Home / Dough / Diet based on squash caviar. How to prepare dietary caviar from zucchini

Diet based on squash caviar. How to prepare dietary caviar from zucchini

One of the most delicious vegetable dishes for the diet is home-cooked squash caviar - you can’t buy this in the store. The industrially produced product contains a large amount of fat, which is not very good for people who want to lose weight and are watching their weight. That’s why I make my own homemade caviar from zucchini – I’ll be happy to share its recipe with you.

In my version, dietary squash caviar is prepared without frying; it will be much healthier and tastier than what is sold in the store. The amount of fat during cooking can be minimized, thereby significantly reducing the calorie content of food.

An undeniable advantage of homemade caviar is the absence of preservatives. I add a small amount of sugar, it brings out the taste of vegetables, so homemade squash caviar has a very rich bouquet, despite the fact that it contains little oil.

Baked vegetables are a lifesaver for people on a diet. Therefore, on the site you can study several instructions for baking vegetables. In one of the articles you will find not only, but also how to marinate it to get an appetizing snack or addition to a vegetable salad. There is also. But let's get back to caviar...

Vegetables for making homemade zucchini caviar are not fried, but baked. You can cook them either on the grill or in the oven. Before placing vegetables in the oven, they must be cut at least in half, grease the sections with oil, sprinkle with salt and spices.

The consistency of finished caviar may vary. If you chop the baked vegetables very finely with a knife, you will get a heterogeneous mass of pieces. This version of homemade squash caviar without oil is suitable for true vegetable lovers. When you grind the products with a blender, you get caviar that is homogeneous in consistency and very similar in appearance to store-bought caviar. This grinding option is ideal for lovers of classic cooking.

Recipe for dietary zucchini caviar


  • 1 zucchini weighing 300-400 g.
  • 1-2 heads of onions
  • 1 small carrot
  • 2-3 small tomatoes or 150 grams of frozen tomato puree (link)
  • head of garlic
  • salt, sugar, paprika, hot red pepper, thyme
  • olive oil.

Squash caviar calorie content per 100 g - 49 kcal

proteins/fats/carbohydrates - 1.1/ 1.6/ 7.2

How to cook squash caviar at home

Using a similar cooking technology, you can prepare eggplant caviar. And by adding other vegetables to the proposed list of ingredients, you will get a dish with a different taste. For example, together with other vegetables and add them to the total mass.

Let's take a closer look at all the stages of a simple caviar recipe:

  1. Wash the vegetables, cut them into halves, add a little salt, brush with olive oil and sprinkle with spices. The whole head of garlic is baked, the cloves are not peeled. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius, place the vegetables laid out on a baking sheet in it. Baking the ingredients takes about 45-60 minutes. The time depends on the oven and the size of the vegetables, so the duration of heat treatment is selected experimentally.
  2. After the allotted time has passed, the baked vegetables are removed from the oven and cooled. The tomatoes are peeled and chopped, excess liquid, if any, is drained. Roasted garlic has a creamy texture, making it easy to squeeze out of the skin. All vegetables are randomly chopped into pieces. The ingredients are mixed and crushed with a blender to the required consistency.
  3. Next, according to the recipe, homemade zucchini caviar is heated in a saucepan and boiled for several minutes. At this time, you can straighten the taste by adding the required amount of salt and spices. When preparing dishes containing tomatoes, it is recommended to add sugar in homeopathic doses. This makes the taste of the dish more harmonious. Adding half a teaspoon to the total volume of caviar will not significantly affect the calorie content of the dish, so there is no point in abandoning this technique.

Squash caviar at home can be prepared not only from oven-baked vegetables. In summer, a snack can be made using baked ones. In this case, the caviar will have a subtle smoky aroma.

Zucchini can be used not only for making caviar, try using them for the most delicious summer dish -. Prepare, experiment and share your impressions in the comments.

Mandatory video recipe: another option for making homemade squash caviar:

Zucchini is a very easy food. 100 g of fresh fruit contains no more than 18 kcal. When these vegetables are turned into caviar, the energy value increases. Is it possible to eat squash caviar on a diet, is it beneficial, and what is the harm? Everyone who adheres to the rules of a healthy diet should know.

Zucchini is usually eaten raw, stewed, boiled, fried, as a separate dish. But more often people make caviar from them. This is also sold in industrially produced jars. However, home-cooked ones are lower in calories.

Composition and nutritional value of the product

Caviar from zucchini is desired by everyone. And the energy content per 100 g is only 103 kcal. The glycemic index of this dish is 70-75. This is a high figure. But due to the high moisture and fiber content, such caviar helps cleanse the intestines, which means losing weight.

Important! Each product has its own glycemic index. This is the effect of a product on blood sugar levels after consumption. GI shows the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed in the body and increase sugar levels. The highest indicator is 100. Low GI foods have fiber and complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly. A high GI indicates simple carbohydrates that are quickly digested. And if there is no reason to consume glucose, it is sent to fat reserves.

Benefits and harms

Zucchini caviar brings many benefits. The advantages are:

  • fiber improves intestinal motility, prevents and treats constipation;
  • the functioning of the heart muscle improves;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • joints become stronger;
  • salts and toxins are removed;
  • the blood is cleansed, blood circulation is activated;
  • swelling and excess water go away;
  • metabolism is activated.

Harm also exists. Expired or low-quality products contribute to the occurrence of botulism.

Is it worth eating while losing weight?

