Home / Cookies / The simplest and easiest cake recipe. Recipes for the most delicious Easter cakes with step by step photos

The simplest and easiest cake recipe. Recipes for the most delicious Easter cakes with step by step photos

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The easiest recipe for a delicious Easter cake

The easiest one, because the dough does not need to be kneaded. This method is also called "lazy Easter cakes". The dough is liquid. as for pancakes or fritters. It's important for me. I do not like difficult and tedious recipes for cooking and baking.

The recipe is not very cheap today, but I inherited it from my husband's grandmother, and then it was much cheaper. Easter cakes are unmatched!


  • half a liter of milk;
  • 100 g pressed yeast;
  • 15 yolks;
  • 150 g margarine;
  • 400 gr. butter;
  • 400 gr. ghee;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 2 kg. flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • vanillin;
  • 300 gr. shelled walnuts;
  • 300 gr. seedless raisins.

Remove all butter and margarine from the refrigerator in advance so that it is soft.

Flour necessarily sift.

If you are using fresh yeast in briquettes, then put the dough until active bubbles appear. If you use dry yeast, the activation process will be much faster. Dough - 100 gr. dilute yeast in 100 gr. warm milk. Add 1 tablespoon each of sugar and flour. Stir slightly and place in a warm, draft-free place.

Rinse the raisins and soak in water to swell. ...

Mix milk with sugar, add a little flour. Try not to form too much lumps. But then they disperse. Add the yolks (the whites will be used for the glaze), salt, vanillin and butter with margarine. Mix everything thoroughly. Add more flour.

Now, very carefully, pour in the matched brew. It is better to stir it with a wooden or plastic spoon and in one direction. Add all the flour.

To help distribute the raisins in the dough, lightly coat them in flour. Add raisins and nuts to the dough. If you don't like something, then you can do without these additives. Leave the dough for about an hour, covered with a towel.

Grease the cakes for baking cakes well with butter or vegetable oil. Can be covered with baking paper.

I do not have special molds for baking cakes. I use regular cans of various canned food. It is very comfortable. You can bake many batches at once. All of them are of different sizes. Just get ready in advance and don't throw away the suitable container. Just don't cut yourself on the sharp edges.

Fill the jars 3/4 full with dough.

Bake at a temperature of 180 - 200 degrees for 40 - 50 minutes. Leave a small distance between the jars in the oven. If the top burns, and the cakes are still damp, rearrange them lower, reduce the heat slightly, or cover the top with wet paper. Readiness is checked as usual - with a stick. If it is dry, the product is ready. Advice: if this is the first time you bake paski, first put one for the dough. And then use it to check the place in the oven, baking time and temperature. And keep in mind that if your molds are different, then first cakes will be ready in narrower forms.

Shake the finished cakes while still hot from the jars. If they stubbornly do not want to climb out - knock the top edge of the can on the table or dip the can in cold water for 1-2 minutes. We put to cool the pastes taken out of the mold.

When our cakes have cooled down, pour them with icing and sprinkle with the purchased sprinkling. If you do not have a store-bought glaze, we will make it yourself. Beat the remaining proteins with a mixer with 1 cup of powdered sugar and citric acid on the tip of a knife. The mixture should keep its shape, not spread. If you wish, you can put the already spread cakes in the oven for 7 - 10 minutes, so that the glaze dries over very low heat.

Easter cake with kneading dough

This recipe is also from my grandmother. but from another.


  • 1 kg. 300 gr. flour;
  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • 400 gr. milk;
  • 10 - 12 eggs;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 250 g raisins;
  • 50 gr. pressed yeast;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin;
  • vegetable oil for kneading dough;
  • walnuts optional.

We put the dough as in the first recipe. Soak the raisins, let dry and lightly roll in flour.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with sugar, sifted flour. Add softened butter, salt and vanillin. We put the dough that has already come up. Mix gently. Then beat the whites into a foam and add them carefully to the dough. Mix them from bottom to top.

Leave the dough to rise for about 1.5 hours. We knead during this time 2 times.

Grease the table abundantly with vegetable oil and begin to knead the dough. The secret here is this: the longer you do this, the better the pasks will turn out. Ideally, as grandmother did, knead the dough for an hour and a half. I personally am not capable of such feats. I keep going until I think that's enough. I think you can use it here. She can probably handle the batch. But the dough will have to be put there in batches, it is quite heavy.

At the same stage, add raisins and nuts.

Roll a piece of dough into a sausage, connect the ends and put such a bagel in a container prepared as described in the first recipe. Let the dough rise in jars or turn on the oven at 40 degrees and put them there for a while. Try not to shake the jars.

Everything else is according to the first recipe.

Viennese Easter cake dough

You will probably be laughing, but this is also my grandmother's recipe. This dough is also suitable for pies and pies.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 10 eggs;
  • 300 gr. butter;
  • 200 gr. creamy margarine (I don't know if there is one now);
  • 400 gr sour cream;
  • 1.5 kg. Sahara;
  • 150 g pressed yeast;
  • 300 gr. raisins;
  • nuts optional;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar for mixing;
  • vanillin.

We put the dough as in the previous recipes. We do everything else the same way.

Knead for an hour and a half, adding vinegar. Only we do not fill the jars with a bagel, but simply put the dough and let it come up. We bake as described above.

Chocolate paste made from cottage cheese without baking

Not quite ordinary, but very tasty paska. Especially for those who love chocolate.


  • 500 gr. cottage cheese;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • chocolate for watering;
  • vanillin.

You will also need a special form for such cakes. But they are for sale.

Whisk soft butter until white. Add cocoa, sugar. vanillin and salt. Mix everything until smooth.

Cottage cheese must be grated through a sieve or using an immersion sieve. Add sour cream to it. Mix everything too until smooth. Add in small portions to the first mixture, stirring well.

Spread the form with gauze in 3 - 4 layers, put the mass there. Press the form with some kind of oppression. Leave in the refrigerator for a day.

Then free from gauze, put on a dish, sprinkle with grated chocolate. Glaze can be made. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath. Or add white to it, it will turn out beautifully.

Curd pasta stuffed with poppy seeds without baking

It is also called "royal".


  • a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 400 gr. sour cream;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • a glass with a slide of sugar;
  • 300 gr. ready-made poppy filling;
  • vanillin.

