Home / Pies / Application and medicinal properties of monarda. Medicinal properties and contraindications of monarda What is monarda and its properties

Application and medicinal properties of monarda. Medicinal properties and contraindications of monarda What is monarda and its properties

Monarda is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant that came to us from North America, which has a rather pleasant smell and tart taste when brewing tea from it. Indian tribes have long learned to use the medicinal properties of monarda and its taste.

Monarda medicinal properties, uses and contraindications of this plant can be interesting from many points of view. After all, monarda is used not only in medicine, perfumery or cosmetology, but is also added as a seasoning to some dishes when cooking. In addition, monarda essential oil is widely used due to its aroma and medicinal properties.

Monarda - medicinal properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties of monarda and its consumer qualities vary depending on its type. Monarda leaves and flowers contain essential oil. But in different species of monard, its smell differs, although in all species it contains an abundance of medicinal properties. The smell of Monarda duplicata essential oil resembles lavender, the essential oil of Monarda falciforma smells like thyme, and the lemon monarda smells like lemon. Actually, that's why it got its name. Monarda double and acupressure are used as an antispasmodic; they also have laxative and antiseptic medicinal properties. Based on the essential oils of these plants, inhalations are made for colds and rubbing for rheumatism.

Lemon monarda has a pleasant spicy lemon scent. Essential oil of lemon monarda is actively used in the perfume and cosmetics industry, and leaves and flowers, both fresh and dry, are added as a spice in the production of vermouth. It also has antiseptic healing properties. The antimicrobial properties of all types of monarda allow their essential oils to be used as a preservative in food production.

Monarda essential oil has all the medicinal properties of the plant, helps strengthen the immune system, tones, relieves fatigue and stress, is used in the treatment of depression, slows down aging, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and lowers blood pressure. Monarda decoctions can be taken as a diuretic.

Traditional healers recommend using decoctions, infusions, essential oil and juice of monarda, which retain all the medicinal properties of the fresh plant, for diseases such as asthma, anemia, tuberculosis, colds of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, otitis media, influenza, as well as for various skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, irritation, allergic rashes, burns. There is evidence that monarda is an effective remedy in the treatment of radiation sickness.

Monarda - contraindications for use

A contraindication to the use of Monarda is pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to use Monarda in any form when treating children under 6 years of age. This applies to both decoctions or infusions, and the use of monarda essential oil in aromatherapy. In addition, we must take into account that this plant appeared in our areas not too long ago, therefore, in the absence of proper adaptation or a weakened body, allergies are possible, despite the abundance of medicinal properties of monarda. In this case, taking Monarda drugs should be stopped immediately. Before using any preparations of this plant in the treatment of serious diseases, be sure to first consult with your doctor.

Application of Monarda in various forms - recipes

Medicinal properties of monarda infusion

Monarda infusion retains most of its medicinal properties, including vitamins C and vitamins B1 and B2. It is used as a cosmetic product to care for problem skin and strengthen hair. The use of an infusion or decoction of monarda internally helps to maintain the immune system, prevent the occurrence of colds and other diseases, and it is also used as an adjuvant in the treatment of certain diseases, for example, cardiovascular or diseases of the digestive system.

To prepare monarda infusion, take crushed dry raw materials, pour it into a thermos and pour boiling water at the rate of 2 tablespoons per glass of water, let it brew for 10 hours, and then strain.

To relieve inflammation and irritation, you can use an infusion of monarda, prepared at the rate of 5 teaspoons of dry crushed raw materials per 250 ml of boiling water. Let it brew under the closed lid for 20 minutes, then strain, let it cool and lubricate the inflamed or damaged area of ​​the skin; the medicinal properties of monarda are irreplaceable in this case. The same infusion can be used to wipe the face instead of lotion or tonic.

Use of monarda in the form of tea

To prevent colds, you can also use tea with monarda; it has all the medicinal properties of the plant.

Just mix dry, well-ground monarda with your regular tea - black or green in a 1:2 ratio. After this, the tea is simply brewed in the usual way. Monarda tea can be prepared without adding regular tea. This is done as follows: dry crushed raw materials - leaves or flowers of monarda - are poured with boiling water at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 250 ml of water, left to brew in a closed teapot for half an hour and drunk as regular tea, adding honey or sugar to taste if desired. The use of monarda in this case will be correct.

Medicinal properties of essential oil or oil extract of monarda

Monarda essential oil for use in aromatherapy can be prepared as follows. Take dry crushed monarda flowers and add any purified vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. Place this mixture in a water bath and heat over low heat for 2 hours. After this, let the mixture cool and strain.

For colds, you can use inhalations with the addition of essential oil or decoction of monarda; they retain almost all of the medicinal properties of the plant. To prepare it, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials with boiling water - 0.5 liters, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook under the lid over low heat for 10 minutes. Then strain and use for inhalation. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Medicinal properties of monarda juice

For the speedy healing of wounds, abrasions and scratches, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed monarda juice.

To prepare it, take fresh leaves of the plant, grind them thoroughly in a blender and squeeze through several layers of gauze. The juice is simply applied directly to a wound or scratch that refuses to heal.

Application of the medicinal properties of Monarda: video

Monarda is a perennial flowering plant that can be grown in the garden. It is used for decorative purposes, added to food, and medicines are also prepared from it. You can find monarda oil and dried raw materials on sale, and at home you can make a decoction or infusion.

Monarda, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are known, including in official medicine, is a source of vitamins and natural essential oils that can react with the cells of the body.

The plant in its fresh form and the extract from it are useful and have several effects at the same time:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • stimulate cell regeneration, when applied externally, renews the skin;
  • destroy fungal microflora;
  • eliminate pain of spasmodic origin;
  • act as a blood preservative;
  • protect against the harmful effects of free radicals and are a powerful antioxidant.

Monarda is a plant that can be consumed fresh orally. It is added to salads or used as a seasoning for hot dishes. However, for medicinal purposes, oil from the rhizome or decoctions from dried raw materials are more useful.

Indications for use in medicine

The chemical composition of monarda contains a natural antiseptic - thymol. Since many inflammatory processes are associated with the proliferation of bacterial or fungal microflora, the preparations of this plant have a complex effect and can be used for various diseases.

Monarda has found application in many pathologies:

  • for sore throat, sore throat - as a gargle, quickly relieves inflammation and destroys infection;
  • in case of food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, gently restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for washing aseptic and purulent wounds;
  • for conjunctivitis of bacterial and fungal origin in the form of lotions;
  • in gynecology - as part of douching solutions;
  • in case of anemia - to restore normal blood composition.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of monarda have become the reason for its wide popularity in cosmetology. Based on it, decoctions and infusions are prepared, and essential oils are added to complex herbal remedies for skin and hair. This plant will be most effective for treating acne and caring for oily skin, as well as for rinsing hair.

