Home / Pancakes, pancakes / How to make a tiramisu cake at home. The classic recipe for making a delicious tiramisu cake

How to make a tiramisu cake at home. The classic recipe for making a delicious tiramisu cake

Is it difficult to cook Tiramisu at home?
Classic "Tiramisu" is Savoyardi biscuit biscuits, dry, tender, light, porous; This is a delicious coffee impregnation syrup with the addition of aromatic alcohol; and this is a cream based on Mascarpone cream cheese. We will cook just such a "Tiramisu" at home, and we will bake the cookies ourselves, and we will provide the tiramisu recipe and the savoyardi cookie recipe with the most detailed photos.

What is there:

So, 3 recipes for Tiramisu with photos and savoyardi.

"Tiramisu" classic recipe

Let's start with Savoyardi. You can skip this step and buy ready-made cookies, but this is not interesting.

Ingredients for the Savoyardi cookie recipe

For 300 grams of finished cookies, cooking time - 30 minutes.

  • eggs - 4
  • sugar - 160 grams
  • honey - 30 grams
  • starch - 60 grams
  • flour - 70 grams
  • for dusting icing sugar

How to make Savoyardi cookies at home

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. This must be done very carefully, not allowing even a drop of yolk to get into the protein, this is the only way you will be able to beat it into a strong foam.

In one small bowl, beat the yolks with honey with a mixer for 5 minutes.

Whisk the whites in another bowl and add the sugar without stopping whisking.

Make sure the foam is firm - not dripping (or leaking) from the upturned bowl.

Add the whites to the yolks in three steps - stirring very gently with a silicone or wooden spatula.

Move the spatula from bottom to top. The result is a very delicate and airy mass.

Sift flour and starch. Add them to the egg mixture in three steps, stirring with a spatula. A homogeneous, well-mixed mass should keep its shape well.

Place the finished dough in the form of "sticks" on a covered baking sheet. It is convenient to do this with a culinary bag (if not, then a homemade one from a dense bag or a bag of parchment). Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar on top.

Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 7-9 minutes.

Remove the slightly cooled cookies from the paper and transfer to the wire rack. Fully cooled, they are ready to continue making Tiramisu.


Well-beaten whites help the dough to keep its shape, which means the Savoyardi cookies will be higher.

Be generous with powdered sugar.

If you will not use cookies right away or have baked significantly more, store them in a tightly closed dry container.

Ingredients for the Tiramisu recipe

Serves 3. Cooking time 30 min. + 6 hours in the refrigerator.
  • Savoyardi cookies - 300 grams
  • strong coffee - 250 ml
  • cognac (amaretto, rum) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • eggs - 5
  • mascarpone - 400 grams
  • icing sugar - 150 grams
  • cocoa powder for sprinkling - 2 tsp

How to cook Tiramisu at home

    • Make strong coffee. Pour in the cognac.

Divide the egg whites and yolks into separate containers. Refrigerate the egg whites. Beat the yolks with a mixer with powdered sugar until a pale yellow color and a silky homogeneous consistency.

Put the mascarpone in the egg mass and, gently stirring with a wooden (silicone) spatula from bottom to top, make a homogeneous mixture.

Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until firm, "standing" foam.

Put the whites to the yolk mass and slowly, very gently stir in, getting an airy, delicate cream.

Put a layer of Savoyardi (half of the existing one) in a mold with sides.

Pour the coffee evenly,

so that all cookies are completely wet.

smoothing over the entire surface.

Then again a layer of cookies, which must be soaked in coffee. And a layer of the remaining cream.

Put "Tiramisu" in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight. After placing the dessert on a plate, sprinkle with cocoa.


You can not pour the cookies in the mold, but dip them in the coffee to completely wet them.

The use of raw eggs assumes that they will be the freshest - pay attention to this.

If on the second day you cannot cut the Tiramisu into pieces, then you have got the right dessert.

A great option is to cook dessert in portioned forms.

Do not use flavors or essences instead of cognac or brandy (liqueur) - this is very tasteless and wrong.

And 2 more homemade Tiramisu recipes.

Tiramisu cake - biscuit, almond recipe

In this recipe, "Savoyardi" is replaced by pieces of biscuit, the coffee impregnation is replaced by milk and almond liqueur, which is also added to the cream, the sprinkling, instead of cocoa, is almond flakes.


