Home / pies / Cabbage schnitzel for diabetics: benefits, cooking features, best recipes. Cabbage schnitzel Delicious dessert recipes for diabetics

Cabbage schnitzel for diabetics: benefits, cooking features, best recipes. Cabbage schnitzel Delicious dessert recipes for diabetics

For the successful treatment of various ailments, the patient should follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Some people are shown a restriction of the mode of activity, someone needs to perform certain physical exercises, and someone should give up some habits. Nutrition also plays an important role. Quite often, proper dietary nutrition helps to speed up recovery by an order of magnitude and avoid relapses of the disease. Dietary changes are also needed for patients with diabetes. One of the allowed dishes for such a disease is cabbage schnitzel, the recipe of which we will consider today on www.site. Let's also talk about what cabbage dishes for diabetics can still be prepared.

Cabbage is one of the main products for diabetics, if we consider the list of allowed vegetables. Patients with such a diagnosis are allowed to eat it raw, and boiled, and stewed, and baked, and even pickled. Cabbage can be cooked on its own, or you can combine it with meat products.

cabbage schnitzel for diabetics

Cabbage schnitzel for diabetics is very easy to prepare. For its preparation, it is necessary to prepare two hundred and fifty grams of cabbage, twenty grams of wheat bran and the same amount of butter. In addition, you will need one fresh egg.

Boil cabbage leaves in salted water, then cool them and squeeze a little. Divide into two parts and give them the shape of a schnitzel. Dip such a blank first in the egg, and then in the bran. After fry.

What other cabbage dishes can be cooked with diabetes?

mushroom cabbage rolls

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare one hundred and fifty grams of cabbage, fifteen grams of onions, one boiled egg, and one hundred grams of mushrooms. You will also need forty grams of sour cream, fifteen grams of butter and some greens.

Boil a head of cabbage in slightly salted water until half cooked, then disassemble it into leaves and cut off the stems from them. Fry mushrooms with onions, combine with chopped herbs and finely chopped egg. Wrap the minced meat in cabbage leaves, pour over sour cream and bake.

cabbage salad for diabetes

To prepare such a dish, you can prepare one head of broccoli, boil it for a while until soft, but not until it falls apart. Cool cooked cabbage and chop. Cut one large cucumber into strips, add to the cabbage. Also add a handful of sesame seeds to the salad, squeeze a couple of cloves of chopped garlic. Top with olive oil.

Braised cabbage with vegetables

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare half a kilogram of white cabbage, one carrot and onion, as well as two large red sweet peppers and four to five ripe tomatoes.

Chop onions, carrots and peppers and fry them in vegetable oil. Pour chopped cabbage into the pan and continue to fry. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water and remove the skin from them. Chop the tomatoes into slices and mix with the cabbage. Add half a glass of water to the dish being prepared and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes. Do not forget to stir the contents of the pan from time to time.

Braised cabbage with meat

To prepare such a tasty and very healthy dish, you need to prepare half a kilogram of white cabbage, one hundred and fifty grams of fresh meat, half an onion and sweet pepper, as well as one small carrot. Pre-fry the meat with onions, peppers and carrots. Next, add cabbage to the pan and fry a little more. Add water and simmer for twenty to thirty minutes.

cabbage cutlets

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare half a kilogram of chicken or beef, the same amount of white cabbage, one large carrot, a couple of onions. Also, use one or two fresh eggs, some flour and salt, and bran or breadcrumbs.

Boil the meat, peel the vegetables and chop everything using a meat grinder. Add salt with eggs, a couple of tablespoons of flour to this mixture. Immediately start cooking cutlets: roll them in bran or breadcrumbs and immediately fry on a fire of minimum power under a lid.

Cabbage and carrot snack

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare five leaves of young white cabbage, two hundred grams of carrots, eight cloves of garlic, six to eight small cucumbers, three pieces of onion, one dill umbrella and a couple of horseradish leaves.

Dip the cabbage leaves in boiling water for five minutes. Throw it in a colander, let the water drain. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater and combine with chopped garlic in the amount of two cloves. Wrap the carrots with garlic in cabbage leaves: form tubes, and then fill the ends of such tubes inward from the ends.

On the bottom of a suitable shape, place chopped dill, as well as chopped garlic (the remaining five cloves). Lay the cabbage tubes on top, and between them - whole cucumbers. Sprinkle onion rings on top, cover with horseradish leaves.

Prepare a brine: per liter of water, take one and a half tablespoons of salt, a couple of bay leaves, three to four peas of allspice and three to four cloves. Fill the contents of the form with brine and leave for two days. When serving, pour the finished dish with vegetable oil.

  • Chicken eggs 6 pcs.
  • Breadcrumbs 500 g
  • Vegetable oil 6 tbsp. l.
  • Edible salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Cooking

    The best addition to the finished cabbage delicacy will be homemade sour cream, creamy, mushroom or cheese sauce, as well as any cheese. With the last product, you can bake cabbage schnitzel in the oven.

    • Start preparing cabbage schnitzels by preparing cabbage. Separate the leaves from the head, then rinse them under running water and boil in two liters of water. To add flavor to the workpiece, dissolve a small amount of table salt in water. The cooking time of the leaves is no more than two minutes. After that, the cabbage is taken out and cooled, and the broth is poured out.

    • To prepare the batter, beat the chicken eggs with a pinch of table salt and a little ground black pepper. Then measure out the desired amount of breadcrumbs. Beat off the thickening at the base of the cabbage leaves with a wooden mallet or cut with a sharp knife. This will help to roll cabbage schnitzels into “envelopes” without creases, as shown in the photo.

    • Prepare diet cabbage schnitzels for frying in the following order: dip the folded leaf first in a beaten egg, and then in breadcrumbs. After that, dip the sheet again into the egg and again into the breadcrumbs. Breaded cabbage schnitzels immediately put on a well-heated thick-walled pan with vegetable oil. It is important to take into account the fact that the blanks are dipped into fat only after it is hot, because otherwise the crackers may crumble, and the delicacy runs the risk of not becoming rosy. Fry cabbage schnitzels for two minutes on each side. Diabetics are advised to bake this dish in the oven.

    • That's the whole step-by-step recipe with a photo for cooking a delicious cabbage dish at home. Remove the finished schnitzels with a spatula and place on paper towels. Leave the "envelopes" on paper for a few minutes. During this time, excess oil will drain and be absorbed into the substrate. Serve the cabbage schnitzels warm. Bon appetit!

    KBJU and composition for the whole dish

    Cauliflower dishes are recommended for both diabetics and healthy people, as they are easily digestible and have the necessary set of micro and macro elements with a minimum of calories. The vegetable contains delicate fiber, which is almost completely processed by the body. It must be included in the diet menu for diabetes - both the first and second types.

    What is useful cauliflower for diabetes and contraindications for use

    Cauliflower contains valuable amino acids, which are present in such quantities only in meat or fish. Therefore, along with meat and fish broths, cauliflower broth can also be used for cooking first courses.

    This vegetable is combined with absolutely any fat. Nutritionists do not recommend eating it at the same time as fruits and dairy products.

    Cauliflower has beneficial properties for diabetics:

    • It has a fairly low calorie content. One hundred grams of the product contains only about 30 kcal.
    • The body absorbs fiber very slowly and almost completely assimilates it, which creates a feeling of satiety for a long time.
    • The level of sugar after eating cauliflower dishes changes slightly.
    • The vegetable contains a lot of vegetable protein and fiber - they do not irritate the stomach and intestinal walls. Due to a sufficient amount of protein, some healing processes in the body are more active, the work of enzymes improves.
    • The product contains a sufficient amount of phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls. Phytoncides help prevent the appearance of ulcers, atherosclerosis, protect the human immune system and restore it after infections.
    • The substance sulforaphane has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

    These include:

    • pancreatitis;
    • lactation period in women;
    • a large amount of stomach acid;
    • occasional bloating.

    Introduce new dishes gradually, starting with a small amount.

    First meal

    Cauliflower dishes are cooked over low heat. This allows you to save the beneficial properties of this vegetable. The amount of oil should be kept to a minimum.

    Soups from this vegetable are very healthy and nutritious - despite the fact that they contain few calories. The recipes are very easy to prepare.

    Soup with chicken broth

    From cauliflower, you can cook a delicious diet soup with chicken broth.

    To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

    • a small head of cauliflower;
    • chicken;
    • bulb;
    • parsley (root and greens);
    • two tablespoons of melted butter.

    First you need to cut the chicken, pour it with 2 liters of cold water, add a little salt and parsley root, put on medium heat. When the water boils, you immediately need to add a whole onion, parsley and ghee. After the chicken is ready, it must be removed from the pan. Next, you need to put the cabbage disassembled into inflorescences into the broth, and remove the onion and parsley. When the vegetable is ready, put the soup on a plate and add chicken pieces.

    Vegetable soup

    The broth is prepared only with the use of vegetables without the addition of meat. But this dish is so fragrant and unusual that even men will appreciate it.


    • head of cauliflower;
    • one medium carrot;
    • celery (stalk);
    • two potatoes;
    • greenery;
    • a spoonful of sour cream.

    First of all, you need to rinse all vegetables under running water. Then free them from the peel, and divide the cabbage into inflorescences. Then put all the ingredients in a saucepan with cold water and put on fire.

    During the cooking process, the soup needs to be slightly salted. The cooking process is 30 minutes. When serving the soup, sour cream and herbs are added to the plate.

    Soup puree

    To prepare this dish, you only need cauliflower, a little butter and meat broth. Be sure to serve the soup hot, otherwise it will become tasteless.

    First, cauliflower is boiled in slightly salted water, and then rubbed through a sieve or chopped with a blender. Next, melt the butter and add it to the cabbage. Right before serving, put mashed cabbage on a plate and dilute it with meat broth.

    Main dishes

    For cooking you will need:

    • medium head of cabbage;
    • minced meat (can be from any lean meat);
    • diet cheese;
    • three tablespoons of sour cream;
    • greenery.

    First, the vegetable must be boiled (5-7 minutes). Then the minced meat is laid out in a baking dish and the cabbage is inserted into it so that it covers the entire minced meat. A layer of sour cream is applied to it (you can add a little salt) and put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Cooking time - 40-50 minutes, if minced chicken - 25-30 minutes. A few minutes before the dish is ready, you need to take it out and sprinkle with grated cheese, and then place it back in the oven. The finished dish is removed from the oven and allowed to cool slightly. It can be served both hot and cold.


