Home / Dumplings / Russia without oranges: what will replace the Egyptian supplies. Russia threatened to take revenge on Egypt by banning the import of oranges What fruit trees grow in Egypt

Russia without oranges: what will replace the Egyptian supplies. Russia threatened to take revenge on Egypt by banning the import of oranges What fruit trees grow in Egypt

Has the 360 ​​TV channel figured out how the orange market works in Russia?

On September 22, a ban on the import of a number of fruit and vegetable crops from Egypt into Russia comes into force. The list includes oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits and vegetables such as potatoes and tomatoes. Why Egyptian fruits and vegetables were banned, and who will occupy the vacated large niche, says the 360 ​​TV channel.

Why banned

Russia doesn't want more sweet oranges from Egypt, but not because they don't like it. It is simply dangerous to import plant products from the country of the pyramids, Rosselkhoznadzor explained. The fact is that pests dangerous for our latitudes are found in them. For example, the Mediterranean fruit fly. Almost fifty deliveries with this dangerous quarantine organism have been detected since the beginning of the year.

No oranges, no wheat

Representatives of the Rosselkhoznadzor explain that overseas colleagues were warned, but this did not affect the situation. By the way, quite recently the Egyptians restricted the import of our grains, saying that wheat from some regions is infected with ergot. According to the Federal Customs Service, the share of Egyptian oranges in the Russian market is over thirty percent, in fact, every third orange in the country comes from Egypt. However, imports are seasonal in nature and now large wholesale markets in Russia are full of citrus fruits from other countries. For Egypt, this is a huge loss. This year, their farmers have probably prepared for large deliveries to Russia and will now be forced to urgently look for other ways to sell. At the same time, our market will suffer slightly from the ban.

Not only oranges

And also potatoes, onions, including shallots and leeks, garlic, grapes and tangerines - all these supplies will be deprived of Russian counters after the ban on the import of vegetables and fruits from Egypt. But it was the threat of the disappearance of citrus fruits from the Arab Republic that made the most noise, because Egypt is Russia's largest supplier.

At the beginning of this year, market relations between Russia and Egypt were only getting stronger. Trade turnover increased by 5% and amounted to more than 1 billion 700 million dollars. And most of the imports are precisely the Egyptian "orange".

"Orange market" of Russia

About a third of imports, a quarter of a million tons per year, just from the Arab Republic. Significantly less from Morocco -18.5%. Then comes Pakistan (16.7%) and, until recently, Turkey (11.9%), supplies from which stopped after the sanctions imposed in January. The rest is the total share of imports from Argentina, Iran, South Africa and… Belarus. Yes, after the first wave of anti-sanctions, our neighbors began to grow a lot of exotics.

The history of the "disappearance" of foreign oranges

We have forgotten the taste of, say, Sicilian oranges for two years now. After the introduction of a food embargo on goods from Europe and a number of other countries. Meanwhile, in 2014, about 13,500 tons of these citrus fruits were brought from Spain, Italy and Greece to the capital region. Since the beginning of this year, Turkish oranges have also disappeared from the shelves; last year they were on the list of leaders with their 36,000 tons for Moscow and the Moscow region. A couple of kilograms for each inhabitant. And now under the ban and Egypt.

Will prices rise?

But Russian retailers do not panic and confidently declare that they have everything under control. Representatives of X5 Retail Group report that Egypt accounts for about a third of citrus deliveries in their stores. It will take no more than three weeks to replace this share with fruits from Morocco, Pakistan, Syria and Israel. Dixy and Auchan have the same alternative suppliers - Morocco, Iran and Syria. Also, all retailers assured that neither a shortage nor an increase in prices for oranges should be expected.

