Home / Chebureks / Technology for the production of oil-fat spreads. Commodity characteristics of spreads

Technology for the production of oil-fat spreads. Commodity characteristics of spreads

Butter-making today, perhaps, is one of the main branches of the dairy industry, which has been and remains in demand by the population of any country. Butter is a food product in which the main component is milk fat in the composition from 81-82.5% to 98%. The popularity and demand for the oil is explained by its excellent digestibility, as well as its high calorie content and rich in protein content. As for the specific taste of the butter, during production it is provided by the use of glycerides, which are part of milk fat, proteins, lecithin and fatty acids.

Oil production, namely its industrial processing, is a rather complex complex of physicochemical, chemical, biochemical, microbiological, thermophysical, biotechnical and many other technological processes related to each other.

Butter and Spread Production: A Distinctive Feature

The production of spreads and butter is carried out on practically the same equipment due to the use of similar technological processes. The difference between butter and spread is only in the different content of the amount of cream, because cream from cow's milk is usually used for butter, but spreads consist of a certain combination of cow's milk with vegetable oils.

How is oil produced?

According to technological standards, the production of one kilogram of butter requires 20 liters of milk, which is especially difficult in the autumn-winter period, which is characterized by a sharp jump in milk prices and, accordingly, a shortage of butter. There are several types of butter that are familiar to consumers:

  1. Sweet creamy salted butter;
  2. Sweet unsalted butter;
  3. Chocolate butter;
  4. Sour salted butter;
  5. Unsalted sour cream butter;
  6. Melted butter;
  7. Amateur oil.

The differences between each type are in the characteristic taste of each of them, as well as in the use of a specific production technology and compliance with the recipe for preparation.

Equipment is an equally important factor that distinguishes oil production. It, in turn, is divided into two types:

  • Equipment for the preparatory operation of oil production;
  • Oil production equipment.

As for the preparatory operations for the production of butter, they are carried out thanks to the use of fermentors and special containers in which the cream ripens, but in the process of producing butter, butter makers and butter formers are involved. The production of butter is based on a technological process, which consists in concentrating milk and fat, as well as in breaking the emulsion of the used fat and forming the structure of the product with the required properties.

There are two ways in which oil production is based:

1. Whipping cream; 2. Converting high fat cream.

The first technology for the production of butter consists in concentrating the fat phase due to the milk separation method, as well as the subsequent destruction of the milk fat emulsion as a result of whipping the resulting cream. In the technology of whipping cream, it is customary to distinguish several technological operations:

  1. Receiving milk;
  2. Cooling;
  3. Storage;
  4. The heating;
  5. Separation;
  6. Heat treatment of cream;
  7. Whipping cream;
  8. Oil grain washing;
  9. Salting butter;
  10. Mechanical restoration;
  11. Packing of finished oil and its storage.

The production of butter by this method involves the use of cream with a fat mass fraction of 30 to 50%. Thanks to this concentration of fat, the acceleration of the formation of oil grains is ensured, which leads to an increase in the productivity of the butter maker.

As for the process of producing butter by converting high-fat cream, it consists of the following stages:

  1. Receiving milk;
  2. Cooling;
  3. Storage;
  4. Heating;
  5. Separation;
  6. Heat treatment;
  7. Getting high-fat cream;
  8. Salting;
  9. Moisture normalization of cream;
  10. Thermomechanical processing of cream;
  11. Packing and temperature control of oil;
  12. Storage.

Spreads and their production

In essence, spreads are oils with a combined fat phase, to improve the quality of which, as a rule, structure stabilizers and emulsifiers are used during production. The difference between spreads and butter is that they are saturated with a large amount of vegetable oils, and also contain beta-carotene, known to everyone as an excellent antioxidant. The advantage of producing spreads is the absence of seasonal price fluctuations for this product. Thanks to this, the production of spreads is quite profitable for manufacturers in many countries, and is also in high demand among consumers of different social and financial status.

The production of spreads is based on the use of food additives, vitamins and flavors, which makes it possible to divide this product into several types:

  • Creamy vegetable spread, in which the mass fraction of milk fat is 50%;
  • Vegetable-creamy - the proportion of milk fat is from 15 to 49.9%;
  • Vegetable fat, which is produced from non-dairy raw materials.

