Home / Buns / Fry lard with a layer of meat. Fried potatoes with bacon and onions

Fry lard with a layer of meat. Fried potatoes with bacon and onions

We never cease to be surprised at the abundance of side dishes in Russian cuisine, but you can’t tell about all of them in one review. However, it is impossible to pass by the royal potato side dish. Today we have an honored guest for dinner - fried potatoes with bacon and onions. Potatoes cooked in lard are the second in Russian for all time. In my family, even the children enjoy eating crispy fried potatoes with cracklings and onions.

The ingredients are incredibly simple. We need new potatoes, young onion and a good piece of homemade chilled bacon, as well as seasoning - salt and curly parsley - for serving.

Cut the fat into thin slices. Send to a preheated pan, spreading evenly over the entire frying surface.

Fry the lard over medium heat until cracklings form.

Peel the potatoes and cut into strips.

Remove the greaves from the pan to a plate.

Send potatoes to boiling tallow. Cook for five minutes on high heat.

Stir the potatoes and fry for another five minutes over medium heat.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Add onions to potatoes and stir.

Fry potatoes with onions in lard for another five minutes over medium heat, without closing the lid.

Toss the fried potatoes with the onion and season with salt.

Stir again. Cover with a lid for just a minute and immediately turn off the stove. If you cover the pan at the very beginning, then the side dish will turn out boiled, and we need crispy potatoes.

Add greaves.

Fried potatoes with lard and onions is ready! Serve as a side dish for dinner right in the pan.

Supplement the fried potatoes with parsley and summer vegetables. Bon appetit.

Salo is a delicacy not only Ukrainian cuisine, but also to the taste of many other nationalities. It acquires a peculiar aroma and crispy texture when cooked. This type of fat, although it is considered high-calorie, but at the same time contains many useful substances. The product can be included in other dishes, served with side dishes and black bread, and also used as a separate independent snack. Not everyone knows how to fry lard in a pan so that it does not burn and dry out. Turning to advice home cooking, you can learn how to bake pork fat easily and quickly enough.

Selection and preparation

To ready meal turned out tender and soft, it is necessary to give preference to young pork fat. Such fat should not be thick, otherwise the likelihood of buying an old product increases. The presence of coarse veins also indicates low-quality animal fat.

Advice! For cooking in a pan, bacon with meat inclusions is ideal.

Smoked bacon can be baked, as well as raw, it saturates dishes with its unique aroma and adds spice. The salty product is suitable for frying according to certain recipes with different technology.

Preparation of fat consists in cutting it into thin pieces, about half a centimeter each. If desired, you can reduce or vice versa increase the size of the slices. Frozen bacon is recommended to be thawed at room temperature first.

Many people think that it is harmful to cook on fried lard, since during the baking process substances are formed that are difficult for the human body to absorb. Therefore, people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract should stop eating such a snack. And others just need to properly prepare this pork product and use it in food in moderation.


To fry properly tasty fat You will need a heavy-bottomed frying pan non-stick coating. It is heated on medium intensity of fire without adding oil. Prepared pieces are laid out on the bottom, placing them in one layer, so that it is convenient to turn over. The product must be pepper and salt, and then fry for about five minutes over low heat. Turning the fat over, cooking continues until a golden layer forms. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the lid should not be closed, as the slices under it will be boiled and not fried.

You can fry pork fat not only in a frying pan, but also on a fire. This cooking is more suitable for a picnic, where burnt coals remain. The slices are strung on a skewer in the form of a barbecue and baked for about five minutes until it appears golden brown. This method involves constantly turning the skewer, otherwise the product can quickly burn. The dish is juicy and very flavorful.

With onion

Salo in a frying pan with onions is classic recipe home cooking. Pieces of raw bacon are laid out in a heated dish and fried for about ten minutes, constantly turning over. Then onion rings are added and the appetizer is salted. The ingredients are cooked for the same amount of time, not forgetting to mix. When the onion acquires a golden hue, the dish is considered ready.

at home

You can get a delicious dish at home by frying roasts or cracklings, which are crispy greasy pieces. Such an ingredient perfectly complements the taste of borscht, dumplings or round potatoes.

Fat for this recipe is better to take fat, but with layers of meat. It is necessary to rinse it, dry it and cut it into bars of two centimeters. It is recommended to fry the product in a deep frying pan or thick-walled pan. First, cooking takes place over low heat under a closed lid until all the fat is rendered.

Advice! To prevent the cracklings from burning, they need to be constantly mixed, you can also add a small amount of water.

