Home / Cupcakes / How to use applesauce in a multicooker baking. My favorite recipes

How to use applesauce in a multicooker baking. My favorite recipes

Applesauce is one of the favorite treats of many children, which is why it is so often found on the shelves of grocery supermarkets and pharmacies in the baby food departments. But why pay more for purchased desserts with a dubious composition, if you can cook such a sweet yourself? Today such wonderful assistants as multicooker come to the aid of housewives - they greatly simplify the cooking process and save your time.


Servings: - + 125

  • Apples 2.5KG
  • Water 120 ml
  • Condensed milk 380 g

Per serving

Calories: 19 kcal

Proteins: 0.3 g

Fats: 0.3 g

Carbohydrates: 4 g

1 hour. 40 minutes Video Recipe Print

    Let's start cooking applesauce in a multicooker by processing the main ingredient - apples. Two and a half kilograms of fruit must be thoroughly washed under the tap (and if you have time, it is better to soak for 5-10 minutes in a deep basin and then rinse each fruit under running water), dry it dry with paper towels, getting rid of excess moisture, and peel it with a vegetable peeler ("Housekeeper") from the skin. Then, using a special knife, cut out the cores with seeds and chop each apple into random medium-sized slices.

    Following this, we fill the multicooker bowl with 120 ml of clean water, fill it with chopped fruits and, having closed the lid, set the “Stew” mode on the device for half an hour. After 17-20 minutes after the start of cooking, lift the lid and stir the contents to avoid burning.

    As soon as the multicooker announced the end of the program, pour the apple mass into a deep bowl, add 380 grams of condensed milk (1 whole jar) to it and, carefully mixing the components with a silicone spatula, use a submersible blender to interrupt everything into a homogeneous substance.

    We return the resulting mass back to the multicooker and, extending the "Stew" program for another 30 minutes, leave the applesauce for the children to cook for the winter.

    While the dessert is being prepared, we will process the container for conservation - it must be carefully inspected for chips, cracks, or any other defects, discarding spoiled cans, washed with baking soda and sterilized.

    To speed up this process, we will use a microwave oven - fill each container by a third with water and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes at the highest power, then drain the liquid and put it on a prepared clean towel to cool and dry. Meanwhile, boil the lids in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes.

    We pack the finished delicacy in prepared containers and seal it tightly with sterile lids. We turn the cans upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool until the next morning.

    Advice: for applesauce, it is better to choose apples of summer and autumn varieties - their pulp is not so dense and boils better.

    Apple puree in a slow cooker turns out to be incredibly appetizing and tender, but its main advantage is that cooking a delicacy will not take much of your time and effort. Be sure to try to prepare such a dessert for your family - we assure you that it will captivate not only kids, but also adults. Bon Appetit!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

In order to cook applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter, we do not need anything except the apples themselves, even sugar is not needed at all. That is, it is a very simple and budgetary type of homework. But such applesauce. prepared according to this recipe, you can safely give to a child, even a very small one - unlike store counterparts, you know for sure that this food contains only apples, and there are no preservatives, dyes and taste improvers. It can also be used as a filling in pies, croissants and other baked goods. Well, isn't it a wonderful preparation for the winter?

- apples.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We carefully select apples - by variety and degree of ripeness. (I have "white filling" apples. Small, but all ripe and very sweet.)

We wash the apples thoroughly with cold running water, Peel and remove the seed box. If the apples are crushed, then this part must be removed. We also carefully cut out all damaged areas. Here you need to be very careful not to allow spoiled apple parts into the puree. Then we cut the apples into approximately equal small pieces.

You probably noticed that apples darken very quickly in air - this is due to the action of oxidative enzymes. And the process of preparing apples is quite lengthy. Therefore, in order to avoid darkening of the sliced ​​apples, we proceed as follows: prepare a 1% salt solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water). In a container with this solution, we lower the pieces of apples immediately after they are cut. And we keep the apples in it until the next steps with them.

Using a blender, grind the apples until smooth. If you have a lot of apples, then grind in parts, put each pounded portion immediately into the multicooker bowl.

When all the apples have already been put into the multicooker, close it and turn on the "stewing" mode, set the time - 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, after the signal, open the lid and mix the apples with a plastic spatula. The apples remain the same white color, but still raw - this can be seen from their appearance and noticeable in taste. Close again, again the "extinguishing" mode for 20 minutes.

During this time, the applesauce in the multicooker is fully cooked. At the same time, it will slightly change color: it will become darker, a warm apricot shade will appear. But the puree itself will be very tender, airy. Be sure to try it so you know what kind of yummy you will be covering. Just don't get too carried away with tasting, otherwise there will be nothing to put in jars.

While the multicooker is working, we are preparing the jars. We wash them with water and baking soda. Then rinse thoroughly with hot water. We do the same with the lids.
Then we sterilize the jars and lids in any way convenient for you (either in the oven or steamed).

