Home / Bakery products / Cod liver salads: recipes with photos. Cod liver dishes: tasty and healthy dishes What can be cooked with cod liver

Cod liver salads: recipes with photos. Cod liver dishes: tasty and healthy dishes What can be cooked with cod liver

Countless salad options are based on this particular ingredient. The variety of their filling will satisfy even true gourmets. In addition to salads, you can cook a lot of appetizers, pates and original sandwiches from it. In addition to treats made using canned food familiar to everyone, culinary masterpieces made from fresh liver are very popular. It has a delicate structure and is unique in taste.

Most often, cod liver is found in recipes with these five products:

In the process of stewing with various sauces and seasonings, a wide palette of aroma and taste of the product is revealed. It has a rich vitamin composition and a high content of vitamin A. It is from cod that natural fish oil is produced. The liver is considered the fattest organ of fish, therefore the whole complex of microelements contained in fish oil is present in it. As a result, we get a product that is not only tasty, but also has a positive effect on health - if consumed in moderation. Recipes for dishes with cod liver will not only give aesthetic pleasure - the result will be in many ways useful. However, it must be remembered that the ingredient used must meet the quality criteria.

In the culinary world, cod liver is considered a delicacy, and nutritionists offer it for medicinal and health purposes. And all why - because this product is just a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, and they are very well accepted by the body. The main vitamin that predominates in the composition of the product is vitamin A, it helps maintain good vision, normal brain and kidney function, strengthens teeth and hair, etc.

She still has many useful properties, but, however, despite all the advantages, it is harmful to consume cod liver in large quantities, everything is good in moderation. And it is advisable not to eat it just like that, in its pure form, it is better to cook various dishes based on it, so it will be tastier and healthier.

I cook cod liver on my own - canned food at home, not only because of the economy, but because it turns out tastier with my own hands, and the yield of the finished product is much greater than in a regular factory jar, which is not planned to be consumed in the near future, you can roll up and store for quite a long time, taking it out as needed, which is very convenient.

In addition, fresh cod liver is not at all expensive, it’s quite easy to cook canned food from it at home - it couldn’t be easier, the savings are quite significant, so I recommend it. How to cook cod liver at home - step by step recipe with photos.


  • fresh cod liver (2 kg)
  • salt (2 tbsp)
  • bay leaf (2 pcs per jar)
  • black peppercorns (2-3 pieces for each jar)
  • jars glass screw (four half liter)

How to cook cod liver at home recipe with photo

Rinse and put into jars

1. Put the cod liver in a colander and rinse under water, put it on a towel or clean cloth to remove excess moisture, add a little salt on top. We throw peppercorns and bay leaves into clean half-liter jars (they do not need to be sterilized), lay it out almost to the shoulders of the jar, but quite loosely, it is not necessary to ram it.

You don’t need to add anything else to the jars; during the cooking process, cod liver releases a fairly large amount of fat, which will be a good natural preservative for it. Canned food at home - a step by step recipe with a photo.

We put the jars in the pan, cook

2. Take a voluminous pan - I have five liters, you can put a towel on the bottom of the pan, put the jars there, cover, but do not twist the lids, pour water up to the shoulders of the jars, turn on the gas and wait for the water to boil in the pan. Then we reduce the gas to a very small one and leave the jars to languish in the pan for 2 hours. We monitor periodically the boiling of water in the pan, if necessary, add warm water. Canned food at home.

We twist the jars, try the finished product

3. When the cod liver is ready, take out the jars from the pan and immediately twist them, turn the jars upside down, let them stand and cool, then you can remove the canned food prepared at home for long-term storage. But, I think, nevertheless, you left at least one jar for testing, we will spread cod liver on bread and try what yummy it turned out to be.

Now we know how to cook cod liver at home and you have a strategic supply of jars for the right occasion, which will always help you out if you need to quickly prepare some kind of snack or salad.

Video - how to cook cod liver at home:

Fry cod liver on each side.

