Home / Pancakes, pancakes / Healthy snacks for school: how to surprise your child. The right snack for school

Healthy snacks for school: how to surprise your child. The right snack for school

First of all, keep in mind that in some cases, "fooling around" with this is not at all necessary. If the food in the school is well established - and this implies not only that the children receive food by the hour and the optimal temperature, but also that this food is tasty - it is better to pay for school breakfasts and lunches.

“The quality of products intended for children, including in educational institutions, is strictly monitored,” emphasizesElena Tikhomirova, dietitian of the "CM-Clinic" ... - All other things being equal, a hot dish freshly prepared in the dining room will be better than a cold snack lying in a briefcase. It's another matter if your offspring complains that school food even looks nasty, slimy and inedible. Then he'd better pack something with him. Otherwise, he will remain hungry for the whole day, and the intervals between meals for a child, like an adult, should ideally not exceed four to five hours. "

A healthy snack for a student: the main rules

1) Food should be such that it can be eaten with hands. It is not a fact that your child will find a spoon at the right time, and a clean one, and will not try to "pick" a dish brought from home with a ruler or a gnawed pencil found under the battery.

2) Food should not stain the hands and clothes of the child. Do not compose complicated and outlandish dishes: children are usually conservative.

3) Try to collect a healthy snack so that your daughter or son can get carbohydrates with it (they provide the energy necessary for the brain and outdoor games) and proteins with fats (saturate).

4) Use only the freshest ingredients in your school snack. “Do not forget that food will spend some time without a refrigerator, at room temperature, and it can be quite hot in school classes,” says Elena Tikhomirova. - Fresh food can withstand even 4–5 hours without problems, but dangerous bacteria can begin to actively multiply in an already lying, spoiled one. You'd better not risk it. "

5) Place food in a lunch box or food container. “As a rule, they have an icon-marking“ glass and fork ”or“ glass and spoon ”, says Elena Tikhomirova,“ and are made of high-quality plastic, which does not “give away” anything to the products. Such a "storage" should be hermetically sealed and easy to open (for the child to cope with it) and, ideally, have a couple of compartments. "

6) The weight of one snack should be no more than 120-140 g.

Ideas of what to bring your child to school with you:

1) Lavash with filling. “Lubricate it with soft cottage cheese or, if the child loves cottage cheese, with pasty cottage cheese,” advises Elena Tikhomirova, “and on top of it put pieces of baked meat, oven-cooked or grilled chicken and sliced ​​vegetables, such as cucumbers or bell peppers. Roll the pita bread into an envelope or a roll closed at both ends. If your child has a sweet tooth, take Philadelphia-style cheese and cut into pieces his favorite fruits, such as pears, bananas or not very juicy persimmons, for the filling. "

2) Cheesecakes. Good for at least two reasons. First, they are easy to eat with your hands. Secondly, they are sweet, in the minds of many children - almost a dessert. Want to make this snack healthier? Replace some of the wheat flour with ground oatmeal and bake them in the oven instead of frying them in oil.

3) Classic sandwich. Since it will not be possible to fully "close" it, it is better to take the filling dry. For example, put a slice or two of hard cheese between slices of grain bread. By the way, it contains a lot of salt - a natural preservative that will prevent the product from quickly deteriorating without a refrigerator. In his "company" pick up washed and dried lettuce leaves and slices of the same sweet pepper. If the child does not like such a "multi-storey" structure, exclude vegetables and add fruit to the sandwich.

