Home / Cakes / Carlson's favorite cake: with whipped cream and banana - recipe with photo and video

Carlson's favorite cake: with whipped cream and banana - recipe with photo and video

Whipped cream cake is Carlson's favorite recipe. And it was not in vain that he loved him - this is a very delicate, airy and not cloying cake. But in our country, unlike in Sweden, cakes with whipped cream are not very common. Usually they are lined with store shelves, but there is cream, most likely vegetable. But at home, not every housewife knows how to make such baked goods. And whipped cream appeared in supermarkets just a few years ago. So, today I want to present you a sponge cake with whipped cream and fruit - a recipe with a photo and even a video.

In general, of course, you can take any fruit, it will be very tasty with both strawberries and cherries, you can also layer it with jam, but with a banana, the cake is especially tender and without allergens, suitable for small children.

Cake with whipped cream and fruit recipe with photo


Sponge cake (for a shape 24 cm):

1 and 1/6 Art. Sahara

4. Soak the cake with syrup. Cut the banana into circles and put on the cake.

5. Top with the whipped cream

6. Put the second cake on top, saturate, put banana and cream. Cover with the third cake layer. Soak, grease with cream and refrigerate soak.