Home / Dumplings / How to make wine from jam. How to make wine from jam

How to make wine from jam. How to make wine from jam

Often, neat housewives do not understand what to do with deposits of jam that have been stored for a long time on the shelves of a cellar or closet, being candied and fermented. However, the reserves are used in a non-standard way - wine is prepared from fermented jam. For this purpose, ordinary, candied and fermented jam, confiture or jam is suitable.

Preparation of the constituent components

Before making wine from fermented jam at home, prepare a fermentation tank. The size of the container is determined by the amount of product being processed. Presumably, one liter of jam will require the same amount of water. The container maintains space for the release of foam and carbon dioxide. They choose glass containers because when wine comes into contact with metal and polymer, it absorbs the smell of plastic and iron. The best option is a three or ten liter glass bottle.

Homemade wine from fermented jam is poured into glass bottles or wooden barrels. The wine is sealed with cork stoppers, allowing the drink to “breathe” and infuse wonderfully. Homemade wine is stored in a darkened room, and the finished wine is poured into dark glass bottles.

Water seal: characteristics and types

To make wine from jam, you need a water seal, which:

  • removes carbon dioxide released during fermentation,
  • does not allow oxygen to enter the container,
  • works as a pointer to switch to the next phase of the process.

You can buy the shutter at a department store or make it yourself. Three types of water seals are used: from a rubber glove, industrially made, homemade from a tube and a jar.

Rubber glove water seal

The glove is put on the bottle, a hole is pierced to release gases, and a valve is obtained to reduce the pressure. If the glove deflates and falls, then fermentation is over.

Industrial water seal

This type of water seal is productive and cheap. It looks like a simple lid, but in the middle there is a small depression that is filled with water. Carbon dioxide passes through the water; if there are no bubbles in the water, then the fermentation process is over. A water seal of this design is used many times.

A water seal made from a thin tube and a jar of water

To make it, you will need a lid with a hole into which a plastic or rubber hose is inserted, and a jar of water. One end of the hoses is lowered into water, and the other, 4-5 cm, is passed through the wine must. If the gas stops bubbling in the water, then fermentation has stopped. The main thing is to make a tight connection between the lid and the hoses. The holes around the tube are sealed with plasticine or modeling mass.

If you have prepared the ingredients, then you can think about how to make homemade wine from fermented jam.

Manufacturing stages

Choose jams or confitures from which homemade wine is made, without mold. This is the only strict rule, or the output will not be a product with high-quality properties. Wine is prepared using jams from different varieties of fruits and berries, since such a mixture will add an unusual taste and aroma to homemade wine from fermented jam.

The method of preparing wine is simple and consists of eight steps:

  • Add one glass of sugar per six liters of solution to a solution of equal volumes of confiture and lukewarm boiled water (proportion one to one) and mix thoroughly.
  • Add two handfuls (200-250 grams) of unwashed raisins or grapes to the mixture. The characteristic wine yeasts on the skins of the berries include natural fermentation, which also transfers to the jam.

  • The container with the solution is placed in a dark and warm corner.
  • When the mixture floats to the top, the grounds are carefully separated from the mash, which is then filtered into a bottle or jar. A typical recipe for homemade wine from fermented jam involves adding an identical volume of sugar to the mash at this stage of production.
  • A water seal is placed on the neck of the bottle.
  • Fermentation lasts at a temperature of plus 25-27 degrees and stops when the release of carbon dioxide bubbles is complete.
  • Trying not to stir the grounds, the wine is carefully poured into bottles using a thin hose. For greater purification, use a filter.
  • The bottles are capped and stored in a cool, dark room to mature for 60 days.

Wine made from candied and fermented jam

To make wine from fermented jam you will need:

  • Missing jam - 1.5 liters.
  • Boiled water - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 200 grams.
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon.

Raisins are not washed or soaked. Boil water, cool to 40 degrees. Pour into a five-liter jar, add a liter of jam, half the sugar and raisins. Mix thoroughly. Place a glove on the neck of the bottle, which is securely fastened. On one finger of the gloves, a hole is pierced with a needle to allow gas to escape.

If you don’t have one large jar, then take two three-liter jars, having mixed the ingredients in the pan in advance. The container with mash is placed in a warm, dark place for 14 days. Then the bottle is opened, the mixture is expressed through a filter and another half of the sugar is added. The wine is poured into a clean five-liter container and again left for 90 days for final fermentation.