Process the cottage cheese as in the previous recipe.

The main thing is to follow our rules and observe proportions, and your Sunday table will have a surprisingly fluffy and airy pastry with a unique aroma of orange, spicy vanilla and a subtle hint of rum.

So what you need to know:

1. Eggs, butter, sour cream should be of the best quality and very fresh.
2. Before adding candied fruits, dried berries or raisins to the dough, soak them in cognac or rum, the taste of the cake will become truly divine.
3. Butter dough for cakes is very capricious, it is afraid of shocks, temperature changes and drafts, therefore it is advisable to let the dough stand in the oven, if possible, turn on the backlight - it will give a constant temperature.
4. As a spice, vanilla seeds are most often used and, much less often, cardamom and nutmeg. Vanilla can be substituted for the more readily available vanillin or vanilla sugar.
5. To make the dough not only fragrant, but also acquire an appetizing golden color, add a little saffron to the dough. We do not recommend that you buy ground saffron, it is often counterfeited. Turmeric can be used as a substitute for saffron.
6. Easter cakes are baked in tall, special forms: tin or silicone. The forms must first be greased or laid out with oiled parchment.

And now the recipe for the best Easter cake

The best cake


300 ml warm milk
1 tbsp Sahara
13-15 g of fresh yeast (can be replaced with dry, in this case, take 10 g)
200 g flour
half vanilla pod

200 ml warm milk
1 tsp salt
40 g butter
saffron on the tip of a knife (you can substitute 0.5 tsp turmeric)
200 g sugar
2 eggs
4 yolks
850-900 g flour

150 g raisins
30-40 ml of rum, brandy or vodka

1 egg - for greasing the cake
1 tbsp butter - for greasing forms

3 egg whites
half vanilla pod
salt on the tip of a knife
250 g sugar

How to cook:
1. Rinse the raisins the night before, remove the zest from the orange, pour the raisins and zest with rum and leave to infuse until morning.

Rinse the raisins the night before, remove the zest from the orange, pour the raisins and zest with rum and leave to infuse until morning
2. For the dough, scrape the seeds out of half a vanilla pod (we will need the seeds later, while we put them aside). Bring the milk to a boil with half a vanilla pod. Cool until warm. Remove the pod and discard. Add 1 tablespoon to warm milk. Sahara. Stir.
3. Pour fresh yeast with warm milk. Stir with a whisk until the yeast dissolves.
4. In a large bowl, use a mixer to combine warm milk and sifted flour.

In a large bowl, use a mixer to mix warm milk and sifted flour. Leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes, covered with a damp towel or cling film.
5. For the dough, heat the milk by adding salt and butter. The butter should completely "dissolve" in warm milk. Add vanilla seeds and saffron (turmeric).

Add vanilla seeds and saffron (turmeric)
6. Pour the milk mixture into the matched dough.

Pour the milk mixture into the matched dough
7. Add sugar and eggs with yolks.

Add sugar and eggs with yolks. Beat on low mixer speed.
8. Add sifted flour in portions, you may need it a little less or a little more, the dough should not be steep; if the mass sticks to your hands, then you are on the right track.
9. Add raisins to the dough along with alcohol and zest.

Add raisins to the dough along with alcohol and zest. Knead with a mixer for another 2 minutes and leave for proofing in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for another hour. Grease the molds with butter, spread out the dough, filling the molds 1/3 full.

Grease the molds with butter, spread out the dough, filling the molds 1/3 full Cover with a towel and leave the blanks in a warm place for another hour.
10. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C, grease the risen cakes with an egg.

Grease the risen Easter cakes with an egg
11. Bake for the first 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C, then reduce the temperature to 180 ° C and bake for another 20 minutes until golden brown. Willingness to check with a wooden stick.
12. Remove the baked cakes from the mold, place them on a towel on their side and roll them every 5-10 minutes so that they are even.

Remove the baked cakes from the mold
13. For the glaze, beat the well-chilled egg whites with the seeds from half a vanilla pod and salt until firm foam. Continuing to beat, add sugar in parts. Beat until dense, smooth.
14. Decorate the cakes with protein cream and sprinkle with confectionery decorations if desired.

Dear hostesses, we meet the bright holiday of Easter!

For you, we have prepared a wonderful selection of cakes for every taste.

Only the most ideal, successful and proven recipes with step-by-step photos.

You will succeed, even if you have not tried to bake cakes on your own before!

Alexandria cake with raisins

Alexandria dough is considered one of the best for making Easter cakes.

The baked goods made from it are soft, tender and very tasty. It is from such a dough that we will prepare this cake!


For the test:

  • Egg 0 - 1 pc
  • Yolk - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 100 gr
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • Warm milk - 125 ml
  • Melted butter - 80 gr
  • Raisins - 50 gr
  • Flour - 250 gr
  • Vanilla - on the tip of a knife
  • Salt - a pinch

For glaze:

  • Powdered sugar - 100 gr
  • Egg white - 1 piece
  • Decoration, sprinkling


Pour yeast into warm milk, stir and leave to stand at room temperature.

While the yeast is dispersed, we take melted butter, add sugar and eggs.

Shake everything together with a whisk or fork, and then add the yeast mixture. We mix.

Add raisins to the resulting liquid.

Cover the dishes with cling film and leave warm for 30 minutes.

After this time, open our mixture and add vanilla and salt, shake.

We add the sifted flour in portions, kneading a not very thick dough.

Grease the cake mold with vegetable oil, put the dough into it, up to about half the volume.

Cover it with foil and leave for 4 hours. The dough rises well and takes up the entire form.

Remove the foil and bake for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Times may vary depending on your oven.

The cake is ready and it's time to make icing for it.

To do this, beat 1 egg white and powdered sugar in one bowl until a white foam with stable peaks.

Cover the finished cake with icing on top.

If it turns out to be too liquid, then you can put the cake in a still warm oven, there it will grab a little and stop flowing.

While the frosting is still running, sprinkle with decorations.

Here is such a wonderful and very easy recipe!

Perfect Easter cake with sour cream and candied fruits

The recipe is really perfect!

Soft sour cream dough melts in your mouth and goes well with chocolate icing. Try it!