There are several methods of preparation in cosmetology:

  • add a few drops of essential oil to 1 liter of water;
  • pour boiling water over the dry raw materials at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter and leave for several hours;
  • infusion combined with white or blue clay as a face mask.

Another problem that Monarda is used to treat is foot fungus and dandruff (seborrhea). Both of these diseases are caused by a fungal infection, so they can only be controlled with drugs that have a fungicidal effect. The use of conventional moisturizing creams will not bring results, unlike monarda oil and decoction - a powerful natural antiseptic.

Use in cooking

The taste and aroma of fresh monarda has citrus notes. Greens can be eaten fresh or used as a dry seasoning during the cold season. The seasoning is suitable for meat dishes and hot salads. Also, parts of this plant are used to make alcoholic beverages - liqueurs or vermouth.

Fresh monarda greens are an original ingredient for summer snacks and salads. It can also be crushed and used to prepare green borscht. Many people also add it to fruit and berry smoothies, jams, and baked goods. In winter, it is useful to prepare tea with dried monadra leaves and lemon - this combination improves immunity and helps the body in the fight against seasonal immunodeficiencies.

The benefits of essential oil, infusion

Beneficial substances are found in all parts of the plant, including stems, leaves and flowers. They are used to prepare oil industrially. In the process of obtaining it, the flowers are processed by steam distillation.

Monarda essential oil can be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form.

There are oils on sale made from different varieties of the plant:

  • Monarda fistula ether is the most common, has medicinal and antiseptic properties;
  • lemon monarda oil - produced from a variety with bright flowers and a pronounced lemon aroma;
  • essential oil of monarda acupressum - it is also called horsemint;
  • Monarda mint leaf extract - is rarely used, since in high dosages it is toxic to humans.

Essential oils are not used in their pure form. To achieve maximum effect, a few drops of this product per application are sufficient. To prevent allergies or chemical burns, ethers are added to warm water (a couple of drops are enough for 1 liter). As part of cosmetic products, they are combined with natural vegetable oils: olive, almond, coconut, jojoba and others.

An infusion of monarda is another way to extract all the beneficial substances from this plant. 100 g of dried crushed raw materials are placed in a thermos and filled with 1 liter of water. The mixture should be infused for several hours under the lid, after which it can be added to foot baths, rubbed on the face, rinsed hair, or taken orally in small quantities. The infusion will be more concentrated if you leave it overnight and use it the next morning.

Procurement of raw materials from monarda

The plant's homeland is South America and the eastern part of North America. In Europe, it is grown in gardens and greenhouses, and sometimes it can also be found growing wild. The collection of raw materials occurs during the period of mass flowering of the plant. Only adult specimens that have managed to accumulate a large number of useful elements are suitable for this. The stem is cut at a level of 20-30 cm from the ground. Then the flower is crushed together with shoots, leaves and flowers, dried in the sun and stored along with other spices in a dry, dark room.

Contraindications and possible harm

Preparations based on monarda have contraindications. They are mainly associated with the presence of thymol, a strong allergen, in the chemical composition. If, upon contact with the plant, skin itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, or nasal discharge occurs, taking it for medicinal purposes can be dangerous.

In addition, there are a number of other contraindications related to the influence of the plant on the human body:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • high blood pressure;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • renal or liver failure.


Monarda is common in the country's gardens as an ornamental plant, but it deserves special attention due to its taste and medicinal properties. It's more than just decorating your garden. Monarda is a versatile herb that has a variety of health and culinary uses. It has long been used as medicine, spice or tea. You will learn more about this at Pripravkino.ru.

Monarda is a very pretty plant with a wonderful fruity, minty aroma, whose 90-100 cm long stems produce magnificent crown-shaped flowers in mid-to-late summer in various colors, including red, pink and purple. In addition to its decorative qualities, monarda is valued for its culinary and medicinal properties.

All above-ground parts of the plant are edible and are used in cooking as a flavoring, as an additive to tea, and to decorate the finished dish with flowers.

What does a monarda look like - photo

general description

The homeland of monarda is North America and Mexico, but in central Russia it blooms well and abundantly from July to the end of summer with beautiful pink, red, bright crimson and purple flowers.

The genus Monarda has at least 17 species and more than fifty varieties, but the most famous are the fistula, lemon, double and dotted.

Monarda has bright flowers, collected in 20-50 pieces at the top of the branching stem.

The stem is square, grooved and hard, about 90 cm in height. The leaves are distinctly toothed. Thin, dense fibers cover most of the stem and leaves. The roots are short, thin, creeping.

How to get seasoning

Monarda leaves, stems and inflorescences are used as a spice. Most green raw materials rich in essential oils can be obtained during the period of mass flowering of this plant. Monarda does not bloom in the first year of its life, so it begins to be collected in the second year.

How to store and prepare for the winter

To harvest for future use, the branches are cut off during flowering and dried in the shade. They can be ground in a coffee grinder and stored in a tightly closed glass jar.

Chemical composition

The main components of monarda are thymol and carvacrol.

Carvacrol also has an antibacterial effect.

Flavonoids (rutin, hyperoside, quercitrin, luteolin, quercetin) were found in the leaves and flowers of monarda.

Monarda essential oil contains 34 components, the main ones being α-pinene (3.5%), β-pinene (2.9%), α-terpinene (1.7%), p-cymene (32.5), aliphatic aldehyde (6.3%), sabinol hydrate (1.9%), β-caryophyllene (1.1%), carvacrol methyl ester (5.5%), citronellal acetate (1.6%), thymol (12 .6%) and carvacrol (24.0%).

Physiological role

Monarda leaves and flowers have anthelmintic, antimicrobial, diuretic, expectorant, antipyretic and stimulating effects, and also affect:

  • improved digestion;
  • weakening of flatulence;
  • improved appetite;
  • relief of colic;
  • reduction of bloating;
  • reduction of menstrual cramps;
  • reduction of nausea and vomiting.

Health Benefits

Due to its healing properties, monarda is used in the treatment of:

  • salmonellosis and other infections;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • colds;
  • headaches;
  • stomach disorders;
  • fevers and sore throat;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • menstrual pain;
  • insomnia.

Inhalations with this plant help with sore throat and bronchial catarrh (inflammation of the mucous membrane, causing an increased flow of mucus).

