidently declare that only anchovy meat produces the most delicious and authentic sauces and seasonings for which the cuisine of the Mediterranean countries is so famous. Having summarized the knowledge, let’s summarize the comparative characteristics in a table.

Oblong, cylindrical in shape, a disproportionately large head, as well as a huge mouth and disproportionately large eyes. Fresh fish has reddish spots on the body in the area of ​​the gill slits.

Outwardly it resembles herring or small herring.

Oblong, cylindrical in shape, the head does not stand out against the general background, although, like the anchovy, it is quite large.

Small and shiny, has inclusions of black on the main silver. After the catch, it is not completely washed off and often remains near the head and on the edge of the tail.

Small, silver. Completely removed during transportation

Medium size, silver with a slight yellow tint, and colorless when removed. Completely removed during transportation.

Weight (average value, in grams)

Reaches 14 cm.

A large individual can reach 8 cm.

About 12 cm.

Delicate, white. It feels dense and elastic.

It has a silvery tint and a more delicate taste than anchovy and anchovy.

White with a slight cream tint. More tender than anchovy, but also elastic.

Fat content

About 30% of the total weight.

It is bland, but if the carcass is improperly cut it can acquire a specific bitterness. Tastes like fish oil.

Sweetish. The structure resembles herring, although it has a pronounced taste of fish oil.

Neutral. Close in taste to herring. It does not have a pronounced fatty taste.

Each of these fish is unique in its own way, but only anchovies are used in “haute” cooking for preparing various dishes. This will be discussed in the following sections of the article. Other types of fish (from comparison table above) They are used only as a protein supplement for unleavened dishes, although many different tasty and unusual dishes can also be prepared from them.

How to select and store?

In order not to harm the body and purchase quality fish, you need to know some secrets on how to choose it correctly:

When choosing processed anchovies, give preference to whole fish in brine, as they are larger and tastier compared to the option in oil.

It is recommended to use fresh anchovies immediately, since during storage the fish loses its beneficial and tasteful qualities. The maximum storage time in the refrigerator is 4 days. If anchovies are frozen, the time increases to 90 days. When buying fish in cans, place it in a plastic container, fill it with vegetable oil and seal it tightly with a lid. Place the jar in the refrigerator.

Useful properties of anchovies

The beneficial properties of anchovies are due to the presence of a variety of vitamins and minerals. The protein contained in fish is practically not inferior to animal meat. The calorie content of the product is at an average level, so properly prepared fish can be consumed in small quantities during the diet.

Anchovies contain vitamin A, which is necessary for visual acuity and to improve metabolic rate. They contain vitamin B1, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, as well as the nervous system and digestion. Thanks to the presence of vitamin PP, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases, and it also takes part in the distribution of oxygen throughout the body.

Considering the presence of potassium and sodium in large quantities, the water balance is normalized, which in turn has a positive effect on the activity of the heart and kidneys, as well as the nervous system. Anchovies contain phosphorus, which takes part in the regeneration of bone tissue, and it also improves the condition of teeth and bones. Thanks to the calcium content, muscle function improves, and this mineral is also necessary for bone tissue. Fish contains iron, which improves the condition of the blood and the process of hematopoiesis in general. It also contains fluorine, which stimulates the immune system, and iodine, which is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes.

Anchovy meat contains a large amount of fish oil, which is used in pharmacology and cosmetology.

Use in cooking

Anchovies are popular in cooking in many countries around the world. They are consumed fresh, and at home they are also salted, dried, smoked and pickled. They are also used for cooking and heat treatment, so anchovies are boiled, fried, baked, deep-fried, etc. Many people like to stuff small carcasses with olives. Such fish can act as a central or additional ingredient in a dish.

Each country has its own ways of using anchovies, for example, in Italy it is used as a topping on pizza, and in Spain it is boiled, fried and used in various sauces. In France, anchovies are used as a filling for pies. Also, based on this fish, snacks, pastes for sandwiches are made, and they are also added to salads, etc. It is also worth mentioning that anchovies are an indispensable ingredient in the popular and original Worcestershire sauce.

Ways to cook anchovies

There are many ways to prepare anchovies. This is due to the high nutritional value of the product and the taste of the meat of this fish. Cooks have found many ways to prepare anchovies and have created a large number of original dishes that have found their admirers in every corner of the globe. Nowadays, in grocery stores you can easily purchase various canned goods and pickles made from this unique-tasting fish.

Due to the fact that in our regions anchovies are easy to purchase chilled or frozen, we bring to your attention several ways to prepare delicious preparations from them at home. For convenience, the options are summarized in subparagraphs. There is also additional information in the video below.