4) Yogurt. Basically - drinking, and not one for which you need a spoon. Purchased, not fermented by mom herself. Homemade sour milk is more capricious, purchased - it does not spoil so quickly, and the bottle will be hermetically closed. “Study the composition carefully,” reminds Elena Tikhomirova. - The shorter the list of ingredients, the better. The ideal formula in general can be ordinary milk, yoghurt sourdough and pieces of fruit or jam - if the child loves sweets and does not suffer from excess weight. Yogurt will definitely be better than a bag of fruit juice, which is almost equal in terms of benefits to sweetened water or tea. In addition, add a couple of pieces of oatmeal cookies to your student's briefcase. Or a mixture of nuts with dried fruits. "

5) Pie with filling. For example, meat, cabbage or apple. Basically - baked, not deep-fried. “It is permissible to buy such pastries in the school canteen,” says Elena Tikhomirova. - For some reason, it seems to parents that this is a bad choice for a child. But as a nutritionist, I say no. The dough in such pies, as a rule, is as simple as possible: water, flour, salt. Due to the savory filling, these pastries are not too high in calories. The main thing with pies is not to overdo it. If you bake yourself at home, give your child a portion of no more than the already indicated 120 g. "

Take two pieces of loaf, cut off the crust. Brush both sides with melted cheese, and place chopped olives and small pieces of bell pepper on one slice. Combine the slices and cut in half. You will get two mini-sandwiches that you can eat without looking - the crust has already been cut off. Cheese and its derivatives are the best filling for a school brake.

No. 2. Cold Meat Sandwiches

Boil a piece of lean meat or turkey in a vegetable broth. Suck, cut gently. Grease two slices of black or toasted bread with processed cheese, put a piece of meat on the top, cover with the remaining piece. If desired, you can put slices of sweet red pepper, lettuce or Chinese cabbage on the meat. Cut into four small sandwiches.

No. 3. Chicken bun

In small round buns, cut off the top and remove the crumb. Grease the bottom with a thin layer of butter. Fill the buns with a mixture of sliced ​​chicken fillet, grated cheese and herbs, mixed with a spoonful of tomato juice. Sprinkle with cheese, brown in the oven, cover with a lid - the top of the bun for a few minutes until ready. It turns out to be something between a pizza and a hot sandwich. You can use a small ciabatta instead of a bun.

No. 4. Tongue or tuna sandwich

Boil pork tongue for an hour, peel. Chop chilled. Grease rye bread with cheese, sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Lay out a piece of tongue, cover the sandwich with the second half of the bread. It is good if the school has a place in the cafeteria so that you can eat in peace. Sometimes you have to eat in class or on the run. Therefore, the main thing is that the food does not spoil and does not have a pungent smell. You can make a tuna sandwich. Mash the canned tuna with a spoonful of cream and put the fish paste on the bread. You can add a leaf of lettuce or Chinese cabbage if desired

No. 5. Apple envelope

You can give a peeled apple or a sliced ​​apple to school - the school welcomes waste-free food, respecting the work of the cleaning ladies. Or you can go the other way and make apple envelopes. Cut the puff pastry into squares, lay out the filling - half an apple or cut into slices. Add a little sugar and cinnamon to taste. If your child doesn't like cinnamon, you can “cheer up” the filling with raisins or nuts. Fold the envelope. So that the edges do not part, grease them with egg yolk. Bake at low temperature. You can play with fillings - banana, salted cottage cheese in half with feta cheese, sweet cottage cheese with raisins, grated hard cheese with herbs.

READ ALSO - Breakfast for the student: top 10 ideas

No. 6. Sweet fruit pie

Make (or buy) yeast dough and bake small pies with sweet fillings. The smaller the pie, the more filling options. (A large patty might fall apart or stain someone in the crowd.) For example, apricot, plum, apple jam with nuts and raisins, minced prunes, or dates. With these fillings, you can bake bagel crumbs, similar to those sold in the store, but much tastier. Or make cheesecakes with cottage cheese (you can add feta cheese, grated cheese, egg, herbs to the cottage cheese).