  • sugar - 50 grams
  • yolks - 2
  • proteins - 3
  • flour - 50 grams
  • powdered sugar

Making a biscuit for Tiramisu at home

Whisk the yolks and half (25 grams) of sugar until the sugar dissolves and the yolks lighten. Beat the whites with a mixer until they are firm. Add the remaining sugar and beat more until shiny and good firm. Combine the protein and yolk masses.

Pour the sifted flour into the mixture and mix gently with a spatula.

Drain the finished dough by transferring it to a pastry bag or homemade cornet on a baking sheet with parchment. If you already know in what form you will make the dessert, then set the sticks as long as half of this form (you can draw the paper so as not to be mistaken in size).

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and leave for 15 minutes.

Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. Having removed from the paper, cool on a wire rack.

Ingredients for the recipe for Tiramisu with almonds:

  • biscuits
  • sugar - 85 grams
  • almond liqueur - 3 tbsp spoon
  • milk - 150 ml
  • cream at least 33% - 250 ml
  • yolk - 3
  • mascarpone - 250 grams
  • almond flakes for decoration - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to make Tiramisu cake on an almond flavored sponge cake

Pour 25 grams of sugar into a frying pan (preferably with a thick bottom), melt it over medium heat until brown. Pour in two tablespoons of boiling water and remove the pan from the heat.

Pour in milk and stir - the caramel should dissolve completely. Pour through a strainer into a small container (bowl) and cool. Then pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquor.

Prepare a steam bath for the cream. Putting the container in the bath, beat the yolks with 60 grams of sugar and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of liquor until you get a lush, thick, viscous mass. By the time it is about 7 minutes.

Transfer the container to a large container with ice water (you can use a container with ice) and continue whisking, cooling the mass. Add mascarpone, stir well. Whisk in the cream and add it to the yolk mixture.

Dip each biscuit in the caramel syrup and place in the baking dish.

After filling the bottom of the form with biscuits, add half of the cream. Add another layer of soaked biscuit pieces and a layer of cream. Garnish the top of the dessert with almond flakes (they can be fried).

Refrigerate dessert for six hours.

"Tiramisu" without eggs

This recipe will appeal to those who are still afraid to make a dessert due to the presence of eggs that are not cooked.

If prepared according to this recipe without alcohol, then the dessert is also suitable for children.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • biscuit sticks - 300 grams
  • mascarpone - 500 grams
  • cream 33% - 150 ml
  • icing sugar - 100 grams
  • coffee - 200 ml
  • Amaretto - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • cocoa or grated chocolate for sprinkling

Making homemade "Tiramisu"

Beat the cream with a mixer.

Combine mascarpone and icing sugar. Add the whipped cream and stir gently with a spatula to smooth the cream.

Prepare coffee in a bowl, pour in the Amaretto liqueur.

Dip the biscuit sticks in the coffee and place them in the mold. Top - half of the cream. Then again a layer of soaked sticks and a layer of cream.

Refrigerate the mold overnight.

Sprinkle with cocoa as you serve.
REFERENCE. Tiramisu is an exquisite dessert that appeared, as is commonly believed, in the second half of the 20th century. This assumption is based on the fact that the first written mention of the dish is dated 1971.

Ten years later, the Vin Veneto magazine named the creator of Tiramisu, allegedly Roberto Linguanotto, who cooked a dessert in the late 60s in the city of Treviso at the Alle Beccherie restaurant.

The Italian "tira mi sù" - "lifts me up" - refers to the nutritional and palatability of the ingredients in the dessert.

However, it is difficult to say for sure whether Vin Veneto magazine is right about the creator and the time of the invention of the dessert. The Tiramisu brand (and this is undoubtedly a brand) is covered with many legends, each of which gives its own nuances and details, sometimes very romantic, beautiful and incredibly “tasty”. However, like the dessert itself.

Oh, tiramisu! Divine flavor, a favorite delicacy of all sweet tooth in the world. Having tasted this magical dessert once, you will definitely want to taste it again. It is not surprising that many women from among lovers of confectionery art are actively seeking to learn how to independently recreate an airy, tasty, delicately melting dessert in your mouth, how to cook tiramisu at home. We will be happy to help you master its preparation - we will provide you with a recipe with a step-by-step description of all operations.