Canning anchovies is a simple process, but a little time-consuming. Although, if you get used to it, you can do it faster.

You will need fresh anchovies, preferably not previously frozen or, in extreme cases, frozen in a gentle way. In industrial conditions, high-quality canned food from any fish is prepared directly at the place of catch, and, by the way, this is exactly what you should always pay attention to when choosing finished products.

You will also need the following components:

  • coarse salt in any quantity;
  • vegetable deodorized oil (sunflower or olive) - as much as will fit into a jar filled with fish.

Now prepare a sterile container of suitable size and a lid for it, and also put on rubber gloves so that your hands are not saturated with the aroma of this oily fish.

After that, let's move on to the cooking process itself. Rinse the fish and dry on paper towels. Then thoroughly gut the insides of the anchovies, and remove the heads and skeletons along with them. Place a generous handful of dry salt on the bottom of the jar, and place a layer of prepared fillet on top. Alternate layers until the jar is full. Do not forget that, as with any canned food prepared by dry salting, there should be salt on top. Now cover the jar with a lid and place the vessel in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Once the time is up, carefully pour the anchovies into a deep bowl and rinse them thoroughly under cold water. This way you can remove the remaining scales and clean up the remaining salt. Place the fish again on disposable towels and dry. While the fish is drying, rinse and sterilize the jar, and then cool it to room temperature. Place the dried fillets tightly in a bowl and fill with vegetable oil. After this, cover the jar with a lid and place this preparation in the refrigerator. Store canned fish there. Under proper conditions, such preparation will be suitable for food for a month.

The steps described above allow you to prepare amazingly tasty fish, which will be an excellent component of sandwiches and salads. But for making pizza and various anchovy-based sauces, fish is preserved a little differently. This method will be discussed in the subsection on salting anchovies at home.


Pickling anchovies is no more difficult than preparing them in a marinade according to the recipe above. This will be the so-called wet or regular fish salting. Of the listed ingredients, in addition to the fresh anchovies themselves, for such salting you only need salt and water. The salting time will also be similar to the marinating time.

But tastier, and also faster and more interesting, you can prepare amazing fish using the dry salting method. The ingredients are taken optionally, as they say, by eye, but experience has shown that the amount of salt is usually half the weight of the fish itself. The cooking time for salted anchovies will be only 24 hours (for medium salted fish).

So, pour a layer of coarse salt into a deep, clean and dry container (saucepan or plastic container with a lid), and if desired, add a bay leaf broken into small pieces. In a separate bowl, cook the anchovies. To do this, generously sprinkle them with coarse salt and mix. The fish does not need to be infused, so we move on to the next stage of preparation. Place the anchovies nicely in a container and cover the latter with a lid. Place in the refrigerator and wait for the specified time. Before serving, wash the fish, dry it on disposable towels and gut it. We definitely tear off the fish’s head, but removing the ridge is at the discretion of the owner. When serving, pour aromatic vegetable oil and lemon juice, and also add onions.

Anchovies of this salting go well with boiled potatoes and vegetable pickles.

To prepare delicious dishes of Mediterranean cuisine, salted anchovies are used, prepared using a special method.

The process is similar to the dry salting described above, but differs in some respects.

  1. We gut the fish and remove the heads and spines. We do not remove the skin.
  2. Sprinkle the carcasses with plenty of salt and compact them well. Sprinkle salt on top of the fish and apply pressure.
  3. Periodically add salt, or rather, replace its top layer if it is too wet.
  4. Salting lasts for at least two months at room temperature. After this time, the jar of anchovies can be covered with a nylon lid or parchment.
  5. You can store salted, and in fact, canned anchovies for a calendar year, but previously frozen raw materials cannot be used to prepare the product.

Fish prepared in this way is used in cooking without washing. Instead of used fish, add dry salt and apply pressure again.

Let's marinate

We will marinate anchovies in the following way. Place the fish washed in running water in a colander and allow the water to drain. Then place the uneviscerated anchovies in a metal bowl or saucepan with a lid of a suitable size.

We will prepare separately:

  • table vinegar 9% –100 ml;
  • coarse table or sea salt, suitable for human consumption – 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • spices for marinating fish - arbitrary amount;
  • onions – 2-3 heads;
  • cold water – 2 glasses;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Peel the onion and cut into rings, and then place in a container with the fish. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, add vinegar there. Pour oil over the fish and sprinkle with spices, then mix well. If the latter contains salt, then adjust its amount in the marinade. In this case, you can pour the seasonings directly into the marinade and taste the liquid. Pour the marinade over the fish, cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for three days. If you wish, you can put pressure on top of the fish. Gut the finished fish and serve with pickled onions. The maximum time anchovies spend in the filling should not exceed five days. The proportions of ingredients in the recipe are based on one kilogram of raw anchovies.


