Home / Chebureki / How to cook beets in the microwave without water. How much and how to cook beets in the microwave? Cooking in cling film

How to cook beets in the microwave without water. How much and how to cook beets in the microwave? Cooking in cling film

Hi all! I'll try to guess what brought you to this particular page of my blog. You have decided to cook a vinaigrette or something else tasty from beets, but it takes so long to cook it ... The guests are already on the way, and the main dish is not ready yet. Do you know how to cook beets in the microwave? There are several proven methods that I want to introduce you to. But let's go in order.

This root vegetable is really very good for health. Delicious salads, first courses, snacks are prepared from it. True, in modern conditions we often forget about these recipes. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easier to buy semi-finished products than to cook complex dishes. I am sure that if you become familiar with the beneficial properties, you will start eating beets much more often. So, let's highlight the advantages of the product:

  • Is an excellent source. Useful for pregnant women + has rejuvenating properties;
  • Great content ;
  • Treatment and prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • Cancer prevention. Yes, yes, scientists have already managed to prove this fact;
  • Saves you from a hangover. If suddenly your spouse went over at a corporate party (well, with whom it doesn’t happen), cook beetroot for him. The husband will quickly return to normal;
  • Low calorie. This invaluable quality nutritionists tirelessly use in their appointments. If you don't believe me, read the article.

Men should also take a closer look at the root crop - there is an opinion that it helps with sexual impotence. Moreover, the vegetable is useful not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

By the way, if you eat beets a couple of times a week, it will help get rid of many digestive problems. No wonder there is on the basis of this root crop.

I will not talk about harm, since it is practically non-existent. Only diabetics and overweight people should refrain. And then, if we talk about boiled beets. In this form, it contains significantly more sugars than in raw. Everyone else can eat it safely.

Benefits of cooking vegetables in a micro

Of course, the speed of preparation is the most important advantage. But there are other benefits as well. Remember, when beets are cooked in a saucepan, the smell immediately appears in the whole apartment. It also gets hot and humid. This is definitely not the case with a microwave.

When cooking vegetables in a micro, water is rarely used. And this means that they retain the maximum of useful substances. And one more thing - you do not have to wash the pan, which always stains when boiled for a long time on the stove.

How to cook beets in the microwave

It turns out that there are several options for cooking root vegetables. We have collected the most common methods here. Let's take a look at each of them in detail - how much time it will take and what is needed.

Ready in a package

First, choose a beetroot. I don’t like huge and crooked - it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing 🙂 Therefore, we look at the most accurate and even root crops. Then we wash them thoroughly. If necessary, use a sponge (as for washing dishes). You can cut off the tail or leave it.

We put the prepared washed beets in a plastic bag, tie it tightly into a knot. Do not forget to make a few punctures - this is an outlet for steam. Transfer the bag to a plate and place it in the microwave.

Choose the maximum power - 850 W or 1000 W. Cooking time depends on the size of the root crop. On average, it takes 8-15 minutes. If the roots are very large, cut in half.

After cooking, cut the bag, wait 3-5 minutes. When the finished root crop has cooled down a bit, you can take it out without burning your hands. By the way, you can do it the same way.

Pieces in a bag

This method allows you to cook the root crop faster, while the dishes and oven remain clean. Take a raw beetroot, peel it and wash it thoroughly under water. Cut into pieces, put the pieces in a bag and tie tightly in a knot. Do not forget about the plate without gilding, on which we move the package.

We put the plate in the microwave, turn it on at full power. Cooking time is 5-8 minutes on average. It depends on how many parts you divided the root crop into.

After the end of the cooking process, carefully cut the package. After 5 minutes, you can already finish cooking the salad.

Cooking under the microwave cover

Such a lid is always sold with a microwave. True, not everyone uses it. The time has come when it will be useful to you. Of course, beets must first be cleaned and washed.