The finished wine is bottled without shaking the sediment. Bottles of wine are stored in a cold basement or pantry. This wine is stronger than in the previous recipe, due to the sugar added during the preparation of the drink.

As it turned out, stale jams and confitures are turned into glorious home-made wine, which is not inferior in taste to store-bought drinks made in factories. In addition, no material investment is required. The price of raisins and sugar is low compared to expensive, sometimes not natural, wines.

Wine made from jam with cane sugar

Let's consider, if the jam has fermented, how to make wine with cane sugar. Adding cane sugar when making wine gives an aromatic and funky flavor to the drink. For a good fermentation process, voluminous containers are prepared in order to obtain an aromatic and high-quality wine as a result.

Take the following ingredients: 1 liter of jam or confiture, 1 liter of boiled water and 100 grams of cane sugar.

Cooking method with cane sugar:

  • Mix jam and water in a container, then pour cane sugar into the resulting mixture. The solution is thoroughly stirred and covered with a plastic lid or rubber glove.
  • The container is placed in a dark corner for 60 days.
  • Then the mash is cleaned of the settled jam mixture and filtered through multilayer gauze.
  • Then the liquid is poured into clean bottles and stored for another 40 days in a darkened room. When the wine has aged, try the resulting alcohol.

Wine made from jam with yeast


  • Dry yeast 10 grams.
  • Jam or confiture from berries or fruits 1 kg 300 grams.
  • Boiled water 2.3 liters.
  • A handful of raisins.

The jam is collected from different types of jars and a mixture of berries and fruits is obtained, as long as it is sweet. Such wine does not last for a long time; the taste of alcohol gradually only worsens, not like wines made from grapes.

How to make wine from fermented jam with yeast:

  1. Pour water and jam into a container, mix thoroughly and taste to obtain a strong sugar solution. If the concentration is insufficient, add more sugar.
  2. Place the container on the fire, wait until it boils and remove from the stove.
  3. Cool to 20 degrees and filter through a fine mesh or gauze. Filtering is necessary so that the mixture of berries and fruits does not litter the water seal.
  4. After filtering the mash, pour two ladlefuls of mash into a cup. Slowly add dry yeast, mix thoroughly until smooth, cover with a lid and place in a warm place for 20 minutes to activate the yeast.
  5. Pour the infused mixture from a cup into a glass container, add filtered mash into the bottle and mix thoroughly. The bottle is not filled to the neck, but rather retains space for the liquid to ferment.
  6. Place a lid with a water seal and a tube on the bottle, lower the edge of the tube into the water in the plastic bottle.
  7. Cover the constructed device with cloth and place it in a place where the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere is 25 degrees.
  8. After three days, watch how the fermentation procedure develops. If air bubbles rise continuously, the mixture is still vigorously fermenting and the alcohol is not ready. Typically, wine made from jam is usable after 7 days.
  9. If the movement of bubbles stops and grounds fall into the bottom of the bottle, then taste the drink. The wine comes out sweet and sour, low-carbonated and with a hint of alcohol.
  10. Cool the drink, filter out the settled grounds and pour into bottles. Throw five raisins into each bottle and refrigerate for 24-48 hours.

How to store wine

To ensure that homemade wine from fermented jam does not disappear, you need to properly preserve the drink. This is not only to preserve taste, but also to preserve alcohol for a long time.

A drink made from fermented jam or confiture is preserved according to the following principles:

  • Prepared alcohol is poured only into clean bottles. It is better if the containers are made of dark glass.
  • The ideal temperature for storage is considered to be 10-12 degrees.
  • To produce truly appetizing and fragrant wine alcohol, the wine is subjected to mandatory aging. Usually the procedure takes 1.5-3 months.
  • It is essential that during storage the bottles are placed in a horizontal position. Protect bottles from sudden temperature changes and vibration.

Having learned everything about making delicious homemade wine from candied and fermented jam, housewives apply a variety of recommendations based on their cooking experiments using all kinds of spices. Having studied the recipe for wine from fermented jam, make a fermentation solution from simple or fermented jam and jam, infuse under a water seal, filter and store the prepared jam product at home.

