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Coconut bread. Coconut muffin bread

Complies with BGBK diet, paleo diet (GAPS, SCD).

It should be noted right away that the finished product does not contain many oxalates. This recipe comes in handy for those who avoid casein and starchy foods, and prefer low-carb diets in order to lose weight. This is the best recipe that also promotes the healing of the gastrointestinal tract.

At first glance, it might seem unusual to try to make gluten-free bread. But everything turns out just fine. The bread comes out dense, but at the same time tender, airy and soft. It can be prepared very quickly and easily, no special wisdom is required. In addition to the oven, no other kitchen appliances are required. The point is just to put together all the ingredients you need.

Even eating a small portion of this bread can satisfy your hunger. This is achieved due to the fact that the recipe contains fats and proteins. The special properties of coconut oil make it possible to attribute it to the group of practically healthy fats. It is for this reason that he is given greater preference in the nutritional system of the paleo diet. Coconut flour does not contain gluten, starch, casein, but there is a lot of dietary fiber necessary for a person, a lot of protein, low levels of glycemic load and oxalates.

To bake a medium-sized loaf, you need a 10 x 20 centimeter or two smaller forms. The recipe can be cut in half if necessary.

Output: 20 servings, 150 calories each


  • one glass of coconut flour;
  • one glass of flax seed (pre-sift and grind) or ground chia seeds (I took them equally);
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • a dozen eggs;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda;
  • half a glass of coconut oil (can be replaced with ghee);
  • a quarter of a glass of yogurt, based on the list of permitted foods, or a substitute made using coconut cream with the addition of a small amount of juice or water;
  • one tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

2. Combine coconut flour, ground flax and chia seeds, baking soda and salt.

3. Separately mix coconut oil, eggs, yogurt or yogurt substitute, water, vinegar, or lemon juice.

4. In 3-4 passes, pour in all the liquid ingredients and add all the dry ingredients, mixing thoroughly. The finished dough should not have lumps.

5. Pour the dough into a greased bread pan and bake until cooked through - this is about 40-50 minutes. If the form is smaller, it will take a little more than half an hour. During baking, the dough should rise and the top of the finished bread should brown a little.

6. Allow the bread to cool slightly in the form, no more than 10 minutes, then carefully remove. You can cut bread in an hour, when it has completely cooled down. It is recommended to store baked goods in the refrigerator.

Nutritional properties: 150 calories per serving, 106 mg cholesterol, 14 g fat, 4 g carbohydrates, 5 g protein, 2 g fiber.

This recipe can be used as a basis for other bread baked goods using coconut flour.

Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract to the dough, the same amount of agave syrup or honey, mix everything with fruits cut into small pieces. It is best to use soft peaches or pears. Then put the dough into molds and bake for about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the mold. The baked goods should brown slightly on top.

Well, you here and the recipes have poured! And how will you surprise you now?
Coconut milk-300ml (if there is no milk, it can be easily made from coconut flakes. Pour boiling water over the chips so that they are covered. Leave to swell until it cools down. Then squeeze the milk through a napkin (to make it easier to squeeze, grind the swollen chips with a blender). , in fact, did just that.
Dry yeast - 1.5 tsp
Flour c / z-3 glasses (maybe a little more)
Brown sugar (any is possible) -2st. l
Vanilla to taste
Coconut cake-50g
Dilute yeast in half of the warm milk, add 2-3 tablespoons of flour and leave it for underneath.

Beat the egg with sugar until frothy

Mix the prepared dough with the egg, add the rest

Coconut cake (left over after preparing milk) or just coconut flakes

Vanilla and gradually add flour until smooth. We grease our hands with vegetable oil.

Leave the dough until it doubles in volume.

I love to bake bread in small tins, so I divided the dough into 6 pieces. Stretch each one, then roll it up and roll it up like a snail

Leave for proofing.
After proving, brush with milk, sprinkle with coconut

Bake at 180 ° until golden brown (it is advisable to stay away from the kitchen, since the coconut-vanilla smell just blows the roof off !!!)
Here are our breads, light as fluffs, (despite the fact that from c / z

Bake keto bread? Nonsense. The key to this recipe is to have coconut flour. It does not taste like a “sliced” loaf, but the beauty of bread is that its taste depends on what it is eaten with.

Keto bread is great for tea with bread and butter, or even sausage (okay, sometimes you can).