This may be a response to the refusal of the Egyptians to buy Russian grain

Egypt has every chance to get stuck on the very oranges. Rosselkhoznadzor has threatened local producers to cut off the supply of citrus fruits and other crop products due to violations of phytosanitary standards. The department explained that, despite numerous appeals from Rosselkhoznadzor to the central plant quarantine administration of the Ministry of Agriculture of Egypt on this issue, the Egyptian side has not yet taken measures to correct the situation. However, Cairo can fix everything by allowing the import of wheat from Russia.

Oranges for Egypt are almost the same as grain for Russia. These fruits make up 65% of citrus production and 30% total production fruits in Egypt. At the same time, Russia is one of the main importers of Egyptian oranges: about 18% of oranges exported from Egypt are supplied to us. In winter, the share of Egyptian citrus fruits in the assortment of domestic supermarkets reaches 30%.

The fact that Russia is trying to solve the problem with wheat exports with the help of bans on citrus fruits is quite logical. Irina Gekht, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Policy of the Federation Council, said that citrus suppliers from Egypt had previously had problems with quarantine restrictions on supplies due to the spread of pests - the Mediterranean fruit fly and the peach fruit fly. So far, there have been no global sanctions. Whether Rospotrebnadzor will now take concrete action, time will tell.

Oranges for Egypt are almost the same as grain for Russia. This is 30% of the total fruit production in the country. Photo: flickr / Jay Bergesen

Experts explain the tactics of the Egyptians by the desire to bring down the price of grain. But it is possible that with the help of wheat, Egypt is trying to solve for itself another, no less important issue - the resumption of air communication with Russia. Everyone was waiting for this to happen in October. However, the next security inspection of the Cairo airport by Russian specialists, which ended last week, did not bring a positive result. The issue has been postponed until the moment when the second terminal starts working, it will bear the main burden of servicing the Russians after the “opening” of Egypt.

“Each country has its own sanitary norms and rules. This is always a matter of agreement: you can lift the quarantine, or you can put forward your own demands. For example, last year our health authorities complained about flowers from Holland because of thrips pests, although we ourselves have a lot of these thrips. The same thing happened with tomatoes from Turkey. All this is called a trade war,” says Pavel Grudinin, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex.

How will the "trade war" with Egypt turn out for Russia? Retailers have already promised that, if necessary, they will easily solve the problem of another embargo. Egyptian citrus fruits will be replaced by oranges from Morocco, Pakistan and Syria. At the same time, Pavel Grudinin did not rule out that as soon as the road to Egyptian oranges was blocked, Belarus would take the place of the largest supplier of these citrus fruits. She will supply us with the same fruits, but under her own brand. This has already been the case with Turkey. It is unlikely that ordinary buyers will benefit from such castling. Prices go up whenever there is less competition. So, the Russians will again have to tighten their belts.

Holidays in Egypt are a great chance not only to relax, but also to escape from the cold to the warm Red Sea. Now anyone can soak up the bright sunshine in the winter. The cost of tours to Egypt, of course, pleases, so more and more tourists have been coming to Egypt lately. The flight takes about three hours, and the pleasure of the rest is colossal. Egypt is a land of adventure, desert, entertainment, diving and sandy beaches. Well, what could be better for children and adults to relax?

A trip to Egypt is associated not only with swimming in the sea, but also with exotic fruits and vegetables. The country grows a huge amount of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, which are breathtaking, so what grows in Egypt?

1. Avocado It is a one-seeded berry that is shaped like a pear. On average, a mature fruit reaches a length of 5 to 20 cm. Its weight ranges from 50 grams to 1.8 kilograms. The skin of the fruit is quite hard and has a green color. The flesh is yellow-green. The berry in its composition contains a lot of fat.

2. Quince- This is a fruit that resembles an apple, round in shape and dark yellow in color, sometimes red tints can be observed. The diameter of a mature fruit ranges from 2.5 - 3.5 cm to 15 cm. The pulp is quite aromatic and oily. The taste of quince is sweet, astringent and slightly tart. maturation - from late September to late October.

