Home / Pancakes, pancakes / Raw raspberry jam without cooking. Quick Raspberry Jam without Cooking with a Secret

Raw raspberry jam without cooking. Quick Raspberry Jam without Cooking with a Secret

Raspberry jam recipes for the winter

The taste and aroma of such an easy-to-cook raspberry jam without boiling will be appreciated by your friends and family. Try our step by step recipe...

2 b by 0.5

40 minutes

220 kcal

5/5 (1)

Berries should be selected of excellent quality without worms, mechanical damage and signs of damage to garden diseases. I pick the berries and try to prepare them immediately that day so that they do not deteriorate and turn into porridge. Lying berries are very difficult to pick, they are very fragile and tender, so I advise you to do it as soon as possible.

We are used to the fact that jam is prepared by the type of cooking berries and fruits in a saucepan with sugar over low heat. Once I read in the literature (I don't remember the name of the magazine) that all vitamin C and other useful substances in berries are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures. That is, simply put, jam on fire is a “dead” product, completely useless. Just a sweet mass. And since then I have been making raspberry jam without cooking. The method is very simple and does not require a large number time and effort.

How to make a raspberry variety without cooking

We will need:

Step by step recipe:

  1. We select good berries in a separate bowl. To make it easier to select, I take a baking sheet from the oven and pour raspberries on it so that it covers the bottom in 1 layer. Now I pick the bad berries and dispose of them. The rest can be conveniently poured into a large bowl, since the baking trays are usually always large and wide.
  2. Next, rinse the berries thoroughly with cold water.
  3. Then we need to dry our raspberries well. To do this, I spread a waffle tea towel on the table and slightly soak it on top with another.
  4. I pour the berries from the towel into the pan and add the sugar. I rub it thoroughly with a spoon or pestle - it's as convenient as anyone.
  5. You can add during mixing vanilla sugar, the smell is just eye-catching.
  6. We pack the resulting jam in pre-sterilized jars. You can sterilize jars and nylon lids in the microwave at maximum power for 2-4 minutes. It is also important to cover the top of the raspberries in the jar with sugar. This will keep it better and prevent mold from appearing. Then we close the banks and send them to the refrigerator or cellar.

Storage and what to eat with raspberry jam

I have such a jam stored for about a year until next season... It does not linger for a long time.

I add raspberries to tea for children when they have signs of a cold. I also adore all kinds of sweet concoctions with jam. And what wonderful pies are obtained, you just lick your fingers! Children love to add it to ice cream, it turns out very tasty too. And how nice it is to sit on winter evenings and drink hot tea with fragrant jam from raspberries.

Tomorrow begins the second month of our long-awaited Siberian summer, which means that we can already make up vitamin reserves for the winter!
We have already ripened fragrant strawberries on the beds, Victoria is being sold in all markets, a little more, a week or two and field strawberries and wild strawberries will be ready for picking - they bloomed like a lush carpet! Black currants began to ripen, and there it was not far from raspberries.
That's about raspberries, or rather about jam from it, and I want to tell you.

I took photos of this jam last year, when we lived not in a country house, but in an apartment. My own raspberry tree had just taken root and the volumes for the preparations were absolutely ridiculous, and until I reached the market, I found the best berry on the right day, brought it to an end - the short raspberry season was over, so all the pictures whole year waiting for their finest hour.
It's their time!

Strictly speaking, this is not really jam. After all, this word has one root with the verb “to cook”, and you don't need to cook anything - this is raspberry jam without cooking, but what else can you call this sweet and aromatic delicacy?

It is necessary to collect raspberries and even more so to buy them on the market early-early in the morning, as soon as the dew has dried up - after a cool night, the raspberries have not yet warmed up, they choke less and do not run out of juice. It is better not to buy (not collect) even morning raspberries after rain. it is all saturated with water, which means it will sour, it is not so fragrant, it chokes easily.
With regard to local raspberries - the smaller they are, the more aromatic, sweeter and stronger! If you find a taiga on the market - perfect luck!
The later the raspberries begin to give off juice, the tastier the jam will be, the easier it will be to sort it out.
Therefore, a trip to the market must be thoughtfully planned - stock up on a bucket or take one liter clean cans with you, then you don't even need to pour the berries - just exchange empty cans for full ones.