First, let's clarify the definitions. The well-known puff dessert Tiramisu, such as it was invented in Italy, is precisely the dessert. That is, it is very delicate in consistency, it is not cut into slices, but served in glass portioned tins-bowls (cutting teramisu with a knife is generally considered bad taste in the homeland of dessert). Italian confectioners claim that real tiramisu can only be tasted in their own country.

Tiramisu cakes are cooked everywhere, as they say, based on the famous dessert. They have a denser structure and a traditional cake shape - round or rectangular. In the cooking process, some substitutions and additions of ingredients are permissible (which is why, in fact, density appears). Served cut into slices.

The absence of heat treatment and ease of preparation is the indisputable advantage that both recipes for cooking - Tiramisu dessert and Tiramisu cake - have.

But there is also a downside to the coin - it is difficult to find products for traditional tiramisu in Russia (perhaps in capital cities), and they do not belong to the class of cheap products.

Classic dessert tiramisu with mascarpone - recipe

There is a standard set of ingredients for the classic tiramisu, which cannot be changed if you want to get exactly the classic version of the dessert. Mandatory ingredients are Savoyardi cookies, Mascarpone cheese, eggs, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, espresso, almond liqueur.

Since the recipe uses raw eggs (they give the dessert lightness and "airiness"), you must be sure of their quality. Buy only exceptionally fresh eggs, wash thoroughly. Sometimes, for fear of contracting salmonellosis, they are replaced with whipped cream. You can do that, but this is no longer tiramisu, these are variations on a theme.

List of ingredients for tiramisu dessert (per 3 servings):

How to cook tiramisu - step by step instructions

  1. The first thing to do is make coffee. If there is no espresso (the only acceptable substitute in the classic recipe), you can brew strong coffee (two teaspoons per glass of water). The coffee should be 200 ml. Cool down the drink.
  2. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Dishes for both must be clean and dry.
  3. Beat the whites into a dense foam, gradually adding 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar. Please note - as a result, the mass should be dense, not spread.
  4. Add the remaining amount of powdered sugar to the yolks, beat until thickened.
  5. Add mascarpone cream cheese to the thickened yolks and stir until smooth. As homogeneous as possible!
  6. After that, add the whipped egg whites in several passes, stirring gently each time (movements should be directed from bottom to top). As a result, if you did everything correctly, you get a very "airy" cream.
  7. Add 1 tablespoon of Amaretto liqueur to the cooled coffee. If the dessert is being prepared for children, almond essence can be used instead of liquor.
  8. Savoyardi cookies with the top side, which is covered with powdered sugar, dip in coffee and shake off excess drops. This should be done quickly, as the biscuits quickly absorb moisture.
  9. We put each cookie on the bottom of a portioned vessel (glass or bowl). Break into slices if necessary. We lay out the cookies in one layer. (It is best to place the cookies in all three containers at once so that the portions are the same.)
  10. Cover the cookies with a layer of cream so that they are not visible.
  11. We apply a second, then a third layer (if the glasses or bowls are small, you may get three layers).
  12. Sprinkle the top layer with a cocoa piston and put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours (you can overnight).

As you can see, the recipe for tiramisu at home with mascarpone is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose the products. Let's talk about them further.

How to make tiramisu if Savoyardi cookies are not available

The Italian Savoyardi biscuits are nothing more than biscuit biscuits, elongated and flat in shape. Cookies, due to their porosity, absorb liquid well and quickly become soft, therefore they are widely used for preparing various desserts and cakes. It has a second name "ladies' fingers", and, in fairness, I must say that it is not on sale every day and not in every store.

If you decide on tiramisu according to the classic recipe at home, and you can't buy cookies, you will have to bake these very "ladies' fingers". This is done quite simply and quickly.

Ingredients for Savoyardi cookies:

  1. separate the yolks from the whites
  2. beat the whites with half the norm with powdered sugar until a thick and stable mass
  3. beat the yolks with the remaining icing sugar until creamy
  4. combine the whites with the yolks, mix gently and sift the flour through a sieve on top
  5. with unhurried movements "from bottom to top" stir the mass until smooth
  6. fill a culinary bag with the obtained biscuit dough, and squeeze strips 7-8 cm long on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Sprinkle each piece with powdered sugar and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 190 ° C. It is advisable not to open the oven during baking.
  7. After the set time has elapsed, turn off the oven, open the door a little and leave to cool
  8. For the cookie to become brittle, it is necessary to leave it open at room temperature for a while.