3. Pineapple- This is a tropical fruit that, outwardly, resembles a cone with a flower. The flesh is yellow in color and has a pleasant sweet taste. The mature fruit can reach 60 cm.

4. Orange is a bright orange fruit of the orange tree, which is a hybrid of pomelo and tangerine. To taste, thin-skinned, juicy and full-bodied oranges are considered the most valuable.

5. Banana yellow It is an oblong cylindrical fruit with a yellow skin. The length of bananas ranges from 3 to 40 cm, and its thickness is from 2 to 8 cm. The pulp of bananas is white or pale yellow.

6. Pomegranate- this useful fruit pomegranate tree, the peel of which has a color of orange-yellow to brown-red. some fruits can reach 15-18 cm in diameter. Inside there are up to 1000-1200 seeds, the shell of which has an sour sweet taste. Pomegranate is incredibly healthy and contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium and much more.

7 Grapefruit It is a sweet and sour fruit with a slight bitterness. The peel has a yellow-orange color. in diameter, one ripe fruit reaches 10-15 cm. The flesh can be light yellow or ruby ​​red, depending on the variety. Grapefruit is used in cooking, as well as in the production of essential oils, toilet waters, colognes, as well as alcoholic beverages.

8. Persimmon- This is a bright orange fruit, inside which

Rogo has light flesh, astringent taste. In order to get rid of this, it is either frozen or exposed to heat. persimmon is used in cooking and making juices.

9. Pomelo- This is a large yellow-orange fruit that looks like an orange or grapefruit. This fruit is the largest among all citrus fruits. The weight of one fruit can reach even a kilogram, and its diameter fluctuates around 30 centimeters. In most cases, the skin is thick and the taste is sweet and sour.

10. Kiwi- These are green fruits, the weight of which can range from 75 to 100 grams. It is a berry with green or yellow flesh. Due to the high content of potassium, kiwifruit is an excellent natural remedy for iodine deficiency and hypertension. The taste of kiwi combines the taste of pineapple, cherry, apple, melon, banana, strawberry and gooseberry. It is used either in fresh, or in salads, or in jam or jelly.

Exotic fruits of Egypt

1. Red banana- This is a fruit that looks very similar to a regular yellow banana, but it has a smaller size and a more pronounced and interesting taste and aroma. The rind is either purple or red-brown, while the flesh varies from creamy white to pink. This is the best source of potassium.

2. Guava is a pear-shaped, oval or round fruit, which reaches a length of 10 cm. The flesh of a ripe fruit is bright red, yellow, pink or white. Delicate musky aroma.

3. Mango- This is a delicious fruit that can ripen up to 5 kg in weight. Skin color ranges from green to red. The flesh is pale yellow, with a pleasant oily taste.

4. Figs are sweet and juicy fruits of the fig tree, which are pear-shaped with seeds inside. Outside, they are covered with a barely noticeable thin skin with thin hairs. They have a color from yellow to black-blue, it all depends on the variety of the fruit. In most cases, you can find fruits of yellow-green color.

5. Medlar- This is a bright orange fruit, oval, pear-shaped or spherical in shape. It has a pleasant sweet taste. Outside, the skin is covered with a thin fluff. And inside the fetus there are 2-3 bones. This fruit is very useful for various diseases, especially for diabetics. The fruits have been cultivated for over 1000 years in various parts of the world.

6. Passion fruit- These are small fruits of spherical or oblong shape. The peel can be yellow or dark purple in color. The fruits are used in cooking and medicine. They contain many tonic substances. In addition, passion fruit is used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

7. Papaya- these are quite large fruits, reaching a length of 15-70 cm, and a diameter of 10-30 cm. The tree bears fruit throughout the year, and is grown in all exotic countries.

8. Pepino- This is one of the most attractive outwardly exotic fruits. Them taste qualities, color and shape are very diverse. Fruits grown on the same tree can be radically different from each other. In most cases, pepino has a sweet and sour taste, with a melon flavor. They are 93% water, the remaining 7% are carbohydrates.