Depending on the composition of caviar, the energy value per 100 g can vary from 80 to 103 kcal. This is not a lot at all, so those who are losing weight can safely include it in the menu at least every day.

Homemade caviar is even lower in calories. 100 g of product contains only 18 kcal. The product saturates and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time. It is suitable as a side dish for any lean meat or fish.

Dosage per day

It won’t hurt a healthy person to consume up to 300 g of zucchini caviar per day.

For minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is permissible to eat up to 100 g.

And even those suffering from diabetes can afford up to 100 g of this dish, if it does not contain sugar.

Who should exclude this dish from their diet?

Some people will have to give up zucchini. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • some kidney pathologies;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • acute form of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergy to zucchini and caviar components.

It is also important to carefully study the composition of the product when purchasing. If it contains sugar, it is better not to use if you have diabetes.

Important! To reduce the calorie content of caviar, you can cook it in a slow cooker. You can also use a microwave.

Options for fasting and dietary nutrition

Due to the lightness of the dish, caviar can be eaten as a dietary food when losing weight.

Option 1

I eat half a kilo of caviar for seven days in a row. It is not prohibited to consume an unlimited number of vegetables (just not potatoes, of course), as well as 200 g of white chicken meat, boiled with a little salt and pepper.

Chicken will provide proteins, vegetables will provide vitamins, and caviar will provide fiber and other useful components to cleanse the intestines and supply all cells of the body with useful substances. Up to 7 kilograms can be lost in 7 days.

Option 2

All week you should eat only buckwheat (150 g), boiled chicken (100 g of white meat) and zucchini caviar (100 g). Eat at a strictly defined time. You cannot follow this diet for more than a week.

It is possible to lose weight up to 8 kilograms. But these days you need to take a complex of vitamins.

Option 3

For three days in a row, you should eat 100 g of zucchini delicacy, 50 g of cheese and chamomile infusion in the morning. For lunch - vegetable soup, white meat chicken. For an afternoon snack - ginger tea, as well as a baked green apple. For the evening - boiled rice and 100 g of squash caviar. With such a diet you can say goodbye to 3.5 kg in three days.

Fasting day 1

In the morning - squash caviar and low-fat cottage cheese.

Lunch – zucchini caviar and chicken or fish.

Afternoon snack – fruit of your choice.

For the evening - zucchini caviar with potatoes or steamed buckwheat.

Fasting day 2

In the morning - 100 g zucchini caviar and green tea.

Second breakfast – 120 g of yogurt, pear, a mug of pumpkin juice.

Lunch – zucchini caviar, boiled with spices, meat, a cup of berries, a cup of tea.

Afternoon snack – cabbage salad with carrots, caviar, apple juice.

For the evening - a handful of dried fruits, caviar, unsweetened tea or fruit juice.

Interesting! Zucchini can be eaten raw. They are juicy and tasty. It is better to choose very young and medium-sized fruits for this. Raw zucchini acts as a mild diuretic.


A great option is to cook caviar at home. This vegetable dish will be dietary, since it definitely does not contain vinegar, sugar, or artificial flavoring additives.



Cooking method


  • 200 g zucchini;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • greenery.

All ingredients must be ground in a blender and cooked over low heat for 40 minutes. Very tasty both hot and cold. It is recommended to add salt and pepper individually, but not to the dish itself.

With added apple

  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 green apple;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 30 g vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Peel the carrots, zucchini, and onions, cut into cubes and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes with the addition of a little water. Peel the tomatoes, chop them and put them in a frying pan and simmer for another 10 minutes. Peel and finely chop the apple, add to the caviar, simmer for 5 minutes. When everything is ready, grind the caviar with a blender.

Diet caviar

  • zucchini – 400 g;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • 3 medium tomatoes and 150 g frozen tomato puree;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • salt and pepper, paprika, cumin;
  • 30 g olive oil.

Peel the zucchini and cut into two halves. Grease with vegetable oil. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees along with the tomatoes and a head of garlic. Bake for approximately 60 minutes. Remove vegetables from oven and cool. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. Grind everything into a single mass. Then put on low heat and add spices to taste. You can add a pinch of sugar, this will not stop the dish from being dietary, but it will acquire a special taste.

Original caviar

  • zucchini – 300 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 g fresh pumpkin;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 30 g butter.

Pour half a glass of hot water, boil until the vegetables are fully cooked, add pepper and salt. Then grind with a blender. You don’t have to chop it, it will also be delicious.

Important! If you use zucchini for weight loss, you should not get carried away with fried ones. It is better boiled, baked, cooked in foil or over a fire. Squash caviar can also be prepared for the winter. But we must not forget that this product requires careful preparation, long-term boiling and sterilization of jars. Canned vegetables also retain their beneficial properties. But you'll have to add a little vinegar, and it's not good for everyone.

Main conclusions

Squash caviar is beneficial and has few contraindications. Therefore, it is recommended for everyone who wants to become slimmer and healthier. She:

  • contains few calories;
  • delicious and goes well with many dishes;
  • rich in vitamins and fiber.

The best caviar is the one made at home. This product also has fewer calories. This delicacy will help you lose weight and strengthen your immune system, normalize blood circulation and heart function.

Since childhood I have loved squash caviar. But during my student years I had to work at a cannery where they produced squash caviar. This made an indelible impression on me, I will not describe the entire production process, so as not to spoil your appetite, but I will say one thing for sure - since then I have not eaten store-bought squash caviar at all.

