Home / Recipes / Red fish baked in the oven with potatoes. How delicious to bake fish and potatoes in the oven

Red fish baked in the oven with potatoes. How delicious to bake fish and potatoes in the oven

Fish is useful at any age. It is rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements. Fish protein is absorbed by the body faster and easier than meat protein. Marine is distinguished by a high content of omega fatty acids, iodine, but is inferior to river species in terms of protein content. It is advisable to eat the product at least once a week.

I will share recipes for some fish dishes baked in the oven. But first, a few words about calories. The lowest calorie is pollock, in 100 grams there are only 70 kcal. The most high-calorie is large saury, containing 262 kcal. The fish used in recipes has an energy value per 100 grams:

  • Cod - 75 kcal;
  • Pike perch - 83 kcal;
  • Carp - 96 kcal;
  • Salmon - 219 kcal.

General principles of preparation

River fish differs from other species in the specific smell of mud. There are several ways to get rid of it:

  1. Place the cleaned fish in a deep container. Take a few bay leaves, break into quarters and sprinkle on top. Soak in cold water for an hour. After the time has elapsed, drain the liquid and start cooking.
  2. The unpleasant smell will disappear if you put the fish in a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and one liter of cold water for an hour.
  3. Traditionally, river fish is baked whole at home, laid on a potato vegetable pillow, or tubers cut into two halves are laid out around.
  4. Add spices to the dish: marjoram, bay leaf, turmeric, coriander. Use fresh onions, parsley, celery.
  5. Whole bake without sauce, with the addition of oil. To improve the taste and give an appetizing look, grease the carcass with mayonnaise, sour cream or milk sauce.

Classic pollock with potatoes

Simple and budget friendly recipe. It is prepared quickly from available products. Option for dinner or Sunday lunch.


  • Frozen pollock - 1 kilogram;
  • Medium potatoes - 15 pieces;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Mayonnaise - 300 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice - a teaspoon;
  • Parsley greens - a small bunch;
  • Salt pepper.

How to cook:

Rinse the pre-thawed pollock, remove the bones, separate the fillets. Don't take off your skin. Pour 2 tablespoons of oil, lemon juice into a bowl. Add salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley, mix. Lay out the portions of the fillet and roll in the sauce so that each one is soaked. Cover with a lid and leave to prepare the potatoes.

Peel the potatoes, cut into strips, put on a baking sheet previously greased with vegetable oil. Sprinkle chopped onion on top, lightly salt, pepper, mix. Coat the potato wedges completely with oil so they don't dry out.

Spread the vegetables in an even layer on the baking sheet. Put the marinated fish fillet skin side up on top, pour over with mayonnaise. Bake until potatoes are done.

Video recipe

Cod baked with potatoes

I offer a delicate dish with a creamy taste, which can be served as a diet.


  • Cod fillet - 500 grams;
  • Large potatoes - 7 pieces;
  • Fatty cream - one and a half glasses;
  • Cheese - 150 grams;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs.


Put the washed fillet on a paper towel. Let dry and cut into small pieces. Send to a bowl, sprinkle with salt, pepper, mix and cover with cling film.

Cut the peeled potatoes into circles, boil until half cooked in salted water.

Put the boiled potatoes in a form greased with vegetable oil, spread the fillet on top. Pour cream over everything, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Bake until done and browned. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Videos cooking

fish casserole

For the dish, fillet of river fish without small bones is suitable: catfish, pike perch, river trout. Carp, crucian carp and carp bake whole.


  • 1 kilogram of river fish fillet;
  • 1.5 kilograms of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 250 grams of sour cream;
  • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • Three bay leaves;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • A teaspoon of coriander.


Disassemble the fillet, remove the bones, cut into large pieces. Marinate: Sprinkle with salt, pepper, coriander, drizzle with oil and leave at room temperature, covered.

Now let's get to the vegetables. Coarsely grate the carrots, cut the onion into thin rings, peeled potatoes into circles, sprinkle with salt and mix.

Pour vegetable oil on the bottom of the mold, lay out vegetables and fillets in layers: potatoes, carrots, onions, marinated fillets, finely chopped parsley and again a layer of potatoes. Cover the form with foil, put in a preheated oven for twenty minutes.

Dilute sour cream with water to a liquid consistency and bring to the desired taste, adding pepper and salt. After twenty minutes, pour the sauce over the potatoes, add a bay leaf, cover with foil or a lid. Cook for another hour and a half.

Simple and quick recipe with carp


  • Carp carp;
  • 8 potato tubers;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 5 tablespoons vegetable oil.


Rinse the cleaned carp under running water, remove excess moisture with a paper towel. Make cross cuts on both sides. Salt the carcass well, pepper and refrigerate for twenty minutes.

Cut the peeled potatoes into four parts, salt, add pepper and oil. Mix well.

Pour a small amount of oil into the mold, grease the carp with mayonnaise, put in the mold. Place the onion cut into rings in the abdomen and insert into the cuts. Spread potatoes around.

Bake carp for one hour in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Cooking juicy red fish

Sometimes you want to pamper your family with something tasty, but sometimes, there is not enough time and energy. In this case, I offer a recipe for baked red fish with potatoes.