9. Pitaya- This is a fruit whose weight reaches 150-600 grams, although some specimens can ripen up to one kilogram. This fruit can be eaten raw. It has a sweet taste, and despite this, pitahaya is low in calories. It is better to eat it slightly chilled. In addition to all this, you can make drinks, wine and even juice from it.

10. Ashta is an Arabic fruit that is a hybrid of gooseberries and currants. The pulp of the fruit has a fragrant and delicate aroma. and the taste deserves special attention, as it resembles the taste of strawberries, melons, apples and yogurt at the same time. This fruit is incredibly useful, as it contains vitamins C, B2 and B1, fructose and easily digestible carbohydrates.

11. Physalis- This is a perennial plant, which in most cases is used as a decor, to decorate all kinds of bouquets and ekiban. In fact, physalis flowers contain in their composition a lot of useful elements that have a beneficial effect on health.

12. Cantaloupe- it's incredibly delicious Exotic fruits, which are covered with a striped peel. in length, the ripe fruit can reach 15-25 cm. The flesh can be yellow or orange.

13. Carambola- These are fruits that have a yellow-cinnamon or just yellow peel. After the cut, it looks like a five-pointed star. The pulp is tasty, crispy and comes in two varieties: sweet and sweet and sour. They include a large number of vitamin C. The ripening period is from the beginning of May to the end of August. fruit is used in the preparation of desserts and cocktails.

What month can you buy fruit in Egypt

in winter

In December -(guava, dates, physalis, strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas);
In January- the height of the strawberry season (citrus fruits, bananas, strawberries, guava, pomegranates, dates and physalis);
In February- (guava, dates, physalis, strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas);


In March- (guava, strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas);
In April- (strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas, watermelons);
In May- the end of the strawberry season and the beginning of the season of watermelons and melons (bananas, citrus fruits, strawberries, melons, watermelons, peaches, medlar, apples);

In summer

In June- (citrus fruits, bananas, melons, watermelons, apricots, peaches, apples, grapes, mango season begins at the end of the month);
In July- (bananas, citrus fruits, mangoes, melons, watermelons, apricots, peaches, apples, grapes, a short fig season begins, a short pear season, as well as a persimmon season);
In August- the height of the mango season (bananas, mangoes, citrus fruits, melons, watermelons, peaches, apples, grapes, persimmons, pears, figs);


In September- (citrus fruits, bananas, mangoes, melons, watermelons, grapes, pears, physalis);
In October- the beginning of the season of dates and pomegranates (dates, grapes, physalis, ashta, pomegranates, citrus fruits, bananas)
In November- (dates, physalis, ashta, pomegranates, strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas, guava).

In contact with

Just as the Thais do not quite understand why we are so happy about the warm weather, so the Egyptians - why we love fruits so much. And why most reviews about the hotel do not do without information: was there a lot of fruit on the buffet ...

What is everyday and not so valuable for them is a small holiday for us. And if you wish, this holiday, in Egypt, you can arrange at least every day. At the same time, not a single All Inclusive hotel will offer you the full variety and richness of the tastes of Egyptian fruits. For "taste" you have to go to the market. And here it is important to remember: as elsewhere, there are local and imported fruits here.

Here, for example, bananas: beautiful, large, bright yellow ... Like in our supermarkets. The local will not even look at them, but will go looking for other bananas: small, ugly, green, with brown spots ... tasty, fragrant and sweet. In a word, look for fruits made in "igipshen" or "baladi" in the market, which means "local".

In Egypt, they do not grow: cherries, plums, pineapples, avocados ... The apple season in Egypt is also very short, and basically, they are all imported.