I tried to make it myself several times, but since everything is fried in a frying pan in oil, it turns out very greasy. Of course, it’s delicious, but the thought that there’s a lot of oil in it weighs on the brain.

And this year there is again a large harvest of zucchini. So I had to scour the Internet and look for a recipe. And, of course, I found it. The main thing is that there is practically no fuss, except that everything needs to be cut. I modernized the recipe a little and took the time to count the calories. Now I will share with you. Eat for your health! Moreover, it turns out very tasty. And the realization that there are practically no carbohydrates and calories in it leads to delight. This squash caviar is suitable for sick people, those losing weight, and for patients with kidney problems.

So, the recipe:


  • Zucchini 1 kg.
  • Carrots 200 gr.
  • 200 gr.
  • 300 gr.
  • Bell pepper 300 gr.
  • Vegetable oil 3 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Allspice peas to taste (ground)

Cooking method

  1. Peel the onion and zucchini (if it is not very young). Don't forget to wash all vegetables first.
  2. We cut the onion into rings and place them in a “cauldron” or a deep frying pan with a lid that can be placed in the oven.
  3. We cut the carrots randomly, I cut them in nickels.
  4. We cut the zucchini into pieces measuring 2 by 2 cm, approximately like this, but larger ones are possible.
  5. First put the onions in the cauldron, then the carrots, then the zucchini.
  6. Next, cut the tomatoes randomly and bell peppers into 4 parts, or as you like.
  7. Place peppers and tomatoes in a cauldron on top of the zucchini. Sprinkle with ground pepper and salt.

Place in the oven and cook at 220 degrees for 50-60 minutes. Don't forget to close the lid. After about an hour, take it out, mix it carefully, and put it in the oven for another 20 minutes without a lid. If your vegetables in the cauldron are browned, then this is only a plus.

In general, keep in the oven until almost all the water has evaporated. In total it takes me an hour and a half. Carefully remove the cauldron from the oven and puree the mixture with a blender. We turn everything into puree. By the way, you can’t feel the skins of tomatoes and peppers. But if you want them not to be there at all, then first blanch (rinse with boiling water) the tomatoes and peppers.

Now there are two options. The caviar can be eaten immediately or stored for the winter. For the first option, you don’t need to do anything, but keep in mind that squash caviar tastes better when it cools.

And, if you want to roll up squash caviar for the winter, then put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, do not forget to stir, put it in pre-sterilized jars, roll up the lid and wrap it up, let it sit until it cools down. I get one and a half liters of caviar. All!!! Bon appetit!!!

Video recipe for winter squash caviar

100 grams of squash caviar contains:

  • Protein 0.6 g.
  • Fat 3 gr.
  • Carbohydrates 1.6 g.
  • Kcal 35.3.

Well, isn't it a dietary dish! A healthy recipe for those with diabetes, kidney failure, obesity, or those watching their weight!

The peculiarity of dietary squash caviar is that all vegetables (except onions) are boiled in it and not fried, as in regular squash caviar recipes. As you know, boiled vegetables retain their beneficial qualities and vitamins better. And you can get vitamins, while maintaining your figure, from squash caviar even in winter, if you prepare dietary squash caviar for the winter. I'm sharing my recipe:
1. First, put a pan on the fire, pour in some water (half a pan is enough).
2. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into large pieces. Place in boiling water and cook for 15 minutes.
3. Prepare zucchini and bell pepper. Peel the zucchini and remove seeds. Cut out the center with the seeds from the pepper.
4.After cooking the carrots for 15 minutes, add the zucchini and peppers to the pan. Cook the vegetables for another 10-15 minutes.
5. While the vegetables are cooking, peel the onion and cut into half rings.
6. We will fry the onion in vegetable oil. Don’t be afraid, fried onions won’t make squash caviar any less dietary. The oil remaining with the onions will release more juice from the carrots, and therefore make the taste of the caviar more intense. And you don’t have to pour a lot of it, just enough so that the onions don’t burn.
7. Then pass the boiled vegetables and fried onions through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
8. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan, squeeze out the garlic and add salt.
9. Stir and cook with the lid open for another 40 minutes. Let all excess liquid evaporate.
10. Place the caviar in sterilized jars and wrap the jars in a blanket.
Your dietary squash caviar is ready! I wish you bon appetit!


  • Zucchini - 1.5 Kilograms
  • Carrots - 500 Grams
  • Onions - 200-300 grams
  • Bell pepper - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt - To taste
  • Vegetable oil - To taste (For frying onions.)

Main ingredients:
Vegetables, Zucchini

If you want to try how delicious this culinary masterpiece is, follow the step-by-step description with photos and learn how to prepare Dietary squash caviar. As you can see, the recipe is quite simple and you can easily make this unique dish at home. The classic composition of products can always be adjusted to suit you. After implementing the presented idea, be sure to share your feedback with the author and rate this recipe! Dietary squash caviar is a unique way to bring home comfort into your everyday life. Please your loved ones and prove that cooking is one of your favorite pastimes!

Squash caviar is not a very high-calorie dish, but it can also be made absolutely dietary! For those who take care of their figures, I am telling you a simple recipe for dietary squash caviar.

Number of servings:

Cooking time:
1 hour 0 min


Come visit us, we will be very glad to see you!

One of the most delicious vegetable dishes for the diet is home-cooked squash caviar - you can’t buy this in the store. The industrially produced product contains a large amount of fat, which is not very good for people who want to lose weight and are watching their weight. That’s why I make my own homemade caviar from zucchini – I’ll be happy to share the recipe with you.