Spread production consists in the transformation of high-fat cream using dairy and vegetable raw materials, as well as through careful control at all stages of production. The production of spreads sets itself the task of obtaining a stable homogeneous emulsion from dairy cream. It is important that in the process of separating the cream, the temperature of the procedure should not exceed 65-70 degrees. Otherwise, when the temperature rises, it can lead to melting of the fat.

"Spread production technology and characteristics of technological equipment"

1. Introduction

2. Description of the technological scheme of production

3. Comparative characteristics of technological equipment

4. Engineering calculations

5. Rules of operation

List of used literature


1. Introduction

The dairy industry is one of the most important branches of the agro-industrial complex in providing the population with food. It is a widely branched network of processing enterprises and includes the most important industries: whole-milk production, butter-making, cheese-making, production of condensed and dry milk products, ice cream, production of baby food, whole milk substitutes for young farm animals. Each of the subsectors has its own specific characteristics.

Based on world experience, it is planned to bring the meat and dairy processing industry to a qualitatively new level, which ensures the resumption of the volume of products that are produced, an increase in its quality, a significant increase in the range and depth of processing of raw materials. To solve the set tasks, it is necessary to carry out technical re-equipment of meat processing enterprises and dairies, as well as significantly improve the technological level of equipment that is used at processing enterprises of low capacity.

Today, the state of the dairy industry is characterized by the functioning of enterprises that process from 3 to 500 tons of milk per shift.

Industrial milk processing is a complex complex of interrelated chemical, physicochemical, microbiological, biochemical, biotechnical, thermophysical and other specific technological processes.

All components of milk are used in the production of drinking milk and fermented milk products. The production of cream, sour cream, fermented milk cheese, butter, cheese is based on the processing of individual components of milk. The production of canned milk is associated with the preservation of all milk solids after moisture has been removed from it.

The dairy industry is equipped with modern processing equipment. Rational use of technological equipment requires deep knowledge of its features. At the same time, it is important to preserve as much as possible the nutritional and biological value of the components of raw materials in the dairy products that are produced.

At the same time, technical re-equipment of enterprises is being carried out, new technological lines and certain types of equipment of different capacities, different categories of mechanization and automation are being installed.

Technological processes for the production of dairy products consist of separate technological operations that are performed on different machines and devices, which are completed into technological lines.

At the enterprises of the dairy industry, many typical technological operations - milk intake, cleaning, heat treatment - are performed using the same type of technological equipment for different types of production.

Ukraine has some of the best conditions in the world for the production of milk and dairy products, but the problem of saturation of the market with them has not been fully resolved even in the years accompanying the development of the dairy industry.

2. Description of the technological scheme

The implementation of the task of providing the population with food is possible by creating a wide range of safe products containing the necessary set of food ingredients. The production of food products of mixed raw materials, including dairy products, is a characteristic feature of our time. The development and improvement of their technology should be carried out in accordance with the modern requirements of nutrition science, working conditions, national traditions, globalization of society, and the population's ability to pay. It is advisable to expand the range of dairy products of mixed raw materials by creating:

Mixed raw materials for mass use;

Healthy food products, as well as functional purposes.

In the last 20-30 years, analogs of butter have become widespread throughout the world - spreads, which are produced with varying degrees of replacement of milk fat with vegetable fat. In accordance with the classification adopted in Russia (GOST R 52100-2003), spreads are divided into butter-vegetable (more than 50% of milk fat in the fat phase), vegetable-cream (up to 50% of milk fat) and vegetable-fat (without milk fat) ... Taking into account the raw material capabilities, technical equipment of the enterprise, the level of training of specialists, each manufacturer has the right to choose the path of development and production improvement that is optimal for himself.

Natural vegetable oils and fat systems obtained on their basis have a high biological value due to the presence in the composition of a significant amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential food micronutrients in the creation of functional products. They are not synthesized in the human body and must be ingested with food. This factor served as a prerequisite for the partial replacement of milk fat in butter with natural vegetable fats. Due to the balance of the fatty acid composition, the composition and properties of the product are regulated in a directed manner - the nutritional and biological value and its dietary properties increase. To obtain a product with a balanced fatty acid composition, the most optimal range when replacing milk fat with vegetable is the range of 40-50%.

Creamy vegetable spreads produced according to the classic butter-making technology from natural cow's milk using high-quality fat systems are almost identical to butter in composition, appearance, structure, and consumer indicators.

