Home / Dumplings / What is kombucha made from? Kombucha: care, beneficial properties and contraindications

What is kombucha made from? Kombucha: care, beneficial properties and contraindications

Almost all residents of our country over 30 years old know that there is a so-called kombucha - before, many families used to have a jar with not very aesthetic, but useful contents. But in fact, what we habitually call kombucha has nothing to do with boletus and mushrooms. In addition, it has nothing to do with tea - it just needs tea infusion to exist. Therefore, instead of pigs floating in tea, we are dealing with a symbiosis of yeast and bacteria. The scientific name for this particular organism is jellyfish.

The body of the fungus, which floats in a jar of tea leaves, is a slimy multi-layered film that is made up of acetic acid bacteria and yeast-like fungi. Accordingly, for the existence of this culture, some nutrient medium is required, which is represented by sweet tea or fruit and berry juices. Yeast in the composition of the fungus is able to ferment sugar, resulting in the formation of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. In turn, the bacteria of this fungus oxidize alcohol, making ordinary acetic acid out of it. The result is a sweet and sour drink, slightly reminiscent of bread kvass. As a result of the fermentation process, the drink turns out to be moderately carbonated, refreshing. It is also called "kombucha".

Interestingly, in nature (meaning wild), Kombucha, in principle, does not exist. The appearance of kombucha is a mystery shrouded in darkness. That, however, does not prevent scientists from putting forward various hypotheses (someone considers Ceylon to be the birthplace of the medusa mycete, someone Tibet, someone ancient Greece, probably, there are those who believe in the cosmic origin of kombucha) and argue among themselves.

Initially, the mushroom was not very popular, and its infusion was drunk as a tonic. Now it is in vogue and there are many families where medusomycete is grown. Why did kombucha so deserve attention and appreciation, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of a constant dispute among specialists?

Useful and medicinal properties of kombucha

Kombucha has an amazing composition. There are various sugars, and enzymes, and B vitamins, and tannins. In addition, beneficial microorganisms in the composition of kombucha actively produce various acids in the course of their life:

  • gluconic,
  • dairy,
  • acetic,
  • glucuronic,
  • koi,
  • lemon,
  • apple.

So, consider kombucha, how it is useful for the human body:

  • Enhances metabolism. Someone joyfully drinks, adding a little to it, thereby speeding up the metabolism and enjoying the taste. But what if you don't like ginger, cinnamon and various spices? Then take a closer look at kombucha: because the substance lipase, which is part of the fungus (is a catalyst in the process of fat breakdown), plays a role in the complete assimilation of animal proteins. The amylase component of the fungus breaks down starch, regulates the amount of sugar in the blood, and eliminates its increase.
  • Beneficial effect on the digestive system and pancreas. Kombucha activates the digestive glands, stops inflammation in the intestines (thick and thin). Able to restore the intestinal microflora, prevents the development of dysbacteriosis. It is especially useful for various intestinal infections and poisonings, and is also effective for constipation. And even in advanced cases with chronic colitis and chronic gastritis with a low level of acidity from medusomycete, relief can come.
  • Treatment of diseases of the throat and the entire oral cavity. Thanks to its unique composition, kombucha effectively eliminates inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity, in the presence of stomatitis, tongue diseases, and removes bad breath. The mushroom also helps in the complex treatment of angina, scarlet fever, enriching the body with essential nutrients.
  • Runny nose treatment. This disease is cured as follows: the nasal passages are washed with a weekly infusion, and then instilled into the nostrils.
  • Treatment of skin diseases. Kombucha heals purulent wounds and burns in the shortest possible time. Treats psoriasis, boils. A thin film of the fungus is applied to the affected areas of the skin for several minutes, the procedure is repeated three times a day. Acne is also treated with infusion of the fungus: if you carefully wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in tea infusion for 1-3 weeks, then acne will leave you for a long time. The ability of medusomycete to get rid of the fungus of the feet and nails is noted. To do this, wipe the skin between the fingers with the juice of the mushroom daily at night, and then attach a piece of it to the nails. From above, securely fasten with a bandage or plaster. In a month you will forget about the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. It also treats: after washing your hair with shampoo, rinse with a solution-infusion of kombucha and clean well water in a ratio of 1: 1.5.
  • Provides effective support to the work of the cardiovascular systems s: contributes to the normalization of pressure, fights against atherosclerosis, hypertension, preventing the formation of plaques. It is recommended for these diseases to drink the infusion three times a day for half a 200-gram glass 2 hours before meals.
  • Using the properties of kombucha for cosmetic (cosmetic) purposes. The valuable composition of tea rejuvenates the skin, tightens and cleanses the pores. Compresses, face masks, lotions are made from infusion.
  • It has a curative effect against eye diseases. The infusion of the fungus is able to cure conjunctivitis, it is enough just to wipe the eyes 3-4 times daily with a cotton swab dipped in tea liquid.
  • Help in shedding excess weight. As a medicine that helps with excess weight, it is used two to three hours after a meal or two to three hours before a meal.

