Home / cupcakes / Homemade caramel with milk. How to make caramel at home with sugar and water

Homemade caramel with milk. How to make caramel at home with sugar and water

Hello. Today I am sharing with you a recipe for homemade salted boiled caramel. This is just a find that will become an indispensable assistant in your kitchen. After all, there are a lot of options for using caramel.

This is the filling of cakes and cupcakes, it can be poured over waffles, pancakes and pancakes, and what beautiful smudges can be created on ready-made desserts. And just as an independent sweet dish, it is very tasty.

There are quite a few recipes for this sauce on the Internet. But they are all divided into 2 categories, some cook syrup with water, while the latter do without it. To be honest, I cook only without water, I have never tried it with water. But this recipe always works for me, without any problems.

We need only 3 ingredients - sugar, cream and butter. Salt may not be added, but it really tastes better with it. How do you know if you put a pinch of salt in sweet dessert, then the dish will become sweeter and sparkle with other colors. Immediately make a reservation, the cream should be fat, from 30%. It will take a little time to cook, but you must not leave the stove so as not to burn the sugar.

So, how to cook boiled salted caramel at home.


  1. 300 gr. Sahara
  2. 200 ml. cream
  3. 100 gr. butter
  4. a pinch of salt (optional)


Cream must be heated, not boiled! Can be put on the stove in a saucepan. I just warmed it up in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, ideally the widest. So our sugar will melt more evenly. Since I have only one pan with a thick bottom, and that one is small in diameter, this time I cooked caramel in a pan. And you know, it turned out faster, and tastier. So if you have a cast iron skillet in your home, cook in it.

We put our dishes on medium heat. We wait until the bottom layer starts to heat up, until this moment we do not touch the sugar!

As soon as you see that the sugar is melting, we begin to stir intensively with a silicone or wooden spatula. Stir carefully, being careful not to touch the edges of the dishes. The sugar left there will crystallize and will be lumpy in our mixture.

As soon as the sugar is completely melted, it will acquire a beautiful rich amber color.

At this point, add the butter, cut into pieces. Carefully, the mixture will begin to actively boil. Do not worry, it is so necessary, just actively interfere.

After the butter has dissolved, add warm cream and mix everything again. At this stage, lumps may form in the mixture, we try to melt them, if it doesn’t work out, don’t worry. Just then strain everything through a strainer.

Once the mixture has become homogeneous, remove from the stove.

I always strain through a sieve, even if I don't visually notice lumps.

Add salt. Better large sea, so the taste will be brighter. Salt is needed quite a bit, a pinch is enough.

Pour our caramel into jars and, after cooling, put it in the refrigerator.

By the way, it can be stored for up to a month. It doesn't stay that long in the fridge though.

You can experiment with the amount of cream, the less you add, the thicker the caramel will be in the end.

After the refrigerator, our sauce will thicken a little, but still remain liquid. They can safely water ready-made desserts. For beautiful smudges, just heat the caramel a little in the microwave, so it will become liquid and harden beautifully on the cake.

For example like this.

By the way, I will write the recipe for this cheesecake in one of the following articles.

And as a filling, caramel acted in me.

Bon appetit.

Lollipop caramel in the form of a cockerel from our childhood or a newfangled overseas lollipop is a delicacy loved by children of different generations. Making sweets from sugar at home is quite simple, many of us once prepared them. Just forgot a little now. Let's remember old recipes and maybe some of you will learn new and more interesting ones. Moreover, homemade candy caramel advantageously differs from purchased ones in that it does not contain flavor enhancers, stabilizers, dyes and other harmful substances. additives.

Warning! Small children should not be given hard-filled caramel (they may accidentally choke on it) and on a short stick, as children can swallow it (we already wrote about this in the article).

What you need to make caramel on a stick

To make a regular lollipop caramel, only 2-3 ingredients are needed: sugar, water and a few drops of vinegar or a little more lemon juice. Acid is needed so that the candy mass does not crystallize. But before we did without acid. If the sugar melts and then crystallizes again, that's okay - keep heating it and stirring it and it will melt again. The main thing is not to overexpose on fire, otherwise the syrup will acquire a bitter taste. Burnt sugar sweets are not for everybody.

You also need a wooden spoon or spatula for stirring and a deep cooking container - a small saucepan, ladle or bowl with a thick bottom, a frying pan with high sides is also suitable. Many are worried that it will be difficult to wash the container from the frozen syrup. But it just needs to be filled with water and left to stand like that. The frozen syrup will completely dissolve in water.

To make caramels on sticks, you need to prepare them in advance, otherwise, while you are looking for them or getting them out, the syrup may freeze (and it freezes quickly). If you don’t have candy sticks, then they can be successfully replaced with wooden sticks, barbecue skewers, toothpicks, or, if there’s nothing at all, matches (break off the tip with gray or cut it with scissors).

