Home / Chebureki / Cake "Napoleon" with lemon custard. "Napoleon" with lemon cream We take such ingredients

Cake "Napoleon" with lemon custard. "Napoleon" with lemon cream We take such ingredients

The article offers you the best recipes for custard for soaking desserts, as well as the most popular cake in cooking - "Napoleon". Here you will find recipes for brewing with milk, cream, butter, egg yolks and even ice cream!

Custard is one of the classic recipes for making fillings in cakes, as well as impregnating cakes. Cooking custard is within the power of every housewife, it always turns out delicious. It does not require complex ingredients and everything you need can be found in any refrigerator.

Depending on the type of confectionery, you can always independently adjust the density of the dough, which is created by mixing flour or starch. The classic cream has no additives, but modern custard can be prepared on the basis of condensed milk, cream, even ice cream.

INTERESTING: Most often, custard is used to fill Eclair cakes and to impregnate the Napoleon cake, which is popular all over the world.

Classic brew recipe, ingredients:

  • Butter (more than 70%)
  • Milk (fatty)
  • Vanillin
  • Flour


The classic version of the custard for the cake "Napoleon"

Cream for Napoleon with condensed milk and butter: recipe with photo

Condensed milk is a favorite delicacy and confectionery additive in many desserts. You can also make custard from condensed milk, which will have a pleasant creamy taste and delicate sweetness. It is not necessary to add sugar to such a cream, since condensed milk already has enough sugar and an excess amount will simply spoil the taste.

By adding oil to such a cream, you will make the cream thicker and more dense, it will simultaneously soak the biscuit in the cake (or cakes), but also serve as a layer. If desired, you can also add cocoa in your preferred amount (a lot or a little) to such a cream to get a chocolate custard. The cream is thickened with condensed milk and butter, as usual, with flour.

You will need:

  • Bank of condensed milk - 1 small (250-280 ml, choose condensed milk from natural milk, so the cream will be tastier).
  • Butter (minimum 73%) - 1 pack (high quality oil).
  • Milk - 0.5 cup (any fat content, but homemade is better)
  • Flour - a few tbsp. (2-3 tablespoons, see the consistency)
  • Vanillin or cocoa - add according to taste and preference


  • Leave the butter at room temperature so that it becomes soft and easily mixed with condensed milk until smooth.
  • After you mix the butter with condensed milk, put the dishes on a small fire and add milk (look at the thickness of the cream, you can add more milk) and mix thoroughly.
  • Continue stirring with a whisk while the cream is on fire. Gradually add flour and after the last spoon turn off the heat. Wait for the cream to cool completely and only then use it to lubricate the cakes or fill the cakes.

Custard made with condensed milk

Cream for Napoleon with sour cream and condensed milk: recipe and photo

INTERESTING: This version of the cream is more saturated in taste, as it "hides" the sweetness of condensed milk and creamy saturation. To make the cream as tasty as possible, it is best to use home-made separator sour cream or the fattest store-bought one in the recipe. Just like any other cream, this recipe can be improved by adding vanillin or cocoa.

You will need:

  • Sour cream 30% or homemade - 300 ml. (if you take sour cream with a lower percentage of fat content, the cream may turn out to be too liquid).
  • Condensed milk - 1 can (250-280 ml, preferably from real milk).
  • Vanillin or cocoa - taste
  • Flour - a few tbsp. (look at the density of the cream and adjust yourself).
  • Sugar - you can add a few tablespoons if the cream is not sweet enough to taste for you).


  • Sour cream should be mixed with sugar, do it with a mixer or blender (nozzle "whisk"), so the sugar can completely dissolve, add vanillin.
  • Then add condensed milk and mix thoroughly with sour cream.
  • Put the dishes on low heat and, without ceasing to mix, mix in the flour, dissolving it thoroughly, avoiding lumps.
  • When the cream becomes thicker, turn off the heat and wait for it to cool, then start soaking the cakes.

Cake "Napoleon", soaked in custard sour cream

Custard recipe in milk for Napoleon: recipe with photo

Cream for Napoleon cake, brewed with milk, is the most popular and classic recipe. Such a cream is easy to prepare, it has a pleasant liquid structure, which soaks the crispy cake well and makes it soft. To prepare the cream, of course, it is best to use full-fat homemade milk, as it has a richer taste, it is healthy and is a natural product.