Well, we can’t live without jam. Then let the candied jars stand for years on the back shelves of pantries and fill much-needed space in the refrigerator. But still, every autumn an ​​epic begins called “It’s time to cook!” Sugar is bought in bags; all the burners on the stove are tightly occupied with basins and other containers. Banks are sterilized en masse. In general, for several days the kitchen turns into a preparation workshop.
But the excitement ends - and the question immediately arises: what to do with last year’s jam? It's a shame to throw it away! That's right, no need to throw it away. After all, last year’s jam is an excellent “raw material” for the production of a wide variety of drinks.

Homemade wine from old jam has a light, tart taste and spicy aroma; depending on what kind of jam was used for preparation, the “notes” and “bouquet” of this noble drink will differ.

  • – Berry or fruit jam – 1 liter;
  • – Boiled water (cooled) – 3 liters;
  • – Raisins – 110 grams.

Step 1: prepare the jar.

Before we prepare the wine, let's prepare the container. To do this, take a jar and thoroughly treat it with baking soda using a kitchen dishwashing sponge. Then rinse thoroughly several times with warm running water. After this, you need to pour boiling water from the kettle over the container. Caution: Be extremely careful not to burn your hands or other parts of your body with the boiling water during this procedure. It is also important to remember that the utensils for preparing wine should be glass, ceramic or enamel, but in no case metal, so that there is no oxidation reaction during the fermentation process of the alcoholic drink.

Step 2: preparing homemade wine from jam - the first stage.

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. At this time, take a jar of homemade jam and, using a tablespoon, transfer it into the prepared container, and pour in the raisins, previously washed under water. When the water boils, set it aside and let it cool to room temperature. To prepare wine you will need warm boiled water. Attention: under no circumstances should there be boiling water! Pour warm boiled water into a bottle with jam and raisins. Using a wooden spoon, mix all the ingredients well and close the container with a nylon lid. We put the jar in a warm place. In the summer, you can leave it in the kitchen - it’s always hot there, and in the winter - under the radiator in one of the rooms, so that the fermentation process begins in our mixture. The main thing is that the place is secluded from children.

Step 3: drain the pulp.

After 10 days, take a jar of fermented wine ingredients and open the lid. Since all the pulp will rise from the bottom to the neck of the jar after the fermentation process, carefully remove it from the surface of the liquid using a tablespoon and transfer it to a gauze cloth, first placing a clean bowl or pan under it so that the squeezed thick mixture from the pulp drains there. We take the cake out of the gauze and throw it away.

Step 4: prepare homemade wine from jam - the second stage.

We also filter the remaining liquid from the jar through cheesecloth and pour it into the same container where the squeezed pulp mixture is located. The resulting product of primary fermentation is called wort. Now pour the wort into a jar that has been well washed under running water. We put a clean rubber glove on the neck of the jar hermetically. Let's put our jar of wort in a dark place. The fermentation process lasts 40 days, but to finally make sure of this, watch the rubber glove closer to the time of preparation of the wine. When it inflates up and falls again, the fermentation process is complete. The color of the wine should become transparent.

Step 5: preparing homemade wine from jam - the third stage.

Before bottling the resulting alcoholic drink, we will prepare a container in which our aromatic wine will be stored. It is better to take glass bottles with a capacity of 500 or 700 milliliters for storing wine. To do this, carefully rinse the bottle under running water using a dish brush. Turning the container over, let the water drain.

After the preparation time for the wine drink has expired, remove the glove from the neck of the jar and very carefully, using a watering can, pour the liquid into prepared, clean, dry bottles. The main task in this process is the fact that it does not affect the sediment formed after the second fermentation process.

We close the bottles with corks or very small nylon caps. Ideally, wooden plugs. Then we transfer the finished wine to a dark, preferably cool room. Two months after bottling, it is ready for consumption. Our homemade jam wine has a strength of approximately 10 degrees.

Before serving, cool our wine a little in the refrigerator, and then pour it into a decanter and serve it with glasses. I think that our wine product will make a pleasant impression on your guests. The wine can be served for dessert with fruit and chocolates, as well as treated to friends during the main meal - the taste of the wine will not change!

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Good afternoon, my dear readers! I have several simple recipes for homemade jam wine. The holidays are ahead, and by preparing such an unusual drink, you will greatly surprise your guests. Making this wine is very simple and quick.

Wine made from jam without yeast

This is perhaps the simplest recipe for homemade jam wine. Wine is made without yeast; raisins play their role here, since it contains everything necessary. A minimum of effort and products and simply amazing results!