With antimicrobial and diaphoretic properties, monarda is useful in fighting colds and flu.

Monarda essential oil, which has proven itself well as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent, helps relieve pain and speed up the healing of small wounds and insect bites. Helps get rid of eczema, psoriasis, herpes and acne.

Before using an essential oil, pre-test for 24 hours on a small area of ​​skin.

Contraindications (harm)

Monarda should not be taken orally if you have problems with the thyroid gland. Contraindicated for pregnant women.

What a smell and taste

Monarda leaves have an aroma similar to a mixture of mint and oregano. It is not sweet like mint, but more spicy. The petals are “softer” in taste and smell.

The dried, crushed leaves have a peppery aroma.

How and how much to store

Monarda loses some of its aroma when dried, but retains its medicinal properties for up to a year. To dry, tie 8-10 stems with an elastic band and hang upside down in a dry, warm, ventilated area.

Store dried monarda in airtight containers in a dark place.

Use in cooking

The unusual aroma of monarda has found application in the kitchen. Here are some ideas:

  • Dried monarda can be sprinkled on pizza and pasta.
  • Fresh leaves are added to pesto sauce, and flower petals are used as a beautiful and aromatic garnish.
  • The mild, slightly minty flavor of monarda greens makes them ideal for making jellies. The apple one is especially delicious.
  • Using dried leaves, you can season lamb and fish.
  • The aroma of fresh monarda is good in fruit and vegetable salads. Add a few leaves to them. You can decorate the finished dish with flowers.
  • The leaves make a pleasant addition to iced tea or lemonade. This would be a great mint replacement.

Before using fresh monarda, rinse the leaves and immerse the flowers in cool water to dislodge any insects that may be hiding in the petals. Then hold under running water, shake off and dry the drops.

Tea with monarda for pleasure and health

If you like Earl Gray tea, then the taste of a hot drink with Monarda will seem very familiar. One of the other names for monarda is “wild bergamot”. They called it that because the taste has citrus notes, similar to real bergamot, which is what Earl Gray is flavored with.

Due to its ability to support the digestive system, monarda tea is useful to drink after meals. This drink is also loved for its calming effect.

How to make tea with monarda:

  1. Place a tablespoon of fresh or one teaspoon of dried monarda leaves in a teapot.
  2. Pour in one glass (250 ml) of boiling water.
  3. Let sit for ten minutes. Sweeten if desired and enjoy.

Monarda is also added to homemade herbal tea to improve the taste.

How to make honey from monarda

Using fresh monarda flowers you can easily make healing honey:

  1. Fill a small jar with flowers.
  2. Pour honey into it, the flowers should be completely immersed and the container filled.
  3. Stir gently with a small spoon to remove any air bubbles.
  4. Seal the jar and let the honey sit for 4-6 weeks. After this period, you can remove the flowers if you wish, or leave them in the honey.

Add honey to warm water or tea, or eat it with a spoon. Thanks to the anesthetic properties of monarda, this honey is very good at soothing a sore throat.

What to substitute in the recipe

Dried monarda leaves can be substituted for oregano, as both have a peppery flavor that is great in stews, bean dishes, pasta and pizza sauce.

Monarda - what is it and what is it eaten with? Video

Monarda is a fantastic example of a combination of beauty, benefits and taste. These are at the same time stunning flowers of different colors, and a delicious cooking ingredient, and medicine. If you want to use monarda, carefully study its medicinal properties, contraindications and methods of use collected in this article.

Bergamot garden monarda benefits and harm

Monarda - benefits, planting and care

Monarda is an ornamental plant, a representative of the Yamnotaceae family. Scientists consider North America to be the birthplace of the flower. After the discovery of America by Columbus, the plant was brought to Spain. Europeans learned about the existence of Monarda from the book of Monardes. The genus was named by Carl Linnaeus in honor of the botanist Nicholas Monardes; he described plants unknown to anyone at that time that were discovered in America; the book was published in 1574. The author described the flower, calling it “Canadian oregano”, as well as “Verginian oregano”. Unfortunately, the strange flower was soon forgotten and only remembered a century later. Monarda began to be grown as an essential oil plant. Its extract began to be added to oral antiseptics.

Monarda is a straight stem with jagged green leaves and small flowers of a light purple hue (see photo).

Monarda herb has a pleasant bergamot scent and is used as a tea substitute.

The Indians prepared a special drink from the leaves of this plant. The English name of this tea is Oswego tea. The drink resembled mint tea; it was used to treat stomach pain and was used as an antipyretic. The Indians also used monarda as a medicine. They used it to heal small wounds as an antiseptic. The tea was used to treat the throat and mouth. The plant contains the substance thymol, which is included in the most modern oral care products. The Indians used the plant's grass as a general tonic and also as a carminative.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, monarda was grown as "bergamot", which is explained by the similarity of its aroma to this citrus plant.

Monarda varieties

There are about 15 varieties of representatives of the Monarda genus, among which there are both annual and perennial specimens. The most famous varieties are:

More than 50 hybrids have been bred based on these varieties. They have a wide palette of shades and a wonderful aroma.

Growing: planting and care

This plant is often grown in flower beds.

Thanks to its rich color palette, monarda will become the highlight of the entire flowerbed, and its unique aroma will attract not only people, but also bees.

Monarda will make the flower garden textured and fragrant. It will look especially beautiful against the background of wormwood, yarrow and other plants. This decorative flower will highlight the beauty of roses of various shades. Monarda can be grown not only in open ground, but also in pots. For example, you can place a flower pot on a sunny terrace. So the magical citrus aroma of monarda will contribute to a pleasant pastime. The plant also attracts butterflies, but repels harmful insects. The greatest decorative effect of the plant is observed during the flowering period.

Monarda prefers fertile soil. It is recommended to select soil for planting that retains moisture well. This is a moisture-loving plant, so regular watering is very important for it. Monarda propagates by seeds, as well as by dividing the bush. Care consists of abundant watering, thinning and fertilizing. Perennial monarda tolerates cold weather well; it is a winter-hardy plant.

Collection and storage

Monarda is collected during flowering, the flowering tops are cut off and dried in the shade, tying them into bunches. Dried stems along with flowers are used to prepare tea drinks, medicines, and flower arrangements.

