Home / Pies / Why can't dogs eat chocolate? Sweet poison: why dogs shouldn't be given chocolate? Why animals are not allowed chocolate.

Why can't dogs eat chocolate? Sweet poison: why dogs shouldn't be given chocolate? Why animals are not allowed chocolate.

If you have a dog or cat, then you probably know that they should not be given chocolate. In this, of course, a certain injustice is felt. We humans take great pleasure in absorbing this delicious product, and our shaggy friends should not take even a small piece of it in their mouths.

The point here is in a molecule called theobromine... It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms. We have many different reasons to love chocolate, but theobromine and its caffeine cousin are among the main ones. Both of these molecules are dangerous for dogs, but chocolate contains much more theobromine than caffeine, so this is the first thing to worry about.

They belong to alkaloids, a vast class of molecules, usually containing cycles with at least one nitrogen atom, and having a physiological effect on the body of humans and animals. Like caffeine, theobromine - speeds up the heartbeat, dilates blood vessels and energizes muscles. Which, it would seem, is just great. However, a large dose can cause the heart to beat too fast, and the muscles to make uncontrolled contractions. Serious overdose can cause nausea, convulsions, heart attack, and even death.

Chocolate is poison for dogs

Fortunately, theobromine is processed fairly quickly by the human body, so we don't have much to worry about. He rarely lingers inside us for the time during which he is capable of causing harm to health. However, the dogs were unlucky in this respect. They have this process much slower, so theobromine is much more likely to provoke dangerous consequences.

Now it is rather difficult to say why in the process of evolution we have learned to better process this substance, but this may be due to the fact that we mainly obtain alkaloids from plants. Our ancestors ate them for food several orders of magnitude more often than dogs or cats. Be that as it may, the same amount of theobromine remains in the body of animals for much longer, accumulates and is harmful to health.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that our pets are usually smaller than us. This means that they need very little chocolate to feel all the negative effects we've described. Cats do not get this type of poisoning very often, since they do not feel the sweetness of food and this product usually does not interest them at all. With dogs, everything is much more complicated.

The average adult needs to eat about eight kilograms of dark chocolate to get a lethal dose of theobromine. For a medium-sized dog, a kilogram is enough, and for a cat - a hundred grams. In sweeter varieties of chocolate, this substance is less, therefore, for a lethal outcome, Bobik will need to lose 5 kilograms, and Murzik - 300 grams. Naturally, they will become ill long before they eat such an amount. At the same time, for humans, the lethal dose of milk chocolate is about half of the body weight.

There is probably only one conclusion here. Eat chocolate yourself, and if you want to please your favorites, find something that will not harm their health. Fortunately, this is not at all difficult. There has been no shortage of meat and dairy products in the country for a long time.

Chocolate is on the list of forbidden foods for dogs, which is quite justified. Dogs should not be allowed to use chocolate because it can cause poisoning and, in some cases, death.

Therefore, do not get fooled by the questioning eyes of the pet, making excuses that you cannot refuse him, because you love him so much, and he looks so plaintively. A loving owner will not give products that are dangerous for the dog, and for pampering, there are special healthy treats, including chocolate for dogs, which dogs like.

Why dogs are not allowed chocolate

This product is not allowed to dogs due to some of the ingredients it contains. First of all, cocoa beans, which contain the alkaloid theobromine - poisonous to animals. Theobromine is absorbed slowly and can remain in the blood for up to 20 hours, while interfering with the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous system, and kidneys.

Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine, but the most dangerous are cocoa beans (cocoa beans mulch is also dangerous), cocoa powder, and dark chocolate. Milk and white contain the least theobromine, but this does not mean that they can be fed to a pet.

Lethal dose of chocolate: 100-200 mg per 1 kg of dog's body weight.
An animal can be poisoned from 15-80 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
The smaller the dog, the less this sweet product is needed to poison it.

The second reason dogs shouldn't have chocolate is because of the sugar it contains. In large quantities, sugar puts a load on the pancreas, as a result of which diabetes mellitus develops.

In addition, this product often contains dyes, flavorings, flavorings, stabilizers and other additives that are harmful to humans, not just to dogs.

Symptoms of a dog's chocolate poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning do not appear immediately, but only after about 3-4 hours, therefore, being sure that the dog has eaten a dangerous product, you should immediately show it to the veterinarian, where the pet will be rinsed with the stomach, given appropriate adsorbent drugs, and if necessary, will conduct laboratory tests.

Small amounts of this product will cause vomiting, diarrhea, and temporary stomach upset. In this case, the animal is thirsty, as a result of which it often drinks water.