  • 0.5 kilograms of red fish fillet;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 medium sized tomatoes;
  • 120 grams of cheese;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream.


Cut the fillet into portions, put on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment and greased with refined oil. Salt and pepper the fillet. While you are working on the sauce and potatoes, the fish will be partially salted.

Prepare the sauce. Finely chop the tomatoes, rub the cheese on a fine grater, squeeze the garlic through a press. Add sour cream, mayonnaise to the prepared products, mix everything well. Salt a little.

Coarsely chop the peeled potatoes, salt, put around the fillet. Spread the sauce over the top.

Bake for forty minutes.

  • When buying fresh fish, pay attention to the gills. In a recently caught individual, they are bright red. If the catch is old, the gills will be whitish, cloudy, with a brownish tint.
  • When choosing frozen fish, pay attention to appearance. If it is of good quality and has not been defrosted before, then the carcass is even, of a normal color, without yellowness, covered with frost.
  • Clean the fish from scales with a fork, immersing the carcass in a basin of water.
  • To get rid of bitterness when bile gets in, wipe the place with salt and rinse with cold water.
  • To defrost, put the fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Do not use microwave or hot water.
  • For baking, use foil or a cooking sleeve so that the meat is steamed better and not dry.
  • If you hold red fish in lemon juice for 10 minutes before cooking, it will turn out more juicy.

Russian cuisine has long been distinguished by a variety of fish dishes, since on the territory of a huge state there have always been many large and small reservoirs abounding in fish. Another reason for this diversity was the large number of fasts devoutly observed by Orthodox Christians, during which meat dishes were strictly prohibited, and the use of fish was allowed by the canons of the Orthodox Church.

Speaking about fish dishes, one feature that characterizes Russian national cuisine should be noted: ordinary peasants rarely fried fish. Most often it was allowed, boiled and baked. The reason for this is the design features of the Russian oven, which in those days was used to cook all dishes.

Much has changed since then: Russian stoves can now only be found in the Russian outback, rarely anyone observes fasts, but the tradition of baking fish has remained. Dishes baked in the oven are less fatty, and therefore more healthy.

Pollock in the oven with potatoes

For this appetizing and satisfying dish, any fish is suitable (for example, mackerel with potatoes in the oven will be delicious), which can be found in the refrigerator or brought from the market, but we would like to recommend pollock.

With skillful preparation, this fish will have a delicate taste, and the absence of excess fat in it will make the dish a diet food product.

In order to save pollock from its specific smell and give it a piquant taste, it is enough to hold it in lemon juice for a little.

This dish can be safely served on the table during a family dinner, as it will appeal to both older family members and kids.


  • Pollock - 1.5 kg.
  • Potato - 2 kg.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 ml.
  • Sour cream - 150 ml.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Onions - 2 heads.
  • One large carrot.
  • Seasoning for fish, ground pepper and salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

In the same way, pike can be cooked in the oven with potatoes. So that it does not turn out to be dry, it is advisable to cover the form with the dish with a lid. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the lid so that the dish acquires a beautiful golden crust.

Trout with potatoes in the oven

Trout can be cooked in many different ways. One of them is baking in foil. Tender trout meat is cooked quickly and easily, and served with a glass of chilled white wine.

Transferring the cooked fish to a beautiful dish, it is served along with the foil in which it was cooked (only the side and upper edges of the foil are removed).


  • Kilogram carcass of trout.
  • Potato - 500 g.
  • Spices for fish.
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We take a medium-sized trout carcass, free it from fins and entrails, wash it thoroughly and dry it using a paper towel.
  2. We flatten the fish into halves and put them on a sheet of foil.
  3. Mix the garlic cloves passed through the press with spices and salt. With this composition, we thoroughly lubricate the fish from all sides.
  4. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into thin slices and mix with a spoonful of mayonnaise.
  5. We spread the potatoes on the prepared fish, imitating large scales. Lay the rest of the potatoes next to the fish. We wrap the edges of the foil.
  6. Bake the trout in a well-heated oven until tender.

This dish will amaze everyone at the table not only with its exquisite taste and delicate aroma emitted by fish due to the use of spices. Beautifully laid out potato slices imitating scales will give it an unusual decorative effect, so it can also decorate a festive table. Similarly, flounder can be cooked in the oven with potatoes.

Cod with potatoes in the oven

This recipe can be successfully applied to both marine (for example, tilapia in the oven with potatoes will be very good) and river fish. River fish is very tasty, but endowed with a very significant drawback: it has a lot of small bones.

In order to at least slightly facilitate the process of removing the bones from an already cooked dish, you can resort to a very simple trick: during cooking, you just need to cut the skin along the ridge of the fish.

Thanks to this little trick, the smallest bones will not only become softer, but will also come out on their own. The process of extracting them from cooked fish is not difficult.

This recipe can be used if it is supposed that perch with potatoes in the oven will be served at the table.


  • Three small cod.
  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Mayonnaise (it will be better if you make it yourself) - 200 ml.
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves.
  • Spices - 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt and pepper - at the discretion of the hostess.