For chocolate lovers, we have prepared a special recipe for the softest and deliciously delicious Easter cake!


  • Warm milk - 100 ml
  • Dry yeast - 1 sachet
  • Flour - 400 g
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Melted butter - 100 g
  • Curd 100 g
  • Orange zest
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Cocoa - 40 g


Add yeast, a tablespoon of sugar and three tablespoons of flour to warm milk. Let's stir.

We'll have a liquid sourdough. Cover it with a towel or cling film and leave it in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.

Rub the orange zest. Only orange skin, try not to get white fibers, otherwise it will turn out bitter.

Add the foamed yeast mixture and melted butter there too.

We also send cottage cheese there, it should not be grainy, and mix everything together.

Then add a pinch of salt and cocoa and stir.

Add flour in portions and knead the dough.

We knead a not very dense dough, it should remain soft and plastic.

Cover the dough bun and leave in a warm place for an hour.

The mass should approximately double in volume.

Divide it into portions and place in pre-greased tins.

The dough should take up no more than half of the mold, you need to leave room for the rise.

We cover our blanks again and wait about an hour until they rise almost to the top of the forms.

We bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes (for small forms) and 30-40 minutes for large ones.

Cooking delicious chocolate icing.

Melt a bar of chocolate in two tablespoons of milk in a water bath.

You can take not only dark, but also milk and white chocolate, it will still be very tasty.

Dip the top of the finished cake in melted chocolate.

Top with confectionery powder or nuts until the chocolate is frozen.

Craffin lacy cake

It will adorn any Easter table thanks to its intricate and very beautiful shape.

It is not at all difficult to prepare it, and the taste will surprise you!


Delicate cake with cottage cheese and raisins

A terrific successful recipe for cottage cheese cakes, designed for a large family!

The dough turns out to be very soft with a pronounced curd taste, simply delicious and without much difficulty.


  • Flour - 500 g
  • Non-granular cottage cheese - 150 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Fresh yeast - 25 g (1 sachet can be dry)
  • Raisins - 100 g


Crumble the yeast, cover it with warm water, let stand for 1-2 minutes.

Then stir until the yeast is completely dissolved.

Add three tablespoons of flour to the yeast solution, a whisper of sugar, stir until smooth.

You will have a liquid yeast starter culture. Cover the bowl and leave it warm for 20 minutes.

While the yeast is activated and rising, we take the cottage cheese, pour milk into it and interrupt it with a blender so that there are no lumps left.

The cottage cheese should have a consistency like sour cream, then the cake will turn out to be very tender, without curd lumps.

Add chicken eggs, salt, sugar, melted but not hot butter to the curd mass.

And with the same blender, stir again until smooth.

Add the foamed yeast mash to the curd mass and stir.

Add the sifted flour in stages and knead the dough.

The dough will gradually thicken.

When it becomes impossible to stir it with a spoon, you can proceed to manual kneading.

It will take about 10-15 minutes to knead the dough. We pull it out, turn it over, mnem, we do not regret it.

Even after adding all the flour according to the recipe, the dough should remain sticky, soft and fluffy.

During kneading, at the end, add the already prepared, steamed raisins, knead for a couple of minutes and you're done!

Cover the finished dough and let it stand for 2 hours in a warm place to rise. It should double its volume.

Knead the risen dough. We prepare the forms by greasing them with oil.

Separate small pieces from the dough, round them for beauty and place them in cake molds.

We fill the forms with dough no more than 1/3, because the dough will still rise!

Try to keep the top of the slices smooth, then during baking you will get neat hats, without protruding raisins.

We put the forms in the heat for another hour and a half to get up. These cakes can already be greased with egg yolk and sent to the oven.

We bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, small, as in the photo. If you have a larger form, then it will be baked accordingly longer.

Large cakes are baked for about an hour.

Leave the finished cakes to cool in the form for 15-20 minutes, then they will come out easily.

Let them cool completely and garnish with a protein frosting cap. How to do it, see the first recipe.

Delicious, delicate curd cakes are ready!

Custard Easter cake

Choux pastry always surprises with its softness, it does not stale for a long time and tastes incomparable.

We suggest you cook such beautiful custard cakes that will definitely decorate your table.


  • Flour - 350-400 g
  • Cream 10-20% - 200 ml
  • Egg yolks - 6 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Dry yeast - 6 g (fresh 15-20 g)
  • Dried fruits - half a glass
  • Vanilla - 1 tsp
  • Cardamom - 1/2 tsp


Pour boiling water over the raisins or other dried fruits in advance to make them soft enough.

Take 30 g of cream, heat it slightly and add yeast to it. Stir until dissolved.

Separate two heaped tablespoons from the bulk of the flour. Bring the remaining cream to a boil.

Combine flour and boiled cream and grind well without lumps.

Cool to 40 degrees (so that the hand is not hot to touch) and add the yeast solution to this choux pastry.

Stir everything together, cover with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place until it doubles in size.

You can determine the readiness of the dough in this way: first, the dough actively grows and tends upward, but then the moment comes when it begins to settle - it means that it is ready.

Our dough took about 45 minutes.

Mix remaining flour with salt and cardamom.

Beat the yolks with sugar with a blender, add vanilla and soft butter there.

The yeast dough stood for 45 minutes, it has already begun to settle and it is all so pimply and airy.

Add to it the egg mixture we just made and, stirring occasionally, start adding flour, gradually.

Put the remaining flour on the table and continue stirring it into the dough.

We stir for a long time and thoroughly, all the flour should go into the dough.

We knead and mnem for 10 minutes.

As a result, the dough is homogeneous, soft, but does not stick to your hands.

Grease a bowl with butter, round the dough and cover with plastic wrap.

Leave warm until doubled in size. For a given amount of dough - 1 hour and 20 minutes.

If you want a beautiful and unusual cake, then divide the dough into five identical pieces.

Cover them with plastic wrap and let stand for 10 minutes. Then we start cooking.

Roll each of the pieces into a flat cake, brush with warm butter, lay on top of the dried fruit and overlap one on top of the other, as in the photo.

Starting at the edge, roll the tortillas into one large sausage, holding the edges together.

Cut this "roll" in half.

We will get two such pink-shaped dough blanks.

Place them in oiled molds.