You will also need molds for lollipops. Suitable metal or silicone for making cookies; if they are not available, then you can use spoons or a baking sheet, simply pouring neat little puddles on it. If there is a hazel, then this too a good option: You can make round candy nuts or lollipops using only the bottom of the hazelnut. But the syrup will have to be done twice. Put the halves that have already hardened and taken out of the mold onto molds that are still hot, freshly filled with sugar syrup, and both halves will grab each other. Put sticks between them. Don't forget to grease your homemade candy molds. vegetable oil(silicone can not be lubricated).

How to cook caramel on a stick

You need to start preparing the mass for caramel over medium heat, stirring all the time; when it boils, reduce the fire by half. When the syrup becomes golden in color, heat it for another 20-30 seconds and then remove from heat. The viscosity of the syrup should resemble stationery glue. To test, drop the syrup into a glass of cold water. If the drop has hardened, then the syrup is ready. After removing the container from the fire, you need to stir the syrup a little more until the bubbles disappear and you can pour it into molds.

To diversify the color and taste of candies, they can be made with milk, cream, fruit and vegetable juice; add cocoa syrup, cinnamon. According to the molds, you can decompose figures from a, pour sunflower or pumpkin seeds, nuts. Also, caramel is very tasty with fresh crushed fruits and berries or raisins, candied fruits, pieces of dried apricots, dried prunes. And already frozen caramel can be dipped in or applied with a brush, rolled (previously sprinkled with water or smeared with a thin layer of honey) in sesame seeds or coconut flakes.

By the way, lollipops can help with a cold, if in sugar syrup add or lemon. They will relieve coughs. And to relieve a runny nose, it is good to add mint. good for coughs and colds. But honey cannot be added to hot sugar syrup, because when heated, it releases harmful substances.

Lollipop caramel on a stick

To make caramel on a stick familiar to us since childhood, you need to prepare

10 st. spoons of sugar
4 tbsp. spoons of water
4 drops of vinegar (or 1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice)

  1. In an iron bowl, mix water, sugar and vinegar;
  2. put on medium heat and stir;
  3. when the mass boils, reduce the heat slightly, continuing to stir;
  4. remove from heat when the syrup becomes golden and liquid;
  5. stir the syrup a little more so that the bubbles disappear;
  6. pour syrup into greased molds;
  7. immediately insert wooden sticks. Ready! Wait for 10-20 minutes to cool down.

Caramel with fruit or vegetable juice

Caramel will turn out colored from juice, for example, cherry or beetroot. Water can be completely replaced with juice - as you like. Take

10 st. spoons of sugar
2 tbsp. spoons of water
2 tbsp. spoons of juice

Prepare caramel as described above, but the readiness of the syrup can be checked not by color, but by viscosity and hardening of a drop in a glass of water.

Caramel on cream

6 art. spoons of sugar
2 tbsp. spoons of cream
you can add vanilla

Lollipops with cocoa

1 cup of sugar
2 tsp cocoa powder
50 grams of water or milk

Candy caramel with fruits


150 gr. any fruit
1/2 cup sugar (or less if fruit is very sweet)
3 art. spoons of water

  1. Grind the fruit in a blender or on a grater;
  2. mix sugar and water and cook until golden brown;
  3. remove from heat, add fruit and mix well;
  4. spread the mass into molds, and insert sticks into the center;
  5. leave the lollipops to cool, you can in the refrigerator.
Caramel lollipops with berries

100 grams of any berries (raspberries, currants, cherries)
1 st. the spoon
1/2 cup sugar
you can add vanilla

Sweet caramel is one of the most delicious desserts. Delicious lollipops were once the most beloved and desired treat of all the kids. However, in recent years, the recipes for this delicacy, which can be prepared at home without difficulty and at high cost, have been undeservedly forgotten. The taste of pure caramel can be diluted lemon juice, pomace of various berries, cream. These regular sugar candies are a great dessert option for those who don't like sweets with synthetic flavors and artificial additives.

General principles of preparation

The preparation of homemade caramel and sugar candies is based on general rules, although the result can be completely different variants sweets. The basic principle of making caramel at home is the rejection of the use of harmful substances:

  • artificial flavors;
  • chemical thickeners;
  • synthetic dyes.

To make these lollipops or soft caramel at home, which, by the way, is suitable for cakes and other desserts, it is enough to use ordinary sugar, water and lemon juice.

There are several options for making caramel. All of them are quite original and simple. Culinary experts also know some secrets of cooking this sugar-based sweet.

