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Do I need to rinse brown rice? How to cook brown rice properly? Healing recipes based on brown rice

Brown rice, also referred to as brown rice, is becoming more and more popular among supporters of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Its main difference, and at the same time, an advantage over the usual white rice for us is the way it is processed. To obtain white rice, the upper shell, consisting of several layers, the so-called bran, is completely removed to speed up the preparation process. And they just contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are vital for our body.

Brown rice undergoes only partial purification from such useful bran, only the topmost insignificant layer is removed, which gives the rice such a peculiar brown color. Due to the fact that the main kernel of brown rice is covered with a bran shell, it does not boil soft during cooking and retains all its beneficial properties.

The only disadvantage of brown rice is its cooking, unlike its relative (white rice), the duration of its cooking is longer and the cooking algorithm itself is a little more complicated. But for the sake of your health, you can sacrifice a little time and learn how to cook brown rice.

Step 1

First, rinse the brown rice well with water. We place the rice in a sieve or a fine colander and rinse well with cold running water until the water is completely clear, thereby freeing our grains from dust and impurities.

Step 2

Then the washed grain is placed in a container and filled with cold water, leaving to swell for 3-4 hours.

Step 3

After the specified time, drain the water, rinse again with cold water, put it in a saucepan and pour water in the ratio of 1 cup of rice to 2.5-3 cups of water. Cook rice for 10 minutes under a lid over medium heat.

Step 4

After 10 minutes, remove the pot of rice from the heat, drain the water and pour cold water again. Now the rice can be salted to taste, cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Step 5

Voila, crumbly healthy brown rice is ready to eat. Bon appetit!

P.s. To simplify the preparation of brown rice, you can purchase a special device for cooking all varieties of rice - a rice cooker, which will follow the entire process of cooking this healthy and tasty cereal for you.

Brown, or as sophisticated cooks and housewives call it - brown - rice contains much more vitamins than the white "brother" and has a high nutritional value.

It contains much less harmful substances and impurities that polished white rice is saturated with during industrial preparation for sale. In some countries of East Asia, rice cooking is a whole art in which both mental attitude and verified technology are important. But there is not a single step in it that is difficult!

Cooking time

You can count the total cooking time of rice from the moment it is soaked. This procedure is needed to eliminate excess starch and prepare coarse brown rice for heat treatment. The soaking process will make the fibers elastic, which is especially important for cereals with long grains.

Advice! Cooking in a slow cooker is most often designed for 45 minutes in standard mode. When using coarse varieties with long grains, this is the optimal time. When using soft rice, turn off the machine 15 minutes before the timer.

Brown rice should be soaked for at least 4 hours, the longer the grains, the longer it should be kept in water. The maximum time of "water procedures" is 7-8 hours. If the product is used to prepare a morning meal, then you can soak it before going to bed. If you plan an interesting dinner, then you can do this before leaving for work.

After boiling water with brown rice, it should take 30 minutes, no less, before the product is cooked. Some varieties require 45 minutes to cook for full readiness. There is no point in holding longer, otherwise the rice will swell and become mushy in excess water.

You should not get carried away with excessive heat treatment of brown rice, because after 40-45 minutes its glycemic index begins to increase sharply, and useful substances are rapidly destroyed.

How to cook brown rice

It should be noted that 30-45 minutes of cooking rice includes the entire cycle of preparing a satisfying product. This means that after draining the water and re-boiling, the time is not counted again, but, as it were, during the first cycle. Drain the water only if after 10 minutes it becomes very cloudy:

  • the soaked rice is washed again under running water so that all the cloudy liquid passes;
  • put the cereal in a pan with a wide bottom (it is needed so that the rice cooks evenly) and pour 2.5-3 cups per 1 cup of cereal;
  • cover with a lid and wait 7-10 minutes, check the cereal for starch release, drain the water if necessary and pour 2.5 glasses of water again;
  • after boiling, cook for 20 minutes;
  • then open the lid, salt and add spices and seasonings, if necessary, close the lid back and simmer until tender for 10-20 minutes.