Let them rest for 40-45 minutes, the dough rises again. And such lush blanks can be sent to the oven.

We bake at 170 degrees for 40-55 minutes, depending on your oven and the volume of the cakes.

We check the readiness with a wooden stick.

We pierce in an inconspicuous place, if the stick remains dry and there are no traces of dough on it - it's done!

Hint: if the top of the cakes is already starting to burn, but inside they are still damp, then cover the top with foil.

When they are cooked, let cool and remove from the mold. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top and you're done!

The softest, lush and very fragrant symbol of Easter on your table!

Lush cake without yeast and interesting ways to decorate

For those who do not like and do not accept yeast baked goods, we have found a wonderful recipe for yeast-free cakes.

He's very lucky! Allows you to bake wonderful, fluffy cakes, which will be no worse than yeast ones.

And on top of that, check out some interesting top decorating options from a professional pastry chef!


An easy option for those who are busy and prefer to cook everything in a multicooker.

You will get such a lush, voluminous, one might say family, cake according to this recipe. Enough for everyone!


  • Milk - 200 gr
  • Butter - 150 gr
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 150 gr
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (8g)
  • Orange juice - 100 gr
  • Raisins - 100 gr
  • Yeast (dry) - 9 gr
  • Flour - 700 gr
  • Salt and vegetable oil


Pour orange juice over the raisins.

Put yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 4 tablespoons of flour in warm milk.

Stir and place in a warm place for half an hour.

Mash eggs with simple sugar and vanilla, combine with melted butter, stir.

Combine the loose yeast mass with the egg and mix well. Start slowly, add flour with spoons and knead the dough.

Add flour until the dough can be stirred with a spoon, you do not need to knead anything with your hands.

The dough is soft, sticky. Place it in a greased multicooker bowl.

Select the Multipovar program, set the temperature to 35 degrees, and the time to 1 hour and 20 minutes.

We press "Start". The dough will rise on the inside.

If you do not have the Multi-cook function, use the "Yogurt" function or another one that is close in temperature.

After the set time has passed, remove the dough from the multicooker. Pour in flour.

Drain the raisins and stir into the dough. Place the dough for a few minutes.

Grease the mold again and lay the dough again.

We select the function "Multi Cook" 35 degrees for 35 minutes, so that the dough comes up again.

The dough should rise to half the bowl.

Then turn on the baking mode. For this amount of dough, the baking time is 1 hour 40 minutes.

Check readiness with a wooden skewer.

Allow the finished cake to cool down and remove from the bowl.

Usually, the top of the baked goods in multicooker remains unbroken, but in our case this is not scary, because it will be hidden under the egg frosting.

For the egg glaze recipe, see the first recipe above.

Decorate the cake with pastry sprinkles and you can treat your home!

It turns out soft, tasty, and enough for everyone!

Delicious and tall Easter cake in a bread maker

Cooking cakes in a bread maker is very convenient!

She will knead the dough herself and you will not have to put in a lot of effort to get beautiful, tall baked goods.

Our recipe will help you with this.


First tab:

  • Water - 50 ml
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Butter - 80 g
  • Flour - 290 g
  • Yeast-2 tsp

Second tab:

  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • Wheat flour - 145 g
  • Yeast - 0.5 tsp
  • Raisins - 70 g

For glaze:

  • Egg white - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 20 g


Our recipe is divided into two tabs. First, let's prepare the dough.

To do this, pour water into a bowl, break 4 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar there, put soft butter, yeast.

We put the dishes in the bread maker. We put on the program with kneading and baking for 3 hours 40 minutes.

During the kneading process, 20 minutes after the start, you will need to make a second bookmark.

Add half a teaspoon of salt, two tablespoons of sugar, a spoonful of vanilla sugar, the remaining flour and raisins.

While we are preparing the bread maker, we make the protein glaze.

Beat egg white with sugar with a blender until firm white foam.

It turns out such a tall Easter cake, ruddy, soft and aromatic.

Let it cool and then remove from the mold.

Top it with icing and sprinkling.

You can treat your guests!

Tsarskiy kulich

Really royal!

Aromatic spices give it a special charm, and lemon glaze - a unique magical taste!


Big Viennese Easter cake

Viennese pastry is very good for Easter baking.

Let's make such a beautiful, fragrant and fluffy cake out of it!


  • Warm milk - 500 ml
  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Butter - 120 g
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Eggs - 3 pcs + yolk - 2 pcs
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Orange zest - 1 tbsp. l
  • Raisins - 250 g
  • Yeast - 3 tbsp l
  • Warm water - 70 ml
  • Flour - 1500 g
  • Vanillin - 1 tbsp. l


Pour dry yeast with warm water, add 70 g of warm milk and 2 teaspoons of sugar.

Mix well and leave for 15 minutes.

Let's move on to kneading the dough.

To do this, add salt, three tablespoons of sugar, yeast mixture, half flour to warm milk.

Knead the thin dough. Then we cover it and let it stand until it doubles.

After that, add sour cream, eggs and yolks, all the remaining sugar, orange zest, a spoonful of vanillin, softened butter, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, raisins, the remaining flour to it.

You will need to stir for a very long time and thoroughly so that all the flour is dispersed and absorbed. We do not regret it.

In total, intensive kneading of the dough will take about fifteen minutes. At the same time, it should remain soft and not tight.

Place the finished dough in a bowl, cover and let rise again.

Then we place the dough in a greased form.

You can divide the entire volume of the dough into portions and make many smaller cakes.

The dough should take up no more than half of the volume.

We leave the dough to rise. After an hour, it takes up almost the entire volume of the form. It's time to put it in the oven.

We bake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Decorate the finished cake with protein glaze. How to make it, see recipe 1.

While the frosting is still soft, decorate the cake with sprinkles and sugar confectionery flowers. Or any other decoration.

Kulich turns out to be great, just royal. To a big happy family!

Italian Easter cake Panettone

Italians usually bake it for Christmas, but in Russia it fell in love and took root just on Easter.

The recipe is not very simple, but it's worth it, the cake, which is obtained as a result, is striking in its great taste!


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Happy Easter to you, peaceful sky, spring and good!

Dear readers, today we offer you a selection of recipes for the most delicious Easter cakes for every taste.