You will need:

  • Milk - 0.5 liters (depending on the amount of cream you need).
  • Sugar - 150 g (adjust the sweetness of the cream according to your taste).
  • Oil 73-80% - 1 package (pure oil without impurities of vegetable fats).
  • Egg - 2 pcs. (it is advisable to use homemade eggs, as they have a rich taste and a pleasant yellow color).
  • Flour - a few tbsp. (for cream thickness)
  • Vanillin - 1 small sachet


  • Milk should be heated in a saucepan or small saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom, so the heat will be distributed evenly).
  • Melt and dissolve butter in milk.
  • Dissolve the entire amount of sugar and vanillin in warm and hot milk (be careful, the milk should not boil).
  • Beat the eggs in advance with a whisk in a lush foam (it is more desirable to use a mixer).
  • Slowly pour the beaten eggs into the NOT HOT milk in a thin stream and mix thoroughly with a whisk so that the cream does not have lumps. If you feel that the cream may boil, it is better to remove it from the heat for a short time, and then return it.
  • Once you've dissolved the egg in the milk, start stirring in the flour, dissolving each spoonful and whisking the cream with a whisk to avoid lumps.

Brewing cream for Napoleon cake in a saucepan

Butter cream for Napoleon with cream: recipe with photo

If you brew the cream not with milk, but with cream, you will get a thicker and fatter version. Cream is a very “delicate” product and in no case should it be brought to a boil, otherwise it can simply curdle and the cream will acquire an unpleasant consistency. There is no need to add oil to this cream. If you feel that the cream will boil soon, turn off the heat or remove the dishes from the heat, and then return.

You will need:

  • Cream 10% (or 15%) - 500 ml. (heavier cream can also be used).
  • Sugar - 1 cup (you can adjust the amount of sugar and the sweetness of the cream yourself).
  • Vanillin - 1 small package (to taste, it will add flavor to the cream).
  • Flour - a few tbsp. (look at the thickness of the cream)


  • Pour the cream into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and heat without boiling.
  • Dissolve the required amount of sugar and vanilla in the cream.
  • Gradually add flour to the cream until the cream becomes thick. Remember that after cooling the cream will become even thicker and denser, and therefore, do not add too much flour.

Delicious creamy custard for Napoleon cake

Custard on yolks for Napoleon: recipe with photo

Custard on yolks is very tasty, as it has a fatty base, and the rich taste of the egg, along with sugar, gives a pleasant sensation. This is one of the classic versions of the Napoleon impregnation recipe. It is best to use homemade chicken eggs, as they not only have a nicer color, but also have a “stronger” taste.

You will need for a large cake:

  • Milk - 1-1.5 liters (depending on how much you want to soak the cake, it is better to take homemade milk - it is fatter and has a rich taste).
  • Yolks - 8-10 pcs. (from homemade large eggs, but you can use the most common store eggs).
  • Sugar - 300-400 g (taste the cream and adjust the amount of sugar to taste).
  • 200 g (not spread and not margarine).
  • Flour - a few tbsp. (to thicken the cream)
  • Vanillin - 1-2 sachets (optional and taste)


  • Do not put the butter in the refrigerator, let it be soft, so it will be easier to use it for making cream.
  • Separate the yolks and pour them into a separate bowl, where they should be carefully and very actively (until foam) rubbed with sugar so that you cannot taste the crystals. Add vanilla to it.
  • Put the milk on the fire in a saucepan or small saucepan. Do not bring milk to a boil. As soon as the milk is hot, add butter to it and melt it so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • In warm milk (it should not be hot!) In a thin stream, start pouring the grated yolks and at the same time beat the cream with a whisk (you can even use a mixer). This will allow the yolks to dissolve, and the cream to become homogeneous and without lumps.
  • After dissolving the yolks, start adding flour in 1 tbsp. gradually, carefully stirring the cream, avoiding lumps.
  • As soon as you dissolve the flour, turn off the heat, but do not stop stirring the cream for another 5-10 minutes. Then cool and use to impregnate "Napoleon".

Preparation of custard on yolks for impregnation of the Napoleon cake

Custard with ice cream for Napoleon: recipe with photo

Few people have heard that there is a cream based on Plombir ice cream. Nevertheless, this is a very tasty recipe that will allow you to prepare a gentle impregnation not only for the Napoleon cake, but also for other desserts. This cream has a delicate aroma of vanilla and a rich, fatty taste of creamy ice cream.

INTERESTING: In the recipe, you can completely replace milk with ice cream, or you can divide these ingredients in half. The amount of cream in the recipe is designed only for soaking the cakes, if you double the volume of the cream, you will get enough cream for decorating and making the cake juicy.