Summing up, it seems that kombucha, the medicinal properties of which are described above, is a real miracle drug. This is far from true. It's time to pay attention to the contraindications of this product

Harm caused by the use of kombucha and contraindications to it

  • It is not recommended to use more than the recommended doses for people who have an increased level of acidity in the stomach, especially with peptic ulcer.
  • It is strictly not recommended to use in large quantities in diabetes mellitus.
  • You can not infusion with gout.
  • The use of kombucha inside at reduced pressure is excluded (since the properties of the infusion are to lower pressure).
  • In rare cases, the infusion can cause liver and kidney failure.
  • Due to the content of a small amount of alcohol as a result of fermentation, the possibility of driving is excluded. For the same reason, it should not be consumed much so that there is no intoxication.

Kombucha, contraindications to the use of which look rather modest compared to useful properties, is still harmless in reasonable quantities, it is given even to children.

And almost forgot. One of the main fears when using kombucha is the fear of swallowing it. “If a mushroom accidentally gets into the stomach, it will germinate in an ideal environment for reproduction, and I will feel bad,” some people think. So, doctors say that in this case, nothing will germinate there and the fungus will come out naturally. If you don’t believe me, you can watch a video in which a doctor is asked about this:

Kombucha: Making a Nutritious Drink

The healing properties of the jellyfish will show if it is properly prepared and properly cared for.

The method of preparing a nutrient solution for kombucha is quite simple: one sachet of any tea is brewed in one liter of water (or even, if you are an aesthete, the type of tea in this case is not very important, only its presence is important), add 50 grams of sugar, that's all mix well, cool, pour into a jar of mushroom, insist 2-3 days. In no case should sugar be poured directly onto the mushroom, this is a sure way to kill kombucha.

Kombucha - how to care for it?

Kombucha should be stored in a jar of ordinary glass (a three-liter jar is best suited for these purposes - if the mass of medusomycete can reach 100 kg in the production of kombucha on an industrial scale, then a small container is enough for home use) in a dark place. It does not tolerate direct sunlight. The ideal temperature is + 25 C, but not lower than 17 degrees.

Periodically it is necessary to drain the infusion: in summer it is done after 2-5 days, in winter - once every 6-8 days. In principle, you can navigate by taste - if there are any unpleasant taste changes, then it's time to do something with it. The mushroom is washed with water at room temperature once every two weeks in hot weather, and in winter once a month. Do not leave the fungus in the old solution - it will turn brown and die.

By the way, after using kombucha and realizing all its usefulness, you will recommend it to your friends. Where can they find kombucha? There are 2 options: either buy or borrow from you. The second option is possible, because with proper care, after about a month and a half, a thin film will separate from your mushroom. This film is taken out and placed in another jar, fed and used for treatment.

They drink a healthy drink, having previously filtered through cheesecloth. It is not recommended to use before, after and during meals, otherwise hunger will return to you very quickly. Drink two to three hours after each meal.

Those who constantly use the healing drink from kombucha avoid many diseases and easily cope with various ailments.

Basic rules for the care of kombucha, for its most productive growth. Correct division and frequent mistakes of owners.

How to care for and brew kombucha

Many housewives are happy owners of kombucha (jellyfish) in their kitchen. This dense pancake lives in glass jars and, at first glance, looks unattractive. However, learning about how useful and tasty the drink obtained from the fungus is, more and more people are striving to acquire it.

Basic conditions of detention

The conditions under which kombucha grew and how careful its care was directly dependent on such qualities of the resulting drink as:

Taste characteristics;

The level of useful trace elements;


In favorable conditions, the mushroom will give the drink a maximum of useful properties. Important care criteria:

1. The growth of kombucha should take place in a glass jar corresponding to its current size. As development progresses, the volume of dishes also needs to be increased.