No. 7. Saving

The main thing is to find a variety of pita bread that folds easily. Fillings can be very different. For example, cottage cheese, pounded with cream and a spoonful of honey with berries or dried fruits. Cut the lavash sheet into four pieces, lay out the filling, wrap the edges and roll up the rolls. You can put the filling on a whole sheet, roll it up and then cut it into rolls. As a filling, you can use cream cheese with berries or an omelet with herbs, pieces of ham and sweet colored peppers. Try making a children's version of guacamole. If your child likes it, this recipe will help diversify school snacks. Peel the avocado, remove the seeds, grind in a blender. Finely chop raw or baked bell peppers, add salt, some lime juice, baby curd.

No. 8. Soft Cheese Cookies

A quick version, but that doesn't make it any less tasty. We take quality shortbread cookies in packs. We prepare several types of filling, although you can get by with one. The basis is baby cheese, cottage cheese or cream cheese. You can add raisins, marmalade pieces or chocolate pieces to the filling. Place the filling on top of the cookies, cover with the cookies, add another layer of filling and cover on top. It will look like a cake. Alternatively, shift the base with a banana (mash with a fork) or a baked apple.

No. 9. Filled omelettes

The omelet does not have to be wrapped in pita bread. Make the stuffed omelet. Beat the eggs with salt and pepper, fry a thin flat cake in a pan, put the filling and wrap the roll. As a filling, you can try cheese with herbs, boiled chicken fillet, bell peppers, olives, fried mushrooms. Wrap the cooled omelet in a sheet of Chinese cabbage and wrap in foil.

No. 10. Pita with chicken cutlet

From minced chicken with egg and spices, make several flat round cutlets. You can use sesame seeds instead of breading. Freeze patties, thaw as needed, and sauté or roast. Grease pita with cheese, put a leaf of lettuce, a slice of cucumber and tomato, put a chicken cutlet in the center. Homemade hamburger is best wrapped in foil or paper bag. So it is more convenient to hold it in your hand while eating.

If you show your imagination, you can continue the list. Homemade tortillas with nuts. biscotti, oatmeal bars with honey and nuts, cheesecakes (not fried, but baked in the oven), casseroles with apples. Crunchy radishes or peeled carrots cut into long strips won't hurt. If the child is embarrassed to eat, tell him that it is more fun to eat in the company. Put him some spare sandwiches so he can treat friends.

School age is a key period in the development of the child's body, in which the formation of the skeleton and muscles is completed, hormonal and neuropsychic maturation occurs. In terms of the intensity of growth, school age is comparable only to the first year of life.

Student nutritional requirements:

  • sufficient intake proteins
  • enough minerals(iodine, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium): mineral deficiency reduces the ability to learn and leads to anemia, leads to growth retardation, osteoporosis, decreased visual and auditory memory, impaired personality formation, impaired learning ability, decreased immune response;
  • enough vitamins(A, E, C, B1, B12, etc.): their deficiency increases the risk of acne, joint diseases, diabetes, decreased immune response;
  • taking into account the peculiarities of hormonal changes, nutrition should reduce the risk obesity and hormonal skin damage(acne): avoid high-calorie foods, soda, flour products;
  • taking into account the rhythm of life of a modern child, nutrition should reduce the risk of developing stomach diseases(peptic ulcer, gastroduodenitis): the child should eat regularly and fully (at the same time, avoid hunger pauses);

In order to satisfy all of the above, the child must eat as varied as possible and observe the diet. The child should receive hot meals during the day, however, in order to replenish energy and nutrient reserves before school lunch, if it is impossible to eat in the school cafeteria, or if a number of dishes are individually intolerant, the child should have his own snack at hand. Also, provided that the child stays for an extended period, he needs either an afternoon snack or a snack from home.