You will need:

  • Ice cream (any company, fat) - 300 ml. (you should use thawed ice cream, measure ml with a measuring cup, do not forget that ice cream is not ml.).
  • Egg - 1-2 pcs. (depends on how big they are).
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 cup (be guided by the preferred sweetness of the cream).
  • Milk (fat or homemade) - 2-2.5 cups (look at the consistency of the dough).
  • Butter (not less than 73%) - 1 pack (only high-quality oil, the spread will completely spoil the taste).
  • Vanillin - optional to enhance flavor


  • Leave the butter and ice cream at room temperature in advance so that both ingredients become soft.
  • The egg should be beaten into a foam and all the preferred amount of sugar should be dissolved in it.
  • Then heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Plombir and butter are added to warm milk, completely heated and stirred with a whisk.
  • After that, you need to add an egg to the cream. Pour the mass in a thin stream, stirring it thoroughly, avoiding lumps.
  • Add vanillin to the cream, if you wish, and only then flour. First pour in 1 tbsp, and then a second if the cream seems too liquid to you.

Cream for "Napoleon", brewed on ice cream "Plombir"

Custard cheese cream recipe for Napoleon with mascarpone: photo

Some housewives prefer to coat the Napoleon cakes with cheese custard. For the recipe, someone uses cheese mass or even grated cottage cheese, but these two ingredients are not as good as Mascarpone cream cheese. It can be purchased at any modern grocery store, it will give the cream a pleasant creamy taste and fat content.

You will need:

  • Cheese "Mascarpone" - 200-300 g (depending on packaging and your preferences).
  • Milk - 250-300 ml. (fat shop or homemade).
  • Sugar - several st. l. by preference and taste
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs. (use homemade, so your cream will turn out very tasty and rich).
  • Vanillin or vanilla extract - at your own discretion
  • Flour - several st. l. (the classic way to make the cream thicker).

INTERESTING: In this recipe, butter is completely absent, as it is perfectly replaced with Mascarpone cream cheese.


  • Eggs should be beaten into foam and all the sugar should be dissolved in them. You can also use not a whole egg, but only yolks (4 pcs.) From homemade eggs (preferably).
  • After that, milk is added to the egg mass and everything is thoroughly mixed with a mixer, add vanillin if desired.
  • Put the mass on a small fire and, without ceasing to interfere, start brewing. When the base for the cream is heated, dissolve the flour in it, wanting to achieve the desired thickness of the cream.
  • Leave the cream to cool and at this time carefully stir the Mascarpone cheese with a fork. In the future, it should be thoroughly mixed with the previously obtained custard until a homogeneous consistency and then used to coat the Napoleon cakes.

Custard with Mascarpone cheese - an original way to soak the cake layers "Napoleon"

Protein cream for Napoleon: recipe with photo

Modern cooking provides a person with the opportunity to give "a flight of his imagination" and use as many of his own ideas as possible to achieve only one result - a delicious dish. According to the classical rule, Napoleon cakes should be impregnated with custard, but this is far from the limit. It is quite possible to use any other type of cream, for example, protein!

INTERESTING: Protein cream can also be brewed, but not on the stove, but in a steam bath. So you get a fairly elastic and tasty mass that successfully complements crispy cakes. In one cake, you can combine two types of cream: custard and protein. Liquid custard can soften the cakes, and protein can become a layer and decoration.

You will need:

  • egg whites - 3-4 pcs. (the amount depends only on the volume of the cream as a result).
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 cup (the amount is up to your taste)
  • A pinch of salt or citric acid


  • Proteins should be cooled before whipping, this is one of the secrets of a good cream.
  • Pour the cold proteins into a bowl and add a pinch of salt or acid to them (this ingredient will not only serve as a “flavor and sweetness enhancer”, but will also help to get splendor in the protein cream).
  • Beat the whites with a mixer on the fastest setting until a high and fluffy foam is formed, and only then add sugar in small portions, completely dissolving each tbsp.
  • As a result, you will get a rather lush mass, but it should be brewed a little (then the cream will keep its shape and will have a pleasant density).
  • Put the bowl on the steam bath and continue beating for 5-10 minutes. Look at the cream itself, when it becomes denser, the whipping should be stopped.

Protein cream is a great idea for soaking and decorating a Napoleon cake

Chocolate custard for Napoleon with cocoa: recipe with photo

Chocolate "Napoleon" or cake with two-color impregnation (cream layer and chocolate layer) will surprise everyone, as well as give you a pleasant taste experience.

