Home / Chebureki / What do you need for pasta carbonara. Carbonara, cooking the most tender pasta

What do you need for pasta carbonara. Carbonara, cooking the most tender pasta

Classic carbonara pasta with creamy sauce - delicious, hearty and very, very tender. But! It has one drawback - it is addictive. Having prepared once, you will return to this recipe repeatedly. Therefore, to cook spaghetti carbonara with cream according to the classic recipe, it is better to choose durum pasta, as they are completely absorbed by the body and cleanse it of toxins, thanks to which our figures will not change for the worse.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Peel, wash and finely chop the onion. Peeled garlic is also finely chopped or crushed with the back of a knife.

Cut bacon into thin strips.

Heat a frying pan well and put a small piece of butter on it. When it melts, put the chopped garlic into the pan.

After 30 seconds (the garlic should not change color, otherwise it will be bitter in the finished dish), put the bacon, stirring, wait until it begins to release fat. This will take no more than 5 minutes.

Pour vegetable oil into a preheated pan and put finely chopped onion. Stirring, fry until golden.

Prepare the sauce: put the yolks in a deep bowl and chop them well.

Sprinkle salt and ground black pepper to taste. Sprinkle in grated parmesan cheese.

Pour in the cream, put the onion and mix everything again.

Boil spaghetti in salted water according to package instructions. In no case should they be digested! They should remain Al dente - "by the tooth".

Put the finished hot spaghetti into a warm deep frying pan, immediately pour in the sauce. Mix thoroughly. Add bacon and mix well again. The paste should be creamy and tender. And the warmth of the spaghetti will cook the egg yolks in seconds. After a minute, the sauce will thicken to the desired consistency and it will be possible to serve the dish on the table.

Sprinkle the pasta with Parmesan and serve immediately. Spaghetti carbonara with cream according to the classic recipe is ready for tasting!

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

Find the best classic carbonara pasta recipes tested by time and tradition on the site of trendsetters of goodies site. Try options with guanciale (salty pieces of pork cheeks) or pancetta, pecorino romano or parmesan cheese. Enjoy the immortal culinary classic!

Pasta carbonara is a world-famous and beloved Italian dish. The basis of the dish is spaghetti. First-class spaghetti should only contain flour and water. And it is best to choose a product made from durum wheat flour. Pancetta is a type of pork bacon cooked with lots of spices. Pancetta can be replaced with guanciale (salted pork cheeks) or, in extreme cases, with quality ham. The classic recipe allows for the use of both Parmesan and Pecorino cheese. And also the filling can be prepared with the addition of cream, garlic or on the yolks alone.

The five most commonly used ingredients in classic carbonara recipes are:

interesting recipe:
1. Cut pancetta or bacon into neat sticks.
2. Chop the cheese into small chips.
3. Lightly beat the contents of the eggs. Add half of the grated parmesan or pecorino and 2-3 pinches of ground black pepper. Salt to taste.
4. Mix the whole mass.
5. Sprinkle the remaining cheese chips with ground black pepper.
6. Add olive oil to a pot of boiling water and cook the spaghetti until al dente.
7. While the spaghetti is cooking, fry the pancetta (bacon) until nicely browned. Remove from fire. Cool down.
8. Warm the egg-cheese mass over boiling water a little, stirring carefully.
9. Pour the egg and cheese filling into the cooled bacon. Warm up a little, stirring constantly and not allowing the squirrel to curl.
10. Spaghetti discard in a colander.
11. Put the hot spaghetti in the pan with the sauce and mix thoroughly.
12. When serving, sprinkle with the remaining mixture of cheese and ground black pepper.

Five of the fastest recipes for classic carbonara:

Helpful Hints:
. If you add a little red wine when roasting pancetta, then the carbonara will get an unforgettable flavor.
. Pasta carbonara will get a richer taste if you mix several types of cheese.

Forgot to note. Good pasta is easy to tell from bad pasta: low-quality pasta is dull, slightly pale in color, and brittle. Good quality pasta has a beautiful, wheaten color and is denser, and most importantly, it takes at least 8-9 minutes to cook. I cooked my pasta for about 13 minutes!

So, put a pot of salted water on a strong fire.

While the water boils, let's do the "stuffing". For pasta, I use lean brisket. Unlike bacon, it is more tender and less greasy, which is why I love it. In fact, bacon or brisket is not so important, whichever your soul lies more in, then use it! So, let's cut the meat into cubes.