    These are stuffed cabbage patties. Instead of "harmful" wheat flour for diabetics, rice flour is used here.


    • half a kilo of cabbage;
    • rice flour - 3-4 tablespoons;
    • parsley, dill and onion - a bunch;
    • two eggs.

    Cutlets are formed from boiled cabbage. It needs to be crushed, add flour and a little salt - this is minced meat. The filling is made from boiled eggs mixed with herbs. Then, with wet hands, balls are formed from minced meat and plates are made. On each you need to put the filling and form a cutlet. Roll the resulting balls in rice flour and fry on both sides over low heat. These meatballs can be steamed or baked in the oven.

    "Cabbage flower bed" - salad

    The basis of the salad is cauliflower and broccoli. They need to be boiled. Fresh broccoli can also be used raw. Cauliflower is divided into 2 parts: one half is mixed with cranberry juice. The second part and broccoli are poured with lemon juice. Mixed ingredients should be left for 25 minutes to stand. At this time, balls are formed from cheese, greens and walnuts. You need to serve the dish on a large plate, beautifully laying cabbage and cheese balls on it.

    The benefits of baked onions in diabetes, cooking methods

    In terms of its healing properties, onions are superior to other vegetables. It has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. According to the recommendations of endocrinologists, baked onions in type 2 diabetes must certainly be in the diet of a diabetic - both as a food product and as a medicine.

    However, if you change your lifestyle and nutrition in a timely manner, control blood glucose levels and get treated, you can not only prevent the development of formidable complications, but also completely get rid of this disease.

    This article contains information about the benefits of baked onions for type 2 diabetes, and how to use this healing natural remedy.

    Useful properties of onions

    It has a beneficial effect on many organs and systems of the body:

    1. It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, helps with colds, viral infections;
    2. Increases immunity;
    3. Activates the production of digestive enzymes, enhances intestinal motility;
    4. Improves the functioning of the pancreas, reduces the level of glucose in the blood;
    5. Enhances libido and male potency;
    6. Has antihelminthic action;
    7. Helps strengthen blood vessels;
    8. Normalizes sleep;
    9. Produces a diuretic effect.

    Also, onions are successfully used by folk healers for coughs, runny nose, hair loss, boils and many other symptoms.

    But with some diseases, onions can be harmful. It is better not to use it raw in case of acute pancreatitis, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys.

    How useful is onion for diabetes?

    This disease develops due to a malfunction in the process of carbohydrate metabolism. After eating a meal containing carbohydrates, the level of glucose in the blood rises. For its assimilation, insulin is needed - a hormone produced by a separate group of pancreatic β-cells.

    Type 1 diabetes is caused by the inability of β-cells to produce insulin. In type 2 diabetes, this hormone is produced, but it is not included in the process of glucose utilization, since the tissues of the body become insensitive to it.

    As a result, unutilized glucose circulates in the bloodstream, triggering pathological processes that eventually lead to the development of severe complications of diabetes. Their consequences can be loss of vision, amputation of the lower extremities, kidney failure, heart attacks and strokes.

    The persistently elevated blood sugar in type 2 diabetes stimulates β-cells to overproduce the hormone insulin, which can cause them to become exhausted and lose function. In such cases, type 2 diabetes becomes type 1 and requires insulin replacement therapy.

    The valuable substances that onions are rich in help in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, acting simultaneously in several directions:

    However, a positive result in the treatment of diabetes with onion appears only after its long-term regular use. It must also be remembered that onion treatment for type 2 diabetes should be combined with diet and the recommended movement regimen, as well as with therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

    Since raw onions have more contraindications, and also have a pungent odor and pungent taste, it is better to use this vegetable in a baked or boiled form.

    When roasting, onions practically do not lose useful substances. Fried onions are worse in this regard, because when frying, oil is used, which adds calories to the dish and accumulates harmful substances during the heating process.

    The healing qualities of onion peel in diabetes mellitus have also been noticed for a long time. Due to the content of sulfur and many other trace elements, onion peel decoction also effectively reduces blood sugar levels.

    Obesity is closely associated with type 2 diabetes. Often, diabetes at the initial stage can be cured by bringing the patient's weight back to normal. 100 g of onion contains only 45 kcal. Using this vegetable as a side dish instead of more high-calorie foods can significantly reduce the overall calorie content of the diet.

    Together with physical activity, this will lead to weight loss, which in itself will be a big contribution to the successful treatment of type 2 diabetes. And if you take into account the healing properties of onions, then the chances of success in treatment increase many times over.

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    diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis

    Diabetes mellitus is often combined with another disease of the pancreas - pancreatitis. This is an inflammation of the pancreas, which can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

    With pancreatitis, treatment with baked onions is also practiced, because it has the properties to improve the functions of the pancreas. However, if with diabetes there are practically no restrictions on the use of onions, then with pancreatitis, onion treatment should be used with caution, strictly following the recommendations of doctors.

    If diabetes mellitus is combined with chronic pancreatitis, then treatment with baked onions is allowed only in the remission phase. The course of treatment should last no longer than a month, you can repeat the course after a two-month break.

    The number of onions is limited to one small onion (about the size of a chicken egg). You need to eat baked onions warm in the morning on an empty stomach, do not drink or eat after that for 30 minutes.

    onion treatment methods

    Most often, for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, baked onions are used, which are baked in the oven without peeling. Eat warm, peeled, half an hour before eating and drinking.

    You can replace the fried onions with boiled ones. The peeled onion is lowered into boiling water or milk and boiled for 20 minutes. It is eaten warm half an hour before meals.

    Onion water for diabetes not only lowers blood sugar, but also improves digestion, produces a slight diuretic effect. To prepare it, 3 chopped onions should be poured with 400 ml of slightly warm boiled water and insisted for 8 hours. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, squeezing out the raw materials. Drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

    Well reduces sugar onion infusion from diabetes on dry red wine. Pour 3 chopped onions with 400 ml of dry red wine, leave for 10 days in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. after meal. This recipe is not suitable for children.

    No less effective is onion peel for diabetes. A decoction of onion peel is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. chopped onion peel per 100 ml of water. The raw material is placed in an enameled or glass container, filled with clean water and heated in a water bath for at least 10 minutes, after which it is infused for another hour. Consume ¼ cup (50 g) twice a day half an hour before meals.

    Juices are prepared immediately before drinking. You will need freshly squeezed juices of onions, raw potatoes and white cabbage. It is necessary to mix them in equal proportions and drink half an hour before breakfast. Start taking with 50 ml, gradually increasing the amount to 100 ml.

    onion recipes

    Onion in diabetes is useful not only as a medicine, but also as a food product. It is recommended to add it to salads and other dishes, use baked onions as a side dish.

    When preparing buckwheat porridge, put a finely chopped onion in boiling water along with cereals and mix. Porridge will become healthier and tastier.

    Peeled large onions cut in half, salt, brush with oil, wrap in food foil, and place slices up on a baking sheet in a hot oven. Bake for half an hour, serve hot with meat or fish.

    Healthy and tasty onion cutlets will appeal even to those who do not like onions. For 3 large finely chopped onions - 3 eggs and 3 tbsp. heaped flour. Mix onion with eggs, salt, add flour. Spread the resulting dough with a spoon in a pan, fry on both sides.

    Stew grated carrots with sunflower oil, add tomato paste, then dilute the sauce with water, salt, and boil. Pour the onion cutlets with the resulting sauce and simmer at a low boil for 0.5 hours.

    Source: zdor.diabetes-treatment.ru

    The recipes given in this chapter will help diversify the daily menu of a diabetic patient, ensure the intake of all the substances necessary for life and prevent the development of complications.

    First meal

    Soup with spinach and eggs


    0.25 l meat broth

    2 tablespoons natural butter

    2 yolks

    3 tablespoons fresh low-fat sour cream

    1 small bunch of spinach

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse spinach, chop, fry in melted butter until softened, cool and rub through a fine sieve. Mix the remaining oil with the yolks, salt, beat with a mixer, then combine with spinach gruel. Put the resulting puree into a boiling broth and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat. Pour the finished soup into bowls, add sour cream and serve.

    Mushroom soup with meat broth


    6-7 small mushrooms

    0.5 l meat broth

    1 yolk

    4-5 sprigs of fresh parsley

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the mushrooms well, chop, salt and lightly fry in melted butter. Put them in a boiling broth, cover with a lid and boil for 15-20 minutes. Then add the beaten yolk and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Pour the hot soup into serving bowls, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

    Soup with ham meatballs


    0.25 l of weak meat broth

    2 tablespoons bone marrow

    2 tablespoons pâté ham

    1 yolk

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Steam the bone marrow until cooked, mix with ham and grind with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed, adding yolk and salt. Cool the resulting puree, shape it into small meatballs and fry them in melted butter. Bring the broth to a boil, put the meatballs in it and boil until tender. Pour the soup into serving bowls and serve.

    Soup with beef meatballs


    300 g meat broth

    5 tablespoons lean minced beef

    1 potato tuber

    1 bulb

    1 egg

    1 tablespoon melted butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Mix minced meat with finely chopped onion (1 tablespoon), add the egg, salt and mix well. Form small meatballs from the resulting mass with wet hands and boil them in a small amount of broth. Pour the remaining broth into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add the diced potatoes. Fry the remaining onion in melted butter until browned and put in the soup. Once the potatoes have softened, put the meatballs in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour the finished soup into serving bowls, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

    Soup with cauliflower


    1 small chicken

    1 parsley root

    1 bulb

    1 small head of cauliflower

    2 liters of water

    1 thin bunch of parsley

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the chicken, cut into portions, pour cold water, salt, add the peeled parsley root and bring to a boil over medium heat. Put the peeled onion (whole) and a bunch of parsley, add melted butter and cook until the meat is ready, then remove the chicken from the pan, cool and cut into small pieces.

    Lastly, add the cabbage disassembled into inflorescences and cook until softened. Remove onion and bunch of greens. Arrange chicken pieces on serving plates, pour broth over and serve.

    fish soup


    700 g fresh river or sea fish

    1.3 liters of water

    1 bulb

    1 garlic clove

    1 parsley root

    1 lemon slice

    2-3 black peppercorns

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel and chop the onion, pass the garlic through a garlic press, rinse the parsley root and cut into several pieces.