You will need:

  • Butter (more than 70%)- 1 pack (standard package - 200 g, the result and taste of the cream depend on the quality of the oil you choose. The higher the quality of the oil you choose, the tastier and richer the cream will turn out. Avoid spreads and oils with herbal ingredients).
  • Milk (fatty)- 1 cup (a full glass contains exactly 250 ml of milk, choose homemade full fat milk or store-bought 3.2%).
  • Sugar (can be replaced with powder)- 200-300 g (the amount of sugar and the sweetness of the cream depends only on your preferences, the powder should be taken by those who are not sure that they can completely dissolve the sugar crystals).
  • Vanillin- you can add it at will and your preferences, you can completely exclude it.
  • Flour- a few tablespoons (approximately 1-2 tbsp, needed in order to thicken the cream).
  • Cocoa- 1-2 tablespoons (remember that, like flour, cocoa can thicken the cream and therefore should not be added in excessive amounts).


  • Leave the butter for an hour or two at room temperature so that it becomes soft and only then grind it by hand with the required amount of sugar or powder.
  • A bowl of grated oil should be placed on the stove (the fire level should be the smallest).
  • All the milk should be added to the butter and the mass should be thoroughly mixed, dissolving and mixing all the ingredients until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • The cream should not be brought to a boil, it should be hot, but it should not boil.
  • Add vanillin and flour to the hot mass, which should not be added in full, but 1 tbsp each. Together with flour, add small portions of cocoa (1 tsp each) and look at the overall consistency.
  • Stir the flour thoroughly each time so that it does not remain lumps in the cream. To do this, you can use an immersion blender or a whisk.
  • As soon as all the flour has dissolved, turn off the heat and, continuing to beat or stir, cool the cream. You can use cream for desserts only when it becomes cold.

Cake "Napoleon" with chocolate impregnation: an unusual dessert recipe

Lemon Custard for Napoleon: Recipe with Photo

INTERESTING: Lemon custard will give the Napoleon cake an unusual flavor and completely transform the recipe. Such a cake always "goes with a bang" for its creamy richness and incredible freshness, as well as a pleasant sourness of citrus.

You will need:

  • Butter (more than 70%)- 1 pack (standard package - 200 g, the result and taste of the cream depend on the quality of the oil you choose. The higher the quality of the oil you choose, the tastier and richer the cream will turn out. Avoid spreads and oils with herbal ingredients).
  • Milk (fatty)- 1 cup (a full glass contains exactly 250 ml of milk, choose homemade full fat milk or store-bought 3.2%).
  • Sugar (can be replaced with powder)- 200-300 g (the amount of sugar and the sweetness of the cream depends only on your preferences, the powder should be taken by those who are not sure that they can completely dissolve the sugar crystals).
  • Vanillin- you can add it at will and your preferences, you can completely exclude it.
  • Lemon- 1 PC. (completely whole zest and juice to taste)
  • Flour- a few tablespoons (approximately 3-4 tablespoons, needed in order to thicken the cream).


  • Leave the oil for an hour or two at room temperature.
  • Bust the sugar with lemon juice, finely grated zest and butter.
  • Add warm milk and mix thoroughly the whole mass, put on fire.
  • Because of the acid, the milk will curdle and in order for the cream to be homogeneous, it must be mixed thoroughly and actively.
  • The cream should not be brought to a boil, it should be hot, but it should not boil.
  • Add vanillin and flour to the hot mass, which should not be added in full, but 1 tbsp each.
"Napoleon" impregnated with lemon custard will surprise and delight with a pleasant taste

Cottage cheese custard for Napoleon: recipe with photo

IMPORTANT: For the recipe, it is best to use ready-made cheese mass, which can be purchased at the store. If you want to prepare a cream based on homemade cottage cheese, then it should be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve or beat in advance with a blender with cream or sour cream.

You will need:

  • Milk - 1.5-2 cups (look at the consistency)
  • Cheese vanilla mass - 200-250 g (also look at the density of the cream).
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 cup (according to your preferences)
  • Eggs - 1-2 pcs. (you can use only yolks in the amount of 3-4 pieces).
  • Oil - 100 g (only creamy, without impurities of vegetable fats).
  • Flour - 2-3 tbsp. l. (for the thickness of the cream)


  • Milk should be heated in a saucepan and sugar should be dissolved in warm milk.
  • Add butter to milk and melt completely.
  • The egg is pre-beaten into a foam with a few tablespoons. sugar, and then, without stopping the beating, pour the egg mass into the milk and mix everything thoroughly until smooth.
  • Brew the cream, adding flour in small portions, leave the cream to cool after brewing.
  • The cooled cream should be mixed with a mixer or blender with the cheese mass until smooth. If the cream turned out to be very thick, you can dilute it with cream or milk.