Melt the butter in a deep frying pan (wok) and throw in the brisket. Fry until golden brown for 5-7 minutes or so.

Optionally, you can throw 2-3 cloves of garlic at this stage, and remove them before serving.

Meanwhile, prepare the carbonara sauce. To do this, in a small bowl with a fork, beat two large egg yolks.

Add about 2-3 tsp. grated parmesan. Salt, pepper.

Pour in 150 ml of cold 20% cream and mix everything well with a fork.

We return to our brisket, remove it from the fire and leave it aside. We will return to it a little later.

In the meantime, the water has already boiled, we will slightly reduce the fire and begin to lower 400-500 g of spaghetti into the water. First, put them in a saucepan, and when the bottom of the pasta softens, use tongs to lower the pasta completely into the water. Cook according to package instructions.

A few minutes before the pasta is ready, return the pan with the brisket or bacon to medium heat. And now, as soon as the pasta is cooked, we take it out of the water with tongs (you don’t need to drain the water and get the colander too!) And transfer them to the pan with the meat.

Thoroughly mix the spaghetti and brisket and add literally 100 ml of spaghetti water with a ladle or mug. This starchy water will help us “glue” the cream sauce with pasta, it will allow us to achieve the very viscosity of the pasta and give the sauce a thickness!

As soon as the water is half absorbed into the pasta, reduce the heat to a minimum or turn off completely. Pour our sauce into the pan. Mix everything thoroughly, our paste should be creamy and tender. We take it off the fire. Egg yolks take very little time to cook, literally a couple of minutes, and once our pasta is hot, it takes a matter of seconds. So don't even worry about it! They don't take long to cook. Salt and pepper. Let's taste it. Despite the fact that the brisket is salty, and we also salted the sauce and water, it is still often not enough salt. Bring the paste to taste.

Thoroughly mix the pasta, but do not remove from the stove. After 1-2 minutes, the sauce will thicken to the consistency we need and it will be possible to spread the dish on plates!

For the finishing touch, fry a handful of pine nuts in a dry small frying pan. Literally 3-4 minutes, and the nuts have become a stunning golden hue. Just look!

Put the pasta on a plate, sprinkle with grated parmesan, ground black pepper and roasted pine nuts on top.

That's it, our pasta carbonara with cream ready. Bon appetit!

Pasta Carbonara is one of the most popular dishes of our time. They are nutritious, tasty, and quite unusual. It is quite possible to cook it at home.

The history of Carbonara has two variants of the origin of such an Italian dish. One of the most popular theories is coal. According to this version, the Italian coal miners worked in the mountains for many months in a row and they could not return home every day for all this time.

Naturally, they needed something to eat, so the coal miners gathered food with them in advance. These were products with a rather long shelf life - hard cheese, olive oil, pepper, spaghetti and dry-cured pork. Fresh eggs needed to feed the miners were mined in the neighboring village.

The dish, beloved by many, appeared in almost Spartan conditions - all the ingredients were mixed in a pot hanging over a fire.

And today, adherents of real Italian cuisine and classic recipes are sure that such pasta does not require any complicated preparations and ingredients - everything that goes into the dish must comply with the principles of simplicity.

The second version, which, however, is actively criticized by the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula, has an American trace. During the Second World War, the Americans supplied food to the Italians, and eggs and bacon were found among the parcels, from which the first Carbonara was quickly created. But this version is questioned, including because of the memories of elderly Italians who lived in the country before the hostilities.

The classic Carbonara, despite its simplicity, does not require any complex skills and abilities.

Product set

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • spaghetti - about 200 g;
  • bacon - 100 g;
  • cream 10-15% fat - 150 ml;
  • cheese (parmesan or other types of hard cheese) - 50 g;
  • chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • black peas - 5 pcs.

It should be borne in mind that for Carbonara it is best to choose spaghetti made on the basis of durum wheat and marked with a high class.

There is a caveat here - the thinner the pasta, the better the creamy sauce will be distributed over it. At the same time, they should not be boiled until cooked, when they become soft, but until al dente, i.e. slightly undercooked to maintain some firmness. There should not be much water, while it should be slightly salted.

