Home / Dumplings / Dairy girl cake cream cream. Cake "Milk Girl" with sour cream: a step by step recipe with a photo

Dairy girl cake cream cream. Cake "Milk Girl" with sour cream: a step by step recipe with a photo

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

milk girl cake

3 hours 30 minutes

310 kcal

4.94 /5 (16 )

When the traditional "Honey cake" and "Napoleon" no longer cause enthusiastic looks and pleasant compliments from relatives, there is a desire to cook something new.

I spent several days looking for an interesting cake recipe that would not be like the others. It was difficult to choose, but then I saw a wonderful and very easy-to-prepare cake called "Milk Girl".

Kitchen appliances and utensils: small and deep bowl, mixer, oven, baking sheet, parchment paper, tablespoon.

Required products

The history of the appearance of the "Milk Girl"

Probably, in addition to the question of how to make a Milk Girl cake, most people have even more curiosity about why it is called that. Everything is very simple. This dessert comes from Germany.

The basis of the test is condensed
milk, the Germans used a brand of milk called "Milch Mädchen" for this. and we are already using its translation into Russian.

How to make a Milk Girl cake at home

The process itself is very easy, but takes a lot of time. In order to avoid mistakes, I suggest you make a Milk Girl cake according to my recipe described below with a photo and collect such beauty step by step.

I divided the whole process into three stages: preparing the dough, baking it and preparing the cream.

First stage: preparing the dough

To do this, prepare the dry ingredients. Be sure to sift the flour through a sieve so that it is saturated with oxygen, and add the baking powder to it. Mix the mixture well.

In a separate bowl, we are engaged in the “wet” half of the dough. Pour the condensed milk into a deep bowl, beat in the eggs and add salt. Mix everything thoroughly with a mixer.

Now we can introduce dry ingredients into "wet", in no case vice versa. We do this quickly, pouring all the flour with baking powder into a bowl at once, and continue to beat the whole mixture with a mixer at low speed. It only takes 30 seconds to mix well. Baking powder can be replaced by mixing baking soda and vanilla. In this case, it is not necessary to extinguish soda with vinegar, since there are no fermented milk products in the dough.

Let's prepare the butter. It needs to be melted down first. You can do this on gas or in the oven. After that, be sure to let it cool down. Now that the oil has reached room temperature, add it to the mixture. Beat everything with a mixer for the last time and get a wonderful dough: no lumps, homogeneous and slightly liquid.

Second phase: we bake cakes

Now that everything is ready, it's time to start baking the cakes. To do this, you will need parchment paper or other baking paper.

2 tbsp. l. raw dough is one ready-made cake. The mixture must be applied to paper. You can use different molds for Sweet Girl Cake. They can be square, rectangular, or round, like mine. Some make a cake in the shape of a heart or other figurines.

You need to use only high-quality paper with a silicone coating. Then your cakes will not stick and will easily move away from the paper as soon as they cool a little.

To form the cake, take paper and draw a circle on it with an ordinary pencil. (The radius of the bottom of my removable form is 10 cm.) Now turn the sheet over and place it on the baking sheet with the pattern down.

We collect the dough and evenly distribute it with a spoon, without going beyond the drawn contours. Perhaps you have a silicone mat. Usually they already have an outline that you just need to fill in. Another convenient way is to trace the inner circle from the sides of the removable baking dish.

Note that we do not grease the paper or rug with oil and do not sprinkle with flour.

Now we send the cake to the oven. It must be preheated to 180 °. The crust will take a few minutes to cook.

It is difficult to say the exact time, because everyone has different ovens with their own characteristics. I advise you to focus on the color of the test.

When you notice that the cake has become golden, it should be removed. Give it a couple of minutes to cool and you can tear off the paper. She should go well and quickly.

Third stage: collecting cake.

To assemble the Milk Girl cake from the presented step-by-step dough recipe, you should get 14 cakes. Now they can be laid out on top of each other. between them we put layers of cream.

Cake layers "Milk Girl" are so versatile that they go well with any curd, creamy, custard or protein cream. I found for myself the perfect combination of cakes and cream, which I will introduce you to later.
If your cakes turned out with jagged edges and they differ significantly from each other, then this can be corrected by collecting a slide of cakes and cutting their edges under one. Flatten the cakes when they are cool before brushing them with cream. To do this, it is better to use a very sharp knife.

cream recipe

I suggest you "make friends" with a universal cream called "Plombir". This version of the cream can be used not only for our Milk Girl cake, but also for Napoleon or Honey Cake.