The beneficial properties of monarda are due to its chemical composition. Monarda is rich in essential oils, vitamins B1, B2, C. Essential oil has bactericidal activity and can be used to prevent acute respiratory diseases. The highest content of essential oil is found in Monarda diphatosa; the Indians used this type of plant for medicinal purposes. They rinsed their mouths with decoctions and treated wounds. In order to disinfect a wound, it is enough to mash a leaf of the plant and apply it to the sore spot or treat the wound with monarda juice. The oil of this plant was used in case of damage to the body by salmonella. Monarda can be used to prepare therapeutic inhalations for ENT diseases.

Use in cooking

In cooking, monarda has found application in the preparation of surprisingly tasty tea drinks. So, just a few leaves of this plant will give the tea a pleasant lemon aroma.

In America, monarda is often used as a seasoning for meat.

The plant has long been valued as a healthy spice; it was added to dishes to improve digestion. It is also customary to add monarda leaves when preserving vegetables: it gives them an original smell and taste.

Benefits of Monarda and treatment

The benefits of this plant have long been known in folk medicine. Monarda is considered one of the best remedies for combating mold. Mold can cause allergic reactions and bronchial asthma. The harm caused by mold is due to the fact that some types produce toxic compounds that disrupt the normal functioning of the body. Immunity and susceptibility to mold can be completely different from person to person, which means the consequences can also be different.

Monarda is a proven remedy that completely suppresses the growth of black mold.

In folk medicine, the plant is also used to prepare medicine for colds and headaches. For this, 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse. Take half a glass of infusion 4 times a day. This infusion is effective for bloating and also as an expectorant. Externally, the infusion is used to disinfect wounds and burns. The plant is recommended for use for vaginitis and cystitis. It is also effective for eczema, pneumonia, psoriasis, anemia, and atherosclerosis.

Monarda oil extract has long been used for medicinal purposes. You can even get it at home; to do this, you need to place the dry plant in a bottle with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, mix the resulting oil and heat it in a water bath to 60 degrees for 2 hours. Filtered oil can be used for a runny nose (a few drops of oil are dropped into the nasal passages), and it can also be used to treat wounds.

Harm of monarda and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Before using Monarda as a medicine, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. The plant is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.



In fields and meadows, in gardens and flower beds, a delicate lilac flower with a subtle citrus scent called monarda grows. Latin name Monarda.

This name unites an entire botanical genus of herbs and belongs to the Lamiaceae family.

The name of this genus was given by the 18th century Swedish naturalist and physician Carl Linnaeus in honor of the 16th century Spanish scientist and physician Nicolas Monardes, who published a work on new plants of America in 1574.

Monarda flower has a subtle citrus aroma

Among the varieties of the genus Monarda there are both annuals and perennials.

Here is a list of the main external characteristics inherent in the entire botanical genus:

  • Stems are straight and branched. Reach up to 15 cm - 150 cm.
  • The leaves are lanceolate and light green in color. The location is opposite. The length reaches from 6 to 15 cm, and the width from 3 to 8 cm. The ends of the leaves are pointed.
  • Basket-shaped inflorescences. They consist of several flower whorls with a diameter of up to 6-7 cm.
  • The flowers are small funnel-shaped tubes. They are painted mainly in lilac, violet, lilac and red. Blooms from June to September.
  • The fruits are double dry nuts.

Ground stems are long and horizontal

Monarda leaves are large, toothed, oblong

Flowers are collected in one or several inflorescence heads, color from lilac to red shades

The fruits are located in the place of the flower in the form of dry nuts

The botanical genus Monarda includes about 20 plant species. Many of them are often used in gardening.

The most popular are:

  • Lemon.
  • Double.
  • Dudchataya.
  • Spot.
  • Dwarf.
  • Fragrant.
  • Average.
  • Russell.
  • Soft.
  • Bradbury.
  • Red.
  • Comb.
  • Absent-minded.

Lemon monarda is often used as an ornamental and spicy plant.

The herb Monarda doublet has a bergamot scent and is used as a tea.

The aerial part of the fistula monarda is used in canning and for marinades.

The origin of this plant is attributed to North America. This flower was brought to Europe by Spanish sailors after Columbus discovered the New World. Thanks to its decorative properties and aroma, it has spread throughout the continent, including our country.

Today, monarda grows almost everywhere

Consuming monarda spice is one of the many uses of this herb.

To make spices from this plant you need:

  • Collect monarda during flowering. It is at this time that its composition contains the maximum content of essential oil.
  • Cut stems no shorter than 25 cm from the soil.
  • Dry and grind.
  • It should be stored, like other spices, in a tightly sealed dry container.

For long-term use, monarda is dried and stored in a tightly closed container.

As with any other medicinal herb, caution should also be exercised when consuming Monarda.

  • If consumed in excess, it may cause adverse reactions.
  • Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Has an age restriction: not allowed for children under 5 years old.
  • It is not recommended to use aroma lamps with Monarda in rooms with small children and pregnant women.

The most characteristic properties of all types of monarda are:

  • Mint-lemon aroma, inherent mainly in the trunks and flowers of the plant.
  • Honey-bearing property, due to which butterflies, bees and even hummingbirds (in those places where they are found) always circle over the flower.
  • The third important quality of monarda, characteristic of the entire genus, is that all flowers contain a huge supply of essential oil. The most meaningful flower in this regard is Monarda didyma.

The monarda flower has an alluring aroma for insects and even hummingbirds

These flowers are primarily used to extract essential oil.

Monarda oil has the following medicinal properties:

  • It is used as a bactericidal and antiviral agent.
  • It is used as a panacea for various types of inflammation.
  • Monarda oil is an immunomodulatory tool.
  • Has strong antioxidant properties.
  • It is an antisclerotic and desensitizing agent.
  • An effective antispasmodic agent.
  • Another important quality is radioprotective.
  • Helps with depression and stress.
  • It is an adaptogenic tool.
  • Recommended for people with anemia.
  • And finally, this is one of the best anti-carcinogenic agents.

Monarda oil helps with various diseases, especially good for depression

If necessary and desired, monarda oil extract can be made at home. This extract is useful during a runny nose and is suitable as a bactericidal agent for treating injuries and wounds.

To make this extract:

  1. Mix any purified vegetable oil and dried parts of the monarda flower in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Prepare a water bath and keep the oil mixture in it for a couple of hours.
  3. Then cool and strain. The healing oil mixture is ready.

Many of the healing qualities of monarda essential oil can be observed in other herbal oils. For example, tea tree oil has similar healing properties and is also widely used in cosmetology. The aromatic and healing properties of lavender and clove oil are also similar to those of bee balm oil. However, only this oil can normalize the level of oxygen in the body's cells.