2. In the light, the growth activity of the fungus stops, so it is better to put the dishes in a darker place, not exposed to sunlight.

3. It is necessary to use water, only cooled to room temperature, after mandatory boiling. Before pouring the mushroom, dissolve a few tablespoons of sugar in water and add the infusion of the tea leaves (in no case do not pour dry tea leaves and granulated sugar, without the dissolution procedure - the fungus will suffer).

4. Development occurs in the best way, subject to the correct temperature regime (at least 25-27 degrees), in this case, unpleasant algae do not threaten the health of the fungus.

5. An important condition for full growth is oxygen access. In no case should you close the container with a lid, because, if oxygen starvation occurs, kombucha suffocates and dies.

6. You can cover the jar from dust in a simple way: fold a piece of loose fabric (cotton, chintz, calico) several times and cover the container from above.

7. From time to time, the substance must be washed with clean filtered or boiled water (pre-chilled). This will help him get rid of excess mucus and waste products.

8. In the absence of washing and replacing the liquid, the fungus is threatened with death: the liquid in the jar accumulates toxic substances, becoming vinegary. The top layer of the medusa mycete turns brown and dies. You can save the mushroom if you urgently rinse it, change the water, and remove the top layer.

9. Sometimes, as a result of a long absence or forgetfulness of the owners, the liquid in the container where the mushroom lives dries up. Medusomycete dries up, but does not die - it is capable of surviving in a dry state. To restore, you need to fill it again with sweet water based on tea - and the fungus will begin to function as before.

The better to fill the mushroom - medusomycete

Changing the liquid in the jar where the fungus lives and restoring its normal habitat is the most important procedure.

Usually, one percent tea infusion mixed with sugar is used for these purposes. ChG is placed in this sweet liquid, creating favorable conditions for its development. With a decrease in the amount of liquid, you can replenish it by adding a similar mixture directly to the container. If the concentrate is too saturated, it should be diluted to avoid negative health effects of the medusa mycete.

The regularity of feeding and restoring the living environment will give an excellent result - the mushroom will be healthy, clean, the taste of the drink will please.

The frequency of replacement of the solution is at least once every 4 days. If the room temperature has dropped, then the frequency of such a procedure should be reduced to once a week.
If you want to achieve a rich spicy taste of the drink, you need to feed the mushroom more often.

Dividing and washing procedure

Lack of care for the "jellyfish" can provoke illness and death. The mushroom needs constant control and attention, to which it responds with excellent growth and increased productivity of a delicious drink.

Regular thorough washing in purified water is carried out very carefully, in order to avoid violation of the structural integrity of the fibers. If the mushroom is washed with running water, its pressure must be reduced to a minimum and the temperature regime must be observed: the liquid should not be hot;

At the end of washing, the jellyfish is placed at home - in a glass container, which also requires processing: the jar is regularly treated with soda solution to prevent the appearance of dangerous algae and remove mucus deposits on the walls;

The washed container is poured with a sweet liquid familiar and comfortable for the fungus;

The summer season for the fungus is characterized by increased growth and development, in connection with this, the replacement of fluid in the container and washing must be done more frequently - at least once every 2 weeks (in winter, at least once every 4 weeks).
Reproduction is extremely simple and is carried out by ordinary division:

The top layer is separated from the bulk and placed in a new container;

Settling in water at room temperature occurs for at least a day, in a place protected from light;

After some time, there is a gradual separation of the medusa mycete film and it is placed in a sweetened tea infusion;

Already after 3 days, the mushroom grows significantly and gives a product of high palatability, which can be safely consumed.

Common nursing mistakes

The medicinal properties of the mushroom drink are preserved only if a number of rules are observed. The following oversights can interfere with the performance and desired properties of the drink:

Expectation of an instant result: not having time to acquire a mushroom, the owners begin to drink the liquid that has not yet matured, preventing the medusomycete from gaining strength and growing;

Burning the mushroom with undissolved sugar, which is poured from above directly onto its sensitive surface;

Breaking off the lower, most productive and necessary for normal functioning, fibers: thus, a tasty drink will not be able to ripen;

Turning the mushroom in a jar;

The stale liquid, which is rarely changed, becomes vinegar and gradually kills the fungus;

Use for growing metal utensils, which oxidize during its growth and cause death;

Pouring uncooled tea or boiling water into a container with a mushroom, as a result of which it may die.
Kombucha is a free source of good health and longevity, small efforts in growing it are rewarded many times over, so you should not be lazy: if a mushroom appears in the kitchen, give it due attention.