To prepare you need to take:

  • milk of any fat content-400 ml;
  • cream over 30% fat-200 ml;
  • butter- 200 g;
  • starch- 3 tablespoons with a slide;
  • 1 egg;
  • granulated sugar-180 g.

Start by whisking the egg, cornstarch and sugar until smooth. We warm the milk, let it boil and slowly pour it hot into the mixture, constantly stirring it with a whisk. Now cook the mixture like a regular custard over low heat.

Using too hot milk can cause lumps in the cream. If a mistake was made, then you can get rid of the lumps by passing the cream through a sieve.

As a result, the consistency of the mixture should become slightly thick.

Now you need to add oil to the cream for the "Milk Girl".

This can be done in two ways:

  • Beat the softened butter with a mixer at high speed for several minutes until a fluffy mass is formed, into which then add and stir in the cooled cream with a spoon.
  • In the hot cream, removed from the heat, immediately put the butter and stir until it melts and combines with the mass.

For further work, we will need an already cooled mixture. Now separately whip the cream, which must first be well cooled in the refrigerator or freezer.

When your cream has turned from a liquid state into a soft pillow, we introduce our custard and mix everything thoroughly with a mixer.

The filling for our "Milk Girl" is ready!

How beautiful to decorate and serve the "Milk Girl" cake

This cake is convenient because it can be served and decorated endlessly. It combines fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate sauce, and coke shavings. Therefore, problems with how to decorate the Milk Girl cake should not arise.

Lovers of even shapes can use cream cheese by making a beautiful rim of salted caramel, crushed with nuts and chocolate, or by laying cut bright and juicy fresh fruits on top. For those who love simplicity, you can cover the barrel with the remaining Plombir and build a hat, again from fruits. And those who are crazy about creams can decorate with protein cream, forming flowers, leaves and other decorative elements.

In this, the “Milk Girl” undoubtedly surpasses the “Napoleon”, with the decoration of which you can’t really fantasize. Experiment and share your experience!

In order for the cakes to turn out beautiful and lush, you need to follow all the instructions and not confuse the sequence of introducing all the ingredients.

Ready, while still warm cakes, it is better not to put them in slides, otherwise they may stick together. Let them cool completely before greasing the filling.

Send the cream for half an hour to the freezer along with a whisk and a bowl for whipping. To make the mass thick, the cream must be cold.

If your cakes are not very even, put them on top of each other without cream and trim the edges with a very sharp knife. In order to decorate the appearance of the cake, to make it smooth, you need a cream of a thicker consistency than ice cream. The best option would be cream cheese.

If it seems to you that the Plombir cream and Milk Girl cake layers are too sweet a mixture, then try making it with sour cream. It will add sourness and soften the sweetness of the cakes.

A very famous culinary specialist from America, Buddy Valastro, prepares cakes that are admired by the whole world, who are alive and who are on TV screens. Its advantage is simplicity, both in ingredients and in the combination of taste. He proved to everyone that simplicity is charm.

Each layer between the cakes can be filled with any nuts, including those in caramel, as well as berries, both fresh and frozen.

Video recipe for the "Milk Girl" cake

You can see in more detail the preparation of the Milk Girl cake in the video, which helped me figure out all the subtleties.

Cake Milk Girl ☆ Milch Mädchen ☆ Cake Milk Girl



The recipe and the process itself is quite simple. Even if you have little experience in the confectionery business, then this version of the cake will not seem difficult. Just baking 14 pieces of cakes will take a decent amount of time. But you can always do the preparation of the cream in parallel.

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

If you have interesting ideas for combining with another cream or decorating the Milk Girl cake, I will be glad to see and apply it in my practice. I'm waiting for answers.

It may seem to some that the name of the Milk Girl cake is rather strange. But one has only to delve into the history of the origin of this delicacy, and immediately everything becomes clear. They came up with a dessert in Germany, and the name arose there. The creators of the cake were inspired by a jar of Milch-Madchen condensed milk, which is always added to the dough. "Milch-Madchen" means "milk girl" in German.

Milk girl cake reviews

Those housewives who already know how to bake a Milk Girl cake share their feedback on the World Wide Web. Everyone agrees that the dessert turns out to be tender, tasty, very sweet, but there are several nuances that should be taken into account during cooking in order to make the cake:

  • Choose only high-quality parchment paper. If you do not know how to choose it, then be sure to lubricate it with oil during use so that the dough does not stick.
  • Any stable creams during cooking can be used, because they will perfectly match the taste of the cake layers.
  • You can not neglect the proportions of the products in the process of kneading the dough, otherwise you will not be able to bake an even and thin cake, and it is precisely from such cakes that the Milk Girl cake consists.