Custard with curd mass for "Napoleon"

Custard for Napoleon on semolina: recipe with photo

INTERESTING: As an ingredient that thickens the cream, you can use semolina instead of flour. The taste of the cream will turn out to be more saturated and “nutritious” (fatty, slightly grainy).

You will need:

  • Milk (any fat) 1 liter (homemade is much preferable).
  • Butter - 1 pack in 200 g (not margarine and not spread!)
  • Manka- 2-3 tbsp.
  • Vanillin or lemon zest- 1 tsp (add as you wish).
  • Sugar - 1 cup (you can determine the desired sweetness and amount of sugar yourself).


  • Milk should be heated and melt all the butter in it.
  • Add sugar and cook the cream until it dissolves, without boiling.
  • Add semolina in small portions, mixing thoroughly.
  • Let the cream cool completely, only in this way it will become thicker and then use it to impregnate the cakes.

Custard on semolina for Napoleon impregnation

Custard for Napoleon with starch: recipe with photo

INTERESTING: To thicken the cream, it is quite possible to use not flour, but potato or corn starch in an amount of 1-2 t.l. (depending on the desired volume of the finished cream).

You will need:

  • Milk- 2-2.5 cups (preferably homemade)
  • Oil- 1 pack (fatty, without vegetable impurities)
  • Sugar- 0.5 cup (depending on the preferred sweetness, you can add more).
  • Starch- 3-4 tablespoons (corn or potato)
  • Vanillin- 1 small sachet
  • Egg- 2 pcs. (homemade eggs will improve the taste of the cream)


  • Melt the butter in warm milk and heat the mass
  • Until it reaches a hot state, the egg mass is poured into it in a thin stream, beaten and grated with sugar, adding vanillin.
  • Pour in the eggs, very quickly and thoroughly mixing the whole mass so that it does not go into lumps.
  • Starch should be poured in small portions, 1 tablespoon each and the whole mass should immediately be mixed. Lubricate the cakes should only be cooled cream.

Video: "Custard with starch"

Baking a real Napoleon cake is not so easy. Here http://www.videoculinary.ru/recipe/tort-napoleon/ you can find a detailed step by step recipe with a photo of the classic Napoleon cake. It is for those who are not lazy.

We will prepare something simple for you. Portion cake "Napoleon" from ready-made puff pastry with lemon cream and berries.


  • one pack of ready-made puff pastry (preferably yeast-free);
  • ¼-1/2 teaspoons cinnamon;
  • a few pinches of granulated sugar;
  • two glasses of whipping cream;
  • 120 grams of cream cheese;
  • lemon;
  • ½ cup honey;
  • fresh berries (any to taste).

Cooking steps

1. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater. All you need is one tablespoon of zest powder. Squeeze juice from the pulp of citrus - two tablespoons.

2. Defrost the finished puff pastry and cut into rectangles or squares. It is more convenient to use the version of the test that is already sold in the form of small blanks for cakes.

3. Roll out the dough is not necessary. Simply place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Sprinkle each piece of dough with cinnamon and sugar.

4. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.

5. Carefully divide the baked dough into several layers. If you have a yeast-free version, then it will be easy to separate it into three layers. If yeast dough, then, most likely, only two cakes will turn out. It is best to divide the hot dough, because as it cools it will diverge into layers heavier and heavier. Then let the cakes cool down.

After the dough has cooled, you can start preparing the cream.

6. Whip cream.

7. In another bowl, combine cream cheese, honey, lemon zest and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

8. Combine whipped cream with cheese mass and mix well once more.

9. Lubricate each layer of the cooled dough generously with the prepared cream.

10. Put the berries on the cream. As a fruit filling for Napoleon cakes, you can use any berries: blueberries, raspberries, currants, blackberries. If you take larger berries, such as strawberries, they will have to be cut into small pieces.

This is all. The simplest portion cake Napoleon, prepared at home with almost no effort, can be served on the table.

P.S. Sometimes it happens that baked cakes are very difficult to separate into layers. They crumble into crumbs. Nothing works. This happens especially often when using yeast portioned dough, that is, one that is already initially small cakes.

You should not despair. As a rule, cakes that are difficult to separate are rather thin. And they can be used as layers of the cake as a whole.