How to fry cod liver

Fresh cod liver - 400 grams
Breadcrumbs / breadcrumbs - 50 grams
Butter - 50 grams
Salt - two pinches
Ground black pepper or other spices - to taste

How to fry cod liver in breadcrumbs
1. Rinse the liver, cut off films, vessels, blood clots, and other inedible parts. 2. Allow excess water to drain or wipe the liver with a tissue.
3. Cut the cod liver into lengthwise pieces 1.5-2 centimeters thick.
4. Rub the liver pieces with salt and pepper.
5. Pour the breading into a deep bowl.
6. Put the pan on medium heat, heat for 1 minute.
7. Melt the butter in a frying pan.
8. Dip each piece of cod liver into the breading, then put one by one into the pan - the pieces of cod should not touch when frying, so that the structure of the breading is not disturbed and juice does not flow out of the liver pieces.
9. Fry the cod liver on 2 sides until a crust appears for 5 minutes.


Cod liver is a champion in the content of vitamin A, which is extremely necessary for maintaining vision, excellent hair and hair condition. In addition, this by-product contains vitamins of group B, the lack of which can provoke nervous disorders, "sunny" vitamin D, which takes part in the absorption of calcium, as well as trace elements and minerals that are important for the body.

Traditionally prescribed for young children and debilitated patients, fish oil is nothing more than the fat of fish from the cod family.

Cod liver, obtained industrially, can be purchased frozen in domestic supermarkets.

At home, cod liver can be obtained by gutting fresh fish. To do this, after cutting the belly of the fish, carefully cut out the liver, trying not to damage its extremely thin shell. Then you need to carefully cut off the gallbladder so that the bile from it does not get into the liver. After that, the cod liver is prepared for further culinary processing.

On the shelves of stores recently you can find not only canned food, but also frozen cod liver. Not all housewives know how to cook fresh cod liver. In fact, you can create many dishes from this product. First of all, you can cook the pate. First you need to boil the cod liver and carrots. Then grind the liver in a blender along with carrots and onions, or use a meat grinder. Add a little broth to the pate, in which cod liver was boiled, butter, salt, add ground red chili pepper, dill and parsley on the tip of a knife. Cod liver pate is airy and tasty. You can make sandwiches from black bread and such a paste, decorate them with sprigs of parsley or dill.

Many housewives know how to cook liver in a pan, but not everyone realizes that you can do the same with fresh cod liver.

achala liver should be washed, dried with a kitchen towel. Before frying, the offal can be marinated. To do this, mix dry white wine, lemon juice, olive oil, add finely chopped onion and pour the mixture over the product. For tesky liver, it is enough to lie down in the marinade for only half an hour. Frying a liver is as easy as choosing a beef liver, even a novice hostess can handle it. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into half rings. Put the pan on the fire, add refined sunflower oil, first fry the liver for three minutes on each side, add the onion, fry a little more, put the carrots. When everything is well fried, add sour cream, cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat, simmer the liver for ten minutes.

Not everyone knows how to make cod liver cutlets. First, the product must be washed, dried with a kitchen towel, chopped in a blender. Chop the onion and garlic very finely, add to the liver, put one raw egg, salt, add spices, add a few tablespoons of flour. Put the pan on the fire, put a little oil, you need to fry such cutlets like pancakes, spreading them with a spoon in a frying pan. Many people know how to properly cook pork liver, but not all housewives know how to cook boiled cod liver cutlets. Grind the boiled cod liver in a blender, mix with mashed potatoes and fried mushrooms, add an egg, salt, herbs. Form cutlets, roll them in flour and breadcrumbs, fry in vegetable oil, five minutes on each side. Before serving, sprinkle cutlets with herbs and pour over sour cream.

O benefits of cod liver much has been written, it contains
- Easily digestible proteins containing a number of essential amino acids,
- in large quantities vitamin A, required for normal vision, hair and skin. As well as vitamins of groups B and D.
- microelements and minerals vital for health.

Consider the classic example: fish fat”, which doctors have always prescribed with a spoon to weakened children and the sick to restore strength.
This is nothing more than cod liver oil (primarily) and other fish.