Monarda oil is a remedy unique in its medicinal properties:

  • This is the first and last scientifically proven oil that can treat radiation sickness and protect against radiation. People with radiation sickness are recommended to drink teas with bee balm oil.
  • This tea also helps people with cancer after chemotherapy.

However, only a doctor can prescribe this tea to such people.

Monarda oil is widely used in cosmetology.

Monarda oil is also used in the following cases:

  • During acute respiratory diseases and bronchial asthma as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. You can treat yourself with aromatherapy, adding drops of oil to aroma lamps, or through inhalation.
  • To enhance the effect of antibiotics and speed up the healing process. To increase the effect of aroma lamps, you can add eucalyptus oil. For aroma lamps, a drop of monarda oil per 15 square meters will be enough. Please note that aroma lamps with monarda oil are contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 5-6 years of age.
  • For the treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers and even fractures. A mixture of oils helps with broken bones. To make it you need 10 ml. wheat germ oil, 5 drops of monard oil and 2 drops of lavender oil. The fracture site should be smeared with this mixture or a compress should be made from it. For wounds, you need to mix a teaspoon of vodka with five drops of monard oil and wash the wound several times during the day.
  • To get rid of worms. To do this, just mix 1 ml of glycerin oil and two drops of monarda oil. Smear and rub them into your stomach.
  • From foot fungi. To do this, mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil with monardova. 5 drops will be enough. Apply to problem areas of your feet and put on socks. Do not remove for 2-3 hours.

Monarda oil is an excellent remedy against worms, foot fungi, as well as for fractures, burns, and ulcers.

Monard oil can also be used:

  • As an effective rejuvenating agent. Thanks to its composition, it is able to quickly renew the body’s cells and slow down the aging process. As an anti-aging remedy, it is ideal to massage with monarda oil, or add it to face and body creams. To enhance the effect, you can add rose and lime oils.
  • For oily and dry skin. It normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and eliminates acne. Add a few drops of oil to facial toners and lotions and you will see the effect.
  • This is an excellent tonic, a source of strength and vigor. Helps with chronic fatigue. To restore strength and energy, massage all parts of the body with monarda oil.
  • On the farm for the destruction of mold. To get rid of black mold in living areas, which is often observed in damp houses, dilute 15 drops of oil with 1 liter of water. Treat the premises with a sprayer containing this liquid at least once a week.

Monarda essential oil can not only care for and rejuvenate the skin, but also be used in the household, for example, against mold

In the kitchen, Monarda can be used as:

  • Preservative in pickles, preserves, jams and when preserving vegetables in pantries;
  • Greens in salads.
  • Add to soups and main courses.
  • Brew teas and make soft drinks (cocktails).

Let's look at several recipes for using monarda in the kitchen.

For tea you will need: crushed Oswego tea leaves and inflorescences, boiling water. Pour 2 teaspoons of monarda into 250 ml of boiling water. Do not touch for about half an hour. Strain and drink 60 ml for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Monarda gives tea the aroma of lemon and bergamot

Ingredients for spring salad:

  • 50 grams of fresh soft lemon balm branches with leaves;
  • 50 grams of green onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • 20 grams of sour cream,
  • a pinch of salt.

Wash the branches and onions. Cut into small pieces. Add salt. Cut the egg into slices. Transfer the egg onto the previously chopped onion and monarda. Pour sour cream over the salad and serve.

As a dressing, Monarda can be added a few minutes (15 to 20 minutes) before the end of cooking. For borscht and cabbage soup, you can add 20-30 grams of monarda, both fresh and dry. Branches with leaves, stems and inflorescences of the plant are also suitable for this.


  • 4 cups buttermilk,
  • 1 teaspoon monarda
  • 1 glass of water

Dilute the buttermilk with water. Add monarda powder. Shake and let sit for 10-15 minutes in a cool place. This cocktail can be drunk as a soft drink, such as kvass.

To make monarda jam, you first need to boil the sugar syrup. The syrup should be at least 3 liters and not very thick. Take about 10 grams of fresh bee balm leaves and flowers, chop and add to sugar syrup. Boil and keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Take a few apples, wash and cut into slices. Add 3 cups of chopped apples to the syrup and cook for a while until the desired consistency is achieved.

The healing properties of monarda have been known since ancient times.

It can be used for:

  • Cystitis, vaginitis;
  • acute respiratory diseases, runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media;
  • various flus and pneumonia;
  • fungal diseases of the skin of the extremities, eczema, psoriasis;
  • pustular skin diseases (scabs);
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stress;
  • anemia, hypoxia;
  • radiation sickness.

In addition, it improves digestion, kills bacteria, and rejuvenates. Due to its ability to oxidize, it reduces the high oxygen content in cells.

Monarda is effective for respiratory and fungal diseases and is good for anemia and stress

Below is a recipe for using bee balm essential oil for dermatitis and childhood laryngotracheitis:

To treat dermatitis, mix 0.001 liters of monarda oil, 0.002 liters of laurel oil, 0.001 liters of geranium oil and 0.0065 liters of nut oil. Apply to problem areas at least 4 times a day until recovery.

With monarda essential oil you can prepare nasal drops for childhood laryngotracheitis. To do this, you need to take 5 drops each of monarda oil, Patagonian pine, spruce and one drop of eucalyptus oil. Add 30 ml of hazelnut oil. Rinse your nose with sea salt solution and drop 2 drops into each nostril. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day until recovery.

Bee balm flowers have also found application in the household:

  • It is placed along with vegetables so that they are better stored in the pantry.
  • The smoke of a burnt dry plant is used to fumigate fruit trees against aphids.
  • It is used to spray cabbage against caterpillars.

Monarda is used to spray cabbage and repel insects

Monarda is a very ornamental plant. Based on the species discussed above, about 50 varieties and hybrids have been bred. They all differ mainly in their color.

Let's consider several groups of varieties:

In the USA, Great Britain and Germany, perennial varieties of monarda with a height of about 100 cm have been created with double and hollow monarda.

Dwarf varieties of monarda with red flowers: “Cambridge Scarlet”, “Adam”, “Mahodzhin”, “Cardinal”, “Steppe Blush”, “Sunset”, “Balance”, “Indian”, “Little Delight”. Since the varieties were bred abroad, there may be other translations of the names of the same varieties. Reach no more than 20-30 cm in height. Among them, “Squaw” (“Indian”) is the most frost-hardy variety.

Varieties “Fishez”, “Croftway Pink”, “Rouse Queen”, “Cratli Pink” have pink flowers.

Popular purple varieties of monarda: “Sinta-sinta”, “Pony” (pale purple); "Blaustrumpf" and "Blue Stocking" (violet-purple). The Pony variety is the highest. Reaches up to 180 cm.