Carp with potatoes in the oven, prepared according to this recipe, is a dish that can only be served to adult eaters who are able to carefully and slowly select numerous small bones from a delicious fish.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the cod, gut it, remove the black film, rinse it under running water. how to quickly fillet cod, video:
  2. Rub the prepared carcasses or pieces of fillet with spices and salt, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Peeled and washed potatoes cut into large pieces.
  4. We prepare the filling: add spices for fish, black pepper powder and garlic, passed through a press, to the mayonnaise.
  5. Part of the filling is used to coat the upper half of the prepared fish carcasses (thanks to it, an appetizing crust will turn out), the rest is thoroughly mixed with potato cubes.
  6. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil, put our fish in the middle of it, and around it - potatoes drenched in sauce.
  7. Bake in a hot oven until a delicious crust appears.

Salmon with potatoes in the oven

For this recipe, salmon or salmon is ideal. Salmon in the oven with potatoes is a dish of festive cuisine. It is incredibly tasty, nutritious and beautiful. Even an inexperienced hostess can cook it. The highlight of this cooking method is that each piece of exquisite red fish is served in portions.

Some housewives use special portion pans to serve such fish. If there are no such pans, you can make homemade foil molds yourself, it's not difficult at all.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 4 large (250 g each) pieces of salmon.
  • Large potatoes - 4 pieces.
  • 2 onions.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Hard cheese - 200 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Fresh herbs (onions, parsley, dill).
  • Ground black pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Salmon steaks are salted, sprinkled with ground pepper, put each on a sheet of foil, turning it into a baking dish (it should tightly cover a piece of fish around the perimeter).
  2. Distribute the onion cut into large cubes over the surface of each steak and pour over the fish with juice squeezed from half a lemon. It is very convenient to use ready-made lime juice instead of lemon, which is widely sold in any supermarket.
  3. We send home-made molds with pickled steaks for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  4. Sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes (one piece per serving) are salted and placed on a pickled fish (you can vice versa so that the salmon is on top).
  5. Finely grated cheese is mixed with eggs and sour cream, beating the mixture well with a fork. We send finely chopped fresh herbs there.
  6. Pour the resulting fill into molds with fish.
  7. We put our molds in the oven, heated to a temperature of 200 degrees and bake for 25 minutes.

Salmon in the oven with potatoes is served directly in a mold, which is placed on a serving plate garnished with cherry tomatoes and fresh herbs.

Pangasius in the oven with potatoes

According to the following recipe, which is easy to prepare and the availability of ingredients, pike perch can be cooked in the oven with potatoes (as well as many varieties of sea and river fish, characterized by a small number of small bones).


  • Pangasius fillet - 0.5 kg.
  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 300 g.
  • Cheese - 100 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pangasius fillet into pieces, salt, pepper and let it lie down for 20 minutes.
  2. Cut potatoes and tomatoes into thin slices.
  3. Grate a piece of hard cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Put half of the potato slices in a deep container, add some salt and pepper.
  5. We spread the pieces of fish fillet, then a layer of tomatoes, and then another layer of potatoes (do not forget to lightly salt it).
  6. We put mayonnaise and grated cheese on the top of the casserole.
  7. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. Baking time - 40 minutes.

Very tasty catfish with potatoes in the oven, baked according to this recipe. This dish can be served as a daily tasty and nutritious meal.

Carp with potatoes in the oven

This dish, delicious in its taste and aromatic qualities, can also be prepared from bream and other bony river fish. Bream in the oven with potatoes cooks just as quickly, yielding to carp only in terms of fat content.


  • Large carp - 1 piece.
  • Potato - 10 small tubers.
  • 2 small onions.
  • A piece of butter (100 g).
  • Same amount of cheese.
  • A glass of sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean, gut and wash the fish well.
  2. With a sharp knife, we make transverse cuts on the sides of the carcass (1 cm apart from each other). Thanks to this technique, all small bones are baked in the fish.
  3. Cut the potatoes into small pieces, and the onion into rings.
  4. Melt a piece of butter and mix it with sour cream.
  5. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the fish on a pillow of onion rings, laid out in the center of the baking sheet.
  6. Lubricate the carp with a sour cream-oil mixture, and put the remaining onion rings on top of this filling.
  7. We spread the potato slices around the fish and sprinkle them with finely grated cheese.
  8. We bake our dish for forty minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

A fish soaked in onion juice (it tastes just as good as carp with potatoes in the oven) will emit a delicate aroma and quickly gather all the hungry household members at the table. Due to the availability and cheapness of all the components included in the recipe, this dish can be served on the table as an everyday meal.

Summing up

  • In our article, we have given only a few recipes for baking fish with potatoes. In fact, it is impossible to list them, since a wide variety of products can be used to bake fish: mushrooms, bell peppers, and even cauliflower.
  • To get a golden crust on the surface of the casserole, cheese mixed with breadcrumbs is often used: in this case, it turns out not only beautiful, but also crispy.
  • Sometimes, to speed up the cooking process of baked fish and potatoes, they use not raw, but pre-boiled potatoes: in addition to gaining time, this is reflected in the more delicate taste of the cooked casserole.

    Fish fillet (pollock, mackerel, etc.) - 400 g
    Carrots - 2-3 pcs.
    Onion - 1 pc.
    Potatoes - 3 pcs.
    Mayonnaise -100 ml.
    Salt, pepper - to taste

    Preparing a recipe with photos:

    Chop the onion and fry until transparent.