As soon as the time runs out, the dish is turned off, moved away from the stove and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes. Ideally, the water should be almost 100% boiled away by this point. If it is too much, then next time you need to reduce the amount of liquid.

Little tricks of a true gourmet

Brown rice is not a specific variety, but a type of cereal that has not been polished. In the process of its preparation, it is useful to know some tricks:

  • it is advisable to salt the product 15 minutes before the end of cooking, but not earlier, otherwise the shape of the grains will not be ideal, and the friability will let you down;
  • the maximum taste of cereals is revealed in combination with butter, and vegetable oil can cross it out;
  • manufacturers usually indicate the cooking time of their particular product on the packaging, you can use this hint;
  • carrots, cut into small cubes and added during the cooking process, can emphasize the taste of brown rice;
  • from seasonings, cereals especially “love” saffron, turmeric, various types of pepper;
  • the product perfectly absorbs any aromas and tastes, so the scope for imagination is huge;
  • unprocessed brown rice is stored several times less than white, it is better to keep it in a glass jar, as the cereal strongly attracts odors and bugs;
  • If you add water during the cooking process, the rice will be spoiled. You can solve the problem in case of lack of fluid in a different way. Turn off the pan, wrap and move away for 2-3 hours, the remaining moisture will be harmoniously distributed over the grains;
  • it is easy to make sushi from brown rice if you choose round varieties with short grains;
  • the longer the cereal grains, the more crumbly the side dish will end up being.

The culinary properties of the oriental product are amazing. It goes well with a huge amount of spices and seasonings, as well as vegetables, meat and even fruits!

You don’t have to look for recipes with brown rice for a long time, you can just boil it according to the advice above, but take half a glass less water, and 20 minutes after the active bubbles, pour low-fat milk (1 glass) into the cereal and add melted butter.

After 15 minutes, when the brown cereal has practically absorbed the liquid, an apple, sliced, a handful of raisins and a little dried apricots or prunes is added to 1 glass of cereal to taste. You can experiment with the amount and set of dried fruits. Get a quick and satisfying porridge!

Another nutritious recipe is made with vegetables and meat:

  • about 0.6 kg of chicken is taken per glass of cereal;
  • from vegetables you will need 0.3 kg of ripe tomatoes, half as many eggplants and 200 g of white onions, carrots, 100 g of sweet pepper;
  • season the dish with 0.15 l of olive oil, 200 g of herbs and 20 g of garlic;
  • a rich set of spices - chili, coriander, pepper, cloves and a few leaves of parsley.

All vegetables are cut into small cubes, the tomatoes are peeled, and the meat is fried in oil in a frying pan. Then add onions and carrots to it, and fry other vegetables separately.

As soon as all the components become soft, they are combined, rice is spread on top. Puree with spices is prepared from tomatoes and a saucepan is poured over them, adding a little water. Stew 40 minutes. Serve on a large plate, sprinkled with herbs.

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In eastern countries, rice groats are considered a cultural asset. It is mentioned in the greetings of Asian peoples. With the right cooked product, the human body receives irreplaceable nutrients. Approach to the choice of rice varieties must be carefully. It depends on the variety what complex of vitamins is contained in the composition. Eating rice saturates the body, giving it a fairly long feeling of satiety.

Therefore, this product will perfectly fit into the diet of a person who is fighting extra pounds. Brown rice, which will be discussed below, is one of the most useful varieties of this crop. Thanks to him, a person acquires a slender figure and a healthy body.

Groats preparation

Basic knowledge of how to prepare brown rice groats for cooking will help you further in the preparation of white rice, a mixture with wild, barley and buckwheat porridge. Compliance with these simple recommendations will help to cook a tasty and crumbly dish that will bring great benefits to your body.

So, for starters, put the product in a deep container and fill it with the required amount of cool water, so that the liquid level is three centimeters higher than the rice cereal.