Never wash raspberries! Slowly, carefully sort out the berries - leaves, garbage, spoiled raspberries, bugs / spiders - everything can be found there.
And pour the sorted berries into a large container.
Just weigh this bowl or pan in advance so that you can correctly calculate the required amount of sugar later.
For example, a large plastic beating bowl from Ikea weighs 230 grams, and three liters of sorted raspberries weighs 1370 grams.

The most versatile and proven proportion "berry: sugar" for almost any jam is 1: 1, i.e. one kilogram of berries requires 1 kilogram of sugar.
Therefore, fill the raspberries with sugar of the desired weight and wash your hands!
And we press directly with our hands - let some berries turn into mashed potatoes, while others remain almost intact - it’s tastier, and the texture is more interesting for the jam.

Cover the crushed raspberries mixed with sugar or cling film and leave it overnight - during this time all the sugar will melt in raspberry juice.
We check the jam with a spoon: there are grains - mixed, and let it stand still, the sugar melted - it's done!

By the way, the jam, which has stood overnight, changes very much in color - it becomes a real raspberry, bright. Freshly crushed jam - opaque, but as the sugar melted - how beautiful it is in the light!

The only thing left is to sterilize the lids and jars and spread the jam. I use plastic containers - I buy at wholesale stores in the “Everything for Packaging” pavilions - there are packaging bags, napkins, disposable dishes, and these boxes (in supermarkets they sell herring in pieces) - there are 200, 300 milliliters, or half a liter - for every taste.
I scald them with boiling water, pour the jam and close the lid - it turns out hermetically sealed!

You need to store such jam in the refrigerator or in the cellar. I hide a couple of jars in the freezer in order to water ice cream in winter and remember the summer - such frozen jam does not change in taste at all - well, one to one freshly picked raspberries in sugar syrup!
And if you take 1.5 kilograms of sugar per kilogram of raspberries, then you can store the jars right in the cabinet in the kitchen - at room temperature. In such a sweet environment, no bacteria can survive and the jam will not ferment, but the color will eventually change to brown, like real boiled jam - oxidative processes cannot be avoided.

Have I given you a direction to the market for the near future?))
Well, of course, I didn’t come up with the recipe myself - I read it from the infinitely respected Stalik Khankishiev - he has something not only about pilaf, but also about strawberries!

Surely you will agree that on a cold winter day it is pleasant to drink tea with delicious and healthy raspberry jam. In addition to its amazing taste, the delicacy is rich in vitamins, and also helps with colds, which pleases when a child is sick, and the medicines are bitter and not as useful as fresh raspberries... You can save even more vitamins in berries by making raspberry jam for the winter without cooking. Without heat treatment the fruits are almost fresh, which means nutrients they have much more, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The recipe for grated raspberry jam with sugar without cooking

To prepare "raw" jam, you will need 1 kg of berries and 1 kg of granulated sugar. From this amount of ingredients, you should get about 3 jars of jam, half a liter each.

The first step is to prepare the raspberries - we sort out the berries, rinse them in cool water and discard them in a colander or on a towel so that the excess water is glass.

Next, the berries need to be chopped, for this you need a meat grinder. But you can get by with an ordinary mortar. The main thing is that the result is a homogeneous gruel. When the raspberry puree is the desired consistency, you can add granulated sugar to it.

Note! When using powdered sugar instead of sand, the preparation of the jam will be significantly accelerated, since the powder will dissolve much faster. The jam will be ready in a couple of hours.

So, mix the berries with sugar until the consistency comes out homogeneous. We leave the container with the delicacy for a while in a warm place (3-6 hours), during which time the sugar will dissolve. When time has passed and no granulated sugar will be seen in raspberry puree, the jam is completely ready. The main thing is not to overexpose more than the required time, otherwise the product will deteriorate.