  1. Rinse the fish fillet under running water. If you have a whole fish, then gut it, clean it from bones and skin.
    Cut into serving pieces.

  2. We take a baking dish and lay it in layers, as in the photo.

    First, carrots and onions. Drizzle with mayonnaise.

  3. Then potatoes, cut into slices in 2-3 layers. Salt and also grease with mayonnaise.

  4. Lay the fish on top.

  5. You can add more onion rings if you like. It will be delicious.

    To make the potatoes soft, pour all half a glass of water and cover with a lid.

  6. Pour everything with mayonnaise and send it to the oven for 40 minutes. baked at 200 C.

  7. For 10 min. until cooked, sprinkle with grated cheese and do not cover with a lid to get a beautiful appetizing crust.

  8. When the casserole cools down a little, then you can cut it with a knife and it will fall apart, but if you can’t wait for this, then pour it with a spoon.

  9. Very tasty and so flavorful!

  10. Bon appetit everyone!

    Many housewives are faced with the problem of the monotony of their family's daily menu. Sometimes you really want to please your household with something tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. Baked fish with potatoes will be a great option!

    This is an easy-to-make and very budget-friendly dish! All ingredients are always at hand. The recipe is very easy and doesn't take much time. The result is a very tasty, nutritious and satisfying casserole! Great option for lunch. It will not be superfluous on the festive table. Guests will not remain indifferent!

    If you don't have mackerel, don't worry. Any type of fish will work for this recipe. It is better to give preference to representatives of fatty breeds (silver carp, nonothenia, saury), even a Norwegian herring will do. If you want to reduce calories, then opt for lean fish (pollock, hake, navaga, cod, blue whiting, pollock, haddock). If you don't want to spend time on cutting and processing, use canned fish. This will save you a lot of time.

    Since we have already touched on the topic of calories, we will figure out how to make this casserole useful for the figure.

    First, instead of mayonnaise, take cream or sour cream. This will make your meal healthier and less caloric. And to give the fish and potatoes an interesting touch, use ordinary fermented baked milk for dressing. This is the lowest calorie product. The taste will turn out very unusual and pleasant. Both fish and potatoes are then obtained with a creamy taste and aftertaste of stewed milk.

    Many dieting girls are wary of potatoes. To minimize the negative effect of starch, potatoes can be diluted with other vegetables or simply replaced. Well-known zucchini is perfect for this purpose!

    Its calorie content is only 24 kcal per 100 g, while potatoes have three times more (76 kcal / 100 g). Not bad will sound in this dish and eggplant. Green peas can be added to brighten the taste. Use mozzarella instead of hard cheese. The percentage of fat in it is much less (40%)!

    The approximate calorie content of fish with potatoes and onions under mayonnaise is 210 kcal. But if you use all the secrets of cooking and replace foods with low-calorie ones, then the nutritional value will be only 85-95 kcal. It is worth remembering that the casserole is very satisfying, so you need a very small portion to eat.

    Try to cook such a fish casserole and it will become your favorite specialty!

Rate the recipe

A great option for those who want to please their loved ones with a delicious dish is fish baked in the oven with potatoes, which almost everyone likes. It can be served as a festive treat, and on weekdays. In order for fish to retain its nutritional and taste properties, it must be properly cooked.

Fish baked in the oven with potatoes - cooking secrets

  • To defrost the fish and not disrupt the structure of muscle tissue, you just need to place it in salted water.
  • If you are afraid of overdrying your dish, you should use foil, with it the meat always retains juiciness.
  • When the fish is baked in foil, it is better to take it out a couple of minutes before it is ready and let it go by itself. Thus, it turns out softer and juicier.
  • If you put a slice of lemon and sprigs of spices in foil, the taste of the fish will become richer and brighter.
  • Fresh vegetables should be additionally offered to baked fish - they will balance the saturation.

Red fish in the oven with potatoes in sour cream sauce


  • red fish
  • potato
  • milk
  • 2 eggs
  • carrot

For sauce

  • 100 ml. milk
  • 100 gr. sour cream
  • 1 egg
  • 1 st. l. flour.
  1. First, gut the carcass, separate the head and tail. It is enough to lightly clean the skin with a knife, remove the ridge and small bones. Wash the fish thoroughly after gutting. Salt, pepper.
  2. Fry the grated carrots with onion rings.
  3. We spread the fillet on a baking sheet (we take a deep one, as we will fill it with sauce) with the skin down.
  4. Slice the potatoes thinly and cover the fish with them. Top with onions and carrots.
  5. To prepare sour cream sauce, you need to beat sour cream with milk, add flour, 1 egg and mix everything. You can add salt.
  6. Pour the sauce over the contents of the baking sheet and cover with foil on top.
  7. Bake at 180 C for 40 minutes. Then remove the foil layer, sprinkle with cheese and bake for about 10 more minutes.

Fish baked with potatoes in foil

To prepare this recipe, we need very little. Take any fish fillet, potatoes, spices, herbs and lemon.

