Home / Chebureks / Chicken liver roll with egg. Chicken liver roll

Chicken liver roll with egg. Chicken liver roll

The liver is delicious and useful product... So many delicious dishes can be prepared from it! This recipe is one of those yummy. I don't cook it often, but every time I try to add something to the recipe to make it unusual and interesting!

And there is something to add! I'll tell you now about the additions to the "dough", about fillings and about little tricks that will help you get the most delicious dish!

  • Liver - 1.5kg (for 2 large rolls or 3 smaller ones);
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs. (depending on the size);
  • Onions - 3 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1pc. (small);
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Lard - 50-70gr;
  • Flour - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Dried herbs.


Grind the liver. For each roll you need 1 egg. I have one large roll, the other small. I added one egg in there and there.

Pour herbs into the liver - about 1 tbsp. spoons (or to your taste), salt and pepper. Mix everything well.

If you have chicken liver, for greater tenderness and fat content, you can add 1 tbsp. sour cream.

Chop the onion finely, but do not chop it so that the onion does not feel on its own in the roll, but its juice made the dish juicier.

Garlic must be in the roll. The smell of cooked liver is unattractive, and the only thing that neutralizes it is garlic. Therefore, it is better to chop the garlic, and not press it with a press (in this version, it quickly loses its bright taste).

We rub the carrots, and it does not matter, small or large, to your taste.

Salo! I will explain the presence of this ingredient in the roll. The fact is that the boiled liver is very fresh, there is no fat in it, and therefore in a dish with boiled liver (namely with boiled, not baked, not fried, but with boiled) there is no and cannot be juiciness and tenderness !!!

We "create" the tenderness of the roll by adding juicy onions, fatty lard, sauces (mayonnaise or sour cream). In some cases, I would recommend stewing the carrots a little, so that it absorbs the oil, and in a roll it would look like a "highlight".

So, chop the bacon very finely!

Add onions, carrots and lard to the liver. Mix, evenly distributing vegetables and lard in the "dough".

Pour in flour. You don't need to add a lot of it. Cooked, it holds well when it's only a couple of spoons. If you add more flour, it will clog the liver and make the dish tough.

We check the consistency of the dough. It slides off the spoon, slowly but surely.

Learn from my mistake. The first time I used a baking sleeve instead of a simple, clean, whole plastic bag. And, as it turned out, in vain. The package is better, more reliable and the shape of the roll is more attractive in it.

We tie the bag on one side. LUBRICATE it with vegetable oil (which I forgot). We put it in a bowl; it will be more convenient to pour the dough into the bag.

Pour out half of the dough. We put the boiled egg (for a small roll, one is enough, for a large one - you can take 2). It is not necessary to heat and level it.

Pour the second half of the dough into a bag.

We tie the bag, cut off the "extra" tail.

Put the roll in boiling water and cook under the lid for 1 hour 20 minutes. We do not heat. Most of the roll is underwater and that's enough. But, if it is necessary to calm the darling, after an hour we turn the roll in the water.

We take out the cooked roll and let it cool COMPLETELY.

I didn’t, and that was my second mistake. As a result, the package was not removed as easily as usual.

We remove the bag, the roll is dense, and the taste is airy.

In the context, the roll is stunningly beautiful!

Bon Appetit!

Similar materials

Frankly, I don't like any kind of liver in any form, except in pate. And since this product is very useful, I try to cook it that way.

I have an ambiguous attitude to the recipes of Julia Vysotskaya. I like many of them because of their originality. However, reading them, I often see some inconsistencies or inaccuracies.

Where do they come from? Probably, Julia publishes them not on the day of preparation and not on the next, but much later. In this regard, some moments are lost. However, this is just my guess.

If the dish is simple, it is uncritical, but in the case of cooking something more complex, difficulties may arise.


    2 onions

    1 bunch of dill

    30 ml brandy

    salt to taste


Paper napkins



We need fresh liver. Therefore, if it was in the freezer, it should first be defrosted and then rinsed thoroughly.

Pour in a liter of milk and leave for 3 hours or overnight. I chose the second option to start cooking in the morning.

Now you need paper napkins. I took the most common ones. Plus set aside a large tray for convenience.

It is necessary to dry the liver by spreading it out on napkins.