  • 1/2 cup coconut flour (we order Nutiva Coconut Flour) *
  • A pinch of salt
  • Pinch of baking powder
  • 6 eggs (preferably at room temperature)
  • 1/2 cup flavored or unscented coconut oil (or 1/4 cup each coconut oil and butter)


  1. Toss the flour, salt and baking powder in a small bowl
  2. Break 6 eggs into a larger bowl and mix thoroughly, pour warm melted butter into the egg mass (just not hot, otherwise the eggs will cook). You don't have to use only coconut oil: we use 1/4 cup coconut oil and the same amount of butter. All the same, we live in Russia, and not every store sells coconut oil, we have to save money.
  3. Pour the previously prepared "dry" mixture of flour, salt and baking powder into the mass with egg and butter. Here you have to work hard and mix everything well so that there are no lumps. Note - If the eggs were cold, lumps of coconut oil may form, as it hardens very quickly. But there is nothing wrong with that, when it gets into the oven, everything will instantly melt.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a mold (you can use a muffin mold) and bake in a preheated oven (180 ° C) for about 50 minutes.
  5. Check readiness with a toothpick. When removing a toothpick, it should remain dry.

And also ...

If you're short on time and don't have an oven, cook in just 3 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

KBZHU for 1 slice

Carbohydrates- 1 g

Squirrels- 4 g

Fats- 9 g

Calories — 100

The recipe for this, I'm not afraid to say a unique bread, is interesting not only because its ingredients do not contain flour of cereals (cereals), pseudo-cereals, legumes, soybeans, nuts and their oilcakes, starches, yeast, dairy products, sugar and its substitutes , but also by the fact that it can be baked with high quality in the form of a full-fledged large loaf without any problems. The list of ingredients is surprisingly short, with coconut flour and applesauce being the two main ingredients. The eggs in the recipe, when combined with the coconut flour, increase the protein content of the bread, making it, like seed bread, a complete meal, as opposed to conventional bread options, which are almost exclusively floury, high-carbohydrate foods.

Possible baking and half portion of the recipe, in the form of a small loaf,

or even in the form of small rolls or tortillas of various sizes.

The unusual composition of coconut flour, which is high in protein and fiber, gives it very specific physical properties, including an unusually high moisture retention capacity. This is why baked goods made from coconut flour have a very specific ratio of dry to wet ingredients, which completely eliminates the replacement of coconut flour for any other in this recipe.

In the process of preparing the dough, during the mixing of dry ingredients, a significant, I would say dramatic, decrease in volume occurs. Among other features of baking according to this recipe, it should be noted that the dough rises very slightly during the baking process, maybe by 15, maximum 20% of the dough volume. When choosing a baking dish, preference should be given to wide forms, in which a wide and low loaf is obtained, in contrast to the generally accepted, narrow and high, with a dome-shaped loaf of bread. It is difficult to get a dome in this bread, it is practically impossible. The smaller the loaf, (the thickness of the dough layer), the better the bread will bake.

The bread tastes exactly like a bready one, unlike many others on coconut flour, which taste more like an unsweetened cake. The taste also depends on the spices and flavors, of which I use sea salt, cumin and my homemade herb. You can use dry garlic or onion powder, or any other dry spice or wet paste of your choice. The bread is dense, but very soft in consistency. Better to let it stand and slowly cool completely, I usually put the bread back in the warm oven, where it cools slowly. The bread is easy to cut, crumbles a little, the pieces are soft, and if they are long from a large loaf, they can break in the middle. Bread freezes and thaws perfectly without losing flavor and structure. Apple bread with coconut flour can be used for both savory and sweet sandwiches, you can bake sandwiches in the oven, you can fry it in a pan. The bread is not dry at all and can be stored for several days at room temperature, it will not stale.


for a large loaf in the shape of 13cm x 23cm x 6.5cm (the loaf is cut into 16 relatively thick slices and 2 slaves)

  • 4 large eggs (220g without shell)
  • vegetable oil (I used grape seed oil), if the weight of the eggs is less
  • 400g plain applesauce, I used a commercial product - plain apple pie filling where the only ingredient is baked or steamed apple wedges
  • 100g coconut flour
  • 30g finely ground flaxseeds
  • 12g baking soda (or baking powder for those who can tolerate its composition, it usually contains rice flour, make sure it is gluten-free)
  • 10g sea salt
  • 4-5g cumin powder

optional, optional

  • dry seasoning or wet paste (I have 1 heaping teaspoon of my garlic, hot and chili seasoning)
  • coconut oil for lubricating the mold
  • sesame seeds for decoration


The cooking process is shown using a stationary mixer (used for my convenience). You can use a hand mixer or hand blender attachment.