Next, vigorously stir the contents of the container. This is how you help dirt and dust from rice grains to rise to the top. After a few minutes, drain the water and repeat the procedure again. There is no recommended number of washes, it is necessary to repeat the procedure until the liquid to be washed becomes clear. This will indicate that this cereal crop is pure enough to continue its preparation.

Washing rice groats, regardless of variety, is considered a mandatory procedure due to the following circumstances:

  • thanks to running water, dust and dirt are washed out from the surface of the rice grain, which enters during the transportation of the product to an industrial enterprise;
  • the products that we see on the supermarket shelves are often subjected to special chemical treatment. It helps to increase the shelf life of rice cereal. During the washing process, rice grains partially get rid of the harmful shell, which makes further heat treatment more efficient.

Do not neglect this step, because thanks to it you will protect your body from harmful microorganisms and possible allergic reactions.

To prepare crumbly food soaking is a necessary step. In addition, during soaking, sufficiently dense rice grains become softer, which will help bring them to a ready state in a shorter time. At this stage, it is necessary to know that the washed brown rice grains actively absorb the aromas surrounding them. And the liquid used for cooking affects the taste of the finished dish. Therefore, the liquid that will be used to soak the rice groats must be clean, pre-boiled.

The use of tap water at this stage is unacceptable. Otherwise, rice groats acquire the characteristic taste of chlorine, which is part of tap water. Brown rice groats have an interesting taste, slightly reminiscent of the taste of hazelnuts.

For one kilogram of rice groats, you will need to stock up on three liters of clean and salted water. If you have the opportunity, buy mineral water in any supermarket, which contains minerals and vitamins vital for the human body. So you will increase the benefits of brown rice cereal. When deciding to use ordinary water, it is strongly recommended to boil it first.

The temperature regime of the soaking liquid also requires your attention. Experienced cooks advise using a liquid whose temperature will not allow potato starch to curdle. In other words, the temperature of the soaking liquid should not exceed sixty-two degrees.

Another interesting nuance when soaking rice cereal is the addition of salt. Not many people know about this and salt when the dish is almost ready. If for one kilogram of rice grains you used three liters of pure (or mineral) water, then for this volume of liquid you will need to add a little less than two tablespoons of salt.

This amount of salt will be sufficient for the rice grains to absorb the required amount of salt without taking too much. If you are faced with the fact that your cereal gives off some kind of extraneous aroma, then it is advisable to change the liquid during soaking two or three times. The soaking process, on average, takes two to three hours. This is how long it takes for the structure of the grains to soften and be ready for further cooking.

After the time has passed, the rice grits will need to be washed again. It is necessary to stock up on a five-liter container with a round bottom. Let it be something resembling a small basin. At this stage, it is extremely important not to use ice-cold or excessively hot water.

In the first case, rice grains will crack, which will subsequently lead to the boiling of cereals. And in the second - the use of hot water from the tap will actively fill the grains that absorb everything in a row with harmful substances from the water supply. When using boiled water, difficulties should not arise. So, washing, as in the first case, should be carried out until the liquid becomes transparent.

In the process of washing, do not rub the grits with your palms, otherwise it will give off a characteristic rice sediment. Lower your palms to the bottom of the container and lift the grits up with light movements. Repeat the procedure several times, then drain the water.

A clear liquid will indicate that the rice cereal is ready for further cooking. The process of preparing the brown variety seems to be very time consuming and at first can discourage the desire to cook it. However, if you follow these simple recommendations, your dish will turn out very tasty. Also, do not forget about the enormous benefits that come from eating just one serving of this cereal crop.

How much time to cook?

The cooking time of this type of grain is affected by the method you prefer. When deciding to use a slow cooker or a double boiler, the product will be cooked for at least twenty-five minutes (based on the basic parameters of the "Pilaf" mode). If you have carried out the pre-treatment of the drilled cereal crop - repeated washing and soaking - then the cooking time is reduced by fifteen minutes.

If you want to get the traditional crumbly consistency, you must first boil the water, which takes an average of five minutes. Then bring the product to the finished state - at least thirty minutes. And leave the rice grains to infuse for another twenty-five to thirty minutes.