Based on the above, "Snacks":

  • must not be perishable and must be kept out of the refrigerator for at least 6 hours;
  • should be comfortable to eat outside the dining room, not get your hands dirty, be compact and not fall apart in the hands of a child
  • should be balanced and include foods from each food group:
    • fresh fruit (pear, plum, apple, banana), vegetable (carrot, cucumber, pepper, radish) or seasonal berries (blueberry; gooseberry; cherry); it is better to wash fruits and vegetables not in advance, but in the morning just before leaving for school: washed vegetables are stored less.
    • milk or dairy product, possibly even enriched with pre- or probiotics (yogurt, casserole, cheesecakes, cottage cheese, curd cheese, cheese)
    • bread and its derivatives (you can pita bread, pita, flatbread; it is advisable to use whole grain bread, not white)
    • protein (fish, meat, or cheese)
    • water, compote or natural fruit juice (it is undesirable to use industrial juices, they have too much sugar)
    • dried fruits, dates, raisins, nuts, can be muesli or a cereal bar made from oatmeal baked in the oven with honey / raisins
  • Packaging should be: strong and tight; you can use containers, paper bags, plastic bags with zippers; cling film, foil or (optimally place the bag in a container to keep its shape)
    • if food can be wrinkled, use solid containers (including banana containers, for example)
    • if you are giving a warm / cold food, or if you are giving food that does not last long, you can use a container with an insulating cover or refrigerant
  • Do not forget to give your child with you wet and dry wipes, disinfectant gels.
  • Put your baby food for friends?

Many ready-made meals are perishable food and are not recommended for use after storage without a refrigerator for more than 4-6 hours, since this increases the risk of pathogenic bacteria growth in them and the risk of poisoning:

  • broths and soups with meat / fish / mushroom broth;
  • second courses of meat, fish, poultry, stewed vegetables, mushroom dishes;
  • boiled, stuffed, liverwurst, blood sausages, sausages, small sausages, boiled hams, boiled pork (except for semi-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages, smoked meats that are stored at room temperature for up to 3 days)
  • from cold dishes - jellies and jellies, jellied meat and fish,
  • salads seasoned with butter, sour cream and mayonnaise (a child's salad dressing can go separately)
  • pastry with cream

In addition, I would like to remind you of a few simple rules for a balanced diet for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

  • better boiled, steamed or baked than fried
  • refractory fats (lamb, duck, pork, goose), black pepper, margarines should not be used
  • limit the use of spices, salt, marinades, smoked meats, flavors, food additives
  • whole grain porridge; avoid instant cereals
  • avoid smoked, pickled, canned, mayonnaise, vinegar, lard, pork or cooking fat, cream pastries, jellies / jellies / aspic dishes, forshmak, blood and liver sausages, duck and goose meat,
  • do not overuse bread, pasta and noodles, cereals - excess carbohydrates contributes to the accumulation of fat in the body and serves as a risk factor for obesity
  • offer lots of fruits and vegetables and herbs
  • no fast food, no sugary soda, no chips
  • better freshly squeezed juice / water / fruit drink than purchased juice
  • protein (from meat, fish, poultry and eggs) is necessary for a growing body; a vegetarian diet is not recommended for children during development and growth
  • milk and fermented milk products must be present in the child's diet
  • salt-allowed, better iodized
  • meals rich in protein (meat, fish, eggs) are given in 1 half of the day (breakfast and lunch) (these dishes are rich in proteins, fats and extractives (they are stimulating and can disturb sleep) and require more digestive juices, and at night the digestion processes slow down)
  • dinner 1.5-2 hours before bedtime
  • sweet dish or pastry recommended - 1 time per day (afternoon snack or dinner)
  • entertainment of the child with food (TV, etc.) reduces the production of gastric juice and is not recommended
  • avoid spicy, straight, mustard, horseradish, pepper, strong tea and coffee
  • do not use packaged juice
  • it is not advisable to repeat the same dishes throughout the day; make a diet so that the child gets daily: fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products, butter and vegetable oils, whole grain bread and cereals, and at least 2-3 times a week fish and eggs