Combined butter or spread is an edible fat product (water-in-fat emulsion), which consists of milk and vegetable fat with a mass fraction of total fat from 50% to 85% and in which a particle of milk fat is not less than 25% of the total fat , with a firm or soft consistency with (without) the addition of food additives, fillers and vitamins.

The combined oil was first made in 1969 in Switzerland.

Butter with partial replacement of milk fat with vegetable oils is produced in many countries of the world, including Ukraine.

There are a large number of milk fat substitutes on the Ukrainian market, including special equivalents and cheap vegetable oils of low quality.

They use coconut, palm, soy fats, corn and sunflower oils, as well as mixtures of fats (for example, "Akoblend", "Olmiks").

"OLMIKS", manufacturer - ZAT "Kiev Margarine Plant" has a pleasant sweet cream taste and aroma. Introductions of natural dye (3-carotene (enriched with provitamin A). Color - slightly yellowish.

The fat composition includes: refined, bleached, deodorized vegetable fats (sunflower oil); palm oil fractions, carotene, butter flavor. The fat mass fraction of the product is 99.7%, the melting point is 32 ... 34 ° C.

Requirements for non-dairy fats used to make a spread:

Organoleptic. Taste, smell, color and consistency should be close to butter;

Storage ability. Fats must retain their quality for 6 months at low temperatures (+ 4 ° C);

Chemical composition. Mass fraction of fat - 99.7%, moisture - 3%, gas phase - up to 0.5%;

Fatty acid composition. The ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated ones can be 0.3 ... 0.4. The amount of limiting fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic) is 15 ... 25%. Mass particle of trans fatty acids isomers up to 8%;

Melting and hardening temperature: melting temperature 32 ... 44 ° С (winter) and 35 ... 37 ° С (summer);

Microbiological indicators: the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is not allowed, incl. salmonella in 25 g of product;

Safety indicators. The content of extraneous chemicals, heavy metal salts in quantities exceeding the GDK is not allowed.

The optimal doses of non-dairy fats (based on the total content of the fat phase):

a mixture of vegetable fats ("Akoblend") - 85%;

"liquid vegetable oils - 15%;

"palm (solid) fat - 30%.

For the production of spreads, the method of converting high-fat cream is optimal. The key to success in achieving this goal is the use of high quality dairy and vegetable raw materials, stable and coordinated operation of technological equipment, careful constant monitoring and analysis of the technological process.

Particular attention in the production of creamy vegetable spreads should be given to the process of obtaining a stable homogeneous emulsion of milk-vegetable cream. It is at this stage of production that the stability of the quality indicators of both the freshly produced product and the product during storage is laid.

The stability of a high fat blend in the production of creamy vegetable spreads is determined by many factors. In the production of spreads, the greatest attention is paid to the preparation of vegetable fats, the correct organization of the mixing process of the components, the correct choice of the mixture emulsification parameters. These are really important components of their development.

However, when producing creamy vegetable spreads using natural dairy raw materials, attention should be paid to the conditions that ensure the stable quality of high-fat milk cream.

In order to maintain the stability of the fat emulsion, cream with a fat mass fraction of more than 35% should not be sent to separation. The optimum temperature for their separation is 65-70 ° C. Its increase leads to fat melting and destabilization of the fat dispersion.

An increase in the mass fraction of fat in the resulting high-fat cream also reduces the stability of the emulsion. Insufficient stability of milk cream complicates the process of obtaining a stable milk-vegetable mixture. The use for the production of spreads of high-fat milk cream with a mass fraction of fat as close as possible to the value of this indicator in the finished product greatly facilitates the process of obtaining a stable emulsion and simplifies the process of normalizing the high-fat mixture by moisture.

The temperature of the components (high-fat cream, melted vegetable fat) when making up a high-fat dairy-vegetable mixture should be 65 ± 5 ° C. This temperature regime ensures minimal differences in density and viscosity of the mixed components, which guarantees the stability of the emulsion. The rate of feeding vegetable fat into high-fat cream or high-fat cream into vegetable cream should not exceed 1500 kg / h. When using pumps of higher capacity, the components are introduced in portions, for example, in three steps with intermediate kneading of the mixture for 3-7 minutes.