Milk girl cake recipe from Olga Vashurina step by step with photo

Every Russian who watches cooking shows definitely heard the name of the mother of two children, Olga Vashurina, because she became the winner of the Confectioner TV contest. Olga suggests adding custard based on sour cream to the Milk Girl cake and making a walnut and berry filling:

  1. Beat 2 eggs with a whisk, and when you achieve a lush mass, add the contents of 1 can of condensed milk.
  2. Add 140 g of flour to the workpiece, which must be sifted together with 10 g of baking powder.
  3. Knead the dough so that all the lumps dissolve, there is a uniform smooth consistency of the dough.

  1. Draw a circle on a sheet of parchment. Its diameter can be equal to 20-22 cm. You need to make at least 8 blanks. Pour 2 tbsp on each. dough and bake cakes (baking temperature is 180 °).

  1. When the cakes are browned, cool them and give them an even shape.

  1. For the cream, mix 150 g of sugar with 1 egg in a bowl.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons to the cream. flour, a pinch of vanilla and 300 ml of cream, choose fatty.

  1. Thicken the cream in a water bath (do not forget to stir it constantly). As soon as this happens, add 50 g of butter to the cream, which needs to be melted a little.
  2. After that, the cream is whipped for uniformity of structure and splendor of the form.
  3. The cake is assembled very simply: each cake needs to be smeared with cream, stacked on top of each other.

  1. Then, on top, the entire surface of the cake must also be smeared with cream. If you like, sprinkle some of your favorite berries and nut crumbs between the cakes.

  1. Decorate the cake with the same berries that you used in the filling and nuts.

Dairy girl cake with ice cream

Cakes are prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. You should use the same amount of ingredients, follow the same technology. The difference of this cake is in the cream, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Mix in one container 125 ml of milk with 1.5 tbsp. flour and 2 tsp. starch.
  2. Mix everything, and then pour in 120 g of sugar and 175 ml of milk.
  3. Put the cream on fire. Cook while stirring until bubbles form.
  4. Remove the cream from the heat and wait until it cools down. After that, it will need to be beaten with a mixer, adding 70 g of butter.
  5. In a separate container, 120 ml of heavy cream is whipped. After that, they are poured into the main preparation for the cream and once again interrupted by a mixer into a homogeneous mass.

You will need to assemble the cake by smearing the cakes with ice cream. The entire surface of the cake can be omitted to get a naked cake, which is very fashionable lately.

Videos milk girl cake

Cake milk girl from Andy step by step with a photo

Most housewives around the world prepare gourmet meals from Andy Chef's food blog. On the website of this blog, it is proposed to make several types of cream for the Milk Girl cake:

  • one should be used to lubricate the cakes, which, by the way, are prepared in the same way as prescribed in the very first recipe of our article (this is a classic option that is always used, so we will not dwell on it anymore);
  • another cream is applied to lubricate the entire surface of the cake.

To smooth the surface of the cake, Andy Chef suggests preparing ice cream. How to do it, we have already described in the recipe above. But for the filling, he suggests making chocolate-curd cream:

  1. 0.2 kg of cottage cheese is ground with 70 g of butter and 0.1 kg of sugar. This mixture is poured into 0.5 l of heavy cream, after which it is whipped with a mixer.
  2. Separately, 1/3 of a bar of white chocolate is melted in a water bath. It is added to the main preparation for the cream, and then it is whipped again with a mixer.

Cake assembly:

  1. First, cakes are baked according to the traditional scheme.

  1. A curd-chocolate cream is being prepared, with which the cakes are smeared.

  1. Ice cream is being prepared to smooth the surface of the Little Girl cake.

  1. The cake is decorated with fresh flowers and seasonal fruits and berries. Chocolates and other confectionery products are welcome only for decorating treats.

Dairy girl cake with curd cream

Curd cream should be prepared in this way:

  • grind 0.3 kg of cottage cheese through a sieve, mix the resulting mass with 0.4 kg of powdered sugar, which should be sifted through a sieve;
  • add a pinch of vanilla and 70 g of butter;
  • beat all the ingredients with a mixer so that they mix into a single mass.

The cake is formed in the same way as mentioned in the recipes above. In this case, curd cream is used both to lubricate the cakes and to level them. Coconut shavings and white chocolates with fruit or milk fillings can be used as decoration.