Monarda variety Cardinal is a dwarf species

Monarda Snow white has white flowers

Monarda variety balance also belongs to dwarf varieties no higher than 20 cm

  • There are also burgundy monarda flowers: “Burgundy Moldova”, “Prerinakht”.
  • Hybrids with white coloring: “Snow White”, “Schniewitchen”, “Snow Maiden”.
  • There is a variety with lavender flowers: “Elsiez Lavande”.
  • And finally, varieties with purple flowers: “Capricorn” - 90 cm, reddish-purple.
  • There is a variety called “Lambada”, which is grown for 1 year.

Bee balm is a rather unpretentious plant; it can bloom in places under the sun and in slightly shaded places. However, it is sensitive to the characteristics and content of the soil. Prefers slightly acidic and not very wet soil. They grow for 1 or more years. It can reproduce by roots once every three to four years in spring and autumn.

The stages of lemon balm cultivation include proper planting, fertilizing, loosening, watering, fertilizing, cutting and covering in winter:

  • Can be planted in gardens, vegetable gardens, flower beds and borders. Many designers love this plant for its ability to decorate partial shade areas.
  • When planting, fertilizing with nitrophus and lignohumate should be carried out.
  • And after flowering, fertilize with superphosphate and calcium sulfate.
  • To prolong flowering, remove faded flower heads.
  • In winter, cut off all above-ground parts. And the roots are able to survive the winter and grow the above-ground part again in the spring.

In order for the monarda to delight you with its flowering, it must be fed and the faded tops removed

Monarda is susceptible to fungal diseases, especially Puccinia rnenthae. When flowers grown for bouquets and decorations are affected, preparations with copper are used. And for flowers grown for subsequent consumption as food additives, it is advisable to treat them with infusions of onions and tansy, garlic infusion and tomato tops. May be affected by powdery mildew, which may indicate overfertilization above normal and dry soil.

If you grow monarda as a food additive, you should not treat it with chemicals

Monarda is good in the garden, but it should be protected from fungal diseases

Don’t forget to water the monarda more often, then its flowers will delight you longer


Monarda: its medicinal properties and contraindications

Monarda is one of the herbaceous plants whose healing properties were known in ancient times. The flower was often used as a medicine, and was also added to food as a spice. Monarda emigrated to our country in the 19th century, and for a long time had a decorative purpose. Today the plant is widely used to treat various ailments, strengthen the immune system, and solve cosmetic problems. Let's take a closer look at the useful plant.

Description, history, varieties

The flower belongs to the Lamiaceae family and grows in fields and meadows. The plant was given wide popularity and its name by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus. Monarda was named in honor of Nicholas Monardes, who in the 16th century wrote a work on new flowers and plants of America.

Monarda has the following appearance: straight stems, lance-shaped leaves of light green color, basket-shaped inflorescences, flowers presented in the form of funnel-shaped tubes, can be painted in various shades of lilac. The plant bears fruit in the form of dry nuts.

Today there are about 20 plant varieties, including both perennial and annual flowers. The most popular are the following:

  • Monarda doublet - distributed in America, Asia, and Europe. It is a perennial plant type;
  • Monarda fistula - has a special pronounced citrus aroma. The flower is not only decorative, but also medicinal;
  • lemon monarda - also has a pronounced citrus aroma, which is reflected in the name of the plant. Blooms well in bright places;
  • dwarf monarda - in most cases used for the production of spices.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

The plant is a real storehouse of useful substances; it contains healing essential oils, biologically active compounds, and groups of vitamins. Thanks to this, the flower has a wide range of beneficial properties:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • antiviral effect;
  • immunomodulatory effect;
  • antioxidant properties;
  • anti-sclerotic agent;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • radioprotective effect;
  • eliminates depressed emotional state, helps fight depression;
  • anticarcinogenic agent.

Depending on the purpose, monarda can be used in dry form, in the form of a decoction, or in the form of essential oil. Monarda oil is a remedy that can fight radiation sickness and protect the body from radiation effects. Eating the plant also helps people restore their body after chemotherapy.

Areas of application of the flower

In most cases, the plant is used to treat respiratory diseases. Monarda has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates the symptoms of the disease, and accelerates recovery. In this case, treatment occurs through inhalation or aromatherapy.

The flower accelerates regeneration processes in the body, which is why it is used for burns, ulcers and fractures. The wounds must be washed with drops of oil, and compresses are applied to the fractures.

Monarda is widely known as an anthelmintic. Apply the oil to your stomach and rub in well. This will get rid of worms. The plant will also be effective in the fight against foot fungus.

Other uses:

  • mouth rinse to treat inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of eating disorders;
  • treatment of abscesses;
  • eye wash;
  • elimination of inflammation in gynecological ailments;
  • elimination of bacterial diseases of the feet;
  • with pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • to eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome - an excellent tonic, allows you to restore vigor and strength.

The flower can also be useful in everyday matters. A solution of plant oil with water can effectively combat mold, a common problem in living spaces with high humidity.

The flower is also widely used in cosmetology. It has been scientifically proven that monarda inhibits the aging process and rejuvenates the body's cells. Therefore, the flower has become a frequent ingredient in masks, creams and tonics. The oil can be used to care for the entire body. It is often applied during massage.

Monarda is effective in combating problem skin. Using the plant allows you to eliminate pimples, acne, narrow pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.


The flower has a lot of useful properties and is safe. However, as with other types of herb, care must be taken with the dosage of monarda and how it is used. Side effects may occur when taking large doses. Use by pregnant women is not recommended, since the effect of the herb on the body of the expectant mother has not yet been fully studied. Don't give weed to small children.

Healthy recipes

In cooking, the herb is most often used in dry form. It is added as an ingredient for pickles and preservation, used as greens for salads, and added to teas. To prepare a hot drink, you need to chop the inflorescences and leaves of the plant, add lemon and mint, pour boiling water and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

Monarda can be used as a dressing for first courses. Leaves, stems and even inflorescences of the plant are suitable for this. The flower can also be used dry.

The plant fits well into light salad recipes. For example, spring salad: lemon balm branches with leaves, green onions, sour cream, boiled eggs, monarda leaves. The ingredients are crushed and mixed together. Monarda along with green onions is sprinkled on top.