This is how you can bake tiramisu cookies yourself.

There is one more ingredient that can be problematic to acquire. This is Mascarpone cheese.

Tiramisu cheese

Mascarpone cheese is an Italian soft cheese, an integral part of the tiramisu dessert. The name sounds tricky and very “delicious”. In fact, there is nothing tricky about it. The consistency is a creamy mass, the taste is reminiscent of butter. It, like Savoyardi cookies, is easy to make at home.

To obtain cheese, you need to heat 1 liter of fat natural cream (25%) in a water bath to a temperature of 90 ° C, then add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Then, after mixing thoroughly, keep on low heat for 15 minutes (it is advisable to use a divider so that it does not burn). After that, the mass must be placed in a linen bag and hung in a cool place for self-pressing and whey removal. Mascarpone cheese is ready!

You can start preparing a wonderful tiramisu dessert. The main thing is not to be shy. Not the gods burned the pots. And at home you can cook such a tiramisu that the Italians will be jealous.

Are you the lucky one who managed to taste the most delicate creamy dessert? tiramisu invented by Italians? Its taste leaves few people indifferent, you want to try it again and again.

Nowadays, to get to know the real taste of an overseas dish, you don't have to fly to Italy. You just need to find your favorite recipe. By the way, I tried tiramisu for the first time quite recently, and I liked it so much that I can't refuse this amazing dessert, despite its calorie content. In addition, it turns out that preparing this delicious dessert is as easy as shelling pears.

Tiramisu cake composition

The composition of this delicious dessert is truly enjoyable. Tiramisu contains three essential ingredients - airy savoyardi cookies, delicate creamy mascarpone cheese and Italian wine Marsala.

Today it is no longer difficult to find all the ingredients necessary for making tiramisu in the nearest supermarket. Creamy mascarpone cheese is sold in plastic jars of 250 and 500 g.

Savoyardi cookies, or as it is also called "ladies' fingers", are also sold in packs of 200 and 400 g, there is a great choice of them. You can make them yourself or use simple biscuit cakes.

Marsala wine was even nicknamed culinary due to its taste. This is a Sicilian wine with a characteristic aftertaste of ship resin and burnt caramel. But even if you do not have such a wine available, it is successfully replaced in recipes with brandy, cognac, rum or Madeira.

If you have never prepared an Italian tiramisu dessert, then I recommend starting with the classic recipe. Having prepared tiramisu at least once at home, you will fill your hand, feel the nuances of working with each individual product, understand the texture of the dessert and learn its real taste. After that, you can already experiment and use additional ingredients and serving methods.


  • mascarpone cheese - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • black coffee - 250 ml
  • brandy, cognac or rum - 50 ml
  • savoyardi cookies - 300 gr.
  • cocoa for decoration

You will need two deep cups for separately beating the whites and yolks, a flat-bottomed dish into which it will be convenient to dip cookies in coffee, and a glass rectangular dish for the tiramisu itself.


  1. Pour sugar into the yolks and begin to beat with a mixer until a viscous homogeneous consistency, remember that the sugar will not completely dissolve, i.e. crystals will be visible.
  2. Beat the whites separately until fluffy.
  3. Put mascarpone cheese in the sugar-yolk mass.
  4. It is more correct to knead the cheese only with a wooden spatula until a homogeneous elastic mass is obtained.
  5. You can also use a mixer, but at a low beat speed, so that the mascarpone does not overheat and lose its properties.
  6. Now add the whipped proteins to the cheese mass and gently mix them until smooth.
  7. Preparing the coffee solution. It can be used as ground coffee beans, having previously brewed it, or you can also brew ordinary instant coffee 3-4 teaspoons per 250 ml of boiling water.
  8. Add alcohol to the brewed coffee.
  9. We must cool the coffee completely before we dip the cookies in it.
  10. Now, one by one, we dip the Savoyardi cookies in the coffee solution and spread them all over the bottom of our dish.
  11. Remember that in real Italian tiramisu, the basis, i.e. the bottom layer is always a biscuit, not a cream.
  12. Fill the biscuits with half of the resulting cream cheese cream.
  13. Then repeat the coffee-soaked cookie layer.
  14. Pour out the remaining cream, covering all the cookies with it.
  15. Sprinkle cocoa on top through a strainer, the entire surface of our dessert.
  16. Tighten with cling film and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  17. It is best to let the tiramisu settle for 5-7 hours, the sugar will dissolve, the cookies will give off the aroma of coffee and soak in the cream.