  • turn on the oven to warm up to 170C in fan mode
  • coat the baking dish well with coconut oil
  • alternatively, use special paper forms for baking loaves or just cover the form with ordinary baking paper
  • prepare applesauce from ready-made (baked, steamed, etc.) apples, when using commercial purees, pay attention to their density, completely liquid ones may require an increase in the amount of coconut flour
  • grind flaxseed or use a commercial finely ground flaxseed
  • mix all dry ingredients: coconut flour, flaxseed, salt, baking soda and cumin, if there are even small lumps in flour or soda, pass the mixture through a sieve
  • if you do not use additional spices, the amount of salt should be increased to 12g
  • weigh the eggs without the shell, record their weight, calculate how much vegetable oil needs to be added so that the total weight is 220g, do not add butter to the eggs at this stage!
  • beat the eggs until light and almost triple the volume
  • add the applesauce, beat for another 2-3 minutes at high speed
  • pour the mixture into a wide bowl, this will greatly simplify the process of evenly mixing in the dry ingredients
  • add vegetable oil to the mixture if needed
  • add wet spices at this stage
  • whisk in the added ingredients
  • add a mixture of dry ingredients to wet
  • Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients as quickly as possible.
  • the mixture will begin to thicken right before your eyes, while losing volume at the same time

  • transfer the dough to a baking dish, smooth the surface
  • use sesame or other seeds for decoration
  • bake on the middle shelf at 170C with a fan for 60-70 minutes, the baked bread will be firm when you touch it

  • remove the bread from the mold and place it on the wire rack, return the wire rack to the oven and let the bread cool with the oven (this step is not necessary if you are not using enough liquid applesauce
  • if the bread was baked in a greased form, line the wire rack with baking paper, the bottom crust of the hot / warm bread is soft and the wire rack may be damaged

An interesting effect is always noticed in the crumb of this bread, the crumb is darker at the bottom of the loaf and lighter at the top crust.

Baking a small loaf

When baking rolls / tortillas, they should be formed from the dough with wet hands. The dough is very pliable, pinch off a piece and form a medium to small disc into a flat bun. It will take less time to bake the tortillas.

I used the filling for sandwiches, which I make almost every week. This version of the pate was made with stewed onions, carrots and pumpkin, without roasting the pumpkin first, as I do for the pumpkin pate. When using this filling and for making pancakes, I add hard-boiled eggs.

The lunch break with homemade sauerkraut was great!

However, if you don't have coconut, you can try baking such a cake with regular milk and ready-made coconut. I think it will turn out to be tasty too, although not as authentic.

Coconut bread is conveniently baked in a rectangular bread pan, which is probably why it is called Coconut Bread. So is the brick-shaped banana bread, although it tastes more like a muffin.

Take a form from 21 to 30 cm. In a smaller one, the cake will be taller, but it can take longer to bake. In a larger layer of dough, it will turn out lower. I baked in a 30x10 cm mold for 1 hour 10 minutes. And you will be guided by your oven.


  • 2 medium eggs;
  • 300 ml coconut milk;
  • 320 g flour (2 cups of 250 ml + 1 tablespoon);
  • 180 g icing sugar;
  • 150 g grated coconut;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
  • On the tip of a teaspoon vanillin;
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt;
  • 75 g butter.

How to bake:

Melt the butter. Preheat the oven to 180C.

The dough is very simple to prepare: thoroughly mix the dry ingredients in one bowl: sifted flour, coconut, powdered sugar, salt, vanillin, baking powder and cinnamon.

In another bowl, beat eggs with milk - with a mixer or whisk for half a minute.

Pour the milk and egg mixture into the dry mixture, mix.

Pour melted butter into the dough and mix again.

The dough is thin in consistency, like sour cream. It doesn't look like muffin dough, but rather pancake dough.

Cover the form with parchment oiled with vegetable oil. Pour out the dough.

We bake coconut bread on the middle floor of the oven to dry skewers, the exact time depends on the oven (1 hour - 1 hour 10 minutes).

Let the finished cake stand for 5 minutes in the form, then take it out, remove the parchment and leave it to cool on the wire rack.

We could not resist and cut the bread while still warm - try it. And what do you think? The four of us reduced half of it! That's how delicious it is!

And especially if you spread a slice with butter and a cup of milk, yum-yum ...