Subject to the necessary conditions and careful care, CG will improve the health of the owner and serve as a constant source of tasty, spicy, healing drink, reminiscent of a kind of lemonade. Be sure to read the article, a great addition to this material.

Kombucha how to care and use video review.

To date, kombucha is considered an exotic and useful gift of nature. Looking at it, it is difficult to determine which kingdom of nature it belongs to - the kingdom of plants or the kingdom of animals. Outwardly, this mushroom resembles a jellyfish, it has a disc-shaped form of a yellowish-brown hue, there are small processes all over the body, which is why the kombucha looks so much like a jellyfish.

In fact, this "magic" mushroom is just a combination of acetic acid microorganisms and yeast colonies. It is worth remembering that without tea, the properties of kombucha will not be of any value, since it is tea that saturates the mushroom with vitamin C.

buy kombucha It is possible only if one of your friends has such a drink. Kombucha grows constantly, and you can grow it from a very small piece. breeding process occurs due to the separation of the lower layer of the mother fungus. After that, this layer must be put in a three-liter jar, pour it with not strong, but sweet tea (six teaspoons of sugar per liter of tea), and place the jar in a warm place.

During the first three days, the mushroom simply lies at the bottom of the jar and does not show signs of life, but after a while, the mushroom emerges, and after a week the first portion of kvass is ready.

The thickness of an adult hornbeam reaches several centimeters, it allows you to enjoy a new portion of the drink every day, of course, if you do not forget that the loss of liquid must be filled with a new portion of cold sweet tea. And if you pour the entire infusion into a separate container, then after two weeks, on the surface of the liquid, you can see a thin translucent layer, which over time can also become an adult mushroom.

If, for example, during a vacation, you forget about the mushroom, then the liquid will evaporate and the mushroom will die, but it can also be resurrected by flooding it with sweet tea or sweet water.

Sometimes kombucha needs to be washed with clean boiled water.

What are the benefits of kombucha

Everything is quite simple - this miracle product contains a huge amount of useful substances: enzymes, organic acids and vitamins. Regular treatment with kombucha activates metabolism in cells, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and helps with various diseases. Especially often Kombucha is used to combat excess weight.

The miraculous properties of kombucha:

  1. Rapid treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases
    • a. Colitis treatment
    • b. Treatment of hemorrhoids
    • in. Treatment of peptic ulcer
    • d. Treatment of gastritis
    • e. Treatment of various disorders of the intestines and digestive tract
  2. Treatment of chronic tonsillitis and various infectious diseases
    • a. Treatment of angina
    • b. Treatment of stomatitis
    • d. Treatment of the common cold
  3. Quite often, kombucha is used for weight loss with obesity and overweight.
  4. Treatment of hypertension
  5. Kombucha has an excellent effect on the skin as a cosmetic product. Kombucha is used for:
    • a. hand care
    • b. foot care
    • in. hair care
    • dry skin care and anti-wrinkle care
    • e. treatment of pimples and acne

The benefits of kombucha in the fight against excess weight

Digestive system

Kombucha contains probiotics, which in turn improve the function of the digestive system. In addition, it speeds up the metabolism, thereby the body processes fats, proteins and carbohydrates faster.

Weight loss

With the constant use of kombucha in food, the process of weight loss will accelerate. This is another, far from the least important effect of this product.

The immune system

Healthy bacteria - prebiotics, which are found in high amounts in kombucha, help in strengthening the human immune system.


Removing toxins from the body has a beneficial effect on human health, which is why this process should occur regularly. The human body is capable of removing various toxins from the body, but kombucha will speed up this process.

pH levels

Using the properties of kombucha, you can quickly balance the pH levels. And this is important for the body, since it is the normal state of a slightly acidic pH environment that affects the normal functioning of the internal organs and the whole organism as a whole.


Regular use of kombucha improves night sleep, and during the day it saturates the body with additional energy and improves well-being.