Drying anchovies, like any other fish, is interesting. This is not very difficult to do, and an electric dehydrator for vegetables and herbs or an oven with an air convection function will be a good assistant in this matter.

The first place to start the process of drying anchovies is preparing the fish itself. As with any other dish, freshly caught fish is the best choice. If this is not possible and only frozen seafood products are available, then be sure to allow the fish to defrost on its own. To do this, place the product in the refrigerator and cover the container with film. After the time has passed, drain the released liquid and place the fish in a colander.

Raw fish, of course, is not dried, so the next stage of work will be salting. The process is completely similar to the method described for dry salting: the fish must be generously sprinkled with a large amount of coarse table salt, and then, carefully straightening the carcasses, placed in a deep, large-volume vessel. If you wish, you can place the cargo. This will speed up the salting process and also draw moisture out of the anchovies as quickly as possible. The only thing that I would like to draw the attention of culinary experts is that the time for salting fish with this method of preparing for future use should be at least three days.

We begin the drying process by preparing the carcasses. Everything here is up to the housewives' choice. Whether to dry fish with heads or cut into fillets depends on gastronomic wishes. In any case, removal of the entrails is a prerequisite. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the bile. If this does happen, then try to remove it from the fish as best as possible using paper napkins.

Place the finished carcasses or fillets on drying trays or oven racks. A good solution would be to pre-lay parchment paper, which will absorb fat and aroma during drying, and also allow the finished fish to maintain its shape.

Now it's a matter of small things. Select drying mode and wait. Drive all curious people away, otherwise the anchovy will be eaten as soon as it begins to dry. The optimal mode for drying fish is:

  • 2 hours at a temperature of 45-50 degrees Celsius;
  • 3 hours at 70 degrees Celsius;
  • an hour and a half again at around 50 degrees Celsius.

The total cooking time of the product depends on the size of the raw material and its fat content, but in general it takes no more than seven hours. Cool the finished fish before eating, keeping it away from insects. Store product tightly packed in paper bags in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

If you don’t have a dryer or a “smart” oven in your kitchen arsenal, then you can perform the operation of drying an anchovy in a well-known and proven way. Hang the gutted fish, strung on thread or fishing line, in a shaded, hot place. It is most convenient to pierce the carcasses through the eye.

Fish dried in this way will be ready in three to four days. In order not to keep flies away from it all this time, cover the “fish beads” with gauze soaked in table vinegar or mint tincture.

The process of drying anchovies, like any other fish, involves complete dehydration of the carcasses and lasts a little longer than drying, which will be discussed in the subsection below.


Drying anchovies is just as interesting as drying them. The process differs from the one described above quite a bit. First of all, the cooking time.

When air-driing anchovies, the product will be ready to eat in two to three days. When drying fish in a dryer or oven, you should reduce the drying time by half or reduce the heating temperature throughout the entire process to 45 degrees Celsius.

What can be substituted at home?

“What can replace anchovies at home?” – those housewives who are interested in recipes for preparing dishes that contain this incomparably tasty fish will ask. Unfortunately, there is no complete substitute for anchovies, especially when preparing gourmet recipes, such as spaghetti sauces or the popular salad called Niçoise. Such density of meat is not inherent in any fish of small breeds.

Although the ingenuity of our hostesses is worth envying! Sometimes you can hear that the product is replaced with salted saury fillet or Vietnamese (Thai) fish sauce, similar in taste to anchovies. But these replacements are not comparable to the real taste of fish.

Harm to anchovy fish and contraindications

Anchovies can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. There are no other contraindications to eating fresh fish. It is not recommended to consume salted anchovies in large quantities, since they have practically no beneficial properties, and salt also has the ability to retain liquid.

Although anchovies are not some unique product of Provencal cuisine, it is simply impossible to imagine local, and indeed all Mediterranean cooking without them: they are eaten fresh, pickled, salted and fried.

Anchovies are small fish, usually 10-13 cm long. 8 species of anchovies live in the coastal seas around all continents (the Black Sea anchovy is called anchovy), and in terms of mass they occupy the first place among all fish. Anchovies are small, but wildly fatty - up to 25%, and this fat is wonderful - feeding on plankton gives a high content of the now well-known Omega-3 fatty acid.

