Home / Dumplings / Pancakes with cottage cheese without flour. Curd pancakes without flour - pristalnaya - LiveJournal

Pancakes with cottage cheese without flour. Curd pancakes without flour - pristalnaya - LiveJournal

I'm having pancakes for my holiday breakfast today. After all, Maslenitsa. I chose an unusual recipe and was not disappointed. Still, culinary experiments are my thing. I suggest you try it too.

2 eggs;
5 tbsp milk;
2 tbsp cottage cheese;
2 tablespoons corn starch;
1/2 teaspoon baking powder;
1 teaspoon sugar;
2 tbsp. spoons of boiling water;
1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

From the specified amount you get 6 pancakes - just enough for two servings.
You can use any filling: mushroom, meat, cottage cheese, apple, berry, potato, grated cheese... If the filling is unsweetened, you don’t have to add sugar to the dough.
I have cottage cheese mixed with dried cranberries and a spoonful of agave syrup in the filling.

In a bowl, beat two eggs with a whisk. Add milk, sugar and cottage cheese (mash it well with a fork first). Mix thoroughly with a whisk. Add two heaping tablespoons of cornstarch and baking powder. Stir well again. At the end, add two tablespoons of boiling water and a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
Potato starch will not work here.

Before baking each pancake, I grease the pan with a napkin lightly moistened with oil.
We bake pancakes as usual. If you make them with filling, you can fry the pancakes on only one side.

I turned them over, but fried the other side for literally 10 seconds, because I didn’t know how they would behave, whether they would stick together. But the pancakes turned out to work great. Nothing tore, did not stick or burn. You need to turn it over with a wide knife or spatula when the surface is no longer liquid and the edge of the pancake darkens.

Place the filling on the fried side. Wrap it in an envelope, a tube, or whatever you prefer. Fry on both sides until golden brown.
Serve with sour cream, honey, jam, or any topping you like.

Do you like pancakes? What about the figure?

This article is for those who follow a healthy diet and do not consume products made from white wheat flour, for example, follow a gluten-free diet. We have all heard about the dangers of gluten and the allergies it causes.

I have great news for you! There are many recipes for delicious diet pancakes without wheat flour! Forget about gluten in pancakes, here are recipes that are delicious and safe for your health and figure. There are also tasty and healthy ones for you because they contain complex carbohydrates that give us energy.

First, a few tips from nutritionists for making pancakes:

  • Don't use yeast. Firstly, they are high in calories, and secondly, they can cause fermentation in the intestines. And although yeast contains a lot of vitamin B, it is not suitable for a flat tummy.
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the dough and then no oil will be needed during the frying process. Use a frying pan with a special non-stick coating, this will also help reduce the use of oil.
  • Use low-fat or plant-based milk, such as soy, coconut, sesame. Sesame milk is easy to make at home.
  • Replace wheat flour with any other flour: rice, oatmeal, corn, buckwheat. There are actually many types of flour.
  • Use low-calorie foods as a filler for stuffed pancakes: herbs, vegetables, fruits.
  • And yet, pancakes are a carbohydrate dish, it is better to eat them in the first half of the day. Pancakes are especially good for breakfast.

These pancakes are made without any flour at all! I never thought before that this was even possible. Starch makes excellent thin and very strong, elastic pancakes.

  • Milk – 500 ml.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Starch (it’s better to take corn starch) – 6 tbsp. (with a small slide)


1. Let's start by mixing eggs with sugar and salt. You can do this in any way convenient for you: blender, mixer, whisk. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste. But remember, if you add a lot of sugar, the pancakes will burn quickly.

2. Milk should be slightly warmed to room temperature and combined with eggs. If you add cold milk, for example from the refrigerator, lumps will form in the dough.

3. You can add either corn or potato starch, depending on what kind you have on hand. If you have corn starch, take half a tablespoon more than potato starch: 6.5 tbsp. with a small heap of corn or 6 tbsp. with a small pile of potatoes. Mix the dough well so that there are no lumps.

4. Add vegetable oil. The dough should be liquid.

5. Heat the frying pan thoroughly and grease it with vegetable oil.

See how beautifully you can wrap pancakes and serve them:

Bon appetit!

Pancake recipe without eggs, milk and flour

These pancakes are just a godsend for those who want to eat deliciously and have a flat tummy. They are thin and delicate. You can beautifully wrap some bright filling in them: greens, apples, carrots. This recipe uses ground flax seed, which improves digestion and contains many beneficial elements.

