Home / Recipes / What is added to tomato juice. How to make tomato juice for the winter at home from a tomato? With a blender

What is added to tomato juice. How to make tomato juice for the winter at home from a tomato? With a blender

The middle and end of summer is the time for the ripening of large varieties of tomatoes. It's time to think about making a delicious drink from them. If you approach this issue with skill, then preserving tomato juice for the winter at home will not be difficult.

Homemade drink instead of store bought

Like any vegetable juice, a tomato drink contains a lot of useful substances. Among them:

Due to its composition, tomato juice is able to remove toxins, toxins and excess water from the body, improve digestion and lower blood pressure. It also has a positive effect on the digestive system, minimizing the processes of decay in the intestines and cleansing the body. In addition, due to the low calorie content (17-20 kcal), the drink is used to combat excess weight.

A few drops of vegetable oil or simultaneous use with fatty foods help to increase the digestibility of the juice.

In search of an answer to the question of whether there is a difference between an industrial and self-prepared product, it is worth opting for a homemade recipe. Store-bought packaging contains a product reconstituted from a concentrate diluted with water. There will be no harm from it, but the benefit is minimal. In a natural homemade drink, useful substances are preserved in full. If you cook delicious tomato juice yourself, you can vary its concentration and experiment with additives.

Methods for extracting juice from tomatoes

To cook delicious food means to get real pleasure from the dish. There are plenty of recipes in the arsenal of housewives to boast of the best. There are a number of methods for obtaining tomato juice in the home kitchen:

In the absence of kitchen appliances, the drink is obtained mechanically. This method is laborious, since the peeled fruits will have to be boiled, the resulting mass should be freed from seeds using a sieve or gauze, then boiled. Manipulations have to be done much more.

  • How much juice will be obtained from 1 kg of tomatoes?

The volume of the finished product depends on the fleshiness of the fruit and the method of preparation of the workpiece. If you make tomato puree with a blender, meat grinder, then the yield is almost always 1: 1. In other cases, 150-200 g per 1 kg of tomatoes goes to waste.

Traditional recipe without sterilization

Before making a classic drink from domestic tomatoes, well-ripened meaty tomatoes of large varieties are selected (color does not matter). They are processed as follows:

Under the covers rolled up with a key, the workpiece is stored for up to 3 years, under the twist covers - up to 12 months.

Juice according to this recipe can be cooked without salt. If desired, for each liter of the finished product, add 15-20 g of salt and 30-50 g of sugar at the time of boiling. Vinegar or other preservatives are not required for this preparation. Cooking such a preparation at home is easy.

The amount of the finished product depends on the meatiness of the tomatoes and the method of preparation.

Juice with vinegar through a juicer

A drink brewed with vinegar has a more tart taste. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2.5 kg of tomatoes,
  • 15 g of granulated sugar,
  • 5-10 g of salt,
  • 7 ml of 9% vinegar.

Washed tomatoes are cut into pieces, passed through a juicer. The colander is covered with gauze folded in 2 layers, the squeezed juice is poured into it. When the main liquid drains, the gauze is lifted by the edges and the mass remaining in it is squeezed out with hands. Then the cake is processed, otherwise the drink will turn out to be too liquid. Waste is put into a blender, broken up and filtered. If the device is not in the house, you can use a sieve.

The pan with the workpiece is placed on the stove. As soon as its contents become hot, salt, vinegar and sugar are added. At the first sign of boiling, the burner is turned off, the contents are poured into jars.

A drink prepared according to this recipe requires sterilization. Liter jars dug with boiled lids are immersed in a tank of hot water for 10 minutes, two-liter jars - for 15-20 minutes. Immediately after sterilization, the containers are rolled up, turned upside down, wrapped in a warm coat or blanket until cool. A simple recipe suitable for beginners and experienced housewives.

Making tomato juice in a slow cooker

You can make tomato juice without sterilization using a slow cooker. It will take more time to prepare it than in previous cases, but the effort will be significantly reduced.

For 1 kg of tomatoes you will need:

  • 10-20 g of salt,
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • a few crystals of citric acid,
  • peppercorns and bay leaf optional.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Tomatoes are washed, the place of bonding with the stalk and the damaged parts are cut out.
  2. Processed fruits are cut into small pieces, grind with a blender or meat grinder.
  3. The resulting mass is poured into the bowl of the device, spices are added.
  4. The workpiece is mixed with a wooden or plastic spoon, close the lid and set the “quenching” mode on the panel.

Video with cooking in a slow cooker.

After 40 minutes, the finished juice is poured into sterile jars, corked and, turning the containers upside down, left under the covers for 1.5-2 days. The resulting workpiece with peppers and tomatoes is used as an addition to pizza, chicken, pasta. Instead of a vegetable salad or sauce, it is enough to pour a glass of drink to feel the fullness of the taste of the prepared dishes.