We all honor the holiday of Holy Easter, and every housewife on this day wants to please her family with homemade cakes, which their shop counterparts will never equal. The soul of the hostess and the mood of the holiday are put into homemade baking, and believe me, the cake made with your own hands is absolutely special!

Everyone has different tastes, someone wants a simple, quick and delicious recipe. Some people prefer not to use yeast, flour or eggs when making Easter cakes dough. Therefore, in our article, we have selected from a very large number and brought together several completely different recipes so that you can choose the one that will become your favorite.

Step-by-step recipes for Easter cakes are short, clear and without excess water. Let's get started!

Simple Easter cake with yeast in the oven

A classic recipe, Easter baking turns out to be very tasty, fluffy and soft, aromatic.

For the test

  • Flour - 560 gr.
  • Milk - 170 ml.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Butter - 140 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs. +2 yolks
  • Raisins - 60 gr.
  • Yeast - 30 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 8 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch

For glaze

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 140 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 table. a spoon.

We prepare our ingredients. Raisins must be pre-soaked overnight to soften. Melt the butter and cool to room temperature.

In warm milk (40 degrees) we dissolve pressed fresh yeast, mix thoroughly.

Pour half the specified amount of sugar there and gradually, so that there are no lumps, one and a half glasses of flour. Stir thoroughly. We cover the resulting dough with cling film and put in a warm place so that it rises.

While the dough is rising, beat in one container 2 whole eggs and 2 yolks (without proteins) with vanilla sugar. In consistency, beaten eggs should be like a not very thick sour cream of a uniformly yellow color. Pour the beaten eggs into the prepared dough, put a pinch of salt and mix.

In the resulting mixture, gradually, while stirring, add the remaining flour and melted butter (it should not be hot). We also send the second part of the sugar there.

Knead the dough, cover it with foil again and put it in a warm place.

The dough will increase in volume several times. Let's open it and add the raisins, mix again.

Let's prepare the baking dish. If you have a reusable one, lubricate it with oil. We do not grease disposable forms. We spread the dough to about half the form. Cover with a towel and wait for the dough to come up to the edge of the mold for the third time. This is how we put the future cakes in the oven.

We bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes, depending on your oven. Make sure that the cakes are evenly browned.

This is how they get soft, fragrant and aromatic. It remains only to make icing for them.

To do this, beat the egg whites remaining after the cooking process with lemon juice and powdered sugar with a blender at high speed. We will get a moderately fluid glossy white mass, which is covered on top of the still warm baked goods.

Sprinkle the Easter cakes on top with multi-colored powders. Here is such a beauty!

Easter cake without yeast on kefir

Not everyone considers yeast a useful and necessary addition, but everyone wants to get fluffy baked goods. How to be? Here kefir will help us out. Thanks to him, the dough also turns out to be soft and fluffy. No sugar is used in this recipe. And if you also take healthy whole grain and oat flour, then this Easter will be most useful for both children and adults who care about their health.

Make kefir cake with our simple recipe. The amount of dough is designed for two small Easter cakes.

We need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 300 ml of kefir
  • 280 g flour (can be oatmeal or whole grain)
  • 2 bags of natural sweetener (stevia)
  • vanillin and cinnamon to taste
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 100 g raisins
  • 5 g milk powder


Pour kefir into a bowl and add soda to it.

Let's prepare free-flowing ingredients. Pour sweetener, vanillin and cinnamon into the flour, mix until smooth.

Next, we separate the whites from the yolks. The yolks will go to the dough, and the whites will go to the glaze. Combine the yolks with kefir and stir. Gradually pour flour into the same container. Stir constantly to avoid lumps.

Place the raisins in the resulting dough and mix again.

Put the mass in baking dishes up to half, because the dough will still rise during cooking in the oven.

We place the molds in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

And while the cakes are baking, we prepare the glaze: whisk the egg whites at high speed with a sweetener and milk powder (this ingredient is optional). We coat the finished Easter cakes with glaze and sprinkle with decorations.

To secure, stir the cakes for another 20 minutes in the oven at 100 degrees. From this, the glaze becomes dense and does not spread. Ready!

Here is such a tasty and healthy Easter.

Alexandria Easter cake step by step

Alexandrian cake dough received special recognition. It is made on the basis of baked milk, the baked goods are tender, soft as down and very tasty. We could not pass by such a recipe.

It is worth saying that Alexandrian dough is not quick to prepare and this is definitely not a quick recipe. But it's worth it!

We need:

  • baked milk - 0.25 l
  • butter - 125 g
  • egg - 3 pieces
  • sugar - 250 g
  • fresh yeast - 50g
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • yolks - 2 pcs
  • vanilla - 1 pack
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
  • flour - 800 g
  • raisins - 200 g

For glaze

  • proteins - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • food decorations


Crumble yeast into warm baked milk and dissolve it in it. Pour sugar there.

Beat eggs, combine them with soft butter and our milk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Cover with cling film and a towel and leave at room temperature for 8-12 hours, or overnight.

We should get this kind of dough after 12 hours of infusion:

Vanilla, salt, cognac, raisins, two yolks and flour are sent to a container with dough. The dough is kneaded thoroughly. And put in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

At this time, we prepare baking dishes, grease them with oil.

Distribute the matched dough into the molds without filling them completely, leaving room for lifting.

We put in a warm oven and bake at 180 degrees. Small pascs will be baked in about half an hour, large ones will take about an hour.

If you see that the top is very browned while the bottom is not baked yet, cover the top with damp baking paper and reduce the heat to 150 degrees.

Prepare the icing as usual: just beat the egg whites with sugar using a mixer for a few minutes until a dense white cream is formed. We spread the cakes and decorate as fantasy tells.

Who can resist such beauty? And the aroma is just fabulous!

Inside, the Easter cakes are soft, sweet, rich, outside they are elegant, festive and very beautiful!

Easter cake with raisins, candied fruits and nuts in a slow cooker video

Another delicious recipe in the Redmond multicooker, but it can also be adapted to any other. A wonderful lush, tall and tasty Easter cake turns out.