Step 1 out of 11

Cooking cakes.
To do this, pour 150 ml of water into a cup. To water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vodka. Mix everything.
Separately, beat 2 eggs into a bowl, stir with a fork, adding a pinch of salt. Don't beat. Combine water and eggs. Stir. The liquid may come out in flakes. Do not worry.

Step 2 out of 11

In a large bowl, sift the flour (600 g) and add butter or margarine, cut into cubes, to it. Chop the butter in the flour with a chef's knife, mixing everything. Better not to do it by hand. Hands change the structure of the test.

Step 3 out of 11

From the resulting oil-flour mass, make a slide with a recess in the center. Pour the egg mass into the center. Knead the dough.

Step 4 out of 11

Divide the dough into 12-14 balls, put on a large dish, cover with foil and refrigerate for 1.5 hours.

Step 5 out of 11

We bake cakes. Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees.
We take out 1 ball from the refrigerator. The rest remain covered in the refrigerator. Roll out balls on baking paper (this is so that later the shape of Napoleon does not change). Roll out thinly. Cut out the desired shape. I use a plate as a form.

Step 6 out of 11

I didn't remove the trimmings. So they baked them on a baking sheet. After they go to sprinkle.
We already transfer the baking paper with the cake to a baking sheet and bake.
So we bake all the cakes. While one is baking, roll out the next one. My oven allows you to bake on 2 baking sheets at the same time. I rolled out 4 cakes at once (two in the oven, two in line).
Let the finished cakes cool down. Place them on something flat (tray, board). If the form for cooling is not perfectly even, then the hot cakes will take that shape. Do not stack hot cakes one on top of the other. Damp.

Step 7 out of 11

From the indicated number of products for the test, I got 14 cakes 24 cm wide.

Cooking cream.
In a saucepan, mix flour, starch, sugar. In a separate bowl, beaten eggs (no need to beat especially, just stir until smooth with a fork). Add 1.5 liters of milk to the eggs. Stir and then add the egg-milk mixture to the flour mixture. Mix well. We put on a small fire and stirring constantly, we prepare the cream until it boils. The cream is cooked for about 5 minutes.

Step 8 out of 11

We put a bowl of cream in another wide bowl on ice water (water + ice + salt). Let's cool down. Cover the cream on top with cling film so that there is no air between the film and the cream. Otherwise, the cream will be crusty. You can do without ice water. If you are not in a hurry, just tighten the cream with a film and leave it to cool somewhere in a safe place (away from children and so that you don’t sit on the hot cream yourself).

Step 9 out of 11

We are waiting for complete cooling.
Whisk butter at room temperature. Add cooled cream in batches. Beat with a mixer. The cream will be thick. You can dilute it with milk. It took me half a liter. At the very end, add the zest of 1 lemon or the zest of 1 lime. Lemon or lime may not be added, but then it is better to add vanilla or vanillin.
4. We collect the cake.
We take a detachable form or a wide pan. We cover it with a film or baking paper so that all the walls of the form are covered with paper and the edges of the paper protrude strongly beyond the pan. This will help pull the cake out of the mold after soaking.
At the bottom we spread the first cake, on it 2-4 tbsp. spoons of cream, again a cake, again a cream ... and so on until all the cakes run out.

Step 10 out of 11

Since there will be enough scraps, all the cakes will be used for their intended purpose. The last cake is not smeared with cream immediately. We do not smear the last cake at all. We wrap the edges of the paper in the center, put them on the last ungreased cake and cover with a plate, send the cake to the refrigerator for impregnation for at least 4-5 hours. The plate serves as a light weight. We leave a little cream for the final stage (a little cream will go to the walls of the cake and part to the top cake).
When the cake is soaked, take it out of the mold. Free from paper. Put on a dish. Lubricate the top cake with cream and coat the sides of the cake. In a blender, grind the scraps into crumbs. Sprinkle the sides and top of the cake.


How to sprinkle? We take the cake in one hand, crushed crumbs in the other. We bring an open palm with crumbs to the cake and, as if slamming the edges, attach the crumbs to the cake. On the top cake just sprinkle on top.
If you decorate the cake like I do with chocolate, then I advise the edges of the cake, where the transition from the top cake to the edge, sprinkle well with crumbs. Otherwise, your cake will look crooked.