As for bacon, ideally you should take pancetta - this is a type of traditional Italian bacon, which in fact is a piece of pork belly, dried in a mixture of salt, sage and rosemary. You can also try using guanciale - dried pork cheeks. If it is not possible to find all this, you can safely take ordinary bacon.

Eggs should be taken only fresh. Moreover, it is worth observing the proportions - for every half a kilogram of spaghetti there are 3 eggs and 1 glass of grated cheese.

Step by step cooking

Step by step preparation is as follows.

  1. First you need to cook the fried bacon - it is cut into squares or strips, and then laid out in a pan. It takes a few minutes to roast.
  2. Then you need to prepare a filling of cheese, cream and eggs.
  3. Boil the pasta in a small amount of water and do not get carried away - make sure that the degree of readiness is ideal.
  4. Gently fold in the filling and bacon into the pasta.
  5. Sprinkle everything with hard cheese and grind black pepper on top in a mill.

It should be understood that the most difficult thing is to correctly introduce the sauce into the product so that it does not curdle when it comes into contact with hot pasta. To avoid this, experts go to tricks - for example, they wait a while for the pasta to cool down, and give the sauce itself an opportunity to cool.

There are many step-by-step photos and videos on the network that will allow you to study in detail the process of properly mixing the ingredients.

Other dish options

Naturally, the Carbonara recipe has undergone significant interpretations, and pasta with bacon is not the only option in the kitchen today. You can cook various options based on it - it will still turn out quite interesting and unusual.

One easy alternative is the Carbonara pasta with ham recipe.

It will require:

  • pasta (preferably spaghetti) - 300 g;
  • ham (if possible, you should pay attention to Parma) - 70 g;
  • vegetable oil (olive) - 40 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese (parmesan) - 70 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground pepper - 0.5 tsp

This amount of ingredients is enough for 2 servings.

Ham should be cut into small squares, then fry it in a small amount of oil. Next, grate the cheese. After the sauce time - for it you should beat the eggs mixed with parmesan and add a little pepper there. Boil the spaghetti and pour in the sauce, then put the ham on top and mix everything. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Pasta with mushrooms

You can complement the taste of Carbonara and the addition of mushrooms.

To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • spaghetti - 250 g;
  • bacon - 150 g;
  • mushrooms (need champignons) - 150 g;
  • cream 20% fat - 200 ml;
  • hard cheese (mainly parmesan) - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil (usually olive oil) - 1 tbsp;
  • basil - a pinch.

With this amount of products, 4 servings of the dish come out.

Spaghetti should be boiled. The same recommendation applies here - until half cooked. Cut the bacon into thin strips, cut the mushrooms in the same place and place everything in a frying pan for further frying. After the components of the dish are browned, pour the cream into them, mix everything, reduce the heat and wait for the thickening.

Mix the resulting sauce with pasta, sprinkle with chopped basil and put on a plate. Top with parmesan.

If the dish is prepared for vegetarians, you can remove the bacon.

To prepare this kind of dish, take:

  • spaghetti - 300 g;
  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • bacon - 50 g (you can do without it);
  • cream with a high percentage of fat content - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese (parmesan) - 50 g;
  • fresh basil - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil (it is worth taking olive oil) - 2 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

To prepare pasta in such a device, you should take:

  • spaghetti - 200 g is enough;
  • brisket - 200 g;
  • cream 15% - 250 ml;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • basil (you can choose both dried and green) - to taste;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • water - 550 ml;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The meat should be chopped in the form of straws, then finely chop the onion and add it there too. Vegetable oil in a small amount should be poured onto the bottom and put meat with onions on it. Select the "Baking" mode and put everything for 10 minutes. Garlic should be finely chopped - you can grate it, you can use a garlic press, you can use a knife, add it to the meat.

Then pour the cream into the container and mix everything well, wait until the mixture boils, and cook until the cream is thick. Then break the spaghetti in half and load them into the filling, then pour in the water and mix everything - this is necessary to prevent the spaghetti from sticking together. Then you will have to cook in the “Pilaf” or “Rice” mode.

At this time, grate the parmesan, separate the yolk from the protein and add it to the cheese. A couple of minutes before the end of the regime, pour yolks and cheese into pasta and meat, sprinkle everything with basil. Stir again to evenly distribute the sauce. Then arrange on plates, sprinkle with cheese, pour the sauce from the bowl and pick the greens on top. The taste will be amazing.