Immediately cut it into pieces, as required for a salad. Next, transfer them to a microwave-safe dish. Then cover it with a special lid with a hole and place it in the microwave. Set the power to 850W, the cooking process lasts 3-5 minutes.

This is the easiest way to cook beets in the microwave. After cooking, you can quickly shift it to the rest of the ingredients in the salad, and immediately season the already prepared dish. Such a little trick that will help you out in any situation 😉

Boiling in water in a container

Peel and wash the root tubers, cut into small pieces. Take any container, preferably glass. Transfer the chopped vegetables, fill them with water (half a glass). Cover with a lid.

Put the container in the microwave, set the max power. Cooking should be 5-7 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a knife. If the tip enters freely and without effort, the product is ready. Next, drain the remaining water, after which the beets can be cut into a salad.

Is it possible to boil in this way not only beets, but also other vegetables? Of course yes. So well prepared.

In food film

This method is similar to cooking a root vegetable in a bag. It can be used for cooking both chopped beets and whole beets. With this culinary trick, you will save a significant amount of time.

Place the sliced ​​beets in a microwave-safe dish, and then cover tightly with cling film. Nothing else needs to be done, just place the dishes in the micro. Set the power to 850W. Cooking the root crop in this form should be no more than 10 minutes.

Need beetroot, boiled whole? We take prepared root crops (we wash them beforehand, we do not cut off and clean the tails), and wrap them several times with cling film. There should be no open areas. Bake for 10-15 minutes, then let the cooked vegetables cool.

Snacks from boiled beets

Beetroot Nut Paste

You can sometimes indulge yourself on a diet with such yummy. Serve on cereal bread, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

To prepare, take:

  • boiled beets 2 pcs;
  • walnuts (kernels) 70 g;
  • garlic 2-3 cloves;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Finely grate the peeled boiled beets. The nuts must be crushed. For this purpose, you can use a coffee grinder, blender or mortar. If these devices are not available, then proceed in the old fashioned way. Arrange the nuts on a clean linen napkin folded in half. Roll them out with a rolling pin until crushed. Garlic should simply be crushed on the press.

Mix all the ingredients, salt and serve with herbs. Mmmm… Delicious 🙂

Apple and beetroot appetizer "Piquant"

I love the fresh taste of this dish. If guests are on the doorstep, it can always be cooked in haste.

You will need:

  • boiled beets 2 pcs;
  • large green apple 1 pc;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • ground white pepper;
  • garlic 1-2 cloves.

Beets with an apple should be peeled and coarsely grated. Press the garlic. Season with pepper, salt to taste. Mix all ingredients and season with lemon juice. You can sprinkle a little olive oil. Serve immediately after preparation.

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Who doesn't love delicious beetroot dishes? Even children are happy to eat it on both cheeks. Beets are famous not only for their excellent taste. Its regular use has a positive effect on the condition and health of a person.

Despite this, the root crop rarely appears on the family menu. The reason is that it takes too long to cook. And many housewives simply do not have enough time and patience.

However, thanks to modern household appliances, a woman's life has become much easier today. With the help of a microwave, beets can be cooked 10 times faster. There will, of course, be skeptics who will not approve of this method of cooking. Some mistakenly believe that microwaved food is unhealthy.

Microwave food myths

  • Under the influence of microwaves, food cells die. This is a correct judgment. But they die no more and no less than during any heat treatment: during cooking, stewing, frying.
  • Microwaves are a source of carcinogens in food. This is completely absurd, since food in a microwave oven is cooked without vegetable oil.
  • Microwave food is radioactive. For information: microwaves are microwave radiation, which has nothing to do with radiation.

It is also not true that the products are heated from the inside. The microwave oven works like a conventional oven, heating the product only from the outside.

Thus, beets cooked in a microwave oven will not harm you in any way and will even bring more benefits.

Why is it better to cook beets in the microwave?