  • small sandwiches or toast: whole grain bread, pita bread; without sausage and butter; without tomatoes, but with a cucumber; do not use mayonnaise / ketchup; you can use: cheese, olives, lettuce, cucumber, tuna, lean boiled meat or turkey / pate / processed cheese, bell peppers, onions, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes, omelet, spinach
  • pancakes (rolled or rolled) with filling (cheese, apple)
  • baked bun with cheese / boiled chicken / boiled tongue and tomatoes, olives
  • baked potatoes with a filling (cheese, for example)
  • roll: roll in pita bread, flatbread or Mexican cheese quesadilla: cottage cheese / cheese / feta cheese / greens, dried fruits, berries, avocado, omelet
  • pies with fillings: cheese, rice, apple


1. "Sandwich"

Ingredients: a slice of turkey ham, a thin slice of hard cheese, 1/3 of a pickled cucumber, a lettuce leaf, 2 tsp. riccottes, a slice of whole grain bread

PREPARATION: Put the bread in the toaster, cut in half. Brush both pieces with riccot on one side. Cut the cucumber into 2 thin strips. Put all the ingredients in layers on one piece of bread and cover with another.

2. "Baked potatoes"

Ingredients: 1 large potato, 30 g of hard cheese, 1 sprig of dill, salt to taste, 1 tsp. olive oil, foil

PREPARATION: Wash and dry the potatoes. Spread with butter and salt. wrap with foil and send for 30-40 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 C. After cooking, the potatoes are not completely cut in half, sprinkle with cheese and dill.

3. "Pancakes with apples"

Ingredients: milk 0.5 l, 3 eggs, 50 g butter, 2 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, flour, hot water (boiling water), vegetable oil for greasing the pan.


1. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Beat the whites into a stable foam.

2. Beat the yolks, milk, sugar and salt in a separate bowl.

3. Continuing to beat, add flour gradually until thick sour cream.

4. Melt the butter and pour into the dough, mix. Gently mix the proteins into the dough with a spatula and slowly add boiling water, stirring constantly until the state of pancake dough.

2. Heat a frying pan over high heat, grease with oil and pour out the dough alternately in a thin layer.

For the filling for 1 person: 1 apple, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 tsp. water


1. Peel the apple from seeds and skin.

2. Cut into thin slices.

3. Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Put apples and sprinkle with sugar evenly, add water. Simmer until the apples are soft with the lid closed.

Put the filling on the pancake (each separately) and roll it into a tube.

4. "Roll with cottage cheese and herbs"

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. cottage cheese, 1/2 tablespoon sour cream, 1 green onion feather, 4-5 arugula leaves (you can use any greens you like), 1/2 thin lavash

PREPARATION: chop the herbs finely and mix all the ingredients. Spread thin pita bread and spread with a thin layer of curd cream, roll into a roll and cut in half.

Bon Appetit!!!

Pediatrician and neonatologist, candidate of sciences and mother, Anna Levadnaya. The recipes were prepared by Anna Dziuba.

Complete and proper nutrition is a guarantee of good health for many years. It is especially important for a child to eat right. School meals are often not as tasty and healthy as we would like. In our article we will tell you what you can give your child with you to school.

A lunch box for school is a rational solution that will allow your child to stay healthy.

Healthy eating rules for schoolchildren

Before going to school, your child must eat a hot breakfast. It is best to give breakfast foods containing starch - potatoes, pasta and cereals.

Teach your child to eat slowly, and never force him to finish eating everything on the plate - he should eat as much as he wants.

Nutritionists do not recommend giving your child packaged juices, however, if you decide to give a packet of juice with you to school, pay attention to the inscriptions - the juice must be 100% natural and not contain preservatives. It should be noted that taking juice on an empty stomach is undesirable, especially orange juice, which can irritate the stomach lining. Overweight children can be given juice every 10-14 days.

The break between meals for schoolchildren should not exceed 4 hours, a long interval can lead to stagnation of bile. It is good if a full-fledged hot meal is organized at school, but even this pleasant fact does not always help - today the number of children suffering from various gastrointestinal diseases for whom food from public catering is not suitable has increased significantly. To avoid health problems, do not bring sweets, pastries, chips, and crackers to school with your child. An excess of sweets leads to metabolic disorders and can provoke the development of diabetes mellitus.