To get even more gastronomic pleasure from such a dish, you should heed the advice of experienced chefs. So, for example, in Rome it is advised to shade the dish with red wine, naturally, we are talking about a quality product. It only takes a couple of drops during the process of roasting meat to make the taste interesting and unique.

For a richer taste of the dish, you should use two types of cheese, or even more.

Pasta should be chosen with a rounder cross section - these usually have the number 12. If there are no corresponding marks, try to opt for thin pasta. However, they must be of the highest quality. Otherwise, the pasta will simply turn into noodles, and well, if not boiled into a lump.

All this will help to make the dish even more refined and unusual. And, of course, do not rush into the process of its preparation. Carefully follow the cooking of pasta, do not rush to fry the meat and do not overexpose it on fire - it is enough that it is only slightly touched by the heat and has an appetizing color. Also, be careful with spices. You can add black pepper with white - so the taste will turn out even more piquant and interesting.


Pasta Carbonara is a dish that every housewife should master. After all, it is quite simple to prepare, while it can significantly diversify the diet and satisfy even the most demanding tastes. Such a guest on the table will definitely not go unnoticed.

A great way to diversify a disgusting homemade menu is to cook a popular Italian dish - Alla carbonara (carbonara pasta). If you cook according to the original recipe, then you will need spaghetti and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsalted, but not smoked pork cheek - guanciale. In domestic adaptation, it is customary to replace this ingredient with any variety of bacon found in the store.

This dish appeared relatively recently. Historians say that when the allied troops entered war-torn Rome in 1944, they brought with them a lot of dried pork as humanitarian aid. Around that time, carbonara pasta has become a favorite folk dish. It was first seen in a cookbook in 1957.

Pasta carbonara with bacon and cream - a classic recipe with a photo

This gourmet dish is perfect for a romantic dinner or a festive lunch with friends. To master this recipe, you will need the most common set of products. The secret lies in the delicate creamy egg sauce, which comes to readiness from the heat of freshly cooked pasta.

Your mark:

Time for preparing: 1 hour 0 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Spaghetti from durum wheat: 500 grams
  • Brisket or Bacon: 300 grams
  • Aged Hard Cheese: 200 grams
  • Cream fat content from 20%: 100 ml
  • Yolks: 4 pcs
  • Parsley: 1 bunch

Cooking instructions

    All products are collected, let's start cooking!

    Cut the brisket into thin oblong sticks. Try to grind it thoroughly. The pieces of brisket should be about the same size, otherwise they will not be evenly distributed in the pasta.

    Place the chopped brisket in a frying pan, add a little vegetable oil. Reheat the brisket on the lowest heat, avoiding burning. It should just sizzle a little. If you're using bacon, you don't need to add oil.

    Gently chop the parsley bunch. When the brisket is lightly browned, add chopped greens and stir.

    Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool on the stove.

    Only egg yolks are used to make the sauce. Carefully separate them from the proteins and place in a deep container. Lightly beat the yolks with a whisk.

    Gradually pour in the cream. Lightly salt. You can add a pinch of black pepper if you like.

    Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater and add to the sauce. Stir gently with a whisk. The sauce is almost ready. It remains to combine it with spaghetti so that it reaches readiness.

    Lastly, boil the pasta. For their preparation, follow the recommendations indicated on the package. Drain the spaghetti in a colander and return to the pot. Don't try to cook them ahead of time. They must be hot.

    Add the fried brisket to the spaghetti and toss lightly. You can use two forks for this.

    Quickly pour in the prepared sauce and mix vigorously. Within a few seconds, the yolks will thicken and the cheese will melt, enveloping the pasta.

    Serve the pasta immediately, without letting it cool down.

    How to cook carbonara with ham?

    Required Ingredients:

    • 0.5 kg spaghetti;
    • 0.2-0.3 kg of ham;
    • 70 g parmesan or equivalent;
    • ½ cup warmed heavy cream;
    • 4 yolks;
    • 2-3 garlic cloves;
    • a bunch of greens;
    • 40 ml sunflower oil;
    • sugar and salt to taste.

    The process of preparing carbonara pasta adapted to domestic realities:

    1. Grind the garlic, cut the ham into thin strips.
    2. In oil (sunflower or olive), fry the garlic, add ham pieces to it, fry until the fat is rendered out of it.
    3. Boil a pack of spaghetti, try not to overcook them a little.
    4. While the pasta is cooking, we can make the sauce. To do this, mix the yolks with cream, salt, spices and grated cheese.
    5. We combine it with boiled spaghetti. We spread the resulting mixture into warmed plates, put the ham on top and sprinkle with herbs.