  • Any jam – 1 l;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Raisins – 100 g.


  1. So, first of all, we choose the jam from which we want to make wine. You can take absolutely anything: apple, apricot, raspberry, cherry, plum, etc. Next, take an empty three-liter bottle, wash it thoroughly with soda, and then scald it with boiling water to kill microbes that could spoil the future wine.
  2. We transfer the selected jam into the prepared bottle, fill it with warm water and add raisins. Attention! Raisins should not be washed! Mix the contents of the bottle thoroughly with a long wooden spatula. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  3. We cover our bottle with gauze and place it in a dark, warm place. The ideal temperature for the fermentation process is 23-25°. If you have few dark corners in your apartment, you can cover the bottle with a thick cloth to block out the light. Leave for 5 days. But don’t forget to mix the contents with a wooden spatula every day. After a maximum of 20 hours, the first signs of fermentation will be visible - a sour smell, foam and hissing.
  4. After 5 days, we take out the bottle and remove the floating pulp from the surface, by the way, it’s called pulp. We prepare another bottle - wash it with soda and scald it with boiling water. Through several layers of gauze we filter the contents of the first bottle into the second. Keep in mind that you can only fill the container ¾ full, because... During fermentation, foam and carbon dioxide will form.
  5. Now we take an ordinary medical glove and, using a needle, make a hole in one of its fingers. We put a glove on the neck of the container and tie it with a rope, right on top of the glove, so that it does not fly off during fermentation.
  6. Again we send the bottle to a warm and dark place for a period of 30 to 60 days, until the fermentation process is successfully completed. When the glove is completely deflated, the wine becomes lighter and sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle, the drink is almost ready.
  7. We drain the wine from the sediment very carefully. We taste it, if we think it is necessary, add sugar and vodka. The first is for sweetness, the second is for strength.
  8. We pour the wine into bottles, trying to fill them to the very neck in order to prevent contact with oxygen. Close tightly and send to a cold place - cellar, basement or refrigerator. Let stand for two to five months, straining periodically if sediment forms.

The recipe for wine made from jam without yeast at home uses raisins.

Tip: raisins can easily be replaced with any berries. The main thing is not to wash them and crush them first.

The fastest wine made from jam

Now I will tell you how to make wine from jam at home as quickly as possible.


  • Any jam – 1l;
  • Water – 2 l;
  • Round rice – 200 g;
  • Live yeast – 20 g.

How to make wine:

  1. We wash the bottle thoroughly, as in the previous recipe. We put jam, rice and live yeast into it. Pour in warm water and mix well with a wooden spatula.
  2. In one of the fingers of the medical glove, use a needle to make a hole and put it on the container. As in the previous case, we tie the neck with a rope for reliability. We send our bottle to a dark and warm place for fermentation. The fermentation process will last 2-3 days until the wine becomes clear.
  3. Carefully pour the clear liquid into the bottle, trying not to get any sediment in there.
  4. All! Tasty, fast and most importantly natural wine is completely ready! You can enjoy it.

Advice: do not mix different types of jam, otherwise the wine will lose its special, delicate aroma.

A simple recipe for wine from fermented jam at home

Have you discovered that your favorite jam has fermented? Don’t be in a hurry to get upset, there is a recipe that is simple, unusual and very tasty! By making wine from fermented jam, you will see that spoiled delicacies can be used in very original ways.


  • Fermented jam – 1.5 l;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Water – 1.5 l;
  • Raisins – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Here we need a larger container, ideally 5 liters. But if you don’t have one, then use two three-liter bottles. We carefully prepare the containers - wash them with soda and scald them with boiling water.
  2. In a large bowl, I have a saucepan, mix warm water with fermented jam. Add granulated sugar and raisins there and mix well until smooth. We pour the future wine into bottles, filling them 2/3 of the total volume, providing free space for fermentation.
  3. We take two new, intact medical gloves and make holes in one of the fingers with a needle. We put gloves on the container and tie a rope around the necks for security. We send the container with the future wine to a warm and dark place, and wait for the fermentation process to end. On average, this period lasts several weeks. You can tell when the fermentation process is complete by deflating gloves.
  4. Using gauze folded in several layers, we strain our wine. Add another half a glass of sugar, pour into bottles, close tightly and send to a dark place for several months.
  5. After the specified time has passed, we take out our wine and filter it very carefully. Do not allow sediment to get into the bottles in which the wine will be stored. We try to pour so that there is no free space left in the bottles and be sure to close them very tightly with corks.

