Home / Khachapuri / Lazy cottage cheese dumplings. Lazy dumplings with potatoes Is it possible to freeze lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

Lazy cottage cheese dumplings. Lazy dumplings with potatoes Is it possible to freeze lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

Lazy dumplings are a quick, simple and healthy breakfast that will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. And most importantly, even a novice hostess can easily cope with their preparation!

Ingredients for making dumplings

  • fresh cottage cheese (0.5 kg);
  • flour and / or semolina (150-200 grams);
  • salt (to taste);
  • sugar (1.5 tbsp. spoon);
  • egg (1 pc.).

How to replace a good dough?

The finished dough should be soft, slightly damp and sticky to your hands.

We will not make dumplings!

Why are these dumplings called the laziest? Because they don't even need to be sculpted. The advantage of this method is that after making dumplings, you do not need to wash a mountain of dishes and scrub the table from flour, and this is what stops many housewives from preparing such a delicious dish.
We divide the resulting mass into several parts and send a pastry bag. It is best to use disposable bags, you will be able to make the diameter of the foot-sized hole if you do not have a suitable attachment.

Attention! It is better to use a piping bag. A soft plastic bag will not withstand the pressure and will break.
If you get too much dough, don't be discouraged, you can freeze it and store it as a semi-finished product, the dumplings won't get any worse.

You can store the finished dough for dumplings in the freezer for several months, and in the refrigerator - no more than a day.

How to cook lazy dumplings?

Squeeze the right amount of dough straight out of the pastry bag and cut off.

Immediately dip the dumplings in salted boiling water. Cooking time depends on the size of the dumplings - from 20 seconds after surfacing to a minute. Remember to stir the dumplings periodically to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
You can serve lazy dumplings on the table with anything: butter, sour cream, jam, honey. Decorate the dumplings with fresh fruit and powdered sugar if you want to surprise your guests with an unusual presentation of the dish.

Many housewives often have a situation when products remain in the refrigerator, there is no desire to cook from them right away, and leaving them to disappear is not just a pity, but also very wasteful. Can only meat and fish be stored in the freezer? Can curd be frozen? For some mysterious reason, it is dairy products that are attributed to a special trepidation when frozen, although this is not entirely true. One can involuntarily suspect a conspiracy of producers who want to bind consumers to the need to buy dairy products and cottage cheese every day, thus forming a stable and evenly distributed demand over time.

However, experienced housewives have long figured out that the freezer is used for many types of food, which can significantly save time, effort and money. It is not for nothing that cottage cheese is considered one of the most "quivering" dairy products, it is not stored for long, and it should be present regularly in the diet.

How do I save the product?

In the refrigerator, cottage cheese can be stored literally for several days, if we are talking about a home-made product. The cottage cheese made in food factories lasts a little longer, but this is only due to the use or, in the worst case, due to added preservatives. Store-bought cottage cheese can stay in the refrigerator for almost a week.

The easiest way to find out if you can freeze cottage cheese so that it turns out to be edible and tasty after defrosting is to experiment with a small amount of the product.

Which product should you choose for storage?

Cottage cheese can be dry, wet, fat and fat-free, store and homemade. How not to get confused in this variety, and is it possible to freeze cottage cheese for storage, if it is bought on the occasion, without a special purpose to create a stock?

Homemade cottage cheese from non-skimmed milk has a high percentage of fat, has a pleasant creamy shade and a sweetish delicate taste, is well stored, does not form whey drips. Store-bought cottage cheese is usually sold in wet packaging, this is not without reason: its humidity is higher than that of a home-made product. A completely legitimate question arises: "Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese, which contains so much moisture?" Experience shows that any product is suitable for this, you just need to follow simple rules.

Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese in the freezer

A typical household freezer does not cool food fast enough, and this is the only problem. Due to this mode, the moisture in the curd will freeze with ice crystals, changing the structure, and during thawing, liquid whey may leak out. Taste qualities are not able to change only because of this, the consistency changes.

Then, is it possible to freeze cottage cheese in such a way that, when thawed, it fully retains its properties? To do this, it is better to use chambers equipped with the fast or function.In this case, the cottage cheese is frozen more evenly, and when thawing it differs little from fresh. Of course, before putting it in the freezer, you need to pack the cottage cheese in dense polyethylene to protect it from the penetration of extraneous odors. Plastic trays designed for food and low temperatures will also work.

Factory semi-finished curd products

Confirms a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to freeze cottage cheese, the availability of all kinds of frozen pancakes, dumplings and casseroles on sale.