The dairy-vegetable mixture is emulsified until a stable emulsion is obtained, which is assessed visually. The emulsification parameters are set taking into account the technical capabilities of the enterprise, the features of the equipment operation and the degree of milk fat replacement. The duration of the emulsification process is adjusted depending on the productivity of the equipment used. Excessive mechanical stress can lead to destabilization of the emulsion.

When normalizing high-fat cream with buttermilk, especially when it is introduced in a significant amount, it is possible to increase the amount of large drops of moisture in the oil and its uneven distribution in the product. Minimizing the normalization process of the high-fat mixture increases the stability of the oil former. To normalize a high-fat mixture in terms of moisture, it is more advisable to use not buttermilk, but cream with a fat mass fraction of 30-33%. This technique improves the consistency, structure and organoleptic characteristics of the finished product.

Long-term (more than 30-40 minutes) exposure of the hot high-fat mixture in baths for normalization may cause deterioration in the taste, smell and consistency of the spread. Therefore, the mixture is made up in the baths one by one and in the same order is fed to the butter maker.

Provided that a stable emulsion is obtained, the operating parameters of butter formers in the production of butter-vegetable spreads are regulated taking into account the same laws as in the production of butter.

The technological scheme of spread production by the method of converting high-fat cream is shown in Figure 1.

Fig 1. Scheme of the technological process of producing a spread by the method of converting high-fat cream: 1 - scales; 2 - a receiving bath; 3 - plate heat exchanger; 4 - cream separator; b - tubular pasteurizer; 6 - deodorization unit; 7 - pump for cream; 5 - pressure tank; 9 - separator for high-fat cream; 10 - bath for high-fat cream; 11 - rotary pump; 12 - butter maker; 13 - table and scales; 14 - plate cooler; 15 - a container for reserving cream.

Contrary to popular belief, butter is far from a harmless product. It contains a large amount of cholesterol, which is the main cause of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, obesity and diabetes. Spread is a great alternative to butter. This product has already gained popularity among residents of Western Europe and America, and today, to the delight of healthy nutrition specialists, it is increasingly found on the tables of Russians.

Spread history

Translated from English, the word "spread" means "spreadable paste", while the composition and origin of the product does not matter. Russian GOST clearly delineated the spread in relation to other pasty mixtures. According to GOST R 52 100, the term "spread" refers to fat and oil products that have a plastic consistency and have a strictly regulated composition.

Western Europeans and North Americans have long favored this product, reducing their consumption of butter or even completely eliminating it. In terms of healthy eating, the benefits of a spread are undeniable:

  • low levels of animal fats and cholesterol;
  • the product is enriched with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K;
  • has high plasticity, spreads easily even at low temperatures;
  • it has a high taste, as close as possible to natural butter.

Spreads are a special group of products. For their clear classification, technical regulations were developed first, and later GOST. In accordance with these documents, the spread must have a mass fraction of fat from 39% to 95%, be made from milk fat and / or various vegetable oils, and it is also permissible to introduce additional flavoring and vitamin additives. Nevertheless, this GOST is not perfect, since in addition to the spread, it also regulates ghee, which are not only not useful, but also harmful. What should a buyer do? The question is rhetorical. There is only one piece of advice. Choose products from those manufacturers who have extensive experience in spread production and have proven the high quality of their products. Do not assume that a truly high-quality product can only be imported. A number of Russian companies issue spreads that are comparable in quality and safety to Western European brands. The only “minus” is the absence of legislative norms obliging the manufacturer to decipher the fat composition on the package indicating the content of saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as trans isomers.

What is the spread made of?

Modern trends in nutrition are aimed primarily at improving the quality of life and health of the population. After all, as you know, the disease is always easier to prevent than to cure later. This fully applies to atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is easier to initially eliminate or limit the consumption of foods high in cholesterol than to take drugs of the statin class for life. Based on similar prerequisites, such a functional product as a spread was created. In Western Europe, its composition is strictly regulated by various regulatory documents, so there is no reason to doubt that the daily use of this product helps to maintain human health and is absolutely harmless.

Spreads have long been included in the diet of people looking after their health. In addition, they are great not only for eating, but also for preparing various dishes, including baked goods and desserts.