    Place prepared ingredients in boiling water, add lemon, black pepper and salt. Add the fish cut into portions and boil over high heat, periodically removing the pop-up foam.

    Arrange the finished fish on plates, pour the soup and serve.

    country chowder


    1 turnip

    2 potato tubers

    4–5 champignons

    1 slice of rye bread

    1 liter of water


    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel the turnips and potatoes, cut into several pieces, rinse the mushrooms and chop coarsely. Boil the prepared ingredients in boiling water, add crumbled bread, cool and grind with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed or wipe through a sieve. Add vegetable oil, salt, mix and bring to a boil again over low heat.

    Pour hot soup into serving bowls and serve.

    Ripe pumpkin soup


    1 kg pumpkin pulp

    2 l meat broth

    100 g low-fat hard cheese

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Cut pumpkin pulp into small cubes, put in boiling broth and cook until softened. Strain the resulting broth, rub the cooled pumpkin through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder, then combine it again with the broth, salt, pepper and boil. Pour the finished soup into serving bowls, sprinkle with grated cheese and serve immediately.

    Diet mushroom soup


    4 bulbs

    100 g dried forest mushrooms

    350 g sauerkraut without vinegar

    10 pitted olives

    70 ml olive oil

    1 liter of water

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel the onion, chop and fry in olive oil until light golden brown. Add chopped sauerkraut and simmer until done. Rinse the mushrooms well, chop, boil in salted water, combine with stewed cabbage and boil. Cut the olives into rings of medium thickness, add to the soup, mix, pour into portioned plates and serve.



    200 g weak veal broth

    1 bulb

    1 carrot

    3 salted gherkins

    1 potato tuber

    2 tablespoons pearl barley

    1 tablespoon butter

    Cooking method

    Peel onions and carrots, chop, fry in melted butter until golden brown. Peel the cucumbers, cut off the tips, grate on a coarse grater, pour a small amount of broth and boil over medium heat for 5 minutes. Bring the remaining broth to a boil, put diced potatoes and washed pearl barley in it and cook until tender, then add the fried onions, carrots and mix. Pour hot soup into serving bowls, season with sour cream and serve.



    300 g veal or lean beef

    2 liters of water

    200 g finely chopped white cabbage

    5 potato tubers

    2 carrots

    1 bulb

    1 beetroot

    2 tablespoons melted butter

    1 bay leaf

    4-5 black peppercorns

    Citric acid - on the tip of a knife

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the meat well, remove the films and cook until tender over high heat, periodically removing the resulting foam. Add cabbage, bay leaf and black pepper, salt, add citric acid. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips and put in the broth. Peel onions and carrots, chop and fry in melted butter until browned. Peel, wash, cut the beets into thin strips or grate on a coarse grater, stew in a small amount of broth until softened, and then combine with the rest of the ingredients. Pour the hot borscht into serving bowls and serve.

    Shchi puree


    200 g weak meat or vegetable broth

    1 carrot

    1 small beetroot

    1 bulb

    1 potato tuber

    100 g shredded white cabbage

    2 tablespoons fresh tomato puree

    3 tablespoons low fat sour cream

    1 bay leaf

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel beets and carrots, cut into strips or small pieces, mix with olive oil and tomato puree, salt and simmer over low heat until softened, stirring occasionally. Peel the onion, combine with stewed vegetables and bay leaf, mix. Pour in boiling broth, add diced potatoes, cabbage and cook until tender over medium heat. Rub the cooled cabbage soup through a sieve or grind with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed, add flour and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

    Pour ready-made cabbage soup into portioned plates, season with sour cream and serve.

    Puree rice soup


    2 potato tubers

    1 carrot

    0.3 cup rice

    0.7 l of water

    1 cup low fat milk

    1 yolk

    1 tablespoon butter

    Chopped parsley to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse rice, boil, cool and rub through a sieve or chop with a blender. Wash potatoes and carrots, boil, cool, peel and grate on a fine grater.

    Combine the resulting slurry with rice puree, pour in boiling milk and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Then beat in the yolk, add the butter and mix. Pour the finished soup into portioned plates, add chopped herbs and serve.

    Bean soup with meat broth


    1 l meat broth

    2 tablespoons small white beans

    1 potato tuber

    1 bulb

    1 carrot

    1 tablespoon rice

    1 parsley root

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    3 tablespoons low fat sour cream

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Soak beans for 12-14 hours, and then boil in the same water.

    Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes or strips, add to the bean broth, pour in the broth and boil.

    Peel carrots and parsley root, chop with a blender or grate on a fine grater, add peeled and chopped onions, fry in olive oil until golden brown and combine with soup. Add rice, salt and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    Pour hot soup into serving bowls, season with sour cream and serve.

    Beetroot soup with ham


    1 liter water or vegetable stock

    2 beets

    1 bulb

    300 g turkey or veal ham

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    1 bay leaf

    5-6 black peppercorns

    1 teaspoon salt

    Cooking method

    Peel the beets, rinse with cool water and cut into thin strips. Add peeled and chopped onion, finely chopped ham, mix and fry in olive oil for 10 minutes, stirring often.

    Bring the water to a boil, put the bay leaf and black pepper, salt, add the prepared ingredients and boil until tender. Serve hot, pouring into bowls.

    Pea soup with beetroot


    2 liters of water

    4 potato tubers

    1 carrot

    1 bulb

    3 eggs

    1 bunch of beetroot

    0.6 cup fresh green peas

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    0.5 cup low fat sour cream

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Bring water to a boil, salt, add chopped beet tops, peeled and chopped potatoes, add green peas. Peel onions and carrots, chop, fry in olive oil until golden brown, put in soup, cover and bring to readiness.

    Beat the eggs with a mixer or whisk, add to the soup and mix thoroughly. Pour hot soup into serving bowls, season with sour cream, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.

    Soup with croutons


    2 liters of water

    0.5 kg veal

    3 potatoes

    2 carrots

    1 bulb

    2 tablespoons melted butter

    1 tablespoon wheat flour

    1 cup wheat bread crumbs

    Cooking method

    Rinse the meat well, boil, remove from the broth, cool and chop. Peel the carrots, cut into thin translucent circles, fry in melted butter along with chopped onions and wheat flour. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes, combine with carrots and onions, add to boiling broth, salt and pepper. Distribute the pieces of meat on plates, pour hot soup, season with croutons and serve immediately.

    Thick carrot soup


    1 l meat broth

    3 carrots

    1 turnip

    3 eggs

    2 tablespoons butter

    1 tablespoon flour

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Hard boil eggs, cool, peel and finely chop. Peel carrots and turnips, cut into strips or grate on a coarse grater, put in the broth and boil over medium heat for 10 minutes, covered with a lid. Add butter, flour, eggs, salt and cook, stirring constantly, until tender. Pour hot soup into serving bowls, season with sour cream and serve.

    Cold soup with sour milk


    1.5 liters of sour milk (or curdled milk)

    3 cucumbers

    5–6 pcs. radish

    1 beetroot

    1 small bunch of sorrel

    4 tablespoons chopped dill and parsley

    Salt and sugar to taste

    Cooking method

    Boil the beets, cool, peel and finely chop. Rinse the sorrel, pour over with boiling water and put on a sieve. Grate cucumbers and radishes on a coarse grater. Beat sour milk with a mixer or a whisk, add the prepared ingredients, salt and mix thoroughly. Pour the finished soup into bowls, sprinkle with herbs, cool and serve.

    Second courses, cereals, side dishes

    Veal with green peas


    1 kg veal tenderloin

    3 tablespoons canned green peas

    1 cup vegetable or meat broth

    3 tablespoons refined vegetable oil

    1 bunch of parsley

    Salt, ground black pepper to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the meat, cut into small pieces, mix with vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Pour in hot broth, sprinkle with chopped parsley and cook in a water bath for 45–40 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, add green peas and mix well.

    Braised turnip


    3 turnips

    0.5 cup semolina

    2 eggs

    4 glasses of milk

    1 tablespoon full fat butter

    Cooking method

    Wash the turnip, peel, finely chop and steam until softened, then cool, rub through a sieve, mix with melted butter in a water bath, add semolina little by little. Beat the eggs with a mixer or whisk, combine with the rest of the ingredients and pour hot milk in a thin stream, mixing thoroughly.

    Place a homogeneous puree in a glass or ceramic deep form, put in a preheated oven and bake until the surface is lightly browned. Serve on the table in the form.

    Cold beef appetizer


    1 kg lean beef

    2 liters of water

    1 carrot

    2 onions

    1 parsley root

    1 parsnip root

    2 bay leaves

    1 cup sour cream

    Chopped parsley and salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the beef, put in boiling water and cook until half cooked. Then add peeled roots, onions, carrots and bay leaves, pour in sour cream, salt, cover and bring to readiness over low heat. Remove the meat from the container, cool, cut into thin slices, arrange beautifully on a wide dish, sprinkle with herbs and serve.

    Carrot garnish


    5 pieces. carrots

    1 bulb

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    1 bunch of green parsley

    Black pepper - on the tip of a knife

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel the carrots, wash, steam until half cooked, cool and cut into strips. Peel the onion, chop and fry in olive oil along with carrots, then salt, pepper, mix and cool.

    Put in a transparent container, sprinkle with chopped parsley, pour over lemon juice and serve with meat or fish.

    Braised cod


    1.3 kg cod fillet

    1 thin bunch of parsley

    5-6 green onions

    5-6 black peppercorns

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Soak the cod for 1 day in cold water, peel, steam until half cooked and cool, then put in a deep container. Mix lemon juice with olive oil, chopped parsley and chopped green onions, salt and pepper. Fill the fish with the resulting filling and leave in a cold place for several hours, then cut into portions, put on a dish and serve.

    mushroom snack


    100 g white mushrooms or champignons

    1 carrot

    2 onions

    1 parsley root

    1 liter of water

    1 bay leaf

    2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

    3 tablespoons grated horseradish

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse mushrooms, boil in salted water along with parsley root, bay leaf, peeled carrots and onions. Strain through a colander, separate the mushrooms, cool and cut into small pieces, then mix with grated horseradish, pour over lemon juice and serve.

    liver pudding


    300 g chicken or veal liver

    1 bulb

    2 eggs

    Black pepper - on the tip of a knife

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the liver, finely chop, fry together with chopped onion in 1 tablespoon of melted butter, salt, pepper, rub through a sieve or chop with a blender. Soften the remaining butter in a water bath, add the yolks first, then the whites, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed and combine with the liver and onions. Put the resulting paste into a pudding mold and bring to readiness in a steam or water bath, then serve in the mold without cooling.