  1. To begin with, we prepare everything you need. Cut the foil into equal squares. Marinate the fish fillet in lemon juice with spices. Cut the potatoes into slices, salt. Lemon cut into thin circles. My branches of greenery. Preheat the oven to 200 C in advance.
  2. Each serving will be individually wrapped in foil. On all foil squares lay out an equal amount of potatoes in one layer. Put a piece of fillet on top and add two mugs of lemon and sprigs of greens to each.
  3. We tightly wrap the entire structure in foil. Pierce foil on top three times for each serving.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes.
  5. Before serving, simply remove the top layer of foil.

Fillet of pink salmon baked in the oven with potatoes

Many people love it, and this is not surprising - dishes from it are budgetary, light, but very appetizing and tender. You can find many more advantages of this fish, but why, when you can just cook it?

In addition to pink salmon fillet, for cooking we need potatoes, cream, cheese, lemon, butter and spices.

First, divide the fillet into equal pieces, leave to marinate in lemon juice with spices. While the fish is marinating, cut the potatoes, mix it with salt.

Lubricate a baking sheet or form with butter, put the potatoes there. We evenly lay pink salmon on the potatoes, pour all this splendor with cream and cover with foil.

We bake. Cooking time is approximately 45 minutes to an hour at 180C.

Five minutes before readiness, remove the foil, cover with cheese and wait for the appetizing crust to appear. The dish is ready!

Mackerel baked in the oven with potatoes

Many are familiar with smoked mackerel only, but baked mackerel is just as good.

  • 2 mackerels;
  • Lemon juice;
  • 5-6 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • Rust. oil.
  1. We gut the mackerel, rid it of its head, tail and fins, be sure to remove all black films, because they add bitterness.
  2. On the sides we make oblique cuts, but not completely. Salt and pepper both inside and out. Pour in lemon juice.
  3. Cut potatoes into slices. Onion cut into half rings. Part is placed in the cuts. Mix the potatoes with the rest of the onions, salt and pepper.
  4. We spread the mackerel along with potatoes and onions in a deep baking sheet. Bake at 200C for about 50 minutes.

Red fish in French with potatoes in the oven


  • fillet of red fish;
  • Lemon;.
  • Olive oil;
  • Champignon;
  • large potatoes;
  • Parsley;
  • Seasonings.

Fish in French is cooked in portions. This should be taken into account when selecting and cutting fish. How to prepare one serving?

Rub a piece of fillet with spices, then dip in lemon juice. Let's soak. Cut the potatoes thinly, brush them with olive oil and salt. Cut the champignons into slices and fry for about 5 minutes. Cut the half rings from the onion.

Lay out the ingredients on a baking sheet. The first layer is fish, on top of a half ring of onion (to add flavor, some add small slices of lemon to the onion) and, finally, mushroom plates. Place the potatoes around the serving. If you do not care how dietary the dish will turn out, but only its juiciness and taste, then a layer on top of the onion can be covered with mayonnaise. You can also experiment and make one potato layer, from below or under the mushrooms, which is also smeared with mayonnaise.

We bake at 180 C. Five minutes before readiness, generously sprinkle the dish with cheese to form a crisp.

Enjoy the rich and bright taste.

Oven baked pike perch with potatoes

Pike perch meat is considered one of the most dietary. If you want to keep all its properties, as well as remove excess fatness, then it is better to cook it in the oven and be sure to use foil.

We will need:

  • whole zander
  • potato
  • mayonnaise
  • half a lemon
  • oil
  • herbs and spices.
  1. Before cooking, we clean the fish, gut the abdomen and remove the gills. We leave the head in place. Now we prepare the marinade: mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt, pepper and thyme. We rub our pike perch with this marinade and forget for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cover the baking sheet with foil.
  3. Cut the potatoes into circles, rub with salt and pepper. Then lay them out on foil. Lay pike perch on top. Inside the fish we place slices of lemon and a sprig of greens.
  4. Keep in the oven for 40 minutes.

Fragrant and juicy pike perch is ready!

Trout with potatoes in the oven

So that the trout does not deteriorate, it is necessary to defrost it naturally. Hot water and microwave can damage it. If the trout is fresh, then it is worth placing it in cold water for ten minutes.

  1. Thoroughly wash the potatoes and cut into large slices. Mix them with oil and spices.
  2. We fill with potatoes a deep baking sheet, greased with oil or in a mold, and bake for 15 minutes at 200 C.
  3. We make several oblique cuts on the carcass of the fish. We insert slices of lemon into the cuts, salt and pepper the fish itself.
  4. It's time to take the potatoes out of the oven. Mix sour cream with water and fill the contents of the baking sheet with this. Lay the trout on top. Cover everything with foil and bake until done.

Pollack in the oven baked with potatoes

Pollock allows you to cook budget meals, but its low cost does not mean at all that you cannot make a gourmet dish from it. Since pollock is very easy to dry out, it is better to cook it in foil to give it more softness and juiciness.

We will need:

  • pollock fillet
  • potato
  • carrot
  • 200 gr. cheese.

For the marinade

  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce
  • lemon and spices (mix).
  1. Defrost pollock fillets. We cut into portions and marinate.
  2. Onions, carrots cut into rings. We also cut the potatoes into round slices.
  3. We cover the baking sheet with foil, distribute the vegetables evenly, and pollock fillets between them. We wrap the foil.
  4. Bake for 40 minutes at 180C, then unfold and remove the top layer of foil, sprinkle the contents with cheese and lemon slices and leave in the oven for another 5 minutes. Thus, the fish will be covered with a golden and appetizing crust.