For one kilogram of fat, it will take about one hour of frying. When the slices become dry, they are placed in a colander so that excess fat can drain. You can store roasts in the freezer for several months.

with eggs

Cut the fresh fat, put it in a dry frying pan and season with salt. Fry for five minutes on each side over medium heat. Then add eggs, and continue baking until cooked (about three minutes). One hundred grams pork fat two testicles will suffice. The dish at the end can be supplemented with herbs.


A snack of fried bacon must be served hot, as it loses its taste when it cools down. Usually used as a garnish boiled potatoes, which is most compatible with this product of animal origin. Bulgarian pepper and parsley greens not only decorate the dish, but also give it richness. Also, an excellent combination is obtained if baked lard is served with black Borodino bread.

Pork bacon is popular for cooking at home. It is hearty and tasty, and frying does not cause difficulties and does not take much time. Such an appetizer can be served not only for lunch or dinner, but even for breakfast. Properly cooked lard will appeal to households and surprise guests.

In the article you will learn how fat is useful. In what quantities should you eat it so as not to gain weight.

The well-known product - lard, now often causes controversy about the benefits, harm to the human body. Some believe that it should not be eaten, as it is too high in calories. Others, on the contrary, argue that only fat contains components that are simply necessary for a person for a normal physiological existence. Let's take a closer look at how this product affects the body.

Pork fat: composition, benefits and harm to the body and health of men and women, vitamins, contraindications. What acid is in lard?

Even in ancient times, the Slavs began to use lard as a snack, when nomads raided Russia. After all, a properly prepared product could be stored for more than one day even without cold. In addition, lard with black bread saved from hunger, filled the body with the necessary kilocalories, due to which strength appeared for hard physical labor.

The most useful is salted or pickled pork product. It saves:

  • vitamins: A, E, D
  • carotene
  • arachidonic acid (necessary for the work of the heart, kidneys, brain)

If lard is eaten with garlic pepper, then it can save you from the harmful effects of cholesterol.

IMPORTANT: The product also contains linolenic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic acids. Thanks to them, immunity increases, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels improves.

  • With moderate consumption (100 g per week) of this product, you will improve immunity.
  • If you drink alcohol while eating lard, then the risk of rapid intoxication does not threaten you.
  • A morning portion (10 g) of fat helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Men need a daily portion of fat, because such food supplies the necessary selenium to improve potency.
  • Fat blocks the development of cancer. Removes harmful toxins.

Salted lard with garlic - good

Fat harm:

  • If you use it daily large quantities and lead a sedentary lifestyle, then there will be problems with being overweight.
  • Excessive consumption of treats will lead to the occurrence of cardiac pathologies. There is a risk of strokes and heart attacks.
  • You should not eat fat, which is stored for a long time, has a yellow color. There will be no benefit from this.

Pork fat: benefits and harms for the liver

Of course, in large quantities, the consumption of this food will lead to problems with the functioning of the liver, gallbladder. Especially if fat is consumed at night. All internal organs will be loaded with the processing of a high-calorie product. As a result, failure and aggravation may occur. A person will feel weakness, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant consequences are possible.

However, if you do not overeat, then fat can get rid of the occurrence of gallstones. During normal functioning of the gallbladder and liver, the following will occur:

  • Bile will be released, which will provoke the expansion of the ducts of the organ.
  • As a result, the fluid produced by the hepatocytes of the liver itself will come out without even leaving a sediment behind.

Salo during pregnancy: benefits and harms

For pregnant mothers, fat is not contraindicated, but only if the woman does not abuse it. In addition, it is undesirable for expectant mothers to eat smoked, fried delicacy, there is nothing useful for the body of the unborn child. However, as for the body of a pregnant woman. For the preparation of this type of product, stabilizers and preservatives are used.

So, if expectant mothers consume the product, then only with good characteristics and in a salty form. In no case do not eat pink fat - this is a poor indicator of quality.

Can you eat fat while breastfeeding?

According to the recommendations of doctors, lard is not included in the list of allowed products for lactating women. This product contains components that are poorly absorbed by the human body. And on the other hand, there are vitamins, minerals, useful acids that people need.

Therefore, we can conclude: lard is also allowed to be eaten by nursing mothers, but not constantly and in small quantities. Only occasionally, when you really want to.

Mom's menu on GV

Fat skin - is it possible to eat: the benefits and harms

How many people, so many opinions. Some argue that if there is a skin, then you can earn appendicitis. Due to the fact that the roots of the bristles remain in the untreated product. However, the skin has many positive characteristics, in particular:

  • it contains all B vitamins
  • there are also vitamins: PP, H, E
  • contains minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, sulfur, iron
  • calorie content of the product 216 kcal per 100 g

Fat - good or bad?