In the summer, a buttermilk cocktail will be a healthy and extremely tasty cocktail. To do this, dilute 4 cups of buttermilk with one glass of water, add a tablespoon of chopped herbs, and you can add vanillin to taste. Shake the contents and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Use in medicine - simple recipes

  • for foot fungus - apply the plant oil to a cotton swab and make a compress on the affected area. Wash off after an hour;
  • for wound healing - pour boiling water over 100 g of chopped herb, let it brew, strain. Apply the liquid to areas near the wounds. The boiled pulp should not be thrown away; it can be applied to a bandage and applied to the wound;
  • to relieve stress - pour a tablespoon of the herb into a glass of boiling water, let it brew, take a spoonful before meals;
  • for colds - pour boiling water over the crushed flowers and leaves of the plant and inhale;
  • for problem skin – dilute 15 drops of oil in 500 mg of warm water and wipe your face.

We looked at the beneficial properties and contraindications of monarda, and finally, interesting facts about the plant:

  • Monarda and bergamot have similar scents, so they are often confused with each other. Although the flowers are not similar in appearance;
  • Monarda was often used among Indian tribes. Teas were made from it and added to food. The Indians noticed its positive effect on the body and actively used it in cooking;
  • Monarda has a lot of names - lemon balm, fragrant balm, Indian feather, Oswego tea, American lemon balm;
  • The root of the plant releases essential oil, which repels underground pests. Therefore, the plant is often planted in their gardens and vegetable gardens near other crops.


Composition and beneficial properties of monarda, variety of uses and contraindications

Monarda is a fragrant spice, a plant of the Lamiaceae family. Its homeland is North America.

Monarda has long been used as a seasoning and medicine. By the 19th century, this herb became known throughout the world as bergamot, American lemon balm, and lemon balm.

Bergamot grass is an annual or perennial plant up to one and a half meters high. The leaves of the plant are oblong-lanceolate, straight toothed, fragrant. Monarda bergamot flowers are small and come in different colors: white, red, purple, yellow, and speckled. They gather in inflorescences 6-7 cm in diameter.

Monarda attracts people with its bright colors and amazing aromas. It is used as a spice in cooking, added to tea, and used in folk medicine.

Chemical composition of monarda

Monarda is an essential oil plant. Accordingly, the main biologically active component of the plant is essential oils. Thanks to them, monarda exudes a characteristic aroma. The plant is also rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, it synthesizes amino acids, bitterness, bioflavonoids, tannins, cellulose, and pectins.

Monarda essential oil contains about 40 components, 16 of which are essential. Most samples of monarda essential oil contain carvacol and thymol as the main element.

In different plant species their content ranges from 41% to 85%. Monarda essential oil also contains a high content of sabinene, terpinene, cymene, thujene, borneol, thujol, linalool, myrcene, and cineole. Within plant species, forms are distinguished that can differ greatly in oil composition.

The healing properties of monarda are provided by its chemical composition. The most valuable product obtained from this plant is essential oil, which has a broad-spectrum bactericidal effect. Also, monarda essential oil has antioxidant, reproductive, antianemic, immunomodulatory, and radioprotective properties.

The anti-stress properties of monarda are well known. With constant fatigue, the use of this plant affects the central nervous system, its tone increases, vigor appears, and strength is restored.

The properties of the monarda plant are used to accelerate healing processes for eczema, burns, bronchial asthma, and salmonellosis. Fights viruses, fungi, mycoplasmas.

Monarda has medicinal properties that help fight helminths. Thymol contained in the plant has an anthelmintic effect. But the plant is used in conjunction with other means to combat this problem. Monarda also activates the action of antibiotics, which allows you to reduce the amount of their use.

The use of monarda in folk medicine

The use of monarda is popular in folk medicine. A positive effect is observed in diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, problems of the central nervous system, gynecological diseases, and fungal infections.

The presence of a large number of biologically active components makes it possible to use Monarda in homeopathy. In this area, it is used exclusively in fresh form. Plant extracts have a pronounced antimicrobial effect and have a positive effect on digestive processes.

The use of monarda decoctions helps stimulate the immune system. This remedy is used for colds and for their prevention. Monarda can be brewed into tea.

For conjunctivitis, eye rinsing with Monarda is indicated. You can also wash any wounds on the body and apply lotions to them, which speeds up their healing.

For diseases of the mouth, gums, and throat, monarda tincture is used. Rinsing with tincture promotes rapid recovery and healing of wounds and ulcers on the mucous membranes. It is useful to gargle with Monarda for sore throats.

For inflammatory gynecological diseases, douching is used. There are also medications containing monarda prescribed for this type of disease.

Regular consumption of monarda helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and helps normalize cell activity. There is a gradual cleansing of the aorta and blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques.

Application in cosmetology

Monarda is used in cosmetology in the form of essential oil and decoctions. The problem of teenage acne, acne and other skin diseases, including foot fungus, can also be solved by external use of decoctions and tinctures containing monarda. Effectively used to eliminate oily scalp problems and treat seborrhea.

Masks are prepared from a decoction of the plant with the addition of blue or white clay. To prepare the decoction, you will need 2 tablespoons of raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 10 hours in a thermos. This decoction is suitable for washing to stop inflammatory processes in the pores of the skin.

Monarda oil is also used to delay old age. Regular massages using this oil renew cells and slow down the aging process.

Monarda is added to creams, skin care products after exposure to the sun, and in anti-aging lines. The use of products with this component tones the skin.

How is bergamot used in cooking?

The use of monarda flourishes not only in folk medicine and cosmetology. This herb is also often used in cooking, but is more often called bergamot.

The leaves, flowers and shoots of monarda have a tart, pleasant aroma. It is used in culinary recipes in fresh and dried form.

Examples of using bergamot monarda in cooking:

In sweet dishes, bergamot is combined with lemon balm, cinnamon, cloves, and orange zest.

Procurement of raw materials from monarda

The raw material for medicines and culinary dishes is the above-ground part of the plant. The most favorable period for harvesting is the beginning of flowering. It is at this time that the plant has the highest concentration of essential oils.

The cut grass is dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated area. Thick, coarse stems can be immediately removed, which will facilitate further preparation of infusions and collections. The raw materials should not be crushed too much, as this can damage the essential oil glands. If this happens, the essential oil will evaporate, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the raw material.

Important! The amount of essential oil and the ratio of components in it may vary depending on the growing conditions, variety, and time of collection. Also, the component composition of monarda essential oils can vary significantly even among the descendants of the same plant.

Contraindications for use

Monarda is one of the most useful plants. However, if used in excess, it can provoke a negative reaction in the body.

Contraindications to the use of monarda:

  • individual intolerance to the plant;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 5 years.
You should not use essential oil in an aroma lamp in a room with pregnant women or small children.