We need:

  • 1.5 cups of milk (300 ml.)
  • 6 eggs
  • 300 gr. butter
  • 2 cups - sugar
  • 16 grams of dry yeast (3.5 teaspoons or 1.5 packs)
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 gram vanillin
  • 100 grams of raisins
  • 100 gr walnuts
  • 50 g candied fruits
  • 1 kg flour

For icing for 1 cake:

  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 4-6 teaspoons lemon juice
  • if necessary, add 1-2 teaspoons of water (depending on the consistency of the resulting glaze).


Step 1. Heat the milk in a multicooker in the Multi-cook mode at 35 degrees for 6 minutes. Pour yeast and some flour (300 g) into warm milk, mix. The dough is not very thick. This is a future brew. We put it this time for 30 minutes at 35 degrees in the Multi-cook mode.

Step 2. While the dough is coming, let's take care of the eggs: separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar, beat the whites into a stable foam.

Step 3. We begin to add the remaining components to the dough that has come up: salt, melted butter, yolks grated with sugar, vanillin, and also alternately introduce flour (leave only 100 g) and whipped proteins. We knead all this well.

Step 4. It's time to further raise our dough. We will do this in 2 stages to make the cake lush. First, set for 30 minutes in the Multi-cook mode at 40 degrees, after this time, knead the dough. And again we put it at the same temperature, but for an hour.

Step 5. The dough has come up, it should rise almost to the top of the multicooker. Dust the table with flour (3 tablespoons), lay out the dough, sprinkle the dough with flour (3 tablespoons) on top, add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil while kneading, add chopped nuts, candied fruits, washed, dried and flour-boned raisins. Knead the dough well.

Step 6. This volume of dough is enough for 2 Easter cakes. Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil. Our dough should be 1/3 cup. We put it back in the Multi-cook mode for 1 hour at a temperature of 40 degrees. During this time, the dough will rise again.

Step 7. Without taking out the dough, immediately start the Baking mode for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Step 8. We take the cake out on a towel, and then cool it on the basket of a double boiler (so that there is air circulation and the cake does not get damp). Apply lemon-sugar glaze on the cooled cake, if you use protein glaze, then it must be applied to a warm cake. Decorate the top with pastry sprinkles.

For more details on how to cook Easter cake in a slow cooker, see this video:

Delicious recipe for Easter cake in a bread maker

An incredibly simple and tasty recipe for one cake, which does not require a lot of time and fiddling with dough. All the ingredients are simply poured into the bowl of the bread machine and after a few hours there is already a ruddy cake on the table!

We need:

  • 340 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 17 g yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. condensed milk
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 30 g soft butter
  • 130 g milk
  • 5 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 50 g raisins

How to cook:

We just put all the products in the bowl. First there are liquid ingredients, starting with milk, then free-flowing (except raisins). Raisins must be steamed beforehand. And we will add it a little later, when the dough is already kneaded.

We put the bowl in the bread maker in the usual main mode Bread. First, the program will knead the dough, at this moment add the raisins. And then the cake is baked without our participation.

25 minutes before the end of the program, when the cake is almost ready, coat it with whipped egg whites glaze. We close. For another 20 minutes, the glaze will be baked together with the cake and harden well.

The cake turns out to be tall, soft and tasty. And for the simplicity of preparation, the recipe is just a fairy tale!

If you have any questions about cooking, see this detailed video:

Easter cake with cream and sour cream

Cream cakes have a particularly delicate texture and mild, rich taste. We offer you another great recipe!

We need:

Let's start by activating the yeast:

We mix the cream and yeast.

Cooking dough.

Add the rest of the ingredients:

Here's a dough that should turn out:

Let's start cooking.

Cooking the icing.

We dip each cake.

Easter cakes with cream and sour cream are ready!

Kulich panettone

A stunningly beautiful cake made according to the Italian recipe. Currants and yoghurt, which are included in the recipe, give this cake a special aroma and unusual taste.


  • Flour - 600 gr
  • Dry yeast - 1 tablespoon
  • Warm water - 200 gr
  • Sugar - 100 gr
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Unsweetened yogurt - 0.5 cups
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Lemon zest - 1 tablespoon
  • Raisins - 100 gr
  • Dried currants - 100 gr
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Powdered sugar - 50 gr

How to cook:

We dilute the yeast in warm water with sugar. And we put this dough in a warm place for 20 minutes.

As soon as the yeast begins to ferment, add yolks, yogurt, melted butter (not hot), vanilla, lemon zest, a pinch of salt to it. And at the end, we begin to add flour to all this abundance.

The dough is elastic and soft. It also needs to be put in a warm place so that it rises properly.

Dried fruits are the last to enter the dough. Mix everything thoroughly. We spread the dough in greased molds.

We leave for half an hour so that the dough comes up again. We bake at 175 C for 45 minutes.

More in the video:

Easter cake craffin

A very unusual cake that will amaze everyone not only with its taste, but also with its intricate lacy look.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 350 g flour 80 ml milk (+ 30 ml milk if passionfruit juice is not used)
  • 6 g dry yeast
  • 80 g sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 40 g butter (melted)
  • 30 ml passionfruit juice (orange juice) - if not using juice as flavoring, replace 30 ml milk

As a flavoring, you can add:

  • Lemon zest, orange zest, vanilla

For flaking the dough: 100-125 g butter (room temperature)

  • A little nutmeg (optional)
  • 100 g dried cranberries, blueberries (or raisins, candied fruits)
  • 50 g almond flakes (other nuts can be chopped)

Cooking details in this video:

Happy Easter to you!

Hello dear culinary connoisseurs! One of the most important holidays of the Orthodox Church is approaching - Bright Easter. I am sure that each of us associates it with fragrant pastries, which must be consecrated without fail in order to join the sacred event. By tradition, Easter cake is baked in the oven, and the top is covered with a glaze made of sugar and egg whites. Our family has its own proven recipe, according to which my grandmother used to cook.

Since yeast-based Easter cake starts, allow enough time to cook to allow the dough to come up twice. Yes - it cooks faster, but, in my opinion, it turns out not so lush and rich. More like a cupcake.

The filling gives a special piquancy to the festive treat. And now you don't have to limit yourself to traditional raisins. Candied fruits, nuts, dried cherries, dried apricots, prunes, pieces of chocolate, citrus peel and coconut flakes are used.

