Home / Cakes / Yeast dough croissants. Recipe for puff pastry croissants with condensed milk Recipe Cookies for croissants with boiled condensed milk

Yeast dough croissants. Recipe for puff pastry croissants with condensed milk Recipe Cookies for croissants with boiled condensed milk

We will need 500 g of puff-yeast dough and about half a can of boiled condensed milk. This amount is enough for one standard baking sheet. I don’t recommend baking more at a time, since croissants are tastiest when warm, just taken out of the oven.

There is only one rule in the recipe that must not be broken - do not rush! In order for the croissants to turn out airy, they need to be given at least an hour for proofing - in the heat, the yeast will activate, loosen and raise the dough, it will become light and weightless, like a cloud. In the oven, French bagels will rise a little more, the dough will become layered and crispy (due to a large number oils included). As for the filling, try to choose high-quality condensed milk, it will not spread and stay inside the baking.

Total time: 2 hours / Active time: 30 minutes / Yield: 8 servings


  • puff yeast dough– 500 g
  • boiled condensed milk - 1/2 can
  • egg - 1 pc. for brushing croissants
  • sugar - 1 tsp for sprinkling
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the pan


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    Defrost puff pastry at room temperature - about 1 hour. Lightly flour a work surface, lay out a layer and roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 3-4 mm. Do not overdo it, you should not roll it too thin, otherwise it will be difficult for you to form products, and the filling may leak out.

    Cut out triangles from the dough - with a base of 10-12 cm. In total, I got 8 pieces.

    Put the filling on the wide part of the triangles - boiled condensed milk, about 1.5-2 teaspoons. If you put less, it will seem that the fillings are too oily. If you overdo it, it will be difficult for you to roll the dough. Look for the golden mean.

    Form croissants. First, grab the edges of the dough at the base of the triangles with your fingertips and stretch them slightly to the sides.

    Then cover the filling - just tuck the free edge of the dough on top so that the condensed milk is inside.

    Loosely twist the dough, moving in the direction from the widest part to the narrowest. Put the formed croissant on the table so that the narrow edge-tail is at the bottom (then it will not unwind during baking). Twist the elongated edges slightly so that the bagel turns out to be in the shape of a crescent and the filling does not leak out.

    Transfer the blanks to a baking sheet lined with parchment and greased vegetable oil. Drive a small bowl into the bowl egg and split it open with a fork. Using a soft brush, brush the surface of the croissants with the resulting melange. Cover with a second baking sheet and place in a warm place for 40-60 minutes. Since the dough is yeast, it needs time to proof.

    When the croissants have risen and puffed up, brush them again with melange and sprinkle a little granulated sugar on top.

    Send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees. Bake until golden brown, about 20-30 minutes.

These are such beautiful puff pastry croissants with condensed milk. They browned in the oven and grew a little more. The dough is very crispy and layered, and inside - aromatic filling. It is best to serve pastries warm. Happy tea!

Croissants came to us from France and immediately gained their popularity. They may be with different fillings, but most of all I like with condensed milk. You can buy them ready-made or make your own. If buy ready dough, then it will take quite a bit of time to cook, and the result will be amazing.

I used this dough and condensed milk.

Defrost the dough package. Put the plate of dough on the table, lightly dusting it with flour.

Roll out the dough a little. Cut it into four rectangles.

In total, 8 triangles are obtained from one plate of dough. Put about half a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk on the base of the triangle. I tighten each triangle a little, giving it an isosceles shape.

Fold the triangles, starting at the base and pressing the edges so that the condensed milk does not leak out.

Pull the long end of the triangle to the desired length to wrap the croissant several times.

Thus, roll up all the croissants and place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Cut the second sheet of dough in the same way. There are 16 croissants in total.

Leave the pan with croissants in a warm place for 20-30 minutes to rise. As time passes, turn on the oven to warm up to 200 degrees, and in the meantime brush the croissants with a beaten egg. I do this with a silicone brush.

All croissants are greased and it's time to put the baking sheet in the oven for 20-25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the croissants are ready.