    Ham pudding


    70 g lean ham

    200 g sour cream

    3 eggs

    2 tablespoons butter

    Cooking method

    Beat the sour cream with a mixer, adding the yolks first, and then the proteins. Put the resulting mass into a greased butter form and cook for a couple or a water bath for 30 minutes. Put the finished pudding on a dish, decorate with thin slices of ham and serve.

    pumpkin puree


    200 g pumpkin pulp

    5-6 dried pitted apricots

    3 tablespoons low fat sour cream

    1 tablespoon butter

    1 tablespoon flour

    Sugar substitute to taste

    Cooking method

    Cut the pumpkin into cubes, pour over sour cream and cook in a water bath until softened. Pour boiling water over apricots and leave for 1 hour, then pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Then add sugar substitute, flour, butter softened in a water bath and grind with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed.

    Add pumpkin, mix well, heat up, arrange on plates and serve.

    lazy dumplings


    120 g low-fat cottage cheese

    1 egg

    Salt on the tip of a knife

    Sugar substitute to taste

    Cooking method

    Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or chop with a blender, add the egg, flour, salt and sugar substitute. Knead a homogeneous dough, form a sausage out of it and cut it into small pieces. Cook dumplings in a double boiler or boil in boiling water, then arrange on plates, pour over sour cream and serve.

    Potatoes in milk sauce


    2 cups low fat milk

    5 potato tubers

    1 bulb

    Salt on the tip of a knife

    Cooking method

    Wash potatoes, boil in salted water or steam, then cool, peel and finely chop. Peel the onion, chop, fry in melted butter until browned, pour in the milk and boil. Pour the potato slices with the resulting sauce, cover and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, then put in a deep plate, sprinkle with dill and parsley and serve.

    cabbage soufflé


    2 cauliflower florets

    0.3 cup low fat sour cream

    0.3 cup low fat milk

    2 eggs

    2 tablespoons wheat flour

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Steam the cabbage or boil it in salted water, cool, pass through a meat grinder twice or chop with a blender.

    Add the yolks separated from the proteins, flour and milk, then put the whipped proteins, mix thoroughly and salt. Put the resulting mass into a brazier with a non-stick coating and cook the soufflé in a water bath, then put it on a dish, pour over sour cream and serve.

    mushroom stew


    700 g champignons

    100 g butter

    2 cups vegetable broth

    2 yolks

    1 cup diet white sauce

    0.5 cup low fat sour cream

    3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the mushrooms well, dry them, cut into large pieces, put in a baking dish and pour the butter melted in a water bath. Add lemon juice, pour in hot broth, salt, put in a preheated oven and simmer until tender.

    Season the mushroom stew with white sauce, sour cream and whipped yolks, sprinkle with herbs on top and serve in the form.

    Steam cutlets


    200 g lean veal

    3 slices wheat bread

    3 tablespoons low fat milk

    2 tablespoons refined vegetable oil

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the meat well and pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Soak the bread in warm milk and rub through a sieve, combine with minced meat, salt, add vegetable oil and mix.

    Form cutlets from the resulting slurry and bring to readiness in a double boiler.

    Mushroom cutlets


    10–12 white mushrooms

    200 g round grain rice

    200 g canned green peas

    5 tablespoons white breadcrumbs

    Cooking method

    Rinse the mushrooms and boil them in a steamer or in boiling water until softened, then put them in a sieve or colander, cool and chop or chop with a blender.

    Boil rice, cool, rub through a sieve and mix with mushrooms.

    Form cutlets of medium size from the resulting mass with wet hands, bread in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in olive oil, then serve with green peas.

    cabbage cutlets


    500 g white cabbage

    2 yolks

    0.5 cup low fat sour cream

    5 tablespoons wheat flour

    2 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Chop cabbage, combine with whipped yolks, melted butter in a water bath and 3 tablespoons of flour, salt and mix thoroughly. Form small round cutlets from the resulting mass, bread them in the remaining flour and fry in vegetable oil on both sides until browned. Arrange hot cutlets on plates, pour over sour cream and serve.

    Cheese cutlets


    150 g hard cheese

    150 g low-fat cottage cheese

    4 squirrels

    2 tablespoons wheat flour

    2 tablespoons chopped dill and parsley

    Salt, ground black pepper to taste

    Cooking method

    Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Mix with greens, add whites whipped with a mixer or whisk, salt, pepper and add flour. Then grind with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed, form small cutlets from it and fry them in heated vegetable oil on both sides.

    Beet cutlets


    2 beets

    2 eggs

    4 tablespoons wheat flour

    0.3 cup refined vegetable oil

    4 tablespoons white breadcrumbs

    Cooking method

    Wash the beets, boil them for a couple or in boiling water and cool, and then peel, grate on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder twice. Stew the resulting mass over medium heat, adding a little vegetable oil and water, cool, add eggs and flour and mix well.

    Form cutlets of medium size from the resulting mass, bread them in breadcrumbs, fry in the remaining oil on both sides.

    Arrange the finished cutlets on plates, pour over sour cream and serve immediately.

    chicken meatballs


    300 g chicken fillet

    2 slices wheat bread

    3 tablespoons of milk

    2 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the chicken fillet and pass through a meat grinder twice. Soak the bread in milk, combine with minced chicken, add softened butter, salt and mix well. From the resulting mass, form rounded meatballs of medium size and bring to readiness for a couple. Serve hot with rice or steamed vegetables.

    Diet meatballs


    250 g lean beef or veal

    2 tablespoons round grain rice

    2 tablespoons butter

    0.5 cup low fat sour cream

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the meat well and pass through the meat grinder twice. Steam rice until half cooked, mix with minced meat, add softened butter, salt and rub thoroughly with a spoon. Form small balls from the resulting mass and bring to readiness in a double boiler. Put the meatballs on a dish, pour over the sour cream and serve immediately.

    Fish baked with sour cream


    1 kg fillet of river or sea fish

    3 tablespoons low fat sour cream

    3 tablespoons refined vegetable oil

    1 tablespoon butter

    Cooking method

    Rinse the fish, cut into portions and put on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Then salt, grease with sour cream, pour over melted butter in a water bath, place in a preheated oven and bake until tender. Arrange the fillet on plates, decorate with sprigs of greenery and serve.

    Meat in milk sauce


    170 g veal

    1 apple

    4 tablespoons of milk

    1 tablespoon flour

    3 tablespoons butter

    Cooking method

    Rinse the meat, boil for a couple, cool and cut into thin slices of arbitrary shape. Boil the milk, add the flour and mix until the lumps disappear. Peel the apple, remove the core and cut into slices. Lubricate the pan with butter, put the apple slices on the bottom in an even layer, then the meat and the remaining apple slices. Pour milk sauce, put in a preheated oven and bake until tender. Serve in a frying pan.

    Chicken fillet casserole


    150 g chicken fillet

    1 carrot

    5-6 cauliflower florets

    1 protein

    2 tablespoons wheat flour

    5 tablespoons of milk

    2 tablespoons butter

    Cooking method

    Rinse the chicken fillet, boil it for a couple, pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. In the resulting minced meat, add 1 tablespoon of softened butter in a water bath and whipped protein with a mixer. Put the finished mass into a mold greased with the remaining oil.

    Peel the carrots, finely chop and boil for a couple along with the cauliflower, then cool, rub through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder and evenly distribute over the chicken fillet.

    Heat the milk, mix with flour, grind until the lumps disappear and pour over the vegetables, then bake in a preheated oven until tender. Serve on the table in the form.

    fish pate


    100 g fillet of sea or river fish

    1 carrot

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    1 tablespoon butter

    Chopped dill and parsley to taste

    Cooking method

    Fry the fish fillet in olive oil on both sides until softened. Peel the carrots, boil for a couple, cool, pass through a meat grinder along with the fish and mix. Add melted butter in a water bath and carefully grind with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed.

    Cool the finished pate, put it in a small container with a slide, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.

    Potato zrazy with veal


    120 g veal

    2 potato tubers

    Cooking method

    Rinse the veal, boil in water or steam, cool and pass through a meat grinder twice. Wash potatoes, boil, peel, rub through a sieve or chop with a blender, then mix with dill. Divide the resulting puree into several parts, form small cakes, put a little minced veal in the center of each of them and pinch the edges. Warm up in a double boiler and serve on the table, spreading out on plates.

    Chestnut puree


    200 g chestnuts

    2 cups low fat milk

    0.5 cup fresh cream

    2 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel chestnuts, hold over steam or pour over boiling water, then remove the skin. Melt the butter in a water bath, mix with milk, pour into a saucepan, put the chestnuts and cook until tender. Then cool, rub through a sieve or chop with a blender, add cream, salt and beat with a mixer. Arrange the resulting puree on plates and serve with meat or fish.

    Bean puree


    2 cups small white beans

    1.5 cups milk

    3 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse and soak the beans for 4-5 hours, then boil in the same water. Then put in a colander, cool, rub through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder twice. Then mix with warmed milk, add melted butter in a water bath, salt and grind with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed.

    Steam the finished puree, arrange on plates and serve as a side dish for meat, fish or vegetables.

    Braised eggplant


    2 eggplant

    1 bulb

    2 tomatoes

    2 apples

    4 tablespoons refined vegetable oil

    Dill and parsley, salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Wash the eggplant, remove the stalks and opposite ends, cut into cubes and combine with onions. Peel the apples, remove the core, chop or grate on a coarse grater, drain the juice. Wash the tomatoes and rub through a sieve. Put the prepared ingredients in a pan, salt and simmer, covered with a lid, for 25-30 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Put the finished eggplants in a beautiful ceramic bowl, decorate with fresh herbs and serve hot or chilled.