The useful components of a spread are as follows:

  • beta-carotene, which improves the functional state of the skin and organs of vision;
  • natural antioxidants that neutralize oxidation products and protect body cells from their damaging effects;
  • vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), necessary for the normal synthesis of sex hormones and the fight against wrinkles;
  • vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and neutralizes free radicals;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, arachidonic, linolenic, etc.), which are especially necessary for the normal functioning of the brain;
  • phospholipids, which are an integral component of cell membranes;
  • various trace elements, etc.

All spreads are divided into three large groups depending on the fat content:

  • low-fat, in which the amount of fat does not exceed 39%;
  • medium fat (fat content from 50 to 70%);
  • high fat (fat content from 70 to 95%)

The assimilation of fats and other ingredients of the spread is very high (about 95%), therefore, all nutrients are absorbed into the body in full during digestion.

Studies carried out on the basis of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have proven that the spread is an excellent alternative to butter, since it fully meets all the requirements of a healthy diet, and is absolutely harmless. Today, the scientific literature provides evidence that excessive consumption of butter negatively affects the state of the body. It is not for nothing that earlier in Russia this product was used only on holidays, and not daily. Common sense was laid in Russian folk traditions, despite the fact that the scientific foundations of our ancestors, of course, were not known.

Features of the spread production technology

The ratio of milk and vegetable fats in spreads may vary. Therefore, there are three groups of spreads:

  • vegetable-fatty, which contain only vegetable fats;
  • vegetable-creamy ones, which contain from 15 to 49% milk fat (in terms of the fat phase);
  • creamy vegetable, the fat phase of which contains more than 50% milk fat.

To distinguish between spread and butter, the corresponding GOST was developed in 2004. Spread is not butter, it is a special product with a certain composition. Butter can be a product obtained from natural milk, while the mass fraction of fat in butter cannot be less than 64%. It's scary to imagine how much cholesterol is contained in such a natural product!

To produce the spread, milk fat and vegetable oils (peanut, sunflower, corn, palm, coconut) are used, as well as whole milk, buttermilk or whey. An important condition for spreads is the reduction in the level of trans fats in this product. Trans fats are trans fatty acids that damage the arterial wall. Their level should be no higher than 8%, and according to European legislation, less than 5%. Fat processing technologies are constantly improving, and some companies use fats for the production of spreads, in which there are no trans isomers at all. In particular, instead of the process of hydrogenation of liquid oils, a technology based on the transesterification of fats is being increasingly used.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the spread is a relatively new product of the oil and fat industry, and its development was carried out with one goal - to improve the health indicators of the population. It tastes no different from butter, and even surpasses this natural product in some quality indicators.

In accordance with the current GOST R 52100 - 2003 spread is an emulsion fat product with a mass fraction of fat from 39 to 95% inclusive, having a plastic, easily smeared consistency, produced from milk fat and (or) cream, and (or) butter and natural and / or fractionated and / or transesterified and / or hydrogenated vegetable oils or their compositions.

Depending on the composition of raw materials, spreads are:

Creamy vegetable (mass fraction of milk fat in the fat phase - from 50 to 95%);

Vegetable-creamy (mass fraction of milk fat in the composition of the fat phase from 15 to 50%);

Vegetable fat (composed of non-dairy fats).

Spreads are produced in accordance with the requirements of Ф3№90 "Technical regulations for fat and oil products" according to recipes and (or) technological instructions in compliance with the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Spread "Gorodskoy" is a product with a fat mass fraction of 60%, with a taste and smell characteristic of butter from cow's milk, with a taste of pasteurized cream, a plastic consistency at a temperature of 12 ± 2 ° C, a color from white to light yellow, representing a dispersed water-in-oil system.

The tab of the components in the development of the "City" spread is carried out according to the recipe presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Raw material indicators

Mass fraction in raw materials,%

Raw material weight (kg) per 1000 kg of spread, taking into account losses

Sandwich butter

Milk fat substitute

Skimmed milk powder

Total mix

Spread output, kg

Mass fraction in the normalized mixture for the spread,%:




2. Substantiation of the scheme of technological processes for the production of the "Gorodskoy" spread.

A feature of the technology is the preparation of components according to the recipe. As an example, a recipe for an unsalted sweet cream spread "City" with a mass fraction of fat in the finished product of 60% is given. Components are checked for compliance with quality certificates, unpacked and weighed. Components of dairy and non-dairy origin are prepared separately. The key operation of the technological process in the production of spreads is to obtain a stable milk-fat emulsion or dispersion, depending on the use of milk fat substitutes. Emulsions (dispersions) are prepared on the basis of skim milk or buttermilk in natural form or from dry raw materials.