In general, cooking on the stove takes a little over sixty minutes. It is worth noting that the rather long process of preparing this cereal crop adversely affects its properties. When boiled in a boiling liquid for more than forty-five minutes, rice grains boil soft and lose most of the beneficial vitamins and minerals that are in the composition.

How to cook rice properly?

Once you have tried the brown variety, you will no longer be able to deny yourself this pleasure. This product can be consumed as an independent dish, lightly seasoned with soy sauce and spices, or as a side dish for all types of meat and fish. It is great to use rice for making low-calorie chicken cutlets. Rice is usually served with boiled vegetables.

So, let's move on to the process of cooking brown rice. This cereal crop has some features that must be observed in order to get a ready-made tasty dish.

First of all, the brown variety must be well cleaned of various contaminants and dust. To do this, the product is thoroughly washed in warm water. There is an ancient belief that rice is washed in seven waters. But in reality, it is necessary to wash the rice so many times that the water after washing becomes clear.

Washing rice is a very important step that should never be ignored. Since, in addition to dust, there are particles of a special substance on rice, which is used to process cereals during cultivation. These substances can be toxic and cause unpredictable reactions from the body, especially if the rice has not been cooked properly.

The next step is soaking the product. There is no consensus on this process. Cooks are divided into two camps - some believe that soaking rice is necessary, while the latter do not understand why waste time on this process. However, if we delve into the biological characteristics of rice grains, we will find that brown rice grains are denser in comparison with the white product we are used to. In order to soften the shell of brown rice, it must be soaked in clean water.

You will need a deep container with cold drinking water. Pour the required amount of rice and leave it for two to three hours; It is permissible to soak brown rice overnight. If possible, change the water (two or three times will be enough).

Regardless of the variety, friable rice is considered the most delicious. Therefore, as in the case of barley and buckwheat porridge, it is extremely important to follow the ratio of water and this product. So, to prepare one glass of brown rice, you need to take two and a half - three glasses of pure water.

Do not forget that the cereal is poured into the water, which is just starting to boil. This nuance is also reflected in the taste of the finished dish.

Cooking this cereal crop must be carried out on low heat. The duration of cooking takes about forty minutes. In the process of cooking cereals, in no case do not mix the contents of the pan. A couple of minutes before completion, it is permissible to lightly shake the pan once or twice. After the time has elapsed, it is advisable to wrap the container with cooked brown rice in a warm terry towel or blanket and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. During this short period, the grains of rice will absorb the remaining water.

The long-grain version in bags in boiled form should be as soft and crumbly as possible. If it is solid, then hold it still under the lid.

A more modern method of cooking brown rice is to use a slow cooker. If you are a happy owner of this wonderful device, then cooking, firstly, will become much easier, since there is no need to periodically check the readiness of rice, and secondly, the cooking process in a slow cooker takes much less time. So, there are no significant differences between cooking brown rice in the traditional way and cooking it in a slow cooker.

To begin with, the cereal crop is thoroughly washed and soaked, and only then transferred to the multicooker bowl. Then you need to activate the "Pilaf" mode and wait for the sound signal about the end of the multicooker.

Regardless of the brand, any multicooker model contains a special compartment for boiling cereals. Before cooking, pour a small amount of water into it. A large volume of liquid will make the consistency more liquid; as a result, you will get rice porridge. This is done to soften the rice grains.

Each cereal has its own set of rules that help extend the shelf life of the product. They are quite simple, but ignoring them leads to the fact that rice groats begin to deteriorate and subsequently lose their beneficial properties. Following these recommendations will allow you to get all the benefits for your body from the product:

  • store unpolished brown or brown rice at room temperature, in a dry and dark place;
  • cereals are stored much longer in containers made of tinted glass or ceramics, the presence of a lid is welcome.

A little-known fact, but it is the use of this cereal that helps to lose extra pounds. Rich in vegetable fiber, the product helps to eliminate toxic substances, forcing them to literally “evacuate” from the intestinal area.