Theobromine promotes the release of adrenaline, so the pet may experience an increased heart rate, unnatural activity, fever, increased urination, tremors.

With regular feeding with chocolate, but in small quantities, problems arise with the coat, skin, eyes, kidneys, and blood circulation. Renal failure and pancreatitis may develop from this product.

Dogs may experience an allergic reaction if there is an individual intolerance to this product. Chocolate is especially dangerous for dogs that have health problems, such as epilepsy, pancreatic diseases.

A large amount eaten at a time leads to seizures, coma and death.

The degree of poisoning depends on the amount of chocolate eaten, the size of the dog, the sensitivity of the body to this product, the type of chocolate (the darker, the more poisonous).

According to statistics, dogs are poisoned more often from chocolate, deaths are rare. However, poisoning also causes a lot of troubles and health problems.

How to keep your pet safe

In order to avoid serious consequences, you should keep this product out of the reach of animals, especially if you know that the dog is cunning and quick-witted, sniffs out a favorite treat, begs and can eat at any opportunity.

You should not indulge in small pieces either, even occasionally. Dogs are not allowed chocolate in any form, be it iced sweets, baked goods, desserts, and not in any quantity. For dogs, there are special treats that are safe for the health of the pet.

A small piece or candy will not harm a medium to large pet, but for small dogs, such as the Yorkshire Terrier, it can be fatal. The more chocolate is eaten, the more serious the consequences.

You've probably heard that chocolate is deadly poison for dogs. Is it really so? If humans can eat chocolate, why can't dogs?

Dogs and humans are different creatures in many ways. For example, our pets can run in the snow all day, without much consequence. People can run barefoot in the snow for about 30 seconds before they feel pain.

The source of the problem for dogs is a plant-derived substance called theobromine, which is found in cocoa beans. It is toxic to our smaller brothers. Methylxanthines such as theobromine are cleared from the human body much more efficiently than from the canine. This is why dogs are not allowed chocolate.

How much theobromine is in chocolate?

Theobromine is similar to caffeine and is used medicinally as a diuretic, cardiac stimulant, blood vessel dilator, and muscle relaxant.

  • The half-life of theobromine in dogs is 17.5 hours.
  • If the dog has eaten chocolate, the toxic dose is 100-150 mg / kg of body weight.

However, the concentration of theobromine varies with the type of chocolate. For example:

  • Milk chocolate contains 154 mg of theobromine per 100 g. Toxic dose for a 22 kg dog is 1400 g of milk chocolate.
  • White chocolate is practically harmless, as it contains about 3.5 mg of theobromine per 100 g.
  • Semi-sweet chocolate contains 528 mg of theobromine per 100 g. Toxic dose for a 22-kg dog is 425 g of semi-sweet chocolate.
  • Chocolate for baking contains 1365 mg of theobromine per 100 g. Toxic dose for a 22 kg dog is 141 g of chocolate.

In general, the darker and bitter the chocolate, the greater the danger to the dog.

Theobromine in chocolate coated chocolates (such as in chocolates with dried fruit) will be more diluted than in pure chocolate and hard chocolates.

Obviously, the chocolate in milk chocolate is pretty diluted, which is why many dogs can eat a bite or two without too much trouble. Some compassionate owners cannot withstand the plaintive look of their pet and share the sweetness with him. After all, the slice is so small, well, what bad can happen?

A small amount of chocolate is likely to give your dog an upset stomach with vomiting or diarrhea. However, the main problem is that the dog develops a love for chocolate and at any opportunity he can try to eat it. And it could be chocolate for baking, which the owners accidentally left on the table.

What if the dog ate chocolate?

If you see your dog swallow chocolate, or if it develops any of the symptoms described below, contact your nearest veterinary clinic.

Poisoning symptoms can be as follows:

  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Muscle stiffness.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Restless behavior.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Cramps and muscle spasms.
  • Heart failure, weakness and coma.

One piece of chocolate shouldn't be a problem as it doesn't contain a high enough dose of theobromine to harm your pet. However, if you have a small dog that has eaten a box of chocolates, you need to go to the vet right away. Don't expect everything to "pass by itself." Chocolate is a poison for dogs and it will have to be removed from the body with the help of special medications.

Remember, a dog showing signs of poisoning cannot be treated at home. The sooner you show it to a specialist, the better the prognosis for recovery will be.

Clinical signs of chocolate poisoning can develop for several hours and last for 2-3 days. This is due to the long half-life of theobromine.

How is chocolate poisoning treated?