  • Save time by 10 times. Vegetables cook very quickly: from 10 to 20 minutes. And to cook them in the traditional way, it takes about three hours.
  • The taste and useful properties of the product are not lost. Long-term cooking on the stove kills a significant part of the vitamins and minerals. In addition, the product becomes watery and loses its taste, color and smell.
  • No dirty dishes. Remember what a dirty brown coating forms on the pan after boiling beets. And how hard it is to clean!

Having appreciated all the advantages of cooking vegetables in the microwave, you are probably already tormented by questions:

  • How long to cook beets in the microwave?
  • How to cook beetroot?
  • How many cooking methods are there?

The cooking time of vegetables depends on several factors: the size of the root crop, the thickness of the peel, and the freshness of the product.

In total, there are three proven recipes for how to cook beets in the microwave. Each of them is good in its own way. But in order to choose the most suitable for yourself, you need to experience everything.

Cooking in a microwave oven with the addition of water

Wash the roots thoroughly with a toothbrush or dish sponge. Remove excess moisture with a paper towel. The main thing is not to damage the peel. Otherwise, you will get a pale, watery and tasteless product.

Place the vegetables in a microwave-safe bowl and add half a glass of water. Close the lid and place in the chamber of the device. Turn on the microwave oven at full power and cook the root crop for seven minutes.

Remove the container, turn the beets over and cook for the same amount of time.

After turning off the microwave, remove the cooked vegetables after 10 minutes.

Cooking beets without adding water

This method involves cooking root vegetables in a plastic bag.

Clean the beets from the soil and wash well. Poke a few holes in the bag with a toothpick or a needle so that it does not burst during the cooking process. Put the roots in there.

How long will it take to be ready? When the appliance is running at full power, the beets will cook quickly - in 12 minutes. With a microwave power of less than 800 W - in 20 minutes. If you are afraid to cook in a regular bag, then take a roasting sleeve.

Cooking beets in marinade

Do you want to cook vegetables very quickly? Then this method is for you. Wash the beetroot, remove the peel from it and cut into cubes or strips. Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with your favorite spices.

Mix the marinade with chopped vegetables, put in a special plate and cover with a lid. How long will it take to be ready? Believe it or not, in 10 minutes. Beets in the marinade are unusually tasty, juicy and fragrant.

  • Choose beets with a thin skin of the Bordeaux variety. It cooks quickly and is more appetizing.
  • Do not salt vegetables while cooking. It doesn't make any sense. Add more salt to the finished dish.
  • Cleaned fresh beets should not be stored in the air for a long time. This destroys vitamin C.
  • Do not throw away dry root vegetables. Just pour boiling water over it, and then fill it with water. After some time, the vegetable will take on its former shape.
  • In order not to “color” other vegetables in the vinaigrette, chopped beets are sprayed with vegetable oil.
  • In no case do not pour out the beetroot broth. It has excellent healing properties.
  • A shock dose of vitamins is contained in young beet tops. Therefore, use the gifts of nature - cook borscht and beetroot soup from it.

Beetroot is a unique product that will give odds to more than one medicine. It is taken for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

It is useful for anyone who has the following problems:

  • excess weight;
  • abdominal pain before menstruation;
  • depression;
  • weak immunity;
  • cancerous diseases;
  • low hemoglobin, etc.

You can eat vegetables both boiled and raw. Freshly squeezed beetroot juice is very useful.

It is also important to remember that everything should have its own measure. Frequent use of beets is contraindicated:

  • with diabetes;
  • with gastritis with high acidity;
  • with chronic diarrhea;
  • with gout;
  • with rheumatoid arthritis.

In the absence of such problems, pamper your body at least twice a week with some delicious beetroot dish. Moreover, now you know how to cook it correctly and quickly.

Thoroughly wash the beets under running water, wash off the remnants of the soil and other contaminants. We cut long tails, cut off the tops.

We take dishes suitable for cooking in a microwave oven: a plate, a dish. We prepare the package: check for holes or cuts. I put the beets in a bag.

Tie tightly, leave air inside. If a baking bag is used, we tie it on both sides with a dense thread.