The recipe and cooking process is similar to the previous classic recipe, only here we do without eggs. And from alcohol we use Amaretto liqueur, but if you don't have one, you can replace it with cognac, rum or brandy.


  • mascarpone cheese - 500 gr.
  • cream 33% - 250 gr.
  • icing sugar - 120 gr.
  • water - 300 ml
  • natural coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
  • liqueur "Amaretto" - 50 ml
  • savoyardi cookies - 35 pcs.
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. First, brew coffee with hot water. You need to brew in a convenient container, because we will dip the cookies in a coffee solution.
  2. Add alcohol to coffee, stir and leave to cool completely.
  3. Whip heavy cream until peaks.
  4. For the cream to whip better, it must be cooled beforehand.
  5. Add mascarpone cheese, powdered sugar to the cream and stir everything together with a mixer at low speed until smooth.
  6. Now we select the desired shape for the tiramisu. Since Savoyardi cookies are long, it will be more convenient to use a rectangular shape.
  7. Dip each cookie into a coffee drink and place it in rows on the bottom of the mold.
  8. Do not keep cookies in coffee for a long time, otherwise they will get wet.
  9. After that, spread half of the cream obtained from the cream and mascarpone on the cookies, level with a spoon.
  10. With the next layer, put the cookies again, which we do not forget to dip in the coffee drink.
  11. The top layer is a cream. Quite a lot of cream comes out of this amount of mascarpone and cream, and it gives this dessert an airiness. We level the surface of the tiramisu with a spatula or spoon.
  12. Cover the tiramisu dessert with cling film and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 5-7 hours, and preferably overnight.
  13. Sprinkle with cocoa powder just before serving. To do this, sift it through a strainer.

If you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful dessert, then tiramisu can be decorated with cherries, strawberries and served in portions to each guest in a glass. It seems to me that children will be very happy with such a dessert. If you do not dare to cook a dessert with the addition of raw eggs, then you can cook without them. And if this is a dessert for children, then you can do without alcohol. In any case, this dessert is easy and simple to prepare, and the festive table will definitely decorate.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • mascarpone cheese - 250 gr.
  • cream 33% - 250 gr.
  • icing sugar - 90 gr.
  • water - 250 ml
  • natural coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
  • coffee liqueur - 50 ml
  • savoyardi cookies - 240 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 60 gr.
  • vanillin - a pinch
  • fresh or frozen cherries - 350 gr.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Whisk the cream, add the icing sugar, vanillin and mascarpone. Stir everything well, you can stir at low speed with a blender.
  2. Brew coffee in hot water. Instant coffee can also be brewed, but I prefer natural coffee.
  3. Pour liquor into a coffee drink, if you cook for children, then do not add liquor, it will also be delicious. Let the drink cool completely.
  4. In the previous recipes for tiramisu dessert, we put savoyardi cookies with the bottom layer. In the same recipe, we put several tablespoons of butter on the bottom of the glass.
  5. And the next step is slightly different from the previous recipes - we dip Savoyardi cookies in a coffee drink only on one side (this will be the top side of the dessert). Dry biscuits should be in contact with the cream. If the cookies are larger than the diameter of the glass, do not be afraid to break the cookies in half.
  6. Cherry is the next layer - completely lay the fruit layer.
  7. Put the cream on top.
  8. We repeat in the same sequence - cookies, cherries (a little less than before), a layer of cream is on top.
  9. It remains to decorate the dessert with chocolate. To do this, cut the dark chocolate with a knife or grate it on a coarse grater.
  10. Finally, add a fresh cherry to the very top (you can use a cherry for a cocktail). Decorate the dessert with a sprig of mint.

I want to offer you another wonderful recipe for tiramisu cake, which is prepared without savoyardi cookies. Biscuit cakes are prepared for the cake. You can buy ready-made, or you can make a biscuit yourself.