In my version, dietary squash caviar is prepared without frying; it will be much healthier and tastier than what is sold in the store. The amount of fat during cooking can be minimized, thereby significantly reducing the calorie content of food.

An undeniable advantage of homemade caviar is the absence of preservatives. I add a small amount of sugar, it brings out the taste of vegetables, so homemade squash caviar has a very rich bouquet, despite the fact that it contains little oil.

Baked vegetables are a lifesaver for people on a diet. Therefore, on the site you can study several instructions for baking vegetables. In one of the articles you will find not only how to bake peppers in the oven, but also how to marinate them to get an appetizing snack or add to a vegetable salad. There is also a recipe for baked eggplants in the oven. But let's get back to caviar...

Vegetables for making homemade zucchini caviar are not fried, but baked. You can cook them either on the grill or in the oven. Before placing vegetables in the oven, they must be cut at least in half, grease the sections with oil, sprinkle with salt and spices.

The consistency of finished caviar may vary. If you chop the baked vegetables very finely with a knife, you will get a heterogeneous mass of pieces. This version of homemade squash caviar without oil is suitable for true vegetable lovers. When you grind the products with a blender, you get caviar that is homogeneous in consistency and very similar in appearance to store-bought caviar. This grinding option is ideal for lovers of classic cooking.

Recipe for dietary zucchini caviar


  • 1 zucchini weighing 300-400 g.
  • 1-2 heads of onions
  • 1 small carrot
  • 2-3 small tomatoes or 150 grams of frozen tomato puree (see the link on how to freeze tomatoes for the winter)
  • head of garlic
  • salt, sugar, paprika, hot red pepper, thyme
  • olive oil.

Squash caviar calorie content per 100 g - 49 kcal

proteins/fats/carbohydrates – 1.1/ 1.6/ 7.2


Cooking method

The peculiarity of dietary squash caviar is that all vegetables (except onions) are boiled in it and not fried, as in regular squash caviar recipes. As you know, boiled vegetables retain their beneficial qualities and vitamins better. And you can get vitamins, while maintaining your figure, from squash caviar even in winter, if you prepare dietary squash caviar for the winter. I'm sharing my recipe:
1. First, put a pan on the fire, pour in some water (half a pan is enough).
2. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into large pieces. Place in boiling water and cook for 15 minutes.
3. Prepare zucchini and bell pepper. Peel the zucchini and remove seeds. Cut out the center with the seeds from the pepper.
4.After cooking the carrots for 15 minutes, add the zucchini and peppers to the pan. Cook the vegetables for another 10-15 minutes.
5. While the vegetables are cooking, peel the onion and cut into half rings.
6. We will fry the onion in vegetable oil. Don’t be afraid, fried onions won’t make squash caviar any less dietary. The oil remaining with the onions will release more juice from the carrots, and therefore make the taste of the caviar more intense.
you don't have to pour a lot of it, just enough so that the onions don't burn.
7. Then pass the boiled vegetables and fried onions through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
8. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan, squeeze out the garlic and add salt.
9. Stir and cook with the lid open for another 40 minutes. Let all excess liquid evaporate.
10. Place the caviar in sterilized jars and wrap the jars in a blanket.
Your dietary squash caviar is ready! I wish you bon appetit!


  • Zucchini - 1.5 Kilograms
  • Carrots - 500 Grams
  • Onions - 200-300 grams
  • Bell pepper - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt - To taste
  • Vegetable oil - To taste (For frying onions.)

Main ingredients:
Vegetables, Zucchini

If you want to try how delicious this culinary masterpiece is, follow the step-by-step description with photos and learn how to prepare Dietary squash caviar. As you can see, the recipe is quite simple and you can easily make this unique dish at home. The classic composition of products can always be adjusted to suit you. After implementing the presented idea, be sure to share your feedback with the author and rate this recipe! Dietary squash caviar is a unique way to bring home comfort into your everyday life. Please your loved ones and prove that cooking is one of your favorite pastimes!

Squash caviar is not a very high-calorie dish, but it can also be made absolutely dietary! For those who take care of their figures, I am telling you a simple recipe for dietary squash caviar.

Number of servings:

Cooking time:
1 hour 0 min



Cooking method

  1. Peel onions, carrots, zucchini (if it is not very young). Don't forget to wash all vegetables first.
  2. We cut the zucchini into pieces measuring 2 by 2 cm, approximately like this, but larger ones are possible.

And, if you want to roll up squash caviar for the winter, then put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, do not forget to stir, put it in pre-sterilized jars, roll up the lid and wrap it up, let it sit until it cools down. I get one and a half liters of caviar. All!!! Bon appetit!!!

100 grams of squash caviar contains:

  • Protein 0.6 g.
  • Fat 3 gr.
  • Carbohydrates 1.6 g.
  • Kcal 35.3.


Cooking method

  1. Onions, carrots. We clean the zucchini (if it is not very young). Don't forget to wash all vegetables first.
  2. We cut the onion into rings and place them in a “cauldron” or a deep frying pan with a lid that can be placed in the oven.
  3. We cut the carrots randomly, I cut them in nickels.
  4. We cut the zucchini into pieces measuring 2 by 2 cm. Approximately this, but larger ones are possible.
  5. First put the onions in the cauldron, then the carrots, then the zucchini.
  6. Next, cut the tomatoes randomly and bell peppers into 4 parts, or as you like.
  7. Place peppers and tomatoes in a cauldron on top of the zucchini. Sprinkle with ground pepper and salt.