Treatment depends on the amount and type of chocolate eaten. In the early stages, it is enough to induce vomiting and give the dog activated charcoal to block the absorption of theobromine in the body. Activated charcoal can be given every four to six hours during the first twenty-four hours after poisoning to shorten the duration of theobromine resorption and recycling.

Very often, other procedures, such as intravenous fluid therapy, are required to help dilute the toxin and speed up its elimination. Also, your veterinarian may give your dog a medication that will slow the heart rate in the event of an increased heart rate and arrhythmias.

Although eating chocolate is rarely fatal, it can cause severe food poisoning for your pet. Chocolate is toxic because it contains theobromine methylxanthine. This substance is toxic to dogs and can cause severe clinical symptoms, especially if left untreated.

When the dog wants to encourage something tasty, the owners give sweet, but is it possible? What lies in wait for a four-legged friend from a piece of marshmallow, marmalade, Turkish delight, cake, chocolate or caramel? Or maybe all the talk about the dangers of sweet foods is fiction? Let's make a reservation right away that a dog can't eat sweets, especially chocolate. These are predators, the body of which is not able to assimilate and process glucose. Starting from puppyhood, dogs beg for treats, they languidly look at the owner and eat. Many turn out to be such gourmands that they even decide to steal from the table. It's not a secret for anyone that food additives, dyes, emulsifiers, flavorings, preservatives are added to sweets and xylitol (poison for an animal) is used instead of sugar, this whole set brings enormous harm to the body. Xylitol is added to gum, if the dog picks up something on the street, be careful.

Dogs are not allowed: caramel, ice cream, nuts, dried apricots, prunes, corn, marshmallow, marshmallow, cake, cake and especially chocolate and chocolate bars.

Those dogs suffer from a craving for sweets, the menu of which is monocomponent, consists of only meat, or when the body is deficient in vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals. From the regular use of sweets, the pancreas begins to malfunction. Problems with teeth, hair and eyes appear. Glucose abuse leads to diabetes mellitus, at best to obesity. From baking, bloating, flatulence, etc. The liver is under severe stress.

Chocolate contains theobromine, which contributes to the production of endorphins, hormones of happiness. The person has improved blood circulation and mood. However, a dog, not a person and the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with this substance, and as a result of accumulation, the dog becomes not happy, but aggressive, nervous and hyperactive, after which depression, seizures and even coma appear. The pulse quickens, the kidneys begin to work harder, and the heart is under stress.

Pet shops sell special chocolate for animals. It is not dangerous, but it is better not to start accustoming the pet, there is no particular benefit in it either. As a reward, it is better to replace sweets with a slice of cheese or regular drying.

What if the dog ate chocolate?

It so happens that while the owner does not see, the pet can steal a treat from the table. If this is a small piece, then perhaps everything will be fine, otherwise, as soon as possible, you need to consult a doctor and do a gastric lavage. Theobromine begins to act in a few hours, rapidly developing and leading to irreversible consequences.

Do you love your pet? Then you already know the answer to the question of whether dogs can eat chocolate. But what if you just got a puppy and still don't understand his gastronomic preferences? Many people are not afraid to feed their dogs table foods. The owners believe that since the pet likes it, it means that it can eat it. Read on to find out if chocolate is bad for dogs. And at the same time we will go through other items of the "menu".


Do you know about the dangers of sweets? Then, probably, you yourself can answer the question of whether dogs can use chocolate. Of course not. Chocolate is a food that can cause irreparable damage to a dog's body. In addition to the fact that the bar made from cocoa beans contains an incredible amount of fat and sugar, theobromine is also present there. This substance, in its mechanism of action, resembles caffeine, which, by the way, is also not recommended for dogs. If you have not yet figured out what the answer to the question "can dogs be for chocolate" would be, take a look at the animals that consume this product. Such pets are much fatter than their peers and have other health problems, in particular, they have bad teeth and metabolic disorders. Ask any veterinarian if it is okay to feed your dog chocolate, and the specialist will answer categorically: no!


What about other sweets? Can dogs eat chocolate? The situation is similar. Dogs cannot be sweet in any form. Sugar disrupts appetite, damages teeth and impairs digestion. Is it possible to give a dog white chocolate? Well, or milk? No. Your pet shouldn't even have caramels. From them, the dog's eyes begin to water, and in the future this process can lead to suppuration.

Tubular bones

Having answered the question of whether it is okay to give a dog chocolate, we will continue to dispel other myths. You shouldn't give pets bones. They are said to be good for dogs, as your pet can grind its teeth on the bone. Alas! the dog should be on the toy, not on the bone. Contrary to popular belief, bones are neither absorbed nor digested. They clog the stomach and can cause constipation. The dog can suffer from volvulus and whine strongly from this. Don't want to look at your pet's agony? Buy a synthetic bone for your pet.