    Eggplant with cheese sauce


    1 large eggplant

    50 g hard cheese

    2 tablespoons wheat flour

    0.5 cup milk sauce

    1 bunch of green parsley

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the eggplant, remove the stalk and the opposite end, cut into slices about 10 mm thick, breaded in flour and fry in melted butter on both sides until browned. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, mix with warm milk sauce, add chopped parsley and beat with a mixer.

    Pour the eggplant with the resulting mass, put in a preheated oven, cover and simmer for 25 minutes. Serve hot, do not put on plates.

    Eggplant with kefir


    4 eggplant

    5 tomatoes

    2 eggs

    1 cup fat-free kefir (or curdled milk)

    4 tablespoons butter

    1 tablespoon wheat flour

    Salt, ground black pepper to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the eggplant, remove the stalks and opposite ends, cut into thin semicircles, roll in flour and fry on both sides in melted butter. Lay the sliced ​​tomatoes on top. Beat the eggs with a mixer or whisk, gradually adding kefir, pepper and salt. Pour the mixture over the vegetables, put in a preheated oven and bake until tender. Serve in a skillet without cooling.

    Vegetable stew


    3 eggplant

    3 potatoes

    1 carrot

    1 bulb

    1 tomato

    150 g shredded white cabbage

    0.3 cup refined vegetable oil

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash potatoes and eggplants, peel, cut into small cubes or pieces of arbitrary shape, boil for a couple or stew in a small amount of water until softened. Peel the onion and carrot, finely chop, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, add the tomato and cabbage rubbed through a sieve, salt and mix. Combine the prepared vegetables, bring to readiness for a couple or in a preheated oven and serve hot.

    Eggplant ragout with mushrooms


    5 eggplant

    3 onions

    700 g champignons or white mushrooms

    1 cup low fat sour cream

    0.5 cup refined vegetable oil

    3 tablespoons wheat flour

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the eggplant, remove the stalks and opposite ends, cut into small slices, salt, breaded in a small amount of flour and lightly fry in a non-stick pan, adding a little oil. Peel the onion, cut into thin rings, fry until a light golden hue (separately from the eggplant). Wash mushrooms and chop. Pour the remaining oil into a deep frying pan, put some eggplants, then mushrooms, onions and again eggplants. Mix sour cream with the remaining flour, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed and pour over the vegetables, then cover and bake in a preheated oven until cooked.

    Mushroom stew with tomatoes


    500 g white mushrooms

    5 tomatoes

    3 zucchini

    5 tablespoons butter

    2 tablespoons wheat flour

    1 bunch of green parsley

    Salt, ground black pepper to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the zucchini, remove the stalks and opposite ends, cut into slices of medium thickness, salt, breaded in flour and fry in melted butter until softened and browned, then put on a plate.

    Rinse the mushrooms well, boil in steam or in boiling water until half cooked, cool and cut into slices of arbitrary shape, and then fry in the oil left after the zucchini and put on the same plate.

    Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks, cut into large pieces, salt, sprinkle with pepper, simmer in water or oil until softened and evenly distribute over the mushrooms.

    Decorate the finished dish with parsley sprigs, cool and serve.

    Meat casserole with mushrooms


    100 g chicken fillet

    100 g beef tongue

    50 g turkey ham

    50 g dried forest mushrooms

    3 tablespoons chopped onion

    50 g hard cheese

    4 tablespoons butter

    0.5 cup low-fat fresh sour cream

    6 tablespoons flour

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse chicken fillet and tongue, cut into thin narrow slices, ham into cubes, mix, add onion and fry in melted butter until browned.

    Pour boiling water over the mushrooms, squeeze, boil for a couple or in boiling water, put in a colander, rinse with cold water and let the liquid drain. Grind cooled mushrooms, mix with fried meat, salt and add flour.

    Put the resulting mass in a brazier with a non-stick coating, pour sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, put in a preheated oven and bake until the cheese is browned.

    Braised zucchini


    2 zucchini

    1 carrot

    1 bulb

    3 tablespoons refined vegetable oil

    0.3 cup tomato juice

    3 garlic cloves

    1 bay leaf

    Cooking method

    Wash the zucchini, remove the stalks and opposite ends and cut into small cubes. Peel onions and carrots, chop, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, mix with zucchini and pour over heated tomato juice. Add bay leaf, garlic passed through a garlic press and simmer, covered, over medium heat until tender, stirring occasionally.

    Squash appetizer


    1 kg zucchini

    4 garlic cloves

    4 tablespoons refined vegetable oil

    2 tablespoons chopped dill and parsley

    2 bay leaves

    4-5 allspice peas

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the zucchini, remove the stalks and opposite ends, cut into circles and cook in a double boiler until softened. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Put zucchini, herbs, garlic and bay leaf in layers in a deep container, salt and pepper. Combine vinegar with vegetable oil, add salt, pour over zucchini with the resulting mixture and leave for 2-3 hours in a cool place. Then put in a ceramic bowl, cool and serve.

    Zucchini with white sauce


    5 green zucchini

    50 g hard cheese

    2 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    For sauce

    1 tablespoon wheat flour

    1 tablespoon butter

    0.3 cup low fat milk

    Cooking method

    Wash the zucchini, peel, remove the stalks and opposite ends, pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, add softened butter. Put out the resulting slurry in a water bath, and then drain the excess liquid. Fry flour in butter until golden brown, stirring constantly, add hot milk and cook until lightly thickened.

    Pour hot sauce into zucchini puree, salt, add cheese grated on a fine grater, mix and keep on low heat for 5 minutes.

    mushroom cabbage rolls


    1 kg white cabbage

    450 g champignons or porcini mushrooms

    2 onions

    0.7 cups round grain rice

    0.6 cup refined vegetable oil

    0.6 cups of water

    Salt, ground black pepper to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the mushrooms and pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, then fry in a small amount of oil. Rinse the cabbage, disassemble into leaves, put in a sieve or colander and pour boiling water over.

    Peel the onion, chop, fry in the remaining oil until golden brown, add mushrooms and rice, salt and pepper. Then pour in boiling water, stir and simmer until the rice is cooked, then cool to room temperature.

    Distribute the resulting filling evenly over cabbage leaves, tightly wrap each of them in the form of an envelope or cigar.

    Place the cabbage rolls in a non-stick frying pan, add a small amount of water and simmer until tender.

    Brussels sprouts in milk sauce


    450 g Brussels sprouts

    1 small bunch of celery

    0.5 cup skim milk

    2 tablespoons wheat flour

    0.5 cups of water

    3 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Melt the butter in a water bath, add celery chopped with a blender or rubbed through a sieve, salt and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.

    Gradually add flour, pour in warmed milk and water, mix and leave on fire for another 5 minutes. Steam the cabbage until cooked, let it cool, put in milk sauce and boil for 5 minutes, then arrange on deep plates and serve.

    Red cabbage appetizer


    200 g red cabbage

    3 tablespoons apple (or grape) vinegar

    1 tablespoon vegetable oil

    0.4 cups of water

    4–5 cloves

    Ground cinnamon - on the tip of a knife

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Chop the cabbage, salt and knead with your hands, then put it in a glass container. Pour cloves and cinnamon with water, salt and cook in a small container, covered with a lid, for 15 minutes, and then strain. Mix the resulting broth with vinegar and vegetable oil, pour into a salad bowl with cabbage and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. Carefully drain off excess liquid before serving.

    Red cabbage with prunes


    1 kg red cabbage

    230 g pitted prunes

    3 tablespoons butter

    1.5 cups of water

    1 tablespoon wheat flour

    1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

    Cooking method

    Remove the stalk from the cabbage, cut out large veins, cut the leaves into very thin strips and put in a saucepan. Pour water mixed with lemon juice, put softened butter and simmer covered for 15-20 minutes over medium heat. Rinse prunes, boil for a couple until softened, cool, finely chop and combine with cabbage. Add flour, stir and bring to a boil over low heat. Serve in a clear salad bowl or on a large platter.

    Cauliflower with garlic


    1 cauliflower floret

    3 garlic cloves

    3 tablespoons butter

    1 tablespoon wheat flour

    0.3 cups of water

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Boil the cabbage in a steamer or in boiling salted water, drain in a colander and cool. Fry flour in melted butter until golden brown, stirring constantly, mix with garlic passed through a garlic press. Pour boiling water over, grind the resulting lumps and cook over low heat until thickened. Put the cabbage in a deep bowl, pour over the garlic-flour sauce and serve immediately.

    Cucumber appetizer with eggs


    4 cucumbers

    4 eggs

    3 onions

    2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

    2 tablespoons mayonnaise (or sour cream)

    1 teaspoon mustard

    1 bunch of green dill

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the cucumbers, peel, cut in half lengthwise and carefully remove the seeds with a teaspoon. Hard boil eggs, cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onion, chop with a blender and drain the juice. Mix onion gruel with grated egg, lemon juice, mayonnaise, mustard and salt. Put the resulting mass into cucumbers, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs on top, refrigerate for a few minutes and serve.

    Vegetable caviar with garlic


    300 g green sweet peppers

    2 eggplant

    5 garlic cloves

    2 tablespoons tomato paste

    3 tablespoons refined vegetable oil

    Black pepper - on the tip of a knife

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse sweet peppers, remove seeds and cut in half. Cut the eggplants from both ends, peel and steam together with sweet peppers until softened, then cool and rub through a sieve. Add tomato paste mixed with vegetable oil, garlic passed through a garlic press, salt, pepper and beat with a mixer. Cool the resulting mass, put it in a small glass container and serve.

    Appetizer of green tomatoes with garlic


    7 green tomatoes

    2 onions

    2 carrots

    4-5 garlic cloves

    0.4 cup refined vegetable oil

    1 bunch of green parsley

    1 thin bunch of fresh celery

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash and cut the tomatoes into medium-sized pieces, peel and chop the onion, rinse the herbs, dry and chop, peel the garlic and pass through the garlic press, peel the carrots and cut into thin circles. Combine the prepared ingredients, add vegetable oil, salt and simmer, covered under a lid, over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring gently. Cool the finished snack, put it on a plate and serve.

    Bean garnish with walnuts


    200 g green beans

    2 tablespoons chopped walnut kernels

    2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

    Black pepper - on the tip of a knife

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the beans, cut off the tails, cut across the pods and boil for a couple. Then salt, pepper, add walnut kernels, lemon juice and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. after that, drain the excess liquid, arrange on plates, sprinkle with parsley and serve with meat or vegetable cutlets.