It is only important not to overdo it with the filling, so that later you do not wonder why the dough falls off, and the baked goods turn out to be wet. Today I will share with you a "secret" family recipe for Easter cake and, for a change, a few more interesting options for Easter baked goods.

My grandmother's promised recipe for treats is suitable for beginners who have not yet had time to "make friends" with yeast dough. No special efforts are required for cooking. But, as I already warned, it will take a lot of time - about 5 hours. I start cooking early in the morning so that the process does not drag out until late at night.


For dough:

  • 50 g fresh yeast;
  • 0.5 cups of milk;
  • 1 tbsp flour;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.

For the test:

  • 8 chicken yolks;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 950 g wheat flour;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 2 glasses of sugar;
  • 2 handfuls of raisins;
  • 4 tablespoons sunflower oil;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

For fondant:

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 150 g icing sugar;
  • 50 g of colored confectionery sprinkles.

Step by step cooking:

1. To prepare the dough, take a deep container with a volume of at least 4 liters. Pour warmed milk into it, add crumbled fresh yeast, sugar and flour.

2. Stir the ingredients with a spatula, cover the container with a clean towel. Place the bowl in a warm place for 20-30 minutes so that the yeast "comes to life" and the mass increases in volume by 2-3 times.

3. Separate the whites, you will need them for the icing. And beat in 2 more eggs to the yolks and mix with a whisk.

4. When the batter (dough) is suitable, add whipped yolks, sour cream and sugar to the mass.

5. Mix in 600 g flour in portions, sifting it directly over the mass through a fine sieve. Stir everything periodically with a wooden spatula. The finished dough should be smooth and smooth, free of lumps.

6. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and heat for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, the mass should increase in volume by 2 times.

7. After 2 hours, add butter, a pinch of salt, raisins and 300 g flour to the dough. Add flour in portions, sifting through a sieve and stirring into the mass.

8. Finish mixing by hand and leave to rise again until the volume is doubled.

9. Fill the paper forms ⅓ with dough and place on a baking sheet. The workpieces should stand at room temperature for another 10-15 minutes.

10. Bake future cakes in a preheated oven for 1 hour at 180 ° C.

If you use tins of different sizes for baking, keep in mind that small pastries will bake faster.

11. For the icing, beat 2 egg whites with a mixer until stable peaks. While whisking, add the powdered sugar.

Free the cooled baked goods from paper forms, brush with protein glaze and decorate with pastry sprinkles.

Grandma is always on holiday. She put colored eggs side by side and served them to the table.

Oven cakes baked in small paper tins

For those who don't like tedious baking with yeast, I have prepared an interesting version of the soda-based dough. It serves as an excellent baking powder, so the delicacy will be tall and fluffy 🙂 From this amount of dough, you will get 2 medium Easter cakes or 4 small ones.

Take from the products:

  • 0.5 cups flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 0.5 cups potato starch;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 cups raisins;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 tsp baking soda.

How to cook:

1. Soak the raisins in boiling water or pour over them in boiling water to make them softer and more tender. After 10 minutes, drain the water and rinse the berries under running water.

2. Beat 2 eggs into a bowl and add sugar. Beat with a mixer until the mixture turns white.

3. Add the curd and stir again with the whisk of a mixer.

4. Pour in the starch, stir until smooth.

5. Combine the melted butter with the egg-starch mixture.

6. Add baking soda. There is no need to quench with vinegar, since there is sour curd in the dough.

7. At the end, salt and sift flour into the future dough.

8. Stir the mixture with a spoon - it will be thick but pliable. At the very end, stir in the raisins prepared in advance.

9. Spread the dough on paper tins, filling them about halfway.

10. How long to bake the products, the experience of using your oven will tell you - all devices are prepared in different ways. On average, you should focus on 40-45 minutes at 180 ° C.

It is most convenient to check the readiness with a wooden skewer - when removed from the dough, it must be dry.

The finished treat will remain to cool and decorate as you wish - with fondant, icing or powdered sugar.

I like to bake cottage cheese baked goods. It turns out to be rich and incredibly tasty! I described it in a separate article. Give it a try and write your reviews.

New recipe for delicious Easter cake Craffin

Tired of traditional smooth cakes? Try a completely new recipe borrowed from American chefs to make Easter baked goods. The peculiar combination of croissant and muffin makes an amazing delicacy.

Instead of cranberry filling, you can use almonds, chopped peanuts, walnuts, prunes, candied fruits, dried apricots, blueberries, and raisins.


1. To activate the yeast, pour lightly warmed milk into a bowl. Mix with sugar, flour and dry yeast.

2. Leave warm for 10-15 minutes until a high foam forms.

3. Beat two yolks, one egg, 80 g of sugar and salt with a mixer until the grains are completely dissolved. During this time, the egg mass should double.

4. Sift the flour into a separate large bowl, make a depression in it and pour in the yeast dough.

5. Add warm melted butter, orange juice and zest, and sugar-beaten eggs.

Knead the dough by hand - it will be sticky at first, but do not add additional flour, otherwise the baking will not rise.

6. Once you've gotten it viscous, transfer the lump to a clean countertop. Continue kneading, occasionally lubricating your hands with sunflower oil. The dough should acquire an elastic consistency and stick well from the hands.

7. Roll the mixture into a ball, place in a bowl and brush a little with butter.

8. Cover with cling film and store in a warm place to come. Please note that there should be no drafts in the room at this time. After 1.5-2 hours, the mass should double.

9. Place the dough on the table and divide into 2 pieces.

10. Roll each portion into a ball again, cover with plastic wrap and leave for another 5-10 minutes.

11. Sprinkle the table with a thin layer of flour and start rolling the first portion of the dough into a very thin rectangular layer.

12. Brush a layer of dough with softened butter (half a serving) and sprinkle with nutmeg.

13. Spread half of the dried cranberries over the entire surface.

14. Gently roll the oiled dough into a tight roll. Roll out, grease, and roll up the second piece of baking in the same way.

15. Using a sharp knife, cut both rolls lengthwise, without cutting from one edge about 2 cm.

16. Form a tall cake by twisting the strip of roll in a spiral. Arrange the dough so that the colored cranberry layers are visible from above.

17. Press the "snail" with your hands from the sides, giving it stability. Place the dough in a parchment lined baking dish.