And the presence of a large amount of complex carbohydrates in the composition gives the body a false sense of satiety, thereby reducing appetite and preventing a person from overeating. If you are interested in removing excess fluid and unnecessary subcutaneous fat, it is recommended to arrange a fasting day with the help of low-calorie kefir and brown rice.

Choose a suitable day during which you do not have serious physical activity planned. On this day, you need to eat only properly cooked rice side dish and low-fat kefir. In twenty-four hours you will carry out an intensive cleansing of the intestines and the walls of the stomach.

You can learn more about how to cook brown rice in the next video.

The benefits and harms of brown rice are an interesting topic for those who like to try unusual foods in their kitchen. To evaluate the properties of cereals, you need to understand what its features are.

How is brown rice different from regular rice?

White and brown rice grains belong to the same cereal. The only difference between them is processing.

  1. White groats are grains that are thoroughly cleaned and polished before being packaged and sent for sale. In the process, the husk and germ are removed. This treatment can significantly extend the shelf life of the product and protect against infection by harmful microorganisms. At the same time, useful properties are significantly reduced - cereals lose up to 90% of valuable substances in their composition.
  2. Brown cereals are grains that have undergone minimal processing and therefore retained fiber and nutrients almost in full. However, at the same time, microorganisms and mold harm brown cereals much more often, moreover, during cooking, rice is very boiled.

The two varieties of grains differ in nutritional value. Since brown cereals have more fiber and white cereals have more carbohydrates, brown rice is considered a more dietary product.

The chemical composition of brown rice

To fully appreciate the benefits of brown cereals after minimal processing, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. Brown rice contains:

  • fiber - it is this component that is preserved in large volumes with minimal processing;
  • B vitamins - niacin and pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine;
  • nicotinic acid PP;
  • vitamins E and K;
  • vitamin H;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium and iron;
  • copper and zinc;
  • manganese and sodium;
  • phosphorus, iodine and selenium.

It is very important to note that brown cereal does not contain - gluten, which often causes allergies in children and adults. Everyone can use it without fear of gastric upset.

Calorie and glycemic index of brown rice

The calorie content of brown rice is only 362 kcal per 100 g of product - this is an average nutritional indicator. Basically, the composition of the grain is represented by complex carbohydrates - up to 77.2 g, but brown rice also contains about 7.5 g of proteins and about 1.8 g of fat.

The glycemic index of the product is 45-50 units, which makes it suitable for consumption in diabetes - brown rice does not cause glucose spikes.

Health benefits of brown rice

Brown cereal has a number of properties valuable for health. The benefit of the product is that it:

  • well satisfies hunger, replenishes energy and has a tonic effect;
  • does not contain gluten, so it is ideal for people with gluten intolerance;
  • strengthens the nervous system and promotes healthy brain activity;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and improves heart function;
  • increases concentration and memory;
  • regulates the work of the intestines, has a slight fixing effect;
  • helps in the work of the liver, promotes the rapid removal of toxins and toxins from the body;
  • serves as a cancer prevention due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition.

Healing recipes based on brown rice

Brown grains are very useful in a regular diet, as they help prevent the development of many ailments. However, the benefits and harms of brown rice for the body are clearly manifested in existing diseases, sometimes the properties of the product are used for treatment.

To cleanse the joints of salts

Useful cereals are used to regulate metabolism, remove excess salts from the joints and protect bone tissue from arthritis and arthrosis. It is necessary to prepare the following remedy:

  • a small amount of brown rice is laid out in 5 identical glasses - 2 large spoons of cereal for each;
  • the cereal is poured with cold water, the glasses are numbered and removed for a day in a dark place;
  • after a day, the water from the glasses is carefully drained, and then the cereal is poured with fresh water;
  • the procedure is repeated for 5 days in a row;
  • on the 6th day of soaking, rice from the first glass is boiled and taken for breakfast, after which fresh grains are again poured with water;
  • on the 7th day, they boil and eat rice from the second glass, also soaking a new portion of the cereal in the vacated container.