But still, the purpose of this article is not a complete description of the benefits of cod liver.
And unfortunately, to the urgent question for many " where to buy fresh cod liver"We will not give an answer. Ideally, send your husbands fishing to the North Seas for cod, then you will get a truly dietary delicacy, useful for both adults and children. You may be able to purchase it frozen, the recipe is also suitable for a thawed product.

So, how to cook fresh cod liver at home.
When gutting cod, carefully cut out the liver, being careful not to damage its thin shell. Carefully cut off the gallbladder so that its bitterness does not get to the liver.

Rinse in a colander under running cold water.

- a glass jar, the size of which is selected based on the amount of fresh cod liver available. Folded in a jar, it should not occupy the entire volume to the very brim, so that there is at least a little room for fat, which will begin to melt. It is better to take a jar with a screw cap.
- a saucepan for a water bath. It should be of such a size that the selected jar is covered with water up to its shoulders and stands freely. If the width of the pan is close to the size of the jar, then the total volume of water will be small, it will boil away and the water level will drop faster.

Put 3-4 bay leaves on the bottom of the jar, you can add a little black pepper. Fold all the available fresh cod liver, add salt (slightly).
Cover with a lid, but do not twist.

Put the jar in a saucepan, fill with water up to the shoulders.
Put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook in a water bath.

Depending on the size of the jar, cooking time from the moment of boiling is:
0.5 liter jar - about one hour,
liter jar - about two hours.
Focus approximately on the time indicated in the recipe, but also control the process visually. As the cod liver in a glass jar is covered with about a quarter of fat, it's ready. If your pieces are small (the cod was small in size), then it is better to reduce the cooking time for fresh cod liver at home indicated in the recipe.
As the practice of the author of the article has shown, if overexposed, the finished cod liver will fall apart, it will not be so tasty (three hours of cooking for a liter jar turned out to be a lot).

After cooking time, remove the jar from the water, let cool at room temperature. Store in a cold place. Since the whole mass is covered with rendered cod liver oil, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month, but usually it cannot stand for so long - everything is eaten!

BUT recipes cooking dishes with cod liver set! The easiest - cod liver sandwiches because it smears like butter. Spread on black bread, decorate with fresh herbs, and, in fact, that's all - it will be very tasty.
If guests have come, then you can complicate our sandwiches a little: fill with cod liver tartlets and also decorate with herbs, lemon or a piece of cucumber.
If the house has pita, then you can use it: spread a layer of cod liver, add any other filling (spicy or sour), roll up and cut into wide pieces.
Also very popular delicious salads with cod liver with cheese, potatoes or corn, they are often served on the festive table to guests.

How to cook cod liver
Cod liver - 900 grams
Water - 2 liters
Vinegar - 2 teaspoons
Bay leaf - 3 pieces
Black pepper - 8 peas
Salt - a pinch

How to cook cod liver in a saucepan
1. Clean cod liver from films, wash in cold water.
2. Pour 2 liters of water, vinegar, put bay leaves, pepper, salt into the pan, place on medium heat.
3. After boiling, put cod liver in a saucepan, wait for it to boil.
4. Remove the pan with cod liver from the burner, let the broth brew for 2 minutes.
5. Put the pan back on the burner, let it boil, remove from heat, leave for a couple of minutes.
6. Return the pan to the burner, wait for it to boil.
7. Turn off the burner, leave the pan with cod liver to brew for 5 minutes.

How to cook cod liver in a water bath
1. Clean cod liver from films, wash in cool running water.
2. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the liver, mix with your hands.
3. At the bottom of a liter glass jar with a screw thread, put bay leaves, black peppercorns, cod liver.
4. Cover the jar with a screw cap, but do not twist it.
5. Pour 1.5-2 liters of cold water into the pan.
6. Put a double-folded cloth napkin on the bottom of the pot with water, press it with a jar of cod liver.
7. Place a grill grate on the burner, turn on the stove to medium heat.
8. Place a pot with a jar on the grate, bring to a boil.
9. Reduce heat to low, cook for 1 hour.
10. Remove the jar from the pan, tighten the lid.