    1.5 cups buckwheat

    5 tablespoons butter

    3 glasses of water

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Sort buckwheat, rinse, pour boiling water, put on medium heat, salt and cook until tender.

    Add softened butter and mix well. Arrange the finished porridge on portioned plates and serve.

    Buckwheat porridge with bran


    0.3 cups buckwheat

    0.3 cup bran

    1 bulb

    3 tablespoons butter

    0.7 cups of water

    Salt on the tip of a knife

    Cooking method

    Sort buckwheat and boil in salted water. Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in 1 tablespoon of melted butter until golden brown. Fry the bran in the remaining oil, stirring constantly. Combine the finished porridge with onions and bran, heat in a water bath, arrange on plates and serve.

    Buckwheat porridge with cheese


    1.5 cups buckwheat

    120 g hard cheese

    4 tablespoons butter

    3 glasses of water

    Cooking method

    Thoroughly sort buckwheat, rinse and cook until tender. Grind cheese with a blender or grate on a fine grater. Lubricate a deep brazier with butter, put buckwheat porridge and cheese into it in layers, pour over the remaining butter, after melting it in a water bath. Put the container in a preheated oven, bake until the cheese is browned and serve immediately.

    Barley porridge


    1 glass of pearl barley

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    2 glasses of water

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Sort pearl barley and soak in cold water for 3 hours, then drain the liquid. Boil water, add salt, put grits and cook until tender. Divide hot porridge on serving plates, drizzle with olive oil and serve.

    Millet porridge


    2 cups millet

    1 liter of water

    3 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Sort and boil the millet in boiling salted water, then wrap the pan with a blanket and leave for 40-45 minutes. Arrange the finished porridge on portioned plates, pour over the melted butter in a water bath and serve immediately.

    Rice porrige


    200 g long grain rice

    3 cups low fat milk

    2 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Bring the milk to a boil over medium heat, add the sorted and washed rice, salt and cook for 20 minutes, covered with a lid. Then add butter and mix well. Arrange the finished porridge on portioned plates and serve.

    Corn porridge with milk


    200 ml skimmed milk

    3 cups fresh corn kernels

    3 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Boil corn in a double boiler, pour hot milk, salt and bring to readiness over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

    Melt the butter in a water bath, add to the porridge, mix, arrange on plates and serve immediately.

    Oatmeal porridge


    3 cups low fat milk

    1 cup oatmeal

    2 tablespoons butter

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Bring milk to a boil over medium heat, gradually add oatmeal and cook until tender, stirring occasionally.

    Add butter, salt, mix, arrange on plates and serve.

    Semolina porridge with raisins


    1 liter skimmed milk

    1 cup semolina

    120 g light raisins

    3 tablespoons butter

    2 eggs

    Sugar substitute, salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Bring milk to a boil, gradually add semolina and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Then salt, add sugar substitute and butter, mix and cool to room temperature. Beat the yolks with a mixer, add raisins and mix with porridge. Lastly, add beaten egg whites.

    Put the resulting mass into a roasting pan with a non-stick coating and bake in a preheated oven until browned, then serve immediately.

    Rice garnish with mushrooms


    1 cup round grain rice

    1 bulb

    7 dried porcini mushrooms

    4 tablespoons butter

    2.5 cups of water

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Soak the mushrooms in salted water for 2-3 hours, and then boil in it, pull it out with a slotted spoon, cool and chop. Sort the rice, rinse well, put in a mushroom broth and bring to readiness over medium heat. Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in melted butter until golden. Combine rice, mushrooms and onions, pour in the oil remaining after frying, mix and heat in a water bath.

    Diet salads

    Celery with vegetable oil


    3 small celery roots

    1 teaspoon apple (or grape) vinegar

    Cooking method

    Peel the celery roots, wash, coarsely chop and steam until half cooked. Then put them in a transparent salad bowl, pour over with vinegar and olive oil, cool and serve.

    Avocado with chicken


    200 g boiled chicken fillet

    1 avocado

    1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

    1 chicory leaf

    Cooking method

    Cut the chicken fillet into thin strips. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut the flesh into small cubes. Rinse the chicory leaf, pat dry and cut into strips. Combine the prepared ingredients, put in a beautiful bowl, pour over lemon juice and serve.

    Zucchini with tomatoes and herbs


    2 green zucchini

    1 bulb

    3 cherry tomatoes

    3 tablespoons sour cream

    1 teaspoon minced lemon zest

    1 bunch of green dill

    Cooking method

    Wash the zucchini, peel, remove the stalks and opposite ends, grate the pulp on a coarse grater or chop. Peel the onion, finely chop, mix with zucchini and chopped herbs, drain excess liquid, add sour cream and lemon zest, mix and refrigerate. Put the resulting mass in a salad bowl, garnish with tomatoes cut into quarters and serve.

    Vitamin salad with prunes


    150 g white cabbage

    1 carrot

    3 apples

    120 g pitted prunes

    2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream or kefir

    3-4 green onions

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse and chop the cabbage, peel the carrots and cut into thin strips. Peel the apples, grate on a coarse grater and drain the juice that has stood out. Boil the prunes for a couple until softened, cool and finely chop. Wash green onions thoroughly and chop. Combine the prepared ingredients, salt, add sour cream, mix well and serve chilled.

    Vegetable salad with asparagus


    500 g Brussels sprouts

    3 tomatoes

    1 cucumber

    0.5 cup canned green peas

    0.5 cup low fat sour cream

    3-4 stalks of asparagus

    Cooking method

    Steam the Brussels sprouts, cut each small sprout into 4 pieces. Wash the tomatoes and cucumber and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. Cut each asparagus stalk into several pieces. Put the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, add green peas, season with sour cream, mix well, cool and serve.

    Cabbage salad with olives


    1 kg cauliflower

    35 small pitted olives

    3 tablespoons of olive oil

    2 tablespoons lemon juice

    1 tablespoon chopped parsley

    0.5 bunch lettuce

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Boil the cabbage in a large amount of water mixed with lemon juice, put in a colander, cool, disassemble into separate inflorescences and put in a salad bowl. Cut olives into rings, lettuce leaves into strips of arbitrary width.

    Combine the prepared ingredients, salt, add herbs and pour over with olive oil. Serve chilled.

    Carrot salad with beets


    2 carrots

    1 beetroot

    1 radish

    1 bulb

    3 tablespoons of olive oil

    Black pepper - on the tip of a knife

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Boil the beets and peel them together with carrots and radishes, grate on a coarse grater, mix and drain the juice that has stood out.

    Peel the onion, chop and combine with vegetables. Add salt, pepper, drizzle with olive oil and refrigerate. Put the finished salad in a transparent container and serve.

    Carrot salad with onions


    4 carrots

    1 bulb

    2 tablespoons grated horseradish

    0.5 cup low-fat diet mayonnaise

    3 tablespoons chopped parsley

    Cooking method

    Peel the carrots, grate on a fine grater and drain the juice that has stood out. Peel the onion, chop, mix with carrots and horseradish, then season with mayonnaise, mix and refrigerate. Put the resulting mass in a slide in a transparent salad bowl, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

    Salad of cucumbers and sweet peppers


    2 cucumbers

    3 tomatoes

    1 yellow sweet pepper

    1 red bell pepper

    1 carrot

    1 bulb

    0.7 cup fresh low-fat sour cream

    2 tablespoons chopped dill and parsley

    Salt on the tip of a knife

    Cooking method

    Wash the cucumbers and tomatoes, remove the stalks and cut into thin circles. Peel and chop the onion. Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

    Peel sweet peppers from seeds, rinse and cut into strips. Put prepared vegetables in layers in a transparent salad bowl, pour over sour cream, salt, sprinkle with herbs and serve chilled.

    Tomato salad with walnuts


    2 tomatoes

    6 walnut kernels

    2 tablespoons vegetable oil

    1 bunch of green parsley

    Salt, ground black pepper to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the tomatoes and cut into thin slices. Crush the walnut kernels in a mortar and mix with vegetable oil, pepper and salt. Pour the tomato slices with the resulting dressing, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve.

    Sweet Pepper Salad with Garlic


    2 sweet peppers

    3 garlic cloves

    4 walnut kernels

    5 tablespoons low fat sour cream

    1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

    1 tablespoon chopped dill

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Steam sweet peppers until softened, remove the stalks and seeds, remove the skin, and cut the flesh into pieces of arbitrary shape. Mix sour cream with lemon juice and chopped walnut kernels, salt, add herbs and crushed garlic. Pour the dressing over sweet peppers and serve chilled.

    Mushroom salad with beans


    7-8 canned champignons

    2 tomatoes

    2 tablespoons canned beans

    5 tablespoons low fat sour cream

    1 teaspoon tomato puree

    1 tablespoon chopped parsley

    Cooking method

    Mushrooms cut into thin strips, tomatoes - slices. Combine prepared ingredients and add beans.

    Thoroughly mix the tomato puree with sour cream, pour over the salad, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.

    Green salad


    250 g lettuce

    1 celery root

    1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    Chopped lemon zest - on the tip of a knife

    Cooking method

    Rinse lettuce leaves, dry on a sieve and cut into thin strips. Rinse the celery root well, peel, grate on a fine grater and mix with herbs. Combine lemon juice with vegetable oil and zest, pour dressing over salad and serve chilled.

    Salad with sauerkraut


    5-6 lettuce leaves

    4 tablespoons chopped sauerkraut

    1 tablespoon cabbage pickle

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    Cooking method

    Rinse the lettuce leaves, dry them on a paper towel and cut into large pieces. Then combine with cabbage, pour over brine and olive oil, mix well and serve with mashed potatoes or stewed vegetables.

    Jerusalem artichoke salad


    200 g lettuce

    3 Jerusalem artichoke tubers

    3 eggs

    4 tablespoons low fat sour cream

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Rinse the lettuce leaves, pat dry and cut into strips. Peel Jerusalem artichoke tubers, grate on a coarse grater or chop with a blender. Hard boil eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes. Combine the prepared ingredients, season with sour cream, salt and mix. Serve chilled.