As for the seasons, in Egypt it is always the season of any kind of fruit. The crop is harvested here twice a year, in spring and autumn. "Champions" are citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits, limes. At the same time, the autumn harvest is tastier than the spring one, and citrus fruits are better in winter than in summer. But, the season of kumquat and tangerines falls just in autumn-winter. The leanest season for local fruits is early spring, when the winter ones have already departed, and the summer ones have not yet ripened.

The list below lists local fruits in a given season for the best value for money. Of course, you can also find other fruits on the market. For example, mango can always be bought in Egypt. But depending on the season, the choice and price will vary greatly.

Is it possible to export fruit from Egypt? There are no problems from the Egyptian side. But the import of fruits into Russia is officially prohibited. Baggage rules prescribe:

"In order to protect the territory of Russia from the introduction of quarantine harmful organisms from other countries, the import of fresh fruits and vegetables in baggage and hand luggage, without being accompanied by established documents, is not allowed."

But I think that this is one of the most frequently violated points.

Now, in more detail, and with estimated prices ...


Due to the short season, the fruit is considered a rarity in Egypt, almost a delicacy. Apples are mostly imported and are expensive, but the local population loves them, after all, the "forbidden" fruit is sweet. And even most carbonated drinks, such as fanta or mirinda, let alone holsten, are sold here with an apple flavor. The Russians, on the other hand, treat local apples with skepticism.

Indeed, after the Russian Melba, Strifel, Antonovka and many other wonderful varieties, local apples seem like grassy cotton wool, although they are quite sweet with sourness, firm and tasty in their own way.
Season: August - September. The price is about 2.5 - 4 $ per kilogram.


The most delicious and juicy ones appear on the shelves from May to the end of July. The most common variety is Giza, it is distinguished by a dark green, almost uniform color with a light side on which the watermelon lay when ripe. The size of watermelons and weight, respectively, varies from a few kilograms to several tens. The main thing is when choosing a watermelon, tap it and feel it for integrity.

Careless Egyptians throw them at random, and in the heat, they quickly begin to wander. Do not believe the persuasion of sellers, choose and touch everything and everywhere yourself. We do not recommend cutting the watermelon on the spot, for obvious sanitary reasons. Watermelons in Egypt are sweet, almost always ripe, the grains are small and there are not so many of them, the main thing is to pre-cool the watermelon in the refrigerator or minibar, and then it will become a truly chic snack.
Season: May - July. The price is $2-4 for a watermelon.


The most common variety is Galya. Yellow mesh, round shape, weighing about 1 kilogram. They are harvested slightly underripe, so from the middle to the edge, the color of the pulp changes from yellow to light green.

It is better to choose a ripe melon according to the aroma emanating from it, the stronger, the sweeter and tastier the melon. Greenish in places, it is in many respects inferior to Uzbek relatives in aroma and juiciness, and not so "snotty", but also quite pleasant in taste and aroma.
Season: June - September. The price is $1 for 1 kilogram.


You can drink sweet tea with real lemons, and not those small green limes that are usually served anytime and anywhere, on cool winter evenings in January - February.

Season: February, the rest of the time lemons are imported. The price is 2-4 pounds per lemon.


Small, green, hard-skinned, about the size of a table tennis ball. Meet all year round, the Arabs serve them both with soups and salads. Moderately sour, without a bright lime flavor, medium-juicy inside.

Suitable for lemon drinks(juices) and well set off the taste of seafood.
Season: all year round. The price is 3 pounds per kilogram.


There are sweet and sour-sweet varieties Naval and Baladi, the main season is from December to March, and the Valencia variety ripens until May.

During the summer in Egypt, mostly wild oranges, which are only suitable for juice.
Season: almost all year round from December to May. Price from 1 pound per 1 kilogram.


There are both red and white inside. In Egypt, fruits of medium or large size, yellowish-reddish, are often found. Sweet, but still have a characteristic aftertaste and sourness. The peel is not thick, the core is soft and juicy, grains are almost completely absent. The main varieties are "Red Rio" and "Star Ruby". Red Rio has a richer dark red flesh color, and the skin is thinner than the "star ruby".