Making kombucha for weight loss

There are a huge number of different recipes for kombucha infusions that contribute to rapid weight loss. Below is the most popular recipe that has stood the test of time:

First of all, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary keep a close eye on cleanliness! Therefore, it is necessary to prepare this kvass in perfectly clean dishes.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. After the water boils, throw seven bags of black tea into it, turn off the heat and add a glass of sugar. Cover the pan with a lid and wait until the infusion cools down to about 22 degrees Celsius. After the tea infusion has cooled, pour it into a clean three-liter jar, add the kombucha culture, cover the jar with a linen cloth and secure it with an elastic band. Tea should be stored at room temperature in a dark place. After two weeks, the infusion will be ready for use.

Dosage of kombucha infusion for weight loss

Such an infusion must be consumed thirty minutes before a meal, three hundred grams. And in order to speed up the digestion process and help the gastrointestinal tract throughout the day, you need to drink this drink in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Harm of kombucha and side effects after its use

Infusion of kombucha can be drunk by almost everyone, there are few contraindications. A mushroom tea drink is especially useful in the warm season and hot weather, as it perfectly quenches thirst and nourishes the body with the necessary amount of liquid. In addition, it is worth remembering that at any temperature, kombucha tea will always keep a cool temperature.

Despite the fact that the infusion of kombucha for weight loss is not harmful, it is still known that due to improper preparation, such a drink can cause laxative effect.

Drinking kombucha tea is not recommended for people who have increased acidity and those who suffers from diabetes because the drink contains a lot of sugar. It is worth knowing that the use of kombucha can cause indigestion and allergic reactions in sensitive people.

Kombucha is a friendly symbiosis of vinegar sticks and yeast. It appeared in our area in the last century, and for the first time they began to cultivate it in the countries of the East.

It has several names - Japanese, Manchurian or sea mushroom, fango, kombucha, tea kvass or tea jellyfish. Its infusion is a wonderful drink that perfectly quenches thirst, strengthens health and gives extra strength.

To obtain an infusion of the mushroom, place the mushroom in an absolutely clean and sterile three-liter jar and keep it constantly covered with gauze. Periodically, the mushroom should be washed with warm water. Feed him once every two days with infused weak tea(preferably green) with sugar at the rate of: 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar per 3 liter jar.
Insist at a temperature of 25-30 degrees for 1-2 weeks. During this time, yeast will actively ferment sugar, turning it into alcohol and carbon dioxide, and various types of acetic acid bacteria will turn alcohol into various acids, enzymes and other useful substances.

Medusomycete(this is the scientific name for kombucha) looks like a thick film of white-yellow-brown-pink color floating on the surface of the nutrient liquid - sweet tea infusion. Sugars in the liquid can be different (glucose, sucrose, fructose), the type of tea also does not matter.

The researchers noticed that Medusomycetes practically does not consume the components of tea infusion (aromatic, tannins and other substances), but is extremely sensitive to its absence. For example, without tea, it does not synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the life of kombucha.

If favorable conditions are created for kombucha, then on the fourth or fifth day of growth, it begins to produce a pleasant-tasting and very healthy drink, reminiscent of strong, highly carbonated kvass (“tea kvass” or “kombucha”). Bubbles of carbon dioxide with which the drink is saturated and acetic acid are jointly produced by yeast and acetic acid bacteria. A specific aroma of the drink is given by tea and some types of yeast.

Instructions for making kombucha drink

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the container in which the mushroom will be located. Usually at home they use a 3-liter jar. If possible, it is advisable to take a jar with a wide neck (do not use metal utensils for preparing and storing a drink).
  2. We prepare not very strong sweet tea (approximately 5 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of black or green tea per 1 liter of water) that tastes good. It is recommended to brew tea for at least 15 minutes.
  3. We're sipping tea. Sugar should be completely dissolved, and there should be no tea leaves.
  4. Let the tea cool to room temperature. The culture will die if placed in a hot solution.
  5. For young mushrooms: a little infusion of the mushroom from the jar where it was previously kept as a “starter culture” should be added to the tea (the amount of infusion should be approximately 1/10 of the total liquid volume).
  6. We put the mushroom in a jar. We close the neck of the dish with gauze or a paper napkin and fasten it with a braid or elastic band so that the kombucha can breathe, but so that small midges and dust cannot penetrate the jar. We put the jar in a dark, warm place - the ideal temperature for the tub mushroom is about 25 ° C.
  7. After 4-10 days of infusion, Kombucha is ready to drink. The fermentation time depends on the air temperature in the room - the higher the temperature, the faster the drink will be ready.
  8. When the drink reaches the desired acidity according to your taste, remove the kombucha with clean hands, rinse it under cold running water and put it into a jar of cold sweet tea prepared in advance according to the same scheme.
  9. Pour the finished drink into a glass container with a tight lid, filling it to the brim. To get the most out of the drink, let it ripen for a few more days in a cool place (at least 5 days) - bacteria cease to function without access to air, and yeast continues to work if the container is tightly closed, the gas resulting from the activity of yeast cannot escape and you will get a delicious fizzy drink. Before drinking, strain the drink through gauze or a plastic (not metal) strainer.