We put the beets in the microwave. We turn on the highest power, set the timer for ten minutes. If the power of the microwave oven is 1700 W, five minutes is enough, ten minutes will be needed for ordinary microwaves with a power of 850 W.

We get the finished beets. Carefully untie or cut the bag, release hot steam. We check the beets for readiness by piercing the largest with a fork or a toothpick. If the tines easily pierce the beets, they are ready.

Let the beets cool down. We cut off the skin. We rub on a large or small grater, cut into cubes and use for making salads, vinaigrettes, various snacks. Bon appetit!

Beetroot is a very tasty and healthy product, but it is not used so often in cooking only because it takes a lot of time to cook it in the traditional way. But if you know how to cook beets in the microwave, this stage can be reduced to just a few minutes.

There are many methods for implementing this approach, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Experienced housewives recommend trying them all to understand which option is suitable in a particular case. The main thing is to take into account recommendations on how to choose a product, how to prepare it and how much to process.

Features of the preparatory stage

Before you cook beets in the microwave, you need to consider several important points that affect the quality of the final result:

  • When choosing a root crop, it is necessary to pay attention to specimens with thin and smooth skin, neat filiform roots and still fresh leaves. Only such products can be boiled really quickly, without losing the quality and texture of the vegetable.
  • Beets should be stored in the refrigerator not completely peeled or not processed at all. 2 cm of leaves and root should remain on the tuber.
  • If the root crop is pre-cleaned and cut into small pieces, it will cook quickly, but at the same time it will lose a significant part of the useful components that will come out with the juice.

Tip: It is worth considering that it is impossible to boil old beets in 5 minutes. If the product becomes soft, then its texture will remain heterogeneous, which will affect the quality of the finished dish. In general, if a vegetable is not used for stewing or boiling in soup, it should only be young. It is useless to prepare a quality addition to a salad or an appetizer from old beets, how much to boil it.

  • Do not try to cook fresh beet leaves. They can only be eaten fresh. In this case, their age cannot exceed 2-3 days. Even a few minutes of heat treatment almost completely destroys the beneficial substances in them.

After the fruits are selected, they must be thoroughly washed and dried with paper towels. Then we choose one of the methods of exposure and proceed to the processing of the ingredient.

The easiest way to cook beets in the microwave

The easiest way to cook beets is by simply placing them on a microwave-safe plate. It is best to use medium-sized vegetables, then they will boil thoroughly, but will not dry out from the inside.

  1. We leave the leaves and roots a couple of centimeters apart to prevent the evaporation of beneficial components and a decrease in color intensity.
  2. In the root itself, we make several punctures with a thin and long needle, but not with a knife. The more holes, the better the flesh will bake.
  3. We put the vegetable on a plate, cover it with something to protect the walls from possible splashing of the juice and put it in the chamber.
  4. How much the product is processed depends on the power of the unit. With an indicator of 800 W, 10 minutes is enough. After that, it is recommended to leave the fruit for the same time so that it is infused. Then we try it for the degree of readiness and use it for its intended purpose.

In addition, there are two more simple, but more traditional ways. They give the result just as quickly, but water is used:

  1. Place the thoroughly washed vegetable in a suitable container and fill it with water. Cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes at maximum. We evaluate the result, after which, if necessary, repeat the manipulation, reducing the exposure time by half. The finished product can not be insisted, but immediately cleaned and put into operation.
  2. We place not only the washed, but also the peeled fruit in a baking dish, fill it with water and put it in the microwave oven. First, it must be processed at maximum rates for 3 minutes, then go to medium and hold for another 10 minutes. There is no need to re-clean such beets.

If everything was done taking into account technical recommendations, then the vegetable will turn out juicy, with the maximum content of useful components and without losing its unique texture.

Unusual and complicated approaches

Today, other approaches to boiling beets are increasingly being used. They work just as quickly, but they also differ in a number of advantages. For example, they allow you to give the workpiece a unique taste, unprecedented juiciness and aroma.