Place in the oven and cook at 220 degrees for 50-60 minutes. Don't forget to close the lid. After about an hour, take it out, mix it carefully, and put it in the oven for another 20 minutes without a lid. If your vegetables in the cauldron are browned, then this is only a plus.

In general, keep in the oven until almost all the water has evaporated. In total it takes me an hour and a half. Carefully remove the cauldron from the oven and puree the mixture with a blender. We turn everything into puree. By the way, you can’t feel the skins of tomatoes and peppers. But if you want them not to be there at all, then first blanch (rinse with boiling water) the tomatoes and peppers.

Now there are two options. The caviar can be eaten immediately or stored for the winter. For the first option, you don’t need to do anything, but keep in mind that squash caviar tastes better when it cools.

And, if you want to roll up squash caviar for the winter, then put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, do not forget to stir, put it in pre-sterilized jars, roll up the lid and wrap it up, let it sit until it cools down. I get one and a half liters of caviar. All. Bon appetit.

Video recipe for winter squash caviar

100 grams of squash caviar contains:

Well, isn't it a dietary dish! A healthy recipe for those with diabetes, kidney failure, obesity, or those watching their weight!


Squash caviar has been incredibly popular for many years, especially in the post-Soviet space. But, as a rule, people prefer to buy this vegetable snack rather than cook it themselves. Why is this happening? Probably, many housewives believe that the technological process of its preparation is too complicated, which, by the way, is not entirely true. And today’s recipe for squash caviar only confirms this.


  • - zucchini (1500 g);
  • - carrots (500 g);
  • - coarse salt (25 g);
  • - sugar (15 g) - if you are against sugar, then you don’t have to put it in;
  • - onion (500 g);
  • - refined vegetable oil (150 ml) - you can take less;
  • - chili (1 pod);
  • - tomato paste (30 ml);
  • - garlic (5 cloves);
  • - citric acid (3 g).


At the first stage, we peel the young zucchini from unnecessary peels, after which we thoroughly rinse the fruits under cold water and be sure to cut them into small, neat cubes with a sharp knife. Then we move the prepared zucchini into a deep, large bowl where we will prepare the appetizer.

Next, peel the onions and carrots and also rinse the root vegetables under water. Now finely chop all the onions and coarsely grate the carrots on a kitchen grater. We place the vegetables in a bowl with the zucchini and fill them with an incomplete glass of necessarily refined sunflower oil.

Over the lowest possible heat, fry the ingredients, stirring them occasionally, for approximately 25 minutes, after which we add fine sugar, tomato paste, chopped chili (without seeds) and coarse salt.

Continuing to stir the aromatic mass, we simmer the future squash caviar for another hour and a half, during which the vegetables will release their juice. If there is not enough liquid, you can add a little cool water. After the specified time has passed, add the last ingredients: crushed garlic and citric acid.

Without increasing the temperature, simmer the zucchini caviar for 30 short minutes, after which we beat the mass with a hand blender until it becomes homogeneous. Return the bowl to the stove and bring the caviar to a boil. At the same time, we sterilize the lids and glass jars into which, after turning off the heat, we immediately pour the finished snack. Zucchini caviar is ready.

This delicious dish contains only 97 kcal, you can reduce the calorie content by eliminating sugar and reducing the amount of vegetable oil by diluting it with water.

If you are asking the question “How to lose weight quickly?”, then our site will help you find all the answers. Just remember that effective weight loss cannot be quick! Of course, we have collected for you all the popular diets, reviews of newfangled diet pills and salon methods. But! We advise you to pay attention to the “Exercises for weight loss” section, since your weight loss will never be effective without physical activity and an active lifestyle. Effective weight loss requires a serious approach, so read, choose, try, we believe that your figure will definitely take the desired shape! Good luck!

Are rolls or sushi acceptable while on a diet?

Home detox - diets for 3, 7, and 10 days for weight loss and cleansing


Step 1:

Necessary products. If you don't like it spicy, don't add hot peppers. With red peppers, the caviar will be more saturated in color. The weight of all vegetables already peeled.

Step 2:

Peel the zucchini, cut into rounds and sprinkle with half the salt. Leave for half an hour.

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Chop onions, carrots, peppers and garlic randomly.

Step 6:

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Squeeze the zucchini from the juice. Mix all the vegetables in a bowl, then transfer them to a baking sleeve secured with a clip on one side.

Step 7:

Add the other half of the salt, ground pepper and vegetable oil.

Step 8:

We secure the second end of the sleeve and place it in a baking dish. IMPORTANT! If the sleeve is perforated, place it in the mold with the seam up! If the sleeve is ordinary, we make several punctures at the top with a toothpick. Place the pan in the preheated oven, set the timer for 60 minutes and go relax!

Step 9:

After an hour, remove our preparation from the oven. By this time, there is such an aroma in the kitchen that your feet will carry you there!

Step 10:

Carefully, so as not to get burned, cut the bag, take it by the tails and put the contents in a colander placed on a bowl. This must be done to drain excess liquid. I ended up with about 250 ml of vegetable broth. You can make a sauce based on it or add it to soup or stew. In general, don’t pour it out, put it in the refrigerator!

Step 11:

Carefully transfer the vegetables into a blender, add chopped herbs and turn into a homogeneous mass. Now let's try. If, to your taste, something is missing, feel free to add. I added a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of table vinegar. By the way, the caviar turned out to be spicy, because I had hot pepper in it. From dirty dishes - one bowl, one blender, one ladle.