Pour ready-made raspberry jam without cooking for the winter into prepared jars, which must be pre-rinsed with soda and steamed. When the sterilized jars are filled with a treat, sugar is poured on top in a thin layer, and they are tightly closed with lids. Such jam is stored in the refrigerator or cellar (you can use a cool balcony). It can be consumed immediately or added to sweet dishes: pancakes, pie, buns, semolina etc.

Raspberry jam with whole berries without cooking

Raspberry jam with whole berries, cooked without boiling, has a special taste. At the same time, the delicacy not only retains all the nutrients and vitamins, but when consumed, it will be possible to feel a whole, almost fresh berry. Here, as in the previous recipe, we take the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio.

The washed and sorted berries are laid out on a towel to drain, without the possibility of crushing the berries. It is desirable that the selected raspberry is smooth, whole and ripe, the berries are strong and dry. Only when the raspberries dry out can they be stacked in jars in even rows. In this case, each row must be sprinkled with sugar. From time to time, the jars need to be shaken so that the sugar gets into all the gaps between the berries, filling the maximum space.

When all the berries are sprinkled with sugar, the jars are placed in a large wide saucepan filled with water and sterilized for 20 minutes. After that, the jam can be closed and safely hidden in the refrigerator after it has cooled down. So fragrant and healthy jam, prepared with little or no boiling, will be an excellent addition to tea.

Whole berry jam can be made even more fragrant and even more useful if you replace sugar with honey - a real storehouse of vitamins.

To do this, clean and dry berries are placed in a jar or plastic container, and then filled with bee dessert. The containers with jam are put into the freezer, where they are stored. Such a delicacy has a completely different, peculiar taste and aroma.

Raspberry jam without cooking, prepared for the winter by a caring housewife, has a lot of advantages over classic jam and five minutes. A raw delicacy retains almost all the vitamins contained in a ripe, fresh berry. Usually they prepare a grated mass with sugar, but for lovers of whole berries there is a recipe for jam without cooking from raspberries in their natural form. In such blanks, the fruits retain their shape and have a beautiful appetizing appearance. Choose according to your taste!

Raspberry jam has always been the delight of gourmets with a sweet tooth. It is tasty, aromatic and very healthy. The experience of many generations claims that raspberry jam in winter during colds is simply irreplaceable. Raspberry tea is made from it, warm, fragrant, which pleasantly warms the throat and leaves the raspberry flavor of summer in the mouth.

There are a lot of ways to harvest raspberries for the winter. Jam is made from it, berries are dried, compotes are boiled. However, perhaps the most useful and tasty is raspberry jam without cooking. It retains the maximum amount of nutrients and is prepared faster and easier than all other types of blanks.


To make raspberry jam, you only need sugar. It is taken in the following proportion: 1 kg of sugar is taken for 1 kilogram of raspberries. But you can limit yourself to 800 grams. On the quality of jam and taste properties this will not affect in any way, and there will be less carbohydrates.

Jam raspberries are not washable. Raspberry bushes are quite tall and there are practically no dirty berries. But the structure of the berry is such that during the washing process it can crumble, wrinkle. In addition, excess moisture cannot be removed from the surface of the berries, which will lead to fermentation of the jam.

Making raspberry jam without boiling

To make jam, a certain amount of raspberries is taken and in proportion to it - sugar. Raspberries are put into prepared dishes (for example, an enamel saucepan or intended for food products plastic). Sprinkle with sugar and mix. It is better to stir with a wooden spatula, as it does not scratch the surface of the dishes and does not react with the acidic environment of the berry. You should get a homogeneous mass. The berries, of course, will be mixed with sugar, shuffled.

It should be borne in mind that when preparing raspberry jam without boiling, it will not be possible to keep the berries beautiful and whole. Since there is no heat treatment, the berries must react with sugar. In this case, it is a preservative. But the raspberry mass also looks quite appetizing and attractive.