How to salt cod liver
Salt - 1 tablespoon
Cod liver - 1 kilogram
Black pepper - 8 peas
Bay leaf - 6 pieces

How to cook salted liver
1. Clean the cod liver from films, rinse thoroughly in cool running water.
2. Rub the cod liver with salt.
3. Arrange in two half-liter jars with screw caps an equal amount of bay leaves and black peppercorns, cod liver.
4. Cover the jars with screw caps, but do not twist them.
5. Pour 1.5-2 liters of water into a large saucepan, place jars with cod liver in it.
6. Place the pan on medium heat, wait until it boils.
7. Reduce heat to low, keep on the burner for 60 minutes.
8. Remove the jars from the water, tighten the lids.
9. Cool canned food at room temperature, put in the refrigerator for storage.

cod liver salad
Canned cod liver - 190 grams
Carrots - 2 pieces
Potato - 3 tubers
Eggs - 3 pieces
Hard cheese - 50 grams
Mayonnaise (low fat) - to taste
Pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces
Green onion - 5 arrows
Black pepper - 3 peas

How to make cod liver salad
1. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, place on a strong fire, let it boil.
2. Wash potatoes and carrots, do not peel.
3. Put potatoes and carrots in boiling water, keep on medium heat for 40 minutes.
4. Pour half a liter of cold water into a separate pan, place on a strong fire, after boiling, lower the washed eggs, cook for 10 minutes.

Soak boiled eggs in cold water for 10 minutes.
6. Drain the water from the pan with boiled vegetables, cool them, peel, grate.
7. Peel the cooled eggs from the shell, separate the protein from the yolk.
8. In different bowls, grate the protein coarsely, the yolk - finely.
9. Drain the oil from the canned food, put the cod liver in a cup, mash with a fork.
10. Peel the pickled cucumbers, cut into thin strips a few millimeters thick, 2 centimeters long.
11. Wash green onions, cut into thin rings a few millimeters thick.
12. Grate cheese.
13. Crush black pepper in a mortar.
14. Put grated potatoes, a layer of cod liver on the bottom of the dish, sprinkle with black pepper, green onions, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise, put pickles, egg white, carrots, cheese, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise, sprinkle with egg yolk.
15. Place the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the layers are soaked.

On the shelves of stores recently you can find not only canned food, but also frozen cod liver. Not all housewives know how to cook fresh cod liver. In fact, you can create many dishes from this product. First of all, you can cook the pate. First you need to boil the cod liver and carrots. Then grind the liver in a blender along with carrots and onions, or use a meat grinder. Add a little broth to the pate, in which cod liver was boiled, butter, salt, add ground red chili pepper, dill and parsley on the tip of a knife. Cod liver pate is airy and tasty. You can make sandwiches from black bread and such a paste, decorate them with sprigs of parsley or dill.

Many housewives know how to cook liver in a pan, but not everyone realizes that you can do the same with fresh cod liver. First, the liver must be washed, dried with a kitchen towel. Before frying, the offal can be marinated. To do this, mix dry white wine, lemon juice, olive oil, add finely chopped onion and pour the mixture over the product. For tesky liver, it is enough to lie down in the marinade for only half an hour. Frying a liver is as easy as choosing a beef liver, even a novice hostess can handle it. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into half rings. Put the pan on the fire, add refined sunflower oil, first fry the liver for three minutes on each side, add the onion, fry a little more, put the carrots. When everything is well fried, add sour cream, cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat, simmer the liver for ten minutes.

Not everyone knows how to make cod liver cutlets. First, the product must be washed, dried with a kitchen towel, chopped in a blender. Chop the onion and garlic very finely, add to the liver, put one raw egg, salt, add spices, add a few tablespoons of flour. Put the pan on the fire, put a little oil, you need to fry such cutlets like pancakes, spreading them with a spoon in a frying pan. Many people know how to properly cook pork liver, but not all housewives know how to cook boiled cod liver cutlets. Grind the boiled cod liver in a blender, mix with mashed potatoes and fried mushrooms, add an egg, salt, herbs. Form cutlets, roll them in flour and breadcrumbs, fry in vegetable oil, five minutes on each side. Before serving, sprinkle cutlets with herbs and pour over sour cream.