For biscuit:

  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • flour - 250 gr.
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • vanillin - 1 tsp

For impregnating cakes:

  • water - 250 ml
  • natural coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
  • rum - 40 ml
  • sugar - 3 tsp

For the cream:

  • mascarpone cheese - 500 gr.
  • cream 33% - 250 gr.
  • sugar - 90 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First, let's prepare a coffee drink. Brew coffee with boiling water, add sugar, pour in rum and let cool.
  2. We will bake the biscuit cakes ourselves.
  3. To do this, first beat 6 eggs for about 1 minute. If there is no harvester, then you will have to spend about 3-4 minutes.
  4. Then add sugar and vanillin and beat for another 5 minutes, until you get a beautiful fluffy mass, which will increase by about 2 times.
  5. Now sift the flour through a strainer into the egg mass. During this time, the flour is enriched with oxygen and the biscuit turns out to be high and fluffy.
  6. Stir the dough with a spoon until smooth
  7. Pour the resulting dough into two molds, covered with paper or foil and greased with vegetable oil.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We bake the cakes for about 25 minutes without opening the oven door. The finished cakes should cool.
  9. For the cream, beat the heavy cream for 2 minutes until fluffy and put the cream in the refrigerator.
  10. In the same bowl, beat the mascarpone cheese with sugar.
  11. Combine cheese and cream, stir gently with a spoon. The cream is ready.
  12. We begin to collect the cake. The bottom layer is a biscuit, soak it with a coffee drink. Using a spoon, gently pour it over the cake.
  13. Put the cream on the soaked cake layer in a fairly thick layer, level it.
  14. Sprinkle with cocoa powder on top.
  15. We repeat the whole sequence again - biscuit, coffee drink, cream. Only the top layer of cream can be used to decorate the top and sides of the cake.
  16. The cake is ready, it remains only to sprinkle the top with cocoa powder.
  17. A prerequisite for Tiramisu is that the dessert or cake should be cooled in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours, and even better left overnight. Read more:


  • 250 grams of mascarpone,
  • four eggs,
  • 80 grams of powdered sugar
  • 30 pieces of biscuit cookies,
  • 150 grams of cold strong coffee,
  • one - two teaspoons of amaretto,
  • two teaspoons of cocoa,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • chocolate.

Step by step recipe:

  1. separate the whites and yolks from the eggs;
  2. knead the mascarpone with a fork;
  3. beat the yolks with powdered sugar (white), combine them with mascarpone - put the prepared mass in a cold place (in the refrigerator);
  4. beat the whites with a pinch of salt - also combine with mascarpone - send to the refrigerator;
  5. put a little cream on the bottom;
  6. dip cookies in coffee with liqueur and lay out in turn in a mold - grease with cream, continue to lay out the remaining layers according to the same plan.

Excellent fast and tasty tiramisu - ready. Such a treat will suit both evening coffee and a delicious lunch for dessert, or just for a delicacy - to whom and how, when and where they like it.

Tiramisu is a delicious, airy dessert, an Italian dish that is popular all over the world. Tiramisù from Italian translates as "lift or pull me up." Obviously, the name is associated with the high calorie content of the dish, although some argue that the word tiramisu originated from its ability to "bring the highest pleasure."

Origin history and description

In the old days, during the Renaissance, tiramisu was considered an aphrodisiac that lifts the mood before a love date and arouses feelings. From sources it is known that for the first time this dessert was invented by the confectioners of Siena in honor of the arrival of the Tuscan ex-Duke Cosimo de Medici III, who was a famous lover of sweets, to them.

Having tasted the original dish, the admired ex-duke took the recipe to Florence, to the center of the arts of that time. There the recipe became famous and from there spread throughout the world, many gourmets appreciated the taste of the masterpiece.

In terms of taste, tiramisu can be compared to the taste of a delicate cake, soufflé and airy pudding. There are many options for the dish, but all of them must include mascarpone cheese, savoyardi cookies, eggs and coffee.


We will figure out step by step how to prepare a classic version of Italian tiramisu, a version of a cake without eggs and a recipe for a dessert with almonds at home.

Traditional with mascarpone cheese and savoyardi cookies

Will need: 4 eggs, 250 grams of cheese, sugar or powder, 1/4 cup of coffee, 200 grams of savoyardi (the so-called "ladies' fingers"), half a bar of black dark chocolate or cocoa powder, 4 tbsp. spoons of brandy (rum, cognac, brandy, chocolate liqueur).

Of the tools you will need mixer or whisk, shape(preferably silicone), bowls, spatula.

