Home / Dumplings / Rice soup with chicken and mushrooms recipe. Chicken soup with rice and mushrooms

Rice soup with chicken and mushrooms recipe. Chicken soup with rice and mushrooms

To prepare this delicious fragrant soup best fit chicken thighs, but drumsticks can also be cooked. You can use both white and brown mushrooms, and instead of parsley, you can add dill to the soup.

How to cook chicken soup with rice and mushrooms

  1. Place the chicken thighs in a saucepan and cover with water. Add Bay leaf, allspice and peeled onion. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes, then remove the chicken to a plate and strain the broth back into the pot. When the chicken thighs have cooled, separate the meat from the bones and tear into pieces.
  2. Bring the broth back to a boil and add the diced potatoes, carrots and rice. Simmer until the vegetables are half cooked, then add the chopped mushrooms and chicken meat. Salt and pepper to taste and bring the soup to readiness, then remove from heat and add chopped parsley. Cover and let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes.

Highly tasty soup! Easier only instant noodles.

We love chicken very much and always buy a whole carcass. They used to be afraid and always took the drumsticks, breast or thighs separately, thinking that it was easier and tastier. It turned out that uncut chicken is much tastier than parts, and three dishes can be prepared from a whole chicken carcass. Wash the chicken, cut off the breasts - this is a fillet, cut off the legs and wings - we will fry or bake them, and send the skeleton to boil - this will be a wonderful broth on which you can cook risotto or such a simple soup.

Yes, we still love Forest mushrooms, and mushrooms also have "broth" parts - these are hard legs. We cut the legs into pieces of a convenient size and send them to cook with the chicken. All together can be cooked for 20-30 minutes.

The finished broth can be used immediately, that is, cook the soup immediately or cool, put in the refrigerator and cook the soup the next day. It can be hard to eat three chicken dishes in one day, so we save the broth in reserve and cook soup the next day.

For soup you will need a cup of rice, some vegetables and greens. With a fork, you can remove pieces of meat from the chicken body. Do not forget spices (pepper, bay leaf) and salt.

Soup recipe with rice, chicken and mushrooms

  • 2 liters chicken and mushroom broth
  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 turnip
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 1-2 bulbs
  • celery greens
  • Spices

Pour the washed rice into the boiling broth, chop the vegetables and send to the rice. Salt, add spices. At the end of cooking, add fresh chopped celery greens. Let stand 10 minutes and serve.

Alexey Borodin

Ingredients: 100 g butter, 1 onion, 1/2 cup celery, 1/2 cup carrots, 250 g mushrooms, 3/4 cup flour, 1.5 liters chicken broth, 2 cups cooked rice, 500 g chicken breast fillets, boiled in advance, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp curry powder, 1/2 tsp mustard powder, 1/2 tsp dried parsley, 1/2 tsp ground black pepper, 3 tbsp fortified wine, 2 glasses low-fat (10%) cream.

Melt butter in the bottom of a large saucepan over medium heat. Add finely chopped onions, celery and carrots and simmer for 5 minutes. Add sliced ​​mushrooms and simmer for 2 more minutes. Then add flour and mix well. Gradually pour in chicken bouillon stirring constantly until everything is mixed. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and let simmer. Then add finished boiled rice, cooked boiled chicken meat, salt, curry powder, mustard powder, parsley, ground black pepper, wine. Let it warm up and pour in the cream. Let it simmer over very low heat for an hour. There is time!

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Soup with chicken and mushrooms for simple lovers home cooking. If you add rice to it, the soup will be more nutritious. The recipe with a photo will show the main points of its preparation. What else do you need for an everyday meal? It is cold and slushy outside, and on the stove, in anticipation of hungry eaters, fragrant chicken and mushroom soup is infused. To him would still be fresh, a clove of garlic and a generous pinch of fragrant herbs. And that's all, we can consider the dinner a success! The second course is unlikely to be needed, most likely, they will ask for more, and by the end of dinner the soup pot will be empty.
Soup can be prepared from any parts of the chicken carcass. If you want it to be light, almost dietary, boil the broth from the breast or fillet. For more rich broth use wings, thighs or backs. Any mushroom will do. Of course, it will be tastier with forest mushrooms, but champignons are more accessible, so they are added to the soup in the recipe. And you already choose the option that suits you.

How to cook soup with chicken, rice and mushrooms


- large chicken wings - 2 pcs;
- water for the broth - 1.5 liters;
- potatoes - 3 pcs;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- onion - 1 pc (half in the broth, half in the fry);
- champignons - 100 gr;
- rice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- salt - to taste;
- any greens, sour cream - for serving.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour chicken wings with water, throw half a large onion or one small onion (you can not peel it). After boiling, we collect the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat so that the water barely moves. Cook, uncovered, for 40-45 minutes until the chicken is done. Salt 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.

When the chicken is almost ready, we start cutting vegetables and mushrooms. Cut half of a large onion small cube. We clean the champignons from a thin film, cut into plates 0.5 cm thick.

Cut carrots and potatoes into strips, not quite thin. It is not recommended to grate carrots, as they will pick up oil during frying and will interrupt the taste of the broth.

We take out the chicken wings from the broth, if necessary, filter it. Throw away the onion. We lower the potatoes into the boiled broth, cook for about ten minutes.

As soon as the potatoes boil, pour oil into the pan, heat it up and pour the onion. Lightly fry it until golden edges appear. Add carrots. Fry until almost done, 7-8 minutes.

Add mushrooms to vegetables. Mushrooms can be lightly sautéed or only stewed with vegetables over low heat so that they are saturated with oil.

Add rice to almost ready potatoes, after washing the grits several times. Be sure to stir until the soup boils so that the rice does not stick to the bottom.

After 5-6 minutes, add fried vegetables with mushrooms to the chicken soup. Cook for five minutes, this time is enough for vegetables and mushrooms to reach fully prepared, and the rice remained a little dense. Cooking rice until soft in soups is not recommended, it quickly becomes sour. With overcooked rice, the soup will turn out very thick, the broth will become cloudy, and its taste will deteriorate.

Turn off the soup, leave under the lid to infuse. Before switching off, we taste for salt, add if necessary. At the same stage, you can add spices if you like: Provence herbs, dried basil, thyme, or a little black pepper.

While the soup is infused, remove the meat from the wings, cut into pieces. Pour soup into bowls, put meat, herbs and serve. Enjoy your meal!
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