Recipe for pike baked with potatoes in the oven

Cooking pike can be greatly simplified by cleaning it while it is still frozen. Thus, cooking will take much less time and effort.

  • Whole pike. It just needs to be cleaned and gutted. Leave the head and tail in place.
  • Potatoes, onions, carrots.
  • Simple marinade. To prepare it, mix lemon juice with soy sauce and add spices.
  1. Before cooking, the pike must be marinated. This is necessary to remove the unpleasant smell of mud. Place the fish in the marinade and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. We cut the potatoes in any convenient way, flavor it with spices. Fry the grated carrots with onion rings.
  3. We put the pike in a baking sheet or form, we fall asleep vegetables around it. Bake for half an hour at 200 C until the dish is browned.

Sea fish baked with potatoes in the oven

This recipe is for you if you want to cook something out of the ordinary for a family dinner.

  • Fish fillet (any sea fish will do);
  • potato;
  • butter;
  • garlic cloves;
  • spices - thyme and bay leaf;
  • fish broth;
  • dry white wine;
  • 15 gr. bread crumbs;
  • olive oil;
  1. First, prepare all the ingredients. We cook the fish broth in advance. Preheat the oven to 190 C.
  2. We clean and wash the potatoes, cut them into small slices. Fry the onion for oil (25 gr.) 5-6 minutes, mix it with potato wedges. Cut the garlic into slices and also add to the potatoes, thyme, bay leaf, salt, pepper are also sent there.
  3. Pour the mixture of potatoes with fish broth and send to bake. We wait until the potatoes become soft. Don't forget to stir once.
  4. 3 art. l. mix the broth with white wine (40 ml.) and grease the fish fillet with this sauce. Add it to potatoes. Spray with olive oil. We continue to bake for another 15 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, we are preparing a special mixture. For her, you need to melt the butter (25 gr.) In a saucepan and mix it with finely chopped garlic. Add parsley, bread crumbs and salt and pepper. Cover the fish fillet with this mixture and bake in the oven for another 15 minutes.

To serve the dish in the most beautiful way, use sprigs of greens.

Cod with potatoes in the oven

The most important thing when preparing such a fish is to get it out of the oven in time, otherwise it will become dry and lose some of its taste properties. However, when prepared properly, it is a nutritious and juicy treat.


  • Cod
  • potato
  • bell pepper
  • tomatoes
  • lemon
  • mayonnaise
  • spices.
  1. We separate the head and fins from the fish. We make oblique cuts on the carcass. Salt and sprinkle generously with lemon juice. We give the fish a little brew.
  2. While the cod marinates, we prepare the vegetables. We clean and thoroughly wash the potatoes, cut into round slices. Bulgarian pepper, onion and tomatoes cut into rings.
  3. Onions are placed in the abdomen of cod and cuts on the carcass. Lubricate the fish with mayonnaise with herbs.
  4. Place the potatoes in a greased baking dish. Fish is laid on the potato layer. Top the cod with tomatoes and bell peppers.
    Bake at 180C for 50 minutes.
  5. We decorate the finished dish with herbs and lemon slices.

Flounder in the oven with potatoes recipe

Flounder is a very healthy and, at the same time, tasty fish. But when cooking it, difficulties may arise, because the flounder is easy to dry out. With this recipe, this fish turns out to be as tender and soft as possible.
Ingredients, calculate their number depending on the number of servings:

  • flounder,
  • Potato tubers;
  • tomatoes,
  • sour cream,
  • green pea,
  • lemon juice,
  • rast. oil,
  • spices.
  1. First of all, marinate the flounder in lemon juice with spices. Then we prepare a special sauce. For him, you need to mix sour cream, grated cheese, art. l. rast. oils and salt.
  2. We fill the bottom of the greased baking sheet with peas. Put tomato slices on top, pour half a glass of boiling water. We lay the flounder in the second layer, potatoes on top of it. Salt and pepper. Finally, top everything with the sauce prepared earlier.
  3. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 C.
  4. We serve to the table.

Red fish with potatoes in the Italian oven

Also, fish baked in the oven with potatoes can be cooked in Italian. This recipe does not differ in complexity, but it looks spicy and elegant, and even the most fastidious guests will like it.


  • 400gr. red fish fillet,
  • 5 potatoes
  • onion,
  • garlic cloves,
  • sour cream,
  • 2 tomatoes
  • lemon,
  • spices.
  1. First, prepare the fillet. We mix lemon juice with olive oil and spices, put fish in our mixture and leave to marinate.
  2. While the fish is marinating, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Onions, tomatoes and potatoes cut into thin slices. Salt and pepper the potatoes as well.
  3. Mix sour cream with salt, pepper and herbs, add chopped garlic to it.
    Place potatoes in a deep baking dish. Fill it with sauce and put our fillet on top. We frame the fish with tomatoes and onions, add a slice of lemon for piquancy.
  4. Wrap with foil and bake for 40 minutes at 200 C. After half an hour, you can remove the foil from above so that the dish is browned and looks even more appetizing.