Tip: do not use moldy jam to make wine!

Wine made from jam with yeast in 2 weeks

And now I will share with you a recipe for wine made from jam with yeast at home. If you have the most ordinary dry yeast, then with their help you can also prepare a very tasty drink. And in a short time!


  • Jam – 1 l;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Round rice – 1 tbsp.;
  • Dry yeast – 7 g.

Recipe for making homemade wine from jam in 2 weeks:

  1. We start by preparing the dishes. We thoroughly wash the three-liter bottle with soda and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Pour a glass of round rice and dry yeast into the prepared container. Pour in warm water and mix well. Next, add the jam, by the way, you can also use fermented jam, and mix well again.
  3. In one of the fingers of a new medical glove, make a hole with a needle. We put it on the neck of the bottle and wrap it with a rope on top. We put it in a dark, warm place for 10-14 days. During this time, a precipitate should form and the drink itself should become transparent. Afterwards we put our bottle in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
  4. We carefully filter our wine and taste it. If required, add sugar. Pour the wine from the jam with yeast into bottles and close the lids tightly. The drink is completely ready to drink.

Tip: always mix future wine with wooden objects. Do not allow wine to come into contact with metal objects!

Apricot jam wine

I suggest making a delicious fortified wine from apricot jam with a subtle, summery aroma of these fruits. I will share a proven method of making wine from apricot jam.


  • Apricot jam – 1 l;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Sugar – 100 g.

We put the wine:

  1. As always, the container needs to be washed with baking soda and doused with boiling water.
  2. Place the jam in a bottle, add warm water, add sugar and mix well. Cover with gauze or a nylon lid and send to a dark, warm place.
  3. We watch the wine - when all the pulp rises to the top and the fermentation process is over, we take out the container. On average, the process takes from 7 to 14 days. We remove all the pulp, strain our wine a little and add a little more granulated sugar.
  4. We put a medical glove on the neck of the bottle, with a small hole made in advance in one of its fingers. We tie a rope on top.
  5. We leave the bottle in a warm place for about 3 months so that the wine ferments well. Carefully strain the drink through several layers of gauze.

Tip: the wine may be ready before the time indicated in the recipes (depending on the temperature). Don’t forget to periodically taste the wine, because we don’t need vinegar.

Raspberry wine made from jam, liquid jam or marmalade

How to make wine from raspberry jam - a very simple technique from my grandfather.


  • Raspberry jam – 1 l;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Raisins – 110 g.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the container - wash it thoroughly with baking soda and scald with boiling water.
  2. Put the jam in the bottle, fill it with warm boiled water and add the raisins. Mix thoroughly. Cover with a nylon lid or gauze and send to a dark, warm place for 10 days.
  3. After the specified time has passed, we take out the bottle and remove the pulp that has floated to the surface. Then we filter the drink through several layers of gauze and pour it back into the container.
  4. We pierce a small hole on one of the fingers of the medical glove and place it on the neck of the container. We tie a rope over the neck of the glove. Place the container in a dark place for 40 days.
  5. When the glove has deflated and the liquid inside has become clear, our drink is ready. We pour it into bottles very carefully, avoiding sediment from getting into them. We close the bottles tightly and send them to a cool place for several months. During this time, the wine will infuse and acquire an unusually bright and rich taste.

Tip: when making wine, try to use purified water, then the taste of the drink will be much brighter.

I suggest you watch a video recipe for making wine from jam:

That's all, my dear readers. Now you have several simple recipes for jam wine at home. There is no longer any need to throw away old stocks of jam; they have been put to good use. I wish you warm and cozy evenings with a glass of delicious wine!

Almost everyone who has their own garden or vegetable garden makes home preparations for the winter. These are mainly pickles and jams made from all kinds of vegetables and berries. They are prepared in large quantities and are not always eaten until next summer. And jam tends to become sugary and ferment, losing its appetizing quality. In this case, it’s a pity to waste your reserves and you have to figure out how to use them.

A great way out is to make wine from jam. It can be cherry, strawberry, apple, currant and any other. All the preparations remaining after the winter will be used. Jam is an excellent raw material for wine. It already contains an important ingredient for fermentation - sugar. Due to this, the resulting wine will not have a sour taste, and preparation will proceed faster than from simple raw materials.