Step 12:

From this quantity of products you get a little more than a kilogram of caviar - tender, tasty and very aromatic!

Step 13:

OK it's all over Now! You can try! Help yourself! Bon appetit!

Zucchini caviar, due to its potassium content, is useful for people prone to edema, suffering from intestinal and gallbladder disorders, and simply for all those who want to diversify their diet.

Vitamin C, also contained in caviar, stimulates the functioning of the stomach, gall bladder, duodenum, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; useful for hypertension, anemia, excess weight, cardiovascular diseases. Since vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties, zucchini is useful for asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Personal impressions of the recipe:

Let's start destroying zucchini! Fast, simple, delicious!
Have you already grown zucchini? With us, yes! I offer you this low-calorie recipe.
So, let's prepare
You can also call it dietary. After all, we won’t fry anything! Just a dream for a lazy housewife! Minimum dirty dishes, saving time! Of course, this is not a salad, but an appetizer. But it’s also very tasty and healthy!


Composition and nutritional value of the product

Energy value

Vitamins (per 100 g)

Minerals (per 100 g)

The benefits of squash caviar for the body

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • increases vitality and improves emotional background;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes excess fluid and relieves swelling;
  • eliminates salts and toxins;
  • cleanses the blood and improves hematopoiesis;
  • improves the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • helps strengthen joints.

Contraindications and possible harm

  • kidney diseases;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • any ailments of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form;
  • allergies or individual intolerance to components.

Poor-quality or stitched squash caviar can cause the development of botulism, so before purchasing (or consuming a home-made product), you need to carefully examine the packaging for integrity and absence of swelling.

Features of use

Normal for an adult

An adult can consume up to 300 g of squash caviar per day.

Use for gastritis, diabetes and pancreatitis

  • For pancreatitis, it is allowed to eat up to 100 g of product per day (it is recommended to start with 1 tsp daily, gradually increasing the amount).
  • In case of gastritis with low and normal acidity, you can consume up to 50 g of squash caviar per day.
  • For diabetes mellitus, you are allowed to eat up to 100 g of the dish per day.

Inclusion in the diet of a pregnant woman

Zucchini caviar promotes the formation of the baby’s skeleton and cardiovascular system, so its use while expecting a child is useful at any time. In addition, the dish helps the expectant mother cope with edema, which greatly facilitates the pregnancy. You can consume up to 200 g of product per day.

Eating while breastfeeding

Despite the fact that squash caviar is prepared from natural and healthy ingredients, during breastfeeding its consumption should be limited to 100 g per day. During the preparation of the product, vegetables undergo heat treatment and a preservation process, which is not very beneficial for babies.

Kabakov caviar for a child

Giving caviar to children under 2 years of age is not recommended.

Children should be given caviar from zucchini no earlier than they reach the age of 2 years, since it is still a semi-finished product, and it is much healthier for the baby to eat fresh food. An older child can consume up to 100 g of the dish per day.

Losing weight with the product

To quickly and safely lose up to 5-7 extra kg, you can try the following diet: for a week you need to eat 0.5 kg of squash caviar per day, 200 g of boiled chicken breast and any amount of vegetables (except potatoes). Vegetables will supply the body with vitamins, meat with protein, and caviar will improve intestinal function and remove all “deposits”, thanks to which excess weight will also go away.

Squash caviar is low in calories, so it can be used as a snack to stave off hunger between meals.

You can eat squash caviar on the Dukan diet. You need to prepare it yourself so that there is no doubt about the composition (it should not contain sugar, vinegar, dyes, sweeteners and other additives). According to the nutrition system, you can eat the product only on protein-vegetable days.

Diet based on squash caviar and buckwheat

In a week of diet you can lose up to 8 kg; you cannot stick to this diet for more than 7 days. You need to eat food strictly at the same time.

While following the diet, you should take multivitamins.

In order to lose weight, you can switch to a diet based on the inclusion of squash caviar and buckwheat porridge in your diet
  • Breakfast: 100 g of caviar + water, coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: 150 g buckwheat, 100 g boiled chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: 150 g of caviar + water, coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: 100 g of caviar, 100 g of buckwheat, 50 g of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt.

Cooking at home

  • 200 g zucchini pulp;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g tomato pulp;
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp each dill and parsley

Cut and chop vegetables and herbs using a meat grinder or blender, simmer in a frying pan without oil for 40 minutes. The finished dish can be eaten hot or cold.

It is not recommended to add salt and pepper during the cooking process; if necessary, it is better to add spices in portions (into a plate).

To prepare for the winter, prepare sterile glass jars with screw-on lids and place warm caviar in them. Close the containers, turn them over and leave them to cool completely at room temperature, then put them in a cool, dark place.


Not "overseas"

In order for a dish to be called squash caviar, it must include the following ingredients:

  • zucchini pulp;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • onion.

There are also requirements for the cooking method: the caviar must be stewed and the ingredients crushed. Salt and spices help to better reveal the taste of products, vegetable oil prevents burning during cooking and affects the consistency of the finished dish. There are many variations on how to prepare caviar, intended both for long-term storage and for direct serving.

Vegetables for health

Vegetables occupy a prominent place in a diet that meets healthy eating standards. They are consumed both raw and cooked. But the attitude toward squash caviar has developed in two ways: on the one hand, it contains vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals, on the other hand, it contains excess fat, salt, and spices, which contradicts the concept of proper nutrition.

There are also many complaints about attempts to replace tomatoes with tomato paste due to its high acid content and preservatives.