Preheat a frying pan by placing 1 tablespoon on it. butter and 2 tbsp. olive. Fry the liver so that it does not become tough, but until there is no blood.

Boil carrots, chop small cubes... Chop the onion. Spread together for 2 tablespoons. butter.

Who, like me, does not have a blender, we go the old beaten path - with the help of a meat grinder. But there is two options:

1. Scroll once - the pate will be coarsely ground, which, in principle, is good in its own way.

2. Scroll 3-4 times. Then the pate will become airy and very tender ... So I decided to do it.

Knowing the characteristics of my meat grinder (the softer the source material, the harder it is), the first two times I missed the liver, onions, carrots and eggs. She added butter to the third scroll and cream to the fourth.

So, the mass is ready. To it should be added ground spices, salt and brandy. It can be replaced with port, in extreme cases - with vodka.

Stir everything well and put it in the refrigerator for now, covered with a lid.

Make a filling - combine chopped dill, 200 g softened butter and 50 ml olive oil. Here is two nuances:

1. The first is not so significant - Julia Vysotskaya has a bunch of parsley in her recipe, not dill. I made this pate this way and that. I liked the dill much more, and the parsley seemed too rough for such a tender roll.

2. The second nuance is already significant. Julia simply says about the butter filling: "cool in the refrigerator." How much time is unknown, but this moment is fundamental in this case.

Empirically, I found that you need to cool it to a thick and stable consistency, but not until it hardens completely - the mass should be laid out well with a spoon.

So, remove the mass for several hours in the refrigerator to achieve the required consistency. When it is optimal, remove the pate from the refrigerator, spread the foil and place the pate on it in an even layer.

Top center along the entire length - an oil mixture.

When I did it for the first time, I put the oil mixture in the cold for 40 minutes. As a result, it began to spread over the pâté layer, which made it difficult to join it into a roll.

So, you need to roll the foil with the pate so that you get a roll.

Refrigerate at least overnight.

The sectional appearance of the pate will depend on which layer of the pate and butter filling you have laid out and how. The number of rolls is also at your discretion. You can make 1 large or 2-3 smaller. I made two medium rolls from this mass. One in the context looks like this:

And the second with oil inclusion closer to the top. There is less oil filling here, it came out more dietary.

The pate turns out to be very tasty and delicate! And I tell you this, I am not a special lover of the liver :) But in this form I am ready to eat it and eat it!

Despite the fact that the recipe cannot be called quick, I used it to cook this pate in February - 3 times! My household and guests liked him so much!

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Recipe for making tender and delicious food- roll from chicken liver

Chicken liver roll

No holiday is complete without a snack. And it is not important what it is made from, the main thing is that the appetizer should please the guests. appearance and, undoubtedly, by taste... Let's together with you make a chicken liver roll according to my recipe, which is not a shame to serve on festive table, as well as on weekdays, especially for breakfast. Believe me, the roll will turn out to be tender and soft, you just lick your fingers.

So, to make a chicken liver roll we need: a pound of chicken liver, two tablespoons of flour, an onion, two tablespoons of thick sour cream, two boiled eggs, fifty grams of cheese, fifty grams of butter, nutmeg, black pepper, salt to taste and vegetable oil for frying.

First, wash the chicken liver and peel it of films, roll each piece in flour. Now heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and, turning, fry the liver for two to three minutes. Cut the onion into thin half rings and add it to the liver in a frying pan and fry the liver and onion. But make sure that the onion is not fried too much, otherwise it can ruin delicate taste pate. Add pepper, salt, sour cream and a pinch of nutmeg, stir everything, cover and simmer for about seven minutes until the liver is cooked. Cool the liver and purée with a blender. It is necessary that the pate is not very liquid, since it is necessary that it keep its shape, as well as too thick, in this case your roll will turn out to be dry. Now let's make the filling for the roll. Grate cheese and eggs, soften butter and mix until homogeneous mass and add salt and pepper to taste. Spread cling film on a cutting board, on which put a layer of pate, on which put a layer of filling on top. Now gently lift the edges of the film and roll the roll, twist and tie the ends of the film. Now we need to put our roll in this form in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, you can even more. That's all, now you know how to cook tender and delicious roll from chicken liver. And I will also offer you simple culinary recipes, which will be useful to you and will delight loved ones at the table.