If your preparations have fermented, then do not rush to get upset and throw them away, since making wine from fermented jam is much easier and faster than from fresh one. This only requires a couple of additional ingredients. You can use any old jams and preserves from fruits and berries. The main thing is not to mix several types, but to cook from only one.

How to make wine from jam? To prepare one liter of raw materials, you will additionally need granulated sugar, raisins and warm water. To do this, it is pre-boiled and cooled to 30 - 40 degrees. In addition, you will need a large jar, about five liters, for infusion. The container is pre-prepared: cleaned and sterilized with boiling water. 3 - 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and one raisin are added to the sour dough. The mixture is poured with warm water, closed with a prepared water seal or a glove with a hole in the finger and put into a warm, dark room. From this moment you can consider that homemade wine has been delivered.

How quickly it will be ready is determined by the degree of fermentation of the raw materials, but generally the aging takes at least two weeks. After this, the resulting drink is poured into a prepared sterilized container and mixed with two tablespoons of sugar. This mixture is sealed and matured for three months. The finished jam wine is carefully removed from the berry or fruit sediment. You can filter the drink through a sieve or use a tube to drain the liquid. The resulting wine can be stored for no more than three years in a cool place.

With yeast

Since you can make wine from old jam with yeast much faster than without it, this recipe is extremely popular. With the addition of this ingredient, the wort ferments much more actively and the wine is ready for consumption within a month and a half. Homemade wine made from jam with yeast is stronger, especially if you use one liter of wort to require the same amount of clean water, 20 grams of yeast and 200 grams of rice. Mix all the ingredients in a prepared sterilized container and place in a warm, dark place to ripen. The neck of the vessel is closed with a water seal or a medical glove. The wine ferments until gas formation is complete for about three weeks.

When the glove falls off or bubbles stop appearing, you need to separate the wine from the sediment, pour it into a container in which it will be stored and put it in a cool place. At this stage, the drink is immediately ready for consumption. But to obtain a more pleasant and rich taste, you need to keep it in the cold for another three weeks to one month.

Without yeast

Making wine from jam at home opens up scope for imagination. The choice of recipe depends on what kind of preparation is currently available, on the additional ingredients and the duration of production. You can make wine from jam without yeast. This process takes longer, but the finished drink is more tasty and rich.

In order to supply the wine, containers are prepared in advance. It must be washed and thoroughly sterilized. Jam with warm boiled water is poured into it in a 1:1 ratio and a handful of raisins or other fresh berries are poured in. They are not washed so as not to lose the natural yeast found on the peel. Fresh berries need to be crushed and mixed until smooth and thick. The mixture is covered with gauze and put in a dark, warm place for five days until pulp forms and fermentation starts. During this time, the liquid must be thoroughly mixed daily.

After the time has passed, you need to separate the solid part that has floated to the surface. To do this, the liquid is filtered through gauze or a sieve and poured into a new sterilized jar. It should not be filled to the brim. A fifth of the volume remains empty to allow the formation of foam and gas during the fermentation process. The neck is closed with a water seal and the container is left for further aging under the same environmental conditions for 2 - 3 months. An indicator of the completion of fermentation will be: cessation of gas formation, precipitation and clarification of the liquid.

Now the finished wine must be carefully removed from the sediment using a rubber tube. The finished product is poured into containers for storage. If the wine is sour, then additional sugar syrup is added until sweet. The spilled drink ripens in a cool place for another 2 – 3 months. The result is a dessert wine made from jam, with a strength of 9 to 13 degrees.

Drink recipes from preparations

It is impossible to obtain a product similar to what is on store shelves. But you can make excellent wine at home from jam. The simple recipe and availability of ingredients make this technology very popular. By choosing this method, you kill two birds with one stone: the preparations are not wasted, and you get a delicious alcoholic drink.

Jam wine can be prepared from only one piece, or fresh fruits and berries can be added to adjust the taste. It is not recommended to mix several types of jams, as you can lose the quality of the drink. The wine base is best made from strawberry, currant or raspberry jam. These drinks are the most delicious. Cherry jam wine perfectly retains the aroma of this berry. Apple is very light and fresh, while plum or blueberry is very rich and bright. Everyone decides for themselves which basis to choose. The main thing is to follow all the preparation technologies and then the resulting jam wine will delight you with its pleasant taste and good quality.