Previously, of course, they did not know about it, but anchovies have occupied an important place in the Mediterranean diet since time immemorial. It was salted anchovies that were the raw material for the preparation of the most popular sauce “garum” in the Roman Empire. It was apparently made in the manner of southeastern fish sauce - long-term fermentation of fish with salt. This process, as in aged cheeses such as Parmesan, produces monosodium glutamate, a natural flavor enhancer. This explains the fact that anchovies are widely used in salted form - their addition at the beginning of cooking significantly enhances the natural taste of products, especially in all kinds of sauces.

Anchovy is a terrible predator! Take care of your fingers :)

Why can't it be replaced?

Anchovies are relatives of herring fish. It is here that lies the reason for the most serious misunderstandings and fabulously monstrous heresy, which can be heard from even seemingly “thoughtful domestic culinary specialists.
Being related to the anchovy, all kinds of herrings and sprat, common in Russia, have completely different taste, and are no substitute for each other, just like, say, zucchini and pumpkin.

But do not rush to replace them with the Black Sea salted anchovy available in Russia - the process of salting anchovies is dry and lasts several months. Coarse sea salt draws moisture from the fish, making its “meat” dense and distinctly pink in color. Fish ripened for a year or two often seem to be “stuffed with large crystals of glutamate.

When frying, such fish breaks up into tiny particles, dissolving in the oil, giving it a piquant taste and aroma - believe me, you shouldn’t even try this with spicy salted sprat - you’ll ruin the whole dish: instead of a piquant note, you’ll get the disgusting smell of fried herring.

Anchovy is a seasoning. Sprat - appetizer!

After salting, anchovies can be filleted and filled with oil, although many chefs believe that it is better to take anchovies in salt, packed in jars “flat”, rather than “standing” in oil - this makes it much easier to remove them whole, which is important for many dishes. and the quality of the oil itself in many cases is not too high. In addition, anchovies can be stored in salt, probably almost forever. If they are too salty, they are simply soaked for 10-15 minutes in water or milk, especially if served as an aperitif.

For some reason, in Russia anchovies cost some monstrous money, turning from a simple seasoning into some kind of unimaginable delicacy, which is some kind of terrible mystery to me.

Fresh anchovies are fried in a variety of forms, baked in pies, and marinated in vinegar or lemon juice. Without salted anchovies, a variety of snacks are unthinkable - anchoadas and tapenade, and many other dishes (for example, anchonades).

How to pickle anchovies at home?

If you have the opportunity to buy fresh anchovies or anchovy - congratulations! It's not difficult to pickle them!

Tear off the fish's heads, remove the intestines (sorry), sprinkle with coarse salt and leave for a day. During this time, the salt will draw out quite a lot of excess liquid for us. Then drain this brine, and place the fish in layers in a suitable container such as a wide-necked jar, bucket or barrel, again sprinkling generously with sea salt, and place under pressure in a cool, dark place.

The vessel should not be filled to the full, but somewhere around 3/4 or 4/5 - so that the released brine does not spill out. The anchovies will be ready in about three months, but over time they will only get better. There's nothing wrong with the process, right?

Lightly salted anchovies (step by step photo)

Rinse the fish well.

Separate the heads and spines from the fillets.

We can leave the tails - for beauty.
We wash the fillet again and dry it with paper napkins or simply let it drain well.
It shouldn't be in water!

Place the carcasses in a clean jar, cover with coarse sea salt and pour over freshly squeezed lemon juice.
All! For a 500 gram jar I need about a couple of tablespoons of salt and one lemon.
If you do it in the morning, it’s yours in the evening. On rye toast with a steamy glass - ahhhhh.

Or, if “mannerly as an aperitif snack - then so.

Here they are with sweet (I really love this contrasting combination) toast, onion jelly and chives.
Can you see how wonderful this is?

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


In culinary recipes and fiction, the incomprehensible word anchovies has been encountered more than once. What is this? A small fish (maximum length does not exceed 20 cm), which in Russia is known as a component of the famous Caesar salad. On the shelves of our stores it is found as a dried, dried snack for beer, as well as preserves or canned food in glass jars.

What is anchovy

Anchovies are a fish from the genus Pelagic, the Anchovy family. A flat, small fish with a cylindrical body shape, large eyes located at the end of the head, and an excessively large mouth is an infrequent guest on Russian tables. The structural features are clearly visible in the photo of the anchovy. The silvery-white fish are sometimes decorated with a stripe on the midline of the body.

Where are anchovies found?

These inhabitants of sea coastal waters never go into the open ocean. Anchovy, which is well known to many, is a European anchovy, but there are also subspecies:

  • Azov;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Black Sea.