  • Boiling beets in a bag. We put the washed vegetables of a small size in a baking bag, which we carefully tie. It is strictly forbidden to use ordinary plastic bags, they will simply melt! We cook root vegetables at a maximum of no more than 8 minutes. After that, let them “sweat” in the package for another three minutes. Do not worry if the package is swollen, it will not burst. For your own peace of mind, you can make one or two holes in the package. With this approach, beets, even if slightly overexposed, will remain juicy and fresh.

  • Cooking a vegetable in a marinade. If you need to speed up the cooking process of beets, but you don’t want to lose the beneficial components contained in it, then it’s best to quickly prepare the marinade. We cut the peeled vegetables into cubes, which we spread in a suitable dish and sprinkle with half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Cover the plate with a lid and cook in the oven for 8-10 minutes at medium power. No need to insist.

  • Beetroot with citrus aroma. If you want to not just cook beets, but get a real delicacy, then you can try this method. For 2-3 small root crops, we take a tablespoon of granulated sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of corn starch, half a glass of drinking water, 2 tablespoons of butter, a glass of orange juice and two teaspoons of lemon juice and zest. We boil root crops by one of the above methods. At this time, mix all the remaining ingredients, bring the mass to a homogeneous state, heat for a couple of minutes, so that the product thickens slightly. In it, we soak the beets, previously cut into thin slices or petals, for half an hour and serve as a side dish. In addition, the finished product can be crushed with a blender to a puree state.

Taking into account all the specific points, you can count on getting the desired result in the form of a tasty and healthy dish. It can be consumed at least every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The main thing to remember is that it is important not how much beets to eat, but how they are cooked and in combination with what foods are served.

What do you most often use boiled or baked beets for? Probably the majority will answer - for salads. And due to the fact that this most useful vegetable is cooked for a long time, it makes sense to resort to the help of a microwave.

By the way about the benefits. A vegetable contains only 40-45 calories per 100 grams. It is a good source of iron, potassium, folic acid and fiber. It supplies our body with vitamins A and C. And one of the few vegetables that retains nutrients both after cooking and after long-term storage.

Baking in the microwave saves time, which you will agree is important. You can cook it both whole and unpeeled, and in small pieces, after removing the peel.

Having done all the manipulations step by step, you will know for sure how to bake beets in the microwave correctly.

1. Wash thoroughly.

2. Poke several holes with a sharp knife - if you forget, the root crop may explode and you will have to clean the oven from splashes of bright red juice.

If you forgot and now you need to remove the consequences of forgetfulness, then find out quickly and without hassle.

3. Put a paper towel on a microwaveable rotating plate, put it on the bottom, this is the one where the leaves grow (I hope you cut them off, you figured it out).

4. Now you need to bake at maximum power for 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of the vegetable. If you are cooking more than one root vegetable, add an additional 2-3 minutes for each.

5. To ensure even cooking, remove from the microwave and wrap in foil - the beets will continue to cook.

6. Leave to cool in foil.


When buying, choose a root vegetable with a flawless, smooth skin with clear leaves and an uncut root. Thin roots say that the vegetable is good.

Store in refrigerator.

Serve roasted hot beets as a side dish or use chilled, diced, julienned or sliced, and grated. Cook sauces for meat dishes or pasta with it.

  • How to bake and use

Wash the medium-sized beets and bake with the peel (power - maximum, time - 4-5 minutes). Then make the power medium and cook another 10-15.

If the beets are not quite cooked, wrap in foil and leave until cool. Completely ready, hold under cold water (you can lower it into a saucepan with cold water) for 5-10 minutes.

Then peel and cut in half. Make a sauce out of one half. turning into a puree with a blender and adding 150 ml of cream or sour cream, salt and pepper to your taste, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and warming up in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

Cut the second part into thick strips.

Put portioned pieces of meat or fish on a plate, beetroot straws next to it and pour sauce over everything, garnish with chopped green onion feathers.