Sea fish with potatoes in pots

Potatoes with fish cooked in pots differ in taste from all other cooking methods - baking, stewing, etc. However, clay pots serve as housewives not only as a baking container, but also as a serving option. The very sight of food in pots gives the meal a cozy and family atmosphere.

Any sea fish is suitable for the recipe, it is better if it is a fillet. We will also need a few potato tubers, carrots, turnip onions, pickles, they can be replaced with pickled ones if desired, tomato paste, butter and spices.

  1. First, we prepare the products. Fry onions and carrots.
  2. We cut fillets.
  3. We cut pickles and potatoes in the way that you like best.
  4. Then we start filling the pots. At the bottom we put onions with carrots, the next layer is potatoes, followed by pickles and, finally, fillet pieces. Next, pour half a glass of water into each pot. For spice, add a spoonful of tomato sauce. You can additionally salt and pepper.
  5. Keep in the oven for 45 minutes. Then we add sour cream or cream to the pots and leave it in the oven turned off, allowing it to rise on its own for some time.
  6. Serve directly in pots, sprinkled with herbs on top. Just do not forget that the pots themselves, especially clay ones, and their contents cool down for a very long time.

Carp with potatoes in the oven - video

Fried, stewed or baked red fish is very tasty in itself, and if you cook it with potatoes, you get a hearty, independent dish.

Red fish with potatoes - perfect for a family dinner or celebration.

Red fish with potatoes - the basic principles of cooking

The preparation of the dish begins with cutting the fish. Red fish and potatoes can be prepared both from a whole carcass, and cut into steaks, or disassembled into fillets.

The head and tail are cut off from the fish and gutted. The prepared carcass is washed under the tap and dried with napkins. Then it is cut according to the recipe or left whole. The cut fish is rubbed with a mixture of spices and salt or poured with marinade. Marinate it for at least half an hour.

The second main ingredient is potatoes. It is cleaned, washed and chopped into thin slices or chunks. In addition to red fish and potatoes, tomatoes, onions, carrots and other vegetables are added to the dish. They are also cleaned and cut.

All prepared ingredients and fish are laid in layers in a heat-resistant form and baked in the oven or cooked in a slow cooker.

To give the fish and potatoes a delicate and bright taste, the dish is poured with sour cream, cream or tomato sauce. Sprinkle red fish and potatoes with grated cheese on top so that a golden crust forms on top.

Recipe 1. Red fish with potatoes and spinach in a creamy sauce


half a kilogram of salmon;

hot ground pepper and salt;


150 ml cream;

120 g spinach;

30 g Parmesan cheese;

600 g potatoes;

two eggs;

100 ml of milk;

50 g butter.

Cooking method

1. Peel, wash and cut potatoes into small pieces. Put it in a saucepan, pour boiled water and boil until tender. Drain the water from the finished potato, add heated milk, a piece of butter and salt to the vegetable. Mash potatoes into puree.

2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the pre-peeled and finely chopped onion into it. Fry the vegetable, stirring constantly, until soft. Rinse the spinach, pat dry and cut into large strips. Put it in a pan with onions and fry for three minutes. Remove from fire and cool.

3. Wash the salmon fillet and cut it into small pieces. Salt and pepper the fish. Put the salmon in an even layer in a heat-resistant form with high sides. Arrange the fried spinach and onions on top of the fish. Spread mashed potatoes on top. Send the form to the oven, preheating it to 200 C. Bake for 20 minutes.

4. Mix cream with grated cheese. Take out of the oven and cover the dish with this mixture. Bake for another five minutes. Cool slightly, cut with a spatula and arrange on plates.

Recipe 2. Red fish with potatoes in the oven


half a kilogram of any red fish;

ground pepper and fine salt;

half a kilogram of potatoes;

100 g of cheese;

150 ml of milk;

40 g butter.

Cooking method

1. Cut off the tail and head from the carcass of red fish, gut and rinse well under running water. Separate the fillet from the ridge and select small bones with tweezers. Leave the skin, just peel it lightly with a knife.

2. Grease a deep baking sheet with butter. Lay the fish fillet on the bottom, skin side down. Salt and pepper it.

3. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into thin slices. Put the potatoes on top of the fish in the form of scales.

4. Beat milk and eggs with a mixer. Pour milk sauce over fish. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Bake depending on the size of the fish and the thickness of the potato slices.

5. Take out the finished red fish and potatoes, sprinkle it with grated cheese and bake for another five minutes. Serve as an independent dish with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 3. Red fish with potatoes and lemon


500 g trout;

15 g of garlic;

2 pinches of salt and black pepper;

kg of potatoes;

greens of dill, onion and parsley - a bunch;

200 g cream;

200 g cheese.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potato tubers and cut into centimeter-thick plates. Place potatoes in a colander and rinse. Dry it lightly on a paper towel. Return to bowl and season with spices, salt and pepper. Stir so that the spices are evenly distributed over all the pieces.

2. Butter the sides and bottom of a deep pan. Spread a layer of potatoes on the bottom and place in an oven preheated to 180 C for 20 minutes. Potatoes should be half cooked.