Homemade tomato and pepper drink in a juicer

If a juicer is present in the kitchen arsenal, it is best to prepare a tomato drink for the winter with its help. To make the taste more vivid, add bell pepper.

For 2 kg of processed fruits you will need:

Washed, chopped tomatoes are put in a sieve located at the top of the structure. Water is poured into the lower section and, having closed the lid, put the juicer on the stove. Turn on the fire to the maximum, wait 5 minutes. The lid is opened, sweet pepper cut into strips or cubes is added to the tomato mass. At the same time, salt and sugar are poured into the container for raw materials. The juice cooker is closed again and continue to cook without reducing the power of the fire. During the process, the mass is stirred several times.

The juice is ready when only the seeds and a little skin remain on the grate. It usually takes 35-40 minutes to prepare.

The finished product is poured into a sterile container. It is turned over and covered with a warm blanket until it cools.

How to make a tomato drink by hand?

If the tomatoes need to be processed urgently, and there is not even a meat grinder at hand, this is not a reason to give the crop to the neighbors. After all, tomato juice can be prepared using a sieve and a saucepan. A simple recipe for harvesting includes the following steps:

  1. Tomatoes are placed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then, using a slotted spoon, transfer it to a container with cold water. After a few minutes, the fruits are freed from the skin.
  2. Peeled tomatoes are sent to a wide saucepan with a thick bottom and boiled over low heat. On average, this procedure takes 1 hour.
  3. When the fruits become completely soft, a large amount of liquid will stand out, they are ground through a sieve.
  4. A hot thick mass is rolled up under metal covers and upside down, wrapped, cooled. Salt and water are added to the concentrated juice before drinking.

Video with a simple method of cooking by hand.

There are many ways to make homemade tomato juice. It can be cooked without a juicer and other "smart" appliances, made sweet, spicy or salty. The result is an exceptionally useful product, ready to please the summer taste in the winter cold.

Agree, homemade juice is much better than store-bought, from a pack. Even if you don't have a juicer, you can make delicious tomato juice at home. Moreover, it will turn out to be even richer in taste. Indeed, unlike a juicer, which squeezes only liquid out of tomatoes, using the method described below, you can save all the valuable pulp, which, as a rule, is thrown away along with seeds and skins.

Tomato juice at home without a juicer for the winter is a guarantee of a homogeneous, moderately thick and completely natural juice with a lot of pulp, without preservatives and other chemicals. Juice prepared at home using the described technology can simply be drunk chilled or used as a dressing for fish and meat dishes, as well as for preparing all kinds of sauces and soups.


  • tomatoes 4 kg
  • salt 0.5 tbsp. l.

How to make tomato juice without a juicer

Shake the bottle well before drinking and serve the juice chilled. You can additionally season the drink with salt and hot chili pepper. If desired, homemade tomato juice can be diluted with cold boiled water to the desired consistency.

The love of Russians for tomato juice can only be compared with the love of Americans for orange juice. And it's delicious, and useful, whatever you say. But the most delicious and healthy is tomato juice at home. Of course, if you buy ripe tomatoes in the market, such juice will suddenly turn out to be an expensive pleasure. Our story, rather, is for those who have nowhere to put their tomato crop - for fanatic summer residents and residents of villages and villages.

Another discovery that lies in wait for those who decide to make tomato juice at home is that the red liquid from cans, bottles and bags from the store is noticeably different from the one you squeezed out of fresh tomatoes yourself. And the thing is that tomato juice on an industrial scale is made from boiled, condensed tomato paste. It is diluted with prepared water, salt and sugar are added, as well as unchanged preservatives. Juice must be stored for a long time!

In order to prepare tomato juice at home, you need to squeeze it well. The easiest way is to use a household juicer. Modern machines don't run long, rest for half an hour, and don't extract the juice too hard, let's be honest. The pomace is full of juice, and it is a terrible pity to throw it away. Old, time-tested workers are ugly in appearance, but they squeeze juice from tomatoes much better. But still the cake remains quite wet. Painfully fleshy this vegetable, tomato.

Tomato juice can also be made by hand. Grind tomatoes with a meat grinder or blender and rub through a sieve - a time-consuming task. But the juice will be all squeezed with a bang. Sometimes tomatoes are cut into pieces and stewed in containers for cooking salads for the winter, and then rubbed through a sieve. But this method is more suitable for harvesting juice for the winter. On the territory of our country, in some places, an amazing device made in Ukraine, similar to a manual meat grinder, is still sold. At the exit, where the meat grinder has a grate, a strong mesh is wound in the form of a funnel, at the tip of which there is a hole for the cake to exit. You simply pass chopped tomatoes through this device and you get a very thick tomato juice without the slightest sign of seeds or skins. To speed up the process, home craftsmen use a drill or screwdriver instead of a handle. The speed is incredible! We will not talk about squeezing juice with the help of a professional press, although it is the most successful one - this equipment is appropriate in the arsenal of a farm, but not in a city apartment.