Fat components are melted in fat melters with a tube sheet, through which hot water passes at t 60-70˚С. Simultaneously dissolve skimmed milk powder in a container for dissolving milk powder at t 40-50˚С. The melted fat and reconstituted milk are pumped by a centrifugal pump into a universal tank (normalization bath) and stirred at 65 ± 5 ° C until the non-dairy fat is completely dissolved. Further, this mixture is subjected to emulsification at t 45-50˚С, using for this purpose an emulsifier or by means of circulation according to the scheme of a centrifugal pump - a container until a stable emulsion is obtained. In the second case, if it is necessary to intensify emulsification (if there is free fat in the emulsion), the valve on the inlet of the centrifugal pump is closed, reducing the productivity by 30-50%.

The resulting high-fat emulsion is sent to normalizing baths, where it is mixed with high-fat cream. The prepared high-fat mixture in the normalizing bath is stirred with a stirrer and then the mass fraction of moisture in it is determined. Analytically determined mass fraction of moisture in a high-fat mixture should be 0.6% less than required in the finished product (taking into account the correction for under-evaporated moisture). If the mass fraction of moisture in the high-fat mixture is less than required, it should be normalized with skim milk.

Conversion of a high-fat mixture into oil is carried out in cylindrical or plate-type butter makers.

In the production of spreads, the process of converting the emulsion in the butter maker is carried out in 3 stages:

Cooling the emulsion;

Dispersion of the aqueous phase;

Formation of the primary structure of spreads.

The stage of cooling the emulsion is carried out in the cooling section of the butter maker. Emulsions intended for spreading are fed to the oil-forming cooling section using a plunger pump. The technological task of the first stage of the process is partial crystallization of the fat phase, the product and the achievement of a certain ratio of solid and liquid fat in order to create a stable dispersed system upon subsequent dispersion of the aqueous phase. This is done by cooling the emulsion to a temperature of 152 ° C. When the emulsion is cooled, a certain ratio of solid and liquid fat is achieved. This is necessary in order to increase the viscosity of the fat upon subsequent dispersion of the aqueous phase. If the viscosity of the product is low, the stability of such a system will be insufficient to maintain moisture in a dispersed state and the product will separate into fat and water phases.

The stage of dispersing the aqueous phase is carried out in the disperser of the butter maker. The technological task of the second stage of the process is to disperse the aqueous phase and create the prerequisites for the formation of a fine-grained structure during the crystallization of fat. Under the influence of intensive mechanical treatment, the following processes take place in the dispersant: the aqueous phase is dispersed in the fat and an inverse water-in-fat emulsion is formed. The persistence of the resulting dispersion depends on the viscosity of the dispersion medium (fat phase). With an increase in viscosity, the stability of the dispersed system increases and the achieved degree of moisture dispersion is better preserved. The indicator of the required viscosity of the product is the readings of the ammeter of the disperser motor. The readings of the ammeter installed on the control panel of the butter maker should be 10 ± 1 A. Under the influence of intensive mechanical treatment, many fat crystallization centers appear, which favors the formation of a fine-grained crystalline structure of the fat phase of the product. The stage of formation of the primary structure of the spread is carried out in the butter maker processor. The technological task of the first stage of the process is the optimal thermomechanical treatment of the product (cooling with simultaneous mechanical treatment) and further obtaining a high-quality finished product with the required rheological properties. In the product at the outlet of the butter maker, a primary structure is formed, on the basis of which a hard-plastic structure of the finished product is formed under static conditions during refrigerated storage. The following processes take place in the butter maker processor: -

Further group crystallization of glycerides with the formation of crystal aggregates initiated at the first stage of the process;

Formation of new crystal aggregates. The initiation of the formation of new crystals is facilitated by intensive mixing of the product (mechanical treatment). The greater the intensity of the mechanical treatment of the product, the more new crystallization centers appear, due to which a fine-grained crystalline structure of the product is formed. This helps to improve the plasticity of the product; after leaving the butter maker, the fat crystallizes at rest. In this case, colloidal bonds and new crystalline formations appear between the fat crystals. Just as in the production of butter, an increase in the intensity of mechanical processing of the product improves the plasticity of the spread, but reduces its strength characteristics (hardness, heat resistance, etc.). Insufficient mechanical processing leads to the formation of such defects as crumbling, lamination, etc. Therefore, the intensity of mechanical processing should be adjusted based on the results of studying the quality of the spread of previous workings. The intensity of machining is regulated by changing the rotor (mixer) rotational speed inside the heat exchange cylinder of the processor by means of frequency cooling of the product.