Avoid sausages and buttered sandwiches. It is quite enough that a child can eat such a sandwich for breakfast.

School snack

For elementary school kids, choose colorful school lunch boxes , divided into several parts. You can easily place sandwiches, dried fruits, vegetables and fruits in such a container. When choosing a lunch box, pay attention to whether it is easy to open. Remember that a break at school lasts 10-15 minutes, the child should not waste time trying to open the package. When putting together a school lunch, remember that children love to share with friends! The main rule of the school lunch box is that the smaller the portion, the more varied the menu will be.

What can you give your child to school for a snack?

First of all, pay attention to the dishes that your child loves. But remember, combining hot and cold food in one package is not recommended.

  1. It is clear that we will hardly be able to put mashed potatoes and a steamed cutlet in the lunch box, but we are always able to make a sandwich or small canapes with the same cutlets only flatter.
  2. Instead of sausages and cutlets, you can use boiled or baked meat.
  3. An original and healthy addition to such a dish will be a piece of hard cheese, carrot sticks, cucumber slices and sweet and sour fruits.
  4. Vegetables are an invaluable product rich in vitamins and minerals. Give your child baked vegetables and cereal breads with you to school.
  5. Syrniki is a good and healthy snack. It is best to bake cheesecakes for school in the oven, so you avoid the need to use a lot of oil, and the cheesecakes themselves will have an attractive and appetizing golden crust.
  6. Cottage cheese casserole.
  7. Light crackers and biscuits can also be used as snacks. Avoid creams and fillings and brittle cookies.
  8. Fruits are best if they are apples, pears, grapes and bananas.
  9. Dried fruits will perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, 50-70 grams of figs, dried apricots or raisins are excellent food for the brain.
  10. Nuts.
  11. Celery with cream cheese and raisins.
  12. Polka dots.
  13. Yogurt, all the more so now it is available for school drinking packaging.
  14. Rolls of meat (ham, diet sausage) with cream cheese and herbs inside.
  15. Hard boiled eggs.
  16. Cheese cubes.
  17. White beans with carrots with mini pita.
  18. Muesli made from grains of nuts and dried fruits.
  19. Fruit purees (preferably with cream) for children in convenient packaging.
  20. You can make a biscuit sandwich with a cottage cheese layer.
  21. You can make puff pastries.
  22. Homemade muffins (cottage cheese, chocolate).
  23. Homemade buns.
  24. Bread fried in egg batter with sugar.
  25. Casseroles.

Kid's Lunch Box Recipes

Rice casserole

It will take

  • 3 spoons of milk;
  • 80 g of boiled rice;
  • 3 quail eggs.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the rice with milk and eggs.
  2. Put the mass in greased silicone molds.
  3. You can cook them steamed or in the oven at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Chicken and vegetable soufflé

You will need:

  • 50 g of cauliflower;
  • 100 g fillet;
  • 30 g carrots;
  • 2 quail eggs;
  • ½ slice of loaf;
  • ½ small onion.

How to cook

  1. Boil cabbage for about 5 minutes.
  2. Grind meat, bread and vegetables in a blender, add eggs and mix again.
  3. Sprinkle some breadcrumbs into greased baking dishes, lay out and smooth the minced meat.
  4. Bake the dish at a temperature of 190 degrees for 40 minutes. Take out and leave to cool for 10-15 minutes.
  • You can choose a thermos container and alternate between hot and cold snacks. It is convenient to eat cottage cheese with berries (jam), warm porridge, fresh salad from such a thermos jar.
  • Involve your child in the school lunch box and always have a pack of wet wipes with you so that he can clean his hands before and after a snack. It is best if they are antiseptic wipes without a pungent and unpleasant odor.
  • In addition, your child's backpack should always contain a bottle of drinking water, fruit drink, compote. . The amount depends on the time spent in school and the age of your child.