Composition of squash caviar:

Product Nutrients and vitamins Benefit
Zucchini Phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron; vitamins A, B 6, C, nicotinic acid. Low calorie content, normalization of water-salt balance, digestive processes.
Carrot Vitamins A, K, C, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium Strengthening the immune system, maintaining vision and the nervous system, maintaining blood clotting mechanisms.
Onion Vitamins C, B, potassium, calcium, magnesium, cobalt Normalization of water-salt balance, improvement of the cardiovascular system, strengthening of the immune system, anti-inflammatory effect.
Tomatoes Vitamins A, C, cobalt, magnesium, molybdenum, copper, chromium and iron. Maintaining immunity, normalizing metabolism, improving the functioning of the reproductive system.

Thus, when consuming the vegetables that make up squash caviar, the water-salt balance is normalized, on which the functioning of the cardiovascular system depends, and the body’s resistance to various infections increases and body weight decreases.

But these advantages are largely canceled out when preparing a dish according to a traditional recipe with frying vegetables in vegetable oil and adding a large amount of salt.

To make zucchini caviar a healthy and dietary product, you only need to slightly change the recipe. People prone to urolithiasis should use squash caviar with caution, as potassium salts contribute to the formation of stones.

Cooking recipes

Weight loss diets usually include plenty of vegetables. Zucchini is popular because of its low calorie content. At home, they are recommended to be baked, boiled, or microwaved. We offer several step-by-step recipes with photos and cooking recommendations.


In the classic recipe, you need to reduce the amount of oil and eliminate added sugar, limiting yourself to the natural sweetness of the carrots.


  • carrots – 1 medium;
  • tomatoes – 2 medium;
  • 1 large onion or 2 small ones;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 20 g (2 tbsp).

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the zucchini and remove the seeds, if any.
  2. Grind the zucchini pulp in any convenient way: finely chop, grate, use a blender.
  3. Peel and chop carrots and onions.
  4. Wash the tomatoes, scald with boiling water and remove the skin, then chop, trying to retain the juice.
  5. For cooking, a container with high walls and a thick bottom is suitable, which is well suited for stewing foods. Pour vegetable oil into it and place on medium heat.
  6. Add all prepared ingredients and cover with a lid.
  7. After 10 minutes, reduce heat to low and stir.
  8. Simmer covered for another 20 minutes. Add salt.
  9. If desired, you can turn the resulting vegetable mixture into puree using a blender.

Important! Long-term storage of caviar with reduced salt and sugar content is only possible in the refrigerator.

With sweet pepper and spices

Dieting is usually associated with restrictions, and healthy eating is associated with bland, almost tasteless food. But in most cases there is no need to torture yourself with such food.

If there are no signs of gastritis or other gastrointestinal diseases, you can diversify your menu by adding flavor-enriching ingredients such as bell pepper, ground black pepper, and garlic.


  • zucchini – 1 large or 2 small;
  • carrots – 2 large;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • sweet pepper - 1 medium;
  • sugar, salt, ground black pepper to taste;
  • 1 clove of garlic;

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and peel the vegetables, chop them. Remove the middle and seeds from the zucchini. Remove the seeds from the pepper.
  2. If desired, tomatoes can be peeled by scalding them with boiling water.
  3. Heat oil over medium heat in a high-sided pan. Add onion, fry for 1 minute.
  4. Add sweet pepper and fry for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Add carrots and zucchini, fry for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Add tomatoes, cover with lid.
  7. Simmer for 10 minutes, add salt and sugar.
  8. Simmer for another 20 minutes, add black pepper and crushed garlic. To make caviar resemble the consistency of a store-bought product, you can grind it in a blender.

This caviar should be stored in the refrigerator.

No frying with apples

To prevent weight loss from causing health problems, the diet must contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. One of the most important microelements is iron.

This version of dietary squash caviar additionally contains green apples, which are rich in vitamin C and iron. Gentle heat treatment will preserve most of the nutrients.


  • zucchini – 1 large;
  • carrots – 1 medium;
  • tomatoes – 2 sweet medium-sized ones;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 medium green apple;
  • salt to taste;
  • 30 g (3 tbsp) vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetables and remove the seeds from the zucchini.
  2. Wash and scald the tomatoes to remove the skin, which can irritate the mucous membranes.
  3. Chop the vegetables.
  4. Pour water into a deep container and heat over medium heat. Place onions, carrots and zucchini in it, cover with a lid and simmer.
  5. After 10 minutes, reduce heat to low and stir. If there is a lot of liquid, remove the lid for 5 minutes.
  6. Add tomatoes, salt. Simmer for another 10 minutes.
  7. Remove the core and skin from the apple and chop. Add to vegetable mixture and simmer for 5 minutes.
  8. When ready, grind with a blender.

In some cases, to simplify the cooking process with a reduced vegetable oil content, you can use a microwave. It can take place both the preliminary stage of processing zucchini and the entire cooking process.

You can use frozen vegetables for caviar, but remember that vitamins, especially vitamin C, are easily destroyed by repeated freezing. Therefore, repeated freezing is unacceptable.


Squash caviar is a product rich in vitamins and minerals that helps improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

By making changes to the classic recipe, you can make this product dietary. In various modifications, it will have a bright taste, enrich the diet with iron and vitamin C. With the addition of garlic and peppers, caviar enhances its immunomodulatory properties.