Beat the raspberry mass in a blender in small portions. In this case, you will get the effect of a mousse foam on top and the mass will be denser and more porous. If there is no blender, the raspberries are mixed with a mortar to make a puree.

Next stage. You need to arrange the raspberry jam in the jars. Banks are usually taken half-liter or liter. No matter what jar the raspberry jam is stored in, it will never go bad, because it is eaten quickly and imperceptibly. Jars must be cleanly washed, steamed and dried. You should carefully pour the raspberry mass into the container, leaving about two centimeters not topped up to the edge. You can close such a jam either with plastic lids, or with glass lids with special clips, or with a package made of thick paper, tightly tied around the neck of the jar.

Little secrets of making raspberry jam

  • Uncooked raspberry jam may slightly ferment. The more sugar, the less it will ferment. However, the maximum sugar per kg of raspberries is 1.5 kg. More is impractical;
  • Raspberry jam should be stored in a cool dark place - cellar, refrigerator. This also reduces the risk of fermentation;
  • You can filter out raspberry seeds. The process is laborious and not justified. They do not impair the taste.

Raspberry jam is a delicious reminder of summer, so you need to harvest it as much as the berry harvest allows.

We offer a recipe for raspberry jam without cooking. In the summer, a huge amount of berries, fruits and vegetables appear on the shelves. And after you have eaten enough berries, you need to think about what you need to stock up on them for the winter. For example, in order to better preserve all the properties of raspberries, you need to make jam from it. Moreover, there is a recipe that does not require long cooking, while the jam will be stored for a long time and will cure anyone from colds in winter, since raspberries are rich in vitamin C. All ingredients are designed for one 0.5 liter jar. In total, it will take 35 minutes to cook raspberries without boiling, but it will take 3-6 hours to infuse it.


  • Raspberries - 300 g
  • Sugar - 300 g


Servings - 0.5 L
Cooking time - 35 min

Raspberry jam without cooking: how to cook

Hurry up to buy raspberries on the market while they are at the peak of their popularity and demand. If you have your own garden, then this is great, as you can be sure that there are no chemicals in the berries. Raspberries should be sweet, red and ripe. Sort out the berries, remove the spoiled ones and, if necessary, remove the stalks. Take a bowl of water and pour the raspberries into it. Do not rinse it under running water, as you can damage the berries. Then remove the berries and place them on a paper towel. Cover the top with a second towel and blot the berries to remove excess moisture. Repeat this several times. Pour them into the bowl in which the jam will be prepared.

Pour sugar over the berries. Observe the proportions: how much raspberry, so much sugar is needed for it. If you wish, you can use icing sugar- the sugar will dissolve faster, and the time for making raspberry jam will be shortened. First, cover the berries with 1/3 of the sugar and leave for 2 hours. This is necessary to excrete juice.

Once the time is up, add the rest of the sugar. It is necessary for the sugar to cover all the raspberries. Gently mix the berries with sugar. Use a wooden spoon for this. But if it is not, then it's okay, in this case, use a plastic spatula.

Take a mortar or meat grinder and bring all the ingredients to homogeneous mass... If you wish, you can use a combine harvester to make it faster. Leave the jam for 3-6 hours in a warm place. This is necessary so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Most often, this jam is made in the evening and left overnight.

In the morning you will receive the jam, which is ready to eat. Now you can safely bake pancakes, pancakes and delight your loved ones with delicious and simple recipe raspberry jam. Those who want to preserve it for the whole winter need to take a jar and sterilize it. Then pour the jam, cover with a plastic lid and refrigerate. In such a place, it can stand all winter and at the same time not lose all of its beneficial features... In winter, you can add it to tea. Children will be delighted with such a tasty treat. In the meantime, you will support their immunity, and in the cold period they will not be afraid of infection. Take care of the health of your loved ones for the winter and make raspberry jam that does not require cooking. Bon Appetit!