What to do if the child does not eat school lunch with "me"

  • You may not have washed his box well enough to leave an unpleasant odor in it.
  • The child does not like the design of the box.
  • Food is too dry. Add sauce or add a couple of tomato circles.
  • Lunch is boring. Change the ingredients every day.
  • Don't like the food. Put together the lunch box for the child, give the children the opportunity to choose.
  • Is it too much? If so, just reduce the portions.
  • It is inconvenient to eat. Many children do not eat homemade food, as they are afraid of getting dirty due to inconvenient packaging.
  • Doesn't have time to get hungry while studying. Make sure your child has a big enough breakfast and eats well when they come home from school. Maybe that's enough?

How to teach a baby to healthy food

Does the child love hamburgers? Buy a whole grain bun, bake a flat cutlet, add a tomato and lettuce to it. Here's a healthy snack for your child to eat with a bang!

Boiled meatballs and buckwheat are certainly healthy. However, they will not cause delight in children. Come up with an interesting design for a familiar dish for your child and add it with your favorite sweet.

The child will eat cottage cheese on both cheeks, if you cook a casserole, decorate it with fruit.

Make herbal tea, smoothie, or smoothie instead of store-bought juices.

Lunch box to school: photo ideas

We offer good solutions to this problem.


1. Fruit

Fruit is a great snack to keep you strong after two or three lessons. Bananas, sweet and filling, satisfy hunger well and increase performance. It is better to choose apples of sweet crumbly varieties (Yandykovskoe, Aport, Antonovka, White filling), since sour juice irritates the stomach and only whets the appetite. For the same reason, citrus fruits are not a good base for a school breakfast, but you can happily eat them in the afternoon. Prefer pears that are sweet, but not dripping juice, so that the child does not crap. Instead of one huge fruit, put a couple of small ones - they are much more convenient to eat. Look for fruits that are denser so they don't wrinkle in your backpack.


2. Sandwich

Instead of simple (and not very healthy) sausage sandwiches, make your student a sandwich with baked meat, chicken or egg, vegetables, and lettuce. Use grain bread instead of a roll. The dish will turn out to be healthy and satisfying, the eternally hungry teenager will definitely like it and will help him sit through all the lessons without being distracted by the thought of lunch. Another plus of the sandwich is that the filling is covered with bread on both sides, and the child will not get his hands dirty.

Do not wrap the sandwich in a plastic bag, but in foil - it will provide thermal insulation, and food will not spoil without a refrigerator.


3. Mini casseroles

An interesting school breakfast idea - casseroles cooked in muffin tins. Any recipe you like will do, if only the result is dense enough and you can hold it in your hands: quiche, cottage cheese-fruit casserole, omelet with vegetables, onion pie. It is convenient to take portioned casseroles with you: the child will receive full-fledged food instead of a roll from the dining room, and its unusual shape will cheer up and will not make him embarrassed in front of his classmates.


4. Muesli in bars

Baked granola bars, homemade or purchased, are a great alternative to Snickers. Nuts and dried fruits in their composition will help the young body to quickly fill up and support in learning, because they contain complex fats and vitamins that the brain needs.

Cottage cheese

5. Curd

Unsweetened cottage cheese or thick yogurt will help a student to ward off hunger. But if you are giving your child not a hermetically sealed store product, but prepared at home, then take care that it does not deteriorate in a few hours in a warm room. You should not replace cottage cheese with glazed curds or sweet curd mass - they are too fatty and sweet, and eating them not as a dessert can have an unpleasant effect on the teeth and stomach.

And be sure to take care of drinks: water, diluted juice or compote, drinking yogurt. No soda! She is not only unhelpful for children, but also very irritating to an empty stomach.

Buy a lunch box for school lunches or just a nice handy plastic box. With them, you don't have to think about what a sandwich you lovingly assembled will turn into in three hours in a backpack, or that a crushed banana will smear all things. Plus, food packed in a tightly sealed box is much less likely to go bad.