Monarda is beneficial in many areas of cosmetology and medicine. But do not forget about safety rules, and before use you need to make sure that the components of the plant are well tolerated.

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This plant has many benefits, which will be discussed in detail in this article, but you will have to take into account that the medicinal plant has its own side effects and contraindications, for this reason you will have to be very careful when taking tinctures and oils from this herb.

What are the beneficial properties of a medicinal plant?

Monarda is known to have, for this reason it is so important to learn a little more about the action and composition of the plant. If you look at the composition of the plant, you can see in it a useful and quite strong substance called thymol; it has a high antiseptic effect. Some compare the plant with ordinary ginger root, but in fact, monarda is distinguished by its less warming properties, for this reason it can be taken by those patients for whom ginger tinctures are strictly contraindicated.

Today it is not uncommon to see this plant in special herbal collections; it is so necessary in preparations, as it helps with various diseases. Patients should know that monarda is part of medicinal preparations that fight inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, that is, on the mucous membranes; in this case, rinsing is used; this tincture also helps greatly during a sore throat. Special tinctures are used for washing when a person suffers from acne and inflammatory skin rashes; these tinctures are often used for bacterial diseases of the skin, for example, if the patient has been diagnosed with foot fungus.

If the patient has been poisoned, he has diarrhea and diarrhea that occurred after eating bad food, it is worth using tinctures with this herb to improve the condition. It is also not uncommon for the product to be used for washing shallow wounds, as well as for lotions, since the solution has an antiseptic effect; you can use the product for an ingrown toenail, as well as if inflammation and suppuration have occurred on the finger for this reason.

Since monarda has medicinal properties and contraindications, you should use this medicinal product with caution to treat wounds on the skin, since the tincture can cause an allergic reaction, which will only intensify the symptoms of the disease. Solutions from the plant can be used for washing hair to get rid of itching and, since the medicine has antiseptic properties, it is used to wash the eyes during exacerbation of conjunctivitis. Girls often use tinctures for gynecological diseases; in this case, it is important to use tinctures for douching.

Since monarda has medicinal properties and contraindications, you should be especially careful when using oil from this herb, since the substances in it reach the highest concentration. If you need to use tinctures or oils for cosmetic purposes, cosmetologists recommend testing for an allergic reaction. Only after this can you create a tincture or solution for washing problem skin, as well as for rinsing hair to get rid of dandruff.

In some cases, there are even masks that contain this medicinal plant; most often, two spoons of this herb are poured into a glass of hot boiled water, and then left in a thermos for further infusion, the tincture must be infused for at least ten hours, and the solution must be infused white or blue cosmetic clay is added. Such masks are used for deep cleansing of the skin, as well as to get rid of acne and rashes on the skin of the face and neck.

All parts of the plant contain a fairly large amount of useful vitamin C, and vitamins B1 and B2 are also not found in such large quantities. Thanks to this useful composition, monarda is used as a special remedy for boosting immunity, which acts quite gently. To carry out prevention during the period of colds, medicinal plants are added to tea, and good tinctures are also prepared from it; it is ideal to use the plant together with tea leaves. To prepare the drink, you need to take one large spoon of dried herb and put it in a teapot, add a couple more spoons of regular black or green tea, and then pour boiled hot water into the drink.

It is worth saying that monarda has medicinal properties and contraindications, but this is not so important if you need to use the plants for domestic purposes, for example, the plant perfectly fights small pests, these can be ordinary bed bugs or cockroaches, you just need to spread out the dried grass in areas of the house where insects are believed to live. Well, if you want to cleanse your home of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, you can use concentrated essential oil; you just need to add such oil to aroma lamps and warm it up a little.

Oils are added to water when taking a warm bath, this helps to relax, improve blood circulation in the vessels, and the product also has an antiseptic effect, for this reason baths help with skin diseases, for example, in the early stages of dermatitis. But in order for the oil to dissolve in water, it must first be poured into a fatty liquid; plain milk or heavy cream will do. Still, it is worth considering that monarda has medicinal properties and contraindications; it is the harm that is worth talking about further.

Is there any health hazard from the plant?

Monarda has medicinal properties and contraindications; the preparation of oil and tinctures must be carried out strictly according to the recipe, since incorrect dosage also leads to side effects. This medicinal plant, like any other, has a number of contraindications, and it can also have side effects on human health; if any of the above suddenly begins to manifest itself, the patient will have to immediately stop taking the drug.

It is not uncommon for patients to experience an allergic reaction upon contact with such a herbal preparation, this is due to the fact that monarda is grown only by a few gardeners and gardeners, the body is not accustomed to such a combination of substances, for this reason an allergy may occur. Most often, the reaction is not too pronounced; it may be a simple mild rash and itching on the skin, although in some cases there is swelling in the laryngeal area. But allergies can be caused not only by taking medicine, but also by inhaling essential oils that are released during the flowering period of plants.

As already mentioned, Monarda has medicinal properties and contraindications (photo), for this reason it is worth remembering that this medicine should not be used for high blood pressure. It is not recommended to use the tincture if a person has stomach or intestinal diseases, since the substances in the plant can aggravate the situation, the same applies to kidney diseases and liver diseases. If we talk about gynecology, today the benefits of the plant have not been proven in any way, yet gynecologists say that it is better to purchase cheaper analogues of suppositories for treatment than to use the douching procedure.

Ladies often use tincture for douching to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms, for example, during the period, it is worth knowing that absolutely any washing of the mucous membranes helps relieve itching and eliminate discharge, even if douching is done with plain water. This method of treating symptoms will not give a positive result, since the disease itself will not be cured. When this medicine is used as prescribed by a gynecologist, it will be beneficial, but if the lady prescribes the procedure for herself, you should not count on its effectiveness, since no diagnostics have been carried out. Using the product can only lead to a worsening of the health situation.

Such tinctures are often used for rinsing the mouth, but as dentists say, monarda may not always have the right effect. Of course, the plant is a wonderful antiseptic, but this does not mean that it can cure inflammatory processes in the mouth or caries. The use of tinctures for these purposes is allowed only after treatment or for preventive purposes; rinsing the mouth is also allowed before visiting the dentist.

It is worth considering other contraindications to the use of such a useful remedy, for example, pregnant women should refrain from this method of treatment, since the effect of substances from the drug on the fetus has not yet been studied. It is also not recommended to start treatment during breastfeeding; the substances will pass through the mother’s milk into the baby’s body, which can cause a severe allergic reaction, and children under three years old should not be given tinctures or solutions of essential oils.