The white-fleshed grapefruit is the result of a selection of the American Thomson variety. The rind is lighter in color, and often lacks specific reddish pigmentation on the surface.
Season: almost all year round from March to June. The price is about $ 2 per kilogram.


These fruits ripen New Year like in many other countries. December and January are inextricably linked with the tangerine scent. Trees grow mainly closer to Alexandria, most of the production is exported.

Egyptian tangerines are often sweet and sour, moderately aromatic with lots of pips.
Season: November - January. The price is 4-5 pounds per 1 kilogram.


Varieties "Prince of Florida" and "Desert Red" ripen from April to the end of June. Not the sweetest in taste and fragrant when compared with the varieties of Greek lands. The fruits are medium in size, about 150 - 200 grams, quite juicy. Peach taste is not pronounced, the pulp is fibrous, medium hardness.

Much tastier local peaches, small with a whitish skin and pulp. Very juicy and tasty.
Season: April - July. The price is about $ 2 per kilogram.


These mutants also grow well, have a decent taste and medium firmness when the fruit is ripe. They ripen best on trees. Sufficiently juicy, nutritious, the color can be from yellowish-reddish to dark ruby.

Season: May - August. The price is about $ 2 per kilogram.


Almost all grape varieties produced in Egypt are seedless and have a sweet taste. Early varieties are Sagraion, light green with a hint of turquoise and red Flame, seedless, very sweet and tasty grapes, ripen by May-June. Thomson - green pitted, more saturated color, slightly smaller in size, ripens in August-September.

Even by this time, the varieties of red grapes Crimson and Red Globe are ripening, quite large, sweet, with slightly sour skin, they can most often be found on the shelves, thanks to the rather long (up to 2 months) shelf life of these varieties.
Season: May - September. The price is $1.5-2 per kilogram.


In Egypt, not far from Luxor, strawberries of the "Festival" variety are grown - a rather large red berry, but in comparison with a berry from northern latitudes... practically tasteless. Suitable as a snack and as part of freshly squeezed juices.

During the season, prices are kept at 5 Egyptian pounds, which allows you to turn a blind eye to a not pronounced taste.
Season: November - May. The price is $1.5-2 per kilogram.


In Egypt, the Cavendish banana is grown, quite large in size and moderately sweet, slightly greenish. The Indian variety Magrabi is slightly smaller in size, but more yellow and tasty.

Try to choose bananas with a cylindrical shape, without obvious edges. Their absence indicates the ripeness of these berries. The cross section should be a circle, not a polygon.
Season: October - March. The price is $1 per kilo.


It is also called f And ha, or wine berry. Very fragile, but very useful and nutritious, contains a huge amount of useful substances, it is recommended even for the recovery of the body after heavy operations. The main problem is transportation, so it is best to overeat ripe figs on the spot. The price of a fruit is democratic, and saturation occurs after eating 2-3 berries.

Dark, small-sized fruits are considered the most delicious.
Season: July - August. The price is about $ 2 per kilogram.


This yellowish or greenish fruit resembles a pear from a distance. It has a specific pleasant aroma, it is very good to use as part of mixed juices and desserts. But there are people who like guava precisely because of the taste. The fruit is very useful when ripe has a pale yellow tint, soft.

Care should be taken when eating, because the grains are very hard and not immediately noticeable. You can easily damage your teeth.
Season: there is almost always. The price is about 1-1.5 $ per kilogram.


Harvested between August and October, when they are fully ripe. Egyptian pomegranates come in several varieties, including some that have not been established. Of the main features, one can distinguish the light color of the grains, there are also red garnets, but not dark and ruby ​​ones.

Juicy and sweet in taste, almost without sourness, the grains are easily chewed, therefore The best way eating is to peel more pomegranates into a large container, and then eat this thing with handfuls or a spoon)
Season: August - November. The price is about 1-1.5 $ per kilogram.