  • So, the first thing to do is make coffee, soluble not suitable... Then beat the cheese with a whisk or mixer until softened.
  • Separate the egg whites from the yolks, then beat the yolks thoroughly to the consistency of an airy white foam... It is recommended to add a little sugar or powder at the end of whipping.
  • Gently pour the yolks into the mascarpone cheese, whisking or mixing continuously. Beat the whites of the eggs separately, the spreading of the cream depends on the density of the proteins. Then carefully pour the whites into the whipped cheese mass... In consistency, the mass should resemble thick sour cream.
  • In a large bowl mix coffee and brandy(or other alcohol - cognac, liqueur, rum) and dip Savoyardi cookies in the same place. The coffee should be freshly brewed and strong, but cold. Put half of the cookies on the mold, do this quickly, until the cookies are wet.
  • Cookie layer cover generously with cheese and smooth it out with a spatula... Lay the next layer of cookies on top of it and pour the rest of the cheese mass onto it. Smooth out the layer with a spatula.
  • For beauty, the surface can be decorated with cones or stars. Put the finished dish in the refrigerator for eight to nine hours.
  • Sprinkle with cocoa or dark grated chocolate. Cut the dish into pieces and put on a dessert plate, a dessert spoon from the cutlery. Serve recommended with coffee or tea.

In addition to the classic recipe, there are many other cooking options - no alcohol, no eggs, with raspberries, blueberries, condensed milk, almond, and so on.

Dessert without eggs

Ingredients for egg-free tiramisu: 300 gr. savoyardi or "ladies' sticks", 500 gr. mascarpone cheese, 100 gr. powdered sugar, 150 ml. cream 33%, 200 ml. coffee, 2 tablespoons of Amaretto liqueur, black grated chocolate and a little cocoa.

  • Beat the cream (preferably 33%) with a mixer or whisk.
  • Soften cheese and mix with powdered sugar. Add whipped cream to the mixture, then stir gently with a spatula, so that the cream acquires a consistency of uniformity.
  • Add coffee to a bowl and pour in 2 spoons of Amaretto. Dip cookie sticks in coffee, then quickly put them in a convenient form.
  • Top up with half of the prepared cream. Add next layer of sticks and top up with the rest of the cream.
  • Put in the refrigerator for several hours, you can until the morning... Decorate the finished tiramisu with cocoa or chocolate.

Italian cuisine enchants with its spontaneity and excellent combination of flavors. Learn how to cook to delight your family with a great lunch.

Another charming Italian dessert recipe - cannoli - you will find in this one.

If you can't buy mascarpone cheese, find out how to make it at home from here:

But there is also an interesting variation on the almond tiramisu.


Ingredients for cooking: 300 gr. biscuit savoyardi, 85 gr. sugar, 150 ml. fresh milk, 250 ml. cream, the fat content of which is not less than 33%, 3 egg yolks, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of almond liqueur, 250 gr. cheese, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond flakes.

  • Pour 25 grams into a thick frying pan. sugar, melt over medium heat until brown appears... Then pour in 2 tablespoons of regular boiling water and remove the pan from the hotplate.
  • Pour milk into the sugar and stir, the resulting caramel should dissolve completely. Pour through a sieve into a bowl and wait for cooling.
  • Pour 1 tbsp into the mixture. a spoonful of almond liqueur and stir.
  • Prepare the cream separately. To do this, cook steam bath. Pour some water into a saucepan, put the container in it. Add the yolks, separated from the proteins, to the container, 60 gr. sugar, 2 tablespoons of liquor. Beat the mixture for about 7 minutes, until an airy, thick mass forms.
  • Then move the container to another pan by adding cold water to it and continue to beat the mass until it cools... Add mascarpone there and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
  • Beat the cream separately with a mixer and add them to the mass with the yolks. Each "lady's wand" quickly dip in caramel syrup and place on the bottom of the mold for cooking. When the bottom of the mold is completely filled, add half of the cream.
  • Repeat procedure: Put another layer of biscuit sticks and cover with cream. Decorate the dish with almond flakes, which lightly fry in a skillet. Place the cooked dish in the refrigerator for six to eight hours.

Tiramisu cake is considered the hallmark of Italy along with ravioli, pizza and pasta. The dessert was created only about seventy years ago. The chef of one of the restaurants in the small town of Treviso, Roberto Linguanetti, came up with it when he saw a scandalous couple on the summer veranda. To reconcile them, he used ingredients traditionally considered in Italy as aphrodisiacs, that is, kindling passion and sexual desire.