    Spinach salad


    300 g spinach leaves

    0.5 cup fat-free kefir

    1 tomato

    3 eggs

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    5-6 pitted olives

    5-6 green onions

    3 tablespoons of olive oil

    2 tablespoons chopped parsley

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Sort the spinach, rinse, dry in a sieve, cut into thin strips and put in an even layer on a flat dish. Chop the onion, mix with kefir, lemon juice, olive oil and salt. Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel, chop and put on the spinach. Cut the tomato into slices, olives into rings, evenly distribute on top, pour over the kefir dressing and serve.

    Apple salad with celery


    2 sour apples

    1 celery root

    0.3 cup low fat sour cream

    1 tablespoon grated horseradish

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the apples and, without peeling, grate on a coarse grater. Rinse the celery root well, peel, chop with a blender, combine with apple gruel and drain the released juice. Then add grated horseradish, salt, season with sour cream, mix and serve.

    Mushroom salad with broccoli


    200 g white mushrooms or champignons

    400 g canned broccoli

    1 tomato

    4 tablespoons butter

    1 tablespoon soy sauce

    2 tablespoons chopped parsley

    Black pepper - on the tip of a knife

    Cooking method

    Rinse mushrooms, cut into thin slices and fry in melted butter. Add finely chopped tomato, soy sauce, pepper and mix. Then cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Put the resulting mass in a salad bowl, cool, add finely chopped broccoli florets, mix, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

    Salad with cauliflower and tomatoes


    200 g cauliflower

    3 tomatoes

    2 cucumbers

    5–6 pcs. radish

    200 ml kefir

    0.5 bunch lettuce

    1 bunch green onions

    Cooking method

    Wash cucumbers and tomatoes, remove stems and cut into small pieces. Wash, peel and chop the radishes. Chop lettuce and green onion. Disassemble the cauliflower into small florets, boil for a couple and cool.

    Put the prepared ingredients in a transparent salad bowl, season with kefir, mix well and serve.

    Vegetable salad with green peas


    2 carrots

    2 potato tubers

    0.7 cup canned green peas

    0.5 cups of kefir

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash carrots and potatoes, boil them for a couple or in water, cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Add green peas, pour in kefir, salt, mix and serve chilled.

    Fish salad with cheese


    3 potatoes

    1 bulb

    200 g boiled fish fillet

    80 g hard cheese

    1 tablespoon chopped dill

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the potatoes, boil them in steam or in water, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Divide the fish into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Peel and chop the onion. Cheese grate on a fine grater. Combine the prepared ingredients, put on a dish, pour mayonnaise, sprinkle with dill and serve chilled.

    The vinaigrette


    3 potatoes

    1 carrot

    1 beetroot

    2 pickles

    1 bulb

    2 tablespoons minced marinated mushrooms

    0.5 cup diet mayonnaise

    1 bunch of parsley

    Salt, ground black pepper to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash carrots, beets and potatoes, boil or steam, cool, peel, grate on a coarse grater or cut into small cubes. Peel and chop cucumbers. Chop the onion. Put the prepared ingredients in a transparent salad bowl, salt, pepper, pour in the mayonnaise and mix gently. Decorate the finished vinaigrette with parsley and serve.

    Potato and radish salad


    2 potato tubers

    1 bulb

    1 radish

    4 tablespoons olive oil

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Boil or steam potatoes, cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater along with peeled radish. Onion cut into thin half rings. Combine the prepared ingredients, add oil, salt and mix. Ready salad served chilled.

    Tomato salad with onions


    7–8 tomatoes

    1 bulb

    4 tablespoons olive oil

    1 tablespoon apple cider (or grape) vinegar

    1 tablespoon chopped dill

    Salt to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks, chop and put on a flat dish. Spread the sliced ​​onion evenly over the top. Season the salad with olive oil and vinegar, salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs, cool and serve.

    Desserts, sweet foods and drinks

    Cream with vanilla


    2 yolks

    4 tablespoons cream

    Vanillin - on the tip of a knife

    Sugar substitute to taste

    Whipped cream

    Cooking method

    Beat the yolks with a mixer or a whisk and heat in a water bath, stirring constantly to prevent boiling.

    Gradually add warm cream, add vanillin and sugar substitute. Pour the finished cream into wide glass glasses, cool, garnish with whipped cream and serve.

    cottage cheese pudding


    150 g low-fat cottage cheese

    1 egg

    2 tablespoons semolina

    1 tablespoon butter

    0.3 cup low fat sour cream

    Salt on the tip of a knife

    Cooking method

    Wipe the cottage cheese twice through a sieve or chop with a blender, add an egg, add semolina and grind until a homogeneous mass is formed, then salt and mix. Lubricate the form with melted butter in a water bath, put the curd mass and bake in the oven until browned. Put the finished pudding on a dish, pour over sour cream and serve.

    Carrot curd cakes


    100 g low-fat cottage cheese

    1 carrot

    1 egg

    0.3 cups of milk

    0.3 cups wheat flour

    4 tablespoons butter

    Salt on the tip of a knife

    Cooking method

    Peel, wash, finely chop the carrots and boil in milk until softened. Cool the resulting mass and rub it through a sieve twice with the curd. Drain excess liquid if necessary. Add an egg, 1 tablespoon of flour, salt and grind with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed.

    Form small cakes from the resulting “dough”, bread them in the remaining flour and fry on both sides in a non-stick pan. Put hot cakes on a flat dish, pour over melted butter in a water bath and serve.

    Curd zrazy


    160 g low-fat cottage cheese

    2 tablespoons light raisins

    1 egg

    3 tablespoons low fat sour cream

    0.5 cup wheat flour

    4 tablespoons butter

    Sugar substitute to taste

    Cooking method

    Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or chop with a blender, add an egg, 1 tablespoon of flour, add a sweetener and grind until a homogeneous mass is formed.

    Steam raisins until softened. Form round cakes from the curd mass, spread the raisins over them, pinch the edges and roll in the remaining flour. Fry the zrazy in melted butter on both sides, put on plates and serve with sour cream.

    fruit dessert


    1 quince

    250 g raspberries

    Whipped cream, sugar substitute to taste

    Cooking method

    Peel the quince, cut into small thin slices and arrange in bowls. Spread raspberries evenly on top, sprinkle with sugar substitute, garnish with whipped cream and serve.

    grapefruit dessert


    3 small grapefruits

    1 teaspoon cinnamon

    Sugar substitute to taste

    Cooking method

    Grapefruit cut across the slices into 2 parts. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sweetener, place cut side up in a roasting pan and place in preheated oven for a few minutes. Serve warm with teaspoons.

    berry tea


    1 tablespoon red rowan fruit

    1 tablespoon crushed rose hips

    2.5 cups of water

    Cooking method

    Put the fruits of mountain ash and wild rose in a thermos, pour boiling water over it, seal tightly and leave for several hours to infuse. Then strain through a sieve and serve hot.

    wild strawberry tea


    1 teaspoon dried strawberry leaves

    2 teaspoons fresh strawberries

    0.3 l water

    Cooking method

    Pour the berries and strawberry leaves into a thermos, pour boiling water over it, leave for several hours, cork tightly.

    Use as a substitute for traditional tea.

    Fruit and vegetable cocktail


    5 pieces. carrots

    2 celery roots

    2 sweet apples

    1 bulb

    Cooking method

    Peel and wash carrots and celery. Clean the bulb. Wash the apples and remove the core.

    Pass the prepared ingredients through a juicer. Serve the finished drink on the table chilled.

    raspberry cocktail


    1 cup low fat milk

    1 tablespoon raspberry syrup (no sugar)

    Cooking method

    Mix milk with raspberry syrup and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed. Chill the finished cocktail and serve.

    Milkshake with currant


    0.5 cup blackcurrant juice

    3 cups skim milk

    Sugar substitute to taste

    Cooking method

    Mix blackcurrant juice with cold milk, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed, gradually adding a sugar substitute.

    Pour the finished cocktail into glasses, put ice and serve.

    Apple tomato smoothie


    3 cups fat-free kefir

    1 cup applesauce

    1.5 cups fresh tomato juice

    0.5 teaspoon salt

    Cooking method

    Combine kefir with applesauce and tomato juice, salt and beat with a mixer or blender until a homogeneous mass is formed, then cool.

    Serve the finished drink on the table in wide glasses or wine glasses.

    Tomato cocktail with sour milk


    2 cups freshly squeezed tomato juice

    2 cups sour milk (or kefir)

    Cooking method

    Combine tomato juice with sour milk and beat with a mixer.

    Pour the finished cocktail into glass glasses and serve.

    Sour milkshake with cranberries


    0.5 cup cranberries

    1 incomplete glass of kefir (or curdled milk)

    Cooking method

    Rub cranberries through a sieve or chop with a blender, add kefir and beat with a mixer. Serve the finished drink on the table in wide glasses.

    Blackberry honey drink


    0.5 cup freshly squeezed blackberry juice

    1 teaspoon honey

    0.6 cups of water

    Cooking method

    Dilute blackberry juice with water, add honey and stir until it is completely dissolved, then heat over low heat until boiling, and then cool. Pour the finished drink into glasses and serve.

    vitamin drink


    1 cup freshly squeezed carrot juice

    1 glass of rosehip infusion

    1 cup blackcurrant nectar

    1 cup cranberry juice

    Cooking method

    Combine carrot juice with infusion of rose hips, pour in blackcurrant nectar, cranberry juice and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed.

    Pour the finished drink into glasses, put 1 ice cube in each of them and serve.

    Carrot lemon drink


    2 carrots

    0.25 lemon

    1 glass of water

    Cooking method

    Rub the lemon through a sieve, add water and boil for 10 minutes on low heat, then cool. Grind the carrots with a blender, squeeze through gauze, mix the juice that has stood out with lemon broth and strain. Serve the finished drink on the table with ice.

    Tomato lemon drink


    1 liter freshly squeezed tomato juice

    1 lemon

    1 glass of water

    Salt on the tip of a knife

    Cooking method

    Pass the lemon through a juicer, add tomato juice, salt, pour in water and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed. Serve the finished drink on the table chilled.