3. Clean the trout carcass, remove the head and tail. Gut the fish and cut it into two-centimeter-thick pieces. Salt and pepper each piece on both sides.

4. Lightly beat sour cream with eggs. Add finely chopped garlic to the sauce. Stir.

5. Remove the potatoes from the oven, spread the fish pieces on top of it and pour everything with sour cream and garlic sauce. Cover the baking sheet with foil and return to the oven. Raise the temperature to 200 C and bake for another half an hour.

6. Remove the baking sheet from the oven. Sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs and coarsely grated cheese. Place in the oven for another ten minutes. Cut the lemon into thin circles. Arrange them on top of the dish, and bring to readiness for another five minutes.

Recipe 4. Fried red fish with potatoes


fillet of red fish - half a kilogram;

a mixture of peppers and fine salt;

lemon juice - 30 ml;

green onions and parsley;

bell pepper;

butter - 50 g;

potatoes - 800 g;

vegetable oil and butter - 50 g each;

the bulb is large.


cream - 200 ml;

salt - two pinches;

mustard - 50 g.

Cooking method

1. Put a large cast-iron pan on the fire, pour oil into it and heat it up. Peel potatoes, wash, dry and cut into slices. Add the potatoes to the skillet and cook over moderate heat, turning occasionally, for ten minutes.

2. Peel the onion, rinse and chop into half rings. Add it to potatoes and stir.

3. Remove the red fish fillet from the skin, rinse, soak with napkins and cut into cubes. Put in a bowl, salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix and put on potatoes with onions. Season with salt and continue to fry, stirring occasionally, for about three minutes.

4. Peel the bell pepper from the seeds and chop into thin strips. Put them in the pan and stir. Fry everything together for a few more minutes. Arrange the fish and potatoes on a platter.

5. Return the pan to the fire. Pour cream into it, add mustard, salt and mix. As soon as the sauce begins to boil, pour it into a gravy boat and serve with potatoes.

Recipe 5. Red fish with potatoes in a slow cooker


half a kilogram of red fish fillet;

sunflower oil;

seven potatoes;

extra salt and pepper;

100 g of cheese;

two tomatoes;

ketchup and mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. We clean and wash the potato tubers, wipe them with napkins and cut into thin slices.

2. Rinse the fish fillet under running water, dry it on napkins and cut into large strips.

3. Put the potatoes in a deep bowl, add ketchup and mayonnaise to it, salt, pepper and mix. Mayonnaise and ketchup should be evenly distributed over all slices.

4. Lubricate the container of the multicooker with vegetable oil. We put potatoes in it. Smooth out with wet hands. Arrange the fish fillets on top of the potatoes. Salt and pepper.

5. Rinse the tomatoes, wipe with a towel and cut into plates. Lay the tomatoes on top of the fish. Lubricate everything with plenty of mayonnaise and sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese.

6. We place the container in the slow cooker, turn on the “Baking” mode and cook the dish for about an hour. Put the finished red fish and potatoes on plates and serve, slightly cooled.

Recipe 6. Red fish with potatoes in foil


spices for fish and potatoes;

greens of dill and parsley - a bunch;

six salmon steaks;

six potato tubers;

coarse salt.

Cooking method

1. Cut the foil into six identical squares.

2. We peel the potatoes, wash the tubers and wipe them with a napkin. Cut the potatoes into 1 cm thick slices. Lay out in a single layer on foil. Salt and season with spices for potatoes.

3. My salmon steaks and dry on a napkin. We spread the fish on the potatoes, salt and sprinkle with seasonings for the fish.

4. Rinse the lemon, wipe it with a napkin and cut into thin circles. For each piece of fish we lay out two circles of lemon and several branches of dill and parsley.

5. Wrap the fish and potatoes tightly in foil. Make three holes in the top with a wooden skewer. We spread the wrapped pieces of fish on a baking sheet and send them to the oven for 20 minutes. We cook at 200 C. Put the finished red fish directly in foil on a plate, unfold and serve.

Recipe 7. Red fish with potatoes in pots


800 g of red fish;

two bulbs;

eight potatoes;

bunch of parsley;

coarse salt;

25 g seasoning for fish.

Cooking method

1. We clean the red fish, gut it, cut off the fins, tail and head. We separate the fillet from the ridge. We rinse it under the tap and carefully select all the small bones. Cut the prepared fillet into pieces, put it on a plate and sprinkle with seasoning for fish.

2. We clean the potatoes, wash them and cut them into large pieces. We fill the pots with potatoes by a third and salt.

3. Put two pieces of red fish on the potatoes.

4. We clean the onion, rinse and chop it in half rings. Sprinkle the fish with onions, put parsley sprigs on top, pour over with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. We put the pots on the oven grate and cook the fish and potatoes for half an hour at 180 C. Serve the dish directly in the pots, or put it on a plate.

    Place frozen fish in lightly salted water and thaw it in this way. This will preserve the structure of the muscle tissue.

    To make the fish juicy and fragrant, it is salted, seasoned with spices and left for at least ten minutes.

    If you bake fish in foil, take it out of the oven just a couple of minutes before it is done. In foil, it will reach, and at the same time it will turn out tender and juicy.

    To make the taste of fish even brighter and more tender, put a slice of lemon and sprigs of herbs in foil.