Wipe the hot sterilized jars dry with a clean towel and fill with mashed potatoes. The puree is thick, so lightly tap the jars on the countertop to remove the accumulated air. Cover the jars with lids. Place in a wide pan with a flat support at the bottom (or plate). Pour hot water over the "neck" of the jar and set on fire. Sterilize - from the moment water boils in a saucepan, 100-gram cans - 7 minutes, 200-gram cans - 10 minutes, and 0.5-liter cans - 20 minutes.

Carefully remove the cans from the pan in which they were sterilized and roll up (screw on) the lids. Turn the jars with the lid down and cool in this form.

Tips and tricks:
A wonderful fact - for this blank, you can use apples of an ugly shape, and with cracks, and crumpled. That is, all those fruits that are not mouth-watering enough to eat are good for an applesauce recipe. But remember that it is impossible to process wormy, rotten, moldy apples, in any case (which, in general, is typical for other homemade preparations). The only requirement for apples is that they must be of the same variety and, of course, ripe.
Apples of the same variety behave in the same way during cooking - at the same time they become soft, at the same time they are boiled and become ready. The same is true for fruits of different degrees of ripeness, but of the same variety: ripe fruits will boil up, which means they will be ready earlier than unripe ones. But unripe fruits are not sweet enough - mashed potatoes can be sour.

In addition, since sugar is not used at all in this type of preservation, it is necessary to choose sweet varieties of apples. Such as "Antonovskie" will not work - the puree will be very sour.

When choosing the jars in which you will close the applesauce for the winter, be guided by what you will use it for later. If you are preparing it for a child, then it is better to use small, 100 gram jars (or 200 gram). If you are preparing mashed potatoes as filling in pies, it is better to use half-liter jars.

Such mashed potatoes can also be cooked on the stove, but in a multicooker the process is noticeably simplified - you do not have to worry that something will burn, stick to the pan, etc.
The multicooker will greatly simplify the process of making applesauce.
The sequence of actions in the process of preparing apples can be slightly changed. One way is to start pureeing the apple pieces right away, rather than mashing them with a blender. If you first knead the pieces with a blender (as I did), then the process of preparing apples will be almost completed. If you first cook the apples in a slow cooker, then after 20 minutes you will still have to grind the apples with a blender to get an airy homogeneous puree. Semi-prepared mashed potatoes grind much faster, therefore, if you cook a large amount, it is more advisable to grind after pre-cooking. But if you do not want to then interrupt the cooking process in the multicooker (for example, you will not just have time for this), then we use the blender before it.

If you don't have much mashed potatoes, and you intend to store it in the refrigerator, you can do without sterilizing cans with it.

Perhaps, only apples can be used to prepare many different dishes, as well as to make several options for harvesting for the winter. Fruit puree should be included in the daily diet of not only children, but also adults. Apples contain many useful trace elements and vitamins. You can buy a jar of applesauce in the supermarket, only where there is a guarantee that it will be healthy and tasty. Moreover, the cost of one jar is much higher than the cost of a kilogram of apples. But if you have a multicooker at home, you can prepare a tasty preparation for the winter from a couple of kilograms of apples - applesauce in a multicooker for the winter.

Are you a caring mother or grandmother? Then you definitely need to write down this recipe to prepare several jars of delicious applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter. And no need to say that there is not enough time, the multicooker will just help save precious time so that you can devote it to your beloved children and family.

Prepare the following foods:

  • apples of the "Arkad" variety - 2 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.
  1. It turns out that everything is very simple and affordable, you just need to want to make a healthy dessert. And in winter, you just need to get a jar of apple puree, spread it on bread, use it as a filling for pies and other pastries.
  2. And now we need to start preparing the apples. And apples can be of any kind. Requirements for the choice of the main ingredient: apples must be whole, not damaged, ripe and juicy. Overripe and those that have been lying on the ground under a tree for a long time are not suitable, because they will not contain so many useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, the taste of such apples changes.
  3. It's another matter when the apples are picked right from the tree on time. So, the apples must be folded into a large bowl, covered with water and washed thoroughly. It will be faster this way.
  4. Now each apple needs to be cut into 2 parts, core cut, seeds and tail removed. Everything, practically coped, only you need to cut each half into arbitrary slices or cut into 2-3 parts. Everything will depend on the size of the fruit.
  5. You do not need to peel the skin. Then you will understand why. This method of preparation can save you a lot of time. Well, if you want to do it your way, then first you need to peel the skin, and then cut the fruit into 2 parts to cut out all the excess.
  6. Pieces of apples should be put into the multicooker bowl as soon as they are cut. Some housewives say that you can fill the bowl to the eyeballs. Yes, you can do this, because during the heat treatment the apples will "shrink" a little. Naturally, you need to lay the apple slices so that the lid of the multicooker closes.
  7. It remains only to add half a glass of water. Speaking of liquid: it all depends not only on the apple variety, but also on the juiciness of the fruit. Try to define this degree this way: press with your fingertips on the apple. If the peel does not give in and the apple is very hard, then it means that it is juicy. If, after pressing, a dent remains and it seems that the apple is as soft as a boiled potato in its jacket, most likely it is not a juicy apple. More water may be needed.
  8. Speaking of liquid, if the apples are juicy enough, then you can do without water. Nothing should burn in the slow cooker. If in doubt, you can pour a little water on the bottom - it will not hurt and will not affect the taste of the finished dish.
  9. Now about the cooking method - you need to set the multicooker thermostat to the "Stew" program, and set the time to 1 hour.
  10. Perhaps this is all - because you can go about your business, and return only after an hour.
  11. If you want to cook more applesauce in the multicooker for the winter, then you will have to be present near the multicooker and, as the apples are cooked, gradually add a new portion. That is, like this: the top "crouched" a little, open the lid, pour out another bowl of chopped apples. After another 10 minutes, a new batch of sliced ​​apples. Of course, you will have to stir the contents of the bowl and extend the cooking time.
  12. We advise, after hearing the signal, prepare a spacious container (you can use a large saucepan) in order to immediately transfer hot, well-steamed apples.
  13. It remains only to make mashed potatoes from this mass. This is done very simply using a submersible blender. Fast and hassle-free.
  14. Another option is to put a small portion of hot apples into a sieve and rub. Naturally, it is advisable to wait 30 minutes for the apples to cool slightly.
  15. By the way, if your multicooker has a ceramic bowl, then you can immediately turn the apples into a homogeneous mass right in the bowl.
  16. And now for those who want to close several jars of applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter, you need to rinse the bowl, pour the applesauce back and simmer in the same mode (this is the Stew program) until the mass starts to boil. From this moment you need to count exactly 5 minutes and then you can lay out the hot mashed potatoes in jars.
  17. By the way, you will have to track the process with the lid open, so be extremely careful, as the hot apple mass may splash. If you are afraid, then the lid can be lowered and listened - as soon as the apple mass begins to "beat" on the lid of the multicooker, it's time to prepare the jars.
  18. Banks need to be prepared in advance - you can sterilize containers in different ways: in an oven, in a microwave oven, on a stove or in a multicooker. If you are going to do this in a multicooker, then you need to pour water into the working bowl, about 1-1.5 liters, put a double boiler on top (this is an additional bowl with holes). And on it with the neck down, put the jars (pre-washed).
  19. The lids can be put in water. Switch on the "Steam cooking" program. The time from the moment the water boils is 7 minutes for small jars (volume 0.5 l), 10 minutes for liter jars, etc. Only roll up applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter is better in small jars.
  20. Gather a little hot mashed potatoes, put carefully in jars and so on until the very top. Roll up sterilized lids. You do not need to turn the jars upside down.
  21. You can additionally wrap the jars with an old blanket, wait until they cool completely. Then you can store such applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter both in the basement or cellar, and at home - in the pantry.
  22. Surely you have the most important question - where is the sugar? Don't you need to add sugar? That's right, this product will not be needed, because in this case we have prepared an absolutely dietary and healthy dish. And as for sugar, it is not needed, because sweet apples were used to prepare this dish. If you cook applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter from sour varieties, then you can add only 2, well, a maximum of 3 tablespoons of sugar.

The applesauce turns out to be quite dense, and after cooling completely it will be thick. Suitable not only for tea parties, but also for baking. Bon Appetit!

Applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter with sugar

And this recipe is for those with a sweet tooth. By the way, the mashed potatoes will turn out not sugary-sweet, but moderately sweet. Just in order to arrange a tea party, or maybe bake delicious pies with apple filling. Let's get to work.

Let's prepare products:

  • apples of any kind - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 glass.

Cooking applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter:

  1. Apples need to be washed thoroughly, especially if they were bought on the market.
  2. It is advisable to peel the peel, cut out the middle.
  3. Each apple needs to be cut into 4-6 pieces. You will get the same slices. Although in this case it does not matter, so there is no need to try hard and cut the halves of the apples into neat slices.
  4. Now this: pour water into a clean multicooker bowl. Exactly as much as indicated in the recipe and put the multicooker in the "Steam cooking" mode, "Soup" - your choice. You need to wait for the water to boil.
  5. When this process has taken place, you can pour out all the prepared apples. There is no need to stir. If your apples are tough, then you can pour a little more water - 1.5 cups.
  6. By the way, if the apples are soft, then the amount of water must be reduced, otherwise the puree will turn out to be watery. Add sugar, stir.
  7. Lower the lid of the multicooker, set the "Stew" program for 60 minutes. During cooking, it is advisable, but not necessary, to stir the contents of the bowl of the appliance.
  8. If during the next "stirring" you notice that the apple slices are soft and disintegrate, then you can shorten the time for cooking applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter. You just need to switch the device to the "Heating" mode for half an hour.
  9. As soon as the apples are soft, you need to transfer them to a container convenient for pureeing, use a hand blender to quickly make a puree.
  10. If everything is done as written in the recipe, then you can immediately lay out the hot mashed potatoes in jars (previously sterilized) and roll up the lids.
  11. To be sure, you can do this: put the puree in jars, put it in the microwave for 10 minutes at the very minimum, then you can roll it up immediately.