Rice. 1 Technological scheme for the production of sweet cream spread "Gorodskaya"

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The word "Margarine" is translated into Russian as a pearl. In the 19th century, the famous chemist Mezh Murye conducted experiments in his laboratory, as a result of which he obtained an emulsion of beef fat and water, in the form of a white ball remarkably similar to a pearl. Since then, the name "Margarine" has been assigned to this kind of emulsions.

In the minds of Russian consumers, the name of the product - "margarine" - postponed not the best impressions. Therefore, smart heads have come up with new names: "combined oil", "light oil", "soft oil"

Production technology

In general, the production process is based on the preparation of a high-fat milk-fat dispersion and its subsequent transformation into butter by thermomechanical processing.
The use of vegetable oils, milk fat substitutes in the production of combined butter by the conversion method, allows the replacement of milk fat up to 70% and eliminates defects that affect the quality of the finished product.
The product should be formulated from vegetable oils that have undergone a full cycle of refining and deodorization and have a stable composition. It is also possible to use butter, ghee, milk fat, which does not require the use of high-fat cream separators. Combined butter is produced using, in various proportions, cream (with ppm fat 35%, 52%, 72.5%, 82.5%), butter, milk, skim milk, buttermilk, milk powder.
The production process boils down to high-quality preparation of a mixture composed of milk base and vegetable fats with the possible addition of ingredients that improve the taste, aroma and consistency of the product produced.

Technology for the production of light and soft oils

1. Acceptance and sorting of raw materials

2. Preparation of components

Non-dairy and milk fats are heated to t 50 ... 65 ° C in a container with a jacket or other equipment suitable for melting fat. Use another type of oil cutter or grinder.

3. Normalization and stabilization

To normalize the high-fat mixture, use dry whole or skim milk, dry buttermilk, which are previously dissolved in water or milk at 45 ... 50 ° C, using a bath with a stirrer and a thermostatic jacket and a centrifugal pump to circulate this mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Structural stabilizers are added to the high-fat mixture in an amount of 0.1 ... 0.4%, flavor and dye - in an amount of 0.01 ... 0.1%, stirred for 5 ... 10 minutes.

4. Compilation of a high-fat mixture, its emulsification, normalization

The calculated amount of butter, ghee, non-dairy fats is added to the tank (with a jacket and a stirrer) and brought to t 55 ... 60 ° C. After melting the mixture of fats and oils, the mixer is turned on and the calculated amount of whole or skim milk, dry milk, buttermilk, flavoring, coloring agent, stabilizer, water is added. Mixing is carried out by thorough mixing with a stirrer and dispersion, which is carried out most often by a centrifugal pump, disperser, homogenizer or emulsifier looped onto the bath. When using a centrifugal pump, a dispersant, the product circulates at t 55 ... 65 ° C for a time sufficient to obtain a homogeneous dispersion without visible free fat on the surface (10 ... 15 min). The emulsified high-fat mixture is stirred with a stirrer, if necessary, cooled to 45 ... 50 ° C.

5. Pasteurization

The resulting high-fat emulsion is pasteurized in a normalizing bath or pasteurizing unit at 72 ... 75 ° C for 20 minutes, at 85 ... 95 ° C without holding.

6. Conversion of high fat emulsion to oil

After pasteurization, the mixture is normalized, cooled to a temperature of 50 ... 65 ° C and fed to the butter maker for thermomechanical processing. The product temperature at the outlet of the butter maker should be 12-14 ° C. Ice water or brine and t minus 2 ... 10 ° C are used as a refrigerant.

7. Oil packaging

Produced in transport or consumer containers. Before packing the oil into cups, boxes, the oil is warmed at t 15 ... 18 ° C and loaded into the feeding hopper of the filling equipment. Subject to the conditions for the preparation of a stable homogeneous dispersion, modes of the process of butter formation, a combined dairy product is obtained, which is not inferior in quality to butter.