18. Cover with plastic wrap and keep warm for 1 hour.

19. Put the matching pastries to bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. After 10 minutes, reduce the heat to 180 ° C, cover the forms with foil and bake for another 20-30 minutes.

Remove from the mold only after cooling completely. The Easter treat turns out to be very elegant and self-sufficient, therefore, it does not even require decoration. It is enough to sprinkle the top with powdered sugar - and you can surprise the guests 😉

How to bake an Italian Panettone Easter cake at home?

This is the most famous Italian pastry after pizza, reminiscent of our Easter cake. They serve it to the Christmas table, but I propose to decorate the Easter table with a delicious orange-almond Panettone. Read more about cooking in this video from Julia Vysotskaya.

Easter cake with dry yeast recipe from Anastasia Skripkina

I really love to bake buns with dry fast-acting yeast. This is a unique product - they fit quickly, are easy to use and almost never fail.

For the dish, take:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 900 g flour;
  • 11 g dry yeast;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • a pinch of salt.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Wash the raisins in advance and soak in warm water.

2. Pour warm milk (37-38 degrees) into a deep bowl.

3. Add 2 tablespoons to the milk. sugar, dry yeast and 2-3 tbsp. flour. Mix everything with a whisk, cover with foil and leave for 15-20 minutes - this will be a dough.

4. Break 2 eggs and 2 yolks into the second bowl. Place the whites from two eggs in the refrigerator - they will be needed for making the glaze.

5. Add sugar and vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt to the eggs and mix well.

6. Add well-melted butter to this mass and mix everything again.

7. Combine the egg mass with the dough.

8. Add the sifted flour in small portions, stirring after each portion.

As soon as the whisk is working hard, start kneading with your hands, picking up the mass from the edges.

9. Place the dough on the table and continue kneading until it stops sticking to your hands. Add flour if necessary, but not too much, so as not to "clog" the dough.

10. Roll the dough into a ball, place in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave warm for 2-3 hours.

11. After the allotted time, dust the work surface of the table with flour and lay out the dough.

12. Smooth the mass into a layer, pour the dried raisins on top and mix them in the baking.

13. Fill the paper forms about halfway with the dough.

14. Cover the future cakes with a towel or cling film and let them rest for 40 minutes.

15. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake the products for about 40-50 minutes.

16. While the bun is baking, prepare the frosting. Place the egg whites and icing sugar in the mixer bowl. Whisk on high speed for 10 minutes until crisp white peaks.

Smear the cooled pastry with icing right in the mold. Decorate with inscriptions, candied fruits or powder as your imagination tells you.

How to cook curd cake in the oven using raw yeast?

Did you know that Easter baked goods don't have to be fluffy and fluffy? If you cook the dough with cottage cheese, you will get a low, but very satisfying and tasty dessert with an amazing texture.

For the test, you will need:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 120-180 g melted butter;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 40 g yeast;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 180-250 g sugar;
  • 1 incomplete tsp salt;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • lemon juice and zest to taste;
  • 650-700 g of sifted flour twice.

Supplements include candied orange fruits, dried cranberries or cherries, raisins, dried apricots. Soak the ingredients in a mixture of cognac and orange juice and leave covered for 5-6 hours. Stir from time to time.

Step by step cooking:

1. Crush compressed yeast into a tall bowl and cover with warm milk. Set aside without stirring.

2. Rub the curd through a sieve.

3. Add 1 tsp to the yeast mixture. sugar and 3 tablespoons of flour. Stir with a whisk, cover, leave to react for 10-15 minutes.

4. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar using a mixer. Combine with grated cottage cheese, salt, vanilla, lemon juice and zest, melted butter.

5. Beat with a mixer on medium speed, adding yeast dough and double sifted flour at the end.

6. Knead a firm but elastic dough on the table.

7. Cover the ball of dough with a towel and leave it warm for 1-1.5 hours. During this time, the mass should increase threefold.

8. When the dough rises, knead it on the table, stir in the dried fruits and divide into parts according to the number of molds.

9. Place the dough in parchment-lined forms, filling ½ the volume.

10. The baking should come up again - it will take up to four hours.

11. Place the dough in a preheated oven. Bake for 10 minutes at 200 ° С and 20-40 minutes at 180 ° С.

Remove the finished baked goods from the mold and cool, covering them with a thin towel. Decorate as you see fit.

Recipe for Alexandria Easter cake with baked milk

These pastries can be called classic Easter baked goods. Airy, moderately sweet, does not crumble when cut and literally melts in your mouth. Baked milk gives the baked goods a special aroma and amazing porosity.


For baking:

  • 500 g baked milk;
  • 1250 g wheat flour;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 7 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp cognac;
  • 15 g dry yeast;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 250 g raisins;
  • 1 tbsp vanilla sugar;
  • 1 tbsp orange peel;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • vegetable oil for lubricating forms.

For glaze:

  • 250 g sugar;
  • ½ tsp lemon juice;
  • ½ tsp vanilla sugar.

Cooking process with photo:

1. Break 5 eggs into a separate container and add 2 yolks. Leave the whites for the glaze.

2. Add sugar, finely chopped butter to the eggs and mix thoroughly with a mixer.

3. Heat milk in another container and add dry yeast.

4. Combine both mixtures for a dough.

5. Place the lid on the container and leave to rise. The place should be chosen warm, without drafts and noise.

6. After 3 hours, add salt, brandy, orange zest, vanillin and raisins to the dough.

7. Add flour in small portions.

8. Knead a dense dough on the countertop - it should stick well from your hands and table.

9. Heat the dough for 2 hours by placing it in a deep container and wrapping it in a blanket.

10. Lubricate the cake tins with vegetable oil and distribute the dough over them - fill half the height.

11. In the molds, the dough should stand for another 1.5-2 hours.

12. Bake items in a well-preheated oven. Temperature - 180 degrees, cooking time - 45-50 minutes.

13. Whisk together all the whites, sugar, vanilla, and lemon juice for the icing. The mass should become thick and lush.

Allow ready-made cakes to cool and brush the tops with protein glaze.

Today's selection turned out to be very informative and voluminous 🙂 And the cooking process itself cannot be called simple. Friends, share what recipe did you use for baking Easter cakes, what difficulties did you have to face? I look forward to your comments and likes. Bye Bye!