So, you have decided to make tomato juice at home. They removed it in a convenient way. All! You can drink! But tomato juice is good because it can be successfully blended with other juices and improve its taste with the help of various spices, herbs and seasonings. A classic of the genre is to add salt and a little sugar if the tomatoes are too sour. Black pepper also looks good in tomato juice. You can even add garlic to tomato juice - and that is both tasty and healthy.

To make freshly squeezed tomato juice even healthier, you can mix it with celery or cabbage juice. Beetroot juice mixed with tomato juice is almost not felt, and it will bring a lot of benefits. Passing the tomatoes through the juicer, add a little sweet fleshy red pepper to the total mass, this will give a new taste sensation.

To ensure that you have as little waste as possible when squeezing the juice, remove the skin from the tomatoes before squeezing. To do this, cut the tomatoes crosswise at the place where the stem is attached, the “ass” itself can be carefully cut out. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then immediately transfer to a pot of cold water, to which you can add a handful of ice cubes to heighten the effect. The skin will come off with no effort.

Tomato juice at home can be prepared not only for momentary use, but also for the winter. To do this, boil tomato juice pure or mixed with spices or other juices, remove the foam and immediately pour into sterilized jars, roll up and wrap. Lids for such preservation should be chosen varnished, since tomato juice contains a lot of acid.

All of the above options for tomato juice can be prepared for the winter. Here are some more recipes for you

Tomato juice for the winter "Piquant"

5.5 kg of ripe tomatoes,
250 g sugar
140 ml 9% vinegar,
80-90 g of salt,
15 peas of allspice,
4-5 cloves,
2 tsp mustard seeds,
1-2 garlic cloves,
a pinch of red ground pepper,
a pinch of ground nutmeg.

Rinse the tomatoes and cut into pieces. Pass through a juicer or squeeze the juice in another way convenient for you. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and put on fire. After boiling, reduce heat and let simmer for 30-40 minutes. Add salt and sugar. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Add garlic and all the spices to the tomato juice, pour in the vinegar, mix and let it boil for another 15 minutes. Pour the juice hot into sterilized jars and immediately roll up. Banks turn over, wrap.

Blended tomato juice

2 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg green apples
1 large beetroot
3-4 stalks of celery
500 g carrots
300 g red sweet pepper,
1-2 garlic cloves,
salt, sugar - to taste.

Prepare all vegetables and fruits, squeeze the juice out of them. Finely chop the garlic, cut the celery into cubes. Mix all juices and put on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. Add garlic and celery, salt and sugar to taste, let it boil for another 15 minutes, strain and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over, wrap up. You can use more tomatoes in this recipe.

And on our website there is another great article about canning tomato juice for the winter. There are many interesting recipes out there.
Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina


The best canned foods are those that you have prepared yourself, you know what you put in and how much, how you cooked it. This is especially true for juices. You shouldn't buy it in the store - it's better to make it yourself!

To make tomato juice, only selected ripe tomatoes should be used. If unripe fruits are processed, the juice will have a sour taste, and in the case of overripe ones, it will turn out to be insipid, tasteless. Studies, as well as the experience of technologists involved in the industrial production of tomato juice, have shown that products made from tomatoes with a ratio of sugars to acids of about 8 have the highest taste.

Such indicators have the following pure varieties of tomatoes: Kharkivsky 55, Lettuce, Simferopolsky, Pervenets, Yuzhanin, Miracle of the market, Akhtubinsky, Marglob Large-fruited 220, Brekoday, Krasnodarets, Lighthouse, New Anant 19, Yerevani 14, Odessa 19, Tamanets 172, Kolkhozny 34. Accordingly, the most delicious juice for the winter will be obtained with the home processing of tomatoes of these particular varieties.

Close the containers with clean sterilized lids. Banks should be filled almost to the very edges of the necks - the more air remains under the lid, the higher the loss of vitamin C during storage will be.

The fruits selected for the manufacture of juice according to the selected recipe must be whole, intact and free from rot. Only in this case, the finished product will not have foreign flavors, and its seaming can be done without boiling and sterilization, which worsen the taste and lead to a decrease in the amount of vitamins in the preparation for the winter. If the choice of tomatoes is not rich and there are spoiled fruits, then the places of damage are carefully cut out, the squeezed product is boiled for 15–20 minutes, stirring and removing the foam, and then poured into prepared jars.