Well, friends, Friday in this blog is once again regaining its culinary status. Surprisingly, after the long-awaited Easter, I didn’t leave a single recipe for you, there was no inspiration, no desire to experiment, and the abundance of culinary aces everywhere extinguishes enthusiasm, not to mention the numerous publics that took many of my photos back to normal and recipes to put on your pages and pass them off as your own))

But after I was disappointed in many local establishments that do not care about the taste and quality of dishes at all (by the way, why is that? Tell me, who is local, where is it really tasty in Minsk?), I came to the realization that I need to continue and cook and shoot, well, eat, of course))

Today's hero is a lemon-lime napoleon and he deserves to be the first after such a long pause.

Napoleon cake was something constant in our house, it seems that it was baked most often, so I never liked this dessert and very rarely ate it. It got to the point that if I really wanted sweets, and only Napoleon was in the house, then I was not too lazy to beat eggnog for myself or drive me to the bakery for a puff, just not to eat this cake))

But these are all memories and many people will definitely like my today's version of this dessert, because the cake is very tasty, rich and even summery, due to the combination of lime and lemon flavors. I only advise you - do not change butter for margarine in the recipe, and cream for milk, because all these deviations from the recipe will greatly spoil the final taste. Shall we start?



  • flour - 400 g
  • butter - 200 g
  • sour cream 26% - 200 g
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • zest of half a lime, zest of half a lemon

Cream 1:

  • cream 33% - 250 ml
  • sugar - 90 g
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs
  • flour - 2 tsp
  • zest of half a lemon
  • juice of half a lemon
  • vanilla extract

Cream 2:

  • mascarpone - 250 g
  • condensed milk - 200 g
  • juice of half a lime
  • vanilla extract

Caramel for decoration:

  • sugar - 120 g
  • juice of half a lime


  • Pour the flour on a dry table, add room temperature butter, sour cream, salt and lime and lemon zest.
  • Knead a homogeneous dough, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for an hour.
  • Divide the chilled dough into 8 parts and roll each part with a rolling pin, send to bake at 180 C for 5-8 minutes.
  • Cut the finished cakes according to the chosen shape, do it carefully.
  • Pour the cream into a saucepan, pour in the vanilla extract and heat.
  • In a bowl, beat the yolks with sugar and lemon zest, as soon as the mixture becomes lush and homogeneous, pour in the lemon juice and mix in the flour.
  • Gradually pour warm cream into the yolks, stirring the mixture with a whisk. Then pour the whole mixture back into the pan and reduce over low heat to a state of thick sour cream.
  • For the second cream, beat the mascarpone, then pour lime juice into it and beat again, gradually adding condensed milk.
  • Then add vanilla extract and continue beating until stable.
  • When both creams are ready, you can proceed to the assembly. Of all the cakes, choose the most even and make it the bottom.
  • Alternately smearing the cakes with creams, assemble the cake. Grease the cake with mascarpone cream on top and if there are scraps left, you can chop them into crumbs and decorate the cake.
  • For decor, I used meringue, which I prepared with lime flavor especially for this cake.
  • For caramel, you need to mix sugar and lime juice and heat, cook until a light brown hue (do not interfere with caramel, do not dip anything into it, because sugar can be sugared due to temperature changes). Carefully pour the caramel onto baking paper and let it cool to room temperature before breaking into pieces.

Fresh raspberries perfectly complement the taste of the cake and are glad that its season is about to begin)

By the way, the jasmine flowers that decorate my cake are very edible, they taste like sprouted wheat)

As always, I sincerely hope that this recipe will be useful and bring joy, only for the sake of this I spend my time on such records) Have a nice weekend and see you!)

How many cooks, so many recipes of Napoleon. This is one of the most delicious cakes in the world, besides, I don't know a person who doesn't like Napoleon. Unfortunately, this cake is easy to ruin. You have to learn how to cook it right. There are recipes where the cakes are delicious, but the cream is not very good. It also happens vice versa. I found this Napoleon recipe for myself. The cake turns out delicious, budget in terms of products, these cakes can be stored for about a week before the desired event, and then quickly assemble the cake. Cream: very tasty, very simple, take the minimum, maximum success.
For storage, the cakes should be folded into a fly bag and closed tightly. Store in a dry place.

Whether or not to put lemon and lime in the cream is up to you. With citrus fruits, Napoleon is obtained with sourness. Lemons can be substituted for vanilla.

we need:
butter or margarine - 400 gr (1.5 packs)
eggs - 2 pcs.
cold drinking water - 150 ml
flour 650 gr
vodka or cognac - 3 tbsp. spoons
vinegar 9% 1 tbsp. spoon
salt on the tip of a knife

1.5 liters of milk + 0.5 liters
6 eggs
3 art. tablespoons of starch (without a slide)
8 art. tablespoons flour (no slide)
250 gr butter
1 st. Sahara
1 lime + 1 lemon.