Step 1: prepare the chicken liver.

First of all, we spread the required amount of butter on the countertop and leave it at room temperature until use, let it melt. Then we rinse fresh chicken liver under streams of cold running water, dry it with paper towels, put it on a cutting board and clean each piece from the veins and gallbladder, if any.

Step 2: cook chicken liver.

Then we send the liver into a small saucepan, fill it with purified water so that it is at least 3-4 centimeters higher, and put it on medium heat. After boiling, add a little salt to the bubbling liquid, a couple of laurel leaves and cook the by-products until full readiness during 15-20 minutes, periodically removing the brown-gray foam from the surface with a slotted spoon - coagulated blood with protein.

It is not worth lengthening the duration of the heat treatment of this ingredient, otherwise it will become tough. Therefore, as soon as a transparent juice begins to stand out from the liver during the cut, we throw it into a colander and leave it in the sink to cool down and also dry out.

Step 3: prepare the onions and carrots.

We don't waste a minute, using a clean kitchen knife, peel the vegetables indicated in the recipe. Rinse them thoroughly, dry them with paper kitchen towels, send them to a new board and grind them. Chop the onion into 1 centimeter cubes, chop the carrot on a coarse or medium grater and move on.

Step 4: fry the onions with carrots.

We put a frying pan on medium heat and pour a little into it vegetable oil... After a few minutes, put the chopped onion into it and fry for 3-4 minutes until transparent, as well as a light golden crust, while not forgetting to stir with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula.
As soon as the vegetable is slightly browned, add the carrots to it and cook them together until the latter is soft, loosening occasionally. Then we move the resulting mixture from the stove and also give it the opportunity to cool down a little.

Step 5: prepare the butter.

In the meantime, remove the packaging from the butter and put it in a clean, deep bowl. If desired, season this product to taste with salt and knead with a table fork until smooth - the filling for the roll is ready!

Step 6: prepare the liver mixture.

Now we install an electric or stationary meat grinder with a fine mesh on the table and in turn pass the boiled liver through it into a deep bowl, as well as fried vegetables, that is, onions with carrots.

Grind the resulting minced meat twice so that not a single grain remains. Then we spice it up nutmeg if necessary, an additional portion of salt and black pepper to taste. Mix everything with a tablespoon until smooth and proceed to the next step.

Step 7: form a chicken liver roll.

Covering a large cutting board with plastic cling film, well, if there is no such in the house, then a bakery will do either parchment paper, and put it on the surface of the selected inventory liver mince... We distribute it in an even layer in the form of a rectangle or square with a thickness from 1 to 1.5 centimeters and send in the refrigerator for 20 minutes so that the pate grasps - it becomes denser.

After that, we return it to the table and use a knife blade to apply softened butter to the liver with a layer up to 1 centimeter... Then we begin to roll up the roll.

We act gradually, gently prying the base forward and forward, until you get a beautiful dense roll. Then we fix polyethylene or paper around the edges and put the resulting product back in the refrigerator, but this time for 3-4 hours.

Step 8: Serve the chicken liver roll.

After insisting in the refrigerator, the chicken liver roll is removed from the polyethylene, carefully laid out on a cutting board and divided across into portioned pieces about 1 centimeter thick, but it's better to do this with a thin thread or, in extreme cases, a very sharp kitchen knife. Then the slices are served on a large flat dish, decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs if desired and served as a snack. Cook with love and enjoy delicious homemade food!
Bon Appetit!

When choosing a chicken liver, be careful, it should be even Brown color without inclusions, with a smooth, even, shiny surface, elastic, without pronounced blood vessels and foreign odors;

If desired, the liver can be fried along with onions and carrots and then stew everything in a small amount of water until fully cooked for 20 minutes;

Very often, the liver is boiled with the addition of a wider range of spices and some vegetables, for example, salad peppers, carrots, celery, parsley root, dill, cilantro, garlic, curry, cloves, cinnamon, to name just a few;

The oil filling is not fundamental, the amount of this product can be generally reduced to one hundred grams and diluted with boiled and grated on a fine grater chicken egg or processed cheese, as well as any fresh herbs. You can also put some spices in such a mixture: turmeric, paprika, hops-suneli, oregano, all kinds of ground pepper.