From raspberry jam

Homemade wine from raspberry jam, the recipe of which additionally includes only water and raisins, is prepared using standard technology and does not have any new features. In order to make something new, you will need additional ingredients:

  • Raspberry jam – 1.5 kilograms.
  • Fresh raspberries – 1 kilogram.
  • Warm water – 5 liters.
  • Sugar syrup - to taste.
  • Wine sourdough.
  • Ten liter container.

All ingredients except sugar syrup are mixed in a prepared, cleaned container. The temperature of the added water should be such that the resulting wort is at least 25 degrees. Fresh berries are crushed a little and mixed with the total mass. The entire mixture is placed in a dark, warm place and covered with gauze or cloth to prevent dust and dirt. The wort must be constantly stirred. A long wooden spoon is used for this.

After the start of fermentation, after about 5-7 days of infusion, the wort is poured into another clean container and tightly sealed with a water seal. In this form, the wort is kept until fermentation is complete. This process can take from two to three and a half months.

After gas formation is complete, the drink is poured into another container, removing the sediment, in which it will be clarified. To do this, use a rubber tube or simply carefully pour without the bottom grounds. The wine is aged in a new container for 3–4 days. As soon as the drink is completely clarified, prepared sugar syrup is added to it until the desired sweetness is obtained. The finished wine is tightly corked and stored in a cool place until fully matured. This process takes another couple of months, after which the drink is ready for tasting. This wine made from raspberry jam turns out to be more rich and tasty in comparison with the classic recipe.

From strawberry jam

Classically, the recipe for homemade wine from strawberry jam is also based on raisins. But to obtain a more aromatic and sweet dessert drink, technology with the addition of fresh berries is used. For preparation you will need:

  • Strawberry jam – 1 liter.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Fresh strawberries – 2 kilograms.
  • Sourdough – 30 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams.

For cooking, you can use not only fresh berries, but also frozen preparations. They need to be thoroughly crushed and combined with water and jam. For this, water is first boiled and cooled to a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees, and the mixing container is sterilized with boiling water or in the oven.

Sourdough is added to the mixture and the jar is placed in a warm place, away from direct sunlight. The wort is infused until the first signs of fermentation appear. On average, this process takes about five days. During this time, the wort must be stirred periodically. As soon as gas formation begins, the liquid is poured into a larger container and sealed with a water seal. In this state, the wort ferments until the end of the process for approximately 2 - 3 months under the same environmental conditions.

After time, the water seal is removed, and the wine is separated from the formed sediment, eliminating mixing with it. The resulting drink is bottled and kept cool for three days. Due to this, the wine will be further purified and clarified. After this, sugar syrup is added to taste, and the drink is sent to a cool place to infuse until fully prepared. This will take 2 to 3 months.

Apple jam wine with rice

Apple jam is not often prepared, but those who have made it know that it is not as sticky as others and at the same time very fresh. Therefore, homemade wine made from old jam will have the same taste characteristics. For preparation you will need:

  • Apple jam – 1 liter.
  • Warm water – 1 liter.
  • Raw rice – 1 kilogram.
  • Wine yeast – 20 grams.

Rice-based apple wine follows the classic recipe. Only in this case the raisins are replaced with cereals. All ingredients are mixed and placed in a warm place. The wort is stirred every day to distribute the ingredients evenly. When the first signs of fermentation appear, the liquid is poured into a larger container and closed with a water seal. After the process is completely completed, after about a couple of months, the wine is separated from the sediment and infused for another couple of months in a cool place until it is completely ready.

Wine made from currant jam

To make wine from currant jam at home, use raisins or rice as a starter. In this case, it is better to additionally add fresh currants or grapes to enhance the taste and aroma. To prepare this wine you will need:

  • Currant jam – 1 liter.
  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Berries – 200 grams.
  • Rice – 200 grams.

Fresh unwashed berries are crushed. All ingredients are mixed in a prepared sterilized container and closed with a glove or water seal. In this state, the wort ferments in a warm, unlit place for 20 days. After gas formation is complete, the wine is removed from the sediment using a silicone tube and infused for another three days for clarification and purification. After this, the drink is removed again in the same way and poured into a sterilized container. It is infused in it until it is completely ready for 2 - 3 months.