As the cheese for Tiramisu, he chose the rustic Mascarpone. Our compatriots would rather mistake this soft cheese for very fatty sour cream. Cream for Tiramisu with Mascarpone is prepared in good Italian restaurants every 2-3 hours. Cheese is delivered in the morning from the nearby villages, so there is an opinion that such a cake can be tasted only in Italy.

Any pastry chef in this country will tell you that Tiramisu prepared outside its borders can be called an interpretation of the dessert, but nothing more. Mascarpone is brought from the Apennines, where it is prepared not from milk, like ordinary cheeses, but from the fattest cream, which is "produced" by a unique breed of cows. What is on the shelves of Russian supermarkets has nothing to do with Mascarpone cheese.

Classic Tiramisu Dessert Recipe

Tiramisu cake with Savoyardi cookies is a reference recipe for an Italian dessert. But what can replace Mascarpone in Tiramisu if the real one is still not available? You can buy fresh unsalted cottage cheese or heavy cream with a fat content of at least 40%. Contrary to the recipes widespread in the network, in no case should you use cheese soaked in water. Well, cooking Tiramisu at home should begin with Savoyardi baking.

Savoyardi cookie recipe for Tiramisu as pictured

You will need:

  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 5 egg whites;
  • 4 tbsp. l. fine crystalline sugar;
  • ½ tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 10 g icing sugar.

Cooking process

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the whites until stiff peaks, gradually adding sugar. The protein mass should become homogeneous and snow-white.
  3. Then whisk the yolks, adding the rest of the sugar.
  4. Stirring constantly, combine the protein mass and yolks, add flour, knead the dough.
  5. Bake the finger-shaped Savoyardi at 180 ° C for at least 15 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle with powdered sugar 5 minutes before cooking.
  7. Refrigerate for 24 hours - the classic Tiramisu with Mascarpone recipe uses yesterday's cookies.

Tiramisu recipe

You will need:

  • 400 g of fresh cottage cheese;
  • 5 large chicken eggs;
  • 150 g of Italian wine Marsala (since you are trying to reproduce Tiramisu cake at home, you can take rum or expensive cognac);
  • 250 g biscuit cookies prepared the day before;
  • 150 g cane sugar;
  • coffee;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.

Cooking process

  1. The yolks must be carefully separated from the proteins.
  2. Grind chicken yolks with a spoon thoroughly with sugar.
  3. When the mass turns white, add the squeezed cottage cheese without whey.
  4. Whisk the whites until soft peaks and mix with the yolks and cottage cheese.
  5. Brew about 1 glass of coffee in a Turk. Add alcohol to the cooled drink.
  6. Each cookie must be dipped into the coffee-wine mixture separately. Put the soaked cookies on the bottom of a split form, covered with paper.
  7. Spoon in ½ the egg cream and smooth out with a knife.
  8. Top with another layer of cookies, then another layer of cream.
  9. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.
  10. After cooling, sprinkle it with cocoa powder.
  11. Serve in portions.

How to cook Tiramisu at home without Savoyardi cookies

How to make dessert with plain cookies at home? Many people replace Savoyardi cookies with “Jubilee”, “Creamy” or ordinary homemade biscuit. Of course, it is impossible to consider such a dessert to be equivalent to Tiramisu. But you can pamper the family with an exquisite cake based on Italian motives.

On the basis of a regular store biscuit, you can make a four-layer "lazy" Tiramisu with honey.

  1. Cut the biscuit into 4 layers or take ready-made thin cakes.
  2. Whisk 150 g of fatty sour cream with 100 g of cottage cheese.
  3. Beat 4 eggs with 1 cup sugar.
  4. Mix the curd cream with the egg.
  5. Add 2 tbsp. l. rum or vodka.
  6. Layer the cakes with cream, sprinkle the top with grated chocolate or cocoa powder.
  7. Refrigerate for 2 hours.

Tiramisu has long ceased to be a purely restaurant recipe. On the Internet, you can find hundreds of variations of the recipe for how to make Tiramisu at home: with fruits, Baileys liqueur, berries and white chocolate ... But if you still want to taste the real Tiramisu, go to hospitable sunny Italy. Unforgettable taste sensations are provided to you!