According to the above scheme, a useful product continues to be taken in the morning for 40 consecutive days. During the cleansing, it is important to drink more regular water and eat plenty of vegetables to make up for the loss of potassium in the body. After eating rice infusion in the morning, it is allowed to dine with any food, but not earlier than after 4 hours.

To cleanse the body

The properties of brown rice allow for a general cleansing of the body. To do this, pour 100 g of cereal with a liter of water and boil over low heat for 40 minutes under a closed lid.

Take a decoction of a third of a glass, filtered and cooled to a warm temperature, 1 time per day. It is recommended to carry out the treatment for 10 days, and then take a break so that there is no harm. A healing agent with reasonable use will speed up the metabolism, contribute to the speedy removal of toxins. This will not only normalize weight indicators, but also improve blood quality, and the liver will experience less stress.

With pancreatitis

During the acute phase of the disease, patients are usually shown hunger - this allows you to quickly remove inflammation of the pancreas. However, after a couple of days after the disease subsides, brown rice can be returned to the diet. In small quantities, when consumed twice a week, the properties of the product will not bring harm, but great benefits, as they will help regulate digestion. In order not to injure the pancreas, the product must first be properly boiled or even rubbed in a blender.

With diabetes

The benefits and harms of brown rice for diabetics depend on the rate of consumption of the product. Brown grains contain vitamins, folic acid and fiber, so brown rice is very useful for diabetes mellitus - it allows you to keep glucose levels at the right level. The amount of fast carbohydrates in the product is reduced, and rice does not lead to sharp spikes in sugar, but helps to maintain an even state of health.

However, in large volumes, the properties of the product are dangerous for the digestive tract. If there is too much of it, the harm will be expressed in flatulence and bloating, constipation is not excluded. On brown rice, with excessive use, you can gain weight, and this will bring unequivocal harm in diabetes.

The benefits and harms of brown rice for weight loss

The benefits of brown brown rice are manifested in the fact that it is extremely rich in fiber. But it, unlike the white variety, contains little starch, the calorie content of grains is reduced. All this makes brown cereal ideal for diet food. When it is used, toxins quickly leave the body, and a person quickly loses excess weight. A rice diet has a positive effect on well-being and appearance, the product gives a good mood and is responsible for a burst of energy.

However, the benefits and harms of brown rice for weight loss are closely related. The product has fixing properties, if you eat it too often and a lot, it will lead to constipation. Also, cereal is harmful to people with severe obesity, chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Basic principles of the brown rice diet

In order for the benefits of brown unpolished rice to be maximized and the product not to cause harm, it is important to follow a few rules on the diet.

  1. To avoid constipation, the product must be combined with fresh or stewed vegetables, salads, herbs.
  2. Vitamin deficiency can occur on the diet, so it is important to supplement rice with nuts and dried fruits.
  3. During weight loss, be sure to drink enough water, green and herbal tea. This will help prevent constipation and other intestinal damage, as well as replenish potassium stores.
  4. So that the properties of brown rice do not harm, the product should be consumed in an amount of no more than 200 g at one time.

The total duration of the rice diet should be no more than a week. Five- and three-day diets on rice are also used.

Advice! On useful cereal, you can arrange fasting days. In this case, only small portions of brown rice should be consumed during the day and washed down with plenty of water.

The use of brown rice in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of brown rice are used in homemade self-care recipes. Rice benefits both skin and hair - it supplies them with valuable elements and gives strength, has a cleansing and nourishing effect.

Rejuvenating face mask

With the help of the beneficial properties of brown rice, you can remove fine wrinkles, tighten the skin of the face and make it fresher and more elastic. For this you need:

  • grind 2 large spoons of rice grains;
  • mix with 2 large spoons of heavy cream or natural yogurt;
  • apply for a quarter of an hour on a previously cleansed face.

Hair conditioner

Homemade brown rice conditioner helps to make curls more manageable, shiny and smooth. Prepare a useful tool like this:

  • a small handful of rice grains is poured with water;
  • insist a few minutes;
  • the grains are washed, and then poured with a fresh portion of water;
  • insist another 5 minutes.