The most important rule to remember is that sweets cook very quickly. That is why you should not be distracted. Otherwise, everything will burn. You should also prepare in advance the forms into which you plan to pour the sweet viscous mass. They must be lubricated with vegetable oil without a pronounced odor. Such a trick will help you easily remove candy.

If, during the preparation of caramel at home, burnt sugar got on some dishes or surfaces, such items should be soaked in water as soon as possible. Otherwise, the mass will stick and it will be very troublesome to deal with it.

There is another secret to making homemade caramel. To make not just sweets from sugar, but original dessert, you should use:

  • nuts;
  • confectionery powder;
  • coconut flakes;
  • pieces of dried fruit;
  • slices of berries and fruits.

The photo shows different versions of this dessert. Choose the one you like the most!

Caramel Recipes

There are several recipes for making liquid sugar syrup at home. On its basis, sweet caramel is made. The photo below shows some of the options for preparing this sweet.

Recipe 1: Classic Homemade Caramel

The classic recipe for homemade caramel is quite simple. It does not require adherence to complex and multi-stage technology. For the preparation of sweets, expensive and rare ingredients are not needed. But the result will certainly please! A viscous delicious caramel is perfect for tea, coffee and toast. Having decided to use this recipe, it is worth preparing the “right” dishes in advance. The pan in which the sugar will melt should be with a thick bottom and walls. This will allow the sugar to heat evenly. Otherwise, the molasses may turn out to be burnt. As a result, the whole caramel will turn out with a bitter taste.

Another way to make caramel classic recipe- Proper heating of sugar. This must be done over medium heat. The mass will have to be constantly stirred so that the sweetness does not burn and does not stick around the edges during melting.

To prepare this caramel with the taste of cream, you need to take the following set of ingredients:

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 450 g;
  • butter - 45 g.

Butter is a very important component, and if desired, milk can be replaced with cream.

On a note! Sometimes sugar syrup is poured into hot milk. But in this case, the mass forms a lot of foam, from which you can get burned.

That's all! Homemade viscous caramel with butter is ready! The step-by-step photos above will help you avoid mistakes when cooking this sweet dessert.

Recipe 2: caramel on a stick

Caramel on a stick is a traditional delicacy that was extremely popular just a few years ago. This sweet is loved by both kids and adults. Previously, such candies were prepared in the form of cockerels, bunnies, stars and other figures. But you can also make round caramel. To prepare such candies, you do not need to purchase expensive components, and the process of cooking sweets is quite simple and fast. If desired, you can dilute the taste of delicacy with freshly squeezed fruit juice.

It should be borne in mind that the process of making such candies from caramel on a stick is quite simple. But there are some nuances. This recipe requires constant monitoring and care. So it’s definitely not possible to cook such caramel and do other things at the same time.

To make these sweets at home, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • citric acid - 1 pinch;
  • food coloring(optional) - 1 sachet.

Note! From the specified number of components, 12-16 lollipops will be obtained.

  1. To make caramel on a stick, you need to prepare all the ingredients. It is especially important to take even and thin sticks (skewers).
  2. The process of making homemade lollipops is quite simple. Mix water and sugar. The mixture is brought to a boil. The temperature must be high. It is necessary to boil the composition so that a lump is obtained. How to understand that everything is normal? It is enough to put one drop of sweetness into cold water. If the caramel curled up in the water into a soft ball, then everything is normal.
  3. If desired, food coloring or fruit juice can be added to the mass at this time.
  4. When in cold water caramel will harden, you need to put in a mass citric acid. The components for future lollipops are thoroughly mixed, after which the mass can be removed from the stove, after turning off the fire. Now we need to take the parchment. The paper is smeared with oil. Caramel is thinly poured onto it with a spoon.
  5. The mass should cool slightly, after which a stick is carefully inserted into each workpiece. It must be rotated in a circle. Then she will quickly enter the caramel.
  6. Lollipops should be completely cooled naturally.

Recipe 3: Delicious Soft Caramel

Soft delicious caramel is a great dessert for the whole family. Its preparation can be somewhat troublesome, but the taste of the finished delicacy is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Ready soft caramel can also be used as a filling for rolls and cakes.

To prepare such caramel, you need to take the following set of components:

  • milk - 100 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • butter - 50 g.

Video: how to make caramel at home

I love it when in my kitchen there is a jar of homemade caramel, condensed milk (boiled and regular), berry syrups and cream that can be whipped up quickly and used “in business”. It is so helpful in cooking pastries and desserts!

Judge for yourself: pancakes and pancakes simply cannot be tasteless if you pour them with caramel or berry syrup! And even the most ordinary buns will sparkle with a new taste if sprinkled with pumpkin seeds.

All these little things determine the taste of the dessert, enrich and complement it. Today I will tell you how easy it is to make homemade caramel. The recipe will be step by step photos, so it will be absolutely easy for you to repeat everything at home.