Dairy girl cake with fruits

The Milk Girl cake can be given an unusual taste if you prepare the most ordinary cream based on homemade or store-bought sour cream, but add fruit slices to the filling:

  1. First, prepare 8 cakes for a treat.
  2. Beat 0.4 kg of fat sour cream with 0.1 kg of sifted powdered sugar with a mixer (this will be a cream with which you need to lubricate both the cakes and the whole cake completely after it has been assembled).
  3. Slice your favorite fruits.
  4. Put fruit slices on top of the layer of cream with which you will grease each cake (you can’t overdo it with the amount of fruit so that the taste of sour cream does not clog).
  5. The cake is decorated with the same fruits that were used for the filling. You can also add chocolate icing to the decor.

cream cake milk girl

Perfectly with cakes prepared on the basis of a large amount of condensed milk, Cheese cream is combined. This cream is made from creamy curd cheese:

  1. Cool 0.4 kg of cream cheese and 0.1 ml of heavy cream.
  2. Put everything in a mixer bowl, add 100 g of sifted powdered sugar, and then beat the products at minimum speed.
  3. Gradually, the whipping speed must be increased so that the cream becomes lush, but at the same time dense.

Dairy Free Cake Cream

For the Milk Girl cake, it is quite possible to prepare a regular protein cream. It is ideal for people who are lactose intolerant. Only the cream should have a stable shape, so you just have to add a little gelatin to it.

How to make such a cream:

  1. 4 proteins are whipped with 200 g of powdered sugar and a pinch of citric acid.
  2. Separately, gelatin is soaked, which, after complete dissolution, is introduced into the protein mass.
  3. The cream is whipped to dense peaks with a mixer.

Milk Cream Cake Recipe

Incredible taste has a cream that is based on mascarpone and condensed milk:

  • beat 0.5 kg of mascarpone;
  • in the process of beating in small portions, add 100 g of powdered sugar to the mascarpone, which should be sifted in advance, as well as 350 ml of condensed milk.

How to decorate a milk girl cake

Like any other cake, "Milk Girl" can be decorated as you like.

We offer you for reference the following decor options:

  1. The side of the cake can be sprinkled with nut chips. Cover the top of the treat with strawberries of the same size, mint leaves. In the center of the cake, you can sprinkle almond flakes that will set off the bright red and green shades of the decor.

  1. Lovers of the classics will love the use of fresh flowers and whole berries for decoration:

  1. You can simply paint the cream in the desired colors, make flowers and other shapes out of it. You can complement this decor option with the help of ready-made confectionery products - mastic, marshmallows, marshmallows and chocolates.

Confectionery art is a magic that fascinates, but at the same time requires precision in proportions. Cake "Milk Girl" is a vivid confirmation of this. We wish you inspiration in the kitchen, and bon appetit to your household!

Video: "How to make a Milk Girl Cake"

With the cream, I took it easy here - according to the classics, whipped cream with powdered sugar or condensed milk is most often used for the layer. I introduced mascarpone here, which I have never regretted. If you don't want and/or can't use this cheese, simply whip 500 ml of cream with powdered sugar.

For the dough, beat the eggs with condensed milk.

Add flour sifted with salt and baking powder, mix. Add melted butter and knead not very thick dough.

We bake cakes. We take a sheet of parchment, put a board on it from a detachable form. In the center we put 2 tbsp. dough and evenly distribute inside the sides.

We take off the board.

Bake at 180 degrees for 6-7 minutes. Repeat with the remaining dough. We cool the cakes. I got 8 pieces.

Alternatively, you can do without a form. just place a plate of a suitable diameter on the parchment and circle it with a pencil. Turn the parchment pencil side down and fill in the circle with the dough.

Cooking cream. Mash room temperature mascarpone with a spatula until soft. Whip cream with powder. Combine with mascarpone a third of the cream and gently mix until smooth. Add remaining cream and stir.

We layer the cakes with cream, sprinkle each layer with grated chocolate on a fine grater. Spread the rest of the cream on the sides and top of the cake. Decorate according to your taste and desire - I prepared a little more cream for this.

Let the cake rest in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, overnight is better. Cut and serve.

Happy tea!