A mushroom at a venerable age reaches a thickness of several centimeters (its area depends on the area of ​​​​the container in which it lives) and allows you to drink the infusion daily directly from the jar containing the mushroom (of course, you need to remember to replenish the infusion with a new portion of cold, sweet tea).

It is convenient to have two identical jars available: Kombucha will live in one, and you will pour the finished drink into the other. In the refrigerator, glass hermetically sealed containers with tea mushroom infusion can be stored for quite a long time, retaining their healing and taste properties.

Kombucha Care

If you are going to drink the entire supply of infusion over the next five days, immediately make a new “bay”. When a new portion is not needed, send the mushroom to rest: in this case, you can simply fill it with water (preferably boiled), but it is preferable to place it in a weak tea solution.

The mushroom should be washed with warm boiled water: in winter - once every 2 weeks, in summer - once a week.

The more layers a fungus has, the stronger and healthier it is. But this is more difficult to manage - it is not easy to remove it from the jar, rinse it properly. So, if your mushroom is "fat", it is better to remove one or two layers.

You need to separate fresh, that is, the upper layers. The "beard", on the contrary, should be groomed and cherished, because these are colonies of acetic acid bacteria that synthesize organic acids - the basis of the healing potential of kombucha. Remove only those fibers of the beard that themselves set off in free swimming.

What to do if the fungus does not float to the surface of the tea solution? This happens with a young mushroom or when several layers are separated from a mature mushroom at once and it becomes too thin. Wait a few hours - maybe it will pop up. If not, reduce the amount of tea solution. Even if it turns out to be very small, it doesn’t matter: after one or two refueling, the mushroom will gain strength and will soon be able to drink the whole family.

If you forget about kombucha, then all the liquid can evaporate, then you need to pour the mushroom with sweet tea and let it stand for a week.

Fungus treatment: brown spots on the surface of the fungus are burns from granulated sugar. Do not rush to throw away such a mushroom, first try to cure it. To do this, you just need to ... stop pouring sugar on the mushroom. He will do the rest himself, as long as there are few brown spots. If the burns are large, it is better to remove the top layer: the fungus cannot breathe with the affected areas of its “body”, and oxygen is vital for it.

Kombucha is a unique living organism, which is a slimy substance in the form of a thick layered film resembling a jellyfish. Therefore, it is also called "jellyfish" or "tea jellyfish". The body of the fungus is a product of a symbiosis of yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria.

Today it is difficult to name the birthplace of kombucha: in some sources it is Japan, in others it is China. Therefore, it is not surprising that in some regions it is called the "Japanese" or "Manchurian" mushroom. There are other less popular names in our country: “sea kvass”, “fango”, “kombucha mushroom”.

For many hundreds of years, with the help of kombucha, they have been preparing a drink that is unique in taste and very healthy for health - carbonated tea infusion. Our ancestors used it not only to quench their thirst, but also for treatment. This wonderful kvass is able to heal and prevent many diseases. Its use, unlike medicines, does not cause any side effects.

Chemical composition structure of the infusion

Medicinal properties and application

The healing properties of kombucha, according to ancient Chinese manuscripts, were known for more than 250 thousand years BC. Chinese healers called it "the elixir of health, youth and immortality."

It is known that daily consumption of mushroom drink significantly reduces the cholesterol content in the body. Therefore, it is widely used for ischemia, varicose veins and hypertension, as well as for the prevention of these ailments.

Laboratory studies have shown that tea fungus infusion has a beneficial effect on the nervous, hematopoietic and digestive systems. It also helps: with anemia, colds, headaches, neurasthenia, hemorrhoids, intestinal infections and conjunctivitis.

Thanks to the antibacterial substances that make up this drink, it is taken for diseases of the respiratory and urinary tract, otitis media, tuberculosis, abscesses, stomatitis and poisoning.