Applesauce in a slow cooker will turn out thick, aromatic and moderately sweet. Depending on the variety of apples, the color of the finished product may be different. But this does not affect the taste in any way. Bon Appetit!

Quick applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter

This recipe will undoubtedly be appreciated by people who lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to proper nutrition and those who are contraindicated in a lot of sweets. A nice bonus to this will be the quick preparation of mashed apples.


  • apples - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 350 g.

Cooking applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter:

  1. Apples do not need to be peeled to speed up the cooking process. You can peel the skin if you want. Be sure to wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices arbitrarily.
  2. Put apples cut into slices in a multicooker bowl, add water, sugar, citric acid, mix.
  3. Now lower the lid of the appliance, set the "Steam cooking" mode, wait for the mass to boil - open the lid to mix the contents.
  4. When these stages are passed, you need to switch the device to the "Extinguishing" mode, set the time to 1 hour.
  5. When this time is over, you just need to transfer the applesauce cooked in a slow cooker for the winter to pre-prepared jars to roll up the lids.
  6. Such a useful product is stored in a pantry, basement, cellar or on a refrigerator shelf (if there is free space).
  7. In the process of cooking, along with sugar, you can add a little cinnamon - only half a teaspoon, it will give the dish a refined taste and a delicate, delicate aroma.

Applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter. Video

1. For the applesauce, take the ripe apples. It doesn't matter which variety you choose: the puree will be delicious anyway. We will wash them, peel and core them, remove all "bruised" places. Cut the apples into small pieces and send them to the multicooker bowl.

2. Add sugar in the proportions indicated in the recipe and turn on the multicooker by setting the Stew mode. It may seem to you that there is too little sugar. Do not worry, it is quite enough for the apples to start juice, and we will be able to bring the puree to taste later. 5-7 minutes after the start of cooking, check if the apples have been juiced. If you come across a dryish variety, and there is not enough liquid, add a little water, otherwise the puree will not turn out tender and homogeneous.

3. After 15–20 minutes, believe the apples, if they are a little dense - let them stew for another 5–7 minutes. Cool the finished apple raw material a little and turn it into a homogeneous puree using an immersion blender.

4. Add condensed milk and mix our dessert thoroughly. You can adjust the sweetness of the final product as you like by increasing or decreasing the proportions: after all, cooking is an art! So we create to our liking! Actually, this is where the cooking came to an end. As you can see, everything is as easy as shelling pears!

5. If you want to eat applesauce in winter, place it in clean, well-heated jars and close with sterile lids.

6. Applesauce with condensed milk for the winter will be an excellent addition to pancakes and pancakes. It has only one drawback: it ends quickly. Try it and see for yourself!

I want to say that the recipe for this apple puree is quite simple, it can be easily prepared at home. I cook in a multicooker, which greatly facilitates the whole process. By the way, such a delicacy is perfect for a nursing baby, although, I think, adults will not refuse it!

For cooking, I take ripe apples (you can collect fallen fruits), boiled water, sugar (optional).


  • 1.5 kg apples
  • 1-1.5 cups of water
  • sugar optional

Making mashed potatoes

  1. The first thing I do is wash the apples thoroughly. I peel them, cut out the seeds. I cut the blanks into about 4-6 slices.
  2. I pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl, set the "Quenching" mode for 1 hour. I wait until the water boils, and then I spread the apple slices (1.5 kg). If the apples are hard, then you need to add a little more water, but if they are very ripe and soft - less, otherwise the mass will be very liquid.
  3. Stir occasionally to prevent apples from sticking to the bottom of the multicooker. If the slices have softened before the specified time, leave the puree in the "Maintain" or "Multipovar" mode (90 ° C) for about 30 minutes. You can add sugar if desired.
  4. Then beat the slightly cooled apple mass with a blender. Put mashed potatoes in prepared clean jars. I send the blanks to the microwave for 10 minutes, set the very minimum power (I have 100-180). After this treatment, the puree will last longer.
  5. It remains only to close the jars with lids. The applesauce is ready! I store the workpieces in the refrigerator.

Bon Appetit!