When only high-quality tomatoes are used, the squeezed juice is heated to 82 ° C and immediately poured into containers. This is necessary to reduce the activity of the pectase enzyme contained in tomatoes, which causes sedimentation of pulp particles, leading to a deterioration in the consistency of the finished product and its separation during storage. Some housewives do not subject the juice to heat treatment at all and pour it into prepared containers immediately after squeezing, apparently guided by the fact that it is not destined to be stored for a long time, and very soon it will be all drunk.

If, for reliability, someone wants to sterilize the finished product before seaming, then the duration of this procedure for half-liter containers is 20 minutes, for liter containers - 30 minutes, for 2-liter containers - 45 minutes, and for 3-liter containers - 60 minutes. Although this is not necessary for juice prepared in good sanitary conditions and in compliance with the technology.

After seaming, hot jars are turned upside down with lids and wrapped in a thick warm blanket or something similar. When the finished product has cooled to room temperature, it is removed to a place intended for storage. This preparation for the winter is stored for the longest time at 0–+5 ° C and in the absence of lighting. Sometimes there is a stratification of the tomato product - the pulp in the jar settles to the bottom, and a yellowish transparent liquid collects on top. In some cases, the pulp is concentrated in the juice in layers. Although in appearance such a product is not very attractive, it is quite suitable for food.

Before processing tomatoes, they should be prepared: thoroughly washed, dried and removed from their stalk. In some recipes, it is proposed to peel the fruit from the skin and cut out the core from them. This practically does not affect the quality and taste of the finished product, but only complicates and slows down the cooking process, so this is not necessary at all. Just before squeezing the juice, the tomatoes are cut into several pieces.

The recipe for preparing tomato juice for the winter, in the generally accepted sense of the word, is actually only one. It is necessary to prepare the fruits, process them, and pack the squeezed product and put it away for storage. As suggested in some "recipes" - to add any spices and other ingredients - it will be anything, some kind of drink or preservative, but not tomato juice, especially if you also use vinegar with vegetable oil.

The classic cooking recipe excludes even the addition of salt. It will not affect the duration of storage in any way, but it is better to salt before drinking juice and to taste. Some differences may be in the technology of preparing a tomato product for the winter. They are determined by the quality of the selected fruits, which has already been described above, and can also be expressed in the use or not use of one or another equipment (for example, a juicer). However, this does not change the recipe.

Some people mistakenly divide this preparation into just juice and juice with pulp. Alas, regardless of the chosen tomatoes for processing and preparation technology, any natural homemade tomato juice is with pulp. It just can be more or less, and the juice, respectively, at the same time - thicker or thinner, watery.

Choose ripe, juicy tomatoes. The best juice is obtained from ripe varietal tomatoes. If the cut fruit slice has a great smell and texture, the juice will also be delicious. Choose your tomatoes for juicing either at your local store or at the farm at the peak of the harvest.

Wash your tomatoes. Rinse the tomatoes under running water and dry them with either a kitchen towel or paper towel. Simply rinsing the tomatoes will be enough to remove dirt and bacteria from them.

Remove the core and cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces. First, cut the tomatoes in half. Remove the core and any hard parts from the pulp, then cut the halves in half again.

Place the chopped tomatoes in a non-reacting pan. Take a steel or enamel pot, but not aluminum, as the aluminum is likely to react with the acid in the tomatoes.

Squeeze out the juice from the tomatoes. Use a mashed potato masher or wooden spoon to crush the tomatoes while squeezing out the juice. In the pan should be a mixture of tomato juice and pulp. There is now enough liquid in the pot to bring it to a boil.

  • If you feel the mixture is too dry, add a little water to make sure there is enough liquid in the pot to boil.
  • Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil. Stir the juice and pulp regularly so that they do not burn. Continue cooking the tomatoes until the mixture is soft and runny. This process may take 25 to 30 minutes.

    Add seasonings if you like. Add a pinch of sugar, soy, or other seasonings if you want to enrich the tomato flavor. The sweetness of the sugar will help reduce the acidity of the tomatoes.

    • If you're not sure how much sugar, salt, and pepper to add, start with a small amount. Taste the tomatoes before removing the pan from the heat and add more if needed.
  • Remove the tomatoes from the stove and let them cool for a few minutes. Do not cool them to room temperature, the tomatoes should be cool enough to reduce the possibility of accidental burns.

  • Separate the juice from the pulp. Place a colander or sieve over a large bowl. If you are using a colander, choose a model with small holes. Take a plastic or glass bowl, as the metal bowl can react with the acid in the tomato juice. Gradually strain the cooled tomato puree through a colander. Most of the tomato juice will naturally drain into the bowl.

    • Shake the colander from time to time to clear the holes and allow the juice to flow freely into the bowl. Using a silicone spatula, push the tomatoes through a sieve. Rubbing the tomato puree will release the remaining juice from the pulp.
    • Discard the remaining pulp from the sieve. These leftovers no longer have any culinary value.