    Pumpkin apple drink


    0.5 cup pumpkin juice with pulp

    200 ml clarified apple juice

    Sugar substitute to taste

    Cooking method

    Combine apple and pumpkin juices and beat with a mixer, gradually adding a sugar substitute. Pour the finished drink into glasses and serve chilled.

    fruit compote


    1 apple

    1 pear

    2–3 plums

    2 glasses of water

    Cooking method

    Wash the fruits, cut into small pieces, put in cold water and bring to a boil, then cook over low heat under a lid for 20-25 minutes. Cool the finished drink, strain through a sieve, pour into glasses and serve.

    Rhubarb compote


    250 g rhubarb stalks

    1 liter of water

    Sugar substitute to taste

    Cooking method

    Wash the rhubarb stalks, chop and cook in boiling water until softened, then leave for 30 minutes. Then strain through a sieve, add sweetener, mix and serve chilled.

    Infusion of rose hips


    3 tablespoons dried rose hips

    2.5 cups of water

    Cooking method

    Crush the rose hips in a mortar, pour into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and infuse for 6-7 hours, then strain through gauze folded in several layers. The finished drink is served hot on the table.

    Viburnum infusion


    2 tablespoons dried viburnum berries

    1.5 cups of water

    Cooking method

    Pour vegetable raw materials into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and leave for 3-4 hours.

    Consume diluted as a vitamin drink.

    cranberry broth


    2 tablespoons cranberries

    2 glasses of water

    Cooking method

    Rinse the cranberries, sort, pour boiling water and cook in a water bath for 5-7 minutes, then cool and strain through a fine sieve. Serve the finished drink on the table cold.

    Diabetes is a disease, of course, severe and threatening with severe consequences and complications. However, this diagnosis is by no means a verdict: if you follow the rules of nutrition, the prescriptions of an endocrinologist and a certain mode of life, you will not encounter any special difficulties in the usual rhythm of existence. Unless, of course, you have a type 2 disease, without the need to inject insulin.

    The word "diet" is depressing to all people. However, dishes for type 2 diabetics are not so bad. Their recipes are quite diverse, and you can eat almost without compromising your habits and preferences. Unless, perhaps, some time will be spent getting used to previously ignored cooking methods.

    What is the diet?

    It's hard to even call it a diet. Rather, it is a mode and discipline of nutrition. They include only a few items:

    1. Eat regularly, not just occasionally. Gradually, you should accustom yourself to sit down at the table at the same time.
    2. Meals per day should be at least five, but it is better to plan your life so that there are six of them. Portions should be small. Such a rhythm of nutrition prevents the manifestations of hyperglycemia - a jump in sugar levels after eating.
    3. Low calorie. It is statistically established that the majority of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. They are more than 80 percent of the total number of patients. Therefore, meals for overweight type 2 diabetics should be with a particularly low, calculated calorie content in order to gradually bring the weight back to normal. On the other hand, a person with normal weight and age does not need to count calories.
    4. Remove all processed fats from the table: margarine, mayonnaise, sauces, confectionery (especially with creams).

    That's all the restrictions. However, they should be treated with increased responsibility and observed with the utmost rigor.

    What is categorically impossible, and what is necessary

    When preparing dishes for type 2 diabetics, recipes should not include:

    • I love sausage. Boiled is still occasionally acceptable, but all smoked meats are away forever.
    • All semi-finished products. And if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, and you are not used to standing at the stove, then you will urgently have to learn how to cook.
    • Fatty meats: pork and lamb.
    • Dairy products with high fat content. It is advisable to completely switch to low-fat, dietary types. For the same reason, sour cream should be avoided, and in extreme cases, buy it light, not fatter than 15%.
    • Hard cheese is allowed selectively, only one with low fat content.
    • Sugar should be replaced with sweeteners recommended by your doctor.

    However, there are foods that must be included in meals for type 2 diabetics. From the endocrinologist, special advice: lean on seafood and sea fish; eat more cereals, fruits (not too sweet, grapes, by the way, are banned), vegetables, herbs and wholemeal bread. Do not neglect dairy products, just pay attention to their fat content.

    Cooking right

    In addition to some restrictions on ingredients, there are recommendations on how to process products that go into meals for type 2 diabetics. Recipes are used only those that involve boiling, steaming, stewing or baking. From fried foods will have to wean.

    There are also pre-preparation rules. Meat is bought exclusively the leanest; the skin must be removed from the bird. Moreover, in chicken, preference should be given to the breast and wings, and fatty and not very healthy legs should be avoided. If you use vegetable oil in stewing, it is added at the very end to avoid its transformation into something not at all useful.

    Pumpkin soup

    Pumpkin dishes for type 2 diabetics are especially useful, and soups are among them. They are easy to prepare, while tasty, nutritious, but not high in calories. One of the most beloved by the people is done like this: a small piece of chicken fillet, 150 grams (the entire norm allotted for the day), is placed in water. When it boils, the broth is drained, and the pan is filled with fresh liquid. This procedure is repeated twice, after which the broth itself is cooked for about half an hour. Half a kilo of pumpkin is peeled, cut into small pieces, mixed with onion rings and stewed until tender. Cooked meat is passed through a blender, after which a stew is added to it. Upon reaching homogeneity, chicken broth is poured in. Already when serving pumpkin puree soup, small pieces of a small slice of dorblu and mint leaves are placed on a plate.

    Moussaka with meat

    As a second course for type 2 diabetics, the recipes offer a huge selection. One of the most seductive seems to us like this. According to all the rules, with the drain of the first water, a half-kilogram piece of lean beef is boiled and turned through a meat grinder along with two poached onions. Two eggplants and zucchini are peeled with stalks and cut into thin circles, after which they are rolled in amaranth flour (it is sold in the departments for diabetics and successfully helps them fight the disease) and stewed until soft. Minced meat is salted and kneaded with two eggs. The bottom of the form is lined with cabbage leaves, which are laid out on top of eggplant, sprinkled with crushed garlic. Next, minced meat is placed, zucchini is placed on it, and so on, until the prepared products run out. The top is laid out with tomato circles; light sour cream is beaten with egg and salt and poured over them. The final touch is grated cheese. For a third of an hour in the oven - and enjoy the wonderful taste of a dietary dish!

    Cabbage with chicken

    Especially dietary and easy to implement recipes for type 2 diabetics in a slow cooker. The device seems to have been conceived for preparing food for this category of patients. A kilo of white cabbage is thinly chopped, a spoonful of sunflower oil is poured into the bowl, cabbage straws are loaded, and the unit is turned on for twenty minutes in the “Baking” mode (depending on the age of the vegetable). When the cabbage settles and softens, onion cubes, grated carrots and small pieces of half a kilogram of chicken fillet are poured into it. After the signal about the end of the set mode, the contents of the bowl are peppered, salted and flavored with a spoon of tomato paste, and the slow cooker switches to “Extinguishing” for an hour.

    Pollock in tomato sauce

    Fish dishes are especially useful for type 2 diabetics. The multicooker recipes embody any, so we will use not the simplest, but guaranteeing a completely delicious meal. If necessary, pollock carcass is cleaned, washed, cut into portions and lightly sprinkled with salt. A large onion crumbles in half rings, carrots - in cubes or straws (you can grate coarsely). Two medium tomatoes are dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds, and then immediately into ice water; the skin is removed from them, and the vegetables are cut into circles. Everything is put into the bowl in layers: onions - carrots - tomatoes - pollock, poured with tomato juice, seasoned with laurel and peas. "Extinguishing" is selected and the time is one hour.

    Lentil porridge with meat

    All kinds of cereals are almost the most healthy dishes for type 2 diabetics. In a slow cooker, they are prepared with little or no participation of the cook. And lentil is the most recommended by nutritionists. So that it is not boring to eat only it, you can add meat to the dish, for example, beef. A piece of three hundred grams is crumbled into thin sticks, placed in a bowl along with a chopped onion and stewed for five minutes on a dessert spoon of vegetable oil in the frying mode. Then a glass of lentils is poured, water is poured - a finger above the level of the products, spices are added and the “Cooking” mode is turned on for half an hour.

    beef ribs

    This tempting part of the carcass is washed, cut into convenient pieces, placed in a bowl, filled with water and left for two hours in the “Extinguishing” mode. Onion half rings are stewed with chopped champignons (you can do it in advance, in the same slow cooker, you can do it in parallel, on the stove). After the timer signal, mushrooms with onions, carrot slices and strips of bell pepper are poured into the bowl. The mode remains the same, the time is limited to half an hour. At the end, a glass of tomato juice and a little diluted starch are poured in to make the sauce thicker.

    As you can see, recipes for type 2 diabetics in a slow cooker are numerous and varied, and they also require much less hassle than cooking the same dishes on the stove. Therefore, if you or someone close to you has been given an unpleasant diagnosis, you should think about acquiring such a useful device: it will greatly simplify life, because you need to feed the patient often and preferably with different goodies.

    orange pudding

    When recipes for type 2 diabetics are listed, baked goods are usually not mentioned. And many people think that these unfortunates are forced to do without sweets at all. However, it is not. It's just that treats are prepared a little differently. For example, in this way: a large orange is washed and a third of an hour is boiled in a small amount of water. After cooling, it is cut, the bones are removed, and the pulp, together with the skin, is passed through a blender to a lush puree. An egg is beaten in a cup, to which sorbitol (two spoons) is added, a couple of spoons of lemon juice and the same amount of zest of this fruit. You can add a little cinnamon for flavor. Then the ground almonds (about half a glass) are carefully mixed in. The mass is mixed with orange puree, laid out in molds (you can use one, large) and hidden in the oven for forty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

    Oatmeal raisin cookies

    If you are interested in dough products, there are also such recipes for type 2 diabetics. Baking this time will be based on oatmeal - this way it turns out to be less high-calorie and more harmless to the patient. Add cookies with finely chopped raisins (two-thirds of a glass) and chopped walnuts (half a glass). Half a kilo of cereal is combined with prepared fruit. One hundred milliliters of water is slightly heated, mixed with the same volume of olive oil and poured into the mass. Finally, a spoonful of sorbitol and half of soda are added, which is quenched with lemon juice. After the final kneading of the dough, cookies are formed and baked for a quarter of an hour in an oven heated to two hundred degrees.

    Do not think that it is so dull - dishes for type 2 diabetics. The recipes with photos given in the article will easily convince you that diet food can be appetizing and tasty.

    Source: fb.ru