Puff pastry croissants with boiled condensed milk are quick to prepare, but at the same time so tasty and tender delicacy that it is impossible to refuse. crispy puff pastry in combination with such familiar from childhood boiled condensed milk in combination give an unsurpassed taste. By the way, you can make delicious.

- yeast puff pastry - 500 g,
- boiled condensed milk - 1 can,
- egg (for lubrication) - 1 pc.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Roll out the ready-to-cook dough. The thickness of the rolled dough is approximately 3-4 mm. It is better to choose a rectangular or round shape, so that it is more convenient to cut further. It is better not to use a lot of flour so that the finished croissant sticks well.

Cut the rolled dough into triangles.

We spread the boiled condensed milk one teaspoon per triangle.

Roll up to form croissants. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. For greater confidence that the pastries will not stick, you can additionally grease the parchment with butter or ghee. It is better to spread it at a sufficient distance from each other so that the baking has room to rise. Since we use yeast dough, you can leave the finished croissants on a baking sheet in a warm place to rest for 20 minutes.

Brush each croissant thoroughly with egg wash. We send it to the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Leave the croissants on the baking sheet to cool slightly and transfer to a plate.
It is best to eat fresh croissants for breakfast.
Bon appetit!
They also turn out very tasty.

Not only children, but also adults love to eat bagels with puff pastry condensed milk. This treat can be served on the table not only as a dessert, but also as a breakfast for the whole family. How nice it is to take a treat out of your bag at lunchtime to please yourself with fresh pastries, because not everyone can afford such a dish in canteens.
Anyone can do it, because the recipe is quite simple. The only thing that can cause difficulty when preparing a dish is the creation of dough. But even here the hostesses found a way out. It is enough to buy a ready-made product in the store and use it to please friends and family with a delicious treat.


  • Puff pastry - 900 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 bank
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


In order to please relatives or guests with bagels, it is enough to replace the key component of the treat with a dumpling (the proportions remain unchanged).

The first step that the hostess needs to take is to defrost the dough purchased at the store, otherwise, you will not get lush pastries. If you did it yourself, then feel free to skip this point and proceed to the next one.

Roll out the dough on a flat surface and cut into triangular pieces. You can make croissants out of squares, but it takes a little fiddling to give them an unforgettable shape.

On a wide edge, the filling of your choice (varenka or classic condensed milk) is laid out.

It remains to twist the bagels and put them on a baking sheet, which must first be greased with vegetable oil to avoid burning the baked confectionery. Let the blanks stand for a quarter of an hour.

Now you need to take a small container, break an egg into it, add sugar there and beat the mixture until homogeneous mass, which then grease the bagels to give them a golden hue when baking.

In an oven preheated to 180˚C, place a baking sheet with prepared confectionery and bake for 25 minutes.

When there is neither the desire to bother with preparing the dough, nor the time, ready-made puff pastry comes to the rescue, which is inexpensive and is sold in almost every grocery store. From such purchased dough you can cook a lot of goodies: puffs, khachapuri, pies, cookies, all kinds of rolls and much more. We will bake airy croissants from ready-made puff yeast dough. And as a filling we will use boiled condensed milk, which, if desired, can be replaced with jam, jam or chocolate.

To prepare croissants with condensed milk from puff pastry you will need:

  • puff yeast dough - 300 g
  • boiled condensed milk - 150 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

Croissants with boiled puff pastry condensed milk - recipe with photo:

A layer of ready-made puff yeast dough, defrosted to softness, is rolled out a little with a rolling pin.

Cut the dough into long triangular segments, as seen in the photo.

Then lay out the boiled condensed milk. On the wide edge of all triangular segments, about a teaspoon.

And carefully, without pressing the dough strongly, we roll the future croissants with rolls.

We shift the formed products onto a baking sheet covered with baking parchment, and, covering with a clean cloth, leave it alone for half an hour. After all, the dough is yeast, so it takes time to distance. Then brush homemade croissants with beaten egg.

We must preheat the oven in advance, setting the temperature at around 180 degrees. We bake croissants with condensed milk from puff pastry for about half an hour at a given temperature. They will increase significantly in volume and will brown appetizingly. It turns out croissants from ready-made puff pastry are very airy, so let them cool a little, and only then remove them from paper.

Serve croissants with a cup of coffee or tea.