For a long time I avoided the Milk Girl cake recipe because of its strange name. I don’t know about you, but I heard something vulgar in him. But the stories about delicate milk cakes and airy cream took up my prejudices, how I wanted to cook it! Moreover, I found the history of the name of the cake on the Internet and realized that there was “nothing like that”)

“Milk girl”, indeed, tender, milky, airy - be sure to cook! But why did the cake take root with such an ambiguous name?
The dessert originated in Germany and, according to the recipe, it contains condensed milk called "Milch Mädchen" (translated as "milk girl"). German hostesses began to call this cake that way, and our compatriots translated it into Russian, without particularly bothering =).
Today I will tell you how to cook a wonderful "Milk Girl" and how to decorate it with fresh flowers.

Ingredients for biscuit cakes:

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Condensed milk - 1 can (380 g)
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 tbsp. (150-160)
  • Baking powder - 15 g (1 tablespoon)
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp optional

Ingredients for cream (in a layer between biscuits):

  • Cream (fat content over 30%) - 400 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 1/2 cup

For cream cheese (to coat the cake):

  • Curd cheese - 320 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Butter - 115 g

How to bake:

Break two large eggs into a bowl (I used CO categories). Stir with a whisk.

Pour the condensed milk into the same bowl.

Stir until smooth, beat until fluffy with a mixer is not necessary, just a whisk or spoon.

Now, in a separate bowl, sift flour (1 cup) and baking powder (1 tablespoon). We take a spatula in our hands and stir these ingredients so that the baking powder is well distributed in the flour. We want even beautiful cakes, we need to take care of this in advance. The smooth surface of the baked cakes depends on how evenly the baking powder is distributed in the dough.

Now add the flour mixture to the egg, stir until the lumps disappear. The dough turns out a little thicker than for pancakes.

Secret: so that the dough does not spread on the baking sheet and keeps the shape of a circle well, let it stand for 10-15 minutes before baking. During this time, the baking powder will react with the rest of the ingredients and the dough will slightly increase in size and keep its shape.

I noticed that if you bake right away, then the first two cakes come out flat, and the dough will spread.

We heat the oven to a temperature of 200 C. By the time the first cake gets into the oven, it should be thoroughly heated (this will take 10-15 minutes).

Now spread the dough with a spoon on a sheet of parchment or on a silicone mat (2-3 spoons for each cake), level it around the circumference, trying to give an even shape. The density of the dough is such that the most does not blur, you need to spread it with a spoon.

The dough layer should be very thin, as you can see in the photo, the yellow color of the rug shines through the cake. Biscuit in "Milk Girl" rises very well, thanks to the large amount of baking powder in the composition. If you spread a large layer of dough, the cake will turn out to be thick, it will be more difficult for it to soak in the finished cake. In the oven, the cake will triple in size!

I used a split form without a bottom to make it easier to spread the dough in a circle, but you can draw a circle with a diameter of 25 cm on parchment and use it as a “stencil”.

The cake is baked not to a ruddy color (as in our usual cases), but to the first signs of readiness.

I checked the readiness with my finger: after 5-6 minutes from the start of baking, I open the oven, touch lightly with my fingertips. If it doesn't stick, it's done. At the same time, the color of the biscuits is almost the color of raw dough.

Do not overexpose the cakes, let them remain soft, tender, this is the whole highlight of the cake. Enveloping feeling of tenderness.
Since all ovens are different in power, choose the optimal temperature empirically. Let the first cake be this "trial". If your oven is a "beast", you may need less than 200 C. You can judge this by the appearance of the biscuit, if it has become ruddy in just a matter of minutes, and inside is raw, feel free to lower the temperature.

Look at the color of the cake: there are only the first signs of readiness on it - a slight ruddy - but inside it is already thoroughly baked, while remaining tender and airy.

The dimples on the reverse side indicate that the dough was intensively rising and bubbling in the oven, which means that the structure of the cake is airy inside.

If the dough has come out of the circle during baking, it is better to trim it while hot, immediately after removing it from the oven.

From this amount of dough, I get five cakes, 0.5-0.8 cm high. Do not stack the cakes on top of each other, they have a sticky surface, so they can stick together. If stacking on top of each other, place baking paper between the cakes. It is better for shortcakes to cool on a wire rack so that moisture evaporates from the surface without obstacles. If you plan to cook the cake in two sets, then let it cool on the wire rack, after it has cooled completely, lay it with paper and put it in the refrigerator.

Cake Cream "Milk Girl"

We will layer the cakes with a cream based on whipped cream. The secret of successful whipping is fatty high-quality cream, which is best bought on the market from thrush. Village creams are the fattest, sweetest and most delicious. Refrigerate 400 ml. cream, as well as mixer nozzles with which you will beat (I put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes). Add powdered sugar to the cream and start beating first at low speed, then increase to a maximum. Heavy cream whips very quickly, be careful not to overdo it!