IMPORTANT: If a pork skin cook it correctly, more precisely: singe without chemicals, scald with boiling water, then such a product will not harm the body.

Which fat is healthier: salted or boiled?

In salted fat, all of the above useful material. And when the product is cooked, part of the biologically active substances is destroyed, respectively, vitamins, acids, minerals in the original composition will not enter the body.

Is smoked bacon healthy?

The beneficial properties of smoked lard are reduced significantly compared to salted lard. With any even mild heat treatment some components lose their power. Although this is not so critical if the fat is processed at home. And in cases where it was smoked without liquid smoke and other chemical auxiliary additives that cause severe harm to the human body as a whole.

Salt, raw, fresh fat: benefits and harms. Application in medicine

Raw lard is often used to treat various pathologies:

  1. In the form of ointments. It is enough to grind it and add honey. This composition treats inflammation of the joints.
  2. Like a compress. Again, it is necessary to grind 125 g of the product, add 30 g of salt. Next, apply on the sore spot, wrap cling film wrap up with a warm scarf.
  3. Like a compress for spurs on the heels. Mix chopped lard with egg, vinegar essence(95 ml). Let stand 14 hours in a dark place. Do compresses at night on sore spots.

Fried bacon and cracklings: harm and benefit

There is nothing to say about the benefits of fried, fatty foods. Including fat. And yet, if we compare the amount of carcinogens released when frying foods on a conventional vegetable oil and on fat. In the second case, they stand out five times less. Therefore, if you want to fry potatoes, then use lard as fat. In addition, in winter it will be an excellent source of replenishment of kilocalories in the case when your work is associated with a large expenditure of physical strength, and you have to stay in the cold for a long time.

fried lard

After the information provided, you yourself will draw a conclusion whether it is useful to consume lard or not. The only thing to consider is that this product is contraindicated for people with diseases of the liver, gallbladder and impaired cholesterol metabolism.

Fat: the benefits and harms of losing weight

Fry pieces of lard half a centimeter thick in a frying pan.

In a slow cooker, fry the fat on the "Frying" mode.

How to fry lard in Bulgarian

Salo - 500 grams
Leek - 400 grams
Bulgarian pepper (red) - 2 pieces
Ground red pepper - 1 gram
Ground black pepper - 2 grams
Parsley greens - 1 bunch
Salt - to taste

Food preparation
1. Half a kilo of fat cut into pieces 5 millimeters thick.
2. 400 grams of leek, peel and cut into slices.
3. Wash 2 bell peppers, remove the core, remove the seeds, cut into rings 0.5 cm thick.
4. Chop parsley.

How to fry Bulgarian lard in a pan
1. Put pieces of lard on a preheated dry frying pan, salt, fry, stirring, over medium heat for 10 minutes until golden brown. Then lay out fried lard on a plate.
2. Put the onion into the pan with melted fat, fry over low heat for 5 minutes. Then sprinkle the onion with red ground pepper, mix.

How to fry Bulgarian lard in a slow cooker
1. Put pieces of bacon into the bowl of the multicooker, salt. Cook on frying/deep-frying mode for 15 minutes, stirring with the lid open. Then put the fat on a plate.
2. At the bottom of the multicooker bowl in the fat left over from the fat, put the onion, cut into rings. Fry for 10 minutes in the frying / deep-frying mode with the lid open. Then sprinkle with red ground pepper, mix.

How to serve fried lard in Bulgarian
1. Put the fried onion on a plate with bacon, sprinkle everything with black pepper.
2. Decorate the dish with rings bell pepper, sprinkle parsley on top.

How to fry lard with eggs

Salo - 100 grams
Chicken egg - 2 pieces
Salt - to taste

How to fry lard with eggs in a pan
1. Cut 100 grams of fat into slices 0.5 cm thick.
2. Put pieces of lard on a preheated dry frying pan, salt, fry over medium heat on both sides for 5 minutes on each side.
3. Pour 2 eggs into the pan, fry for 3 minutes on one or both sides.

How to fry lard with eggs in a slow cooker
1. Put pieces of bacon into the multicooker bowl, do not close the multicooker lid. Set the frying / deep-frying mode, cooking time 15 minutes.
2. Then pour 2 eggs into the bowl, cook in the frying / deep-frying mode for 5 minutes with the lid open.