Cherry jam wine

The cherry drink itself turns out to be very bright and rich. Therefore, the classic recipe for wine made from fermented jam using raisins is used. For preparation you will need:

  • Cherry jam – 1 liter.
  • Warm water – 1 liter.
  • Raisins – 200 grams.

All ingredients are mixed and left to ferment under a water seal for a couple of months. After the process is completed, the drink is carefully removed from the sediment and poured into a container for storage. The wine is aged in it until it is completely ready for another two months, after which you can begin tasting.

Wine from fermented jam is prepared at home in containers that are not in contact with the wort. Do not use metal or plastic containers. They can spoil the taste of the drink and form substances harmful to the human body. It is best to stir the wort with a wooden spoon. It will not affect the fermentation process.

All containers used during preparation must be thoroughly sterilized. In dirty dishes, wine will not last long or may not cook at all.

Wine is not prepared from different types of jam, as the taste may deteriorate. To enhance it, fresh mashed berries are added to the wort.

Making homemade wine from jam is half the battle. It is also important to store it correctly. Good wine can be stored for two to three years. To prevent it from fermenting, you need to choose the right ambient temperature. The most suitable is 15-16 degrees. But you can also store it on the refrigerator door. The longer young wine is stored, the richer its taste will be. Bottles should be protected from direct sunlight and shake as little as possible. Under such conditions, the shelf life will be maximum.

Homemade wine jam is very tasty, sweet and easy to prepare. It allows you not to lose the remaining preparations and please yourself and your guests with a pleasant drink. You won’t find such a bright and tasty drink in any store.

Are there any jars of jam left that you no longer want to eat, but it’s a pity to throw it away? We offer to make an aromatic, tasty and moderately strong homemade wine from it. To prepare an alcoholic drink you will need a minimum amount of ingredients and time, but the resulting wine from currant jam will delight you with its flavor bouquet.

A simple recipe for making wine from currant jam

Currant jam is one of the most common in almost any region of the country. It has a rich taste, pleasant aroma and beautiful color. Thanks to these properties, it is an ideal raw material for making wine. Moreover, both freshly brewed and last year’s, candied and even fermented seaming will be suitable for this purpose.

To make wine from currant jam, you will need 1.5 liters of casserole, 1.5 liters of water, 100 grams of sugar.

  • Jam is poured into a clean large saucepan, clean warm water is added to it, as well as 50 grams of refined sugar. Everything is thoroughly mixed and moved to a warm place for several days to ferment.
  • As soon as the mass is divided into two components - pulp and wort, the grounds must be carefully collected and squeezed out. The liquid must be filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve.
  • The resulting wort is poured into clean wort, the remaining 50 grams of sugar is added, and mixed thoroughly. A water seal of any design is installed on the neck. The container should be moved to a warm, dark place, where it should remain for 3-4 months.
  • After the end of fermentation, which can be recognized by the absence of bubbles in the water seal, the young wine from the currant jam is drained using a thin tube.

The main feature of wine at home is that there is no need for long ripening in the cellar. Immediately after the first removal from the sediment, it is bottled, tightly corked and put in the refrigerator for one day. After a day, you can already try the resulting alcoholic drink.

Solving the problem of lack of fermentation

Often, wine from currant jam, especially from freshly made zakatka, does not ferment. This is due to the absence or insufficient amount of natural wild yeast. You can solve this problem by adding the following ingredients to the wort:

  • Raisins - on the skin of dried fruits there is a large amount of wild yeast that starts the fermentation process. For 1 liter of seaming you will need approximately 1 tablespoon of raisins, and the amount of sugar should be increased to one glass. For this purpose, you should purchase only natural raisins made without the use of various chemicals, such as sulfur.
  • Wine starter that can be prepared at home. To do this you will need 150 g of raisins, 70 g of refined sugar, 2 glasses of water. Syrup is made from sugar and water, cooled to 30 degrees and poured into a jar of raisins. The container is covered with gauze and left in a warm place for 3-4 days. After this, the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth and can be added to the wort. A glass of this starter is designed for three liters of seaming.
  • Rice, since its surface also contains a large amount of the necessary wild yeast. For a liter of jam you will need 200 grams of rice and 2 liters of water.

If an alcoholic drink is prepared in the summer, then fresh grapes or any other berries can be used to start fermentation. For a liter of seaming you will need approximately 200 grams of unwashed fruit. This amount will not change the taste much, but will only give it sophistication and richness.