Ready-made butter cream is thick, holds its shape well, the beaters leave imprints on the surface of the cream.

Layer the cake with buttercream. In order to accurately calculate the amount of cream and not be in such a situation that there was not enough cream, I usually lay out all the cakes on the table separately, put a few tablespoons of cream on each cake, and only then put the cake together. In this case, there are no punctures with the amount of cream, you can always correct the layer. When assembling the “girl”, I, unfortunately, did not take such a photo, so I will show a similar one from the cake to explain the principle.

As an alternative, ice cream is often used instead of buttercream. On our video channel there is a detailed step-by-step cream recipe:

Cream cheese for cake decoration

For coating the cake, I use a denser cream cheese-based cream (same as in)

To prepare it, I beat the butter (115 g) at a high mixer speed until light, then add powdered sugar (100 g), mix for one minute so that it dissolves in warm butter, and then add cold curd cheese from the refrigerator .

If you feel grains of powder in the finished cream, it means that you added the curd cheese too early, the powder did not have time to dissolve, and when the cold cheese was added, it could no longer be done due to the low temperature.

Coat the cake on all sides, including the top. To make the cake as even as possible, we make the first layer rough: that is, after applying, we must cool the cake in the refrigerator and only then proceed to the next one. Thus, the crumbs will hide in the draft layer and will not interfere with you decorating the cake.
It is very convenient to use a detachable baking ring for assembling any cakes, such as in the photo below.

You just need to adjust the ring in diameter, and then put the cakes and cream inside. The sides of the cakes turn out to be even, beautiful, homemade cakes no longer look like a collective farm, but take on a professional look. In this form, you can not only collect cakes, but also bake biscuits (wrapping the bottom with foil).
The video recipe for this cream is on our You Tube channel:

How to decorate a cake with fresh flowers

The easiest and most effective way to decorate a cake is to use fresh flowers for decoration.

Most often, flowers and green petals are candied: whip the protein and cover the buds with a brush, then dip in granulated sugar and dry. Such decorations are touching and beautiful.

Of course, not all flowers are suitable for decorating sweets, but the list is impressively large:

Flowers that can be used to decorate sweets:

  • chrysanthemum;
  • rose;
  • chamomile;
  • geranium
  • pansies;
  • lavender;
  • violet;
  • orchid;
  • petunia;
  • flowers of an apple-tree, cherry;
  • tiger lily;
  • cornflower;
  • greenery.

Flowers that are forbidden to use for decorating cakes:

  • White Lily;
  • hyacinth;
  • hydrangea;
  • tulip;
  • snowdrop;
  • hyacinth;
  • calla;
  • carnation.

I decided that decorating with fresh flowers would be perfect for such a delicate cake as "Milk Girl". First, I carefully washed the chrysanthemum flowers, then dried them naturally and stuck them into the top of the cream. Despite the fact that chrysanthemum flowers are edible and tasty, after cutting the cake, we carefully took out the buds, and ate everything else with appetite.

Alternatively, this cake can be baked with two cakes, and then cut them. But, as practice shows, when baking cakes separately, they are juicier and more tender inside.

The cake according to this recipe has a very homemade taste from childhood. Nothing refined, the taste is understandable and native, originating from childhood. Let the cake brew overnight in the refrigerator to reveal all its tenderness. Do not be afraid that the biscuits will “leak”, this will not happen. If you decide that the cake does not have to remain snow-white at all, you can do
Another option for decorating a cake can be - for this you need to put a picture on the surface of the cake and go through the gel. Read more about what wafer paper for a cake is, how to apply it - in a separate article (follow the link).

In a slow cooker

I tried to bake a biscuit in a slow cooker with one cake (I have a Panasonic SR-TMH 18), for this I greased the bowl with butter, used the “Baking” mode (in my model it lasts 40 minutes). Then I turned on the same mode again for 20 minutes (65 minutes in total). The biscuit cake turned out to be excellent: high (6.5 cm), tender, porous. Cut into 4 parts and layered with cream, as usual. When compared with the version of the cake from the oven, I like the second one more. All the charm of this cake is in thin biscuit cakes layered with butter cream. From the slow cooker - delicious, but in a different way.
Tell us if you liked the taste of the Milk Girl cake, if you have a photo, please attach it in the comments. It is very interesting how you decorated the cake, what seemed easy to prepare, and what difficulties arose. I hope that both biscuit cakes and cream turned out the first time, so this cake will be a frequent guest on your table.
I have recorded a video recipe for the Milk Girl cake with ice cream for you, enjoy watching!