To prepare we will need:

  • Oatmeal flour – 50 grams
  • Corn starch – 20 grams
  • ground flax seed – 1 tablespoon
  • sparkling water – 250 ml.
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • a pinch of salt
  • baking powder – 1 teaspoon
  • vanillin to taste
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon

Bon appetit!

Pancakes without flour with kefir

The pancakes prepared according to this recipe are very tasty, thin and delicate with a slight kefir sourness. Pancake dough diluted with kefir always has a delicate texture. The following set of ingredients will make 10 pancakes.

To prepare we will need:

  • 300 ml kefir
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. corn starch or 1 tbsp. potato
  • a pinch of salt
  • sugar or substitute as desired or without sugar
  • 0.5 tsp soda

1. Mix eggs with sugar and kefir. You can do this with a whisk, or you can do it with a mixer at low speed, just mix.

2. Pour soda into the starch and mix all ingredients together. Now you need to mix the dough thoroughly so that no lumps form in it.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the dough and stir until smooth. The dough will be liquid, as it should be. Leave it to stand for about 15 minutes, during which time the ingredients will mix better and “make friends” with each other.

4. Let's start baking pancakes. I advise you to stir the dough constantly because the starch quickly settles to the bottom.

5. Grease a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Spread the dough in a thin layer in a circular motion over the surface of the pan. Pancakes are baked until golden brown on both sides.

Watch a video of making thin pancakes without flour using kefir:

Bon appetit!

Banana Pancakes Recipe

Delicious pancakes without sugar, without flour! Ideal for a super quick and healthy breakfast.

To prepare we will need:

  • very ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil;
  • coconut flakes - 20 gr.;
    cinnamon - 1/3 tsp;
  • vanillin.

Bon appetit!

Pancakes with millet without yeast

These are very unusual hearty and flavorful pancakes with a unique aroma of orange and ginger. Pancakes for gourmets, for those who want to combine tasty and healthy.

A little about the benefits of millet cereals:

  • Cereals are indispensable for those who want to have a slim figure. The slow carbohydrates it contains are absorbed extremely slowly and do not increase blood sugar. After a plate of this porridge, the feeling of hunger will not return soon.
  • Cereals contain vitamins and microelements that improve the condition of skin, hair, and nails.
  • Strengthens and restores muscle structure, so porridge is recommended for athletes and people with heavy physical activity.
  • Millet contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which prevents constipation and normalizes the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances.
  • Millet and porridge from this cereal removes “harmful” cholesterol.

To prepare we will need:

  • Oatmeal – 0.5 cups
  • Millet cereal – 0.5 cups
  • Boiled (or steamed) pumpkin – 1 cup
  • Orange – 1 piece
  • Ginger – 2 tablespoons
  • Salt – 0.3 teaspoon
  • Baking powder – 0.3 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil
  • Egg – 2-3 pieces
  • A piece of ginger - about the size of a walnut

Let's prepare it like this:

1. Prepare the pumpkin in advance: peel it, cut it into 2-3 cm pieces and put it in a slow cooker (you can just simmer it in a frying pan). The pumpkin should be soft. Grate the boiled pumpkin.

2. Grind millet groats and oat flakes into flour in a coffee grinder.

3. Mix oatmeal flour, millet flour, eggs, salt, baking powder. Mix well so that there are no lumps.

4. Add grated or blended pumpkin and let the dough sit a little.

5. Meanwhile, grate the ginger and add it to the dough.

6. Wash the orange thoroughly, cut off the thin top layer of peel and grind it in a blender, you can grate it on a fine grater. We also add zest to the dough. In the picture below, see how much you can take of the top layer of peel so that the zest does not become bitter.

7. Now squeeze out the orange juice and add it to the dough. Mix. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

8. Heat the frying pan thoroughly and grease it with vegetable oil. Fry the pancakes until cooked on both sides.

Bon appetit!

Diet pancakes with corn flour

We suggest trying pancakes made with corn flour. But the pancakes are not simple, but low-calorie and with a beautiful, appetizing design. The dish will add variety to your table and delight the children. The pancakes will be decorated using chocolate dough.

Dishes made from corn flour are perfectly absorbed by the body, stimulate metabolic processes and digestion, cleanse the body and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Corn is very rich in carbohydrates, which helps normalize blood sugar levels. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels, slows down aging, strengthens teeth.

The calorie content of this dish is approximately 105 kcal. per 100 grams.

To prepare we will need:

  • Egg – 1 large
  • Low-fat milk – 250 ml.
  • Corn flour – 30 gr.
  • Corn starch – 20 gr.
  • Cocoa – 5 gr.
  • Vegetable oil for greasing the pan

1. First mix the dry ingredients, gradually add milk and stir well. Beat in the egg and stir the dough until smooth.

2. Place some separately in another bowl and add cocoa there. This will be the chocolate dough to create a unique pancake design.