River fish

Do you watch your diet? Then you should understand that you should not feed a dog, especially a purebred one, with anything. We have already figured out whether or not dogs can have chocolate. Now think, if pets cannot eat a fully cooked product, can you give your pet raw river fish? No. In river fish there are worms, which, after consumption by the animal, the carcasses will safely move to a new owner. In addition, small bones can get stuck in the dog's throat, and you will have to take the pet to the vet.


Sausages, sausages and other chemical products are not recommended not only for dogs, but also for people. A huge amount of flavors, dyes and preservatives make such products tasty, but harmful. If you would like to pamper your pet, purchase dog treats from a specialty store. In your opinion, you should not give your pet tidbits from the table.

Spoiled food

Will you eat rotten meat yourself? And the expired canned food? A person can force himself to eat spoiled food only in one case: when he is incredibly hungry and has nothing more to eat. The dog will do the same. So don't think that late is good for your pet. The meat that you bought at the store at a huge discount is not a delicacy for a dog, but a poison. Most often, marketers soak meat products in vinegar and then sell them so that the store does not suffer losses.


Do you know a dog is not a pig? Then why feed her with peas and beans? The digestive system of a dog is different from that of a human. The stomach absorbs legumes worse, and the intestines cannot cope with the gases formed in it. Stomach pain will follow the dog every time it eats pea or bean porridge.


Some owners feed their pets with bread and rolls. This lean diet can make your dog obese. Even if your pet moves a lot, rolls and pastries should not be given to him. Light carbohydrates, which are absorbed and processed in the human body, are deposited on the sides of the dog. Do you want to have a fat, clumsy animal? Then you can safely feed him with bread and give scraps from the table.


Do you like spicy or salty food? Do you know how harmful it is to the body? We've already figured out if dogs can eat chocolate and other desserts. So, salt and spices in this case are tantamount to sweet. These substances are highly irritating to the stomach and are addictive. And salt, in addition to everything else, also greatly dries the body. Excessive drinking of water after spicy food is bad for kidney function.


Some people assure their friends that their dog loves beer. A person has the right to poison himself with alcohol, but he cannot poison his animal. A person understands what harm to health is caused by beer, wine and vodka. The dog doesn't know that. If the animal is thirsty and has no choice, the pet will drink what is offered to him. But this does not mean that the dog needs alcohol. In excessive amounts, it causes toxic shock and coma. The dog can die immediately or several hours after drinking.


The dog can try everything that the owner gives it. After all, for an animal, man is the best friend. And the pet is not used to expecting a dirty trick from friends. If you give your dog boiled or fried mushrooms, he will eat them. But it is foolish to think that the body will be able to get the amount of protein it needs from these products. Mushrooms contain toxins that are harmful to the canine body and can cause irreparable damage to the liver and kidneys.


Milk is a highly allergenic product. Many people are lactose intolerant. And in dogs, this disease is universal. Only puppies up to 2 months old can eat milk. With age, the dog's stomach loses its ability to break down lactose and milk sugars. What happens to a dog that drinks milk? The animal will develop colic, possibly bloating and, as a result, diarrhea.


Smart owners understand that their pets cannot eat those foods that dogs cannot get on their own if they lived in the wild. How can a dog "overwhelm" a pig? Even a pack of dogs can hardly cope with this task. And what is so dangerous for a pet contained in meat? Fatty meat is poorly absorbed by the body. Of course, this kind of food suits the dog and really likes it. But during digestion, the kidneys and liver work to their limit. This means that the body will age faster and fail. If you do give your pet meat, then know: you need to do this in small quantities. The dog does not have a sense of proportion, so you should not rely on him.

Human vitamins

Owners must understand that a dog's body and their own are very different. So it is difficult to explain the behavior of people who are sure that their pet can easily get by with the same vitamins as they themselves. You will not eat dog supplements, why do you think that your pet can take it down? All kinds of dietary supplements cause irreparable damage to health.

Raw eggs

Friends said that their favorite eats raw eggs, and you also decided to try? Do not do this under any circumstances! Raw eggs are not only unhealthy for the dog, but also harmful. They can be infected with salmonella. Even a person is not advised to drink raw eggs from the store. You don't know where, who and how raised the laying hens.

Ice cream

Dogs should not eat anything hot or cold. Ice cream is harmful in all respects. It contains milk that can not be absorbed by the dog's stomach, sugar, which makes the eyes watery, and ice, which can chill the throat. The pet should not be given both the dessert itself and its "wrapper" -