    Variation of the dish with mushrooms

    Required products:

    • a pack of spaghetti (400-500 g);
    • 0.25 kg of bacon;
    • 0.15 kg of hard cheese;
    • 0.32 l cream;
    • 40 ml sunflower oil;
    • salt, spices.

    Steps to prepare mushroom pasta:

    1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly. With the help of a knife, we remove dark spots, cut the mushrooms into slices along, so they will look more appetizing when ready.
    2. Rinse the bacon, dry it with a paper towel, cut into thin strips or cubes.
    3. We rub the cheese on a fine grater.
    4. We boil spaghetti, we try to remove them from the fire a little undercooked.
    5. Fry the bacon in oil until golden brown, add the mushrooms to it, continue to fry until all the liquid released from the products has evaporated. Pour in the cream, bring it to a boil, season, add the cheese and reduce the heat. Continue stirring until it melts.
    6. Pour the finished pasta into the sauce, mix thoroughly, cover with a lid for a couple of minutes.
    7. Serve the pasta still hot, crushed greens.

    Pasta carbonara with chicken

    You'll need:

    • a pack of spaghetti;
    • 1 chicken breast;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 garlic clove;
    • 2 tbsp. fat cream;
    • 40 ml of ghee;
    • 0.1 kg of parmesan;
    • 4 eggs;
    • dried herbs, salt.

    Cooking steps for delicious and hearty chicken carbonara:

    1. We cook spaghetti. We throw them in a colander.
    2. Cut the bacon into squares, fry it in a dry frying pan until an appetizing crust forms. Transfer the fried bacon to a paper towel to remove excess fat.
    3. Separate the chicken breast from the skin, fat and bones. We boil the meat.
    4. Put the boiled chicken on a board, after cooling, cut into arbitrary small pieces.
    5. Grind the peeled onion, pass the garlic through a press.
    6. To prepare the sauce, grate the cheese on a fine grater. We wash the eggs under running water, wipe them, carefully break them and separate them into protein and yolk. We need only the latter, we combine them with cheese, cream, dried herbs, beat until smooth.
    7. In the pan where the bacon was previously fried, put the oil, previously prepared onion and garlic (you can add any other vegetables - zucchini, leeks, celery, etc.). Fry until transparent, add chicken, bacon, continue frying for a few more minutes.
    8. We combine all the blanks in a pan, mix, stew for about 5 minutes. The dish is ready to serve.

    Recipe for multicooker


    • 0.3 kg brisket;
    • 3 garlic cloves;
    • 1 ½ st. fat cream;
    • ½ pack of pasta;
    • 50 ml of ketchup or tomato paste;
    • 0.15 kg of "parmesan" or its equivalent;
    • salt, spices.

    The procedure for preparing Italian yummy in a slow cooker:

    1. Fry the chopped brisket in the “Baking” mode for about a quarter of an hour. At the same time, we do without oil.
    2. Add the garlic passed through the press to the meat, continue to fry for a few more minutes. We try not to lose consciousness from the amazingly appetizing aroma.
    3. Pour cream and ketchup into the meat, crush with spices, add table salt. Let it boil on the “baking”, continue until the sauce begins to thicken. When this happens, you can put cheese grated on a fine grater into it, mix thoroughly.
    4. We spread the spaghetti, which we first break in half.
    5. Pour hot water over to cover the surface of the pasta.
    6. Cook on "Pilaf" with the lid open.
    7. After a beep, mix well again.
    8. Serve the pasta while still warm, sprinkled with herbs and cheese.

    To give the paste only a slight garlic flavor without a characteristic pungent aftertaste, you can fry the garlic cloves in oil before starting the preparation of the sauce, and then throw them away.

    You can use any type of pasta. The main thing is that they are made from durum wheat, and on their packaging it should be noted that this product belongs to group A.

    A dish with nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts) is combined in a very original and interesting way. First, they should be lightly fried, and then crushed in a blender or with a mortar. The pasta is sprinkled with nuts just before serving.

    If you are cooking carbonara with chicken fillet, try not to defrost it in the microwave, you should do it in natural conditions, otherwise the taste of the finished product will deteriorate.

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