Kombucha infusion is able to activate all biological functions and maintain the body's apparatus in a constant tone. This healing drink suppresses pathogenic microbes in the intestines and revives the beneficial microflora - it increases the number of lactic acid bacteria. These microorganisms play an important role in maintaining health and preventing aging.

The healing drink is widely used both internally and externally in the form of compresses for cracks and spurs on the heels, with advanced sinusitis or frequent runny nose.

How to prepare a tea drink for treatment

To get a healthy drink, you need to pour one liter of slightly warm boiled water into a three-liter clean jar, dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in it and add a glass of strong green tea (you can also black).

Next, you should carefully lower the kombucha into this container and cover it with gauze on top. Infuse the drink in such an environment for about one week. During this period, under the influence of yeast fungi and sugar, the fermentation process will go on with the gradual formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Bacteria will convert alcohol into organic acids (lactic, malic, citric, etc.), as well as enzymes, lipids and many other substances useful for the body. A ready-made infusion of kombucha is a mildly carbonated sweet and sour drink that tastes good.

Kombucha Care

  1. Periodically, the fungus should be washed with clean water at approximately room temperature. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage it.
  2. The mushroom should also be fed, but in no case should sugar be poured directly onto its surface. He can get a burn of the mucous layer and die.
  3. It is also impossible to allow tea leaves to enter the solution with kombucha.
  4. The direct rays of the sun also have a detrimental effect on it. The best place for the mushroom will be a moderately lit corner in the kitchen.
  5. Do not overheat the water with the mushroom. He, like any living creature, is comfortable living at a temperature of 18 ° -25 ° C.
  6. You can also not use sweeteners instead of sugar.
  7. If the kombucha is healthy, it will float in the sugared solution on the surface.

The use of Kombucha in folk medicine.

1. Infusion of the mushroom is possible. It destroys various pathogenic bacteria. To enhance the medicinal properties of the infusion, it is recommended to warm it up a little and dilute it with water (if it is very sour and highly carbonated). The procedure is carried out up to 7 times a day. With sore throat and tonsillitis, it is useful to take the infusion and inside: 1 glass (in the form of heat) an hour or two before meals.

2. It is useful to drink mushroom infusion for people who have broken their voices (especially artists, teachers, speakers). To do this, the remedy needs to be slightly warmed up and drunk warm three times a day. You can also add honey or a warm infusion of medicinal herbs to the drink.

3. Cotton swabs soaked in infusion should be inserted into the nasal passages with persistent runny nose or sinusitis. It is also useful to rinse the nose with this tea, apply lotions to the maxillary sinuses. Inflammatory processes in the tissues will pass.

4. The healing properties of kombucha are known for wounds and burns. A mushroom layer should be applied to damaged skin. As it dries, such a “lotion” is replaced with a fresh one. In just a couple of days, the wound will begin to heal, inflammation and pain will pass.

5. and conjunctivitis, you need to wipe the diseased areas with a cotton swab dipped in tea kvass. Thanks to the bactericidal properties of the mushroom drink, the skin will be cleansed and purulent discharge from the eyes will disappear.

6. With gout, inflammation of the joints and neuralgia, compresses or lotions with infusion of kombucha can be applied to diseased areas.

7. To improve the condition of the hair and reduce oiliness, they need to be washed with infusion of kombucha. In case of brittleness, the strands should be washed with tea kvass with the addition of 1: 1 nettle infusion.

8. The beneficial properties of the drink in restoring the intestinal microflora and normalizing the digestive process are known. In addition, the infusion of the mushroom improves appetite and improves immunity. To do this, use a four-day mushroom kvass with the obligatory addition of honey. The drink is taken one hour before meals.

9. If you overeat or increase the level of uric acid in the body, you need to drink three glasses of mushroom drink during the day.

10. You should drink an eight-day infusion of kombucha before meals, 100 milliliters each. The stool and intestinal microflora are normalized. Cracks and inflammation in the rectum will pass.

11. For insomnia and nervous tension, you should drink an infusion of kombucha with honey in a warm form at night, one glass each.

But with such diseases as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, candidiasis and stomach ulcers, it is not recommended to take kvass from medusa mycetes, or it should be consumed in small quantities and diluted with water.

With careful care of kombucha and its proper use, this living miracle will bring only benefit and pleasure. This small "medical center" in a glass jar will become a guarantee of health for the whole family!