I look forward to your feedback! Subscribe to our pages in social networks, so as not to miss the most interesting!

The Milk Girl biscuit got its name from the German cake Milch Madchen, which was prepared on the condensed milk of the same name. It is based on sweet cakes mixed with condensed milk and does not need additional sugar. For cooking, a minimum of products is needed, from which a light dough is obtained that does not require impregnation.

How to make a Milk Girl Cake

To bake a cake, you need to take the main ingredients: condensed milk, flour, chicken eggs and baking powder (you can replace it with slaked soda). To enhance the taste, it is allowed to add sour cream or kefir to the dough. The components are mixed, thin sweet cakes are baked, which are then layered with cream. You can bake the cakes in the oven at 180 degrees for 5-10 minutes or in a frying pan.

Making a Milk Girl cake is easy because you don't need to add a lot of extra ingredients. The dough is flavored with vanilla, syrups or liqueurs. A classic cake consists of 5-6 cakes, which remain sticky after baking: for cooling, it is better to lay them out on parchment, but not stack them. After cooling, you need to let them soak in the cream - a couple of spoons for each cake.

The layering mass is also not tinted, it remains light, with the exception of cream on boiled condensed milk. It remains only to decorate the biscuit with icing, fruit or confectionery dressing - it is not necessary to withstand for impregnation. The cake is soft, tender, with a light base and a fragrant creamy mass. It is good to serve for a festive table or for a children's birthday.

How to decorate

After collecting the cakes, you need to decorate the Milk Girl cake to make it more attractive. Chocolate icing, berries, nuts and whipped cream are a classic decoration option. Almond petals, fruits inside gelatin, colored caramel or sweets look elegant on the surface of the cake. Professionals can cover the biscuit with mastic, cut out flowers from it, sprinkle the surface with chocolate chips, melted milk chocolate, frozen in the form of lace patterns. Sprinkle the sides well with biscuit crumbs left after the formation of the cakes.


The taste of the finished dish depends on what the cream for the Dairy Girl cake will be. You need to choose a light filling for soaking the cakes, not too sugary, because the base turns out to be very sweet. The following types of creams are ideal for this role:

  • ice cream, curd;
  • sour cream, creamy;
  • custard;
  • chocolate, soufflé.

Dairy girl in a slow cooker

Easy to prepare is the Milk Girl cake in a slow cooker, which turns out to be extremely tender and airy. For him, flour is mixed with baking powder, eggs and condensed milk, the dough is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, resembling thick sour cream. The bottom of the multicooker bowl is greased with oil, the cakes are baked for five minutes each in the “Baking” mode, then they are layered with creamy impregnation and decorated. For taste, you can add poppy seeds to the dough or pour syrup into it.

Milk Girl Cake Recipe

Any competent Milk Girl cake recipe should contain step-by-step instructions to facilitate the gradual preparation of the dish. The Milk Girl recipe is not simple, but it has features that you need to remember:

  • it is important to follow the recipe with the number of components;
  • after baking the cakes, leave them to cool completely;
  • use classic sweetened condensed milk, the packaging of which says “Whole”, and not just “Condensed milk”.

With ice cream

  • Cooking time: 30 min.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2650 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: German.

Cake Milk girl with ice cream tastes really like a melted creamy ice cream. This is achieved by boiling the impregnation of cream, sugar, flour and milk with starch, and vanillin gives it a rich taste. Cakes are baked very quickly - in five minutes in the oven, but if desired, you can use a frying pan for this. After layering, the biscuit becomes ready for use.


  • condensed milk - 200 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - a glass + 40 g for cream;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • potato starch - a tablespoon;
  • cream 35% fat - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

With sour cream

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2670 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: German.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Milk girl cake with sour cream will turn out with a pronounced creamy taste. Impregnation for it can be prepared very quickly - heavy cream is whipped with powdered sugar until smooth. It is desirable to layer with a cream with the addition of sour peaches to reduce cloying. It is good to decorate the resulting biscuit with protein custard with wafer butterflies.