Thick caramel or thin caramel sauce is delicious. Try it for sure!


  • Sugar - 225 g.
  • Water - 65 g.
  • Heavy cream - 85-250 g (depending on whether you want a thin sauce or thick caramel)
  • Butter - 70 g.

How to cook:

In a saucepan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, combine water (65 g) and sugar (225 g)

We put on the stove (on medium heat) and wait until all the granulated sugar has dissolved.

After the sugar has melted, increase the heat to maximum and cook the caramel until Brown. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the caramel will be very bitter.

I don't usually wait for an amber color, I remove it immediately when I see that the color has appeared. I take it off the fire and do all the other actions on the table. I pour in heavy cream (85 g). The cream should be warm (preheat to room temperature). If you want a liquid caramel sauce for ice cream and desserts, you need to add more cream (250 g). When adding cream to boiling caramel, you need to be as careful as possible: the mixture will boil, shoot and foam very much. Children should not be around!

After 1.5-2 minutes, the foam will settle down a little and you can mix the mixture with a spatula.

Look at the caramel in the saucepan: there are practically no large bubbles.

At the last stage of cooking, add butter (70 g.) And mix again.

When the butter has melted, you can mix again to make the sauce even.

You can pour the sauce into a jar and store for 2 weeks. Adjust the density of caramel with the help of a refrigerator: if you want a thin sauce, heat it to room temperature. If you need it thicker, chill.

It is possible that the first time you do not get the ideal density of the sauce that you planned. Keep experimenting, reducing or increasing the amount of cream in the recipe, and you will eventually calculate your ideal formula.

If you want salted caramel, add large flakes of sea salt at the very end of cooking (while the sauce is still hot) and mix for better dissolution.
I suggest you watch the salted caramel video recipe on our You Tube channel, I wish you a pleasant viewing:

You can cover the cake with thick caramel or use it in a layer instead of cream. In addition, cupcakes are poured with caramel, put into the filling and used for a variety of delicious purposes!

Our family loves salted caramel, the taste is unusual and multifaceted.
Which caramel do you prefer, sweet or salty? I'd love to hear your feedback on the recipe! Share photos (you can attach to the comments), your reviews and cooking secrets!
I'd love to see what delicious treats you've made. homemade caramel. If you post photos on Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo. So I can find them online. I will be very pleased! Thank you.

I bring to your attention easy, at the same time delicious dessert- soft caramel It is a versatile product that can be used to decorate desserts, make candies, or simply eat with fresh tea or coffee.
Recipe content:

One of the basic components in the confectioner's arsenal is caramel, which has a special place in the classification of sweets. AT different recipes it can be found in most different types. But, nevertheless, the basis of cooking is the process of melting sugar. The dessert component was invented several centuries ago. In ancient India, a caramel-like product was made from roasted cane stalks. Large-scale production of sweets started in the XIV - XVI centuries in a number of countries: America, France, Great Britain. Moreover, each of them considers themselves the founders of caramel products. The French and Russians had a favorite caramel in the form of lollipop figures on sticks. In the 18th century the era of caramel began in England, and a German pharmacist based on candies and medicinal herbs created healing sweets that replaced bitter potions.

Today, many confectioners and even housewives have learned how to cook caramel. It is used for layering cakes, added to cream, decorating pastries, making sweets. And how good with caramel cookies or baskets from shortcrust pastry filled with such a wonderful delicacy! In addition, caramel can completely replace industrial condensed milk, which is famous for its poor quality.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 382 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 250 ml
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Butter- 30 ml
  • Sugar - 250 g

Making soft caramel from milk

1. Pour sugar into the pan and put on the stove, turning on medium heat.

2. The sugar will begin to melt and caramelize at the same time. Stir it constantly.

3. The refined sugar should acquire a golden hue and form crystals.

4. Pour milk into the pan and turn on the fire a little more.

5. Warm up the milk while stirring constantly. The sugar crystals should completely dissolve as the milk heats up.

6. Boil caramel. Milk should gradually acquire a golden color.

7. Then put the butter in the pan.

8. Stir and keep the product over medium heat.

9. Boil caramel to the desired consistency. But keep in mind that it will thicken as it cools. If you use it as an independent dessert, then take sugar and milk in a ratio of 1 to 1. If you need a filler for baskets, cookies, replace condensed milk, use it as a base for cream, then the amount of milk should be half as much sugar.

10. I also do not advise you to immediately cook a large portion. The optimal amount is 200 g of sugar. If the portion is increased, the sugar will be difficult to melt. To begin with, you can cook sugar sweets, and gradually, empirically, it will become clear how much to cook on a particular stove and in what dishes. You can add medicinal herbs to the mass, then you will get homemade sweets for a sore throat, cough, etc.