Buying pancakes or allows you to significantly save time, but in terms of cost it costs at least one and a half to two times more than homemade food.

Homemade cottage cheese semi-finished products

It is not necessary to buy factory-made semi-finished products. You can cook dishes for future use, stick dumplings, cook cheese cakes, which then only need to be reheated. The doubts of most housewives who are wondering whether it is possible to freeze lazy dumplings and casseroles are now easily dispelled. These three dishes are combined by the type of preparation. You can store them in the freezer both in the form of semi-finished products and ready-made, then you just have to reheat them.

Asking the question of whether it is possible to freeze cottage cheese in the freezer, housewives first of all strive to provide the family with tasty and healthy dishes, but at the same time not spend too much time and effort. This is a great way to save money, because there is an opportunity to buy products at a reduced price - many sellers agree to release cottage cheese at a discount if the buyer takes three to four kilograms at once.

How to fix a failed freeze?

Sometimes, when defrosting, curd semi-finished products are damaged. For example, the whey may flake off and the spring rolls are slightly soaked. Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese and hope that during thawing there will be an ideal result? Of course, no one can guarantee this, even if the original product is of excellent quality.

However, cottage cheese can be considered one of the most "flexible" products. Damp pancakes can be baked in the oven, in a creamy filling, this will only make the dish better. The watery cottage cheese will make a delicious casserole and very successful cheese cakes. One has only to apply imagination, and a valuable product will not be hopelessly spoiled; on the contrary, in such cases, culinary imagination gains additional space.

Greetings to you, dear friends, and guests of the culinary site Home Restaurant! I dedicate my today's recipe to all the kids and their mothers who make sure that their kids always eat tasty and healthy food. We will cook lazy dumplings with potatoes not only for children, but also for adults😊. Since I almost always cook lazy dumplings with boiled potatoes for my daughter, we will assume that the recipe is for children.

My recipe for lazy dumplings with potatoes is quite simple to implement, with clear and balanced proportions to the gram. Many of you probably know how to make lazy dumplings with potatoes, but do you know how to make delicious lazy dumplings with potatoes? The whole point of my recipe is to use a minimum of flour. Then lazy dumplings with potatoes turn out to be soft and tender, with the taste of potatoes, and not the usual dough.

I am deliberately using mashed potatoes in the ingredients, not raw potatoes. It is very convenient to use the leftover potato garnish: just weigh the required amount, add the egg, flour, spices and knead the dough. But, let me not get ahead of myself, but in all the details I will tell you how to cook lazy dumplings with potatoes - a recipe with a photo is at your service on the Home Restaurant website!

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 250 g mashed potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 5-6 tbsp flour
  • salt to taste

For filing:

  • 1 tsp butter
  • sour cream

How to cook lazy dumplings with potatoes:

So, for a recipe for lazy dumplings with potatoes, we need mashed potatoes. You can see how to make mashed potatoes for dumplings. Additionally, you do not need to add butter or milk to mashed potatoes. We need dry, homogeneous mashed potatoes at room temperature and in no way hot. The warmer the mashed potatoes, the more flour you need, and as you remember, we don't need extra flour in our recipe for lazy dumplings with potatoes.

If you are using mashed potatoes from the refrigerator, then you need to preheat it a little in the microwave or in the oven, and check that there are no lumps. If the mashed potatoes for lazy dumplings are lumpy, the dumplings will boil over, and beautiful, even pieces will not work. So use a potato pusher or hand blender. Drive an egg into mashed potatoes and mix until smooth. At this stage, you can add salt and spices to taste.

And mix until smooth.

Knead a very soft potato dough with lazy dumplings. If the dough does not fit well into a ball, you can add a little more flour. The dough should not stick to your hands, but it will be sticky inside - this is normal.

Cut the dough into lazy dumplings in two.

From each separate part we sculpt a "sausage" with our fingers.

And carefully roll the "sausage" into a long rope on a cutting board. You can dust the board with flour to prevent the dough from sticking.

Next, we cut our lazy dumplings with potatoes into small pieces, about the same as in my photo. One such flagellum makes one portion of dumplings for children. For adults, of course, more dumplings will be required.

We spread our almost ready-made lazy dumplings with potatoes on a plate or board dusty with flour. Next, the dumplings must either be boiled or frozen. Warning your question: is it possible to freeze lazy dumplings with potatoes, I will answer: as much as possible! It is very convenient to cook dumplings when you have free time, and send the dish to the freezer on demand. I almost always do this.