From the names of the subspecies, their habitats are clear: the Mediterranean, Black and Azov Seas. Other subspecies are known: Argentinean, Australian, Peruvian, Japanese, Californian and Cape. Japanese, Mediterranean, Azov and Black Sea anchovies are popular among consumers due to their fat content, which is 23-28%.

Anchovy composition

Small fish are also a source of easily digestible protein that is quickly digested. So, the body will spend 5-6 hours digesting beef, while fish will be digested in 2-3 hours. Fish oils are rich in polyunsaturated acids that dissolve cholesterol. A special feature of such fats is that they are enriched with F vitamins, which are not synthesized in the human body, but must be present in food.

Anchovy contains (per 100 g of product):

  • proteins – 20.1 g;
  • fats – 6.1 g (polyunsaturated + monounsaturated + saturated);
  • potassium and sodium – 300 and 160 mg;
  • vitamins – A (retinol), K, D, E (tocopherol), group B (niacin, folic, pantothenic acids, cyanocobalamin, thiamine and riboflavin);
  • ascorbic acid;
  • minerals - phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, iodine and zinc;
  • antioxidants.

The benefits of anchovy

Anchovy is a sea fish, which determines its rich chemical composition, which is a storehouse of macro- and microelements and useful substances. If eaten regularly, small fish will improve the quality of life, as it will enrich the body with useful components necessary for human life.

It will help:

  • strengthening bone tissue and teeth;
  • prevention of endocrine diseases;
  • normal functioning of the central nervous system;
  • supporting emotional health, increasing stress resistance;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Eating anchovy reduces the risk of developing heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. Benefits have been noticed in normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol levels due to Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the composition. Fish should be included in the menu of older people; it goes well with many side dishes, is inexpensive and is considered accessible to various segments of the population.


There are no strict contraindications for consuming anchovy. But like any product, fish can cause allergic reactions. People suffering from allergies to seafood should use it with caution. People with iodine intolerance or allergies are advised to abstain or limit the amount of fish they consume.

On store shelves, fish is found salted or canned. For those with hypertension, it is better to soak the fish before eating to remove excess salt. People suffering from joint diseases or gout should exclude anchovies from the menu, because the product contains purines, which increase uric acid levels. Patients with gout are advised to eat a diet low in purines.

Use in cooking

The use of anchovies has been known since ancient times. The famous ancient Roman sauce Garum was prepared from the blood and entrails of fish through fermentation. In addition to fish, olive oil, vinegar or wine were added there. Garum was a component of many recipes. A similar fish sauce recipe is still used today in Southeast Asia.

If you finely chop a salted anchovy and pour it with olive oil, it will almost completely dissolve in the oil, giving it a noble piquant taste. It is important to note that only anchovy is suitable for preparing such oil, but replacing it with anchovy and sprat will not work - they simply will not dissolve.

To give a special taste, smell, and the necessary saltiness to dishes, fish salted in a certain way is used. There is a concept called “anchovy brining”: fresh fish immediately after catch is poured with a spicy brine, leaving it there for several days. After this, the anchovies are sprinkled with salt and placed in barrels, kept for 4 months. This fish is used everywhere.

European chefs use salted fish to make:

  • famous Worcestershire sauce;
  • Italian pizza, pasta;
  • Caesar salad;
  • pates, sandwiches;
  • capers with a delicious dressing.

How to replace anchovy

It happens that you don’t have anchovy on hand, but you need to convey its taste to the dish. The fish is from the herring species, so similar ones in taste are suitable: sprat, herring, anchovy, sardines, sprat and sprats. Another option is Thai fish sauce, which will impart a strong fishy flavor, which is necessary in the dish. The traditions of making such a seasoning are carefully preserved and passed on from father to son in Asian countries.

How to choose anchovies

Today, buying a jar of anchovy is not difficult; they are sold in many large stores. But often, under the name of anchovy, a completely different fish can be hidden, so when purchasing, you should carefully study the composition indicated on the label. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, it is useful to know that anchovies are not a cheap product. It is better to purchase anchovy in a transparent container so that you can examine the contents.

There are differences between the anchovy and other fish of the herring order; they are visible when the can is already open:

  • After salting, the fillet of this fish acquires a reddish-pink color, while the sprat fillet will remain white.
  • Anchovy meat is fattier and denser, has sufficient elasticity, and anchovy becomes soft.
  • Only anchovy brine gives the fish piquancy and a characteristic specific smell.

If you come across fresh fish, you should know that.