3. If the frying pan has a non-stick coating, grease the frying pan once before the first pancake, and then you don’t have to grease the frying pan.

4. Heat the frying pan thoroughly, take the chocolate dough and use it to draw whatever pattern we want on the surface of the frying pan. We wait for the dough pattern to set and pour the main white dough on top of the pattern in a thin layer.

When one side of the pancake is baked, you need to carefully turn it over so that it does not tear - use a toothpick or a wooden stick to go around the circumference of the pancake, separating it from the pan. Turn over and bake the second side.

Serve with honey or your favorite filling.

Bon appetit!

Flourless pancakes with cottage cheese (video)

Dietary, thin pancakes without flour. These pancakes are mixed with soft cottage cheese and corn starch.

To prepare we will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons soft cottage cheese
  • 200 ml milk salt and soda

Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes without eggs and with coconut flour

Pancakes with coconut milk are unusual, tasty and healthy! In addition, this is an excellent option for allergy sufferers who cannot eat dairy products, as well as for vegetarians.

This recipe for coconut pancakes will also come in handy during fasting because... They are prepared without eggs, and coconut milk is a product of plant origin. You can buy coconut milk, or you can make it yourself from coconut.

The pancakes have a subtle coconut flavor. They turn out more tender than regular pancakes made with milk. The technology for preparing pancake dough with coconut milk is absolutely the same as for regular pancakes. These recipes are easy to make and you will want to make them over and over again!

Unfortunately, these pancakes cannot be made thin; the dough for them should be a little thicker than for regular pancakes. For one breakfast serving of 5 pancakes you will need:

  • Coconut milk 300-350 ml.
  • Rice flour – approximately 130 grams to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp.
  • Soda – 1/3 tsp. quenched with vinegar or lemon juice


1. Dissolve sugar, salt, sifted flour, and vegetable oil in coconut milk. Mix everything until smooth so that there are no lumps in the dough. It should be a fairly thick consistency!
2. If you have a non-stick frying pan, then you can fry pancakes without oil.

3. If the frying pan is ordinary, lightly grease the frying pan with oil before each baking of the pancake.

4. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Bon appetit!

Rice flour pancake recipe video

Fitness recipe for pancakes made from rice flour for slim women. The pancakes turn out thin and no worse than those made from white wheat flour.

To prepare we will need:

  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • stevia or any other sweetener to taste or sugar 2 tablespoons;
  • rice flour – 2 cups;
  • starch – 2 tablespoons;
  • soda; - lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • olive oil.

Bon appetit!

Maslenitsa is coming soon, which means that in our homes every day, for a whole week, there will definitely be a stack of the most tender and delicious pancakes. But I am more than sure that among us there are those who watch their figure and do not allow themselves anything unnecessary. What should they do? How to proceed? And will you really have to give up pancakes because of your own principles? In no case! You can treat yourself to tender and thin pancakes prepared without a single gram of flour. "How?" - you ask? And I’ll tell you everything now. Pancakes without flour turn out very tasty, despite the fact that they do not contain granulated sugar. We will boldly replace it with sweetener tablets and to taste, they will not even be distinguishable from regular ones. The main thing to know when preparing them is that you need to bake them very carefully, because they are incredibly thin and can tear easily. And they bake almost twice as fast as any other. Let's get started? Go!


  • chicken eggs - 1 piece;
  • milk – 7 tablespoons;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 100 grams;
  • sweetener – 5 tablets;
  • baking powder – ½ teaspoon;
  • potato starch - 3 tablespoons.
  • total number of pancakes: 7 pieces.


1. Basically, I put all the ingredients in a bowl at once. But there are a couple of nuances that are worth considering when preparing the dough: sweetener tablets must first be crushed, or you can contrive and completely dissolve them in water. If the cottage cheese is in grains, then you need to use a blender so that the dough becomes homogeneous in consistency. If the cottage cheese is pasty, then there should be no problems with preparing the dough and its consistency.

2. The finished pancake dough turns out very tender. We don’t even add vegetable oil to it, so as not to add extra calories and fat to the finished dish.

3. Using a deep spoon or ladle, pour the dough into a heated and oiled frying pan. Be sure of your equipment; it will be better if your frying pan is non-stick or ceramic so that the pancakes do not stick to its surface when frying. Fry them over medium heat until golden brown. This will take less than a minute if the stove is really well heated.