How to cook lazy dumplings with potatoes:

Pour about one liter of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Using a slotted spoon, carefully lower the dumplings into boiling water.

Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese, how best to do it, how to store it and what is the shelf life of the product in the freezer? This article contains all the useful information on freezing this fermented milk product.

Fresh cottage cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days - it is during this period of time that the cottage cheese needs to be frozen.

If the cottage cheese is too wet, then it can be left on a sieve with gauze in the refrigerator for about 3-4 hours to allow excess liquid to drain.

Curd can be frozen in a container or bag, but each of these packaging methods has both pros and cons.

Freezing curd in a plastic bag

Place the curd in a bag and flatten into a thin layer. The thinner the workpiece is, the faster the product will freeze and thaw if necessary.

It is good to let air out of the bag, it is easy to do with a straw for drinks (you can see more details). The less air there is in the bag, the better the defrosted curd will taste.

It is good to close the package, sign the label and send it to the freezer for storage.


- cottage cheese in a bag is frozen and thawed faster due to its flat shape;

- you can break off a small part of the frozen cottage cheese, defrost it and add the required amount to the dish according to the recipe;


- contact of curd with a plastic bag during defrosting makes it sticky and moist.

Freezing curd in a container

It is better to use glass containers to freeze curd.

Do not fill the containers to the top, be sure to leave 1 cm of free space to increase the volume of the product when frozen.

Close the container tightly with a lid (you can additionally wrap it with cling film to prevent foreign odors from entering) and send it to the freezer.


- the cottage cheese in the container will not become sticky and damp;


- it will take more time to freeze and thaw;

- takes up more space in the freezer;

- it is not possible to pick out a small amount of the product.

Freezing the curd mixture

You can also freeze a mixture for making curd casseroles or cheesecakes.

The composition of such a mixture may include standard products for making casseroles: semolina, flour, starch, sugar, eggs, milk, sour cream, raisins, etc.

You can freeze the curd mixture in a bag, container or in portioned baking dishes.

I will show an example of freezing a curd mixture in foil tins. It is convenient to freeze in a small container, I have a size of 150x120x55 mm., A mold of this size is convenient for me because you can cook a casserole for one time - breakfast or afternoon tea.

Transfer the curd mixture to the mold, leaving a little room for expansion, whether it is freezing or when baking.

Wrap well with cling film to prevent foreign odors from entering the mixture.

Sign the freeze and place in the freezer.

How to properly defrost cottage cheese

You only need to defrost cottage cheese on the refrigerator shelf!

Do not leave frozen cottage cheese to defrost at room temperature, as there is a risk of pathogenic bacteria growing on its surface and, as a result, spoiled product.

You also need to defrost the mixture for making casseroles in the refrigerator and be sure to completely, if you put a mold with frozen or not completely thawed curd mixture in a preheated oven, then the casserole will cook unevenly: it will have baked edges and bottom, and the middle will remain raw.

What to cook from cottage cheese after freezing

To prepare a casserole, send the defrosted curd mixture in tins to a preheated oven and cook according to the recipe. In my small casseroles, the casserole cooks for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. This is very convenient, because you can leave the preparation in the refrigerator to defrost in the evening, and prepare a fresh casserole for breakfast in the morning.

Shelf life of frozen curd

Store ordinary cottage cheese for 6 months at minus 18 degrees.

Curd mixture with eggs - 2 months at minus 18 degrees.

Curd mixture without eggs - 4 months at minus 18 degrees.

Attention! Do not re-freeze the curd and curd mixture!

Continuing a series of breakfast recipes. Holidays are holidays, and a delicious healthy breakfast is not to be missed!

Today I will tell you how I make lazy cottage cheese dumplings. This breakfast can also be prepared in advance and frozen. In the morning we take out the required amount of dumplings and boil.

By the way, you don't have to boil curd lazy dumplings in the traditional way, but fry in butter (without defrosting), I like it even more!

So, we need the following Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • butter - for frying plus for serving as desired;
  • sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt - half a teaspoon.


To begin with, knead the dough from cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, salt and flour, it is necessary that it does not stick to your hands. (You may need a little more or less flour, depending on the quality of the curd and the size of the eggs).

The dough must be placed on a floured surface and cut into several pieces, which we roll into sausages. Next, cut these sausages into pieces, as in the photo:

At this stage, lazy dumplings can be laid out on planks for freezing and sent to the freezer. After completely freezing, pour into bags or put in portion containers.