1. Cooking cakes.
To do this, pour 150 ml of water into a cup. To water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of cognac or vodka. Mix everything.
Separately, beat 2 eggs into a bowl, mix with a fork, adding a pinch of salt. Don't beat.
Combine water and eggs. Stir. The liquid may come out in flakes. Do not worry.

In a large bowl, sift the flour (600 gr) and add butter or margarine, cut into cubes, to it. Chop the butter in the flour with a chef's knife, mixing everything. Better not to do it by hand. Hands change the structure of the test.

From the resulting oil-flour mass, make a slide with a recess in the center. Pour the egg mass into the center. Knead the dough.

Divide the dough into 12-14 balls, put on a large dish, cover with foil and refrigerate for 1.5 hours.

2. We bake cakes. Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees.
We take out 1 ball from the refrigerator. The rest stay covered in the refrigerator. On baking paper, roll out the balls (this is so that later the shape of Napoleon does not change). Roll out thinly. Cut out the desired shape. I cut it out for a large plate, because. Napoleon planned to make round. Poke raw cake with forks, making holes. So the cake will not warp and will be as correct as possible.

I didn't remove the trimmings. So they baked them on a baking sheet. After they go to sprinkle.
We already transfer the baking paper with the cake to a baking sheet and bake.
So we bake all the cakes. While one is baking, roll out the next one. My oven allows you to bake on 2 baking sheets at the same time. I rolled out 4 cakes at once (two in the oven, two in line).
Allow the finished cakes to cool. Place them on something flat (tray, board). If the form for cooling is not perfectly even, then the hot cakes will take that shape.

From the indicated number of products for the test, I got 14 cakes 24 cm wide.
3. Cream.
In a saucepan, mix flour, starch, sugar. In a separate bowl, beaten eggs (you don’t need to beat much, just stir until smooth with a fork. Add 1.5 liters of milk to the eggs. Stir and then add the egg-milk mixture to the flour mixture. Mix well. Stamim on a small fire and constantly stirring prepare the cream until boiling.

As soon as bulbs appear on the cream, immediately remove from heat and transfer the cream to a glass bowl.

We put a bowl of cream in another wide bowl on ice water (water + ice + salt). Let's cool down. Cover the cream on top with cling film so that there is no air between the film and the cream. Otherwise, the cream will be crusty. You can do without ice water. If you are not in a hurry, just tighten the cream with a film and leave it to cool somewhere in a safe place (away from children and so that you don’t sit on the bitter cream yourself).

We are waiting for complete cooling.
Whisk butter at room temperature. Add cooled cream in batches. Beat with a mixer. The cream will be thick. You can dilute it with milk. It took me half a liter. At the very end, add the zest of 1 lemon and the zest of 1 lime. I also added the juice of both fruits. Lemon and lime may not be added, but then it is better to add vanilla or vanillin.
4. We collect the cake.
We take a detachable form or a wide pan. We cover it with a film or baking paper so that all the walls of the form are covered with paper and the edges of the paper protrude strongly beyond the pan. This will help pull the cake out of the mold after soaking.
At the bottom we lay out the first cake, on it 2-3 tbsp. spoons of cream, again a cake, again a cream ... and so on until all the cakes run out.

Since there will be enough scraps, all the cakes will be used for their intended purpose. The last cake is not smeared with cream immediately. We do not smear the last cake at all. We wrap the edges of the paper in the center, put them on the last ungreased cake and cover with a plate, send the cake to the refrigerator for impregnation for at least 4-5 hours. The plate serves as a light weight. We leave a little cream for the final stage (a little cream will go to the walls of the cake and part to the top cake).
When the cake is soaked, take it out of the mold. Free from paper. Put on a dish. Lubricate the top cake with cream and coat the sides of the cake. In a blender, grind the scraps into crumbs. Sprinkle the sides and top of the cake.

How to sprinkle? We take the cake in one hand, crushed crumbs in the other. We bring an open palm with crumbs to the cake and, as if slamming the edges, attach the crumbs to the cake. On the top cake just sprinkle on top.

If you decorate the cake like I do with chocolate, then I advise the edges of the cake, where the transition from the top cake to the edge, sprinkle well with crumbs. Otherwise, your cake will look crooked.
I made chocolate decor from chocolate dough. Working with chocolate is described here White chocolate is just as easy to work with as black chocolate. Good luck.