After that, the water from the resulting infusion is filtered and the hair is washed along the entire length. After 10 minutes after using the conditioner, the hair should be rinsed again with clean warm water. With regular use of the product, the curls become softer and acquire additional volume.

Cooking brown rice

In terms of structure, brown rice is quite different from white rice, it is more rigid and not so easily cooked. Therefore, it is necessary to cook cereals according to a special method so that the beneficial properties of brown rice are fully revealed.

How and how much to cook brown rice

If you cook a healthy product in compliance with simple rules, then rice will delight you with its softness and pleasant taste with a nutty note. At the same time, its calorie content will remain very low.

  1. Before cooking, brown rice must be soaked for a long time. The cereal is poured with water and kept under a lid for 6 hours or all night, and then the grains are washed, poured with fresh cold water and soaked for another half hour.
  2. First, the cereal is boiled over medium heat for 10 minutes, and then the water is drained from the porridge, fresh water is poured and boiled for another quarter of an hour.
  3. The pot with the finished porridge is not put on the table immediately, but first wrapped in a blanket or foil and kept closed for another half an hour so that the rice “reaches”.

At first glance, it seems that the recipe for making simple porridge is very troublesome and multi-stage. However, the results are worth the effort. If you boil brown grains in the same way as white ones, then their taste and beneficial properties cannot be appreciated. Moreover, poorly cooked, unpolished rice can be harmful, since substances harmful to the human body will remain in its shell.

What goes with brown rice

Brown rice is a product that is suitable for eating with a wide variety of dishes. If desired, you can simply boil healthy, fiber-rich porridge for breakfast. However, the properties of brown rice also appear when applied:

  • with fresh vegetables and vegetable side dishes;
  • with meat and fish;
  • with seafood and egg dishes;
  • in soups;
  • in stuffed treats.

Rice can be consumed along with fruits and herbs, legumes and many dairy products - kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, milk. Grains are often found in well-known recipes in Italian and Asian cuisine, often brown rice is used in the same recipes as regular white rice to enhance the nutritional properties of dishes.

Harm of brown rice

With its enormous benefits, brown rice has the potential to cause severe harm. This feature is associated with several of its properties.

  1. Rice grains contain poisonous arsenic compounds that are dangerous to human health. There are many more of them in brown rice than in white, since the product is not subjected to thorough processing. To make rice truly safe, it must be thoroughly washed and boiled, changing the water. Then only useful properties will remain in the cereal, and the harm will be eliminated.
  2. Unprocessed brown rice contains many nutrients and rich moisture reserves. This is precisely its benefit for the body, however, the product suffers from microorganisms and fungi more often. It is necessary to carefully observe the rules for storing brown rice, to prevent the appearance of mold on the surface of the grains. If the cereal began to exude an unpleasant odor or began to taste bitter, it should be thrown away immediately.

Important! Use healthy brown rice in small portions and not every day. No more than three times a week.

Contraindications to the use of brown rice

The health benefits and harms of brown rice depend on the presence or absence of certain ailments. In certain diseases and conditions, it is completely contraindicated. The product should not be used if:

  • allergies to rice groats of any type;
  • hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart and vascular ailments - rice exacerbates existing diseases and leads to exacerbations;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gastritis, ulcers and a tendency to flatulence - the properties of rice provoke constipation, bloating and increased gas formation.

How to choose and store brown rice

The popularity of brown rice is gradually increasing, and today it can be purchased both in specialized health food stores and in ordinary supermarkets. When buying, you need to pay attention to several points.

  1. Rice grains in the package should be approximately the same size and color. The noticeable heterogeneity of rice speaks of its low quality.
  2. The shade of quality brown rice is light brown. Too light or too dark color indicates that the rice is fake or spoiled.
  3. In the package with brown rice, there should be no foreign grains of grain, debris and husks.

It must be remembered that brown rice is an extremely healthy and at the same time perishable product. Such features affect its cost - the price of cereals cannot be too low.