Benefits of zucchini

Zucchini contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements beneficial for the body. Eating zucchini helps improve the functioning of the heart muscle, normalize water-salt metabolism, strengthen the immune system, increase efficiency, improve mood and, of course, lose weight.

Zucchini has a lot of magnesium, potassium, vitamins B1, B3, C and iron. The use of zucchini helps remove excess fluid from the body, which makes it easier to fight cellulite. Adding zucchini to the daily diet is indicated for certain diseases: diabetes; diseases of the gallbladder, liver, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the diuretic properties of zucchini, it is useful for people suffering from edema. The abundance of dietary fiber helps improve intestinal motility, which makes zucchini an indispensable tool for preventing constipation.

The plant fiber contained in zucchini acts on the body as a natural absorbent. This helps remove toxins and waste from the body. Due to its usefulness, zucchini can be used to prepare masks for the face and hands.

There are very few contraindications to the use of zucchini - it should not be used by those who suffer from disorders of potassium excretion from the body and should not be eaten raw by people suffering from ulcers and gastritis. The calorie content of zucchini is only 25 kcal per 100 g, which allows you to eat in small portions during the diet, not feel hungry, and at the same time lose weight.

It is best to follow the zucchini diet in late summer - early autumn. It is from August to October that zucchini ripens. Reviews of the zucchini diet state that it is advisable to follow it no more than once a year. But you can add zucchini to your daily diet throughout the year.

The duration of the zucchini diet is from one week to one month. In seven days of the diet you can lose 2-2.5 kilograms. The duration of the diet should be chosen based on your general well-being and your goal.

The main advantage of the zucchini diet can be considered the “proportionality effect”. That is, the more zucchini eaten, the more excess weight lost. This statement is true and there is no need to limit your appetite. You need to eat at least 0.5 kg of zucchini per day as part of various dishes.

To be more effective, the zucchini diet requires certain conditions to be met:

  • It is advisable to use mature zucchini that is dark green in color and cook them with the peel, since it contains about 80% of all available nutrients;
  • when preparing zucchini dishes, it is recommended to add various vegetables and fruits that go well with zucchini;
  • in addition to zucchini, it is necessary to use products of protein origin in the diet, preferably poultry and fish;
  • The zucchini diet categorically excludes the consumption of sugar, confectionery, sausages, smoked meats, alcohol and baked goods.

The super diet for weight loss with zucchini does not provide for any specific menu. You can prepare a variety of dishes from zucchini for weight loss and thereby diversify your daily diet.

A sample zucchini diet menu for the day might look like this:

Zucchini caviar diet

A popular option for the squash diet is the squash caviar diet. At the same time, there is no need to constantly prepare a variety of dishes; it is enough to eat zucchini caviar in combination with some other products. In a week of compliance, you can get rid of 4-5 extra pounds.

An approximate version of the daily diet menu with zucchini caviar looks like this:

During all diets, you should drink as much water or green tea as possible.

Zucchini casserole

Zucchini soup

Stuffed zucchini

Zucchini salad

Zucchini salad

Squash caviar

Zucchini casserole

Mix one kilogram of zucchini grated with the skin with one egg, three tablespoons of rye flour and herbs. Pour the mixture into the mold and bake until done.

Zucchini soup

Dice the zucchini, bell peppers, celery and carrots. Throw vegetables into boiling water and cook until tender. Shortly before finishing the soup, add pepper, salt and herbs.

Stuffed zucchini

From the zucchini, cut lengthwise, remove the pulp and chop it, mix with other vegetables to your liking. Stuff both halves of the zucchini with the mixture, place them together, wrap in foil and bake until done.

Zucchini salad

Mix grated zucchini with grated ginger, finely chopped bell pepper, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, herbs and season with unsweetened yogurt.

Zucchini salad

Cut the zucchini into strips, sprinkle with lemon juice, add olive oil and herbs.

Squash caviar

Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add chopped zucchini, carrots and tomatoes. Simmer until done, add salt and pepper.

The results of the zucchini diet will last for a long time if, after its completion, you give preference to a proper and balanced diet and, if possible, avoid eating harmful foods.

Video with recipes for the zucchini diet

Video with recipe for zucchini pancakes


Ingredients for dietary squash caviar:

Preparation of dietary squash caviar:

Let's get started. Place a large saucepan on the fire with a small amount of water until it boils. At this time, peel and cut the carrots into large pieces.

Place chopped carrots in boiling water. And cook for 15-20 minutes.

Clean the zucchini and bell pepper. If the zucchini contains milk seeds, let them go to caviar; if the seeds have already ripened, then it would be better to remove them. Cut the zucchini into cubes, pepper into slices or as you like.

After 15-20 minutes of cooking the carrots, add chopped zucchini and pepper. You can add a little boiling water, but in principle the vegetables will cook well even when steamed and will release juice on their own. Cooking time for zucchini and pepper is about 10-15 minutes.

While the vegetables are cooking, cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil. Thus, very little vegetable oil gets into the squash caviar, but it is still needed there, it helps to get the maximum benefit from carrots.

Boiled vegetables and fried onions are passed through a meat grinder. If someone has a blender, then you can chop vegetables with it. Place the chopped vegetables back into the pan, add garlic or grate on a fine grater. Evaporate the resulting squash caviar over low heat for about 40 minutes, stirring constantly. Place the finished caviar in sterile jars and put it in a dark place to cool.

Dietary squash caviar is ready. It contains a huge amount of calcium and is especially useful for children and expectant mothers. I like to eat squash caviar with regular boiled potatoes. Bon appetit!!!