One of the most popular exotic fruits grown in Egypt. These fruits ripen on large trees and can weigh up to 2 kg. In Egypt, about a dozen varieties are grown, although in the homeland of mango - India, there are more than a thousand of them. The main varieties grown in Egypt are Alfonso, Timor, Indian, Mabrouk, Zebdia, Sokari, Hindi.

Alfonso - early ripe, medium-sized, almost completely yellow fruits, oval in shape. May have slight redness towards the base. Very pleasant elastic pulp of a yellowish-orange hue, a sweet pronounced taste is interrupted by a slight sourness, moderately juicy, very tender and tasty.
Timor is a large, oval-shaped, bluish-green fruit that ripens in August, closer to September. The crust is thin and soft, fragrant smell - yellow-orange inside slightly fibrous, very sweet, big and tasty when ripe. It is also called Egyptian.
Indian - greenish and oblong, fruits are much smaller than Egyptian Timor, slightly curved at the end.
Mabrouk - average weight about 400 grams, greenish-orange or red, dense skin, fibrous structure, medium sweetness, ripen closer to mid-August. Zebdia - green, large, weighing 400 grams or more.
Sokari - Yellow, large, over 400 grams. This variety was one of the first to be grown on an organic basis.
Hindi - these are small juicy yellow fruits, weighing no more than 200 grams, a small flat bone, moderately sweet, fragrant.
Season: July - February. The price, depending on the variety, is from $ 2 to $ 6 per kilogram.


An exotic and unusual fruit that is also popular in Asia. The love of the Egyptians for apples gave the fruit the nickname "cream apple". The fruit is native to Mexico.

The plant itself is called - Anona, some sources claim that the cunning Israelis use it to treat cancer, but they do not tell anyone about it, and that ashta is the strongest natural anticarcinogenic. The main thing is to learn how to buy the "correct" ashta, it should be soft and with dark spots. Not hard and not completely darkened.
Season: October - December. The price per piece is about $1.5.


Jewish Cherry - These are cherry-like berries, only yellow in color, packed naturally in a leaf pod. Physalis fruits are filled useful substances and acids in large quantities, so after eating a couple of dozen berries, most likely you will encounter an upset stomach. Don't overeat.

Season: April - May. The price is about $ 1.5-2 per kilogram.


In Egypt, it is imported, it costs more than other fruits, the season is June, July. The berry is medium in size, dark red, sweet and fleshy.

Season: June - July. The price is about $ 4-5 per kilogram.


Also imported, the season is from November to February. Often used as part of fresh juices in various street establishments. Juices are very popular in Egypt - mix 3 in 1: a cocktail of three types of fruit, poured in layers and not mixed. It looks pretty and tastes really good too.

The Arabs take turns mixing different fruits in a blender: strawberries, guava, kiwi, mangoes, bananas... As a result, a refreshing and very useful "traffic light" is obtained in a glass.
Season: June - July. The price is 1-2 pounds per piece.


The closest relative of the hawthorn, quince and pear. And it tastes like all three... plus a plum, maybe. Most delicious fruits- bright orange and soft. The taste is not as bright as that of the Egyptian mango, but still tasty and healthy. Fruits contain beta-carotene, malic acid, potassium, they are rich in fiber and improve digestion. Also in this juicy pulp contains vitamins C and B, iron, phosphorus, sodium, pectin, phytoncides, aromatic and tannins.

It is due to the content of tannins, which are also contained in its leaves, that medlar has an astringent effect, so it is recommended to use it for intestinal disorders (diarrhea). By the way, the astringent taste is not felt at all at the time of eating the fruit, but it can be slightly felt in the mouth later. Medlar is rich organic acids, they help cleanse the liver and blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots.
The fruit is expensive by Egyptian standards. A package of medlar costs £20-25, which is almost three times more expensive than peaches.