As for storage, it is recommended to keep rice not in an open bag, but in a dry container in a place with good ventilation. The lid of the container must be tightly closed. Rice can be refrigerated. This will not affect its beneficial properties, but the risk that the product will quickly deteriorate will be lower.

Brown rice should not be kept warm and in an open sunny place. Under such conditions, the oils in the shell of the grains will begin to oxidize, and the cereal will become unusable. Because rice can absorb off-flavours, it's best to keep it away from other foods.


The benefits and harms of brown rice are a matter of proper storage and preparation of the product. If you properly boil rice and consume it in small portions, then in the absence of contraindications, it will bring undoubted health benefits.

We started thinking about healthy eating not so long ago. But since then, we have been constantly discovering new products that are beneficial to health. It was the same with brown rice. We bought 2 packs from the supermarket and brought them home. But how to cook brown rice to be delicious?

The benefits of brown rice

Why brown rice, you ask? It turns out that it is much healthier than polished white rice. Basically, brown rice is grains in a shell, unpeeled. It is here that the shell contains the bulk of useful substances.

Fiber, dietary fiber, essential amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins of many groups B, as well as C and A. There are also trace elements and minerals: potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium , sodium and others.

White rice, on the other hand, has gone through all the stages of polishing, and in fact, useful elements have been removed from it. From white rice, most often we cooked porridge in milk, cooked rice with vegetables and for a side dish, made pilaf, and just for a side dish. We certainly got used to his taste and neat appearance.

How to cook brown rice

When we brought the purchased brown rice home, we began to read on the package how to cook it. It was said that rice should be cooked for 30 minutes. Take the ratio of water 1 to 2, i.e. 2 parts water for 1 part rice.

I did everything as it was written, but the rice turned out to be tough, like rubber. We liked the taste though. I decided to cook it differently. I got into the Internet - this storehouse of information, shoveled through a lot of recipes and finally found features in cooking brown rice.

  • Soak rice for 3-4 hours before cooking.
  • You need to cook it like this:
      1. Rinse the grits and pour water at the rate of 3 parts of water to one part of rice and cook for 10 minutes.
      2. Drain the water, rinse the rice and pour water over it again and cook again for 15 minutes.
      3. Remove the pot of rice from the stove, wrap and leave for one hour.

That's so troublesome, of course, but it's worth it. The rice is fluffy and very tasty.

Brown rice pilaf

This recipe is made up of several recipes taken from the Internet and modified to your taste.

500 gr brown rice

700 gr pork

100 gr. onion

500 gr. carrots

100 gr. melted butter

garlic 2 heads

0.5 teaspoon of zira

salt to taste

1 liter + 0.5 cups of water


3-4 hours before cooking pilaf, rinse the rice well and pour cold water over it.

While the rice is soaking, prepare the rest of the ingredients. We cut the carrots into bars, onions into half rings, peel the garlic from the outer husk, cut the meat into small pieces.

Put melted butter in a hot cauldron and put onions, carrots and meat in turn. Fry everything for 15 minutes over low heat.

Then we add a liter of boiling water to the cauldron and cook the broth, which is called zirvak. Bring the broth to a boil and cook for 15 minutes over low heat with the lid closed.

After 15 minutes, add zira, garlic heads, salt to zirvak. Cook for another 15 minutes. Let's taste the finished broth for salt. It should turn out a little salty.

We lay the soaked rice in a cauldron and pour half a glass of boiling water. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid, reduce the heat to the weakest and cook for another 20 minutes.

Attention! Now the main feature:

Open the cauldron after 20 minutes of cooking. We collect the rice in a slide and pierce with a knife to the very bottom. There should be quite a lot of broth left. Rice hasn't absorbed everything yet.

Cover the rice with a plate. We close the cauldron with a lid. After that, put the cauldron for another 25-30 minutes on the weakest fire. It is necessary that the rice absorbs all the broth, and then the pilaf will be ready.

We open the cauldron. We remove the plate. And we see the picture, as in the photo. There is such a smell in the kitchen that it is impossible to resist! And our pilaf turned out crumbly.

Bon appetit!