  • condensed milk - 200 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • baking powder - 15 grams;
  • sour cream - 350 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 60 g;
  • canned peaches - 90 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with condensed milk, add sifted flour, baking powder. Stir with a fork or mixer.
  2. Prepare a sheet of parchment, put a plate with a diameter of 22 cm on it, circle it, pour two tablespoons of dough into the center of the circle, distribute it. Bake six cakes at 190 degrees until golden brown. Separate from paper, cool.
  3. Beat sour cream with powder, chop peaches there, add a little juice from them.
  4. Collect the cake, coat with impregnation.

    With curd cream

    • Cooking time: 30 min.
    • Number of servings: 8 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 2640 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Cuisine: German.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Cake Milk girl with curd cream according to this recipe comes out more voluminous and airy, because 10 cakes come out of the indicated number of components. The modified traditional composition also gives originality to the variant - butter is added to it, which gives a special taste to the cakes, reduces their cloying and makes them less sticky.


    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • condensed milk - 380 ml;
    • flour - 200 g;
    • butter - 100 g;
    • vanilla sugar - 20 g;
    • cream - 500 ml;
    • powdered sugar - 60 g;
    • cottage cheese - 200 g;
    • baking powder - 10 g.

    Cooking method:

    Under mastic

    • Cooking time: 4 hours.
    • Servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 3520 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

    Cake Dairy girl under mastic is made longer than usual, because the covering with sugar mass takes a long time. From the indicated amount, 3 kg of biscuit will be obtained, which is literally made from one condensed milk - boiled, it is included in the basis of the cream, and classic - cakes. When using mastic, it is important to follow the technology of its application - use a plastic mass brought to room temperature.


    • condensed milk - 800 ml;
    • eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • baking powder - 15 g;
    • wheat flour - 300 g;
    • cream 33% fat - 0.6 l;
    • boiled condensed milk - 0.75 kg;
    • butter - 350 g;
    • mastic - 0.7 kg.

    Cooking method:

    With fruits

    • Cooking time: 30 min.
    • Number of servings: 8 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 2310 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Cuisine: German.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Layer cake Dairy girl with fruits comes out juicy, with a delicate strawberry flavor, pleasant aroma. Quickly make a biscuit, layer it with sour cream. You will get a light cake that contains few calories, has a nice sectional view - thin white cakes with pinkish impregnation and strawberry pieces. If desired, the berries can be replaced with other or favorite fruits.


    • condensed milk - 400 ml;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 160 g;
    • baking powder - 10 g;
    • fat sour cream - 400 ml;
    • sugar - 80 g;
    • strawberries - 150 g.

    Cooking method:

    With mascarpone

    • Cooking time: 1 hour.
    • Number of servings: 8 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 2940 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Cuisine: Italian.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    A step-by-step Milk Girl with Mascarpone cake recipe will help cooks of any level prepare a delicious, mouth-watering treat. Soft Italian cheese gives the dough a sweet and creamy taste that harmonizes well with soaking cherry or strawberry juice. The decoration for him is a simple chocolate chip, obtained by rubbing the tiles on a fine grater.


    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • sugar - 1.5 cups;
    • flour - 150 g;
    • cream - 250 ml;
    • mascarpone - 250 g;
    • frozen cherries - 100 g;
    • chocolate - tile.

    Cooking method:

    with peaches

    • Cooking time: 1 hour.
    • Servings: 10 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 2540 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Cake Milk girl with peaches is appetizing, has a delicate texture. Inside, it looks like snow-white cakes with butter cream and inclusions of pieces of honey peaches. If there are fresh fruits - use them, if not, you can buy canned ones. According to this principle of making delicacies, impregnation is done with any other fruit.


    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • condensed milk - 380 ml;
    • flour - 150 g;
    • baking powder - 15 g;
    • vanilla - a pod;
    • cream - half a liter;
    • peaches - 300 g;
    • dark chocolate - 100 g;
    • peach juice - half a glass.

    Cooking method:


    • Cooking time: 1 hour.
    • Number of servings: 8 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 2850 kcal.
    • Purpose: for dessert.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

    Chocolate milk girl cake differs from the classic one in that the dough here is supplemented with cocoa. If the hostess does not accept this option, then she can leave the base unchanged by preparing only chocolate cream. Chocolate is also a decoration - dark or milky, which is desirable to melt in a water bath and draw fancy patterns on top of it.


    • condensed milk - 380 ml;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • baking powder - 15 g;
    • flour - 200 g;
    • cocoa - 40 g;
    • milk - half a liter;
    • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
    • sugar - 150 g;
    • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
    • butter - 200 g;
    • chocolate - 150 g.

    Cooking method:
